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01x07 - Not All Men

Posted: 07/26/20 14:07
by bunniefuu
-Yes, Mr. Smith.

-Annie, the test groups need to be ready by Monday.

-Yes, sir, of course.

-Do I need to find someone else?

-I was just pointing out I've only been here two months

and wanted to make sure you were comfortable

with me administrating the tests.

-This isn't rocket science.

-I'm glad to take it off your plate.

-Bye, Annie.

You know, you don't have to

agree to everything Phil asks of you.

Eh, it's no big deal.

We're doing a trial for that new medicated lip balm.

I'm just organizing the placebo group.

You could try saying no to the assignment.

Mm. I feel weird saying no.

I don't want them to think I'm... I'm not a team player.

-I'll talk to Phil.

-Oh, no, you...

You don't have to do that.

I'm on it.

Do you have plans to see the Perseids tonight?

The meteor showers.

It's supposed to be, like,

the best light show in 30 years.

I've got to call the lab, reserve a conference room,

-I got to find subjects, and I...

-Meteors, lobsters, corn...




-I'll see you then.

-I'll see you then.

♪ You give me satisfaction ♪

♪ And that's love indeed... ♪

Thank you.

No tannins.

You remembered I'm allergic.


Did you see that? Come here.


Uh, may I?


Right up here.



Oh, no.

One just hit the water tower.

Holy shit.

-Was that a...?

-Holy shit.

Let's go check it out.

Whoa. Did you see that?


Come here.

Oh, man. Hey, be careful.

Ooh. Ooh.


That's incredible. Can you imagine?

Ten minutes ago, that was in outer space.

-Can I hold it?


I don't know, it might be radioactive.

-Oh, really?


-Well, let's just try it and see what...

-I don't know, it might have space germs.

-Oh, really? Space germs?


Well, I think you now have them.

That's a good point.

All right, here, maybe you should...


Here, here... No.

If you're gonna...

You can't share with me?

Well, we better go back inside.

The martians might be coming.

Oh, stop.

This is really embarrassing, but...

...I've been dying to ask you out.


You're really cute when you're being a jobsworth.

When I'm being a what?

The way you're... super into your job.

-I guess that's me.

-It's a compliment.

♪ Hello ♪

♪ Is it me you're looking for? ♪

♪ I can see it in your eyes ♪

♪ I can see it in your smile ♪

♪ You're all I've ever wanted ♪

♪ And my arms are open wide ♪

♪ 'Cause you know just what to say... ♪

Hm... You know... I... just, uh...

-How can you leave now?

-I have a crazy day tomorrow.

Aren't you feeling it, too?

Watching the sky tonight, we experienced something.

Something literally... cosmic.

I mean, to me it feels... like magic.


This... This really has been nice, but...

I really like you, Annie.

I like you, too, Dylan. I... I... uh...

♪ Or is someone loving you? ♪

♪ Tell me how to win your heart ♪

♪ For I haven't got a clue... ♪

I really can't. I have work to finish.

And, you know, I mean, you know me, I'm a...

I'm a jobsworth.


-We're having such a good time.

Uh, you know what?

Uh... This is...

This is awesome.

And thanks so much for the great night, but I...

I really do need to get home.

So, that's it?

You don't want to? What?

You're not into it?

-I'll do you first.

-Um... I'm gonna head out.

Wait, what did I do wrong?

Nothing. You did nothing wrong.


Are you thinking I'm trying to f*ck you?

Right now?


Well, okay... No, but I...

Well, you're acting like I am.

Dylan, I'm... I'm...

I'm not, I'm really not.


-That kind of hurts.

Dylan, stop it. I...

Everything's cool. I need...

I need you to listen to me.

I... I really like you, and, look,

we work together.

I want to see you again.

It's just... I... Uh...

Hey, you know, what's... what's the rush?

Yeah. I'm sorry.

You're right, I'm sorry.

It's totally cool.


Thank you for coming over.

And I will see you tomorrow.


Thanks for everything. Bye.

Meet Annie Miller.

Annie has always seen the world as a place

where she could maintain control

if she just played by the rules.

But tonight marks the beginning of a change,

both in her and in the idyllic town

she's always called home.

On the eve of her sister's birthday,

Annie will be forced to contend with an event

well out of her control,

and a simmering v*olence about to boil over...

...into The Twilight Zone.

-You're traveling through another dimension,

a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.

It is the middle ground between light and shadow,

between science and superstition.

And it lies between the pit of one's fears

and the summit of one's knowledge.

You are now traveling through

a dimension of imagination.

You've just crossed over

into The Twilight Zone.

-Only hours after the meteor shower,

the little red rocks have already become

sought-after memorabilia

here in the town of Newbury.

We're already counting several

public and private Facebook pages

dedicated to enthusiasts

showing off their little pieces of history.

And of course the celestial visitors

have sparked more than a few superstitions.

Many people are organizing meteor shower celebrations.

Some local stores are jumping on the bandwagon

by imprinting T-shirts, coffee mugs,

and even telescopes.

And of course we have a report from a local hospital

of a baby being born during the shower.

They would like to celebrate the birth of

their child by naming it after...

-Morning, Annie.

We all set for the test group on Monday?

Uh, yes, sir. All set.

I spoke to Dylan this morning.

I want you to brief him,

and I'll have him take it from here.

Dylan? Oh, I'd hate to trouble him.

I thought he was tied up with Perry on the launch.

I'm pretty sure I can handle it.

Well, I'm sure, too, Annie,

but there are protocols here.

Annie, protocols are the methods we use here.

Dylan is point on managing laboratory analysis

for the testing marketing group.

Plus, he's one of the best

here at the company, Annie.

Stick with him, do as he does,

and you'll move up fast here. Huh?

So, uh, since that's off your plate,

looks like Olivia and I will see you tonight

at your sister's birthday dinner.

And now, warrior.

Look, I told you, I had my account

under my ex-wife's address.

I just need you to get

the papers out of there, okay?

No, no, no, you listen.

Lady, can you move?

Yo, Auntie A, were you sleeping?

'Cause that'd be weird.

Um, no, I...

I was taking a moment, that's it.


-Oh, God, you're taller.


How is it that you're taller?

Well, I'm growing at a normal rate, I guess,

but you don't, uh, see me very often.

That's how that works.

Hey, how crazy was last night?

There were meteors all over the place.

-Kids at school are obsessed with them.


A couple landed behind this guy's house. It was crazy.

"This guy"?

You went on a little date, huh?

What's wrong? What happened?

Uh... He just, uh...

He just got weird on me.

That sucks. If only there was a way to

figure out which... which guys

were gonna be assholes, you know?

I wish I could kick his ass.

-And what good would that do?

-Well, you know...

-Why do guys always want to kick ass?

-'Cause we're dudes!

Thank you, Phil, Olivia, I love it.

-Cole, put this in your bathroom.

-You're welcome.

-Yes, yes.

-Those are awesome.

Okay, and, oh, what's next?

Oh, what on earth could this be?

-No idea.

-I don't... I don't have any...

It's a James Patterson novel.

Um, the receipt's on the bottom.

I'm sure there's a fancier skillet you would want.

What is that? That's a nine-inch, right?

I love it, Annie! Thank you.

-We need this. Mike.

-Yeah. That's a good one.

I could've used this bad boy

for that eggplant terrine, by the way.


First time we had that was in Paris, right?

He wouldn't... Sorry.

-You go. No. Do you want...?

-You can tell it, I don't care.

-No. Love you.

-I love you.

Uh, so, I go into the kitchen to ask the chef for the recipe...

He means in French. Just get that in.

But my, my, my French is, uh, "très mal."

So, the chef answered in English.

Just to make a point.

You should've had Martha ask.

Her French is amazing.

And send her into the den of louts

that is a Parisian kitchen?

-No. Non.


This is my big, brave hero.

There are still some good men out there, okay?

So, let's just remember that, like...

-Seriously, this was so great.

-Thank you.

You know what's weird is terrine isn't technically a pâté.

Okay, can you mansplain that

to us some other time, dear?

Hey, man, get woke.



Oh, Phil, Annie has been telling me

that she absolutely loves

her new job, so thank you for that opportunity.

Well, the new job loves her.

I mean, this girl is the best

entry-level person they've had there in years.


Hmm... I'm thinking of pairing her

with our best project manager, Dylan.



It doesn't sound like a dream team, Annie?



-What do you think, Anne?

Does he have some potential?


Aah! f*ck!

What was that?

-Larry, are you okay?

-Yeah, yeah, I'm good, I'm good.

-It's kind of late to be mowing, isn't it?

-Yeah, well, the kids

didn't do it again. I told them to do it.

Jesus, Larry, it's a mud pool.

Is there something in your water? Why's it red?

I... I called water and power,

they said it's like this everywhere.

I mean, it seems harmless, but it smells like shit.

Yeah, smells like it.

Hey, turn the hose off.

You know, it's probably a result

of the iron oxide in the hose

interacting with the oxygen in the air.

You know what, it sounds like

you guys have this handled.

We have to go. I'm sorry.

Robyn's gonna be waiting.

-I love you. I love you.

-I love you.

-Thank you.


-Bye, honey.

-Thank you for the present.

Hey, man, it stinks and I can smell it in our house.

Yes, I know that.

The sports car is so tiny, my face is mushed

underneath the steering wheel.

Oh, my God, Robyn.

You've got to be kidding me.

-What did you do?

-We pulled over.

-No, you... No, you did not.

-Right there, off the highway.

Every once in a while,

we'd see headlights and Clark would be like, "Stop moving."

My face is mushed and I'm like,

"Clark, we're married,

it's... okay... that... we... do... this!"


sh**t the stone!

sh**t the stone! sh**t the stone!

sh**t the stone! sh**t the stone!

-sh**t the stone!

-Come on, get after it.

Are those meteorites?

You guys, that is Zeke the geek.

Yeah, he used to be so bullied in high school.

Well, it looks like some things never change.

Forget about Zeke. Who is that?

I like your earrings...

He's the new guy from Phil's office.

What? Is it? Oh, it is.

Dylan. The one Annie's being "paired up" with.

-Okay, I'll stop.

-What is wrong with you guys?

-Invite him over here.

-No, no, no, no, no.

-Why? Come on.

-We're having fun here.

Yeah, but, Annie, he's hot.

I bet he'd be good in bed.

Not everything's about sex, Martha.

It's not?

You know what? I just...

I need to... I'm gonna get some air.



Get off me!

Thanks, man.

This must be Steve.


Bold move. You know, your mom's right inside.

Yeah, it's just for a friend.

You know how many times your mom and I used that line?


I won't tell if you won't.

Hey, thanks for being cool.

Just don't drink it here.

Nah, we're hanging on my dad's boat,

the Achilles, down by the docks.

I wish I was 15.

Be safe, okay?


Bye, Annie.

sh**t the stone! sh**t the stone!

sh**t the stone! sh**t the stone!

sh**t the stone!

sh**t the stone! sh**t the stone!

Come on, sh**t it, sh**t it, sh**t it! Yeah!

-Hey, my turn. My turn.

-No, man, you've had plenty.

Zeke is wasted.

How about I get you

a nice glass of cold water? On me.

I'll throw it on you. Get me another.

I got to repeat myself? No.

It's so sad when a dude doesn't know his limits.

What is wrong with them?

It's just assholes being assholes.

-What the hell?

-Let's go now.


-Wow, seriously, man?

-Okay, uh, I think that's our cue.

-What? No.

-We're gonna call it a night, Martha.

-Annie, we don't have to go.


-Come on. Just one more...

-Okay, we don't even have the check.

-It's okay, I got it.

-You got it? Thank you.


Think you're getting a little aggressive, aren't you?


-You're going to apologize for...

You f*cking hear me?!

I told you to stop f*cking with me!


-Call the cops!

-Move it, bitch.

Hey, guys, break it up, come on.

Come on! Come on!

Hey, aren't you that girl from work?

-It's me, Perry.

-Um... Yeah.

Real f*cking polite.

-Come on, let's go.

-Oh, you think you're so hot?

f*cking bitch.

Stop ignoring me, you f*cking bitch!

I mean, has everyone lost their minds?

Everyone back there

just had too much to drink.

That's all it...

The guys definitely had too much to drink.

I mean, the girls...

not you, of course... but the rest of us,

we had too much to drink...

-Is that guy following us?


-No. I don't think so.

-No, no. That's a motorcycle.

That guy Perry had a motorcycle.

All right, take... take a right.

Take a right here.

Uh... Uh, he's still there.


Uh, take... uh, take a left.


Okay, take a... take a... take another left.

Okay. Go. Go.

I don't see him. Is he still there?

No. No, he's gone. Thank God.

Martha, something is happening.

That fight, those guys, and then Dylan last night,

-I mean, I... I... I don't know.

-Wait. What?

-This can't be a coincidence.

-Something happened with Dylan?

-It was like those people at the bar.

-Dylan att*cked you?

I don't know. No, he...

I guess I gave him a confusing vibe.

We were making out and then he...

he just got f*cking nuts.

Annie, why didn't you tell me?


f*cking piece of shit.


-I did. I tried.

I tried, in that, just, I...


I just didn't say anything.

I'm still processing what happened.


I get it.

You do?

I mean, yeah. I mean, before Mike...

...I've been on a million shitty dates,

just like everybody, right?

And a few of them were...

...a little more than shitty.

So, yeah... But... don't always have to handle

everything on your own all the time, Annie.


I know this sounds ridiculous, but...

...I think it's the meteors.

-Wait, what?

-That's stupid.

Out loud, that sounds stupid.

Even in your head, that sounds stupid.

What are you s...

The meteorites?

It's not like everyone in town touched one.

Dylan had one.

The guy at the bar took a shot with one.

And... Shit.

-Oh, shit.

-Shit, shit, shit.

Shit. Come on!

Come on.

Okay, go. Go, go, go, go!

Go, go, go, go, go.

I got my keys. I got my keys, go.

-Oh, my God!

-Hey, are you okay?

-Oh, thank God. Um...

-What's up?

-We should call the police.

-And there's a... there's...

-The police? Why? What happened?

-There's a man...

A man followed us and he is out there right now.

Wait, a man followed you and he's here?


Oh, my God.

I'll handle it.

No, hon, I don't think it's a good idea...

I said I will handle it!

Annie, can you see anything?

Hey! Hey!

Call 911.


-Call 911! -Okay, okay. Shit.

It's a busy signal.

What was that?


Annie. Annie, what?


We have to leave now.

-Out the back.

-Wait, what are you talking about?

-Mike is out there. We can't leave him.


Mike is sick.


-It's not just him.

He has the same signs as a lot of people.

Since the meteors.

And it's just the men.


Martha, open up.



Okay. Annie, listen to me. Listen to me.

I need you to calm down.

Mike doesn't have it.

-We have to let him in.

-Martha, no.

Mike does not have it, Annie.

-Martha, no!

-This is Mike we're talking about!


You should've seen me.




Oh, it felt good letting that guy have it.


-Yeah. It felt real good.


We forgot your birthday cake.

All right.

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday, dear Martha ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

Honey, blow out the candles.

But don't forget to make a wish.

Do it! Please.

-I don't... I don't want to, Mike.

-Do it!

Oh, you got to come closer.


Hey, maybe we should wait until Cole gets home.


-Huh, Mike?

Just, uh, put it down, and wait...

You know... I just saved you two

from a f*cking psychopath.

-How about a little thank you?

-Okay, Mike, you don't have to yell.

I'm not yelling!

You know, maybe next time,

you don't lead a lunatic to my house.

Two girls drinking at a f*cking bar?

You're asking for it.

-Asking for it?

-Don't interrupt me!

I am done with you interrupting me!

Every time I have a f*cking story,

you got to open that mouth of yours!

I'm trying to keep you safe!



Hey, uh, I need you to listen to me.

-I have to explain something about you.

-Is this what you wanted?

Did you want him to follow you home?

-Of course not.

-Shut up, Annie!

I'm talking to my wife!


Wait, Mike! What are you doing?

Mike! Mike! Mike!

Stop it! No...

Uh, Martha?

We need to leave.

-We need to leave right now.


We have to get Cole. He went out.

He's with Steve at the docks.

-We have to go. -Okay.


-Come on.

-Oh, oh, God.

Cole didn't touch a meteor.

He'll be safe, right?

-I'm sure he's okay, I'm sure he's okay.

-You promise?


-I'm okay.


Oh, my God. Oh, my God.



Annie? What are you...?

Oh, God.

Oh, Jesus.

Oh, my God.


-Oh, my God. -Annie...

We have to go.

We have... We have to get Cole.

We gotta get Cole.

-Let's k*ll 'em all!

-What are we...?

Uh, the docks should just be...

a few blocks that way.

Crazy night, huh?

Annie! Annie!

Don't you remember me?

Oh, my God!

Get him out!

Get the f*ck out of the car!

-Annie! Wait! Please!

-Is that Phil?

Annie! Listen to me.

I don't have it. Okay?

It's not all us men, okay? It can't be all of us.

It did seem likely to me that it's probably

a, uh, hormonal reaction,

but that would mean that it's also highly likely

that it's a chromosomal interaction with the Y...


-Hold on!

-Look, it's unlikely that the mineral itself...

-Holy shit. the culprit here!

I'm sorry!

Sorry, you can't come with us!

Come on. Come on.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God. What is happening?

This is... This is crazy!

Annie, we have to do something.


What are you doing?

These... These things are making them stronger.

We... We have to try.

Okay? We have to fight back.

Ah, f*ck!

It's not doing anything!

Martha... Martha, you know why.

It's just the men.

Get off my property!

What the f*ck?

f*ck you, Chad!

f*ck you, Becky! f*ck your feelings!

-Amazing, right?

-Um... Mm-hmm.



Come on.

I'm telling you, baby.

It changes you. Makes you stronger.

Um... No, I'm... I'm...

I actually don't really want to drink that.

Why not?

Come on.

-What's wrong?

-Um... Nothing, I...

I'm just... not in the mood.

Come on. Don't be such a prude.


-What's your problem?

-I, uh...

-You're okay?

Yeah, I... I am, I just don't want to

do this right now, okay?




They're on a boat called "The Achilles".

-How do you know that?

-Ah, don't ask.

Cole, please.


Come on!


-Cole! Honey...


-Are you okay?

-Look at me. Are you okay?

-Yeah, it... it... it was...

Steve, he just... he just went crazy.

I don't... I don't know what I did...

You didn't do anything, honey, it's not your fault.

It's... It's the meteorites.

I swear he's a good guy. He was just

obsessed with that stupid f*cking rock.

♪ I've been alone ♪

♪ Without you in my mind ♪

♪ And in my dreams ♪

♪ I've kissed your lips ♪

♪ A thousand times ♪

♪ Hello ♪

♪ Is it me you're looking for? ♪

It was magic, Annie. It was cosmic.

Why don't you like me?

What the f*ck is that?




-No! No!


No, no, no, no!

Cole, look at me! Cole, please, baby...




Okay. It's okay, baby.



Annie, are you okay?

No organic compounds in this one.

-No parasites. No bacteria.

-Then it must be chemical.

The meteors. The water.

It's the only commonality amongst these men.

Something caused this.


-I, uh... They took my blood.


-I'm cool, I guess.


But I had this in my back pocket the whole night, so...


But Cole, Steve was near that,

and it happened to him.

Yeah. That's what I'm saying. That... it's not all of us.

-Maybe there is no cure.

She's right.

Honey, don't say that.

Dad's gonna be fine.

They're not gonna find anything.

Because there's no disease.

The meteors, they... they were a placebo.

-There's no cure because it'll always be inside me.

-What? -I...

You stopped yourself from turning. I saw you.

That's the thing.

I chose to.

I just chose to.

- Ds, please.

-Oh, um...


You know, I bet you'd look much cuter if you smiled.

-What did you say?

-Why don't you try it sometime?


-When we come back,

a mass sh**ting claims the lives of 13.

The suspect was a man in his 20s with no motive yet known.

And two men are in custody after a road rage incident.

More after this.

Tonight, Annie Miller found herself in the center

of a mysterious and violent epidemic.

What she encountered was no material disease,

but rather a plague of conscience.

One that gave men

permission to ignore decency, consent and fear.

And tonight, all it took

was a few innocuous little rocks

to turn men into monsters.

Here... in The Twilight Zone.