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03x02 - Being Tom Baldwin

Posted: 08/12/20 05:27
by bunniefuu
We're not a threat. We're salvation.

The world will have to deal with us.

Previously on The 4400...

You two remember Gary Navarro? You're clear on what we're doing?

You want to use a 4400 to track down other 4400s.

You insist that you alone gave the go-ahead for the Promicin Inhibitor Programme.

We were doing everything we could to prevent the 4400 from developing extra-human capabilities.

It's going to come down to us against them.

This is a message from the Nova Group.

We are the defensive wing of the 4400.

Today, the world has seen what happens to those who try to harm us.

A second demonstration of our capabilities is planned for October 19th.

They're off the inhibitor. We can't even pretend to have a comprehensive list of what these people can do.

You never said anything about k*lling people.

We don't help each other, what hope do we have?

Dad. Where's Isabelle?

I am your daughter. I'm Isabelle.

Lily, are you all right?

Is Isabelle with you? Who are you?

There is a one-to-one correspondence between the amount you lost and the amount you gained.

I caused all this, right?

And getting rid of me is the only way to save my mother.


What are you doing here?

It's important that you know it was me.

I'm the guy who k*lled you.

Med post, do you have a 20 on Gary Navarro?

Yeah, he just walked by. Why? Get him.

Hey. Stop!

Go. I'll check on Ryland.

He's seizing. He's bradying down.

I need a crash cart and Ativan. Find Dr. Danoff. Now!

Stay right there, Gary.


Isabelle. Oh, God!

Somebody call an ambulance!

What's everybody standing around for?

Somebody call an ambulance! They're on their way.

Somebody call an ambulance. Dad.

What am I?

It's miraculous, Shawn.

When I watch you heal someone, well, it makes me wonder why they hate us so much.

They hate us because you're k*lling them, Daniel.

They're afraid of us. I can't blame them.

You make it sound like we acted out of some sort of blood lust.

These were precise tactical strikes, Shawn.

And you and every other 4400 were ultimately much safer because of them.

You k*lled people.

That's not what we discussed when you approached me.

I gave you money to start a defensive arm for the Center, in case the government ever came after us again.

It was a precaution.

And all we've done is taken precautionary measures.

Shawn, do you think because their inhibitor programme was exposed, that the government's just gonna leave us in peace?

They know we've gotten stronger, which threatens their hold on power, which increases their need to eliminate us.

So we strike first?

Is that it?

Is that what happens on the 19th?

Look, Shawn.

You do great work at that Center of yours.

You just focus on that.

I don't wanna distract you. Knowledge can be a burden.

And thanks for helping T.J. out.

You're a hero to your own people.

Don't forget that.


It did not work, you know.

Ryland was OD'ing, but the doctors pulled him out of it.

He'll be awake within a couple of hours.

Well, I'm sure you're as disappointed as I am.

Don't worry, we'll get him.

Let's talk about Wesley Hauser. You first met him in quarantine.

I liked Wes.

He was ten kinds of crazy, but his heart was in the right place.

I guess he was bipolar or something, but he never took medication.

After quarantine, he lived on the streets.

I used to visit him down at the docks.

You know, give him food, a little money.

So when did you decide to k*ll him?

Wes, he didn't need my help with that.

He drank about three bottles of Mad Dog a day.

One morning, about a month ago, I went down to see him, and I found him by the dumpster, dead.

Somewhere in the middle of your grieving process, you figured he'd make a handy decoy.

No, Hauser wouldn't have minded it.

I mean, he hated people like you going back to his Marine Corps days.

So when I found him, I said a word or two over his body.

And I pushed him into Elliot Bay.

So how long you been working with this Nova Group?

Did someone approach you? Was the whole thing your idea?

Tell me. You and this girlfriend of yours.

Is it like a role-playing thing you get up to, or is she actually taking you into these...?

I don't know. What do you call it? Fantasy worlds?

Oh, and this guy, Marco.

Does he know that you're too embarrassed to tell your partner that you two have been dating?

Done showing off?

Why don't you tell us what's gonna happen on October 19th?

I guess you're gonna have to find yourself another telepath.

Good luck with that.

So you got nothing out of him? He told us about Hauser.

But as far as the Nova goes, it's gonna take time to break him down.

How much time? He's a telepath.

He knows what we're thinking. Longer than usual.

Okay, so it's not easy.

But Gary Navarro has a Level 7 security clearance.

We must assume he's been using it to funnel national secrets to the Nova Group.

We need to know what he knows. Now.

He'll talk.

Gary's been inside our heads for a year.

I think I know how to get inside of his.

Careful with this, please. Matthew.

I didn't expect to see you back for a couple weeks.

Nova Group provides my calendar for me.

Wiped it clean, actually.

It's difficult to lobby on behalf of the 4400 when some of them are boasting about their body count.

I suppose.

How's Lily? Any improvement since I left?

If anything, she's getting worse. Sorry to hear that.


She tried to k*ll herself this morning.

She jumped off the roof.

A few minutes later, she was walking around like nothing happened.

I gotta tell you, Matthew.

I'm not gonna lie. I'm really glad you're back.

Hello, Isabelle.

Hello. Who are you?

My name is Matthew Ross. I work closely with Shawn.

I'm an adviser to the 4400. May I come in?

I understand there was an incident this morning.

You attempted to harm yourself.

I see.

You had no right to do that!

Don't you understand who you are?

What you're here to do?

No. Well, I do.

I know everything about you. I know why you're here, and I know what you're supposed to do.


And I'll tell you a story.

You'll like it.

It's about your past and it's about your future.

I know you went to a lot of trouble to get this.

Thank you. But...?

I'm not sure I wanna send Maia to a school that only teaches 4400s.

It sounds like a great way to get her to withdraw even further from the world.

Just pretend it's got nothing to do with the 4400 for a second.

It's a good school. You know, top-notch faculty.

The facilities are great. And it's all free.

The 4400 Center picks up the whole tab.

They even have a class on how to manage your abilities.

Just give me some time to think about it, okay? It's a big step.

I was kind of hoping Dr. Burkhoff would have, I don't know, a magic pill or something.

What's he working on? Anything interesting?

You know that promicin serum that he invented that saved everybody?

Well, I saw a syringe at his place, and it looked like there was some in it.

You don't think he's injecting it into himself, do you?

That's ridiculous.

I am not injecting myself with the promicin serum.

Good. I'm glad to hear it.

I'm injecting myself with a modified version of the promicin serum.

Dr. Burkhoff, I have to ask you this:

Have you stopped taking your medication?

Of course not. I'm as sane as you are.

Once the course of treatment is finished, I will have taught my body how to produce promicin.

And then I will be the first non-returnee to develop 4400 abilities.

The first of many.

You're talking about the next step in human evolution.

Do you think the world's ready for that?

The world is never ready for change. You have to force it on them.

Isn't that why the 4400 were brought back?

Isn't that why the future woke me up?

You shouldn't be doing research of this magnitude in, excuse me, but... In a dump.

These aren't exactly sterile conditions.

You could help me with that.

You have a scientific background, right?

I have graduate degrees in microbiology and epidemiology.

Good. That'll be handy.

I need someone to monitor my progress as the changes continue.


I think it's an exciting first step, don't you?

I was thinking, next time, we could make a world where Kyle never shot Jordan Collier, never went to prison, the inhibitor scandal never happened.

Sounds nice.

Although I have to tell you, at the moment, I'm not really feeling a need to be transported to some kind of fantasy world.

As long as this water stays hot, things are A-okay with me right here and now.

Maybe tomorrow we can try it again.

I'll take a rain cheque.

I'm going to a seminar at the 4400 Center tomorrow.

It's about what we can expect physically now that we're off the inhibitor.

Is everything okay? You're not having any problems, are you?

No, I feel fine. I feel great, actually.

Well, then I don't get it. Why do you need to go?

I don't. I wanna go. I'm curious.

But why? You never wanted to go to the Center before.

Why start now?

I never felt the need to be around other 4400s before.

Now you do?

It's just a seminar, Thomas.

Yeah, okay.

I get it.

You're sitting in my spot.


It's okay. There's room for two people to sit.

You've got Stalin, Pol Pot and the Marquis de Sade?

Did you finish all the fun books?

Well, I'm interested in learning more about evil.

Everybody's scared of me. So I thought, what if they're right?

What if I'm bad? Why would you think that?

Sometimes, I think I feel it inside of me, like, I could be capable of anything.

Everyone's capable of anything.

Believe me, I know. How?

Have you done bad things? Yeah, of course I have.

Will you tell me about them?


I slept with my brother's girlfriend. How bad is that?

Some people would call that a major betrayal.

This man did much worse than that. Well, I'm not a dictator.

But I've done the big kind of bad too.

I can't say much about it, but I gave some money to some people.

They used it for something really, really wrong.

And I don't think that they're finished.

Well, can you stop them?

The thing is, so far, they've only gone after bad people.

People that tried to k*ll me. Tried to k*ll all of us.

So if they've only gone after bad people, then doesn't that make them good? I don't know.

We're relating now, aren't we?

I read about this.

Yeah, we are.

How was it for you?

I liked it.

We talked.

It helped me understand good and evil.

According to you, you get to pick. It's a choice.

I have it right, don't I?

Yeah, you do.

Do you recognise those names?

They're 4400s. All of them foreign nationals.

Alesandro Ortiz from Venezuela.

Ismael Namir from Libya. Chitra Singh from Indonesia.

They've all gone missing in the past year.

That's one year.

That's about as long as you've worked for the NSA, isn't it, Gary?

We checked your travel records.

You left Venezuela two days before Ortiz disappeared.

Same thing in Libya, Indonesia. Everyone on that list.

You were there. They went away.

What exactly did you do for the NSA, Gary?

There's an arms race going on, isn't there?

Only now it's with 4400s.

These people, I bet their abilities make the wrong people very nervous.

And the NSA couldn't stand by while foreign and potentially hostile governments developed what?

Human weapons of mass destruction?

Is this list complete, huh?

Because I'm just wondering how many 4400s you did k*ll.

I did not k*ll anyone. Oh, no, no, no.

You got the right people in the right ZIP code because you were living back home

"very comfortably when the actual dirty work was done."

And that's why you went across to the Nova Group, isn't it, Gary?

Because you just couldn't live with yourself.

The NSA told me that I was helping my country.

They didn't fill in the blanks. I had to do that myself.

You felt used.

They made you a w*apon against your own people.

So when did you figure it out?

What's up? Who are these guys?

This is Agent Wood and Dr. Boll of the NSA.

They've been brought in to help expedite the interrogation.

First of all, no more sitting.

Brought in by whom? Gary Navarro tried to k*ll me.

I made a phone call. I had him talking.

I was making progress. Not fast enough.

The members of Gary's cell know he's been taken.

They're already changing their plans.

If it takes too long to break him, the information he gives us is stale.

Yeah. I know you find this hard to believe, but we are on the same side.

We have the same goal.

Those agents are tools.

Use them.

I can't open my hand.

I woke up from a nap, and it was all bunched up like this.

Arthritis, I can handle.

I've been trading e-mails with somebody down at the Mayo Clinic.

He says we should go to Sweden and try this experimental treatment.


What's this?

Open it.

Can you believe that the Air Force lets you do that now?

You give them some money, and they let you ride along in an F-16.

It says here I get to take the controls.

I talked to the guy who was in charge of the programme and I told him about your background as a pilot, and he said he would let you drive for 30 seconds.

Lily, I was a pilot in 1950.

That's why it's only 30 seconds.

Happy birthday, Richard.

Thanks, but it's not my birthday for another six weeks.

Richard, I'm not going to be here in six weeks.

That's not true. Yes, it is.

You and I have both known for a while.

Richard, I'm dying.

Lily, I know how hard this is on you, but you can't give up.

Shawn said he's willing to stay here with you all day if he has to.

He'll keep you healthy. He can't.

Not anymore.

Are all these people 4400s?

Some are. Some just wish they were.

Why would they want that?

Good morning. Welcome to the Center.

Are you a 4400?

No, sweetie. Are you?

Well, it is an honour to meet you.

Are you here to take our seminar?

No. We're here to look at the school.

We have an appointment with Ms. Tobey.

I'll get her right away.

In the meantime, would you sign in and register your ability?

We're creating a database.

You sure you wanna do this?

I wanna meet kids like me.

My name is Alana Mareva.

I have to admit, I was pretty hesitant about coming here today.

I was lucky. My life was pretty much intact when I was returned.

I never thought much about being a 4400.

But when we all got sick, and seeing everyone together in quarantine, it made me feel like I had been denying a part of myself.

So here I am.

And I'm glad I came.

Anything you wanna tell me?


Let's end this.

Who contacted you first?

Just give me a name.

Oh, man.

October 19th is two days away.

Now, you got something to tell me or not?

Suit yourself.

One of our members has been compromised.

I have to assume he's gonna give up my name.

What, so you call me?

For all I know, NTAC is monitoring this line.

Well, we're gonna have to go underground.

It's gonna cost money.

You think I'm just gonna write you a cheque?

You can arrange it however you want.

I need it tomorrow.

I will see you at the usual spot, at the usual time.

We are in a w*r, and we all have to do our part.

Talk to me, Gary. What do you got to say, man?

Talk to me! Talk to me.

I need names.

Give me a name!

Talk to me, Gary. Daniel Armand.

Daniel Armand.

Daniel Armand.

Okay. That's a start.

Who else? That's it.

He was my only contact.

I never met anyone else in the group. He kept us all separate.

I'm sorry. I'm just having a hard time believing that's true.

His pulse is tachy at 210. Systolic's up to 240.

We need to lay off. We've only got one name.

Can't put him under again. Not for a few hours.

We haven't got a few hours. Don't worry. He's my responsibility.

No. No.

No, he's not. He's ours. And he's done for the day.

Okay, so he's back. It's not like we weren't expecting this.

No. Relax.

He won't get anywhere near Isabelle.

We'll find him, and we'll deal with it.

You made a mistake.

You got the wrong person. I have to go. I don't think I do.

Those things you told me, those things you said I'm going to do.

That's not me. I have a choice.

I don't know who you are, and I don't know how you think you know so much about me, but you're wrong. Isabelle, I understand why you're having trouble adjusting.

Growing up is hard, but don't be angry at the messenger.

It's not my plan.

I'm just here to help facilitate, to help you reach your full potential.

Think of me as a favourite uncle.

No. No, I don't have any uncles.

I don't have any uncles, and I won't be a part of any plan.

That's fair enough. You can always opt out.

You can even try saving your mother if you like.


What is that? Open it.

There aren't a lot of things that'll hurt you, Isabelle.

But that right there, that'll do the job.

If you can't accept the fact that your life is vastly more important than your mother's, just give yourself that shot. You'll be dead in minutes.

And Lily? Who knows?

Maybe she'll wake up and be a young woman again.

Will it really save her? I don't know. It's a gamble.

But if you can't live with who you are, then don't.

Sorry about that.

Good. I knew it.

I knew I had a clean cup somewhere.

Now, where are the filters?

It's okay. I don't need coffee. I swear I just saw them.

Do you mind if I just use paper towels?

Kevin, if I do this... If you do it?

You're already doing it.

You're here, right?

If I monitor you throughout this experiment, I need you to know one thing.

If it gets to a point where your life is in danger, I am cutting this off.

I will not stand by and watch you die.

Well, I would hope not, because I'm too valuable.

I think this is gonna be fun.

I haven't really worked with anyone for quite some time.

I'm looking forward to it.

Wanna draw some blood?


We were just downstairs. The guard on duty said Wood signed Gary out.

Gary was transferred to an NSA-run facility.

But he's a 4400. He's ourjurisdiction.

And someone at the Pentagon signed an order overriding us.

Apparently, they feel we lack experience in high-pressure interrogation.

And who do you think put that little bug in their ear?

I don't know if it was Ryland or not. But we had our shot at Navarro.

Now, tomorrow is October 19th.

We are a day away from an announced t*rror1st attack.

The NSA thinks they can get him to talk.

So where are they taking him? They didn't share that information.

This is so wrong. This is the only place in the country that's at least somewhat equipped to handle 4400s.

Do you think that I didn't tell him that?

They weren't interested.

Isabelle. Hi.

May I come in?

Are you going somewhere?

I saw Dad putting luggage into his car.

Oh, we're just gonna try another clinic, but we will be away for a while.

Do you want me to come with you? No.

No, it's all right. Thank you.

Now, if there's anything that you need, you can talk to Shawn.


He'll be looking out for you, okay?


I wanna give you this.

It's my wedding band. I inherited it from my grandmother.

Her name was Lily too.

You used to love to play with it when you were a little baby.

I remember. You can wear it if you want.

I always knew that I would give it to you one day.

It doesn't fit me anymore, and I'd hate to lose it.

I'll keep it safe for you.

I know you will.

I'm sorry I have to leave so soon.

I wish we had more time together.

Well, when do you think you'll be back?

It's hard to say.

Goodbye, Isabelle.


Thank you very much. I'll take her from here.

Thank you.

Okay, you told her we were going over to the hospital?

How'd it go over? Oh, fine.

I had it easy. I got to lie.

You're the one who has to tell her the truth.

What's going on?

What's happening?

We'll get him.

Funny, that's the exact same thing Navarro said about you.

So far, he's wrong.

He never should've been moved in the first place.

There was no reason. There was every reason.

You're too soft, Tom. I don't know what's happened to you.

No, I had him, Dennis! You lost him.

Sunset's in four hours.

At this point, we can't even say with 100% certainty that it's gonna rise again in the morning.

And the one guy who can tell us is gone.

That's a defeatist attitude. We'll get him.

Yeah, I know. You keep saying that.

Hey, Shawn.

You got something for me? Where's Daniel?

Busy. He sent me.

No, no, no. That's not how we work. Today it is.

You can trust me.

You saved my life. I owe you.

Come on. Let's get this over with.

I feel a little naked standing out here.


Listen, if there's ever anything you need...

You sold us...

Get in there, get in there.

You okay? Yeah, I'm fine.

I don't guess we'll be seeing her in court anytime soon.

No, you did the right thing by calling us, Shawn.


You're a hero.

One minute to go.

Just tell me one thing. Are we as prepared as we can be?

The entire country's on level-red terror alert.

All commercial air traffic has been suspended for the day.

The National Guard has been deployed to likely targets.

"Likely targets." Kind of a broad term.

I wish T.J. could've narrowed that down for us.

Well, me too. But we have to keep her sedated to inhibit her ability.

She's already turned this place into a w*r zone once.

So now we wait.

Well, that's it.

October 19th.

Looks like the world's still here.

For the moment, anyway.

Oh, my God!

What? What happened? It's the Nova Group.

Certainly, "miracle" is an imprecise term, but I'm not sure how else to describe it.

To repeat:

Fm broadcasting five from the Nubian Desert, north of Khartoum, where overnight, a thousand-acre patch of barren sand has somehow been transformed into fertile wheat fields.

Scientists are at a loss to explain the conversion, but tests confirm that the wheat is real and edible.

There hasn't been food growing in that part of the world since before the birth of Christ.

They make us all terrified, and then rather than attacking us, they give us a gift.

Our station has just received a statement from the radical 4400 organization known as the Nova Group, claiming responsibility for this morning's transformation.

You are witnesses to the beginning of a new era.

What happens next is up to you.

The 4400 can be mankind's greatest ally, or its most dangerous adversary.

Don't kid yourself. It's an attack. An act of aggression, anyway.

They just showed everyone that they can change the world, and there's not a damn thing we can do about it.

Hello? I'm very disappointed in you, Shawn.

Daniel. I realise you're still a young man.

But I'm afraid I can't forgive you.

Keith, Fm broadcasting five from the Nubian Desert...

It's okay, Kyle. Daddy's...

Daddy's here. I'm right here.

I'm right here.

Just go to sleep.

Hey, I'm Tyler.



We are here.

Hasn't changed much, has it? No.

We were so happy here.

Just you and me, and the baby.

It was so much simpler.

Would you like to head on inside? No, not just yet.

No, let's stay out here for a while.

It's so peaceful.

Remember when you went into labour?

I could hardly get the car into gear.

But you gave me directions to the hospital.

How did you stay so calm?
