01x01 - The World of Swords

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Sword Art Online". Aired in Japan between July and December 2012*

Moderator: Venni

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Japanese light anime series is a virtual reality multiplayer online role-playing game called Sword Art Online (SAO) is released in the year 2022.
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01x01 - The World of Swords

Post by bunniefuu »

In , mankind finally built a full virtual environment

Hi there!
Time for this week's MMO Stream.

You saw promos of today's featured game....

and this is what last week's launch day looked like.

of Line

Can you guess what everyone's waiting in line for?

Sword Art Online!

The ones at the front of the line waited for up to three days.


if you were a really poor gamer, that's what you'd do.

On today's MMO Stream, we'll be covering...

the internationally famous Sword Art Online, AKA SAO!

Up to now, none of the NerveGear software has really taken advantage of

the components of the hardware.

Hey...I'm off to practice now.

- See you later, okay?
- But SAO was made by the NerveGear inventor, Akihiko Kayaba,

and it's the VMMORPG that you and everyone else has been waiting for!

The beta testers say it's incredible.

I wish I could've gotten a copy...

the first testing was limited to...

only , copies.

Those fans in line snapped them up and online, the game sold out in seconds.

Link start!

Character Registration

Use beta-test data?

Hello World!

I'm back!

The World of Swords

Floor : Town of Beginnings

So I told him so is...

Why don't we form a party?

Well...I don't know, I mean?

Oh, come on! It'll be great!

Hey, bro! Wait up!

What's up?

You act like you know your way around here...

You were in the beta test, weren't you?

Ah, y-yeah.

Cool. Today's my first day.

So...could you give me some tips on the lower floors?

U-Uh...I don't know what to...

Aww, please. I'm begging ya!

Look, my name's Klein.
Good to meet you.

Alright, I'm Kirito.

- Ah!

Oh, come on, seriously?

You can't feel any pain.

Oh, yeah, you're right.

Sorry, habit.

Remember what I said?

The first move is the most important.

Yeah, that's easy for you to say... but he won't stand still.

If you do your initial motion right, and activate a sword skill at the right time, the system pretty much guarantees you'll always hit your target.

Initial motion...

Here's an easier way to look at it.

Right after you start your move, wait for a little bit.
When you feel the skill start to activate, drive it home!

"Drive it home...."

Whoo-hoo! Yeah!

- Congratulations.
- Hmm?

That was nice...but that boar's about as weak as slimes in other games are.

Holy crap, you gotta be kidding.

I thought that thing was a mid-level boss.

Yeah...as if.

Addictive, isn't it?

I'll say.

So, these skills... there's a ton of them like blacksmithing and stuff, right?


I've heard the game has an unlimited number of them.

All except magic, though.

An RPG without magic?

That's a bold decision there!

So, what do you think? It's kinda fun to move your body as you fight, isn't it?

Aw, hells yeah.

You ready to move on?

Yeah, man. Let's keep going!

When I look around, I can't believe it... that we're inside a game, bro.

Whoever made it is a genius.

This thing's amazing...

Makes me glad I was born when I was, you know?

It's not that big a deal.

Cut me some slack, it's my first full dive!

You never used a NerveGear before today, huh?
This is your first time ever?

Uh-huh. As soon as I got the money to get it, I rushed out and bought all the hardware to play SAO.

Stood in line and scored one of the , hard copies.
Guess you could say I was pretty lucky.

Although, you sir, were times as lucky getting to beta test it.

Dude, only a , people got the chance.

Yeah, I guess I was lucky.

Hey, mind if I ask how far you got in the beta?

Two months, and I couldn't get further than floor .

But now, I think I can get there within a month, easy.

Sounds to me like you're really into this.

Yeah, you could said that. During the beta test,

SAO was the only thing on my mind, day and night.

In this world, a single blade can take you anywhere you want to go.

And even though it's a virtual world,

I feel more alive in here than I ever did in the real world.

Anyway, do you want to go do some more hunting?

You know it!

But the thing is...

I'm really hungry...

I have to log out.

Too bad the food you eat here only satisfies your hunger virtually.

Yeah, for reals. That's why I ordered a pizza for : PM.

Wow, you're so prepared.

You know it!

Besides, the game can wait until I get my pizza on.

I guess.

Hey, I was going to meet up with some people I know from another game. I don't know what you're up to after this, so...

If uh...you know, if you want you can friend them and hang with us.

No...it's cool if you don't want to. No pressure.

I can always introduce you to them another time or something.

Yeah, sorry.

Thanks anyway.

No way, I should be doing all the banking.

Hey, one these days, I promise I'll pay you back for all of your help.

Virtually, that is.

Thanks for everything man, really.

Guess I'll see you around then.

If there's anything else you want to know, message me.

Aw, sweet! I'll do that.


Where'd the logout button go?

- It should be there.
- Hmm...

Nope, it's not there.

It should be at the bottom of the main menu...

Say, it's not there.

You're right, it's not.

Oh well, today's what? The first day out of beta?

There's bound to be some bugs.

I bet the server people are freaking out right now.

- You will too.
- Huh?

Look, it's : PM.

Oh my god! My teriyaki-mayo pizza and ginger ale!

Why don't you just contact the game master?

Yeah, I did that, but nothing's happening.
He's not picking up.

Do you know if there's any other way to log out of this thing?

No, whenever a player wants to log out of SAO, the only way they can do it is by going through the menu.

That can't be right!

There's gotta be some other way out.


Log out!


Told you so.

And there was no emergency logout in the manual either.

No way, you're kidding?

I know!

I'll rip the NerveGear off my head...

Don't bother.

Once you're hooked in, you can't move your body in the real world anymore.

The NerveGear intercepts all the commands you give from inside the game, using an interface built into the rig.


So now we gotta wait until someone gets around to fixing the bug?

That, or until someone in the real world comes along and takes the NerveGear off us. That's it.

But I live alone.

Do you?

I've got a mom and sister.

And I'm pretty sure they'll notice by dinner time and...

- Y-You got a sister? How old is she, what's she like?
- Huh?

She's into sports and hates games and she's totally not in sight, man.

She wouldn't date a gamer if he's som-

Who cares, I want t- Ah!

Oh right, getting kicked in the balls doesn't hurt.

Get serious. Don't think this is weird?

Yeah, totally.

But it's just a bug.

It isn't just a bug.

If we can't log out, it's gonna cause some serious problems for the game.

Yeah, I guess you're right.

I wonder if the developers even know what's happening, 'cause they can just shut down the server and log everyone out.

But why haven't they made an announcement?

Do you know what's going on?


Someone forced us to teleport?

Look, up there!

Now what?

What the hell is that thing?

A game master?

Why doesn't he have a face?

Is this an event?

I'm scared...

Don't worry...

It's just part of the opening ceremony.

Attention, players.

I welcome to my world.

What's he mean by that?

My name is Akihiko Kayaba.

And as of this moment, I am in control of this world.

Is that really him?

Wow, this is a hindrance.

I'm sure most of you have already noticed an item missing from your main menus: the logout button.

Let me ensure you, this is not a defect in the game.

I repeat...

This is not a defect, this is how Sword Art Online was designed to be.

He's kidding, right?

You cannot log yourselves out of SAO.

And no one from the outside will be able to shut down or remove the NerveGear from your head.

If anyone attempts to do so, a transmitter inside the NerveGear will discharge a microwave signal into your skull, destroying your brain and ending your life.

What are you talking about?


Come on, enough already.

Let's get out of here.

HEY, I can't get out!

Are you listening to this crap?

He's gotta be nuts, right?

Right, Kirito?

He's not. The transmitter signals in the headgear works just like microwaves.

If the safety's disabled, it could fry your brain.

Couldn't someone even cut the power, err...

That won't work, the NerveGear's got an internal battery.

But this is crazy.

It's totally crazy!

Despite my warning, the families and friends of some of the players have attempted removing the NerveGear an unfortunate decision to say the least. As a result,

The game now has less players than when it began. They've been deleted from both Aincrad and the real world.

Two hundred and thirteen?

No way...

I don't believe it!

As you can see, international media outlets have around-the-clock coverage in everything, including the deaths.

Death Count Rises in Online-Game Incident

At this is point, it's safe to assume the likelihood of a NerveGear being removed is minimal at best.

I hope this brings you a little comfort as you try to clear the game.

It's important to remember the following...

There is no longer any way to revive someone within the game.

If your HP drops to zero, your avatar will be deleted from the system.


And the NerveGear will simultaneously destroy your brain.

There's only one way for a player to escape now:
You must clear the game.

Right now, you're gathered on floor one, the lowest level of Aincrad.

If you can get through the dungeon and defeat the boss, you may advance to the next floor.

Defeat the boss on floor and you will clear the game.


What's he talking about?

Why should we believe any of the crap you're saying!?

I can't clear all floors...

That's freakin' impossible.

Even the beta testers never made it that high!

Last, but not least...

I've placed a little present in the item storage of every player. Please, have a look.



You okay, Kirito?


Who are you?

I'm me. Who are you?

- Who are you?
- Why did my face change?

Son of a- You're a guy?

You're not !

Wait a second...

- Is that you, Kirito?
- Is that you, Klein?

But how?

The scan...

There's a high-density signal device inside the NerveGear rig.

It can see what my face looks like... but how does it know my height and body type?

When you first put the NerveGear on, it had to do this calibration thing...

It asked you to touch your body all over like this, remember?

Oh, yeah. You're right...that's where it got our physical data...

But... this is...

What's the point?

Why would anyone do this to us?

I think he's about to tell us.

Right now, you're probably wondering, "Why?"

"Why would Akihiko Kayaba, developer of Sword Art Online and NerveGear, do this?"

Ultimately, my goal is a simple one.

The reason I created Sword Art Online... was to control the fate of a world of my design.


As you can see, I have achieved my goal.

This marks the end of the tutorial and the official launch of Sword Art Online.

Players, I wish you the best of luck.

It's not a game, it's real...

Akihiko Kayaba created a virtual world.

He designed the NerveGear rig.

The man's a genius.

I've been a fan of his for a long time, so I know...

Everything he just said...is the truth.

If I die in the game,

I'll die in real life!

No... No!

Screw you!

Let me out! Let me out of here!

I can't stay here... I have to meet-

This is Crazy!

Stop pushing!

You have to let us go!

Tell us you're lying!


Come back!

C'mon, Klein.

Okay, listen.

I'm heading out right now for the next village.

- I want you to come.
- Huh?

If what he said is true, and I think it is... the only way we're going to survive in here is by making ourselves as strong as possible.

In an MMORPG, the money you can earn, the Exp, once the game starts up, there's only so much of that stuff to go around.

Look, the fields around the Town of Beginnings are going to be hunted clean soon.

If we head to next village now, we'll have an easier time collecting cash and points.

Don't worry, I know all of the paths and places we should avoid.

Even if I'm level one, I can get there easy.

Thanks, but...

You know those friends of mine I was telling you about?...
We stood in line for a whole night to buy this...

They're back at the plaza...somewhere.

Look, I can't leave them.

If it were just Klein...

But two more...

Or even one more...


Can't ask a guy I just met to risk his life for a bunch of strangers, can I?

So don't worry about me...get your ass to the next village.

I'll be fine. Last game I played, I ran a guild.
So, I'm more than prepared.

Hell, with all the stuff you taught me, I'll get by, no sweat.


If that's what you want, I'll get going.

But if you're in a jam, you message me, okay?


I'll be seeing you Klein, take care.




Uh... you're better like this.

Way cooler than your avatar.

Yeah, and I think that scruffy face fits you times better, too.

I can do this... I can do this...

This world can't beat me!

I will survive!

Mitometeta okubyou na kako

Wakaranai mama ni

Kowagatteta ushiro no jibun ga Genjitsu wo ima ni utsusu

Ikutsu mono sora wo egaita

Koko wa kitto hakanai kokoro


Yume de takaku tonda karada wa

Donna fuan matotte mo furiharatteku

Nemuru chiisana omoi hirogari dashite

Kizuku yowai watashi kimi ga ireba

Kurai sekai tsuyoku ireta

agai yume miru kokoro wa sou eien de

I want to always be with you

I'll give you everything I have...

In the game's first month, , died

Floor has yet to be cleared- December ,

Next Time:
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