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01x03 - Replay

Posted: 07/26/20 14:02
by bunniefuu
Order up!

I thought we did your class registration online.

I know. We did.

We got to be there tomorrow morning

for freshman orientation.

Who took you on your first day?

Mm. Let me think.

There was... me.


-And then I drove.

And then there was another person named...

Oh, what was she called?

Oh, yeah, me, Nina.

Mm-hmm. Strength in numbers, huh?

It was just me, myself and I.



Can't you just use your phone

like everybody else in this century?

Come on, Dorian.

You're supposed to be a filmmaker now.

Respect a classic.

Besides, this recorded your first little baby steps.

Of course it's gonna record your...

...first steps into college.

-First steps into college.

Yeah, heard that before.

Come. Let me have a look.

Oh, my God, this is old.


-Good afternoon, Miss Mabel.

Egg sandwich or burger today?

Know what?

Today's feeling like a chicken-fried steak day.

-Coming right up.

-Thank you.

I have some questions for the bonus

features of "Dorian Goes to College."

How does it feel to be going off into the world

and leaving your poor old mama all alone?

Is that what Grandpa asked you

when you went to college?


We both know that answer.

Well, Uncle Neil says Grandpa was proud of you.

What do you know about what Uncle Neil says?


Your Uncle Neil doesn't know shit.

My daddy didn't help me get out,

and I didn't care to stay, so...

Neither of us cared about what each other wanted.

But I care about you.

One day, you will have a child of your own,

and you can play this video

to my future granddaughter, Trinity.


Yep, Trinity.

Tell us about how your gorgeous

mama took you to school

so you could become the next Ryan Coogler.

What you know about Ryan Coogler, anyway?

What you think, I live under a rock?

I saw "Black Panther."

Oh, damn!

Ah, Dorian.

Whoa, whoa, wait a second. Was that on?

Did you just record that, just now?

Yeah, so my future granddaughter can see

what a slob I had to live with.

Could you rewind and record over it, please?

Know it's gonna be on Facebook.

What you know about Ryan Coogler, anyway?


Didn't you just squirt the ketchup on yourself?

-Why would I do that?

-No, no.

I mean an accident. Didn't you just

squeeze the bottle and then it got on you?

I... I don't... I don't know what...

That was...

Ooh, that was the most intense déjà vu.

I know I'm not trippin'.

Presenting Nina Harrison.

A woman who left her past behind

to provide a better future for her son.

Today, however, she will have no choice

but to revisit history again and again,

on a fateful drive through the perilous highways...

...of The Twilight Zone.

You're traveling through another dimension,

a dimension not only of

sight and sound but of mind.

It is the middle ground between light and shadow,

between science and superstition.

And it lies between the pit of one's fears

and the summit of one's knowledge.

You are now traveling through

a dimension of imagination.

You've just crossed over

into The Twilight Zone.

They were saying they were not getting the support...

That's good.

News? Boring.

Experts arguing?

Mm. Keep it there. Mm-hm.

No, no, not today.


♪ Look in the mirror ♪

♪ I see a great man ♪

What happened to shotgun gets to choose the station?

Come on, Mom, you know I like the old school, too.

But we gotta turn up right now.

How come I win all my cases in court,

but lose them all to you?

Mm, because you love me so much.

Slow down.


Up ahead, exit right on Emmett Avenue.

♪ Let me breathe for a minute ♪

Programmed it before we left.

Turn right on Emmett Avenue.

No. Uh-uh.

We're not gonna stop at your uncle's house.

Do not get off on that exit.

-And slow down.

-Damn, Mama.

Aren't you interested in me knowing my family?

I haven't seen Uncle Neil

since Kaepernick took the Niners to the Super Bowl.

You need to keep your head on the future, Dorian.

It took a lot for me to get out.

Don't be looking back now.

Put it down, Dorian.

Dorian, you're driving.

-This old-ass camera, there we go.

-Put it down!

I've got some questions for the bonus features of

"Dorian Goes to College: HBCU Edition."

This is not safe.

Tell me, Mrs. Harrison, you ever wonder

if not seeing the rest of

our family might have affected

how I grew up as a black man in America?


Just like we always talk about.

No attitude. Just be respectful.

Good afternoon.

Good afternoon, Officer.

We're just taking my son Dorian here

up to his first week of college.

Up at the black school here?

Tennyson. Yes, sir.


Any weapons in the vehicle?

We're just going to college.

Your mother conveyed that.

I'm asking if there are any weapons

presently in this vehicle.

No, sir.

You know why I pulled you over?

I was going too fast.

Since you admitted it, I'll let that go.

However, you were operating

a handheld device while driving a motor vehicle.

I... I told him, sir. I'm sorry. My fault.

-Is that device recording?


-Turn off that camera now.

-Why? She has the right to film.

-Turn it off!

-Hold on! Hold on!

-Turn it off!

-Hold on!

I've got some questions for the bonus features of

"Dorian Goes to College: HBCU Edition."

Tell me... You okay?

Mom, are you okay?


Where'd the cop go?

What cop?

The cop who just pulled us over.

Oh, my God.

What are you talking about?

There's no cop.

-Pull over.


Just pull over.


Mom, you good?

You good? Where you going?

Mom, where you going?

Thank God. Officer!

You okay?

What's wrong? You got a...

You got a headache?

Did we go... Did we go backwards... in time again?


I'm finding you a hospital.

-Come on. Come on.

-No, no, no, no. No, no.

You folks have an emergency?

-Yes, please, Officer.


My mom, she needs help.

-She needs to get to the hospital.


Okay. Your vehicle is in violation of state code.

You see how this portion of the

vehicle is out on the highway?

It needs to be moved, right now.


-I'm sorry. Did you hear what I said?

I did, and I will address your situation

once you've complied with my demand

to reposition your vehicle.

-Did you just say that?

-Dorian. Dorian.

Huh? My mom needs to find a hospital.

-f*ck the car.

-No, no, no. Dorian. Dorian!

No! No, no...


Order up!

Mom, you all right?

You all right?

We got to go.

But I haven't finished eating yet.


Shit. Damn it.

Hold on, baby.

Where you going?

Another way to school.

But it's... it's back that way, the way we came.

This is another way. This is a back way.

Then around.

It's a little longer, but hopefully safer.


I'm sorry, baby.

You must think your mother's crazy.

Hey, it's okay.

I'm crazy, too.

You're right. I'm taking a risky path.

But I want to do something good in this world.

Like you've done for me.

I want to inspire this generation with my films.

As crazy as that sounds,

you've always made me feel like I could do anything.

You're the strongest person I know.

♪ I had a heart and my heart changed ♪

♪ Look in the mirror ♪

♪ I see a great man ♪

♪ I see a great man Just look in the mirror ♪

♪ I see a great man I see a great man ♪

You know what?

Can we just find a motel,

get off this shitty road and

just put an end to this day?

-We're so close to the school, though.

-I know, I know. I...

I could use a good night's sleep.

I don't want to drive back alone.

I'm not feeling too great.

Why don't we just watch some bad reality TV,

eat some junk food and just hang out?

It's our last night together.


It's time for the lottery.

Good luck to everyone playing

for our $20 million drawing.

Remember, all Pick 4 lottery dollars

help fund our schools and pave our roads

to a golden future.

Our first number up is... six.

We used to call the lottery the idiot tax.

Guessing at numbers is some foolishness.


-Could be anything.

It's not all random, though.

How's that?

Well, since the big bang set everything in motion,

everything that happens in this universe

has to be the way it is.


What? It's true.

It's all just particles unfolding

the way they're destined to.

That's pretty depressing.

I think it's kind of cool.

Things happen, but they happen the way they should.

You think you know everything, don't you?

I know a lot.


Good luck to everyone

playing for our $20 million drawing.

If I can guess the numbers of

this lottery drawing right now,

you have to promise to visit

your mama whenever you can.

You got a deal.

Six. -Six.

Eight. -Eight.

Twenty. -Twenty.

Sixteen. -Sixteen.

Congratulations to all our winners.

How did...?

-How did you do that? What?

-There you go.

-How did you do that?

-That's your mama, baby.

-How did you do that?

-There you go.

Oh, yeah. I love you, Mama.

I love you, too, Dorian.

Oh, my God.

Now go get us some snacks that are bad for us.

I will get us some snacks.

We gonna be rich!

We gonna be rich!

Mom. There's someone out here.

Yes, sir?

Good evening, folks.

Nina Harrison?


And you are?

Dorian Harrison.

And what relation are you to Ms. Harrison?

-She's my mom.

-He's my son.


I asked this boy.

I need to see pieces of identification

from the both of you.

-Mine is in my purse.

-Why do we need to show our ID?

Because I asked you.

That's not sufficient grounds.

Uh, I know my rights.


His is in his wallet, in his back pocket.

Mom, why do we need to show him

when we haven't done anything?

We got a 911 call about

a noise complaint at this motel.

I should be calling 911 on you,

for coming here with your bullshit.

-What is that in your hand?

-It's just an old camcorder.

Put it down, on the table now.

-You scared of being on camera?

-Put it down!


Is that what Grandpa asked you

when you went to college?




Order up!

How do I make him go away?

Good afternoon,

Officer Lasky.

Do I know you, ma'am?

I don't believe so, uh...

but I'd like to introduce myself.

Nina Harrison.

And that's my son Dorian.

Sorry, ma'am.

I cannot shake hands

while I have a holstered w*apon.

Oh, I... I didn't realize.

May I buy you a piece of apple pie?

What for?

For your service.


Mabel does make the best

apple pie this side of anywhere.

Can't turn down that.

Two pieces, thanks.

You got it, honey.

Must be quite a thing to carry

that g*n on you all day, every day.

Yes, ma'am. Quite a thing.

Oh, even better close up.

Bottoms up.

Have we met before, ma'am?

You knew my name,

but... I don't recall having ever seen you.

And I know everyone like you.

I'm just passing through.

Dropping my son off at Tennyson.

He's a film major.

Starts this week.

Big day, then.

He's all I have, so...

Well, nothing more important than family.

Mine's not too far from here, where I grew up.

You get back much?

Not really.

Ask my brother, he might tell you I got too fancy.

But sometimes the...

the road just takes you elsewhere.

It's why my son is so important to me.

Why he matters.

It's just me and him.

Good looking boy.

And you? Family?

Oh, you know, aunts...

...cousins, what have you.

And your wife?

Your wedding ring.


You know...

Life sometimes goes... you don't expect it to.

Yes, it does.

I'm so sorry.

Appreciate that, Ms. Harrison.

And thank you for the pie.

You're welcome.



By the way, does that Volvo outside belong to you?

That's a nice car.

How'd you get that car?

I worked hard for that car, Officer Lasky.

And to get my son into college,

so he can have opportunities that I didn't.

We all want that for our kids, don't we?

Yes, ma'am.

Drive safe.

I'll let you listen to some old school if you let me drive.

-This time, you got it.


Ms. Harrison?

I need to see your driver's license, registration,

and proof of ownership of that vehicle.

Ownership? You mean the pink slip?

Yes, ma'am.

Who keeps their pink slip in their car?

Well, hopefully you do,

or you are not driving this

vehicle out of this parking lot.

I know what you're saying. This is my car.


-Why wouldn't it be my car, huh?

Tell me, why wouldn't it be my car?

-Put down what's in your hand.

-It's a camera.


-This is my car, and I am driving my car

out of this parking lot.

-Mom, wait, stop!

I've got a picture of the pink slip on my phone!

Why wouldn't this be my car, huh?

This is my car...

-Ma'am. -...and I am gonna drive

my car out of this f*cking parking lot!

Found it, found it! Here!

Over here, though.

Over here.

Ms. Harrison? Ms. Harrison?

If you're ready, we need you to make

a positive identification of your son.

Before I go...

I had... I had...

I need...

There was a... a camera.

An old camcorder.

Who has it? Where is it?

I need it.


Please, please, please.

Take me back.

Take me back.

Order up!

My baby.

Are you okay?


We got to get back on the road.

Come on.

Thank you.

What's wrong?

Come on, Mama.

I'm gonna be back for Thanksgiving.

That's just ten weeks.


I need you to know something.

And I need your help.

You never ask for help.

I don't expect you to believe me, Dorian.

I don't need you to answer any

questions or figure it all out.


I don't know if it's a problem with my mind,

or... some kind of parallel universe,

a... a glitch in the matrix, some cosmic strings.

I don't know. I just need you to help me

figure out how to end it.

There's nothing magical about knowing...

...the only way we haven't taken

can get us to the school.

Programmed it.

Before we left.


Why'd you never come back?

My older brothers lost their lives here.

Your uncle was shot a block over there.

To me, there were only two ways out of here:

walking out and never looking back, or dead.

Does it look any different?

It should, since they started

building that new stadium,

pushing us all out of here, one way or the other.



Look here. I got a box in the garage.

In it is a "Black Panther" issue #1 by Ta-Nehisi Coates.

It is mint. Don't f*ck it up.

All right.

I wish Dad were alive to see you back in the front yard.

You could've come back for his funeral.

Thank you.

Where are your girls?

In DC with their mother.

How's that?

They live with me.

I'm used to people leaving.

Hell, I never expected you

to come back, yet here you are.

Now, is it because the boy's school is so close

and you wanted me to see Dorian?

Yes and no.

It's hard for me to ask for help, Neil.

I think this camcorder is magic.

Dad's camcorder?


And it... rewinds time or something.

And there's this cop.

I've tried everything,

but he keeps just pulling us over again

and again and again,

no matter what route we take,

no matter how nice or how mean we are.

He's always there.

There's nothing I can do.

We can't get past him.

He always shows up.

He's always on the verge of k*lling Dorian.

-The last time, he even...

-I get it.

I believe you.

They always come.

Question is: what are we gonna do?

At least this time there is a "we,"

and not just you and your boy.

I don't know how to thank you, Neil.

And I'm sorry for not being here.

Well, after you left, Dad believed that he knew

exactly where you were at any time.

You two had that connection,

much like you and Dorian.

And I'm starting to believe more and more... all that stuff the old folks tell you,

all those quiet whispers about those things

that our ancestors brought over from the motherland.

Guess I'm a believer now, too.

Well, we are family, all of us.

Ain't nothing good

ever come about in this country

without us getting together.

Let's take Dorian to school.

I've been doing a remembrance project.

Everything around here is being gentrified.

Before it's gone, before they're all gone,

I've been trying to document it.

So, photos, videos.

Doing interviews with the black folks

who have lived here since way back when.

Now, here we have the side

streets and the back alleyways.

You remember, Nina.

We used to play back there when we were kids.

Hiding from the truant officer, or whoever else.

They're putting in condos next year,

but they haven't started construction quite yet.

Still, it's a great place to hide.

But behind the library, there's something else.

There's an old draining system

that leads into the college

that was built in the 1700s.

Now, it was closed up

before they drew up this map

in, like, '55 or so.

Dad used to work down there in the summers.

He used to take me down there

sometimes to scare me.

Worked, too.

You three! Stop where you are.

Hey. What are you doing coming out of there?

I'm talking to you.

Stop! Hey!

Stop right now!

No, Officer.

Since you are incapable of grasping the situation,

I am going to explain to you

how this is supposed to go.


My son's done nothing but be a good young man.

Rewind it, Mom.

Let's try again.

Not this time, Dorian.

We're all witnesses.

That's right. That's right.

You think you can intimidate me with a camcorder?

Don't you watch the news?

You've crossed the line.

Harassing us, abusing authority.

You've been profiling us, targeting us,

following us, sh**ting us, k*lling us.

Mm-mm. Not anymore.

Now we cross the line.

My son will cross that gate.

Right now, right here.

My son will go to college.

So back the f*ck up!

Come on, Lasky. Let's get out of here.

I see it now, Officer Lasky.

You're the one who's really afraid.

Go on, Dorian.

Walk through that gate.

Damn, sis.

Don't you think you can put that down now, Mom?

Sure don't.

Dorian, you know why I do this.

It's been ten years. It's enough.



Come on, Mama. Mama.

Come on.

Just let it go.

I love you, Mama.

I love you, Dorian.

You want some ice cream? Huh?


-You want some ice cream?

I want some ice cream.

Go get some ice cream for Trinity.

You want anything?

Nina Harrison found that only by embracing her past

could she protect her son's future.

And it was love, not magic, that kept evil at bay.

But for some evils,

there are no magical, permanent solutions,

and the future remains uncertain...

...even here... The Twilight Zone.