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03x12 - Fifty-Fifty

Posted: 08/12/20 05:35
by bunniefuu
We're not a threat. We're salvation.

The world will have to deal with us.

Previously on The 4400...

Do you know who I am?

As soon as I am free, you and the world will know what I know.

My son is in prison. You're the one who can get him out.

Did you k*ll me?

That's Jordan Collier! Tell them I didn't k*ll you!

You're gonna get married. I saw it.

Did you happen to see who the lucky guy was?

Someone just told me that I met the woman that I'm supposed to be with, and I can't ignore it.

He broke up with me!

I've done bad things. You are the enemy.

Tell me what to do. I'll do anything.

Leave the 4400 Center and never come back.

They won't be able to hide for long.

Dr. Burkhoff's not exactly inconspicuous.

We are proud to announce the existence of this Enhanced Soldier programme.

In time, they}! become the first non-4400s to develop extra-human abilities in the defence of the United States.

You have a source of promicin for your programme. Who is it?

That stuff happens way above my security clearance.

The soldiers, are you really gonna use them to defend the country?

Or are you just gonna send them after the 4400?

Is there a difference?

Mr. Collier, you've been doing quite a bit of press since your...


I suppose some people are calling it that.

And in every interview, you've been making the same statement over and over again.

The w*r for the future will be fought in the past.

Exactly. And by past, do you mean now, today?

It's our shared burden. Yes.

And this w*r, it's one between the 4400s and the non-4400s?

No. This is a w*r between good and evil.

And it has already started.

Good people, 4400s and non-4400s...

Come on, Kyle. Dinner's ready.

- ...have made incredible sacrifices. I'll be right there.

And they know they will be called on to sacrifice even more.

They're among the first to know the cost of this struggle, because for better or worse, all our lives are different now.

Profoundly different.

That's what wars do. They change us.

But the stakes...

Well, the stakes are nothing less than the fate of mankind.

But why does there need to be a w*r at all?

We seen the future, and it's a bleak one.

The human race is old. It's sick, it's dying.

What's left of civilisation is controlled by a brutal and powerful elite who have effectively shut themselves off in the world's last city while the rest of humanity struggle for survival in the surrounding wasteland.

- Sounds pretty hopeless. Doesn't it?

But there is hope.

There is always hope and it rests with us.

We can change the future, but we must start now, today.

Everything crucial to the world's survival, its prosperity...

The resources of this planet: food, water, energy.

The genetic materials of life itself. ...already, even as I speak, are being gathered up and controlled by a powerful and isolated few.

This must stop. We must stop it.

Our enemies are strong, and they grow stronger daily.

And they will go to any lengths to maintain their dominance, to confine us to our current path, a path leading only to disaster.

Only to the catastrophic future that awaits us.

We must band together to fight this, this evil amongst us.

An evil that would destroy us all.

We won't have another chance.

Look, I'm telling you, I don't know what happened, okay?

One minute I'm going over the bulletins with Havemeyer.

Next thing I know, I got drool all over my shirt, and Havemeyer's snoring.

So you're saying the night shift just fell asleep?

Fell asleep, passed out. I don't remember.

What the hell is going on? Good question.

I've got an entire building full of agents who can't remember a damn thing.

And while they were napping, every member of the Nova Group in NTAC custody walked out the front door.

Yeah, walked, ran, flew.

No way of knowing since they erased the security tapes.

But every 4400 downstairs gets injected with the promicin inhibitor.

So none of them could've used their abilities to escape.

They must have had help. Someone on the outside, a 4400.

No, more than one.

Someone to knock our people out, another to disable the security system.

So we talking sympathizers or members we've never caught?

Either way, it looks like someone's putting the Nova Group back together.

Paul Newbold has the ability to raise or lower body temperature.

Tina Richardson, she wipes memories.

She can make you forget what you had for breakfast, or she can erase your entire life.

Then there's my old friend Boyd Gelder, who can take over your entire life.

The ultimate impersonator.

Any one of these people is capable of wreaking serious havoc.

Well, they've done it before.

We have to assume someone broke them out so they could do it again.

The Nova Group has a lot of scores to settle, starting with your nephew.

I called Shawn. The 4400 Center's already a fortress.

But he'll make sure to kick it up a level.

Dennis Ryland's gotta be high on their hit list.

Yeah, and Alana and Kyle.

Boyd came after my family before.

Go. I'll send some agents over to watch your house.

It's him. Here we go.

Can we ask you one question, sir? Agent Baldwin, one more question.

Agent Baldwin, why won't your son make a statement?

Did someone pay him to sh**t Jordan Collier?

Did he always know Collier was alive?

Just one question.

So how long are we gonna be stuck in here, a few days, couple of months?

Hopefully not too long.

We caught Boyd Gelder once, we'll track him down again.

In the meantime, Kyle, you need to stay close to home.

Don't go anywhere unless it's absolutely necessary.

That shouldn't be too bad.

After all, you could still be in prison, I could still be living on the run.

Compared to that, staying close to home is kind of nice.

And before you know it, you'll be heading back to school.

She has a point, Kyle.

Did you see those registration forms I left for you?

If you like, I could...

You know, I could run them over to the admissions office.

I'm not sure I'm ready to go back to school.

If you wanna wait a semester, that's up to you.

But I figured, you know, going back to school will help things get back to normal.

Dad, have you looked outside?

That's not going to happen. Kyle, you just have to be patient.

Dad, I know you're trying to help, but Jordan Collier came back from the dead.

No one's ever gonna forget that.

As long as they remember Jordan Collier, they're gonna remember the guy who shot him.

I warned Nina Jarvis.

I told her that NTAC was totally unprepared for the threat posed by these people.

Did she listen? No.

And here's the result.

NTAC is literally asleep at their desks, while the most dangerous 4400s stroll out the door.

We're talking about the Nova Group.

Violent t*rrorists. This isn't about the 4400.

Tom, I'm sure you'll agree that that distinction's become meaningless.

Every one of the 4400 has developed an ability.

That means every 4400 is a potential enemy.

You know, my daughter's in the 5th grade. She isn't anyone's enemy.

Children grow up, Diana.

Look, Dennis, we don't know what the Nova is planning.

But they have targeted you before.

Now, NTAC is ready to offer you any protection you might need.

Well, that's very generous, Tom.

But if my memory serves me, the Nova Group made two attempts on my life while I was under NTAC protection.

Two unsuccessful attempts.

Don't sound so disappointed.

Would you come in a moment, please?

This time I'm arranging for my own security.


We were just discussing the newest threat posed by the Nova Group.

Oh, there is no threat.

Not while I'm around anyway.

Your uncle, he actually saw them together?

My daughter and Ryland?

At least now we know where she's been for the last week.

Jordan should have talked to us before he made her leave.

It was like he delivered her right to Ryland.

I don't know about that.

If she's the source of Ryland's promicin, that means that she was working with him long before she left the Center.

Maybe one of us could talk to her and make sure she knows who she's working with.

When my daughter's made up her mind, there's no changing it. You know that.

I'm sorry, Richard.

All her life, I've been trying to see something good in Isabelle.

Some kind of light, something to nurture.

Maybe I've just been wasting my time...

because it's never been there.

Maia, I'm home.

I didn't get a chance to get to the store.

I thought we could order in a pizza.

Don't worry about me. I already ate.

Oh, I can see that.

Why won't he call me back?

Who? Ben?

I left him five messages.

I just want him to know that I forgive him, you know?

It's probably my fault. I probably pushed him away.

Well, sitting here blaming yourself is not helping.

Do you think he met someone else?

You need to get up, take a shower, change your clothes.

And let's all go out to dinner.

What if he calls?

Answer my cell, okay?


And if he calls, be nice to him.

Because when we get back together, I do not want there to be any weirdness between the two of you.

Hi, honey.

We had a deal. No video games before dinner.

Maia. I needed a break.

From what? Aunt April.

I'm sorry, sweetie.

She hasn't stopped from the second I came home from school.

She keeps asking me if they're gonna get back together.

Well, you're gonna have to go easy on your Aunt April.

She's going through a really rough time.

But you and Ben, you were supposed to be together.

Maybe if you told her about what I saw...

Somehow I don't think that's gonna make her feel better.

Well, she's gonna know about you two sooner or later.

I mean, you are going to invite her to your wedding.

What do you think?

You look remarkable. I'm impressed.


Are we interrupting something?

No. Not at all. ls everything okay?

Not really. We just talked to my Uncle Tommy.

He told us that Isabelle and Dennis Ryland are working together.

I see.

Jordan, did you hear what I just told you?

Kicking Isabelle out of here may not have been the best decision.

While Isabelle was here, she was a threat.

Her alliance with Dennis Ryland simply makes it clear where her loyalty lies.

And clarity's a good thing, yes?

But we still have preparations to make around this place just to be safe.


It's not only Isabelle and Ryland out there.

We also have Nova Group to worry about.

The Nova Group is no longer our enemy, isn't that right?

We don't have a problem with you.

Not anymore.

Shawn, Richard, have you met Boyd Gelder?

As you can see, he's quite the impersonator.

What's one of the Nova doing here?

He is a 4400, Shawn. Where else should he be?

And besides, I went to a great deal of trouble to get him and his friends out of NTAC.

Jordan, this is crazy.

I put my life on the line trying to protect this place from Nova.

And now we're the ones that break them out from NT AC'?

What were you thinking? That we have a w*r to fight.

That Nova is a powerful w*apon, which until now, has lacked proper guidance.

Jordan, they're t*rrorists. They k*ll people.

They did what needed doing.

They chose action over accommodation.

Not supporting that choice was a failure, Shawn.

Oh, so I made a mistake by not backing the Nova Group?

I am saying you should have been a leader.

These people are willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good.

They're the kind of soldiers we need in this fight.

They're one of the biggest reasons why people are scared of us.

If we invite them in here, we become part of the Nova Group.

And everything you've been preaching since you've been back about cooperation and unity between 4400s and non-4400s?

It's never gonna happen.


We're running a big risk here, Jordan.

We're playing for big stakes.

If NTAC finds out we were involved in the breakout, it'd be bad.

You're sure you covered your tracks? They're someplace safe?

Along with the 4400s who helped free them.

They won't be found.

No, no, no, just because we're not gonna get caught doesn't make this okay, Richard.

No, tell me you're not buying into this.

I'm just being realistic.

The fact is we are more vulnerable than ever.

Isabelle's with Ryland now.

It's only a matter of time before those soldiers of his are out there developing abilities. Jordan is right.

We're playing for big stakes now.

Another month? That's completely unacceptable.

The initial volunteers were showing abilities within days.

That's correct, but as you recall, there were problems. Deaths.

Since the Piersahl incident, we've scaled back the pace of the promicin.

I never authorized that.

I guaranteed this country the protection of enhanced troops.

I won't be made a liar by you.

Increase the dosage.

I'll have another shipment of promicin sent over from Haspel Corp. today.

I don't know why we're wasting time building an army.

We won't need one.

You're a very powerful young woman, Isabelle.

But you're still one person.

Think of it as backup.

Well, if that makes you feel more secure.

But by now, Collier knows we're working together.

He won't wait a month to come after us.

If we give those soldiers the maximum dose of promicin, how long before they develop abilities?

Anywhere from two to three days.

Make it two. Why wait?

You heard the lady.

I'll be staying on base to monitor your progress.


There he is. Hey.


Look at you, man. You look great. I can't believe you're standing here.

We have to celebrate, we gotta do something.

Yeah, that sounds good.

First I need to ask a favour of you.

Name it.

It's good to see you, Kyle. I was hoping we could talk.

It's really you, isn't it?

You're alive.

It took a while to believe it myself.

I'm sorry for what I did to you.

There's nothing to be sorry about.

My death had to happen.

I've seen you on TV.

You seem so sure that what we all went through means something.

I wish I could understand it the way you do.

To me, it all seems like a waste.

My death was part of a bigger plan.

I know you suffered for it, and that was unfair.

But everything you did, Kyle, including my assassination, was part of that plan.

You have no idea how important you are.

Tell me we could spend the whole night together.

I really think that Maia should be there when I tell her.

That way at least she can explain the whole prediction thing.

Well, so much for afterglow.

Please tell me you weren't thinking of April the whole time.

No. I wasn't.

You're right.

We should tell her.

I should do it. She should hear it from me.

That would be like hiding behind you.

And I admit that sounds good right now, but I'll just only hate myself even more.

I just wish I knew what to say.

Tell her the truth, you know.

We didn't plan this.

We didn't even want it, but it happened.

We fell in love.

Isn't it a bit early to be using that word?

What would you call it?

Oh, God.

It's true.

Two weeks, and I'm in love.

It's a good thing.

I know it is. I mean, it should be.

But I'm in love and I can't enjoy it. How pathetic is that?

What's all this? I have a lot of time on my hands.

I thought someone should benefit from it.

Not you. Kyle.

I'm making penne arrabiata.

I'll bet you he hasn't had it in a while.

Where is Kyle? He'll be home any minute.

He went out? After I told him not to?

He drove to Northmount, wanted to register for some classes.

That's great.

How did he get past the reporters?

They don't even know he's gone.

I made a pitcher of iced tea and some sandwiches, and I brought it out to them.

And I distracted them while Kyle slipped out the back.

We planned the whole thing together. It was fun.

I'm glad someone had a good day.

I take it you didn't have a good day at work.

No. We talked to the family of every prisoner we lost.

No one has heard or seen anything.

I mean, not that they'd give up their loved ones so easily.

And then there's always the 4400 who broke them out.

Excuse me, honey.

We haven't made much headway on that front either.

Kyle's gonna be a happy man.

You think we would've heard something about a 4400 who can override a state-of-the-art security system or cut off oxygen to a whole building full of people.

I had a student at the Center.

When he first came to school, he had some problems.

Teachers and the other children kept having headaches and fainting when he was around.

It turns out that it was something about his ability to change the level of oxygen in the blood.

Alana, this student, what was his name?

Michael Lawrence?

You think he had something to do with the prison break? He's 16.

His ability matches up to what happened to our agents.

And Boyd Gelder isn't much older.

Now, we've spoken to Michael's father.

He says he hasn't seen his son in a week.

Shawn, is it possible there's a new Nova cell operating out of the Center?

Well, if there were, don't you think they would've come after me by now?

Well, they still might. We don't know what they're planning.

You mind if we talk to some of the students?

See what they can tell us about Michael?

Yeah, talk to whoever you like.

Listen, Shawn.

Look, I appreciate this.

You know, it really helps to have someone here we can work with.

I hope that doesn't change now that Collier's back.

All right.

Michael Lawrence's ability is unique, useful, and he controls it with a great deal of accuracy.

Why wouldn't I make use of him?

Because he's a 16-year-old kid you just turned into a felon.

Shawn, that boy allowed us to neutralise a building full of NTAC agents without hurting anyone.

I think that showed great restraint, given the urgency of our needs.

What needs, Jordan?

What's so important that we need to get into bed with the Nova Group?

Come on, I ran this place while you were gone.

I think I deserve to know what you're planning.

Ryland's Enhanced Soldier programme? We're going to destroy it.

Destroy how?

With Nova's help, we'll attack the Army base where the experiment's conducted.

Take out the lab, the training facility.

And when we find the soldiers getting promicin, neutralise them.

Attack a military installation? Jordan, are you insane?

That's how you sound right now.

I don't care what you think you saw while you were gone.

This is the real world. Jordan, listen to me.

Do you know how many people would die on both sides?

We have no choice.

Once those soldiers develop 4400 abilities, it will be too late.

There's a gas station. It's on a highway.

Next to it there's a road sign.

Can you read the sign? Trying.

Something about a petrified tree stump.

It's the biggest one in the state.

Afraid that's all of it.

That's the thing with this remote viewing.

I never quite see everything.

That ought to be enough to find them.

Gas and a quart of oil comes to 53 even.


I hope you can take some time and visit Newfield's claim to fame.

There's not another stump like it on the whole West Coast.

We're just passing through.

If I go back the way I came, will I find the highway?

Oh, she can help you with that.

He wants to get right back on the highway.

Well, that's easy.

But first I think you should visit the Newfield stump.

They have a really nice gift shop there.

The town could sure use your business.


I just follow the sign? That's right.

And there's a nice diner along the way.

All the pies are baked fresh.

It sounds good. I'll check that out. Thank you.

You won't be disappointed.

Those pies come in on a truck.

They need the business.

Dr. Burkhoff, Ms. Doerner.

I'm Jordan Collier.

I'm betting this isn't a coincidence.

How is your research coming?

Keeps my nights interesting.

Mr. Collier, we've made a nice life for ourselves.

This is a good place for us.

And we like to think that we make things a little better by being here.

Please don't ruin it.

Were it up to me, you'd live here happily many years.

But right now, I need your ability and your intellect.

Oh, hey, sweetie.

I think it's Grilled Cheese Wednesday.

Where's your Aunt April?

Please don't be mad.

Why would I be mad?

You didn't.

I thought it would make her feel better, knowing about my vision.

That it's not her fault that Ben likes you more.

And did it make her feel better?

No, not really.

She's in your room.


In here.

You're out of tissues.

There's more under the bathroom sink.

You know, one of the reasons that I liked Ben in the first place was because I thought, "Here's a guy my sister would approve of.


Well, you were right.

This was it.

My one chance to settle down with the right guy.

Except it turns out he's your right guy.

Oh, God, April. This whole thing with Ben.

I mean, we never meant for it to happen.

I know that doesn't help much.

I know I'll meet another guy. I always do.

Meeting them, sleeping with them, going to the Fetish Ball with them.

That's not the problem.

Finding one that wants to go to the Fetish Ball with me year after year.

That's the problem.

Ben's willing to go to the Fetish Ball with you?

He was considering it.

Look, Di, I wish I could hate you.

I really do.

But I'm too busy hating me.

I'm such a loser.

No. No, you're not.

Yes, I am.

I'm gonna live alone and I'm gonna die alone.

And all I'm ever gonna be to anyone is Aunt April, the loser.

Hey, Kyle. You got a second?

Yeah, just getting rid of some old stuff.

Come on, Dad. I was 9 when I got that.

Yeah, I remember the day.

Listen, Kyle, you know, once you go back to school, I thought I'd float you some cash.

That way you can get your own place.

So you can have some privacy, some independence.

I saw Jordan Collier yesterday.

You went to the Center. Why? I had to see him.

We talked. He helped me realise some things.

What things?

Well, I'm not going back to college, for one.

Dad, just listen to me. Hear me out.

My life, my future, it's tied up with the 4400.

That night on the beach when Shawn was taken, it should have been me.

If he hadn't pushed me out of that beam of light, I would've been one of them. Yeah, but you're not.

Kyle, your life can be whatever you want it to be.

You just have to be willing to move forward.

Ever since I woke up from that coma, I thought I was moving forward.

But Jordan helped me realise all I was doing was running away.

He told you that? He told you not to go to college?!

No, Dad, he just listened to me.

I figured it out on my own.

So, what do you do now, Kyle?

You put on a blue blazer and become one of his disciples?

Give tours at the Center? Answer phones?


I'm gonna do what you do, Dad.

I'm gonna help the 4400 any way I can.

I'm sorry. I agree with Jordan on this one, Shawn.

How can you say that?

If we attack that Army base, it's like declaring w*r on the United States government.

Maybe, but it seems to me we have been in an undeclared w*r with the government ever since we got back.

Locking us in quarantine, sh**ting us up with the inhibitor.

Disappearing any of us they seem threatened by.

All Jordan is doing is bringing the conflict out into the open.

Jordan is gonna sacrifice thousands of lives.

It's gonna be for nothing. We're gonna lose.

If you have another way, something concrete that makes us safer, I'm willing to listen.

Oh, my God.

I didn't think so.

Okay, can you give us a hint what this is about?

You said it was urgent.

The Nova members that escaped, I know what they're planning.

I know who their leader is.


Shawn, I'm gonna need a name.

Jordan Collier.

You must think I'm insane.

Only a psychopath would declare w*r on the U.S. Army.

Well, then we're all in agreement.

I assure you, I am not crazy.

I am not planning any attack on a government installation.

So you're saying Shawn made all this up?

Why would I do that? Jordan, just tell the truth, okay?

You can't cover this up.

I told you a story, Shawn, to see if you would pass it along.

It was a test.

And I'm afraid you failed.

I've been away from this place for a long time.

In the days ahead, I will be asking a lot of everyone here.

I needed to know who I could trust.

And who I couldn't.

Sorry to embarrass you like this, Shawn.

It was the only way to be sure.

And what about the breakout at NT AC'?

You had nothing to do with that?

I did not. That is a lie! That's a lie!

I saw Boyd Gelder standing in this office with my own two eyes.

Richard was here with me. He saw him too. Richard?

I don't know what you're talking about, Shawn.


As far as I know, Boyd Gelder has never been here.

So you're saying in spite of all of Collier's denials, this base is still the subject of a possible Nova attack?

It's possible, yes.

And you came all this way to warn me?

I'm touched, Tom. Just doing my job, Dennis.

It's nothing personal.

Collier knows you're here, so this place is no longer secure.

Your little experiment needs a new home.

I say let them come. if Collier wants a fight, we'll give him one.

She's right, you know.

Collier talks a good game.

Unity, fighting together to save the future.

People actually believe he means it. It's pathetic.

But an attack will expose the 4400 for what they really are:

The enemy. You see, Tom? I was right all along.

It comes down to survival.

Us against them.

You sure you wanna be at ground zero for this one, Dennis?

Defending the human race?

Where else would I be?

We're staying right here.

How did it feel, turning your back on me?

I was just trying to save lives.

Yours included.

You know, maybe if you'd told me everything, treated me with a little respect, we could have worked things out.

But, no, you were too busy manipulating me like always.

You know, Jordan, while you were gone, I ran this place.

And I did a pretty good job of it too.

Now you're back. You and I? It's like nothing's changed.

You make all the decisions and I play catch up five steps behind.

It used to be ten.

Shawn, I need you to believe in me.

You know what I think, Jordan?

I think that this whole messiah thing has gone to your head.

I'm no messiah. More like John Brown.

John Brown? Isn't he the guy that tried to free all the slaves?

He surrounded himself with people who believed as he did, were willing to do anything for their cause.

And that kind of devotion can change the world.

They k*lled John Brown, Jordan.

They k*lled me too.

Mr. Ryland, I was told we wouldn't be seeing you for a while.

We have a security situation.

NTAC intelligence has gotten word that Jordan Collier may be planning a move against us.

I wanna transfer all the promicin out of Haspel Corp. for safekeeping.

I want every vial packed and ready for shipment as soon as possible.

Yes, sir.

Give us a hand here. We've got a lot of crates to move.

I want them loaded up as soon as possible.

We'll take it from here.

The military base was never Collier's target.

He wanted to divert us from his real goal.

The promicin.

Had enough stored to create a whole army of enhanced soldiers.

Before Collier's done, you'll wish you had that army for protection.

I wonder what he's gonna do with all of it.

Destroy it. He doesn't want anyone else to develop abilities.

He wants to keep us weak so no one can fight back.

Sounding a little paranoid, Dennis.

Collier's a fanatic, Tom.

He's capable of anything. You'll see.

So you're saying you wanna break up?

I don't want to.

Well, then let's not.

Look, I know how bad you feel.

I feel bad too, but I also feel really good.

Isn't that worth holding on to? Trying at least?

Well, I'm trying. Believe me.

It is like we're never alone.

There's you, me and April, and she's the one crying.

Yeah, I think I need to leave.

Oh, great. Now April and I are both crying.

No. Look, I didn't mean for good.

You can't get rid of me that easily.

But I do have a job to do in London.

It's five days, so it'll give us some time to think things over.

Five days?

Wanna come? No.


Just leave. Please.


I'll call you as soon as I get back, okay?

Oh, just so you know.

Even if Maia never made any prediction...

I'd still think we're meant for each other.

Hey, Kyle! Alana!

Thomas. I've been trying to reach you.

What is it? What's wrong? Kyle's leaving.

What? He's upstairs packing.

Kyle, what are you doing? Oh, I'm glad you're home.

I would've hated to leave without saying goodbye.

Where are you going?

Did Collier send that limo?

I've got a job.

I'm gonna travel around the country for a little while.

Hold these workshops at the 4400 Centers.

Talk about my life, everything that's happened to me.

Spread the word. Kyle, can't you take a couple of days?

You know, think this over? We can talk about this.

There's nothing to talk about.

I'm gonna miss you, Dad, but I gotta do this.

I just got you home.

You said I should move forward. That's what I'm doing.

Be happy for me.

I'm trying, Kyle.

I'm really trying.

I gotta get going-

I really gotta get going.


Let me help you. Thanks, Dad.

It's beautiful. Isn't it?

They're going to be looking for it.

We gotta get rid of it soon.

I don't understand. Why take it at all?

Why not just destroy it there?

We're not going to destroy it.

All right. I'll ask the question.

What are we gonna do with 17,432 units of promicin?

We're going to give it away.

To whom?

To everyone.