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03x11 - Terrible Swift Sword

Posted: 08/12/20 05:35
by bunniefuu
We're not a threat. We're salvation.

The world will have to deal with us.

Previously on The 4400...

The Canadian border is about 30 miles away.

Cross as soon as you can. Ryland will be looking.

I didn't want us to end, Thomas. Ever.

I'll find a way to bring you back. I promise.

April. Surprised?

How's it going, sibling?

Jordan, you just told me there's a little girl there who can see the future, and she saw you dead.

So I stay away from the Center, I cut myself off?

Even if you confess, Kyle, he is still going to jail.

You try to bury stuff like this, it changes you.

We have to get married. Only way we can be sure we'll never lose each other.

Shawn! Shawn Farrell!

Do you know who I am?

Who is that? Can somebody grab him?

Get out of the way! Jordan!

Jordan! Let us through! Jordan!


Did you see Jordan Collier come through here?

No, sir. Long hair, beard. Anyone?

You saw him, right?

Yeah. Look, I want this place secure.

No one gets in or out until I say different.

Come on. All right, guys, let's look around.

Guys, we've been all over the grounds and we can't find anybody.

Are you sure it was Collier?

It was him. He looked right at me. He talked to me.

Well, it did look like him, but I only saw him for a second.

Well, if he's on foot, he can't be far.

I think we should call NTAC, get them to sweep the neighbourhood.

Shawn. What's going on?

The ceremony was supposed to start 20 minutes ago.

Richard, I just saw Jordan.

He's alive. He's here. What?

Where? Shawn.

Me and Diana have to get moving. Hey, no, no, no.

I'm coming with you. What?

I'm gonna help you find him. Jordan looks different now.

I got the best view of him. You're in the middle of your wedding.

We got a thousand guests here, the media, Isabelle.

You're gonna have to do some damage control.

Tell Isabelle that the Wedding's not off, it's just postponed, and I'll come see her as soon as I can.

I'm sorry.

Are we ready to go?

Daddy, what is it?

I thought we agreed I don't want to see you.

This couldn't wait, Kyle.

He's alive.

Jordan Collier is alive.

I'm gonna find him, Kyle, and I'm gonna get you out of here.

It's okay, sweetie. It's gonna be okay. I just feel so bad for you.

I'll be fine. You don't need to worry about me.

Shawn. Thank God. What happened? All the guests are gone.

Everybody thinks you walked out.

That's... It's okay. I just...

I need to talk to Isabelle for a second, if you don't mind.

So your daddy came home, huh?

Your dad told you about Jordan? He did.

I was really curious as to why I wasn't getting married.

I'm sorry, Isabelle. I am. It's...

Jordan's out there somewhere. I need to find him.

And then what? if he's alive, what does that mean for you and me?

I'm not sure.

Jordan was dead and now he's not. Shawn, is the wedding off or isn't it?

It's still gonna happen, just not today.

And not until I figure out what's going on with Jordan.

I know Collier means a lot to you, to everyone here.

Find him.


April, my God, what are you doing here?

I came to see my sister.

Tell me, do you have some kind of allergy that keeps you from calling ahead?

I wasn't sure that was a good idea.

If I called, you might have refused to see me.

So are you gonna hug your only sister or are you gonna shut the door in my face?

I'm sorry, I just... You surprised me, that's all.

I mean, I didn't even know you were in Seattle.

I'm moving here. Why? Are you in trouble?

No, I'm in love.

I know what you're thinking: "Same difference."

But not this time. This guy's the keeper.

Oh, that's great. I'm really happy for you.

Well, wait till you meet him, which should be any minute now. He's parking the car.

April, I'm in the middle of something for work.

It won't take long. Just a couple minutes, please.

It would mean a lot. I bet you Maia would be happy too.

Aunt April. Someone's getting tall.

Look at you. You're like a supermodel.

I'll bet the boys think so too. Maia, this is my friend Ben.

I heard a lot about you, young lady.

Your aunt says you're a very special girl.

Maybe a little.

Sorry, I'm in a bit of a rush.

I actually told April we should have called ahead.

See? Polite.

And if you did a body search, you wouldn't find a piercing anywhere.

April mentioned that you're a photographer.

Yeah, April and I just got back from India.

I was doing a piece on the caste system there.

It's all for a show he's putting on at the Museum of Contemporary Art.


Well... Yeah.

I spent some time in India when I was a graduate student.

We were doing an epidemiology study in the Nilgiri range.

We were there.

Well, you are so lucky. It was so beautiful.

I used to just wake up early to watch the sun come up over the foothills.

Yeah, I got some sh*ts of sunrises. Just for my personal collection.

If I'd known you were interested, I'd have brought them by.

I'd like to see them. I'll bring them by.

I look forward to it. But right now I really gotta rush.


Nice to meet you. You too.

Bye. Bye. You're right, he is a keeper.

This is a nice place.

Collier sure had an eye for real estate.

I mean, what, this is the sixth place we've looked at today?

It must be nice to have that kind of money.

Diana, look at this.

Someone's been staying here.


It's from a soup kitchen downtown. What does the notebook say?

The whole thing's full.

"The city is a thousand miles wide. The last city.

Walls are a hundred feet high.

Nothing grows on the outside anymore, so the people beg to be let in, but nobody listens."

It's all like this. Is that Collier's handwriting?

This is just preliminary, but I ran the handwriting from the notebook against the sample from Collier's that you gave me.

Now, they don't look alike at all.

I mean, the handwriting from the notebook's shaky, almost like whoever did it is sick.

But the software says that they're a probable match.

So Jordan wrote this stuff? I can't say for sure, but there's a lab in D.C. that'll be able to give us a positive identification.

But it's probable, right? Jordan's alive.

We don't know that yet. Yeah, I'll tell you one thing.

If he did write this, he has seen some interesting stuff while he's been gone.

And the whole thing goes on and on about a walled city.

You know, a privileged elite lives on the inside, everything else is just a wasteland. And then the last few pages are just one phrase repeated over and over again.

"The w*r for the future will be fought in the past."


You scared me. Sorry.

I couldn't sleep.

Oh, well...

Why don't you come on in? I'll make you a bowl of ice cream.

Our family's gonna get bigger now.

Oh, sweetie.

Don't get too attached to the idea of your Aunt April living in Seattle.

You know how she can be.

That's not it. You're gonna get married.

I saw it. Not too long from now.

You look the same when it happens.

I'm getting married?

Isn't it great? You're gonna be so happy.

Okay, well...

Did you happen to see who the lucky guy was?

Yeah, it was the man we just met. Ben.

Maia, you saw me getting married to my sister's boyfriend?

But Ben is with Aunt April.

I guess they don't stay together, because you two are gonna get married.

You're gonna have a husband, I'm gonna have a dad.

Isn't that the best?

Hello? Oh, hey, Tom.

No, we're up.

Have you seen this man?

Sure. I volunteer at St. Alban's kitchen.

These guys brought the sketch by when we were closing up tonight.

We bring food down here twice a week.

I've seen him. Are you sure about that?


I remember him because everyone lets him go to the front of the line.

They get out of his way. I've never seen that before.

You haven't seen him today? Not for a couple weeks.

But I always see him eating with Will.

Will's kind of the elder statesman around here.

He knows just about everyone.

Yeah, I know him. We all do.

The preacher. The preacher?

He never said his real name was Jordan Collier.

I thought Collier was dead. Who are you guys, anyway?

We're from NTAC. We need to find this man.

When's the last time you saw him? Just now.

What? He's here?

He's always here.

This is pretty empty. You're sure he's back here?

He never goes anywhere.


Say hello to the preacher.

You made a painting of him?

Not me personally, but the preacher's a popular guy. He's got some amazing stories.

Guy claims to have seen the future.

People around here...

...we believe him.

You lied to me, Isabelle.

I don't remember much about being a baby.

You and Mom mostly. Vague stuff.

I remember Collier.

I remember how he made you guys feel, and I remember how I felt when he touched Mom that time.

Well, you gave him something to remember that day.

Collier was recovering for months.

That's not the only thing I did to him.

Right before he died he came to talk to me.

I know it sounds weird. I was just a baby.

But he wanted me to tell him whether it was safe to go ahead with the party he was planning. I remember.

He asked to take you for a walk through the gardens.

He wanted power. He wanted acclaim.

A name that would live on after he died.

So that's what I showed him.

So, what, you gave him a vision?

He had the party. He got shot.

I didn't pull the trigger, but, Daddy, I made that happen.

If Collier's back, he knows what I did.

What does he want? Revenge?

We don't even know whether or not he is alive.

What if he tells Shawn what I did?

You sound like you're scared of Collier.

Isabelle, Collier is a very powerful man, but he is just a man.

He was just a man.

We don't know what he is now.

Guys, I got something you need to check out.

You know that graffiti mural? The one that might be Collier?

Well, there's a national graffiti database.

I ran the portrait against it. And?

This preacher guy, he gets around.

That one's from Saint Louis.

That's El Paso. Tempe, Arizona.

Reno. These are from all over the country.

If this is Collier, he's been a very busy man.

Might need a shave and a haircut, but he's still got charisma.

He's got followers everywhere. So, what, he's travelling around, preaching the gospel of the future?

Are you almost done? I was gonna make you a snack.

Five more minutes. Okay.

Did you see Ben today?

You mean your Aunt April's boyfriend?

No, I didn't see him, and I'm not going to see him.

Your antenna is not working right on this one, sweetie.



I'm not the type of guy who drops by unannounced all the time, I promise.

Okay. But I was just in the neighbourhood, I didn't have your phone number. The pictures we talked about.


Come in.

Hi, Maia. Hi, Ben.

I need to go to my room to study. You two talk.

So you gonna open it?

Does that look familiar? That's the Nilgiri Hills.


Listen, this is not gonna happen.

Excuse me?


Are you sure she meant me?

Well, that can't happen. I'm glad you agree.

April told me about Maia, what she could do, but she's wrong here, right? Oh, she's gonna be.

Okay, I'm gonna go.

And no more visits to bring you pictures.

No more visits, period.

Okay. Well, it was nice meeting you and then resolving never to see you again.

Yeah, nice to meet you too. Yeah.

Did you k*ll me?

It's him.

That's him. That's Jordan Collier.

That's Jordan Collier! Tell them I didn't k*ll you!

Tell them you're Jordan Collier!

Tell them! Tell them you're Jordan Collier! Tell them!

Is that who I am?

When you went to see Kyle, you signed in as Jeffrey Paulson.


I found a library card in the pocket of my coat, and that's what it said. I thought...

I thought maybe that was my name.

Your name is Jordan Collier.

You don't remember that? You're one of the 4400.

Am I? You were shot.

You died.

Yes, I saw that in the papers. I thought I looked like that man.

You disappeared. Do you have any idea where you've been?


I have been everywhere.

I've been alive for hundreds of years. Maybe thousands.

I couldn't speak to anyone. I just... I wandered.

No food, no sleep.

And I watched it all.

I watched the world change, and it just kept getting worse.

And the skies filled with smoke...

...and all the machines stopped working, and the streets and the rivers were filled with bodies.

And the dead were everywhere, and the Earth cried out and it never stopped.

The things you're talking about, they haven't happened.

Not yet, anyway. It's 2006.

It's been less than a year since you were shot.

How could it be? I've been wandering for so long.

That's the preliminary DNA report.

That man we're holding is Jordan Collier.

Well, at least somebody's sure of it.

I need Collier to remember who he is so he can stand in front of a judge and ask for my son to be freed.

But, Tom, this is already a win for Kyle. Collier's alive.

So he serves a term for attempted m*rder instead of m*rder?

No, no, no, Diana. That's not good enough.

Look, Collier knows who he is. It's buried in there somewhere.

He showed up at the wedding.

He found his way to one of his safe houses.

We just need to find a way to help bring it all to the surface.

Tom, I just got off the phone with the National Security Advisor.

He wants to schedule a conference call with him, me and the Joint Chiefs of Staff to discuss the fact that Jordan Collier is somehow back from the dead.

And you want me to look the other way while Alana Mareva, a fugitive, walks into NTAC and uses her ability on Collier?

She can access his memories. Show him his life.

These people in D.C., they need Collier to remember who he is too, right?

They need answers. This might be the only way to get them.

Nina, please.

We're talking about my son.

You have a way to get in touch with Alana?

Make the call.

I got it, Maia.

You just couldn't stand to see me happy, could you?

April, what are you talking about? What did you say to Ben?

What did you say, Diana? Nothing, why?

He broke up with me!

You weren't supposed to break up with her.

That's not why I told you what Maia said.

I realise that, but you have to understand, a precog just told me that I was with the wrong person.

And if you know you're with the wrong person, why stay with them?

I don't know, maybe because you love them.

I do love April.

At least I thought I did.

You know, I can't believe how casual you can be with all this.

Maybe it's because you live with a 4400, but someone just told me that I met the person, the woman, that I'm supposed to be with...

...and I can't ignore it.

And I want you to tell me the truth.

When you look at me, do you feel anything at all?

An attraction? An inkling of an attraction?

Yes, I do.

You asked for the truth, so yes, I do.

And if I met you under different circumstances, I'd wanna see you again.


Me too.

But it doesn't matter, we can't do it. Yeah, I know.

I'm gonna take my sister's stuff and go.

But wouldn't it be something if we were giving up our shot at happiness?

Hello, Thomas. You cut your hair.

I can't believe you're here. Thank you for doing this.

For Kyle, I'll do anything, you know that.

Besides, I've missed you.

Are you ready?

You don't have to do anything. Just shut your eyes and relax.

You won't feel anything, I promise.

My name's Jordan Collier.

If I could stay here for a while... You're one of the 4400.

That baby could be the key to the future.

Peter has all the time in the world.

Hi, Peter. My name's Jordan Collier.

Hello, Richard. Welcome to the revolution.

Collier, are you all right?

My name is Jordan Collier.

I know why they sent us back.

I saw the catastrophe and I know what we have to do to stop it.

You say you have all these answers.

Tell us what they are and then we can talk about letting you out of here.

You'll learn what I know when everyone else does.

When will that be?

As soon as I'm free, you and the world will know what I know.

And what if we hold you indefinitely?

I've grown accustomed to waiting. Yeah, well, I can't.

My son is in prison. You're the only one who can get him out.

Then you want me released as badly as I do.

Your son Kyle is innocent.

He is a pawn, and I will say that to whomever you want the moment I am a free man.

I can't believe this, Nina.

My son could be one court appearance away from freedom and you're refusing to let Collier testify on his behalf?

I'm not refusing, the Pentagon is.

Their official position is Collier's not even back.

Come on, Nina. They can't honestly believe that they can squash this.

Well, they're gonna try.

Look, Collier's return changes everything.

We're not just talking about galvanizing the 4400.

There are religious groups all over the world who would consider him the messiah.

No matter what he says, no matter how crazy it is, people are going to listen.

So maybe we should find out what's on his mind before we stick him in front of microphones.

What if we don't like what he has to say?

We stick him in the basement, pretend this never happened?

I don't think that's gonna be our decision.

I'd be surprised if Collier's not transferred out of here by tomorrow.

They should be here by now.

You sure you're okay?

I will be.

When I touched Collier, those things I saw, they weren't only from his past. There were other images too.

Terrible ones.

It was like a nightmare.

I don't know how Collier lived through it and stayed sane.

I don't wanna leave you, Thomas. I don't wanna go on the run again.

Well, maybe you don't have to. What you did today, it helped NTAC.

If I tell them they can have access to your ability, maybe they'll drop the charges against you.

I'd never hurt the 4400s. I know, I know.

Maybe we can work it so you don't have to, okay?

Uncle Tommy. Wait right here.

What the hell's going on?

I didn't help find Jordan so you could lock him away.

Shawn, they're scared.

This is how the government reacts when it's scared.

You know, if we wanted, we could take him.

If we set our minds to it, we can get into NTAC and there won't be anything you can do to stop us.

You may be right.

But there might be another way. Here.

That's a still from a security camera at NTAC.

It was taken this afternoon. You show it to everyone.

You let the world know that Collier's back.

Thank you. Yeah.

Wagon Wheels.

You know, I used to live on those things in college.

Ben, what are you doing here?

I eat too.

So what do you think?

Coincidence, or is this thing gonna happen whether we try to stop it or not?

Well, normally, I'd give you a lecture about free will right now, but I have to admit, it might sound a little hollow.

Well, we're both here, both shopping.

Wanna join forces?

...Loved doing the final project.

Let me guess, faces of the elderly?

Red lights.

Every time I'd stop at a red light, I'd take a picture.

You know, you have to study these intersections that you never really noticed.

Like the stores, the people, the garbage cans, everything.

That's very creative.

You're just screwing around. I would like to see them.

Okay, yeah. I think I've got them somewhere.

No, wait.

What? We can't do this.

We just did. That was a date, and that was a pretty good one.

No, it wasn't. It was nice, but it wasn't a date.

Then why do I feel like doing this?

You gotta admit that was nice too.

Can I see you again?

Free Collier now. Free Collier now.

Free Collier now. Anyone else feel like it's Bastille Day?

Well, it does feel like the start of something.

We have gotta let him go. It's either that or bring in troops.

And we won't just be reading the riot act to 4400s.

There's clergy out there. Citizens. Look, we can't just sit on this.

If Collier is some kind of messiah, he needs to be free.

If he's not, letting him out is still the right move.

It will give him enough rope to hang himself.

I'll call D.C., but they're gonna wanna know how those people got their hands on a picture of Collier.

Any idea what I should tell them?

Yeah, tell them it's hard to cover up a resurrection.

Free Collier now. Free Collier now. Free Collier now.

Free Collier now. Free Collier now. Free Collier now.

That's him! Stay back, stay behind the barricade.

It's you. Welcome back, Jordan.

Thank you for keeping the Center alive while I was gone.

Richard, glad to see you still with us.

You'll have an important role to play.

I stand here and I see the future:

4400s and non-4400s working hand in hand toward a common goal.

Saving humanity is no longer the exclusive province of the 4400.

Each and every one of you will have work to do.

And the work starts now.

We're going to the court house.

There is an innocent man who needs to be free.

Look, just get those people away from this building.

You're impeding the business of my court.

They won't leave until you listen to what I have to say.

I hereby withdraw any and all charges against Kyle Baldwin for my alleged m*rder.

Well, Mr. Baldwin still assaulted two federal agents.

Now, he fired a high-powered w*apon into a crowd of people, and he admitted it all in a detailed confession.

My son has been in jail for months. He's a first-time offender.

You could release him with time served.

Those people out there, they listen to me.

They will be back every day until this man's son goes free.

Well, these are highly unusual circumstances, I'll grant you both that.

Perhaps we can revisit the m*rder plea.

Do. Quickly.

Thank you.

Thought you didn't wanna see me. I don't. I wanna see your pictures.

Well, okay. So I knew you'd be here.

Then why did you come?

I guess I've been thinking about the grocery store, and I thought it was a good date too.

It just didn't end right.


Then how should it have ended?

Hi, Mommy.

Hi. Where you been, Di?

Nowhere, I just had to work late.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry. Don't apologise.

Those things you saw in me...

Pride, ambition, vanity. ...they were there.

I had to die to lose them.

I've done bad things and I'm supposed to do more.

I know.

And I'm trying not to.

Tell me what to do. I'll do anything.


Leave the 4400 Center and never come back.

Nothing you can do will change what you are, Isabelle.

You are the enemy of the 4400. The enemy of everything that is good.

And that part of you that is human... is much smaller than the part of you that's not, and your struggle to keep it alive will fail.

No, no.

I have a choice. Others might, not you.

If that's true, if we're enemies, then why shouldn't I just k*ll you right now?

You're welcome to try, but it won't work.

I'm ready for you this time.

This place is mine again...

...and you're not welcome here.

Goodbye, Isabelle.