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04x18 - Dork Day Afternoon

Posted: 07/26/20 13:50
by bunniefuu
Kid, we'll run out of time!

We'll make it; you'll drive lead, Walter will follow west on Venice Boulevard at exactly 42 miles an hour.

We got to go faster.

No, I timed all the lights; you'll coast through the greens.

There's construction on Normandie.

Then take Hobart, and turn left on 11th.

No, take Olympic.

Potholes on 11th slow traffic.

You know, you could be more involved in this.

Well, one, with Paige busy at the FBI seminar, my hands are full doing our accounts.

Yes, that's right, a man with a 197 IQ is balancing a checkbook.

And two, we're not racing humanitarian aid across a w*r zone.

We are transporting sperm across Los Angeles.

Cabe: Not just any sperm.

Toby's sperm.

Is that supposed to make it more enticing?

We just want to make sure it gets there safely.

This mission could finally make the Quintis duo a trio.

And if everybody does their jobs, we can make their first crack at artificial insemination their last.


have you heard from Toby on...

his sample production?


Not yet.

You know, this is absurd.

There are rooms in fertility clinics for such...

endeavors, stocked with prurient films and periodicals.

Why must he do this at home?

Toby insists that his sexy swimmers-- his term, not mine-- be fabricated in an environment where he is comfortable, and he's not comfortable doing his thing-- God, this is gross-- with office personnel right down the hall.

He thinks if he's uptight, then his...

work product will not be as good as it can be, and that will compromise fertilization.

That is superstition.

That is beneath Toby.

And I didn't think anything was beneath Toby.

Cabe: They've been having a run of bad luck.

Maybe the superstition gives him a sense of control.

[phone chiming]


It's time for BrainForm.

The brainteaser app?

I saw the ad.

Didn't look too hard.

Yeah, for us normals, these puzzles help keep our minds sharp.

And this timed maze is a bear.

Walter: Maze puzzles don't improve brain function, they just make you better at solving mazes.

Which has zero practical application unless you're a rat.

Cabe, if you want a challenge, help us connect to the Cassiopeia VI.

Walt and I call her Cassie for short.

What the hell's a Cassie?

Walter: NASA satellite decommissioned in 1963, but civilians can apply for the right to establish their own links.

We're able to monitor solar storms.

I'll stick to the mazes.

Your loss.

[phone dings]

Oh, this is from Toby.

"Head over.

Starting sample procurement." This is my worst workday ever.

And I was once accidentally blasted into space.

Well, it's time for you to blast off again.

If you don't leave soon, then we have to recalculate the whole traffic matrix.

So go.

Come on.

[door opens, closes]


You know, Ralph, baby-making isn't the only labor of love today.

I'm gonna ask Florence out.


I teed you up nicely.

My wingman game is strong.

Uh, plus, you and Florence are a logical couple.

Not just logical, but productive.

In just two weeks, we've made such great strides on my water filtration program for West Altadenia.

But before I ask her out, green or...

Paige: Red!

[tires screech]

It was yellow.

Yeah, like, four seconds ago.

[car horns honking]

So the seminar went well.

Tell the feds the next ballistics workshop better have bagels.


Will do.

[horns honking]

Oh, this traffic is a sign.

Of what?

That I shouldn't be going to this stupid appointment.

"Stupid appointment"?

This is a big day.

Stay positive.

Yeah, it's hard to stay positive when I got out of bed and I stepped on a socket wrench, then that FBI rookie spilled coffee on me, and now we're gonna be late-- all signs.


No, they're just accidents.

We're gonna get to the clinic on time; so will the guys.

You're nervous.

You don't feel ready to have a baby; that's normal.

Trust me, I am sure Toby does not feel ready either.

I've never felt more ready.

Per doctor's orders, I've taken my kilos of vitamins, I've done daily cardio and I've made healthy dietary adjustments, all for this.

I call this a steampunk blimp.

This was designed by none other than Happy Quinn.

It's a stainless steel, shockproof, cold and heat-resistant sample protector.

Zygote, here we come.

All right.

We have 56 minutes until the handoff, and I'm not providing a top quality product, so we can't be late with delivery.


I'm not a dog.

[horn honking]

Would you two quit bickering?!

We're on the clock to make a baby!


[tires screeching]

Red is the color of strength and confidence.

From observing Florence's style preferences, as well as the paint color of her lab, red is a nonstarter.

It's all about the lilac.


All right.



I had a radical idea about increasing the surface area of the carbon scrubbers.

Hello, Ralph.

Ralph: Uh, morning.

[horn honking outside]


My ride.

You got this.

[door opens]

Oh, boy.

Are you ready to get started?

Yessiree, Bob.

Not that your name is Bob.

I know it's Florence.

[chuckles]: What?



You know, I figured since we're gonna be doing so much work here, we'll probably get hungry, so...

would you want to grab a bite at Kovelsky's later?


Sounds like a plan.


You got this.

You got this.

[engine revving]



How are we looking on time?

Uh, 49 minutes, 43 seconds.


Quick pit stop.

Toby: Whoa, whoa, Walt.

Walt, Walt, what are you doing?

Cabe: All that precision planning, and you're calling an audible?

This is the most important day of my life.

You're gonna blow it by going to the ATM?

I only use tellers.

ATMs are magnets for hackers and thieves.

We had a plan.

Yes, and the plan included extra time for pileups, natural disasters and spontaneous parades, none of which are happening.

Now, the clinic is 12 minutes away.

We're fine.

Whoa, whoa, Walt, we are so far from fine, it's not funny.

Are you concerned that I'm gonna walk under a ladder or cross paths with a black cat?

What does that mean?

This whole plan is predicated on superstition, and I am not subscribing to it in lieu of running an efficient company.

In fact...

All right, enough.

Look, five minutes.

And no unplanned transactions, no small talk.


You know that me and the missus have planned this procedure to the minute.

The stars have aligned perfectly, from the octane of my petrol to the timing of Happy's ovum.


Brown University says we're not gonna have another chance this good for impregnation for five months minimum, if ever.

We will be done in no time.


It seems like we're standing here right now.

Uh, excuse me, do you think, uh, he could help us?

I'll be with you in a moment, Mr.


Actually, we don't have a moment.

Walter: I am sorry, Stevie.

My friend is a little frazzled today.

I'm not frazzled, I'm just annoyed, at you.

Uh, Stevie, my man, uh, we're on a bit of a schedule here, so...

How can I help you?

A cash withdrawal, um, $800.

500 in tens, and 300 in 20s, please.

Scorpion corporate account.

Right away.

How are you today?

I'm fine.

He's selfish.

[phone ringing]

[phone continues ringing]

Stevie: Okay, there you go.

You have a nice day.

Sorry, I'm a trainee.

First day.

[phone continues ringing]

Walt, I got a bad feeling.

Let's go.

No, why don't you wait in the car.

And be careful of the cracks in the asphalt so you don't injure your mother's back.


You're all set.

Thank you.

In and out.



Walt, Walt, just walk naturally, but this is a bank robbery.

That's not funny.

He's right, Doc; that's like yelling "fire" in a crowded theatre.

Monitors are off, and I bet the cameras are, too.

When's the last time you saw a 45-year-old dude training to be a bank teller?

[g*n clicks]

Stevie: Stop right there.

Now, turn around.

You know, if this is how you act as a trainee, you're never gonna make teller.

♪ Scorpion 4x18 ♪ Dork Day Afternoon Okay, guys, remain cool.

You don't want them getting spooked.

All right, let's get them to the break room, and help the guys with the cash.


Let's go.

Oh, no, no, I've got an impotent appointment of the utmost importance; I'm not going anywhere, guys.

Move your ass.

Come on, I don't care if you rob the bank.

I mean, it's federally insured.

Who gets hurt, right?

Crap, we have company.

Oh, I'm sorry, ma'am, we're closed.

The computers are down.

We'll be open by lunchtime, all right?

[lock clicks]

That's a problem.


She left.


Because how many more people come by, find their bank is locked before they become suspicious?


O'Brien, you guys just screwed us.

Take their phones.

You sure that's necessary?

Less people see an empty room, less chance they call the cops.

Too late.

Okay, fellas, listen up.

We now have 20 minutes to do a 90-minute job, so I'm shutting down the front, 'cause I need all hands on deck.

What kind of bank robbers spend 90 minutes in a bank?

Most heists are over in less than 90 seconds.

Okay, let's move.

Cabe: Fellas, I'm gonna need all the information that you can give me so I know what we're dealing with.

But be slick.

Don't let 'em know that you're comm'd up.

You're taking us this way, down the back hall?

Yeah, right where I'm pointing, Einstein.

Come on.

[indistinct police radio chatter]

Police scanner, huh?

Monitoring LAPD?


That is smart.

Anybody calls in the robbery, the bad guys will have a heads up.

Nate: Come on, move.

What happened to this guy?

It's an employee break room, not a break-an-employee room.

It's all right, I'm a doctor.


His nose is fractured.

Jason tried to be a hero.

He's not so brave now.

Cabe: Well, at least now we know they're not above v*olence.

Don't do anything to ramp 'em up.

You can't just lock the eight of us in here.

Watch me.

[lock clicks]

Okay, Cabe, did you get that?

There's six hostages in here, plus me and Toby.

And all the little Tobys in my pocket, which are now several minutes behind on their delivery schedule, which means Happy's gonna be several months behind on her delivery schedule.

Um, who are you guys talking to?

We're government contractors with tiny communication devices in our ears that allow us to connect with our colleagues on the outside.

We're gonna keep you safe.

No one is gonna die.

Toby: Except for the millions of sperm that are slowly withering away in my pocket.

Looking sly, Sly.

Looking sly.

[cell phone ringing]

Cabe, you could not have called at a more inopportune time.

What do you want?

Walter, Toby, hostages, sperm sample!


Walter and Toby stopped at a bank on their way to the fertility clinic, and it's getting robbed.

All right, guys, I am on comms, you're on speaker, and Florence is with me.

Cabe, can you please hurry up with a plan?

'Cause in 44 minutes, Happy's procedure becomes a no-cedure.

As soon as Sly gives me the satellite feed I asked him for.

Sylvester: Done.

I've got a ten-block radius around the bank.

What am I looking for?

Cabe: Cop cars.

You need to contact LAPD, have them call any squad car in the area and tell them not to respond to any calls to that bank until I give them the word.

And they have to do it all by cell phone, not walkie.

Hold on, you want the police to stay back?

I thought during a bank robbery you want the cops to be around.

If the bad guys hear that the cops are around, the danger to the hostages goes up.

Sly, are there any LAPD cars in the area?

Three in a six-block radius.

What are the numbers on the roof of their cars?

481, 572, 393.

I'll contact LAPD.

You call Happy and Paige and fill them in.

Sly, you and I both know that Happy is gonna be very upset.

She's full of anxiety and hormone boosters.

So, when you relay this information to her, it's very important that you make sure that she understands that this is all Walter's fault.

I'm gonna k*ll O'Brien.

What exactly is the problem?

Call him up.

He'll fill you in.

Walter, what's going on?

I'm sorry, but could you please take your calls outside?

You're what?!


Don't tell me this isn't a sign.

Does appear to be sign-like.

Okay, Doc, I'm gonna come break out you and your swimmers.

No, no, no.

Sweetie, sweetie, that's unwise.

There's nothing you can do, and then I'd just have to bring you and my bodacious batter to the doctor's office.

So, how about you stay where you are?


But I'm getting eyes on you.

Please, you cannot go in there.

Okay, Gretchen, you're a nice girl, but I've got one foot in the air and I'm looking for an ass to kick.


Happy: Damn it.

I can hack into anything that's on, but the security cameras are off.

I'll find a workaround, but I need bank schematics.

Happy: Sly?

Already on it.

All right, I just got off with LAPD.

They're gonna be here any minute, and they know that Homeland's running point.

Sylvester, look.


guys, there is a truck approaching the bank by a side door in the alley.

The siding on the truck is for a carpet cleaning business.

That is their cover.

And it looks like they're offloading chemical drums and putting them into the bank.

They could be using the drums to move the money out.

True, or the drums are full of chemicals to make b*mb and blow the whole building when they're done, destroying any evidence.

If that's the shot, the plan changes.

We may hand this off to SWAT sooner rather than later.

Damn it, we need eyes five minutes ago.

Sly, where are my schematics?

Coming right up.

Happy: Got 'em.

Okay, let's see here.

Okay, these are old; give me a beat to look them over.



I know you to be an ornery b*st*rd, but not a reckless man.

You want to tell me what the hell's going on here?

These guys aren't wearing masks, which means they don't care if they get their picture taken.

Sly, see what you can find out about them.

Now, the leader is a bank employee, first name Steven.

Last name Petersen.

He's not a career criminal, but his brother Nate is.

Toby: Yeah, he's with Nate right now.

If they don't care that we see them, they're headed somewhere where the authorities can't touch them.

Sylvester: Already ahead of you.

Searching for private flights at local airports now.

Florence: There.

A Petersen chartered a private jet from Burbank tonight, headed to Vanuatu in the South Pacific.

No extradition treaty with the U.S.

Toby, I can't get the cameras on, but I can guide you to the place where you can.

Junction box is 13.4 feet ahead to the south.

Crawl softly and they won't hear crap inside that soundproof vault.

Crawl loudly and you're dead meat.

[quietly]: All right, I'm almost there.

All right, Hap, what do I do?

Now you're gonna power up the cameras only, not the monitors.

Otherwise, they'll know something is up.

In the junction box are grouped wires.

Standard configuration is blue, yellow and green.

k*ll the green; that'll k*ll power to the monitors.

Then I want you to wind the blue and yellow.

And we have eyes up.

Okay, Cabe, we're looking at four of them in the vault.

Florence: Plus the driver in the truck.

He hasn't gotten out yet.

That's five total.

Man, your team's solid.

I'm gonna head down.

I don't want to fall through the ceiling and spill my semen.

I can explain.

Good news is the drums aren't full of chemicals; they're filling them with money.

And I just solved the mystery as to why they're taking so long.

They're removing the hidden dye packs from every stack of cash.

Dye packs are the things that explode and ruin the stolen money?

Walter: It's not just dye.

The packs contain a chemical mixture of aerosolized tear gas designed to cause severe eye and lung irritation.

Taking out every single dye pack is time consuming, but it's a good way to ensure that you get away with clear eyes and clean money.

Got to be at least ten million.

Sylvester: Actually, I've hacked into the bank's camera feed, and based on stack size, a more accurate estimate is 10.89 million.

Why would a mom-and-pop savings and loan be holding this much cash?

Guys, guys, of course.

The stakes at the Santa Susana racetrack are this weekend.

That's just a mile from here.

That track probably uses this bank, and they called in all that cash to cover the action.

Something Stevie would know was gonna happen.

Happy: Okay, let me tell you what's not gonna happen.

Me getting knocked-up if you guys don't get out of there and get me Toby's goods in 37 minutes.

Walter: Happy, as soon as we figure something out, the whole team will work to get you pregnant.

I think I found a solution.

These old pneumatic tubes, the one they use for deposits and withdrawals, the tellers had them, but is there one for the drive-through?

Yes, covered by a grate in '02.

If I could just plant the seed of an idea here.

Cabe: Yeah, well, if you could plant the seed, we wouldn't be in this mess.

Toby, I don't like where you're going with this.

Toby: Sorry, Happy.

We don't have a choice.

The clinic techs have to start the washing procedure on my boys in 36 minutes, or else our little baby becomes a big maybe.

Happy, we've got everything riding on this.

A-All the work, a-all the doctors and the tests, and that brutal, brutal abstinence.

Everything's led up to this moment.

This moment, brought to you by Walter's selfishness.

You sold me.

Okay, the container is two-and-a-half inches wide.

Pneumatic tube is four and 1/8.

Theoretically, it could work.

Uh, Cabe, pretty please, if I get the sample out to you, can you get it to the clinic on time?

I don't know, kid.

I can't just take off in the middle of all this.

Oh, hold on.

Look, Cabe, back when Connie and I couldn't have kids, the technology wasn't there for us.

But your friends, they have a shot.

You got to help them.

We can take it from here.


I'm your courier.

I owe you one, Cabe.

Thanks, pal.

Paige: One problem.

The drive-through is right by the truck.

If the driver sees Cabe messing around in the back, that's bad news.

I got an idea.

Excuse me, sir.

On behalf of the United States government, I'm commandeering your wiener dog.

[dog barks]

Happy: According to the schematics, the metal grate is next to what is now the drive-through ATM.

Opposite side of the bank from the alley and not visible from inside.

While Cabe removes the grate, Toby accesses the tube through a service hatch and switches on the fan.



Uh, I'm gonna send a piece of wood on a test run.

[air whooshing]

[dog barks]

All right, Doc.

It worked like a charm.

Let her rip.

Fly, my little aquamen, fly.

Actually, aquamen would swim.

Hawkman would fly.

And a plethora of other heroes.



[air whooshing]

[quiet thump]

You hear that?

What are you waiting for?

Send it.

I did.

Doc, I'm waiting for your delivery, but nothing's happening.

Now you know how I feel.

Oh, no, no, no, no.

The canister's stuck?

Doesn't mean it's a sign.

Guys, I'm coming down.

This is bad.

This is worse.

There's no way out up here.

Toby: Guys, it was a shot in the dark.

I'm just a dope.

I'm just a scared dope.

Try escaping again and this escalates.


You were always such a good boy.

Why don't you just take whatever money you have and let us go?

I can't do that, Mrs.


Just sit tight and you'll be fine.


[lock clicks]

Toby: Oh, look at the time.

We got 31 minutes left and my stallion battalion's stuck who knows where.

Happy: I know where.

I'd bet my wrench hand it got stuck at that junction point behind the wall, right next to the bank vault.

If there was warping from disuse, junctions like that would be the first areas compromised.

The turn was too tight.

Happy, I think that's it.

It's over.

I-I failed us.

I failed you.

I'm a full-blown loser.

Toby, I think you just solved our problem.

By admitting I'm a loser?



We're gonna blow the dye packs.

Sylvester: Walter, they are removing all of the dye packs.

How does that help us?

If all the dye packs in the vault explode at once, it will have enough concussive force to knock out the thieves and jostle Toby's sample loose.

That is an ambitious, dangerous and crazy plan!

Listen to me.

This whole situation is my fault, from being in the stickup to endangering Happy and Toby's fertility success.

I have to fix this.

Hang on.

How you gonna get the dye packs to go off?

Well, they're radio frequency controlled, so Sly and Florence can build a remote RF trigger.

Well, I can use my ham radio from my go-bag as a base.

But in order to get a detonation signal to the bank, we will need a significant signal boost.

Walter: Modify the antenna Ralph and I built to communicate with Cassiopeia VI.

Okay, we'll need the serial number for that run of dye packs and the frequency data.

Toby, you'll pick the lock on that door with Laverne's hairpins; I will grab the dye pack data from the vault.

Vault's occupied, genius.

Not when all four are taking a drum full of cash out to the truck.

Heavy load requires all hands.

Walter: Exactly.

Now, Paige and Happy, time their movements and give me an average about how long I will have to make it to the vault and back to the break room safely.

Jason: There is no time amount to do this safely.

You're gonna get caught.

And then they're gonna k*ll all of us.

Toby: Guys, I don't want to freak you out, but did you see how Stevie couldn't look Laverne in the eye when he promised she'd be okay?

That's because he's been working here for a while; he's gotten to know you as coworkers, and he was lying to you.

They're gonna k*ll all of us when they're done.

They're gonna leave no witnesses, and then they're gonna get on a plane, and they're gonna get lost.

We have no option but to try this plan.

Paige: Fine, but how are you and Walt gonna do anything if you're bound in duct tape?

We're gonna die here today.

Okay, now the sample container is shockproof, but I didn't account for the force of a thousand dye packs.

There needs to be cushioning in the tube.

What do you people eat around here?

You don't have any, like, bread or marshmallows?

Oh, popcorn.

Popcorn's perfect.

Those dye packs burn at, like, 400 degrees.

So the kernels will surround the sample.

Then once they're hit with the heat blast, they're gonna pop instantly.

27 minutes and nine seconds till my sample's no longer ample.

Doc, you got the sample stuck the first time.

Don't blow it again.

Ah, there's the support I'm looking for.

Guys, how are we looking on time?

Happy: We'll have a workable average for you after they make one more trip.

Three teams here, here and here with four men in this corner to take the front door.

Actually, I think this is the ideal spot for the front door approach.

Except we can't get there while staying out of sight.

You got to treat it like a maze.

Take this alley through the back door of the restaurant here.

Emerge catty-corner from the bank at Serrano.

Impressive route.


You should try it.

Now get your men in position.

You heard the man.

Let's roll.

[clears throat]


Comms out for a second.

Toby is trying his best.

Maybe try a little tenderness.

I know, I know.

I hear myself.

Scary thing is, I am actually trying to be comforting.

You're nervous.

Or I'm not wired for it or for being a mom.

You ever think of that?

You are.

You've been enthusiastically trying for months.

Why the sudden change of heart?

Because now it's real.

I can be pregnant within an hour.

And if I love Toby as much as I do and I still don't know how to treat him, why would it be any different with a kid?

That's why all the signs are correct, 'cause I don't have what it takes to be a mom.

I'm not you, Paige.

They finished another run.

Okay, I got your timing, Walt.

24 seconds on average to get to the vault and back.

That's not a lot of cushion.

No, but this is.

[air whooshing]

Now a little popcorn.

[air whooshing]

Popcorn's in position.

Are the cops?


Okay, they're about ready to do a drum run out to the truck.

In three, two, one.


24, 23...

Come on, boss.



Florence: Serial number P-6-2-5-7-A-9-2-3-6-Q at a frequency of 52.525 megahertz.

I'm inputting that data into the system panel of our RF trigger.

And done.

Let's go to the roof.

Paige: Get out of there.

You've got 14 seconds.

No, he doesn't.

They're early.

Paige: Walter, you got to hide.


Why was your averaging off?

That's basic math.

Happy: They forgot their lift straps.

They can't get the drums up onto the truck without them.

Okay, when they're inside, blow the packs.

No, you'll be in there with the blast.

This drum's polyethylene plastic.

It'll protect me.


Take the straps.

I'm gonna stay here and keep packing.

We got to move.

Come on.

Cabe: Walt, when that blast goes off, we're gonna be coming in hot, so you stay in that barrel as long as possible.

Walter [quietly]: Understood.


We're connecting now.

We most certainly are.


All set.

Connecting to the dye packs frequency now.

Happy: They're all back in the vault.

Sly, you ready?

Triggering the blast...



Toby: Nothing is a problem!

Hit it again!

We don't have any connection.

Something must be blocking the signal.

Well, figure it out because it's only a matter of time till they open that drum and find Walter.

Sly, if you boofed the electronics, you'll get my claw hammer around your neck.

The signal should be more than strong enough.

Walter and Ralph built it to talk to a friggin' satellite!

Just get it to work.

Yelling makes me nervous.

I'm a chemist.

Kind of flying blind here, okay?


That's it.


Or more accurately, blinds.

I've been to Walter's bank.

Doesn't it have blinds on the windows?

Yes, and lovely faux wood paneling.

Who gives a carton of crap?!

[quietly]: There are blinds.

They pulled them down.

Sylvester: That's it.

They got to open the blinds.

They're blocking our signal!

I'm gonna hack away to monitor the signal's reception.

Hang on.

We're seriously getting derailed by window blinds?

Sylvester: Yes, they cause interference for radio signals of this size and strength.

He's right.

In the early days of broadcasting football games, they'd ask all the buildings downtown to keep their blinds open on Sundays to allow for easier transmission of the broadcast.

Thank you for the fascinating history lesson at a completely inappropriate time.

Does somebody want to tell me who's gonna go to the bank floor and open those blinds?!

I can do it.

It's a short run, and I can find a hiding spot there.

Yeah, well, you're not exactly mobile.

I just need to find a way out.

And so do my tiny dancers.

Happy: Focus!

We can't get Walt out of the drum till we get them out of the vault.

I have an idea.


Excuse me.

Hey, you.

Can I help you?


You can move your damn truck.

I came by here earlier and was gonna give you a pass, but you're still here.

I'm working, buddy.

Cabe: There's no commercial parking here per the block association.

I got a bar around the corner and my delivery guy can't get through.

You know, it's twice a week I got to deal with this.

Now, you want me to call the cops?

Stevie: Denton, get rid of this guy, quietly.

Why don't you go play with your dog?

My dog is in the bar, and my foot is gonna be up your ass if you don't move this truck.

Suggest you shove off.

Cabe: Oh, yeah?

Or what, tough guy?

Come on, guys.

We got a problem at the truck.

Paige: Cabe, you got their attention.

They're leaving the vault.

Walter, get ready to move.

They're out of the vault and down the hall.


Walter, the lobby's clear.

Cabe, they're almost at the door.

Get out of there.

Walter: Cabe, I'm clear.

Look, man, just turn around and leave.

You know what?

To hell with you.

I'm gonna take this up with my alderman.

He's gone.

We've wasted time we don't have.

Hurry up.

I'll start on the last barrel.

Happy: Walt, hurry.

They're almost done.

Toby: My sample only has 12 minutes left, so if all this works, we're gonna need to get to the clinic fast.

Like-like warp speed fast.

Cabe: I got a plan.

Are those blinds up yet?

Working on it.

And with every blind that goes up, the signal to the dye packs should be getting stronger.

Sylvester: Walt, it's working.

Toby: All right, listen.

When I say so, run.

Gretchen: Um, hello.

The doctor is just...

Happy and Paige: Not now!

Sylvester: We've got the signal!

Okay, done.

Sly, Flo, it's...

Paige: [gasps]


It's what, Walter?!

Should we hit the trigger now?!

No, Walter's in trouble.

The main dirtbag coldcocked him, and now he's standing over Walt with a g*n.

Cabe, get in there!

Cabe: If we take the bank, God forbid the guy's got an itchy trigger finger.

We can't.

Happy: These guys are seconds away from taking the last drum of cash out of the vault.

After that, they are out of range of the dye packs.

If we blow the packs now, that thug knows something's up and he could take Walter out.

Cabe, once that money's loaded up, they're gonna come back here and k*ll us.

Stevie: Don't move.

We'll be out of here soon.

Do it now.

Are you seriously telling me to k*ll you now?

Now, Sly, do it now!

Who's Sly?


[rapid beeping]

Let's move!

Move, move!

Go, go, go!



Don't move!

Let's go.


Get out of the truck!

Drop the w*apon!



Put your hands on your head!

♪ ♪ That's an immaculate reception.

It worked!

Oh, not quite.

There's only seven minutes left.

There's no way we're gonna make it to the clinic on time.

Remember I said I had a plan?

[siren whoops]

What the hell you standing around here for?

Your LAPD escort's here.

We're gonna get you kids your baby.

[siren wailing]

All right, Happy, we're making haste with the paste.

Happy: Okay, please don't call it that.

You know what?

If you get here in time, you can call it whatever you want.

Six minutes left.

We only need four.


Haul your asses.

Hey, my man's baby broth will be here any minute.

Tell your technician to get the wash procedure ready.

Um, pardon me.

I've got to fill out all these forms.

Any way you can hold him for just a few minutes?

Um, I'm actually coming down with something, so I can't.

But she can.

Woman: Oh, great.


Back in a jiff.


: You're not sick.


Tickle in my throat.

[baby fussing]



Look at you, a natural.

Cork it.

[elevator bell dings]

They just gave us one?

Technician: Mr.


We have 30 seconds left to start the cleaning and preparation process.

Here you go.

Thank you.

Everything looks good.


Quinn, the doctor's ready for you.

Just a little paperwork to sign first.


Paige: Okay, guys.

Good luck.

See you back at the garage.

Cabe: Good luck, guys.


You okay?

You look nervous.

Don't be.

You took the vitamins, you know, you read the fertility books, you wore your loose boxers.

I've actually gone alfresco past few weeks.


You've done all you can do.

This will all work out.

[exhales slowly]

I'm not just nervous about becoming a father.

I'm on edge about being a dad.

I mean, I don't...

I didn't have any role models.

I don't know how I'm gonna do.

But, you know, I've-I've seen you fill the void in Ralph's life, and...

actually, you've done it admirably.

It gives me a little confidence that I might be able to pull this off.


If a putz like you can be a good dad...

I appreciate it, pal.

Oh, hey, you should have intercourse with Toby after the procedure, just to increase the odds.



I'm sorry that we fried your satellite antenna.

You had no choice.


Okay, good night, Ralph.

Uh, aren't you going to Kovelsky's with Sylvester?


I'm just going to grab my bag.

I'm just gonna get some takeout, go home, eat, hit the hay.

I'm sure Sylvester will want to get back to his apartment, too.

It's been a long day.


[door opens, closes]

I think the bow tie says "fun and flirty." I'm ready for my date.

Sorry, pal, but it's not a date.

She thinks you're just a couple of friends picking up takeout from a diner.

She wants to go home and get some sleep.

How can she not think it's a date?

I mean, I asked her to go with me.

How did you ask her?

I said, "Hey, Florence, how 'bout grabbing a bite at Kovelsky's with me?" See, that's not gonna work.

It's all about linguistics.

You need to say, "Florence, do you want to go on a date with me to Kovelsky's?" Or, ideally, someplace whose menus don't come with word scrambles.

That's much harder to say.

You can work up to it.


Well, I guess I got to go get her.

Um, how do I look?

Like 69.23 Bitcoin.

Thanks, Ralph.

Paige: Ralph, honey, come in here.

Hey, so since, uh, you and Walter can't work on your satellite tonight, he's gonna catch up on some billing and we're gonna watch a movie.



Tell you what, Ralph.

After dinner, how about you and I repair the antenna?

Ralph: But it's totally fried.

That'll just make it more fun and challenging.

Yeah, the weather's nice.

I can set up some work lights.

The sooner we get it up and running, the sooner we can contact Cassie.


I mean, if it's okay with you, Mom.

Definitely okay.

But first, dinner.

Because my guys can't work on an empty stomach.


May I?


I really hope it works out for Toby.

He should know how great it all turns out to be.