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03x23 - Something Burrowed, Something Blew

Posted: 07/26/20 05:50
by bunniefuu
You are mine, tuxedo.

I own you.

Actually, it's a rental.

That's not funny.

Hey, groom to be, I found those cufflinks we were looking for.

What's with Greg LeMond?

He's trying to fit into his wedding tux.

The wedding's tonight.

Just get a bigger size.

He refuses to.

Happy saw Ryan Duckling wearing a tux like that in a movie poster.

It's Gosling.

And she lingered.

She likes the threads.

You ever think she lingered on Gosling?


Where are my test tubes?

I'm trying to finish a desalinization experiment.

Maybe the new office manager misplaced them.

You throwing in the towel, Tubs?

I have to work on my vows.

A little long, don't you think?

This is as concisely as I can express my love for my love.

Walt, you wanted to see me?

My love!

I can't see you before the wedding!

You've seen me for years before the wedding.

Come on, it's tradition!

I-I'm taking a shower.

You're the one marrying him.

So, we all know that wedding traditions are stupid, but Toby won't shut up about them, so, the dudes of honor have covered the "four somethings." Your dress is the something new; the violets waiting at the venue in San Jose are the something blue...

And I covered the something old.

You sure do.

I meant the brooch that I gave you.

Yeah, that's...

that's what I meant.

So, the something borrowed...

A tie clip?


I know I'm a tomboy, but I'm not wearing a tie to my wedding.

It's not just any tie clip.

Seven years ago, the SoCal Fabrication and Assembly Contest.

Now, I was leaving the convention center when I realized that my clip fell off.

And I went back in and crossed paths with the greatest engineer that I would ever know.


- Thank you.

- Yeah.

Hey, guys, Paige's car pulled up.


Might be a little uncomfortable, don't you think?

It's been many weeks.

Paige is doing great.

She's settled in at Elia's company.

It's not gonna be...


She's fallen off the Earth for the past month.

She's so busy, she only calls when wedding stuff comes up.

Well, I'm not concerned.

I will treat Paige as anyone would treat any former employee, with cordial respect.


screw up...



Never mess with a gal on her wedding day.


Aw, hey, pal!

We missed you, squirt.

Too quiet around here without you.

Hi, everyone.

Good to see you.

- Same here.

- Hey, Waitress.

Hi, Paige.

It's been a while.


I'm sorry about that.

Just real swamped at the new job.

I got Toby's shoes shined for him, and, uh, came back to tackle a few remaining best ma'am duties.


Hello, Paige.

I knew this would be weird.

So, uh, you left a message about retrieving items, uh, still left in your desk?

Everything's here.

I packed them for you.


Thank you.

I was gonna clean it out today.

Sorry I waited so long.

Elia's kept me really busy.

Oh, no need.

We just needed your, um, desk empty for your replacement.

Oh, you guys found somebody?

That's great.

Glad you found help.


That's debatable.

Smart snacks for the cranium crew!


Hello, Phyllis.

- Ray?

- Look, we're a couple of professional office managers, right?

I see no reason why we should feel ill at ease.

Yeah, I'm fine with it.

I love my job.

Oh, of course you do.

Of course you do.

Steak kabob?

Sorry, Peyton, employees only.

This steak is raw.


Just like sushi.

No, not like sushi.

So, where's Ralph?

I didn't say "hi" to him.

Well, I guess I'll set up shop and get to, uh, proofing Toby's vows.

Yeah, if you could just take a number, I'll help you with that in a moment.

I don't know, man.

He's got a system.

Number seven?

Hey, Ralph.

So, I was thinking since the wedding is on the beach, we could test out some desalinization theories?

Where's my centrifuge?

Not sure.

Ray's reorganized.

If it's lost, you owe me a new one.

Is something wrong?

Other than the fact you fired my mom?

I didn't fire her.

Her skill set wasn't needed anymore because she was so good at her job that everyone at Scorpion evolved.


Happy's chasing me with raw meat!

More or less.

You're forgetting one thing.

I'm smarter than you, and I know why you fired my mom.

Because you're a coward who can't face how he feels about her.

Ralph, you're just a kid.

You don't understand...

I understand today's about Happy and Toby, so we're done talking.

And you're lucky I'm a kid.

If I was bigger, I would fight you.

You hurt my mother.

Yes, Scorpion.

Ah, the ancient tradition of steam blasting a wedding ring.

I'm gonna make this sucker shine.

I read his vows.

Tough act to follow.

Well, I'm gonna wing it.

"Toby, you and me work.

Glad we're getting hitched." Flowery speeches are not my thing.

Well, it's not hard.

You just express what you feel, say what's in your heart.

Oxygenated blood.

Maybe I can't help.


We have an urgent case.


No cases on our wedding day!

We have no choice.

It's serious.

I'm serious.

I-I had to propose twice, and fight immigration services and-and wait for a divorce to get to this day.

I'm not risking it.

Why is he wearing a mask?

Oh, my God, is Paige here?

Hey, Paige.

Walt's right.

Just got an e-mail report from Homeland.

Lightning strikes set fire to an underground coal seam in East Lake, Wyoming.


We got to be in San Jose.


But based on ground temperature readings and smoke rising from cracks in the earth, it's believed that this fire is heading for a subterranean telecom cable responsible for all communications west of the Mississippi.

Affects more than phones.

Hospitals, airports and emergency services.

Mines in Wyoming are a century old.

Hundreds of veins, some collapsed, some shifted.

Hardly any old maps exist.

No one knows where the fire is underfoot.

Now I see why it's so urgent.

Not really your purview anymore, Prudy.

So, to stop the fire from hitting the telecom cable, we have to pinpoint the exact edges of the burning vein - and extinguish it.

- We can use the imaging tech we used to locate those hikers in the forest fire two years ago.

We just need to add a thermal component so we can detect the fire path.

We can link it to one of Homeland's surveillance satellites and get a whole vein layout in one aerial shot.

What about the wedding?

It's about the wedding, not work.

I'll allow it.

If we spend no more than 72 minutes working on the case, we can catch a flight and make the wedding with time to spare.

Yeah, the job should be relatively quick, and we can't just let the fire burn.

We'll need the garage's computing power - to run the imaging technology.

- I'll-I'll do it!

I mean, I don't want to see Happy until tonight, so I'll just stay back.

And I'll handle all the wedding details, make sure everything gets up to San Jose.

And Toby and I'll see you at the altar.

Where's the file from the forest fire job?

I have to review imaging software specs.

Everything is disorganized.


I placed the cases in order of excitement.

Forest fire is super exciting.

Should be up front, okay?

Number eight?

Three minutes ahead of schedule!

Well, you're either Team Scorpion, or the strangest cowboys I've ever seen.

Cabe Gallo, Homeland Security.

This is Scorpion's founder, Walter O'Brien.

Michelle Bannister.

I'm emergency services coordinator for East Lake County.

You had asked for the environmental impact studies from the telecom company's cable installation from a few years back, amongst a few other strange requests made by your team.

Yes, I see the tractor-mounted bored pile drill we asked for.

Did you also get the diisocyanate and polyether polyol?

And the balloons and the Fruity Moons?

Yeah, all in the truck.

The study indicates low thermal conductivity in the soil, so our foam fix should work flawlessly.

Good, 'cause our county has been on some hard times for a while.

We've done everything from leasing land to telecom companies to building nuclear waste storage facilities to get by, so...

East Lake is strong, but even the strongest can say "uncle." Well, it will not come to that.

In the meantime, here is an ear comm for communication.

And if you can show us where there is evidence of the fire, we can get to work.

Toby, I've got the satellite pointed at our current location.

You should be receiving thermal imaging...


Yeah, I got it.


Drill the final hole 650 feet northeast of your current location.

Hey, Paige?

What's up?

You need my help with the case?


I was wondering if you could move the part of my vows where I compare myself and Happy to Han Solo and Princess Leia to the top of page three.

It'll flow better.

Sure thing.

Feet off the furniture.

Almost done.

You sure this is the last one we'll need?

Should be.

The three holes that you dug are strategically placed to extinguish the fire, and the first hole worked perfectly.

Can't believe you guys can put out the fire with stuff I got from an industrial plant and the market.

Well, it's simple really.

The polyether polyol mixes with the diisocyanate, which mixes with the sugar in the Fruity Moons that dissipates at an even rate when the marshmallows dissolve, creating an expanding foam that clogs the coal vein's air pockets, depriving the fire of O2.

All right.

Bombs away.

The other hole foamed up right away.

Well, the mixtures aren't exact, but the reaction should be going on as we speak.

Lots of air pockets to fill.

Oh, there's the foam!

Second part of the underground fire choked off.

All right, one more to go.

Happy, we'll be on a plane back to wedding bells in less than 40 minutes!

Nice work, team!


Cross, open cross, down, out.

A minute of your time, Ms.


Yeah, sure.

Got to chat while burning fat.


Lose the comm.

You know how Happy said she doesn't give you a lot of "attaboys" 'cause she just isn't super expressive?


Look out.

Time for kicks.


How do you think she'll feel when she has nothing for her vows and you have, like, w*r and Peace?

Oh, please.

Happy's used to being Marcel Marceau to my Bozo.

It'll make her feel bad.

No, she's the blacksmith.

I'm the wordsmith.

Stop worrying.

Update: all the flights out of Wyoming are on schedule.

All is well.

Good, 'cause we just plugged the last hole.

We are officially done.

Uh, Walt, Walt.

No, no, no.

Don't punch out yet.

Um, imagery's picking up a fire.

Erupted in an unconnected vein 50 feet under your current location.

It's deeper than the one you put out, and it's two or three times as strong.

How does this happen?

I'm putting you guys on speaker.

Oh, you know, that's company equipment.


I'm pretty sure that the vein that Toby sees is this one right here, and that's an issue.

- Why?

- Because it leads there.

- The East Lake Nuclear Waste Depot.

- This seam is double the size of the one you put out.

Foam won't work.

Well, we better think of something that will, 'cause if the fire reaches the nuclear depot, the whole county goes up in a fireball.

Looks like they're gonna need a later flight.

*SCORPION* Season 03 Episode 23 "Something Burrowed, Something Blew" This shouldn't have happened.

The environmental impact study says the thermal conductivity of the soil in this valley is 0.54 watts per meter.

At those numbers, the fire should've never spread.

It's impossible.

About that...

I pulled data on the Dapperford Group, the firm that did the environmental impact study.

Turns out they're owned by a shell corporation that is a subsidiary of the very telecom company that hired them in the first place.

They brought in a home town ref.

So the soil was more conductive to heat than we'd been led to believe.

Now we know how the fire jumped to another vein.

Issue is how do we stop it before it reaches the nuke depot?

Do you have any more of those old maps?

Yeah, in the cab.

I'll notify Homeland.

Now, if the burning vein rises further along its route, it might get shallow enough for us to use the foam.

We need a raise in the vein within 30 feet of the surface.

Can't believe you still have all this.

Pitfall of being East Lake's unofficial historian.

Okay, this map seems to follow the vein in question till its end...

and it never rises.

So there's no solution?

Not necessarily.

The vein runs through a sand pit.

Sand pit.

That's perfect.

Lightning started this fire, now it's gonna put it out.

That's brilliant.

I'm so...

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Sand is made out of silica that when heated to 1,600 degrees Celsius turns to glass.

Coal fires only burn at a thousand degrees Celsius.

But if we can create a 20,000 volt lightning strike in the sand pit...

That'll create a glass barrier in the middle of the coal vein, cutting off the fire from the depot.

Okay, but how are you gonna create a lightning strike?

Sand's an insulator.

We'll wet it with saline solution so it conducts electricity.

We use some kind of metal to create a positive plate on top of the pit and a negative plate underneath the coal vein.

Then we sh**t the current from top to bottom.

Now, I assume as Emergency Services Coordinator that you have to deal with deicing roads during the winter?

Now, who handles that?

Uh, the fire department has a spreader.


Have them bring over a fire truck.

Fill the water t*nk with deicer to make a saline solution.

According to this, a mine shaft is directly beneath the sand pit.

We'll put the negative plate there.


Cabe and I can handle that.

Handle what?

We're gonna create a lightning-level charge and turn sand to glass.

Let's go.

This is what happens when you step away for a minute.

Sly and I will take care of the positive charge.

We'll need three car hoods, so we got to get our hands on two more vehicles.

There's a ranch nearby.

Okay, good.

Tell the fire chief we need four jumper cables and copper wire.


You better get this set up ASAP, 'cause thermal images show the fire burning faster and getting closer to the nuclear depot by the minute.

No, we are not canceling the wedding.

We just need to push it by...

two hours.

But, ma'am...

Look, you are not a cheap venue, and we are paying you a lot of money, so just entertain the guests until we get there.

Hold on, this might be the Justice of the Peace on the other line?


Hi, Miss Dineen.

It's Vance from Health & Wellness.

Noticed you're not in the office today and was checking to see if you're under the weather and if we could get you anything.

No, I'm fine.

It's just a personal day.

Very well.

Would you like lunch delivered?

Raul made a lov...

I'm so sorry.

Elia provides you with a personal chef?

And a health center?


- And a very, very fancy new phone.

- Wow.

That is nice.

Look at that case.

Guess this new gig's got you hooked up with everything but your own assistant, hmm?

Holy crap.

You have an assistant.

Hey, man, I'm kind of like your assistant.

You're exactly like a vagrant who lives in a trailer in the back of a garage.


You're really just living the high life now.

Guess that's why we, uh, don't hear from you anymore.

Toby, I was dismissed from the job here.

I know.

You know that you weren't dismissed from the rest of us, right?


You kind of ditched us.

♪♪ That's all I'm saying.

♪♪ It was your father, rest his soul, told me to get a bigger tanker back in '84.

He was always smarter than the rest of us.

Chief, blast the hose and salinate the sand.

Sly, let's wire up these hoods.

Found these inside.

Perfect to create the negative plate.

I got flashlights and a wire I tore out of the SUV's speakers.

We never get our deposit back on rental cars, do we?

Almost done with this contraption.

Damn it.

We're short on the wiring.

I'll run to town and get more.

I am looking at sat-data.

I can assure you, you do not have time.

There's less than 14 minutes until that depot goes kablooey.

Dig up these hoods and move 'em closer.

Even less time for that.

Walt, you know that sweet, sentimental tie clip you gave me?

I am using it as a thermal bridge, and it's gonna melt.

That's okay.

It was only three dollars.


By revving the engines, we build the charge to the exact point necessary to overcome the sand's resistance.

Then the voltage will hit the negative plate that Walter's putting into place.


Instant glass barrier.

I'm not sure about that.

Must've been a cave in.

Track's blocked.

We can't get under the sand pit.

And we can't stop the fire.

Guys, the fire passes through the sand pit in less than eight minutes, and then it's full speed ahead to the nuclear depot.

Happy, I can't marry you if you're blown to pieces.

You got a lot less than eight minutes.

The indicators are showing that we've almost drained the trucks' batteries and fully charged that sand pit, and once it's saturated with energy, it's gonna sh**t excess voltage down into the earth.

But if it unloads before the negative plate's in place, then it'll just pass through the ground and we get no glass wall.

Then delay the charge.

No, if we stop building up now, it'll take too long to get it started again.

Walter, for the sake of your lives and for the sake of all skinny little nerdy kids who no one ever thinks will grow up to land a super-hot wife, get through that damn cave-in.

Well, the rocks are too heavy to move ourselves, so...

But we can use that old coal bin to strike the cave-in like a battering ram.

Thing's 80 years old.

There's no way it's gonna breach that rock wall.

Not on its own.

But if we can increase its mass, then the force will be great enough.

Here, Ralph?

I'm sending you photos of the handcar and the cave-in.

Now estimate the dimensions and figure out any additional velocity or mass that we'll need.

Got the photos.

Give me a second.


In the spirit of staying positive, I found a bunch of connecting flights that work, and if they can just get through that rubble tout suite, they should be able to get to the wedding on time.

- Thanks.

- That's what I do.

- San José, Costa Rica?

- Mm-hmm.

They're getting married in San Jose, California.

Uh, San Jose, California's a myth.

Excuse me?

It's not real, brother.

Like Tallahassee.

Tallahassee's real.

Is it?

Paige, please.

I know you tried your best, but I'm taking over.

After the guys are safe, I'm handling the wedding stuff.

Only chance of them being safe is if Walt adds 240 kilograms to the bin and gets it moving at 12 miles per hour.

Thank you, Ralph.

That's very helpful.

It was a simple calculation.

You could've done it yourself.

Well, Cabe and I needed to focus on gathering debris.

Kid's pissed at you, huh?


For a brilliant child, - he is unreasonable.

- Is he?

Well, I've explained my position to him and he's being wholly oppositional.

Thing about kids, they can be very forgiving, but only if they hear the truth.

First of all, the kid can hear you.

Second, the only truth that matters is that I'm estimating you are less than two minutes from Happy's charge being released into the ground, and you still don't have a negative plate ready.

Doc's right.

We're at 90 seconds.

One, two, three.

Up there.

Up there.

That looks wide enough.

Guys, charge blows in 50 seconds.

Almost there.

You're right, Cabe, because the GPS says the plate goes ten feet ahead.

Okay, it's grounded.

- Let's go.

- We're smoking like crazy up here.

Charge is gonna blow any second.

Did it work?

It's glass.

It worked.

Damn right it worked!

I'm looking at thermal imaging, and the fire has stopped just short of the sand pit.

It's like it hit an invisible wall.

We did it!

Go, team!

Oh, we did it.

Okay, according to my calculations, being cut off from its fuel source, the fire should burn out within the day, and we still have a 54% chance of making the wedding.

You might want to take another crack at that percentage.

The expl*si*n caused another collapse.

I'm separated from Cabe and the exit.

I don't think I'm making the wedding any time soon.

Okay, the chief just called the station house.

They're gonna bring down men with micro-drills to break away the rocks holding you down.

No, that'll take hours.

You'll miss your flight.

We could leave him there and just send him pictures from the reception.

I would be happy to sacrifice my seat at the head table so you could make it to the wedding.

He's not at the head table.

I'm getting a little dizzy, and can only assume that carbon monoxide from the fire burning out above me is making its way through cracks in the shaft's ceiling.

Carbon monoxide will k*ll Walter once it reaches critical mass of his air supply!

We have minutes to get him out of there!

Cabe, just smash the bin into the wall again!

I can't!

The bin's been damaged by debris!

There's oxygen tanks on the truck.

No, I'm looking at one-inch cracks in the rocks.

The tanks won't fit through there.

Walt, give us a minute.

We're gonna dig through everything in this truck and find something to get you out of there.

All right, kid.

You just hold tight!

Hey, Cabe...

take your comms out?


My comm's out.

I'm a few hundred feet under earth, and-and my leg is firmly pinned.

The odds of getting out are low.


I need you to tell Paige something.

Tell her I'm sorry.

That I was wrong.

You listen to me, son.


you're gonna get out of here!

And two...

if you've got something you need to tell Paige, you need to man up and tell her yourself!

Happy, where are we on a solution?

I think we've got something.

The chief's firehouse covers the airport, which means it carries a t*nk of high-expansion concentrate for jet-fuel fires.

We're going to remove the nozzle from the hose.

Cabe slides it in through the cracks in the rocks.

You need to tie a knot at the bottom of the hose and put it underneath the rocks that are pinning you down.

You pump that expanding concentrate into a hose that is tied off, and the pressure will be so great, it'll lift the rocks off Walter!

And then...

and then, Walter just gets up, runs as fast as he can in-into the wall, bam, knocks down the rocks.

Or the fire truck drives off, pulling the knotted hose behind it, tearing down the wall.

That's another way to do it.


Slide it through to him.

I got it!

It's tied and in place.

Hit it, Chief!

It's working.

It's working.

What's that, son?

I can barely hear you!



Sly, he's not responding!

Get that fire truck moving now!

We don't know if the rock's off his leg yet.

Tear down this damn wall!



He's unconscious.

Get him into unpolluted air now!

Come on.

Come on.

What's taking so long?

Why aren't they answering?

Where are they?



Are you okay?



They're coming out now!

They're okay!



Thank you.

Thank all of you.

You almost died saving a tiny speck of a county in Wyoming.

Speaking of specks, is there a speck of a chance you could get to the airport in time so I can get married today?

I got you guys on a connecting flight to Boise, but it takes off in 20 minutes.

What do you say, Chief?

How fast can you get your rig to go?

Fire trucks are fast, but not fast enough.

That plane was our last shot.

I'm sorry, Happy.

Hey, Paige, just book us a flight to Los Angeles.

There will be no wedding today.

Okay, well, thanks for the download.

Toby, the wedding venue manager said that your friends and family had a wonderful time, said the DJ was great.

Sounds like we missed a hell of a wedding.

It's okay, guys.

We'll help you plan another one right away.

That is not gonna happen.

Spent what little savings we had on this one, and there's no way I'm getting my cheap relatives to fly out to Cali again.

There's no way we could have known this would have happened.

Of course this happened.

This is what's been happening to me since I was two.

Don't even know why I bother.

What's this?

- Diethyl ether?

- Wait!

Don't touch that.

It's for Happy.

It's not ready yet.


What are you doing?!

Wallowing in our misery.


I mean, you can't see the bride on the wedding day!

It's actually not our wedding day if you haven't noticed, Paige.

Like hell it isn't!

I'm the best ma'am, and I take my job seriously.

Now, either you two tie the knot in a kick-ass, impromptu ceremony that I put together while you were all flying back, or you can sit here and miss another great party.

Are you serious?

Ralph, bag him.

What the...?

You can't see the bride!

My dress is in San Jose.

I picked out something beautiful.

Can't afford it.

You'll wear it once, then return it.

What about Toby's family?

Oh, I'm not really that close with them.

And I just wanted to show Happy off.

Truth is, you guys are my family.

I like this attitude.

Okay, hold on.

We don't have a venue, so, how the hell is this going down?

You know how you said you didn't want to get married in Kovelsky's parking lot?



Hey, Ralph, come on.

Nice job, Waitress.

Kovelsky's parking lot has never looks so good.

"Congratulations Bar Mitzvah Boy"?

Yeah, well, you try finding a wedding cake with two hours' notice.

Okay, here they are.

Okay, Cabe and Walter, get Toby ready, and I'll handle Happy.

- This way.

- Okay.

Oh, no, no.

Turn around.

Are you okay in there?

Almost ready.

I really appreciate all this.

Why'd you do it?

Well, uh, I know I disappeared on you guys when Walter let me go.

The truth is, like Toby said, we're family.

It's hard for me to be away from you all, so I thought it would be easier to cut ties.

I was wrong.

This is...

how I'm saying I'm sorry.

Okay, I'm done.

Oh, my God.

You look beautiful.

Black boots.

Got to be me.

Looking sharp.

What happened to the Gosling tux?

I lost too much weight.

It's too big.

But I wore this to my prom.

Went stag, but I looked great.

Are you ready to do this?

I've been ready since I met her, boss.

and lastly, Cabe's brooch.

Something old to go on your new dress.

Yeah, well, I fried Walt's tie clip.

I don't have something borrowed.

All right, Doc's almost set.

Holy smokes.



Cabe, I need something borrowed.

Can I borrow you?


for what?

Walk me down the aisle.


it's my honor.

Happy, here.

A blue rose.

I made it from diethyl ether and ammonia.


Thanks, kid.

Something old, new, borrowed and blue.

You're covered.

♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ In a mountain church ♪ ♪ See the handsome groom ♪ ♪♪ ♪ And his blushing bride.

♪ It's almost time.

♪♪ Classical music playing...

Oh, you thought of everything, Paige, but who's...

who's gonna perform the ceremony?

My ears are burning.

Are you serious?

Beggars can't be choosers.

Excuse me.

I'm senior cleric of the Immaculate Church of The Internet.

What makes you a senior?

I paid the extra nine bucks.


It's time.

♪♪ "Bridal Chorus" plays...

♪♪ Nice work, Doc.

Thank you, Cabe.

Thank you for coming.

We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two of my dearest friends...

- Happy Quinn and Tony Curtis.

- Toby.



So sorry.

I just love his films.

Wedding ceremony.


You know what?

Let's just get to the vows.

Then I think I say a few things, there's some paperwork.

Toby, go for it.

Express your love.





I-I just, um...

I don't know, I just...

I love you.

For once you're tongue-tied.

So I guess I'll go.

I'm a mechanical genius, which means I understand, in my mind and my heart, how parts work together.

It's why I love machines.

A bolt and a wrench, a chain and a gear...

They just made sense to me, they fit.

But for a long time, I didn't feel like I fit anywhere...

Until I met you.

And I knew then, just like I know how to assemble engines, that you and me, Toby...

we fit.

You're my home.

Okay, Padre.

Get it together, you're up.

Thank you, Ralph.

Do you, Tobias Merriweather Curtis, take Happy Quinn to be your lawfully wedded wife?

You bet I do.

And do you, Happy Quinn...

I do.

Then by the power vested in me, by the computer at a public library, I now pronounce you husband and wife.

♪ ♪ Yeah!

♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ Heart first ♪ ♪ You'll be the one ♪ ♪ Freestyle ♪ ♪ You must have let it down...

♪ Seems like everyone's having fun.


Good cake?


♪ You need to break it down ♪ I think the knee-bone song went over really...

Is that what you want to talk about?

Cake and music?


You were right.

I took the easy way out with your mother.

I was a coward.

Like you said.

I'm really sorry, 'cause I care about you.

You're important to me.

♪♪ I don't like how it feels when you're mad at me.

♪♪ Apology accepted.

But I don't think I'm the one you should be saying this to.

♪ ♪ ♪♪ No.

I know.

I'm working up to it.

♪♪ So the logistics of putting this all together must've been daunting.

I'm impressed.


Yeah, thank you.

Everyone seems to be having fun.

Ray should think about getting an actual dance partner.

Speaking of dancing, would you like to...


Uh, sure, okay.

♪ A love you can never forget ♪ ♪ When you look into my eyes...

♪ - You okay?

- Yeah.

You seem nervous.




I was just thinking, you know.

Today we saved an entire county.


It's the first time you've been involved in a case in a while, and it felt different.

It felt like it mattered.


All the cases matter.

They-they're important if I'm at Scorpion or not.


I-I meant it mattered to me that you were there.

You know, these past weeks, you know, when we've achieved something, gotten a case, solved a problem, it felt...

♪♪ felt empty.

♪♪ It's like it wasn't really happening if I couldn't share it with you.

I know, I know.

- It's stupid.

- No, no.

It-it makes sense.

♪♪ I've had a lot of great things happen for me lately.

Uh, my own office.

An assistant, more money.

But it felt...


It's a synonym for empty.


Because I wasn't with the team.

I wasn't...

sharing the news...

with them...

with you.

♪♪ Why do you think we felt that way?

Well, I can only speak for myself, but I want to make sure that you want to hear what I have to say.


Of course.

I want to state for the record that I'm not suffering from hypoxia, I haven't ingested hallucinogenic seed dust and I'm not facing imminent death.

I'm just stating an irrefutable fact.

I fired you...

because I'm in love with you.

I've been in love with you since shortly after we met.

And I've spent years trying to process how that should be handled.

Perhaps it's not something that is supposed to be handled.

Maybe it-it's something that just is.

And I-I know you-you don't feel the same as I do.

And that's okay.

But I-I just wanted you to know.


I'm in love with you, too.

I don't know what to do with that information.

I have an idea.

Ooh, nice.

Well done, Ray.

I can't tell you how good this feels after not seeing you all day, Mrs.


That was your choice.



Regardless, we haven't had five seconds alone.

Want to go sneak off for a minute?

Normally, I'd call you a perv, but now that would make me Mrs.


Plus, you don't look half bad tonight.

♪♪ ♪♪ Uh, here.

Utility closet?

I don't care.

Guess Paige is back on the team.

Close the door.

Guys, Cabe wanted to talk to...

By the Scepter of Ravenswood!

Close the door!

Sylvester, what's taking so long?

Well, it's about damn time.

Anyone else want to come by?

How about Ray?

What's up, guys?

Well, I know this is not a good time, but we have a case.

We're in the middle of our wedding.

Yeah, but you're gonna like this one.

The government of French Polynesia needs help setting up their underwater wave-powered generators.

They're willing to fly us and pay top dollar to Tahiti, meaning...

Free honeymoon.

With everyone else, that kind of ruins it.

No, no.

I-I-I can't leave Ralph.

I didn't line up a sitter.


W-We can take him.

Normally, I would love to go, seriously.

But, eh, I lost my passport at the dog track.

And Pam, you can have your old job back.

My word is done here.

Well, everybody else pack your bags, because they're loading up the equipment you're gonna be working with on their plane as we speak.

Wheels up in 60.

So, flight's delayed.


Our copilot is sick and the backup lives north of San Luis Obispo.

So we're looking at a minimum of four hours, okay?


Not waiting one more minute.

We just got married in a parking lot tonight.

Paige, don't get me wrong, it was perfect.

But it was a parking lot, so we're gonna have our fancy honeymoon we deserve starting now.

Law says you need a copilot to fly.

You're looking at her.

Got a multi-engine commercial license.

Looks good to me.

Are there any other secrets about you that I should know, my beautiful bride?


Oh, shotgun Toby.

Hey, Doc.

I got you a wedding present.

Two rolls of pennies?

You shouldn't have.

Shut up.

It's a Scottish tradition.

Townsfolk used to collect pennies to pay for weddings in the old country.

And this...

is an Italian tradition.

It's called a boost.

There's a nice check in there to help you two on your way.

Well, thank you.

That means a lot.

You're welcome, Doc.

All right, everyone.

Thank you for choosing Genius Air.

Our flight time today is eight hours, 25 minutes, and 36.63 seconds, so get cozy.

French Polynesia, here we come.

So how does this work now?

I don't think there's really a standard operating procedure.

I think we just play it by ear a little.

We have to tell Ralph.

At the right time.

Whatever you think's best.

I have a really good feeling about this, Walter.


What's going on?

Just some turbulence.

Something's wrong, I can tell.

Oh, would you relax?

I'm sure Happy's got everything under control.

Does she, Toby?

Does she?

I'm gonna go check what's going on.

Everyone else, stay in your seats.

We've lost power.

Buckle up and brace yourselves, we're going down.