01x09 - The Ties That Bind

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Magnum P. I.". Aired: September 2018 to present.*
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An ex-Navy Seal returns to Hawaii as a private investigator.
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01x09 - The Ties That Bind

Post by bunniefuu »

Where is she? This way.

I found her hiding in the shed, and she won't come out; she's pretty scared.

Is she injured? She's got bloodied feet, and she also has her wrists...

I think she was tied up.

Got to be her, right? The girl from the news.



It's the police, Amanda.

She was in here, I swear.

Get the dogs. Copy that.

As a private investigator, you tend to work a lot of low-profile, under-the-radar cases, helping those who have no one else to turn to.

I was a little surprised when I got a call from the parents of Amanda Sako.

She was abducted six weeks back, but escaped after a few days.

Tough kid. Case got a lot of attention.

They had HPD, Five-O, even the FBI on it.

Which makes me wonder, what do they want with me?

We want you to catch the person who took Amanda.

As far as I know, HPD is still investigating the case, right?

Technically, but they haven't made any progress.

The man who kidnapped our daughter is still out there.

I learned a little bit about what happened from the news.

She was taken not too far from here, right?

She was walking over to her friend Sophie's house.

The were doing SAT prep.

She forgot her laptop, and was walking back to get it.

Except she never made it back here.

He walked up to her on the street, blew some powder in her face, this...

They call it Devil's Breath?

Hmm. Scopolamine. Right.

He put her in a trunk, took her out to the woods, stuck her in a shed or something.

He blindfolded her and tied her up.

But she escaped.

After five days.

The police found her out near a farm in Waialua.

And he never attempted to contact you or made any ransom demands?

No. Not that we could give him much.

I'm an I.T. consultant.

Mari is a math teacher at Oahu Prep.

Mr. and Mrs. Sako, I am sorry to have to ask this, but did...?

He didn't touch her. Not that way, at least.

It's okay. We know it's relevant.

We still don't know why he took her.

The police said they thought maybe he was going to...

I don't know, sell her.

Can I talk to Amanda?

You can try.


This is Mr. Magnum.

He's the private investigator we were telling you about.

Hi, Amanda. I'm Thomas.

Nice to meet you.


Do you mind if I, uh...

Mind if I talk to you for a minute?

Where is that? 'Akaka Falls?

One of your favorite places maybe, huh?


Amanda, please. He's trying to help.

Well, I don't want his help. I told you, I don't want to do this.

Honey... No, no, it's, it's okay.

It's, um...

It's hard to talk to people after what you've been through.

You don't know who to trust.

Believe me, I know what it's like.


You know what it feels like?

I was held when I was in the military.

I get it.

Look, I just...

I just want to put it behind me, okay?

But I can't do that when everyone keeps bringing it up.

I just want, I just want to be left alone.

This was our daughter.

We were so grateful when they found her.

We thought they got her back, but they didn't.

Not this girl. This girl didn't come home.

Finding the man who took her is the only thing that will bring her back.

I got was Alan was saying.

In a way, Amanda's still a prisoner.

Her parents think finding their daughter's kidnapper will help her heal.

I have my own personal reasons to think they're right.

But if I'm gonna get anywhere, she needs to tell me what happened first.

And that might require help from someone with a more gentle touch. Pull!

Six out of six. Pretty badass.

Mahalo, Kumu.


Yeah. Pull!


What are you doing?

You okay, Thomas?

Yeah, just suffering from a minor heart attack; no big deal.

You don't think I'd actually shot at you, Magnum?

To be fair, it could've happened.

She's right.

Yes, but I wouldn't have missed is my point.


Thomas, do me a favor and take over for me.

I got to get to the cultural center.

Aloha! Aloha.


Well, what?

You want a favor. Out with it.

I don't want anything from you.

It's for a client, correct?


Well, then it's really for you.

Okay, my client is Amanda Sako.

You know, the girl that was kidnapped not too long ago?

I don't understand.

I mean, if she won't talk to you, what is it you think I can do?

Well, you know Rick, Nuzo, TC, and I were, uh, held by the Taliban, right?

Uh, yeah.

I-I heard about that.

Okay, so after we escaped, we, uh, got sent to this military hospital in Germany and met this corpsman who had lost four guys in his unit.

You know, he was spiraling; none of the meds or therapies they tried on him worked.

But the one thing that did help was... yoga.

There have been several controlled trials showing that yoga helps with PTSD.

Yeah, well, I know this might be a long shot, but I'm thinking that maybe it could help Amanda.

Plus, she was taken by a man, and I just feel like she might be more comfortable around a woman.

I just don't know what else to do.

Apollo likes you. He's hard to please.

Well, I'm not gonna answer any questions.

That's all right, 'cause I'm not gonna ask you any.

Then why am I here?

Questions, or even talking... useless in the state you're in.

My "state"?

A state of imbalance.

Now, the purpose of yoga is balance.

And until you're balanced... you're no good to anyone.

Especially yourself.

Trust me.

You think I do this to stay in shape?

Arms up.

Come on.

Katsumoto, thanks for coming.

Got to admit, I didn't think you'd want to help.

Normally, you don't appreciate my, uh... interference.

Maybe you're growing on me, Magnum.

You're not growing on me. I'm helping because it could help both of us.

And more importantly, Amanda. Here's the case file.

It's thin.

Amanda was traumatized and wouldn't really talk to us.

Plus, she never got a good look at her kidnapper.

I'm sure you canvassed the neighborhood.

You come up with anything?

No. We also talked to her friends, teachers.

We dumped her phone. Still nothing.

How is that even possible?

I don't know.

But one thing I do know is that predator is still out there.

Maybe he'll grab some other kid. Maybe he already has.

Maybe there were others before Amanda.

Point is, I want to catch this guy before he harms anyone else, and give that young lady some peace.

But I keep hitting a wall, so... if you can generate a lead, well, I'm just fine with that.

Six weeks ago, the guy who owns this place found her hiding in there.

And she took off right before we got here.

Any idea why?

I think she was scared.

She'd just spent five days in captivity, bound to a wall in some dark, windowless place.

Both hands were zip-tied.

And he had her deep in the woods, somewhere out there.

You have no idea where.

Well, tracing her footprints, they all came from somewhere east of here.

Now, we think after she escaped, she ran for two to three hours, which means she could have traveled up to a dozen miles that night.

So your search grid must have covered at least a hundred square miles.

115. And believe me, we searched every inch.

Didn't find a thing.

One hand.

Easy. Slowly.

Oh. Wait...

Oh. Apollo. Okay.

I can't do this. Yes, you can.

No. You absolutely can.

And when you do, you'll realize there is nothing more empowering than your body achieving something your mind thought it couldn't.

It's not that easy.

Nothing is.

You cannot let what happened to you chart the course of the rest of your life.

What makes you such an expert?

Age, for one thing.

You're not that old.

Thank you.

But, uh, age is more than a measurement of time.

It's a catalog of experiences.

And I, too, have some unpleasant ones.

Oh, God.

How do...

I told you, I don't just do this to stay in shape.


No. No. No. Nearly.


Is Amanda okay?


Um, and I think she's ready to talk.

There's a lot I don't remember.

Just tell us what you do remember.

I couldn't get my hands free.

Finally, I-I dislocated my thumb.

I had no idea where I was.

I just kept running, as fast as I could.

And I found that man's house.

I don't remember much else.

You are a very strong young woman.

No, Higgins is right.

You know, when I was a prisoner in Afghanistan, it was my obligation to try to escape.

Not to mention I had three weeks of naval training on how to do it.

I had three guys with me.

You had the courage to escape all by yourself.

Can you do something for me?

I'd like you to close your eyes.


Well, when we escaped, the Special Ops guys had me do this exercise to help recall the details of the camp that I was at.

It helped pinpoint its location.

I'd like to do the same thing with you.

Okay, so just relax.

Think about the very first step you took outside.

Not just what you saw, but smell, hear, touch. Everything matters.

Was there a breeze? Maybe some trade winds?

No, uh... there was a smell.

Almost like mint.

Or pine.


Okay. So you went through the woods, you smelled eucalyptus.

What else?

There was this plant, wi-with a weird seed.

Weird how?

Big, like the, the size of a cell phone, almost.

Mm. Sounds like an uhiuhi tree.

Also known as a Mezoneuron kavaiense.

Yeah. That's-that's it.

Uhiuhi? I've never heard of it.

It's almost extinct in the wild.

It's very rare. Where does it grow?

On Oahu? Only the leeward side.

Leeward? What?

HPD focused their search on the east, which is where they thought Amanda came from, but if that flower only grows on the leeward side, uh, she didn't come from the east.

She came from the west.

They were looking in the wrong place.

I've swept the northeast quadrant.

No signs of any structure.

But there's heavy tree cover.

Monkey pod trees everywhere.

I'm gonna head south.

Roger that.

Northeast quadrant swept, moving south.

What do you think?

Anything look familiar?

No. Nothing.

Be patient.

Ah, little tense. You know what I think you need?

I think you should do more yoga.

Maybe, uh, maybe Dogface Pose?

That's not a pose.

Yeah, it is. I'm pretty sure it is.

I'll ask Higgins to show you.

She loves watching people suffer. Lucky me.

Haven't had to hump it like this since we fled the Korengal.

The Korengal Valley.

Where you were imprisoned?

I cannot imagine what that was like.

Yeah. Good times. Great memories.

I'm glad you had each other, at least.

Well, not always. When we were there, they liked to put Thomas in solitary confinement for long stretches.

Yeah, when he was there, we didn't know if he was dead or alive.

Uh, Frisky Rabbit pose, and I Just Threw Up pose.

Gross. Yo, Orville!

I may have something.


What do you see?

I got an odd patch of dark green about six klicks south of your position.

Amanda said the place was cement, right?

Cement holds moisture. It can cause the-the plants around it to grow more lush. All right.

Send the coordinates.


Must be from World w*r II.

I'm gonna have a look around.


This is it.


I think I found something.

Looks like ATV tracks. Mm.

You think they belong to the kidnapper?

Would they be here after six weeks?

Well, this part of the island hasn't see much rain in the last few weeks, so it's certainly possible.

What was that?


Flank him! Yeah.

Nice tackle. Yeah, thanks.

Let's chat, shall we?

Start processing. Yes, sir.

You didn't question him, did you?

Uh, well, we had a lot of time to k*ll.

You can be mad at me later.

Carter Ning, this is Detective Katsumoto.

Carter's been staying in this bunker for the past several months.

He's homeless. He said the only reason why he ran is 'cause he thought we were cops, and he's got this possession charge hanging over him.

I'm gonna ask once: you kidnap this girl?


You didn't even look at it. No. No way. I...

I never seen her before.

Carter, tell him what you told us.

Okay. Sure.

Which part?

About what happened here six weeks ago, genius.

Right, yeah, uh, okay.

This tree hugger eco-dude showed.

Told me he was conducting some wildlife survey.

Gave me $500 cash to take off for a week.

Can you describe this tree hugger eco-dude?


Haole. Kind of regular height, regular hair.

All right, you just described him.

Give me specifics.

I was looking at the money, brah.

We pinned him down on the date this happened.

It was the day before Amanda was taken.

And plus, the guy was driving an ATV, right?

Yeah, a-a quad. Like, brand-new.

Well, look, if what he's saying is true, it had to be Amanda's kidnapper.

He was out here setting up the prison.

The tracks are down there. If your lab can identify the model, well, maybe can you trace them.


There's only about a dozen sellers on the island.

Even fewer that rent, mostly to tourists.

We'd have to contact all of them directly.

TC can help with the tour places.

They always refer business to him and vice versa.

Can I talk to you for a second?

I'm thinking he's telling the truth.

I'm inclined to agree, but we need confirmation.

Let's get it.

I didn't see much, but, um, the man who took me was white.


Amanda, hi.

Detective Katsumoto, you remember me?

A-Amanda? You okay?

I'm sorry, is something the matter?

What's wrong, sweetheart?

It's your badge.

My badge?

Amanda, was the man who took you a-a cop?

No wonder she wouldn't talk. She was afraid of us.

The badge could've been a fake. Yeah, but what if it wasn't?

Until we know for sure that a cop wasn't involved, we have to keep everything quiet.

The bunker, the-the ATV, all of it.

How are you gonna contain this? What about CSU?

I have people I trust. They'll process the bunker and report their findings only to me.

Okay. All right.

I find out anything, I'll loop you in.


Hey, Magnum.

Tell her I'm sorry.

I thought I was getting better.

I'm just so damn tired of being afraid all the time.

You know, my, uh, my father once said that being brave doesn't mean not being scared.

It just means you've decided there's something more important than your fear.

Like what?

When I was held c*ptive, I wasn't exactly a model prisoner.

I tried to steal a radio, I tried to steal a g*n.

So the guards, they... threw me in the hole.

It was dark and lonely, and I felt like any day could be my last.

I was scared.

You were?


For all I knew, my friends could've been worse off than me, so I decided that those guys were more important than my fear.

If I could just... survive, I could help them escape.

And we did.

Look, Amanda, you're scared, I understand that, but you're also brave.

Not a lot of people could have done what you did.

And not many people can handle what you're going through right now.

You should know that.

♪ Yeah

♪ I'm a midnight mover I'm sorry, I got to take this.

♪ All night...

TC, what do you got?

What TC had was a lead.

Turns out a handful of ATVs were rented out for a period of six or more days around the time Amanda was kidnapped.

And lucky for us, the people who rented them all out had to give local addresses.

Okay, this one is owned by a property management company.

They do short-term leases with a six-week minimum.

I feel good about this one, Higgins.

Good vibes.

Yeah, you said that about the last three, you realize.

Let me explain something to you about following leads...

Oh, you're gonna mansplain something? How wonderful for me.

No, I'm gonna P.I.-splain something to you.

The thing about following leads is most of them don't pan out, right? So you got to be optimistic.

Otherwise, you're gonna be miserable in this job.

Looks like we're gonna have to let ourselves in.

We're wasting valuable time.

You want to give it a shot? Be my guest.

Sure. Move.

See, the-the problem with these short-term lease companies is they tend to lubricate the locks, which makes the pins really slippery and it makes it really hard to...

You were saying something?

You don't have to enjoy it so much, okay?

Sure, I do.

I think this is the place.

Surveillance photos of the Sakos.

It's a map of their neighborhood.

Alan and Mari's daily schedule.

The whole family's under a microscope.

Why? I don't know, but these pictures were taken yesterday.

They're still being watched.

We have to contact Alan and Mari right away because whatever this abduction was about, it's not over.

I-I don't understand.

Wh-Why did he take my mom? We don't know why.

Where's my dad? I-I want my dad right now.

He's in Pearl City, okay?

Rick and TC have taken a helicopter to get him, so he'll be here really soon.

Don't worry.

Amanda, listen to me.

We're gonna find your mom.

We're gonna find her and bring her home, okay?

Anything? Maybe.

Amanda, um...

I'm sorry, I have to ask you, does this man look familiar?

That's... that's him. That's him!

Kumu, would you mind?

Come on, honey. Let's go into the main house.

It's okay, I'll come see you.

Mr. Magnum...

We're gonna find your mom.

I promise.

You should know better than to make that kind of promise.

Right now that girl needs hope.

Who's the guy?

Nicholas Warner.

CSU found one of his prints in the bunker.

Several violent felonies in New York.

He arrived on the island six weeks ago with a guy named Benjamin Keeble.

So there's two kidnappers?

First Amanda gets taken, and now her mum.

I mean, what the bloody hell is going on?

What do they want with this family?

I don't know, but a neighbor saw a gray van outside their house around the time Mari was grabbed.

I'm hoping, with this ID, we can track it. We want to help.

I can't have you involved. But we're already involved.

Now that we know these guys aren't HPD, you need to stand down.

I'm also gonna need that laptop you found.

What laptop?

Come on, really?

The one you found at the rental house with the surveillance photos.

Look... you wouldn't even have that ID were it not for us.

All right.

I'll allow you to go over the laptop, but you tell me everything you find.


You won't regret this.

Already do.

Hello? Hello?

Alan! Mari?

Oh, my God, where are you?

We have your wife, Mr. Sako.

You want to see her again, you'll do exactly what we tell you.

Do you understand?

We've got a problem.

Rick and TC just called.

Alan Sako didn't show and now he's not answering his phone.

That's odd. Yeah.

Could you ping his cell? Yeah.

He's at his office downtown.

His wife's just been abducted. Why is he going back to work?

First his daughter, now his wife.

Maybe someone's trying to get to Alan, trying to use his family as leverage to try to get him to do something.

He's an I.T. consultant. Get him to do what?

I don't know, but we should get over there.

If he's in contact with the kidnappers, that could help us find them.


Go to the 14th floor.

14th. A-All right.

This is interesting.

What's that?

Amanda's kidnappers were tapping into the surveillance cameras in Alan's work building.

Fortunately, their stream is still live.

Any sign of Alan?

Uh... Yeah, got him.

Okay, he's on the 14th floor. He's on the phone.

He looks nervous.

He's got to be on with the kidnappers.

Something is definitely going down.

Perfect. We lost visual.

Find the janitor's closet.

The door's unlocked.

Go inside.

Do you have him yet?

No, but I think I might know what this is about.

I've just found extensive intel on Andrew Gore in here. His schedules and the like.


He's the U.S. Attorney for Hawaii.

He's been building a major case against a Chinese triad here in Honolulu.

What's that got to do with Alan?

For the past few months, Gore has been traveling around, interviewing witnesses in different cities, right?

But when he's here in Honolulu, he works out of an office in Alan's building.

The one constant, however, is his security detail, which is, you know, 24/7, as you would imagine.

Are you about to tell me that this is all potentially tied to a-a possible hit?

Just a theory, but consider this: according to Gore's schedule here, he was in the building at the time of Amanda's kidnapping, and he's back there again today.

I think Amanda's kidnappers took her in order to leverage Alan to help them k*ll Gore.

But, you know, when Amanda escaped...

They had to wait until Gore got back to try again.

Right, I mean, if someone is making a play for Gore, then they might be needing Alan to neutralize certain security measures in the building.

Or they plan to use him in a more direct way.

How do you mean?

Alan is the building's I.T. guy, right? Right.

So, he has access to any part of the building without raising suspicion.

He can get close to anyone.

You think they're gonna force Alan to k*ll Gore?

Okay, I'm inside.

On the top shelf is a paint can.

Open it, remove what's inside.

I, uh, I-I don't understand.

This man is in a conference room on the 22nd floor.

Less than 15 minutes from now, he's going to be leaving to get into the freight elevator.

When he does, you're going to sh**t him.

What? No, I... I-I can't.

Of course you can.

You grew up hunting.

You belong to a sh**ting club.

You know how to handle a g*n.

There's a big difference between that and k*lling a person.

You don't have a choice here, Alan.

Someone is going to die today.

It can either be this man, or it can be your wife.

But I don't understand.

Why use a pawn when they can just do it themselves?

Because whoever pulls the trigger is not getting out of that building.

Alan's expendable.

You have to try Katsumoto again.

Or we-we have to inform HPD... No, no.

We can't call Katsumoto; think about it.

If Katsumoto finds out that the life of a U.S. Attorney is at risk, it's his duty to alert security.

As soon as the kidnappers realize their plan's shot, they're gonna cut their losses and k*ll Mari.

Okay? We have one option.

We have to get to Alan and do this quietly.

You and me.

Right, then.

So what's the play?

Okay. Go to sleep, buddy.

Go to sleep, there we go.

For what it's worth, I feel bad about what I just did.

But I need this guy's uniform, and we can't exactly tell him why.

Magnum, look at this.

Alan's on the 22nd floor.

Judging by the metal detector and the fact that the whole floor is crawling with security, I'm gonna go ahead and say that's the one Andrew Gore is on. We don't have much time.

Best get on with it, then.

Hurry up and take those clothes off.

Eyes on the monitor.

Oh, really? Please.

If you're thinking about saying something... don't. That wouldn't be good for Mari.

It's okay.

This thing is supersensitive.

Mahalo. Have a good day.


We got a lead on the kidnappers.

We tracked the van to a house in Ewa Beach. We're going in.

I wanted you to know. Where are you, anyway?

Thanks. Be safe.

A.G. is on the move.

You don't have to do this.

They're gonna k*ll her if I don't.

HPD is moving in on the kidnappers as we speak.

This way, Mr. Gore.

It's gonna be okay.

Trust me.

A.G. is approaching the elevator.

Back open! HPD! Down on your knees!

You, don't move! Contact!

You did the right thing.

Katsumoto. What happened?

They drew, Magnum.

They drew on a damn SWAT team.

We had to take them out.

A-And what about... what about Amanda's mother?



We searched the house. There's no sign of her.

We don't know where she is.

I don't get it.

She was with them when I spoke to her.

She was right there next to him.

We're gonna find her.


The man you saw talking to Alan before.

The man with glasses, yes.

I need you to find him right away.

Where is she? Where's who?

You know damn well who. Mari Sako.

I don't know a Mari.

Magnum, stop.

Listen, your friends are dead.

HPD is on their way. You have one move here.


Screw you.


Where is Mari Sako? Where is she?

Okay, okay.

I don't see anything. You sure this guy's telling the truth?

Right there.


He said he buried her. That's got to be it.

TC, take us down.

Go, go, go, go!

Mari! Mari, can you hear me?

You got something. Keep going!

Keep going, Magnum.


Mari, can you hear me? Mari! Give me that, pretty boy.

Come on, we're nearly there.

Make sure it doesn't collapse.

You're almost there! One more.

We're nearly there.

Hang on.



You're safe. Come on. Oh, look at you.

Oh, Mama!

You kept me in the dark about Alan.

I did.

I'm still mad, but let's say we forget about that.


Come on, you don't want to hug it out?

Not at all.

Thank you, Ms. Higgins.

Ms. Teuila. Gentlemen.

You kept your promise.

Thank you, Mr. Magnum.
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