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06x07 - A Traitor Among Us

Posted: 08/26/20 17:01
by bunniefuu
Previously on Scandal...

No one's even thinking about Jenny.

Her k*ller could be anyone.

Olivia Pope, Jennifer Fields.

You are going to k*ll Francisco Vargas when he takes the stage tomorrow night.

Sandra, all of this...

All of this is over now.

I got you.

You put a g*n to the head of the woman I love, and I belong to you?!

You're wondering whether you actually have a choice.

Wherever your daughter goes, we have eyes on her.

You have a second chance Survival of the fittest, Olivia.

Are you a client or a friend?

That's some weak tea, Hucky.

Uh, Hucky?

What'd you teach me?

The only punch that counts is the punch you don't see coming.

Come on, get up.

♪ To the rhythm of the boogie, the beat ♪ Get up!

♪ Now what you hear is not a test ♪ Good girl.

Today's lesson is don't ever stay down and don't ever relax.

♪ And me, the groove, and my friends ♪ Don't ever relax?

♪ Are gonna try to move your feet ♪ You taught me that last week.


What are you doing here?

Looking for you!

You're not answering your phone!

I turned it off.

Which is why I had to hack your geotags to track you down.

I know you.

What's the emergency?

Boss lady's missing.

Quinn was supposed to meet Liv back at the office after Jake and Vanessa went to the Liberty Report, but...

I can't find her.


Her car's still in the parking garage.

She's not answering her phone.

She's obviously not with you because you're doing whatever.

Liv's gone, Huck.


Oh, Meg!

Am I right?

That's me.

You're Jenny's best friend.

I was.


You know, Jenny from the campaign.

From the voicemail...


Wait, was Jenny that chick with the burnt-up hand you chopped up?


Oh, Jenny, Jenny, right!

Meg, nice to meet you.

Sorry for your loss.


What, that was a nice thing to say.

I got to go.



Did Liv leave you a message?

I'm sorry that I got to cut this short.

Did Liv say where she is?

Is everything okay?

I hope so.



Here, so we can see each other whenever we want.

I'd like that.

Okay, let's go.

I have a favor to ask.

Get in the car, Liv, come on.

I need you to do something for me.

They still here?

Is who still here?

The men who brought you here.

How many are there?

I walked here in these stupid shoes.

I need you to do something for me.

Did they hurt you or make you do something...?


Shut up.

I'm fine.

I'm asking you for something.

I need you to do something for me, and you're not listening to me.


I need you to k*ll Rowan.

I want my father dead, and I need you to do it.

- You should sit down.

- I should've known.

Sit down.

It's who he is.


He wanted me in the Oval.

He was gonna put me there no matter what it took.


My father k*lled the President of the United States of America.

I'm not going to sit down.

Who told you it was your father?

It doesn't matter.

It matters.


You asked me to k*ll him.

You asked me to k*ll Command.

It matters.

Who told you it was him?


Jake told me.

Jennifer Fields, Olivia Pope.

Olivia Pope, Jennifer Fields.

She's alive.

And according to her, my father made her leave that message.

It was Cyrus Beene.

He k*lled Frankie Vargas.

And then my father ordered Jake to k*ll her.

It's time for you to take what's yours, son.

It's time to come home.

But Jake didn't k*ll her.

Because she's an innocent victim.

Well, that's never been a problem for Jake.

Jake believes my father might have some bigger plan, and that Jennifer could be the key to figuring it out.


And you don't?

I don't think there's anything bigger than k*lling the President.

Whoa, maybe he didn't.

Why are you going out of your way to defend my father?

Command always put the Republic first.

k*lling Frankie...

Frankie was good.

k*lling Frankie is not putting the Republic first.

Something about this feels off.

My father k*lled Frankie Vargas!


If I could ask anyone else to do what needs to be done, I would.

But you are the only person I can trust.

You are asking me to k*ll your father.


Do you know what happened the last time you asked me to do that?


I peeled an innocent man's skin from his body with a razor blade.


I just want you to know what you're asking me to do.

He k*lled the President.

I know what I'm asking you to do!

You have to be sure, Liv.

You have to be sure...

100 percent!

If you are absolutely sure...


For you, I'll do it.

I'm sure.

Next stop, Please stand clear of the train doors.

All passengers...

Let it go.

Doors closing.

I'm not armed.

That makes it easier, then.

2 minutes and 15 seconds.


You have 2 minutes and 12 seconds until they're back.


The people following me.

No one's following you.

You're using up your time!

What do you want to know?

I didn't come here to ask questions.

No, you came here to k*ll me.

She sent you here to k*ll me!

But that's not gonna happen, so use your time wisely.

Did you do it?


Then this is going to happen.

Do you want to know why I did it?

I know why.

To get her elected...

That's what she told you, right?


That is not why.

45 seconds.


I had no other choice!


You're saying these people who are following you forced you to do it?

I am.

Nobody forces you to do anything.



Nobody forces me.

This is somebody.

Pay attention, soldier, because it is happening now.

It is on.

We are living in interesting times.

This is not a test.

Our adversary is more than worthy, fully armed and fully funded, smart, cold, cruel!

They don't care to play by the civilized rules of w*r.


they had me!

I was given no choice.

You k*lled the President of the United States.

To save the life of a woman that I loved.

They threatened her.

They said that they would k*ll her.

These people...

I believed them.

What would you do in that situation?

It doesn't matter.

It does!

I'm not asking you a hypothetical!

What are you talking about?

These people are threatening Olivia, right now as we speak.

You're lying.

If I don't do what these people want, they will k*ll Olivia.

If I die, they will k*ll Olivia.

So what you decide here matters very much, because you are in the same position as me.

Olivia's life is in your hands!

You're lying!

Then why haven't you shot me?

Why didn't I just sh**t you?

What is the point of this lie?

In 15 seconds, a train is gonna pull up on that side of the platform.

A woman...

White, ponytail, orange coat...

Will get off with a man in a suit with a scar on his forehead.

They will look around, looking for me.

And when they do not see me, they will be very unhappy.

Train arriving.

Please stand clear of the platform exit.

Next stop...

Watch the closing doors, please.

Northeast Regional Train 265 to Boston will be boarding in 10 minutes.

Northeast Regional Train 265 for Boston will be boarding in 10 minutes.

- Who are they?

- I don't know.

All I know is whoever is watching Olivia is close to her...

In her circle, on the inside, a traitor among us.

You need to find out who it is, because I can't.

I'm trapped.

Will you help me?

Can you do that?

A traitor among us...

Trust no one.

You're supposed to be covering that transition meeting in an hour, Charlie.

If you lost the notes...

I didn't lose the notes.

They're here.


Maybe if you weren't busy stalking a dude online to get ahold of some weird, endangered Indian elephant...

Not "weird," Robin.

"Awesome." Imagine me riding in on that bad boy at the wedding.

No way in hell is that happening.

No endangered species at the wedding.


Then pitch something else.

I'm serious.

Have an idea instead of me having all of them.

Hey, I have ideas.

But the only idea you've had was postponing until after the inauguration.

I'm talking the fun stuff, like sh**ting rats between dinner courses.

Ah, see?

My notes.

Right where I left them.

What do you think of Meg?

Like, speaking of rats, or...

She seem a little slow to you, like not all there or something?

You talked to her for all of five seconds.

Yeah, and I could already tell.

She's a total rando psycho.

God, you'd think Huck would have some higher standards, but I guess that's just his thing.

Rando psychos.

Hey, don't do that.

Don't make cat noises just because a woman says she doesn't like another woman.

I'm just saying...

you sound kind of jealous of her.


Of what?

That basic 2004 pixie cut?

I didn't mean "jealous" jealous.

Okay, then, how the hell did you mean it?

You're beautiful.


I don't think I told you that today.



Okay, is this one of those times where you say to leave, but you really mean...

Get out of here, Charlie!


Okay, okay, don't...

Oh, God.

I'm alone.


Have you found a place to put Jennifer?

Don't move.

Huck, what are you doing?

Rowan was right.

We do have a mole.

It's nice to finally meet you, Jennifer.

I've heard a lot of good things.

Who is he?

Jennifer, you should wait for us in the next room while we talk.

Jennifer, stay right where you are.

In here.

Keep low, just in case.

Are you crazy?

Start talking.

Quinn agreed to help me get to the bottom of whatever's going on with Rowan.

I thought about calling you, but you would have ratted me out to Olivia, and the last time I saw her, she wasn't exactly being open-minded.

Not exactly open-minded?

On the phone, you said she went bonkers.

Looks like she's not the only one.

She's in danger.

Someone forced Rowan to k*ll Frankie by threatening a person close to him.

Rowan says these same people placed a mole by Liv's side.

All they have to do is say a word, and she's dead.

And you think one of us is the mole?

Not you.

You or Charlie.

I am not a...

Wait a minute.

Rowan says?

I am not a mole, Huck.

In fact, the only double-agent I see here is you.

Anything else you want to admit, Huck?



Now's your chance.

The person these people threatened...

Did Rowan say who they were?

It's a woman.

That's all I know.

I think I know who she is.

Sandra Potter...

She's an old friend of Rowan's.

They seem to have reconnected recently.

They were spending a lot of time together before election day.

Since, no sign of her anywhere.

This means Rowan could be telling the truth.

Or playing us hard.

I'll get on this.

We'll track her down.

You let me know as soon as you find something.

Are you gonna apologize?

For what?

For thinking for a second that I'm capable of k*lling Olivia.

I'm not sorry for doing my job.

I assume you've cleared Meg, then?


You two meet, she finds an excuse to keep seeing you, things move quickly, you give her a key.

Meg reads books about math.


squeezes my arm during horror movies.

She's still on Pinterest.


She's not a mole...

or a rando psycho.

You bugged me?

I had to.

There's a...


Yeah, I've heard.

Well, it's not Charlie, so...

But Charlie's a mercenary.

Charlie's my fiancé.

First thing I did was shut that crap down.

He doesn't even go to the bathroom without asking for permission first.

Trust me.

You know...

you and I haven't really talked in a while.

And I haven't been around like I used to be.

What's your point?

I don't know...

If you're mad about it...

I'm not mad.


Or jealous, if that's what you're thinking.

I'm surprised, Huck.

You still haven't learned your lesson?

What's that supposed to mean?

You know what that means.

What, Becky?

Meg's not Becky.

Yeah, Becky wasn't Becky until she left you holding the g*n that shot the President in the head.

Look, I...

I really hope I'm wrong, Huck.

Yeah, well, you are.

There you are!

I had no idea you worked so many late nights.

That's got to be tough.

What are you doing here?

Oh, my God.

This isn't cool.


Me, staying here, coming over unannounced.


I'm so sorry.

I thought that a key meant that...

Oh, my God.

We should've talked about it more.

Meg, it's okay.


We should of maybe set some boundaries.


I'm glad that you're here.

I gave you a key for a reason.

Just, I forgot, is all.



♪ He has more rhymes than a serious bank ♪ Huck?

♪ So come on Hank, sing that song ♪ I wanted to ask you...

about your boss, Olivia.

What about her?

She gets answers, right?

Helps out the underdog, takes on lost causes?

Look, I don't want to put you in an uncomfortable position, but we still don't know who k*lled Jenny.

And if Tom Larsen didn't do it, then I still don't really know what happened to my best friend.

And, I can't just...

I can't just move on like the rest of the country.


I want Olivia's help.

Do you think she'd help?

To help you find Jenny's real k*ller?

She deserves justice just as much as Frankie Vargas does, doesn't she?

Maybe it's pointless.

I don't know.

I just thought I'd ask.

No, you're right.

I'll, um...

I'll talk to her for you.

Would you mind if I talked to her myself?

As in face-to-face?

Just you and Liv?

For Jenny.

I feel like I have to do this on my own.

Would that be weird?

I'll see if she's open to it.


Huck, that'd be amazing.

He's fine.

There's a high-level inmate I need your help getting to.

You should ask Olivia.

I can't ask Olivia.

I would love to help, but...

What if I had something to trade, something you wanted?


Jennifer Fields is alive.

Say that again?

Jennifer Fields, the woman from the cabin...

She's alive.

What's the name of your inmate?

Abby didn't tell me what this is about, which isn't unusual.

But, I have to ask.

No, you don't.

Hi, Becky.

Hey, Huck.

You look terrible.

I've been better.

Guess it's what I should've expected.

You wouldn't have come to see me after all these years if everything was all good, now would you?

How'd you play me?


You did something when we were together.

You figured out something...

A weakness, a blind spot.

What was it?

Well, this is new.

How'd you get inside my head, Becky?

Or, do I need to call you Kate?

You weren't kidding when you said you've been better, huh?

All right, you want my help, I want yours.

What does that mean?

I want to see my sister.

I didn't know you had a sister.

She's dying.

Maybe she's already dead.

I don't even know.

It's impossible to get information in here.

I know she was diagnosed two months ago with stage-four pancreatic cancer.

I spoke to her once.

I know they'll never let me out to see her, and she's in no condition to come here, but maybe you could go see her and just take a picture of her for me.

I don't even have a picture of her.

I think I can remember what she looks like...

Scar on her right eyebrow, freckles on her cheek.

She had these big ears that would've looked stupid on anybody else, but on her, they were perfect.

She was soft and warm and perfect.

She was...


She is my little baby sister and my best friend and a beautiful girl, and I just want to see her face one more time.

I'm sorry.

I can help you.

I will help you.

I just helped you.


You are so gullible.

That was a lie?

Yes, of course!

Well, I have a sister, but she's horrible.

I honestly can't stand the sight of her.

Why would you do that?

You asked me how I played you.

This is how I played you.

You know, for as scary as you look, you sure do have a soft spot for a sob story.

Who's playing you now?

What's her name?

No one.

No one?

So, is she acting all sad and damaged all the time?

Is she?

Her best friend died, and she's scared.

Bait and hook.



You're as gullible as you ever were.

I'm not.

You are.


No, that was...


What you just did, that was you.

That was your trick.

You're the one who hasn't changed...

Not me, you!


Aw, Huck, don't go.

This is the most entertainment I've had in months.

Did you get what you needed?

Kind of thought that might be the answer.

Did you do it?

Tell me it's done.

There's a girl...

some woman your father was seeing.

Did you know that?



What are you talking about?

Sandra something.

It's why he did what he did.

It was for her.

He was protecting her.

Huck, I'm gonna need you to tell me what the hell is going on.

I don't know exactly.

I haven't gotten that far yet.

I just...

This is my theory.

Okay, where is she, this Sandra woman?

I don't know.

Huck, what do you know?

I know your father isn't the man he used to be.

He's not this terrible person anymore, Liv.


he's in love.


He's a different person now.

He deserves a chance.

I don't believe this.

He's changed.


How can you be so sure?

How can you not?

He can't change, Huck.

People can't change...

Not when they've spent their entire lifetime doing the things my father has done.

He's a monster!

There's no getting over that.

There's no moving past that.

There's no capacity for change there!

There's just him, my father.

He's been who he is his entire life.

If you can't do this, if you can't make it happen by morning, I'm gonna need to find someone who can.

What are you doing?

Oh, that's good.

You should come over, celebrate.

Yeah, I have news, too.

Olivia agreed to talk to you.

She's gonna take on Jenny's case.

I'll see you then.


So, I don't think I have any money left in my bank account, but this is a bottle of champagne I can't pronounce, so it must be good.




You feel good.

So do you.

You have any room in the fridge?

This wasn't chilled.

Tell me more about your day.

I already told you.

You got called for an interview.


My day was fine, I guess.

I met with an old friend I hadn't seen in ages.

I don't have many old friends.

I don't like them.

They're just a reminder that you can never change.

I disagree.

I couldn't decide between etorphine and methohexital.


I chose etorphine.

It's an opiate.

The methohexital would've made you feel like you were burning on the inside, and I didn't want that for you.

This is hard for me.

I don't want to do this, but you're making me do this.

You can tell me now, or I can force it out of you when you wake up.

Who are you working for?

My firm?

The woman that you met with at the park today...

You were sitting next to her!

You were watching me.

Who is she?

Why are you following me?

Who is she?!

I don't know!



That's where I take my lunch.


she came down and...

And she sat next to me, but I...

I don't even remember her name.

She said she worked at my firm, but...

but I'd never seen her before!

I don't even remember her name!

You're lying.



I can't remember.

I wish you'd make this easier on me.

You have no idea how hard this is for me.

I had never met that woman before.

I swear.


it was like she was trying to be my friend or something.

We talked about, uh, a plant that I have on my desk.

What is this?

I don't...


I trusted you!


I-I-I-I have no idea who you think I am or what is going on.

But please...


don't do this.

It was a mistake to trust you.


Do it.

Jam that crap into my neck and do whatever you're gonna do, you monster.

I don't know who put this in your head, but you better look into my eyes first.

And if you see someone who doesn't love you, who you can't trust, then go ahead.

Go for it, whoever the hell you are!


Uh, what's going on?

When were you gonna tell me?

Tell you?

About your secret meetings with my father, and this ridiculous theory that my father k*lled Frankie Vargas because someone threatened some old girlfriend of his.

It's true, Liv.

Open it.

Meet Sandra Potter, my father's old girlfriend.

Our old B613 dumpsite doesn't get a lot of use these days, so she stuck out like a sore thumb.

This doesn't mean anything.

Anybody could've k*lled her.

This car was reported stolen the day before the election...

The day she died.

Rowan's prints are all over it.

Huck, my father didn't save Sandra.

He k*lled her.

My guess is, she found out about his assassination plan.

And my father, romantic that he is, put a b*llet in her head to shut her up.

This doesn't make sense.

He was telling the truth.

He was using you.

No, he's not.

He had people following him.

Uh, I saw her...

This blond woman on the Metro...

Blond woman on the D.C.


How'd he pull that off?

You also thought there was a mole inside of OPA.

He got in your head, man.

It happens.

He even thought it was me.

He put a g*n to my head.

Huck, my father was lying, buying time.

Your father was not lying, and I am not crazy!

There are people...

Forces controlling him.

No, there aren't.

There's just him.

That's all there is, that's all there ever is, time after time.

You know that.

You're wrong.

You're wrong.

He loved that woman.

He was forced to do that!

Is this love?

A b*llet in the head, being dumped in a junkyard?

You're wrong.

Why should I believe you?

Because I am right and you are wrong!

Because I am not the one with the blind spot when it comes to your father.

That's you.

You're the one that's broken.

That's you!


My father k*lled Frankie, and he k*lled this woman, and he twisted your head.

That is the truth.

You're wrong.

Maybe he used to be a monster.

Maybe he k*lled people.

Maybe he was awful.

Maybe he was.

But people change.



It happens.

Maybe they can meet, uh, a nice woman and fall in love and have a relationship, and be normal.

People can change.

You are wrong about your father.

So, no, I'm not gonna k*ll the man who loves you most in this world, even more than me.


He did this for a reason.

He's in pain.

He's a prisoner.

Forgive him.

Help him.

Do not k*ll him.




I am right!

You are wrong.

Quinn, find my father, finish the job.

Huck, get rid of the body.



Honey, you ain't seen nothin' yet!

A Yangchuanosaurus.

I've been working with a team, assembled them myself.

There's a private collector paying the bill, Eli.

I could use a partner.

Yes, I am in.

I am in, baby!

- What is this?

- A drink.

A drink?

Well, not just any drink.

That was 40 years ago.

Not a lot of time in the scope of things.

Who exactly is in charge here?


Now, I'm in charge.

You put a g*n to the head of the woman I love, and I belong to you?!

You have a streak of weakness, Eli.

We found it.

You people.

Always thinking you're better than us.

I have no weaknesses.

No owns me!

Wherever your daughter goes, we have eyes on her.

And when I say "eyes," I mean we have an actual human being who, within seconds of hearing from me, can put a b*llet in your daughter's brain.

Quinn, call it off.

Stand down!


Get him away from me.

We need to talk to you.

Talk to me?

That man almost m*rder*d me!

I tried to file a report and you know what the police told me?

That he doesn't even exist!

So no, there's no way...

Your friend Jennifer...

She's alive.

This is insane!


Did you know she was alive?

He couldn't tell you for your own protection.

How is sticking a needle in my neck protecting me?

He thought you had been compromised.

By who?

By the people who want Jennifer dead.

I can't ask you to forgive him.

I won't do that.

But I need him to forgive himself.

I need that.

And I need your help.

He loves you.

He's not a monster.

He's not.

He's changed.

People can change.

Look at me.

Look at me!

What happened to you?

I promise.

I will never ever..

♪ We all need somebody to lean on ♪ ...touch you again.

I promise.


We can only stay for a little while.

And, remember...

I know.

Jennifer's really in there?

No one can know.

Thank you, Huck.

Oh, my God.

Is it done?

It's done.

Jennifer Fields is dead.

And Huck?

Don't worry, Ms.


He'll have no idea you were a part of this.