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03x10 - The Gospel According to Collier

Posted: 08/12/20 05:34
by bunniefuu
We're not a threat. We're salvation.

The world will have to deal with us.

Previously on The 4400...

Okay, we're clear, right? It's over between the two of us.

You once told me that good and evil was a choice.

And I'm afraid if I lose you, Fm going to make the wrong one.

Welcome to Haspel Corp. How may I help you?

Hi, I have an appointment with Dennis Ryland.

Learning anything new?

Yeah, she's incredible.

In a week we've made discoveries I we thought it would take years to get to.

Isabelle, I don't love you.

Shawn, you and I are the two most powerful people on the planet.

We have to get married.

I knew she was different. Dangerous.

You can't k*ll me, Shawn.

Richard, if I believe that staying with Isabelle would save all those lives, I would marry her tomorrow.

But what happens if she gets tired of me or I make her angry?

There are things I was sent here to do. Brutal things.

I don't know how you know that, but it doesn't have to happen.

We need to be together, because I think you're the only one who can stop me.

Looking for a date?

Not you.


Tim, you got a customer.

So it's 40 bucks if you want to get started.

I just wanna look at you for a second.

Do you have any idea how special you are?

You don't, do you?

Look, we can talk if you want to, but it's still 40 bucks.

Timothy Winters McCarren.

You're going to change the world.

How'd you know my name?

It's true.

You're gonna change everything.

Unless I stop you.

That's it, I'm out of here.

Come on, man, let me out. I'm serious.

I rolled that myself.

It's my way of saying thank you for inviting me to your wedding.

Thank you.

But you didn't have to. Isabelle and I invited every 4400.

I wouldn't have missed it.

I'm quite excited.

You must be too. The ceremony's so close.

Four days.

I have to offer you a word of caution.

This cigar, when you smoke it, you might be surprised by its effects.

Oh, I'm not gonna get arrested for having this, am I?

Of course not.

About a year after we returned, I learned I have an ability.

When I come in contact with a person, they sometimes see a vision of their future.

I see nothing, understand. Only those I touch.

But I'm told it can be quite accurate.

Kind of a nice talent.

Thank you.

I grew this tobacco myself. It's been in contact with my hands.

And so it contains my ability.

Wait, so, what you're saying is, if I smoke this cigar, I'm gonna see the future?

Your future. A possible one, anyway.

As I said, use with caution. You might not like what you see.

But it seems an appropriate gift for a man on his wedding day.

Well, it is better than a toaster oven. Thank you, Claudio.

My congratulations to you.

The centrepieces are amazing. You should take a look.

Yeah, sure, after we're done with these meet-and-greets though, okay?

Oh, you're taking up smoking?

This is Edwin Garrett and his wife Denise.

They came from Edinburgh to be here.

Thank you so much for coming.

The guy's name was Tim McCarren.

He was a hustler.

Worked an area of the park not far from here.

I found his body just after sunrise.

Now, I've already interviewed his colleagues, and they say he got into a pickup truck with a man in his 20s at about 1:30 last night.

One of the other working boys got a decent look at the driver.

You could probably sit him down with a sketch artist.

We could, but you do realize we're not homicide cops, right?

We're from NTAC. So Why'd you call us?

That's why.

My best guess? This body was completely oxidized.

It's a chemical reaction. Cells change at the molecular level.

Well, oxidizing, that's what happens when metal rusts.


Well, almost exactly. Rusting is a slow process.

There's nothing gradual about what happened to Tim McCarren.

One minute he was alive, the next...

Have you ever seen anything like this before?

No. There's no documented disease that affects the human body this way.

Meaning a 4400 ability did this. That's for you to figure out.

All I can tell you is there's no earthly explanation about what happened to this guy.


So nothing even close?

Okay, thanks, Brian. That was the lab.

They ran the composite sketch of the driver against their database of 4400s.

No matches. Anything from forensics?

No. Well, they pulled a couple of partial prints off the safety pin that held the note to the kid's jacket.

But nothing we can make an ID from.

Okay, what about the note?

It's a deliberate message to whoever found the body.

That's typical of a serial-k*ller pathology.

Yeah, but it says 27.

There can't be 26 other corpses like Tim McCarren's out there.

Even one would make it onto our radar.

So we'll talk to McCarren's friends, families.

Maybe he's got a connection to a 4400.

Diana, there is one other thing I wanna talk to you about.

You got plans on Sunday?

You want me to go to Shawn's wedding with you?

It's not a date, okay? I figured you might be interested.

Almost a thousand 4400s are coming.

Oh, so it's a professional courtesy.

Yeah, that's one way to put it.

Look, to be honest, I'd rather not be the only one sitting at the NTAC table.

You'd have a hard time finding a dance partner.

Look, you know, Maia begged me to go, and I told her no.

All those 4400s in one place, we have no idea what could happen.

Diana, it's Shawn and Isabelle, nobody's gonna cause any trouble.

I mean, would you wanna be on the bride's bad side?

I can't imagine you're eager to welcome that girl into the family.

I'm not.

This all happened a little too quickly for my liking.

But Shawn won't talk to me about it. I must have left him 20 messages.

I was thinking about going to see him after we finish work today.

Just make sure Bridezilla is out of earshot.

I have to. Have to?

You're about to get married, Shawn. You should want to.

What's going on? Is she pregnant? No. No, nothing like that.

Is she forcing you?

Look, Shawn, if you're feeling trapped, if you're looking for a way out of this, just tell me, I can help.

Help? Uncle Tommy, I'm not in front of a firing squad.

I'm getting married. People do it all the time.

Come on, Shawn. You're marrying Isabelle.

She's a very dangerous girl. I happen to know that.

Okay, I know all about her too.

So don't think you're gonna surprise me.

I appreciate you coming down here. I know you mean well.

This marriage, it is the right thing.

The right thing for who?

For everybody.

Man, they just cannot keep anything working around here.

This always happens when I work late.

You know, I don't even know where the stairs are in this place.

Oh, right down here. Come on, I'll show you.

So do you always work past 8?

Most nights, yeah. Trying to get ahead, you know?

Dedication, I like that. You could accomplish great things.

Her name was Paula Nakata.

She was a lawyer at a firm in the building.

My God, the poor woman.

That's two bodies in less than 24 hours.

It doesn't make any sense. Most spree K*llers, they have a type.

But Tim McCarren and Paula Nakata could hardly be more different.

A prost*tute and a corporate attorney.

Why would someone target these two?

And why is she labelled 11?

The numbers on the bodies are working backwards.

It looks like we might have a partial print on the wedding band.

It's probably from the victim, but you never know.

Let's hope whoever did this slipped up.

Because I don't think he's anywhere close to finished yet.

We were so close.

We were gonna save everything.

Isabelle changed you.

You don't even know who you are anymore.

She didn't change me.

She showed me who I am.

I know myself better than ever.

And I know exactly what has to happen here.

Don't do this.


Marco? Did you go home last night?

No, I was working on your case. It got late.

Cold. We got a message you wanted to talk to us?

Yeah, the print that they pulled from Paula Nakata's wedding band wasn't hers.

Does it match the one we found on Tim McCarren's body?

It does indeed. The print belongs to a man named Darren Piersahl.

Piersahl? I've never heard of him.

I'm not surprised. See, he is not a 4400.

Well, then he's not the m*rder*r. Marco, you saw both bodies.

A 4400 k*lled these people.

It certainly looks that way.

The fingerprint match wasn't from our database.

It was from U.S. military records.

Piersahl was an Army Ranger for seven years.

Was? What's he doing now? Not much.

According to Army records, Darren Piersahl is dead.

He was k*lled in action in Iraq in 2005.

I'm wondering, how could an Army sergeant who's supposedly been dead for a year be using a 4400 ability to k*ll people in present-day Seattle?

Darren always wanted to be a Ranger.

It was his dream, ever since he was old enough to read.

I encouraged it. I spent 20 years in the service myself.

So when Darren signed up it was like carrying on the family legacy.

Why is NTAC so interested in my son's death anyway?

It's part of an ongoing investigation, Mr. Piersahl.

Please, anything you could tell us would help.

Not long before he died, I got a letter from Darren.

He was excited.

Said he'd been accepted into this elite training unit.

He couldn't tell me much about it, just that it meant he was being transferred off the frontlines and out of harm's way.

And he was k*lled in action soon after that?

Two weeks later.

The Army told me he'd been flying a recon mission in an OH-58 helicopter.

Got hit by an RPG.

They never did find his remains.

I'm so sorry, Mr. Piersahl.

But you said the Army told you he was flying a recon mission.

Did you have any reason to doubt that?

Well, I thought the timing was peculiar.

I mean, I'd just got this letter from him saying he was done fighting.

Sol did some checking.

There were six soldiers reported dead in the crash that k*lled my son.

And why is that unusual?

Because an OH-58 flies with a crew of four.

It can't hold six people.

A secret training programme?

A death under suspicious circumstances?

There's something off here. Even the kid's dad knows it.

It's weird, I'm not denying it.

But let's just take our time with this, okay?

There are other explanations that don't involve cover-up.

Someone could've planted Piersahl's fingerprints at the crime scene.

Who knows? It could be a 4400, someone who can mimic other people's fingerprints.

Maybe, but if you're trying to frame someone, why pick a dead man?

Baldwin. Where?

We'll be right in. They just found another body.

I'll let you all in on a little family secret.

My brother and I haven't always seen eye to eye.

So we didn't talk for a while. I went to college, he became the most famous person in the world.

But it's all good, because he's a great guy.

And I'm really proud of him. I think we all are.

So congratulations, man.

I couldn't be happier to see you walk the plank.

Congratulations. Thank you.


Is there anything you'd like to say, Daddy?

Toast. The father of the bride wants to speak.

Shawn, Isabelle.

I have to say, I had my doubts.

But my daughter has managed to overcome them.

She was determined to make this marriage happen, and here we all are.

Shawn, she couldn't have picked a better partner.

I'm proud to call you my son.


Cheers. Cheers.

So where are you guys going on your honeymoon?

You know, we haven't really figured that out yet.

If you'll all please excuse me.


You keep charming the in-laws, I'll see what's up.


You saw me die? You're sure?

I k*lled you.

And, Richard, I swear to God, it looked like I was enjoying it.

The whole reason I'm marrying Isabelle is to keep her attached, normal.

That's not what happens.

I don't make her more human, she makes me less human.

I have to try something. I have to go, I have to see if it changes anything.

Gonna walk out on the wedding? Maybe, I don't know.

I'm getting out of here, and then I'm gonna see what happens.

If you leave now, it's not gonna make Isabelle very happy.

It might not be easy to come back. I know that.

But I have to do it.

Just tell them I'm sick or something.

I'm sorry. Just tell them something, okay?

Her name was Holly Martins. She was a housewife in Madison Park.

The pool man found her body. Was there a note?


How many people is this guy targeting?

Guys, I figured out what all these corpses have in common.

All the victims had the same mutation?

We did a genetic workup on all three corpses.

Every one of them has a slight alteration of the 11th chromosome.

It's called the Starzl Mutation.

That could be a coincidence.

Not likely. The Starzl Mutation's extremely rare.

The only documented cases are in the Seattle area.

You see, there's two kinds of mutations.

Some occur naturally.

You know, something goes wrong when the body's building itself.

Others are induced.

The genes are changed by external factors.

And the Starzl Mutation is induced. That's right.

Starting in 1969, Seattle Presbyterian Hospital used a flawed radiation machine to treat their cancer patients.

You know, the microswitches that controlled the thing weren't working.

The dosages were all off.

How long did this go on? Under five years.

Once the hospital figured out what they were doing, they tested everyone who had ever been exposed to it.

In some cases, the radiation induced a small mutation.

The Starzl Mutation.

Yeah, they named it after the company that made the bad machine.

And the mutation's replicable.

You know, people who got it passed it on to their kids, which includes our three victims.

They were living normal lives. They were healthy.

Hey, just like most mutations, you can have it and not even know.

After everything went public, the lawyers came out to play.

There was a class-action lawsuit.

Seattle Presbyterian paid a huge settlement to everyone who was affected by the machine.

They almost went bankrupt.

So Darren Piersahl, who's supposed to be dead, is targeting carriers of the Starzl Mutation, which only occurs around Seattle, and has absolutely no effect on its carriers.

Okay, but why?

Excellent question.

When you find out, make sure you tell me.

If there was a lawsuit, there's a paper trail.

I'll bet you that hospital keeps a master list of everyone they paid.

You okay? You okay? Shawn, you should stop healing me.

No, you're gonna make it, Uncle Tom.

No, no, Shawn, I'm not.

This is all my fault.

I should never have talked you out of marrying Isabelle.

No, that was my decision, not yours.

I can't help thinking that it didn't have to end this way.

Everyone we love is dead.

I'm sorry. The catastrophe's here.

Hey, no, no, no. Hold on, hold on, hold on.

Hold on, hold on.

No, let me go. Let me go, let me go.

Save as many as you can, Shawn.

You're lucky. Until six weeks ago, I hadn't pulled that file in years.

If you'd asked me then, it would've taken me hours.

What happened six weeks ago?

Oh, some guy in a suit showed up. Had a document with him saying that the military needed the file for research in the w*r on terror.

Yeah, there we go.

There it is. That's the master list of everyone we paid in the Starzl case.

This man, can you tell me his name?


Miles Enright. Why, you know him?

Not yet.

There's 123 people here.

A hundred and twenty-three we know have the mutation.

Numbers we've been finding on the dead bodies correspond to where they appear on the list.

Number 27, Timothy McCarren. Number 11, Paula Nakata.

And Holly Martin's 92.

So Darren Piersahl, if he's the k*ller, is working from the same list we're holding.

But the order seems so random.

I mean, is he just k*lling them as the opportunity arises or is there some method?

I'll try and find a pattern.

Hey, how's Maia been?

She's okay.

She asks about you a lot.


I just checked out Miles Enright.

He's the vice president of Research and Development at Haspel Corp.


You've been ignoring our calls.

I'm busy, Tom.

Why don't you go through my assistant?

Maybe we can talk next week or so. It's important, Ryland.

It's about Darren Piersahl and your company's programme to create a division of the U.S. military with 4400 abilities.

I don't know, Tom. I've been working here less than three months.

I still don't know where the supply closets are, and now you've got me heading up a covert programme where I'm injecting promicin into United States soldiers?

Six weeks ago, the vice president of Research and Development acquired a list of everyone with the Starzl Mutation.

Miles Enright. Maybe you know him? Sorry, it's a big building.

I haven't shaken everybody's hand. Three people are dead.

Now, you need to tell us everything you know about Darren Piersahl so we can bring him in before he kills anyone else.

I've never heard of him.

And I've certainly never heard of this, what do you call it?

Starzl Mutation?

This is your last chance to cooperate before we find Piersahl.

If you help us now, we'll make it look better for your company later, Dennis.

Well, how can I help you when I have no idea what you're talking about?

Now, if this programme existed...

And please, understand I'm not saying it does.

...You seem to think that people would be shocked to know that it's out there.

Me, I think they'd be grateful.

I think any good citizen would be thankful that his government was working on this.

Because you can be damned sure our enemies are.

If everyone would be so happy, why not just tell us about it?

As usual, you have no idea of what the stakes are.

Whoever controls promicin has a strategic advantage over the rest of the world.

This is another Manhattan Project, Tom.

And they didn't close it down because a couple of technicians got radiation poisoning.

They kept on working, and they were right to do that.

It's made the world a better place.

Not that you're admitting that the programme exists, right?

What programme?

So if I go through with it, if I marry Isabelle, you and I become enemies, I k*ll you.

If I don't do it, Richard, things are even worse.

They're... People are dead. A lot of people.

In the second vision, your uncle said the catastrophe was here, right?

That place looked like a w*r zone. What the hell am I supposed to do?

Look, you can only deal with the information you have.

In one future, I die.

In another, it sounds like thousands of people, maybe millions, are at risk.

That's no choice at all. We're talking about your life.

The guy said each vision was one possible future.

If you do marry Isabelle, at least we go into it with our eyes open.

Now that we know what could happen, we can change things.

Nothing's inevitable, right?

Let's hope not.

Because believe me...

...I don't wanna die.

Meet Staff Sergeant John Shaffner.

Okay, so why are we meeting him?

He was one of six fatalities in the helicopter crash that "k*lled" Darren Piersahl.

A helicopter that seated only four. Right.

It turns out John Shaffner's family never received his remains either.

You know, there was really a helicopter crash that day in Iraq, but four families got their kids' bodies back, two didn't.

Here's what I'm thinking...

Piersahl and Shaffner were recruited into Haspel Corp's training programme at the same time.

So they used the crash to fake two deaths.

So that Piersahl and Shaffner could disappear into the programme with impunity.

So we have a second member of Haspel Corp's programme. Great.

But it doesn't get us any closer to Darren Piersahl.

Good point. It doesn't, really.

Not until... you look at Shaffner's dog tags.

This is Shaffner's military serial number.

Look familiar?

Should it?

Twenty-seven. That's what the note we found on Tim McCarren said.

That's also where we found his name on the list of people with Starzl Mutation.

Eleven. That was Paula Nakata's number.

And Holly Martins was 92 on the list. There is a pattern.

He's picking the order based on his buddy's serial number.

Okay, but why?

Maybe it's a message. Maybe they're doing it together.

But if he's consistent, the next victim will be number 38 on the Starzl list.

Alex Messina.

I already checked him out. He manages a bike store in Madrona.

Yeah. Yeah, I recognize him.

He was in here earlier today.

Did he say anything to you? It was kind of weird, actually.

He asked me if my name was Alex Messina.

And he said it like that. You know, the full name.

He wanted to know if I could come out and take a look at his bike.

He needed to replace a part, and I told him just to bring it in.

He said he'd come back when we were less busy.

Send a tactical team over right away. Thanks.

If Piersahl makes a move, we'll be ready.


Must be from Piersahl.


Do you like this colour?

This place needs to be a little more girlie if I'm gonna be living here.

Yeah, it looks great.

I think so too.

I'm glad you're back.

If Piersahl knows we're onto him he'll change his pattern of attack.

There's a dozen people we can't find.

Hope we get to them before Piersahl does.

Tom Baldwin?

Yeah, who's asking?

My name is John. John Shaffner.

I was a volunteer in the same programme Darren Piersahl was in.

The one that drove him crazy. Yeah, we know who you are.

And we know about the programme. Good.

Then you're ready to hear what I have to say.

We were volunteers, all of us.

I still remember the sales pitch.

We'd be the elite, a new type of soldier.

We had to give up our lives, forfeit our identities.

They said it was the only way.

The programme had to operate in complete secrecy.

When did you start getting the injections?

Right away. Started slow, but about three weeks ago, they started upping our dosages.

That's when guys started to lose it. Where did they get the promicin?

I don't know, but they seem to have plenty of it though.

Darren was the first one who could do stuff, you know?

An ability.

He k*lled one of the instructors by mistake.

It freaked him out. You two escaped together?

Once we got out, we pretty much went our separate ways.

I had no idea he was gonna do this.

So he's AWOL?

These murders aren't sanctioned by anyone?

No, Darren's freelancing.

That's why they want him back so bad. He's compromising the programme.

Our C.O.s, they told us about the Starzl Mutation.

They told us it could be a threat, but they never told us to k*ll anybody.

Then what is it?

Why does Darren want them dead so badly?

Got something to do with babies.

So far, any time a 4400 has a kid with a member of the regular population, their babies are normal.

They don't make promicin, they don't have abilities.

We know, we've been tracking the births.

But the Starzl Mutation changes all that.

If a 4400 has a kid with someone who has the mutation, the baby would be promicin-positive.

They'd have abilities. How would the military know that?

Have they tried it? I don't know, but they seem pretty g*dd*mn sure it's true.

I know this is gonna sound crazy, but Darren is a victim here too.

They gave us so many stimulants.

They amped us up to k*ll, and he snapped.

Don't know if he thinks he's on a mission or something, but I know he needs to be stopped.

I'll do whatever I can to help you find him.

So, what do you think you know?

Everything. Including the Starzl Mutation.

And I have to give you credit.

If what you say is right, it would explain why the 4400 were sent back in 2004.

Why they were all brought to Seattle.

This is the only place the 4400 can reproduce and have kids with abilities.

Any of this sound familiar?

I think I read the same theory in a supermarket tabloid once.

We know about your enhanced soldier programme, Dennis.

We have one of your people.

John Shaffner been showing up for many roll calls lately?

Well, as soon as we have Piersahl, we're going public with this, and there's nothing you can do to stop that.

All you can do is make yourself and this company look slightly better by cooperating with our efforts to bring him in.

We want Piersahl's personnel file. Everything you have.

If it's not in my hands in 90 seconds, John Shaffner will be standing in front of a bank of cameras before lunch.

This could be something. Maybe.

It reads like some kind of personal statement.

An essay by Piersahl.

Yeah, we had to do those to get in the programme.

They wanted us to write about some goal we achieved, something we were proud of.

This is all about a volunteer programme that he did.

There was a patch of forest that got cleared by a fire.

Piersahl volunteered to renew it so that he could become a...

Darren Piersahl was an Eagle Scout?

Yeah, he used to talk about those woods all the time.

When we were in the middle of the programme, whenever things got really bad, he used to tell me that's where he'd go in his head.

He'd imagine himself there, it calmed him down.

This patch of forest, any chance you know where it is?

Maybe you could put your arm around her, Mr. Tyler.

That's great.

The magazine wants to get a shot of the bride and groom.

Has anyone seen the groom?

Who gave you the key?

Your own bodyguard.

You started a w*r, Richard.

You turned the 4400 into an army, and you launched an attack for no reason!

We didn't have a choice.

It had to be a pre-emptive strike.

No choice. Look what you're doing.

Look at it. It has to stop.

Isabelle changed you.

You don't even know who you are anymore.

She didn't change me.

She showed me who I am.

I know myself better than ever.

And I know exactly what has to happen here.

Don't do this.



Sorry to barge in on you, it's just...

They need you down in the garden. Pictures.

Are you okay? I'm fine.

I'm just...

...a little overwhelmed.



Darren, you out here?

What are you doing here?

Darren, relax, man. It's me, Shaffner.

John, we're friends, remember?


You came. That's good.

That's good, I need your help.

I'm never gonna make it all the way through this list on my own.

Darren, you don't have to finish the list. It's someone else's agenda.

You got it all mixed up in your head. Come on with me, there's people I want you to talk to. They can help us.

They? Who are they?

It's gotta stop, man. Please.

Come with me.

No. No. Wait.

We got people covering the access road, we'll pin him down.

Fan out!

Oh, Jesus. Tom!

I can't see anything.




We lost Shaffner, Piersahl's dead.

He was on his way out before we even started fighting.

Piersahl had a s*ab wound in his stomach.

I guess Shaffner didn't go down without a fight.

Yeah. Well, they're both gone.

And there's no one left to talk about the programme.

We still have evidence.

We can go after Haspel Corp. Expose everything.

Yeah, but it would have been nice to have a face to put out there.

Now all we have are accusations and a paper trail.

And five dead bodies.

Hey, you guys gotta see this.

We are proud to announce the existence of this enhanced-soldier programme to all the world, but it should not, in any way, be seen as an offensive manoeuvre.

We have evidence suggesting other countries have similar programmes.

This is merely a response.

The young men I'm about to introduce to you have been working in secret, and we've made numerous advances.

In time, they'll become the first non-4400s to develop extra-human abilities, and they'll use them in the defence of the United States.

Now I'd like to introduce eight heroic young men, all of whom have given so much of themselves to make this breakthrough possible.

Ryland's pre-empting us.

Trotting them out there on-stage like they're the first astronauts.

Major Jeremy Elwood. First Lieutenant Raymond Garcia.

First Lieutenant Jeff Rice. First Lieutenant Brian Dawson.

Second Lieutenant James Noland.

Second Lieutenant Dirk Danoff.

The press conference was a clever move, Dennis.

I have to give credit where it's due.

But this company has five bodies on its hands.

And I'm gonna make sure everyone knows it.

Knows what? We're not denying anything.

It's unfortunate that one of my men went AWOL, but he was clearly deranged.

And I've got a whole team of doctors standing by to testify to that effect.

You created an assassin.

It's a tragedy.

And it's news, I'll admit that.

But tomorrow morning, the Piersahl case will be below the fold on every newspaper.

And all the headlines will be about our programme.

That's the way I see it, anyway.

Wait, who's feeding you your information?

You knew about the Starzl Mutation before we did.

You have a source of promicin for your programme.

Who is it?

You give me too much credit, Tom.

That stuff happens way above my security clearance.

The soldiers you're creating, are you really gonna use them to defend the country?

Or are you just gonna send them after the 4400?

Is there a difference?

Enjoy your nephew's wedding.

You sure you're ready for this?

Come on, you look ready.

Let's do this.

Hello there.

Thanks for coming. Thanks, kids.

Thank you for coming so much. Thank you for being here.

Thank you so much for being here. Thank you.

Thank you for coming so far. Thank you.

I appreciate your coming all this way. Thank you so much.

Shawn. Shawn Farrell.

Do you know who I am?