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04x16 - Nerd, Wind & Fire

Posted: 07/26/20 13:28
by bunniefuu
Walter: Previously on Scorpion...

Hey, Patty.

I made this for you.


Thanks, kiddo.

I want a family.

I've always wanted a family and I want one with you 'cause I love you.

Shall we start now?

So, I saw you talking to Flo earlier.

You glad I convinced you to keep her around?


I have to admit, the reason why I didn't want her to come was, uh, childish.

What was that?

It's very silly, actually.

I-I dreamt we were married and we kissed.


♪ When you're with me ♪ ♪ My mind can rest.

♪ One thing's for sure, I am not a musician.


Hey, guys.

You're back.

How'd it go at Elia's new factory?

Well, the software installation was successful.

Sylvester: And by successful, he means no one was launched into space or taken hostage.

And Elia was pleasantly surprised and we got paid.

I also got a check in the mail from the UCLA job.

Plus, money back from Cabe's bail, which means we have enough to cover the overdue bills and still be in the black for the first time in months.

[wind rushing]

Listen to those Santa Ana winds.

Sylvester: Reports are saying they are the strongest ever for February.


It's just you guys.

Uh, he's expecting Patty.

Why would Patty be coming over?

We don't have any alderman business today.

She e-mailed and said she wanted to talk to me about her school's Sadie Hawkins Day dance.

What's that?

It's a dance where the girls invite the boys.

So instead of being rejected to our faces, nerds are merely ignored.

Refreshing change of pace, actually.

Walter: So, Patty is coming over to ask you to a dance?

Well done, young squire.

I'm gonna comb my hair again.


Are you okay with this?

Reserving judgment.

Why didn't Happy and Toby come back with you guys?

They did, but the wind blew Toby's hat off when he exited her truck.

Fourth time today.

Walter: And Happy is helping him get it out of a tree.

Also fourth time today.

Can I please just have my hat back?

Speak of the devil.

Only if I can staple it to your head.

Toby: That is uncalled for.

No, what's uncalled for is wearing a fedora 365 days a year.

Is it me or is she just crankier than usual?

They had tests to determine if there's a medical reason why Happy isn't pregnant yet.

They've been expecting the results all day.

You must be really stressed because we both know that this hat makes me look foxy.

I know.

Just relax.

It's gonna be fine.

Okay, you keep saying that, but we still haven't heard from the doctors and it is past 5:30.

Bad sign, right?


I'm sure the lab results are in the system and the doctor just hasn't had a chance to review them.

This happens all the time.

No big deal.

I can't shake the feeling that something is wrong with me.

Hey, look at me.

You're perfect.

There's nothing wrong with you.

I promise.



Hell of a way to spend Valentine's Day.


These are for you.

Sweet "Ring Around the Rosie." I don't know what to say.

Say that you will get your address numbers over your door repainted.

These were delivered to me by mistake.

Paige's name is on the card.

I'm giving them to you so that you can give them to her as my presenting them would be confusing.

I'll be going now.

Was that Patty?


Ah, damn it.


For you, my Valentine.

Walter, they're beautiful.

The olfactory component's quite satisfying.

Go ahead.





Do you have allergies to roses?


You don't like the candy I gave you this morning?

It's unopened.

No, I love it.

Oh, okay.

Walter, look.


Sneezing, nausea, you've got the flu.

Toby: Paige, you got the flu.

Thought you ducked the job today because things with Elia always go sideways.

No, I didn't duck anything.

It was simple IT work and with Cabe at Homeland, I thought I'd take advantage of the quiet and work on the books.




I'm sick.

I'd hoped if I'd stayed in I'd feel up for having Valentine's dinner tonight.

Oh, don't worry about the date.

We'll just get you upstairs and rest.

I concur.

Doctor's orders.


Off you go.

No, Patty.

This garage is infected with influenza and I cannot risk my intern getting sick.


Relax, I've had my flu shot and I have a fantastic immune system.

My entire school career I have only missed three days.

Oh, here it comes.

And I've never had a tardy.

Where's Ralph?


Here I am.

Hey, Patty.

Way to play it cool.

Uh, some place we can talk privately?

Uh, Sly's office.


Uh, Ralph, sweetie, will you bring Mommy more tissues?

Ralph is busy, but have no fear, Walter's here with tissues and mentho-lyptus rub and vegetable elixir full of vitamins to put you on the mend.

Oh, thank you.

Quick warning, though.

The elixir, don't be concerned if it turns your urine red 'cause it-it will.



That's terrible.

Yeah, it's got radishes for magnesium, beets for manganese and ginger root for your nausea.

Now, you just relax and prepare yourself for more Valentine's treats.

You already got me candy and flowers.

Well, that's just the beginning.

I did research on the holiday and, trust me, I will be checking all the boxes.

Oh, well, nothing says romance like checking boxes.

So, this Sadie Hawkins dance checks all the boxes.

It ends early so I won't be tired for Mathletes the next morning.

I get school credit for doing the decorations and I like the break with traditional gender roles in the dating process.

Sounds great.

Couldn't agree more.

You should definitely go.

That's what I was thinking.

But I need to ask you something.


I haven't even asked you yet.

Doesn't matter.

I accept.


I'm sure it won't take too long.

Mm, wait.

What won't take too long?

The tutoring.

I need you to tutor Jesse Colt.

He's in my civics class, but he's failing trig.

And if he doesn't ace Friday's quiz, his parents take away his car, make him quit basketball and forbid him to go to the dance.

I need him to go to that dance, Ralph.

Mm, because he's helping with the decorations, too?

No, because he has the eyes of Paul Newman and the shoulders of Atlas.


Sadie Hawkins is the perfect opportunity for me to ask him out.

And you're the smartest person I know.

If anyone can get Jesse through trig and to the dance, it's you.

He's outside.

Can I get him?


I need your help.


Sylvester: Sorry, Ralph.

That sucks.

Some entertainment while my love recuperates.

Just hooking up the antenna...

You don't see the irony of a tech genius hooking up a 40-year-old TV?

Well, since I don't have a TV in my loft, I had to make do with what I could find behind the trailer.


It's a little bit shaky, but it'll work.

Reporter: The crashed medevac chopper...

Oh, thank you.

.. is lodged in the girders high atop the still-under-construction skyscraper behind me.

Pilot and passenger are alive, but firefighters are unable to reach them, stymied by both the height of the accident site and the strong Santa Ana winds that brought down the chopper in the first place.

Stay tuned as we bring you more on this developing story.

This sounds like the kind of case we normally get called for.

[cell phone rings]


Hi, Cabe.

Toby, Happy, gear up.

We've got to get a doctor and a pilot from a chopper on a girder.

Well, that made sense.

Hey, you guys are headed out?

What about me?

You stay.

With sicky?

I'm about to leave this den of germs.

We'll need you on our servers tracking wind patterns downtown, figure a way to predict gusts.

Copy that.

Hey, uh, Ralph, Sly's gonna be busy, so help your mom if she needs it.

Can I talk to you for a moment?

I'll meet you outside in a second.

Who's that young man?

Jesse Colt.

More like Jesse Dolt.

Check it out.

Hey, Jesse, after we study right triangles, we should take a look at wrong triangles.


Cool, dude.

Okay, he's a dullard.

That's why you're allowing him to do those problems improperly?

Ralph, I saw the worksheet.

Patty wants to ask him to the dance.

If he fails, he can't go.

Then maybe she'll ask me.

Okay, so, I-I have to go save some people, so I don't have time to get into this right now, but this is not the way to earn Patty's company.

You're better than this.

You can't talk.

You already have my mom.

You don't know what it's like.

Gust took that bird right down.

No way to the top.

Copter rotors severed the elevator cables.

Ladders don't reach.

Wind's too strong to climb up.

Crash debris is blocking the copter door so the pilot and passenger can't exit.

Now, you guys have a reputation for creative thinking.

Hoping you might have an out-of-the-box solution for this mess.

Are the people inside hurt?

Just bumps and bruises.

If the chopper isn't working and the people inside are okay, why not just wait until the wind dies down?


Passenger's Dr.

Alicia Miller, thoracic reconstructive surgeon.

She was being flown in to save a car accident victim with a hole torn in his sternum.

From what I've heard, he hasn't got much time if she can't get to him.

Toby, is there any way you could do the surgery?

No, no, chest wall reconstruction is brutal.

I try to pull that off without practice, I could k*ll the guy.

Cabe: So the only nearby qualified doctor is stuck up there and the man she needs to save is dying in the hospital right across the street.

Chief, have you established contact?



Benavidez: Dr.


The team I told you about is here.



Miller, my name's Walter O'Brien.

Now, how are the conditions?

Uh, scary.

Wind's rattling us hard.

Okay, sit tight.

You will be saved.

Walter, don't make those kinds of promises until you have a plan.

Walter: I do have a plan.

I started devising it after Cabe called.

Now, Sly, how's that task coming I gave you?

Yeah, I'm hacked into a weather monitor on the roof of a TV station down the street from you, as well as every anemometer upwind for 30 miles.

I'll be able to warn you a few seconds before any big wind gusts.

That's excellent.

Happy, grab the winch from your truck.

Toby, grab two metal oxygen tanks from the hospital and then meet me on its roof.

And Cabe, I need a big piece of PVC pipe from the construction site over there.


Grab me a fire axe?

What the hell are you gonna do?

I'm gonna go to the top of the building, and I'm bringing those people down.

♪ Scorpion 4x16 ♪ Nerd Wind and Fire [wind rushing, howling]

So it's gonna be tricky.

I got the oxygen!



The doctor who gave me these told me the patient waiting for Dr.

Miller's in a really bad way.

It's a 21-year-old kid with a hole in his sternum, and it compromised his thoracic cavity, just destroying its normal vacuum.

He can't breathe on his own.

And he's intubated, but every time his lungs fill, there's a chance it's gonna extrude through the chest opening and tear.

And the surgical fix is really intricate.

So we got to get the specialist in the sky on Terra firma, or that dude is a goner.



And axe!

That's the worst law firm name ever.


Now we just need one more thing: magnets.

And four of them.

Uh, if your plan involves what I think it involves, you're insane.


What's insane about it?

Walter: Nothing.

It's a brilliant plan.

Now, the magnets would need to be light and very strong, like, uh...


Uh, well, open MRI machines use neodymium.

Hospital probably has them, but they're not just gonna hand them over like they did these O2 tanks.

Let's flash our badges, get these guys what they need.

Come on.

All right.

I couldn't help but notice that this hospital is in the same health system as our doctor.

Yeah, 'cause you looked it up on your phone.

Okay, comms off.


You said that our fertility test results could already be in the system, which means that when we're finished with the job, all we'd have to do is take a peek on one of those computers.

Would barely even be illegal.

They're our results.

And the doctor's gonna call with them tomorrow.

Just got to be patient.

Waiting is driving me nuts.

If you're right, and there's nothing wrong with me, you should want me to know sooner rather than later.

Get that thing cracked open yet?

Working on it.

How long does it take to remove a few screws?

Not long, if you focus on the job.

I am focused.


Remember, these magnets are strong, so watch your phones and any metal.

Will this be okay?

Toby: Hello.

Somebody went all out for V Day.

With the bail money back, I was able to spend a few bucks for a nice present for Allie.

If it's real gold, you should be fine.

How cheap do you think I am?

Well, your cereal box says "Cereal." Generic is how you get your savings.

Okay, that's all the magnets.

Let's get the chief and go.

What's that?

Hospital window washer's rig.

Happy: Good thinking, boss.

Seat will make the ride a little bit more comfortable.


What exactly is your plan?

We're gonna launch the winch cable from here on the hospital roof across the street, up and over a girder...

Paige: Walter.

...near the crashed chopper.

Do you plan on having your butt in the window washer's seat?

Paige, you should be resting.

Cabe: Hey, how are you gonna pull this off?

Math and physics.

Yeah, thanks for clearing that up.

Chief, can you grab those cinderblocks, and Cabe, the PVC pipe?

You're just guessing at the aim?

We don't have to.

We know the adjacent...

About 140 feet across.

...and the opposite.

Eight stories up, so 80 feet.

So we can find the tangent.

140 feet across, 80 feet up...

35 degrees.

I was gonna say that.

Walt, angle it 35 degrees.

Walter: Was that Ralph I heard?

Can you tell him I really appreciate the accurate trigonometry calculations?

I'll be sure to pass that along.

Is he making a snide trigonometry comment?

All right, that's the math.

Now, what's the physics?

Newton's third law of motion.


Benavidez: You made a zip line, but it's going the wrong way.

You can't slide up it.

Slide, no.



Reporter: It appears some type of cable has been connected between the two buildings.

I can't believe it, but I think someone is going to try to traverse the gap in these winds.

Walter, what are you doing?

Sly, what is he doing?

Can't talk now.


Benavidez: Won't it wrap you around that girder the way it did the winch cable?

Not if we're precise about the amount of oxygen in the t*nk.

We need enough O2 to get Walt to the beam.

Sylvester: Figuring that out now.

Walt, what's your body weight?


You weighed yourself lately?

I've been 160 pounds for years.

No, studies show that people in new, happy relationships gain weight.

You sure you haven't put on a couple of love pounds since you and Paige got together last spring?

I'm positive.

I'm fit as a fiddle.

Sylvester: Okay.

You need 1,800 psi.

[air escaping]


Aw, this is crazy!

Walter: Well, you said you wanted outside-of-the-box thinking.

All right, Cabe, when you're ready.


Hold on, Walt!



An unknown man is rocketing across the cable.



Oh, no.

Whoa, whoa, oh, oh!

Ah, he's sliding back down!


[panting, grunting]

Toby: Walt!

You okay?


I have to pull myself up to the girder!

This is not easy.

Maybe somebody weighs a bit more than 160 pounds.

Walter, hurry.

They're saying on the news the guy from the car accident is critical.

Doc, go check him out.

I'm not prepared to handle that kind of injury.

Okay, you're smarter than the quacks down there.

Maybe you'll figure something out.

And I could make things worse.

Toby, listen to your wife, damn it!


Walter, there's a 75-mile-per-hour gust coming in 2.8 seconds.

Oh, boy.

Reporter: ...what are being called "minor bumps and bruises" in the crash.



2.8 seconds warning?

Are you kidding me?

He's swinging around like a piñata up there.

I'm doing the best I can.

This isn't really the best place to study.

You kidding me?

You're getting every one right.

Just keep going.


Hello again.

Smokey the bear.

What the hell?

Maybe this isn't the best place to study.

Sorry, I have masklophobia.

It's the fear of full-body mascot costumes.

Their expressionless faces mimic death.

Another one of your deliveries came to my door.

He delivers only nightmares.

Just trying to make a buck, man.


My singing telegram is there?

Have him do it loudly so I can hear.

♪ Em-bear-ass you to hear it, so just grin and bear it ♪ ♪ Someone loves you bunches, and I'm here to share it ♪ ♪ I come from the woods where I do my business ♪ ♪ To proclaim my love for you, for all to witness ♪ ♪ As a bear I cannot swear, but I've got ♪ ♪ That ♪ ♪ Walter loves you ♪ ♪ Bear-y, much.

♪ Jazz hands.


That was...

that was festive.


You enjoyed it.


He rhymed "hunch" with "much." It's assonance.

It's asinine.

Begone, demon!

You people suck, man.


Are you okay?

She is a carrier of disease.

I just got over a cold.

I could whip up some of the all-natural cough syrup I synthesized for myself.

Okay, thanks.

For the record, I think mascots are creepy, too.

[chuckles softly]

Walter: I'm almost there.


If anyone cares, I made it to the girder.


Now all Walt has to do it get the pilot and doc out.

And they zipline right back down to us.

Can't believe he made it across.

Math and physics.



Well, it's actually not that simple.

Crash punctured the helicopter's fuel t*nk.

It's leaking gas.


We can't get them out of there.

Why the hell not?

Because the hot, dry Santa Ana winds most likely created a static electric charge all over the metal chopper.

If Walter makes contact with it, or if anybody inside touches the ground, the resulting spark will cause the chopper to burst into flames and explode.

Toby: Guys, things are not any better down here, that pressure bandage is not holding.

Uh, Walt?

This kid might have the rest of his life ahead of him, but if you don't find a way to get Dr.

Miller down here, that might be only ten minutes.

Cabe: So long as there's fuel and static charge on the metal...

We are not getting out of this helicopter.


So you just sit tight, My socks stick to my sweater every load of laundry.

I just peel it off; static electricity can't be that big of a problem.

It can be dangerous.

Come here, Mom.

You know how you build a static charge sliding across your seat getting out of your car?

Look what happens when you touch a metal gas pump.

Paige: Oh, God.

You shouldn't be looking at things like that.

Go back to studying with your friend.

He's not my friend.

Walter, are you absolutely sure that there's a static charge up there?

for your chocolates in my pocket.

Here, I'll test it.

Uh, maybe not.

When I paint cars, I use an antistatic g*n so the paint goes on smooth.

Well, let's get one of those g*ns up to Water.

Toby: No, not practical.

By the time you find one and rig a way to get it to Walt, this guy down here'll die.

Walter: Okay, if we can't get a static g*n, then we can make one.

And the hell we gonna do that?

Okay, those g*ns use electricity to create a positively charged pin and a negatively charged pin.

Then they blow air past them, propelling the ions onto the surface you want to de-static.

The charges attract and nullify their opposites, rendering the object neutral.

We have plenty of blowing air, so we just need a positive and a negative electric charge.

And I think I know how to get one.

Okay, Sly...

I'm on the move.

Just warn me if you see any big gusts coming.

Roger that.

I need to see what's going on-- I'm gonna go watch on the TV upstairs.

You do that.

And to find the tangent, just divide the adjacent side by the triangle's hypotenuse.

Ralph, may I bend your ear?

[whispers]: Don't want to hinder your tutoring, but tangent is opposite side over the adjacent.

[smacks lips]

I know, but turd-for-brains doesn't.

Now, mind your own business.

Wha-What was that?


I just said you're picking it up like nobody's business.


Cool, dude.

You seemed upset by Paige's germs, so I mixed up a disinfectant solution-- colloidal silver and I don't know what to say.

Consider it a holiday gift.

[laughs softly]

For Valentine's Day?


Where's Paige?

She's upstairs watching Walter on TV.

I have no idea what that means, but I assume I'll find out shortly.

Hey, by the way, I, uh...

...I think it's great It could have been weird after she found out that Walter dreamt about kissing you.

Paige knows?

What's that thing Happy always says?

"Damn it, Toby, put a baby in me already"?

Not that one.

The other one.

"Not good"?

That's the one.

[wind howling]



Just as I thought-- the elevator cables weren't the only things severed in the crash-- the power line got sliced, too.

There's no juice.

The power got cut off when the contractor went bust and construction stopped.

Happy: I can jack the building back into the grid.

How long'll that take?

I won't know until I'm down there, see what I'm working with.

Toby, buy us some more time.


Doc, my pal's got an idea to get Dr.

Miller down here.

Y-You just got to find a way to keep that patient alive a little bit longer, by any means necessary.


Curtis, my patient is being kept alive by artificial means.

Spit, bubble gum, a wing and a prayer.

We don't need you to add any pressure on us.


That's it.



I'm gonna have a solution for you in a matter of minutes.

Cabe, ask the chief if any of the emergency vehicles have a Hazmat suit.

Hey, Chief, are your people carrying Hazmat suits with 'em?


Get one to the ICU ASAP.

Hey, Doc, your children's wing's got to have a pump to blow up balls and stuff-- could you send someone to get it?

Also, I'm gonna need surgical glue and tape.



I'm gonna Scorpion the hell out of your patient.

Reporter: No word yet from the rescuer who made it to the top of the building, but with forecasts calling for the wind to strengthen this...

I can't listen.

Being sidelined is, like, nerve-wracking.

More reason to lie down.

I had this virus-- it's a doozy.

Come on, just...

Yeah, get in bed.

Nice and easy.


Lay down there.

Florence: That's good.

Paige: Much better.

You're spying.

I may have accidentally ruined Paige and Florence's friendship with a slip of the tongue.

I just want to see how much damage I caused.

You told her about Walt's dream.

You know about that?


Secrets in this garage have the staying power of Aristotelian physics.


Continue to spread mathematical fiction to that poor boy.

How do you know about that?

I can sniff out bad math work like a truffle.

Now, let me spy.

Florence: Here's the medicine I promised.

It's a concentrated ethanol extraction of ma Huang with pineapple and peppermint.

Suppresses coughs more efficiently than the over-the-counter stuff, and it tastes a lot better, too.

It's better than this swill Walter gave me.

Put that over there.


Speaking of Walter...

I understand that you are aware of his dream, and I want to stress to you that there is nothing...

between us.


In his injured and vulnerable state, he was just...

Having a subconscious reaction to your presence.

Toby explained.


Walter doesn't feel anything romantic towards me.

And-and I could never be attracted to him.

Why not?

What's wrong with Walter?

He's an amazing man.

Why-why would you never be attracted to him?

I meant...

no offense.

It's just...

he and I are alike.


Too much head, too little heart.


[chuckles]: He can be that way sometimes.

As much as I appreciate it, he painted by the numbers with the candy, flowers, with the card signed "Walter O'Brien" and the bear who sang the same song for a lot of other people today.

And he doesn't get...

yet that...

the emotions aren't a formula.

Well, then it's a very good thing that you have enough heart for the both of you.

'Cause that's what I need.

A smart man, sure, but one who is sweet and caring and vulnerable.


feel better.


Thank you.


Oh, come on.

What is this?

Good night, Sylvester.

Hey, Florence, I just wanted to say thank you again for the disinfectant solution.

You know what they say: If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.

That's a very clever chemistry joke.



[rapid beeping]

Walt, big wind coming.

Hang on.

[wind rushing, whistling]

Oh, yeah.


The wind's definitely getting stronger.

Okay, I'm almost finished creating my part of our makeshift antistatic g*n.

Now, Happy, how's your part coming?

When the workers cut the power, they left a mess-- I am doing the best I can.

How's the patient holding up, Doc?

I'm gonna let you know in a minute.

Want to explain this to me?

Yeah, the pressure bandage wasn't holding the lung in place, so we're making a pressure suit.

Now you pump.

Happy: Hey, hubby, while the chief pumps, why don't you do a little hacking and find out our test results?

'Cause that's a federal crime.

I bet the results are bad, and he's sitting on them so he doesn't ruin my last happy Valentine's Day.

How is this a happy Valentine's Day?

Now, can you stop worrying about the test, and get me some power?


[rumbling, crackling]


Not done.

Doc, I'm gonna need that guy to stay alive a little bit longer.

Toby: The suit's holding, preventing further lung damage.

[rapid beeping]

And the bad news is the increased pressure's also raising his BP by the second.

So, guys, we can't keep this up forever.

Happy, you're rewiring a junction box.

You could do that in your sleep.

Okay, screw you, O'Brien.

I'm distracted.

I know.

That's the problem.

Paige: Walter, you need to be patient.

We can't be patient, or else we'll lose the patient.

Hey, she's doing the best she can.

Toby: Can everyone please shut up?

I'm in the system, finding our test results.

That's gonna make Happy happy, so she can focus and get the job done.

All right, our results are in.

[wind rushing]

Oh, no.

[monitor beeping steadily]

Tell me what's wrong with me, Doc.


I'm the reason we can't have kids.

Wait, it's your seed, not my soil?

I have a...

Y chromosome deletion.

Immature sperm cells.

Even your sperm is immature?

[rapid beeping]

Nurse: Pulse is still elevated.

We'll deal with it later.

Our pal's BP is sky-high, guys.

Okay, I've got this thing sorted-- here goes nothing.

[electrical humming]


We have electricity.

Now we just need a large burst of wind to propel the ions onto the copter, nullifying the static charge.

Ask and you shall receive.

There's one headed your way.

[wind howling]

It's working-- the wind is blowing the electric ions around the chopper, removing the static charge.

Walter, please be careful.

Static's gone!

♪ ♪ [grunts]

Here, hold my hand, hold my hand.



O'Brien, thank you.

Well, don't thank me just yet.

I'm about to send you down the scariest zip line of your life.


Watch your stop.

Follow me, okay?

Oh, wait, my medical bag!

It has the rib reconstruction matrix that I need for surgery!

I'll get it.

Walter: Okay, hurry, hurry.



I got you.




Oh, thank you.

What's that?

Uh, it's my way down, but you guys first.

Walt, winds are picking up.

Okay, ready?

Okay, send them down!

Okay, go!

Here they come!

I got you.


Cabe: It's okay, you're safe.

All right.

Go, get to your patient.

Thank you.

And you.

Get that head checked downstairs.

All right, Walt, you're up.

Sylvester: No, no, don't go!

There's a 74-mile-per-hour gust coming.

That's hurricane force.

Walt, hold on to your butt.

[wind rushing]


Walter: Guys, we have a problem, a big problem.

The fuel caught fire!

That helicopter's gonna blow!

The cable snapped.

I have no way of getting off this thing.

Is there anywhere you can take cover?

There's no place to hide.

If the shrapnel doesn't get me, then the force of the expl*si*n will throw me off.

Walt, we're prepping for surgery now.

This guy may live because of you.

If you die, it's gonna put a damper on the whole thing.

So save yourself.

How's he gonna do that?

Elvita Adams.

Who's Elvita Adams?

I read about her years ago.

Yes, December 2, 1979.

Elvita Adams fell from the 86th floor of the Empire State Building.

And then the wind blew her back onto the 85th floor.

She survived with nothing but a broken hip.

You want me to jump?


I want you have the power to Apparate like the teenage wizards in Harry Potter, but you don't.

So into the wind you go.


I did some quick math in my head.

His feet aren't touching ground, so there's no friction to overcome.

He's 160 pounds...


A gust over 50 miles per hour should do the trick.

Jesse: Um...

This is all really kind of freaking me out.

I'm gonna go.




Happy: Walt, if you don't want to break your hip, you got to tuck and roll.

Okay, but I'll have to fall two stories to get under a floor that'll shield me from the expl*si*n.

Sylvester: One floor, two floors, it's all in the math.

I've got eyes on the wind, and I will tell you when to jump.

There's got to be another way.

Walter: No, there's no time to think of one.

The helicopter's gonna blow.

Sly, say when.

You got a big gust coming up.

Walt, you're only gonna get one shot at this.

Spread your arms to increase the surface area for the wind to catch.

Straight drop, no outward force.

Okay, ready?

In three...




[wind rushes]

He made it!

He's in!


Walter, say something.

Happy Valentine's Day, Paige.


That's great news.

Thank you.


Miller's still in surgery, but her patient is stable and all signs point to him pulling through.

Toby: Fantastic.

At least the hospital had some good news for someone today.

What you got there?

Practice quiz I gave Jesse Dolt.


He failed with flying colors.

Well, I guess I should congratulate you.

Mission accomplished.

I don't know why, but I don't feel good about this.


It's probably...


...because you know it's wrong.

When Paige asked me to help your father with baseball, I didn't want to.

I thought if he had success then he could take you and your mother away from me.

But, sure enough, I did the right thing, and I used science to help him out with his-his pitching, and in the end, your mother and I ended up together anyway and I had a clear conscience.

Sabotaging a rival is never the way to go.

Didn't you sabotage Mom and Tim's first date to the jazz festival?

I don't recall.

And you put Tim in a tiny desk in the elevator and cut him out of the Christmas picture and...

Just do as I say and not as I sometimes did.

Your mother was very angry with me for a long time over those things.

Do you want Patty angry at you?

I just want Patty to be happy.

I wish I was the one that made her happy.

I'll show Jesse how to do these problems tomorrow.


Good man.


[Ralph sighs]

You really do have an eavesdropping problem, you know that?

Wha-- I just wanted to make sure you were making the right decision.

Which I know is hard when you have a crush on someone.

Like you do on Florence.



She touched your hand after she'd been with my sick mom, and you didn't use sanitizer afterward.


I think she's interesting.

And I think she likes me, too.


She laughed at my joke, she gave me disinfectant for Valentine's and the way she described her perfect guy to Paige-- sweet, smart, caring and vulnerable.

Who's more vulnerable than me?

I get nosebleeds on escalators.

Besides, I-I won't act on it 'cause of Megan.

She'd want you to be happy.

I guess.

Look, I know secrets don't last long around here, but you mind keeping this one?

Sure thing, pal.

The technical name for what I have is Sertoli-cell-only syndrome.

Just means my dogs won't hunt.

My sperm sit around and do nothing.

They're like little politicians.

And I am so sorry, sweetheart.

What would you say if it were me?

What would you say if it were me?


I-I'd tell you that I love you and that it's not your fault and that medical science has ways around issues like these.

Ditto and reverse it.

Problem is, medical science don't work cheap.

The "ways around" cost money that we just don't have.

Yes, you do.

Happy Valentine's.

It's the money we put up for Cabe's bail, plus the payment from our last few jobs.

There's something else in there, too.

Your gift to Allie?

I told her what you were dealing with.

She insisted you return it and get the cash.

How did you already...

Walter: Fertility treatment's expensive.

We thought you might need the help.

Guys, we can't accept this.

Well, it's for you.

It's for Baby Quintis.

Scorpion takes care of each other.

Yeah, and that includes the team members who aren't here yet.

Okay, thank you.

My back is feeling better from that spill I took.

Now we just need to get you on the mend...

What do you got here?

Walter [on recording]: ♪ When I'm with you ♪ ♪ My mind can rest ♪ ♪ My thoughts can nest ♪ ♪ Thoughts can nest ♪ [guitar strums off-key]


I didn't mean for you to hear that.

You said it's stupid, but it's beautiful.

You tried to follow the "Good Boyfriend's Guide to Valentine's Day," candies, flowers, singing woodland creatures.


It's all really sweet.

But Valentine's is about sharing from your heart, and this song is from your heart.

It's so far from stupid.

And finding it made it the best Valentine's Day ever, even if it got ruined with my cold.

And I'm sorry we couldn't go out to dinner tonight.

Oh, I...

I was looking forward to spending the night in, cuddling and having a relaxing holiday for once.


Yeah, sounds good.

Reporter: ...where a city bus is hanging from a precipice on a remote canyon road.

Rescue workers have been unable to find a way to reach the people inside, and the ground is beginning to give way.

[phone ringing]


Hi, Cabe.