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13x06 - The Bunker

Posted: 08/08/20 07:22
by bunniefuu
You mean that place in the old market?

Yeah, that sounds like fun, but I'm gonna have to pass.

'Cause I'd fall asleep in the middle of the dance floor.

The restaurant was packed tonight.

If I never have to make another kale and potato mousseline again it'll be too soon.


Tell everyone I said hi.

Next time, I promise.

Good night.

Yeah, right.

In the BAU...

Ooh, what about this one?

Sunny 2-bedroom, it's close to work, and it's in your price range.

Garcia, you're moving?

You don't like change.

That's true.

Change is my kryptonite.

But the apartment is no longer a sanctuary.

I have a new neighbor.

Window's right here.

He enjoys doing naked kung fu.

Some things you cannot unsee.

And besides, sergio and I need more room for our things.

Your cat has things?


Kristy and I can't take two steps in our house without tripping over the kids' toys.

Yeah, tell me about it.

Guys, I read about a guy in california who only has 79 items to his name, including his underwear.

I am all for living with only the things you really need.


me, too, right?


How many fuzzy pens, unicorn statues, mermaid paperweights does one need at her desk?

All of them.


Garcia, round up dave and tara.



We have a case.

Virginia state police have asked for our help.

It seems 3 young women have gone missing under similar circumstances in the last 5 years.

And why are we just hearing about this now?

Well, our field office in richmond was called in to consult, but they haven't been about to crack it, and last night a fourth woman went missing.

Yeah, that would be allie leighton, 29 years old.

She disappeared on her way home from work.

Her car was found in a nearby parking garage by the restaurant where she's the head chef.

What time was this?

Just after midnight.

Robbery doesn't seem to be a motive.

Her bag was still there with her wallet and phone inside.

The same could be said for the disappearance of Dr.

Roberta Childs, an obstetrician, in 2012.

Yeah, she was last seen leaving work after the night shift.

Her car and personal belongings were found inside the hospital parking garage.

Two different garages, but it could be the unsub's preferred hunting grounds.

Yeah, but it looks like the victim taken after Dr.

Childs was abducted during a home invasion.


Diane Pearl, 26.


In 2013, a side door was jimmied, setting off her home alarm at 11:52 p.m.

Nothing was taken.

Nothing but diane.

In 2015, a dentist, elise waterston.

She disappeared from her office after working late one night.

She ordered a rideshare, the driver waited, but she was a no-show.

So 4 young women go missing, late at night, in the same geographical area.

There's been no atm, no cell phone, no credit card activity.

And no ransom demands.

These weren't kidnappings.

Bodies have never been found.

The unsub could be holding them.

Or he's good at permanent concealment.




Is anybody out there?


I'm in here.

Please, somebody!

Somebody, please!



Allie, dear, how are you feeling?







♪♪ ♪♪ T.S.

Eliot write, "This is the way the world ends, not with a bang, but with a whimper." None of the missing women look alike.

This unsub is not hunting a specific type.

He's even crossed racial lines.

Ok, let's look at what they do have in common.

They are all young, single, educated professionals.

A doctor, a teacher, a dentist, and a chef.

It sounds like the start of a bad joke.

Well, the unsub could hold a grudge against accomplished women, especially if he feels inferior.

You know, the unemployment rate in virginia is only 3.7%.

But if he's out of work, he might resent them for being better educated or making more money.

And you also need to throw rejection into the mix.

This guy could be a jilted lover or feel frustrated by the type of woman he thinks he can't get.

Garcia, any luck finding a connection - between these women?

- Nothing on social media.

Were any of them dating or in a relationship?

Not that I can see.

They haven't posted, you know, any typical romantic pics with a boyfriend or girlfriend.

Assuming the women are still alive, the unsub would need a place to hold them.

A home, warehouse, abandoned building.

He could be keeping them in multiple locations, in which case he most likely has a large truck or van.

He appears to be a night owl.

All of the abductions took place around midnight.

Could do shift work.

Maybe that's the time he gets off from his job.

Matt, dave, go check out the latest crime scene.

Tara, luke, talk to allie's co-workers at the restaurant.

Captain skinner from the state police is on his way in.

We will work the case from here.

Without any bodies turning up over the years, we debated if the 3 women just decided to up and leave their lives.

It happens.

But now with that chef gone missing...

Well, we're happy to help.

I should warn you, the media's been reporting that the bau's been called in on this.

Before I got here, the relative of a woman who went missing years ago came in demanding to talk to you.

News stories often bring all kinds of people out of the woodwork.

This one's different.

How so?

Her name is Joanna Miller, and her sister Chrissy vanished 5 years ago.

Anytime there's a missing person case or a woman's body is found, joanna shows up.

But you don't think Chrissy's case is related to the recent abductions.

She was 16 and in all sorts of trouble...

Drinking, dr*gs, chronic runaway.

My heart goes out to the family, but no, I don't.

I can talk to her.

Let's bring her in.

Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on!


You stay away from me.

It's ok.

You're in no danger.

Let me introduce myself.

I'm Irene jacobs.

This is Dr.


I don't care who you are!

You can't keep me prisoner!

You're not a prisoner.

What is this, then?!

It's for your own protection.

Protection from what?

I saw somebody in a hazmat suit.

- Who...

- I know, it's a little scary right now.

But believe me, all of your questions will be answered.

But first, I need your assurance that you will not resort to v*olence.

What about yours?

Of course you have it.


Why don't we start with a tour?


I don't understand.

Where am I?


see for yourself.

When I heard the BAU was being brought in, I thought, great, maybe someone will finally do something.

Did the police tell you Chrissy was last seen just a few blocks from the parking garage where that chef was taken last night?

No, they didn't.

My sister isn't anything like those 4 missing women, so, why bother looking for her, right?

They were smart, successful, while she dropped out.

Drank, got high.

- Do you want to have a seat?

- She started acting out after our parents had split.

That doesn't make her a bad person.

She ran away more than once.

But she always came back.


Before she disappeared, she was turning her life around.

She was working with a counselor.

She was going to get her G.E.D.

This is my sister.

I miss her every day.

I don't know if you know what that feels like, but...



I do.

I'm sorry.

Then you understand.

Please, you've got to find her.

Uh, look, I'm not going to make any promises, but...

I'll look through her file, ok?

Thank you.

Thank you.

No luck with the security cameras.

This was found next to Allie's car.

20k a month.

Well, we're in the wrong line of work.

Text code and number's disconnected.

So if the unsub put this on her windshield, it could have been a ruse to grab her before she could drive away.

He might have known her routine.

A deserted parking garage at night, it would be easy to take someone without being noticed.

They didn't find any traces of blood.

Maybe he wanted her unharmed.

Let's hope so.

I think the library is my favorite room.

Ha ha ha!

I probably should be using the gym more.

It's important to make time for exercise.

Do you know, I think what I'm most proud of is our vegetable garden.

Now, we know this is not what you're used to, but as a talented chef, we're sure that you can make it work.

How do you...

Have you been watching me?

Everything will be explained to you in the special video we have for you to watch.



I want out now.

Allie, hurting Dr.

Childs or me or any of the others...


Is pointless.

Actions have consequences.

Now, let Dr.

Childs go or suffer yours.

You won't get out this way.

Trust me.

I know.


please, I just want to go home.


This is your home.

Hello, friends.

I have an announcement.

I don't thank any of you often enough.

I know you're seemingly inanimate, but you witness all the icky that I deal with, and it makes it more manageable, so I want to thank you.

And you and you and you...

What is it, Garcia?

Oh, yes, I looked into the disappearance of Chrissy Miller.

I found something significant.

That same week that Chrissy disappeared, another teen, kylie pritchard, also went missing.

18 and pregnant.

Like Chrissy, the police checked off the troubled runaway box.


and this will also whet your mystery whistle.

Days after kylie and Chrissy went missing, Dr.

Roberta Childs vanished.

So if this is the same unsub, he probably started with high-risk victims like runaways, then graduated to high-profile ones.

What if joanna miller was right and her sister's disappearance is connected to the abduction of the professional women from 5 years ago?

Garcia, expand your search for...

Missing women in virginia and the Metro D.C. area.

I can read your voices and your minds.

In the last 5 years, there have been two dozen missing persons cases, mostly runaways and young females.

So we have two waves of abductions...

Teen runaways and accomplished women.


Childs was a obstetrician.

What if some of the other runaways were pregnant?

Joanna said Chrissy was cleaning up her act before she disappeared.

What if she was pregnant, too?

Garcia, can you...

in the flashiest of flashes, yes, I can.



here's a medical chart from a Downtown Free Clinic.

Chrissy was pregnant.

Two months, to be exact.

Ok, I get the unsub taking teen runaways.

He probably figured fewer people would be looking for them, but why go out of his way to abduct pregnant ones?

And what happened to the babies?

Um, what happened?

You fainted.

What did you do to me?

Just a simple exam.

You have no right!

Get these off of me!


This is wrong and you know it.



don't you have a family?

A home?

People who love you, who miss you?

I do.

This is my home now.

Who's in charge?


The man in the gas mask?

Did they take me?

You're a doctor!

You're supposed to help people!

How do you live with yourself?

5 years ago the unsub takes two pregnant teens.

It's obvious why he then takes a obstetrician.

If he's taken other teen girls through the years and keeping them alive, they'd all be mothers with young children now.

Yeah, mothers and children with needs.

Medical, dental, educational, and nutritional.

Yeah, and who would be better caretakers than a doctor, dentist, a teacher, and a chef.

With such a large group, he'd need to control them to prevent escapes or rebellions.

And some could be staying willingly, others because they're afraid or feel they have no choice.

You know, they're all of the reasons given by ex cult members when asked why they didn't leave sooner.

This has the aspects of a cult, but members typically join by their own volition, not abducted.

There's nothing typical about this case.

Well, you'll find a new outfit in your room.

Get dressed and we can see the video.

I don't want any part of this.

If you don't behave, you can't meet the others.

I will not have you upsetting them.

What's that?

Nothing to worry about.

What is it?

We have to get rid of her.

Local walking his dog noticed the body.

Doesn't look like she's been here very long.

The disposal site's inside the unsub's abduction zone.

Probably knows the area, feels comfortable here.

This changes things.


Roberta Childs.

5 years older, but it's definitely her.

They didn't try to conceal the body.

I mean, they could have hidden here in the brush over there.

Maybe he didn't have the time.


Excuse me.

He could be devolving.

Wrapping the body suggests the unsub cared about her comfort even at the end of her life.

She wasn't starved.

Muscle tone's good, which you wouldn't see in someone who's been restrained for so many years.

Her hair's been washed recently and clothes are clean.

You think the unsub staged this to look like a su1c1de?

It's unlikely.

This wasn't her first attempt.

So the bandages were someone else's attempt to save her.

She's been alive all of this time.

And that fact bodes well for the other missing women.

Assuming they're still alive, the su1c1de of a long-term c*ptive could cause dissent among the group.

Yeah, Garcia.

Another woman has been taken.

Damn it, Irene, you should have known she was gonna try to k*ll herself again.

We knew this was going to happen when we first started planning years ago.

We talked about it, remember.

What is done is done.

She betrayed our mission.

But did we have to dump her by the side of the road like she was trash?

Roberta has been a part of our lives for 5 years.

You wrapped her in a blanket and that was more than she deserved.

I need to tell the others something.

Well, just make sure they don't get the same stupid idea.

It could ruin everything.

Lawrence, you're not having doubts that it's going to happen, are you?

I believe it more than ever now.

As do I.

Let's just make sure this new one does, too.

What do we know?

The unsub struck again, this time in the open in a busy parking lot.

JJ and tara are still there.

They found an eyewitness that caught the whole event on a cell phone.

Well, it's obvious he's not abducting and driving at the same time.

He's got a partner.

He took a lot of risk abducting in broad daylight like that.

He looked at something before he took the woman.

It made him hesitate.

Matt, take it back.

That building in the background.

It's a digital clock.

11:57 and 30 seconds.

He waited until that precise moment before he grabbed her.

Yeah, but that was during the day.

All the other abductions took place close to 12:00 midnight.

Clocks strike 12:00 twice a day.

Maybe it's not a.m.

or p.m.

that matters.

The numbers 11:57:30 might mean something to him.

It could be an address, a code, it might even have religious significance.

POLICE I.D.released.


Paige burrell.

Paige is 35, single.

Guys, she's a pediatrician.

The unsub lost a doctor, so he took a doctor.

A one-for-one swap.

But he still needs a doctor's specific skill set.

Which means that our missing women and their children are still alive.

Agent Jareau, I saw the news.

Another young woman was taken?

I got this.

Uh, let's...

Let's just talk over here.

Is it the same man who took Chrissy?

We don't know yet.


So, you're saying the FBI now doesn't think my sister ran away.

Joanna, the last thing I want to do is give you false hope.

There's been some developments, and there may be a connection between Chrissy and the recent missing women.

I don't know whether to be upset or relieved.

I understand.

And there's something else.

Did you know Chrissy was two months pregnant when she disappeared?


We think whoever took her also took other pregnant teens and is holding them somewhere.

Oh, god.

Well, what about the baby?

Is it ok?

Where are they?

- How could anyone...

- We're working to find out now.


Do you have any idea who the father could be?

Maybe this neighborhood boy Parker.

They were hanging out a lot.

Does he still live in the area?


He moved down south a week before she went missing.

Ok, did Chrissy keep a journal, a diary, a blog?

No, nothing like that.

Tell me, what can I do to help?

You can go home.

Try to relax, and please, just keep the TV off.

I promise I will let you know when I hear something new.

You promise?

I promise.

I'll wait for your call.

And thank you for believing when no one else would.


we need to gather everyone.

I know why he's doing this.

We said the timing of the unsub's abductions may be important to him.

Why is that?

Victim number one...


Roberta Childs.

She signed out of the hospital at 11:50 p.m.

Now, victim number two, Diane Pearl, her home alarm system was tripped at 11:52 p.m.

Victim 3, Elise Waterston, she was a no-show for an 11:55 p.m.

pickup from her dental office.

Cell phone records show that Allie Leighton, the fourth victim, ended her phone call at 11:57 p.m., and lastly, Paige Burrell, the digital clock where she was abducted read 11:57 and 30 seconds.

Ok, so based on your timeline, our unsub's counting up to 12:00.

No, he's counting down.

Counting down to what?

I think the unsub's abducting women based on the doomsday clock.

And what's that?

The symbolic clock that warns the world how close we are to total destruction.

Midnight on the clock represents a hypothetical global catastrophe, like a nuclear w*r.

The number of minutes to midnight stand for how soon that could happen.

Since 1947 when a group of atomic scientists created the clock, the minute hand's been reset many times.

For the last 5 years, it's been consistently ticking down.

It was last set at 2 1/2 minutes to midnight.

And the closest it ever was 2 minutes in 1953 when the U.S.

and Russia tested the first H-b*mb.

We could be looking at a doomsday cult.

So he's like one of these survivalists who lives in the woods and wears tinfoil hats.

Actually, the idea of preparing for the end is moving from the fringes of society into mainstream culture.

Yeah, they call themselves Preppers.

They're trying to retain a certain standard of living for themselves and others while riding out the apocalypse, be it...

nuclear or civil unrest.

The wealthy are jumping on board.

They're hoarding crypto-currency and buying custom survival shelters.

And the super rich are taking it to another level.


buying private islands, land in New Zealand, their private jets are always gassed up ready to whisk them away at a moment's notice.

So, the victims are part of the unsub's prep to repopulate a new civilization in the post-apocalyptic world.

And the clock starting to tick steadily down 5 years ago was the trigger.

And with it being so close to midnight and us breathing down his neck, he may decide that it's time to cut all ties with the outside world.

We need to find him before that happens.

And though life as we once knew it is gone forever...

Fear not, for here, with us, you will find shelter, safety, and sanctuary far from the t*rrorists who lie in wait.

You'll find our medical facility is state-of-the-art.

And as you see, this is the heart of our home.


Chrissy, could you please tell the others that we're gathering?

Right away.

Thank you.

Are you hungry, dear?



Dinner will be ready soon if you change your mind.

Ladies, meet Dr.



Don't be shy.


Burrell, meet your patients.

Joanna, this may sound strange, but did Chrissy ever talk about the end of the world?

You know, doomsday?

Yes, but she isn't crazy.

She's a little naive, that's all.

What would she say about it?

That the end was coming soon, that we had to get ready.

Where would she get that idea from?

I don't know.

She'd get high and binge watch some tv show about zombies.

She became obsessed with anything to do with Armageddon.

Does that have something to do with her disappearance?

It might.

Uh, could she have met someone that encouraged her to believe the end was near?

She'd play her guitar on the street for money.

Maybe she met someone there.

Please, if she's alive, why haven't I heard from her?

She may be under the sway of whoever has her.

Look, based on our experience with deprogramming, it could be hard for her to step back into the life she once had.

I have to pee again.

Be right back.

Have a seat.

I'll be back in a minute to make you a cup of tea.

You look like you could use one.

I'm Paige.

I know you.


Yeah, you're that chef.

You're all over the news right now.

- I am?

- People are looking for you.

The FBI, too.

Hopefully they're looking for both of us.

Do you know a way out of here?

No, not...

not yet.

Did you see that video?

What was that?

Whoever made it is seriously out of their mind.

Come on, joe, you want to draw a picture?

Chamomile ok?

Uh, fine.

What are you drawing?

A fish.

Is he swimming in the ocean?

He can't.

The oceans are on fire.

On fire?

Why don't you tell your son the truth?

It is the truth.

You saw the video.

Nothing in that video is real.

Cities aren't in ruin.

The government hasn't collapsed.

There are no mass suicides.

They told us you'd say that.

That you'd try and trick us.

We're telling the truth.

What about the birds?

They all dropped out of the sky.

And the floods washed away the farms.

There's no more food.

With the power grid destroyed, the whole world plunged into darkness.

Those are all lies.

You've been brainwashed.

Look at us.

Where do you think we came from?

From the survivor camps.

Lawrence and Irene rescued you.


they kidnapped us.

We have to get out of here, all of us.

We're safe here.

Where the hell is "here"?

There's no windows.

There's no clocks.

There's no TV.

Do you even know what day it is?

The year?

Listen to us!

Mama, I'm scared.

You're scaring my son.

It's ok, baby.

She doesn't know what she's saying.

You're safe with us.

Everything's all right.

That's a beautiful picture, Joe.

The unsub's probably been stockpiling provisions, weapons, and other supplies for years.

That would take a lot of research and planning.

Garcia, what kind of online presence do Preppers have?

They're a bunch of chatty cathys.

There's a plethora of chat rooms, podcasts, websites, all about tee-ought-walk-kee.

Uh, that's what they call the end of the world as we know it.

What do they talk about?

Everything from food storage tips to basic first-aid, best place to get a gas mask, places to live that won't be affected by climate change.

Website here that tells Preppers they should get corrective eye surgery.

That makes sense.

If you were to lose or break your glasses when the earth is laid bare, something tells me it would be hard to find a lenscrafters. It's like that episode in "the twilight zone." - Garcia.

- Oh, I'm digressing.

Do a search of the Metro D.C.

area for men who fall into both the survivalist and Prepper camps.


Preppers love their firewalls, but it's no match for MOI.

110 names.

And what about ones that live in Virginia?


next player.

Do any of them own a black van?


Well, technical people usually view risk mathematically.

Garcia, filter the list for accountants, engineers, math teachers, and computer techs.

I am filtering this through my digital colander.

Nicely done.

20 names.

So, for the past 5 years, this guy's been amassing food, water, medical supplies, air filtration materials, weapons, and a*mo.

Oh, that's like all of them.

What is it?

Whoa, nelly.

I found a civil engineer, Lawrence Coleman.

He's bought all of those things, but also chloroform is on his shopping list.

Does he show any interest in the doomsday clock?

Obsessed is more like it.

Preppers typically plan to shelter in place, bug in.

Which means that they want to ride out any bad situation at home.

What if they can't?

Then they bug out and they go to secret locations in remote areas.

If Coleman is keeping the women and kids all in one place, it would have to be a really big space.

I got a home and work address for him, and also he has rented multiple storage locations in the last 5 years.

- You know what to do.

- Yeah.

sent it to your phones.

What are her symptoms?

Fever, vomiting, abdominal pain.

Dear, let me take a look at you.

You're getting us out of here.



Damn it.

Rossi, you find anything?

Coleman quit his job months ago.

No one's heard from him since.

There's nothing here either.

Hold on, I'm gonna have Garcia patch us in with the others.

It looks like Coleman hasn't lived here in a long time.

Hey, Emily, Coleman's not here.

We've all hit dead ends.

We know he has a willing partner driving the van.

She's one of the early victims who bought into his paranoia.

She may be the key.

Garcia, check for women who communicated with Coleman online.

Look for anyone who shared his fervor about the end of days.

Fervor, female, doomsday.

Got it.


looks like there's a lid for every pot, even the crackpots.

Coleman had beaucoup Prepper ladies who were willing to share more than their canned meat with him.

Was one as obsessed as Coleman?

That would be Irene Jacobs.

She lives in Culpeper, Virginia.

She works as a substance abuse counselor at New Dawn Outreach Center.


Booyah, she drives a black van.

Joanna Miller mentioned her sister was seeing a Counselor.


Chrissy Miller was one of her patients.

Which was how Coleman found out she was pregnant.

What about Kylie Pritchard and some of the other missing teens?


It's like Irene was spoon-feeding Coleman his victims.

They trusted her and she betrayed them.

We need addresses.



Irene owns acres of land just outside of Culpeper.

Reid and JJ are the closest.

All right, we'll meet you over there.

Sending coordinates.

There's nothing here.

- There's gotta be.

- Where, spence?

We drove around the entire property.

There's nothing here except the ground we're standing on.

The ground we're standing on.


In the 1990s the government closed and abandoned military installations across America, including Virginia.

Some of them included underground strategic command centers.

A bunker built to withstand a nuclear blast.

What if this land Irene Jacobs owns is over one of them?

The main entrance would most likely be booby-trapped.

So we need to try to find the escape hatch.


No use.

There's no way out!

Shut up!

Oh, Lawrence!

Lawrence, thank god!

Let us out of here.

Why would you want to leave?

The world's imploding out there.

The world may be messed up, but this is no way to fix it.

The world is beyond repair.

Ok, so the blueprints Garcia sent show the escape hatch is here.

It would have to be well-hidden to blend into the environment so intruders couldn't find it.


That's gotta be it, right?

There should be a release mechanism somewhere.

We've been breached.


We need to get the others to level 2.

You're right.

Lawrence, where are you going?

Lawrence, get back here.

Do what you want with her.


Reid and JJ are definitely here somewhere.

I can't get them on their phones.

They must be 60 feet underground.

Coleman has access to a large weapons cache down there.

We don't want another waco.

What did Reid and JJ walk into?

I can't get through.

The doors are airtight and the glass is b*mb-blast resistant.

Our b*ll*ts would just bounce off.

Ok, uh, Garcia told everyone we were heading down here, so...

Wait, did you say airtight?

Are we gonna run out of air?

No, high carbon dioxide levels are gonna k*ll us before low oxygen levels do.

What about the keypad?

On a zero to 9 keypad, assuming a 4-digit code, there are 10,000 possible combinations.

If you figure 5 seconds to input each combination, that'll that 13.89 hours and that not even accounting the finger fatigue.


so even if we did try, after too many failed attempts, we would probably be locked in here anyway.




Allie Leighton.

Paige Burrell.


we were kidnapped by her and some man.

- Yeah, we know.

- We want to help you, but you have to get us out of here.

What is the code?

What is it?


Can't help you.


Coleman, you need to let everyone go.

You're gonna make me from in there?


Chrissy Mller?

How do you know who I am?

Your sister, Joanna.

She's been looking for you.

She's never stopped looking for you.

Don't listen to any of their lies.

They're not lies.

Chrissy, look.

Your sister...

She gave me this photo of the two of you.

That isn't real.

Joanna's alive?


she told me about how you like to watch TV shows about zombies and how you like to play the guitar.

About a boy named Parker.

We're with the FBI, and we've been looking for all of you.

All right, Lawrence and Irene abducted you...

No, no, no, no!


It is true.

They told you lies.

They told you the world was ending, but I promise, the world is still there.


it's all gone.

My family's dead.

There's no one left for me.

No, Chrissy, they preyed on you.

They preyed on all of you.

Don't listen to her lies.

Wait, is that your son?

What's his name?


After Joanna?

Did you name him after your sister?

I know she'd really love to meet her nephew.

Your families have not forgotten you.

They miss you every day.

Down here is not real life.

Mama, what is "down here"?

How could you do this to us?

Do what you want with him!


The code is 1-2-0-0.

♪♪ Guitar playing...

♪♪ ♪♪ ♪ I want to fall another way ♪ ♪ I want to see another day ♪ ♪ oh, yes, I will fall ♪ ♪ oh, yes, I will see ♪ ♪ again ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh ♪ "Even if I knew that tomorrow "the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree." Martin Luther.

♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪ oh, my gosh, I was so worried about you guys being in that bunker.

It made me very claustrophobic.

We need to look for an even bigger apartment for me.

even bigger.


we can look tomorrow.

I gotta say, Coleman's bunker was pretty impressive.

Yeah, but not where I want to spend my last day on earth.


where would you?

Never thought about it.

I don't want to think about it.

I would definitely be on a beach.

I think I'd prefer the mountains.

I'd be with my family.



Paris with my mom.

She liked paris.

You something tells me Dave has this all planned out.

Don't you know it.

When the end comes, you'll find me at home enjoying a meal of carbonara alla rossi, and if there's still time, I will adjourn to my patio to partake in a double jack and a vintage Don Carlos.

That sounds great.

You mind if we join you?