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03x07 - Blink

Posted: 08/12/20 05:32
by bunniefuu
We're not a threat. We're salvation.

The world will have to deal with us.

Previously on The 4400...

I've been offered a job working with the children at the school.

I blew the surprise, didn't I?

I just wanna make one thing clear.

Me breaking up with Danny has nothing to do with you.


What are you doing here?

I'm the guy who k*lled you.

Is this list complete, huh?

Because I'm just wondering how many 4400s you did k*ll.

What's up? Who are these guys?

They've been brought in to help expedite the interrogation.

I know you find this hard to believe, Tom, but we are on the same side.

One of our members has been compromised.

I have to assume he's gonna give up my name.

If you know where Armand is, we'll tell NTAC. They'll take care of it.

Daniel Armand's inside. He's all yours.

This is it. The last member of the Nova Group.

It's the last one we know about, anyway.

If this tip is good and we bring in Gary Navarro, this could pretty much be the end for the Nova Group.

The tip is good.

All right, here they are. Let's go.

Move. Move.

Gary! It's over!

Go. Go. Downstairs.

Room searched. You two, that way.

Got it. Clear.

Check over here.

Clear, sir.

There's nobody here.

Looks like he just left.

In the middle of making lunch?

He must have known we're coming. Someone must have tipped him off.



You're not hearing me.

Sure, I did.

You said you don't wanna be with me anymore.

I just don't see why.

The Nova Group's gone.

My dad knows about us now.

There's nothing to stop us from being together.

Yes, there is.


This is because of what happened to Matthew, right?

You think I k*lled him.

And the people from the Nova Group too.

I wasn't in my right mind, Isabelle, so I don't know what happened.

Well, then I'll tell you.

Matthew had a stroke, some t*rrorists died and you got better.

What's to question?

I just think that you and I got a little too intense, too fast.

See, I thought that was the best part.

Sorry for the interruption.

Shawn, there's someone here to see you.

She's a friend of yours. She says it's important.

Nikki. Oh, my God.

Hi. What are you doing here?

It's been a long time, Shawn.


Hi. Hi.

I should have called first. No.

No, it's fine.

You look great. How have you been?

Good. Good. School's kind of fun.

It's just...

My father.

He's been sick.

Oh, your dad? I'm sorry to hear that.

It's cancer.

It's in his pancreas.

There's nothing they can do.


Is everything okay? Yeah.

I just need to deal with this thing now.

So we'll talk later, okay?


So, Amy, you used to call your grandmother Mimi?

Yes. I'd go stay with her for two weeks every year.

But when I came back with all the other 4400s, my mom told me she was gone.

Alana Mareva?

We're from the National Security Agency.

You need to come with us.

What is this about?

The Pentagon has commissioned a study on the membership and the origins of the Nova Group.

We've been authorized to interview all persons of interest.

And why would I be a person of interest?

Ma'am, we have a list. Your name is on it.

Let's not make a scene in front of the child.

How did my name get on the list? What am I being accused of?

We have evidence that suggests you're a member of the Nova Group.

I wrote a cheque.

My friend, Ryan, at the Center, came up to me one day about six weeks ago.

He said he couldn't pay his power bill.

They were gonna shut it off if he didn't come up with the money.

It was a small loan, $165.

No big deal, right? Ryan Freel?

We picked him up three days ago.

He's one of the names Daniel Armand gave us.

So they were right. He was in Nova.

They say they can hold me for providing financial support to t*rrorists.

It was just a loan, Thomas.

How long are they gonna keep me here?

They can hold you for questioning, without any charge, for 36 hours.

But it's not gonna come to that. This is harassment.

It's not gonna continue. I'm gonna talk to Ryan Freel.

I'll get him to admit that this is just a casual thing.

That it had nothing to do with Nova.

Alana, I promise this is all gonna be over soon, just...

Just sit tight, okay?

I love you.

I know it's frustrating, but there's nothing we can do.

Nina, it's harassment, pure and simple.

Yeah, I know it is. And I don't like it either.

But the Nova Group made a lot of people nervous.

Now that it's broken, the military wanna make sure it's dead and gone.

Yeah, we all do.

It's still no excuse to hold an innocent woman based on absolutely nothing.

Well, I agree. But the Pentagon went around us on this one.

They went private.

They hired the Haspel Corporation to conduct the study.

Haspel Corp? They do a lot of defence contracting, don't they?

Right now, they're focusing on this Nova report.

NSA even loaned them agents to do field work.

Now some conglomerate has the right to arrest and detain people?

Where is the oversight?

There isn't a lot.

Look, this whole thing runs on the discretion of the executive in charge of the study.

So who's this executive?

I appreciate your frustration, Tom.

It's unfortunate that your girlfriend got involved in this mess.

But my people are just being thorough.

Your people?

Alana's being held by the National Security Agency.

The way I remember it, your life in public service ended with a perp walk through NTAC.

Yeah, there were some unpleasant moments.

But that's the past.

I was censured for my part in the inhibitor scandal, I guess you'd call it.

"Scandal"? Why don't you try "murderous plot."

Your opinions are already a matter of record.

Not that the majority of people agree with you.

Anyway, after the government saw fit to terminate my employment, I weighed my offers and wound up here. Haspel Corp.

And Alana just happened to wind up in your crosshairs, right?

Tom, do you think I would use your girlfriend to prosecute some kind of personal vendetta?

Actually, Dennis, yeah, I do.

So that's his punishment for causing the deaths of 284400s?

A six-figure consulting gig and a corner office.

Don't act so surprised, Tom.

We always knew Ryland had a lot of support for what he did.

Learning anything new?

Yeah. She's incredible.

In a week, we've made discoveries we thought it would take years to get to.

Where'd you find this girl?

He didn't find me.

I found him.


It's all right, Jimmy.


That was amazing.

It looks like my father could walk out of here this afternoon.


And I know my whole family just thanked you again and again but I wanted to say it too.

So thanks. It's all right, Nikki.

You look so different.

Last time I saw you, I don't think you even owned a belt.

You used to wear the same flannel shirt every day for a week.

A lot's changed, I guess.

And now you're doing so great.

Kind of makes me wonder why you never call just to say hi, you know?

I was just trying to put everything behind me, I guess.

But I thought about you a lot.

I've gotta go, I guess. Yeah.

Tell your dad not to hurry back to the office, okay?

He always was a workaholic.

We just got the phone records in from Gary's safe house.

A call came in at 11:14 a.m.

Eleven-fourteen? That's right before we got there.

It's a tip-off call. It had to be.

It came from inside the 4400 Center.

Look, I really don't know what to say.

I can't tell you why that call came from my office, but I didn't make it.

Heather, we've got phone records that say it came from your extension.

You said the call was made around 11:10, right?

Then there's no way it could have been me.

I was teaching a class from 11 to noon.

I was standing in front of 12 students for the entire hour.

I never left the room.

Anyone else have access to your office?

Just the janitor. But you'd have to ask Maintenance about that.

We will. We'll need to talk to your students as well.

Look, Heather, NTAC isn't the only organization investigating the Nova Group.

There's gonna be a lot of people looking at those phone records.

They're all gonna be less friendly than we are.

Sorry, GUYS-

It's like I said. I was in class.

That's all I know.

I got a little worried about you this afternoon.

You were gone all day again.

I was out walking.

I like to do that now.

Dad, I need you to talk to Shawn.

Tell him he can't break up with me. It would be a mistake.

I can't do that.

For one thing, I don't think it is.

I know how much it must hurt right now, but you'll get over it.

Don't talk to me like I'm a teenager.

There are things I have to do. They're going to be really hard.


And if Shawn's not with me, it's gonna make things worse.

Worse for who? You?

No. Everyone else.

And what if he says no?

Be more convincing.

Heather. What's up?

I need to talk to you.

Listen, I've been thinking all day about this.

I didn't tell you everything this afternoon.

There was someone who had the key to my office.

Okay, this person, I need to know who it was.

Tom, it was Alana.

I didn't wanna say anything in front of your partner.

I'm sure you understand why.

Tom, did Alana know that you found out where this guy Gary was living?

Yeah. Yeah, she did.

I was on the phone with her when the tip came in. I told her.

She knew we'd been chasing Gary for a long time.

Heather, come on, it wasn't Alana.

There has to be some other explanation.

I hope so.

And I hope you find it.

But what do I do while you're looking?

You said it yourself, you're not the only one with access to those records.

You're not the only one who's gonna come asking questions.

You tell anyone who asks the same thing you told me this afternoon.

Your alibi checks out.

Unless you say differently, no one is gonna be able to prove you lent that key to Alana or anyone else.

Heather, Alana didn't make that call.

If you just stick to your story for one more day, this whole thing will be over.

What if I say no?

She comes after me? You?

I don't know.

I know she's determined to get you back.

It's like she sees you as her one connection to the world, to people, to a normal life.

So, what you're saying is it's like my job, to keep her, I don't know, human?

It sounds that way, doesn't it?

Look, Shawn...

...I'm not trying to tell you what to do. But I do know this.

Isabelle's not giving up. Not without a fight.

And we've both seen what happens when my daughter decides to fight.

Is everything all right, Thomas?

Don't think about it as informing. You're helping us catch a criminal.

Now, I need you to tell me, who did you lend Heather's office key to?

Sweetie, please. This is important.

Somebody compromised our investigation.

I didn't give the key to anyone.

It was me, Thomas.

I called Gary Navarro.

I don't understand. Are you a member of the Nova Group?

No, of course not. Then why?

I trusted you.

I told you what we were doing and you used it to betray me.

I wasn't betraying you. I did it for you.

How many times have I heard you say that you felt responsible for what happened to Gary Navarro?

He came to you for help and instead the government used him and turned him against his own kind.

I don't like what happened to Gary. But he chose to become a t*rror1st.

He joined Nova of his own free will.

Gary wasn't with the Nova Group anymore.

What? How would you even know that?

A lot of people at the Center know it.

After the Nova Group had T.J. Kim m*rder*d, he turned his back on them.

How can you even believe that?

Gary personally tried to m*rder Dennis Ryland.

Ryland is responsible for the death of 284400s.

Twenty-eight people that might have changed the world for the better, were they allowed to live.

He declared w*r on us. I almost died, Thomas.

All Gary did was fight back.

You should have told me what you were gonna do.

I wanted to.

But I couldn't.

You were bound by your job.

You couldn't give Gary another chance.

So I did it for you.

And now you're gonna stand trial right alongside of him.

You made that phone call from the Center.

It's right there on Gary's phone records.

They'll figure it out it was you, Alana.

So, what? Am I supposed to lie for you now?

Am I supposed to become Gary's accomplice too now?

I'm not asking you to do anything, Thomas.

If you want to turn me in, fine. But I believe I did the right thing.

And I hope the man I love would believe it too.

Nikki, if I did pay off your dad's hospital bill...

And I'm not admitting to anything.

...Let's just say that it's not that big of a deal, okay?

I'm glad to do something with my money.

Giving up my social life to work seven days a week at this place has to have its perks, right?

I have a hard time believing that you don't have a social life.

Running this place is a big job.

You know, it kind of cuts you off from the world.

Well, I don't have $60,000.

But if you're feeling isolated, you know, maybe I can pay you back in another way.

There's a new sushi place that opened in Belltown.

It's supposed to be pretty cool.

You like sushi now?

You're not the only one who can change.

Just give me a second, okay?

Hey, Shawn.

Have you seen my copy of The Republic in here?

No, you know what? I haven't seen it.

Hello again. I'm Isabelle.

Nikki. Nice to meet you.

I've heard of you.

Well, let me know if you find my book.

I'm right in the middle of it.

So tomorrow night?

You wanna check out this new sushi place?


Oh, my God.

Tom, I'm so sorry.

Anything I can do to help?

I don't know.

I don't know what I can do. I can't just turn Alana in.

If we do catch Gary, eventually he's gonna give her up.

So, either way, her life is ruined.

Well, Tom, there's no way you can try and shake this agency off Gary's scent.

You'll wind up a felon yourself.

I have to do something, Diana. We're talking about Alana.

And one way or another, we've been together for more than a decade.

I have to protect her.

Once I know she's safe, then I can figure out how we move on.

If we move on.

You need to keep yourself safe too.

I think that the best thing that we can do, the only thing we can do... to take ourselves off this case.

And do what?

Cross our fingers.

Hope Gary buys himself a one-way ticket to Costa Rica.

What did you expect to happen?

I don't know. But it's only for 36 hours, right?

That's all they can hold her for. Honestly, I'm not sure.

They can hold her for as long as it takes to investigate her alibi.

We're talking about Dennis Ryland here.

You told me a dozen times, he'll do whatever it takes to get information.

He's going to interrogate her and I don't know how far it's gonna go.

Alana, I'll call his office in the morning.

I checked out Heather's alibi myself.

I'll give them my notes. It'll all go on the record.

Right now it's all I can do.

You know, I'm always happy to talk to one of the 4400.

But I have to say, I was surprised to find you waiting outside my office this morning.

You can release Heather Tobey. That phone call to Gary Navarro, I was the one who made it.

Dennis, thanks for seeing me on such short notice.

What were you thinking, Tom, to get romantically involved with a 4400?

What Alana did was misguided. It was wrong.

But Gary wasn't part of the Nova Group anymore.

Are you actually gonna stand here and defend Gary Navarro to me?

The Nova Group isn't a bridge club. You don't just leave.

Even if Gary tried to, that doesn't absolve his other crimes, which include attempted m*rder.

If the doctors had gotten to me 30 seconds later, I would have been dead.

I know how badly you want him, Dennis.

If it was up to me, Gary Navarro would never even make it to trial.

Okay, forget about Gary.

Can we just concentrate on Alana?

Well, I'm afraid it's not possible to make that distinction.

They're kind of intertwined, aren't they, Tom?

Alana will be prosecuted like any other member of the Nova Group.

She's not a member of the Nova Group.



We've known each other for 25 years.

You have to help me.

Like you helped me when my back was to the wall?

Okay, I'm not a petty man, Tom.

I'll honour our relationship.

Thank you.

I appreciate anything you can do.

I'll tell NSA you had nothing to do with this.

You may be a dupe, but you're not a traitor.

And as for Alana, the best chance of seeing mercy is to cooperate fully and help us find Gary Navarro.

Now you wanna catch Gary Navarro?

Tom, we've already passed the case off to Roth and Tierney.

We've got to get him before they do.

We've got to get him before Ryland does. Before anyone.

Look, Ryland wants Gary. It's a personal thing.

If we get can get Gary first, we can deal with Ryland directly.

A straight-up trade. Gary for Alana.

So Ryland gets his hands on Gary and it happens with no official record.

No arrest. None of that sticky due process.

You really think that Ryland's gonna agree to that?

If we dangle Gary in front of him? In a heartbeat.

Look, Tom, I...

You saved my daughter's life.

I owe you everything for that and I'll do what you want here.

But this is dangerous.

And it's a lot of trouble to go to for...

...a woman who just betrayed you.

I owe her that much. More than that.

My son is incarcerated, Diana.

Alana's been right there with me all the way through it.

And she doesn't deserve to rot in some secret prison for the rest of her life.

Well, any idea where we'd start?


Hey, Shawn.


What are you doing in here?

I came by to talk.

I know you're still thinking about us, but we're still friends, right?

I can still drop by.

Well, Isabelle, usually friends knock.

What's up?

I came to talk to you about Nikki.

I know you pretty well.

I don't think she's the right girl for you.

Well, I don't know why you think she's my girl.

You're entitled to your opinion, though, I guess.

I'm just trying to protect you.

I just have this feeling that if you guys get together...'s going to end badly.

Isabelle, what does that mean?

Are you threatening Nikki now? Of course not.

Why would I thr*aten Nikki?

It's just, I have this feeling that if you two hook up, it's not going to end well.

Not for you.

Especially not for her.

It's always harder on the girl, you know?


Are you doing okay?

Yeah, more or less.

I want to help you, Alana. I want to get you out of here.

I don't think you can. I do.

I think there's a way, but I need you to trust me.

I think you should cooperate with Dennis Ryland.

Tell him whatever he wants to know.

I can't do that, Thomas.

That would be a betrayal.

Learn to live with it.

Listen to me, if you don't cooperate, I don't think you're ever gonna get out of here.

I can't.

Then I can't help you.


I was supposed to take the students on a field trip to the aquarium this afternoon.

I need you to go there and leave them a note.

There's a bulletin board outside the aquarium.

You should put it there and it should say "field trip cancelled."

Some of the kids will show up with their parents.

When you see them, give them my apologies.

I'll make sure they understand.

It was a code. At least I think it was.

She was telling me how to get ahold of Gary.

Well, I don't know, Tom. It's already been two hours.

Let's give it another 15 minutes.


Gary, stop!

Oh, my God. Get down, get down.

Move along. Get down, get down, get down.

Look out. Get out of the way.

Look out, look out.

Get out of the way.

Hey. Go get the g*n.

Come on.

Get the kids, get the kids.

Look out, get back.

Go, move. Watch out, watch out.

Don't move, Gary. Don't move.

It's over, Gary.

Come on, get up.

So you're gonna turn me over to Ryland.

You know what he's gonna do to me, right?

Ryland is gonna interrogate me.

Yeah, you know all about that.

You've seen that firsthand.

And then he's going to disappear me.

No trial. No record.

I'm not a mind reader, Gary. Not like you.

I have no idea what Ryland's gonna do with you.

That how you get through this hand-off with your conscience intact?

All right, you wanna know? I'm trading you for Alana.

She helped you, now it's your chance to help her. You owe her that much.

You made your own bed, Gary.

Nobody forced you to join Nova. Nobody forced you to k*ll people.

I was a baseball player.

I was worried about making the major leagues.

That's it.

If I hadn't met you two, I'd be shagging grounders right now.

Okay, you should go. If you still want to, that is.

But if you make this deal with Ryland, it's forever.

I mean, we live with this.

I'll call you after the meet.

You're gonna have to move him right away.

Seven-thirty, on the nose.

I gotta say, I'm impressed.

A big mogul like you, figured that you'd keep a girl waiting.

Hey. Hey.

You ready to go?

Nikki, listen, we can't do this.

Do what? Dinner?

Shawn, it's not a big deal. That's what people do at night.

You know this is about more than just dinner.

I'm sorry. I don't mean to stand you up.

I just can't do this right now.

Shawn, I don't get it.

What happened?

Did some adviser tell you that I don't fit in with your PR strategy?

No, nothing like that.

It's gonna sound like a stupid guy thing.

Me leaving here right now is the best thing I can do for you.

All right, then.



So, Tom, I'm guessing that if I don't agree to this trade you're proposing, you're not gonna drop Navarro off at the nearest police station, are you?

You say no and you can forget about getting your hands on Gary Navarro.

I'll get him a passport, a plane ticket.

He'll be in a Third World country by this time tomorrow.

And if I decide to play along?

You want to know whether I'll be asking questions about Gary Navarro after you drive away with him?

No, I won't be.

It's gonna be tricky to make the charges against Alana go away.

You can do it, Dennis. I have faith in you.

Let's go.

Listen, take this key ring.

The blue key opens a safe-deposit box.

There are eight letters inside, and I'd appreciate it if you'd mail them.

These letters, who are they addressed to?

Eight families. All over the world.

Your NSA work.

Those are the families of the 4400s that you helped target.

Right. I figure...'s time to let them know what happened.

Give them a sense of closure.

Seems like the least I can do.

Seems like the only thing I can do, actually.

You okay?

I'm sorry.

It's all right. I know it wasn't your idea.

Nice working with you again, Tom.

Well, that went well.

Tell me, why do I have such a weird feeling in my stomach?

It's not easy to sentence a man to death.

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Quiet back there.

It's all right. Let him pray.

Forgive us our trespasses as we...

Look out. Pull over.

Get out of the car. Get out.

Keep your hands where I can see them. Up.

Keep your hands where I can see them.

Are you okay? Okay.

Tom, you need to think about this.

Tom, you're letting a t*rror1st walk free.

No, I was a soldier. You created me.

All I did was switch sides. Well, guess what?

Now I'm done fighting.

I'm walking away from the w*r. There is no walking away.

You've got numerous federal charges hanging over your head, including attempted m*rder.

Murderers walk free all the time, Dennis.

Some of them even get cushy jobs at Fortune 500 companies.

Very cute, Tom.

Have you thought about what this means for your girlfriend?

Making her a fugitive is kind of a funny way of showing your love.

I'd rather be on the run than be responsible for handing over a 4400 to you.

Skouris, you're supposed to be the level-headed one.

Are you really gonna throw your career away because your partner is on some personal crusade?

Oh, I don't see it that way, Dennis.

And if you want to hold on to your job, you won't say anything about this.

A 4400 you personally signed out of a military detention facility?

A secret trade in a remote location? It's all kind of messy.

I'm guessing this one stays off the books.

Let's go.

Nice working with you again, Dennis.

There's two IDs in there, and there's enough cash to last you for a while.

The Canadian border's about 30 miles away.

I'd... I'd cross as soon as you can. Ryland will be looking.


You know, it's been almost two years since I've met you two.

And I remember that you said that you would help me.

Well, it's been a long time coming, but I guess you finally came through.

Thank you.

I didn't want us to end, Thomas. Even And especially not here, like this.

It doesn't have to end.

I can come with you.

You can't.

You need to be here.

You're one of the only good men left in this fight.

I'll find a way to bring you back. I promise.