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03x22 - Strife on Mars

Posted: 07/23/20 15:32
by bunniefuu
Previously on scorpion...

I just want a huge wedding.

I never dreamed I'd marry a babe like you.


It's the greatest accomplishment of my life.

I just...

I want everyone to know it.

I am running for the 16th district alderman of west Altadenia in the local, upcoming election.

Sylvester: In layman's terms, he's running out of oxygen and he's loopy.

Toby: And the only person he'll talk to is you, 'cause he thinks that you're up there with him.


Wh-what is he saying?


Oh, boy.

So talk to him and get him to pull that big blue lever that opens the exterior hatch.

What if I can't do it?

Then he dies.

Walter: The route is precisely timed.

Toby and happy's bachelor/bachelorette party will hit all of the highlights.

So, what are the hot spots?

Well, first, the science center, followed by the planetarium, a quick visit to the natural history museum, before ending the day at Salton sea.

You know the Salton sea's effectively an abandoned resort town because the lake's polluted?

And its resulting salinity has made the area the crown Jewel of avian biodiversity.

Sly requested that we include it in the festivities.

Okay, I was afraid of this, so I went traditional bachelor party on my end, starting with the transportation that I have Cabe and Sly picking up, not to mention the piñatas.



It's custom-made to look like happy and Toby.

You fill them with candy, a few mini-booze bottles, and they get to whack the heck out of each other.

It's fun.

It's not as fun as the science center.

You only say that because you haven't seen the bus I rented.

This is what Paige got?

How'd your first meeting go?

I prepped all night for my first constituent breakfast.

Turns out, all anybody wanted to do was complain about red light cameras and pooper-scooping enforcement.

No one wants to step in poop, kid.

After you, Mr.



This is fancy.



This smells sticky.

Do you mind if I take a nap?

I'm pretty exhausted.

Good luck with that.

(Engine starts, dance music starts playing)

Son a of butter churn!

Turn it off!


It's somehow connected to the ignition.

It's part of the party hearty experience, I guess.

I'm sure happy can fix it.

We got to swing by her apartment and help Toby move a few boxes into her place.

Well, drive fast!

I'm just saying, I thought we agreed on a few boxes.

Not a truck full of junk.

These are keepsakes from a life well-lived.

More like packrat trash from the life of a hobo.

I mean, there's a hundred binders here.


It's my research, my papers.

One day Harvard's gonna want that stuff for their library.

It's worthless if it's not complete.

Could've stopped at "worthless." I mean, what the hell is this?

That's Toby d*ck.


The fedora?


It's from one of my patients with a Melville fetish.

It can go over the fireplace.

It can go in the fireplace.

I don't want to junk up my apartment.

It is no longer your apartment.

It is our home.

We have the extra bedroom.

My motorcycle room?

I am not losing my bikes to your yard sale.

(Phone ringing)

We're gonna finish this conversation later.

We're busy fighting.

What's up?

Walter: We got a case.

Really cool stuff.

You and happy almost done?


Just a few more boxes.


Patching in Sly and Cabe.

Sylvester: Walter, we're here.

What's the case?

Mars biosphere out past Solvang.

Quick engineering job.

We can cover it.

You and Cabe go get Paige's piñatas, then meet us out there, so we can start Toby and happy's party once we're done.

Sounds good.

We'll catch up with you in a bit.

Toby: Speaking of catching up, didn't you two promise to help me move?

Cabe: Yeah, keep your pants on, we're turning onto...

Oh, that's a lot of boxes.

I don't want to move all that stuff.

Into traffic, real bad traffic right now.

We're not gonna be able to make it.

(Dance music playing)

Hey, I see you suckers!


Bad connection.

(Imitates static)



Narrator: Welcome to Mars.

Kapper aerospace industries' Mars simulation biodome, a state-of-the-art facility perfectly replicating the environment and experience our first intergalactic settlers will encounter on the red planet.

Though built with tear- and break-proof carbon fiber to withstand Mars' worst windstorms, it also houses luxurious living quarters, research-ready labs, and a virtual garden of Eden capable of growing a variety of foods.

The MSB is the premier earth-replication habitat for NASA.

Very impressive.

Thank you.

We are currently in the final phase of our 12-month experiment.

Salvatore Roselli, chemist, and Jennifer Henning, an accomplished botanist, are just 30 days away from completing their mission.

11 months ago, they entered the biodome to make history.


: Hey.

Check out Sal's hand on Jen's back.

If it's up here, it's all business, but down here is all pleasure.

If that's Eden, Adam and Eve have been getting a little biblical over the last 11 months.

Kapper: Once they've completed their mission, each one will be rewarded a $100,000 cash bonus, and Kapper industries will be awarded a multibillion- dollar contract from NASA to build the first biodome on Mars.

But not if we don't fix your thorium power grid.


It went out this morning.

We are on the goal line.

We cannot let this experiment fail.

Based on your schematics, it should take a few hours to repair your grid, tops.

Paige: I'm confused.

Won't scorpion's involvement compromise the integrity of the experiment?

Happy: Not really.

Any NASA mission would include an engineer to deal with any power issues that might come up.

But the bigger concern is interaction with Salvatore and Jennifer.

In reality, the first Mars pioneers will be cut off from other humans for the rest of their lives, so if your scientific method is to remain pure, we need to avoid them at all costs.

Won't be a problem.

According to schedules, my scientists are supposed to be in the lab all day working on an experiment, and the grid is nowhere near them.

Now, before you go, I'm gonna need all your cell phones and Comms, for integrity of the experiment.

Oh, I'm also gonna need you all to sign standard nondisclosure agreements.

I can't let anyone know the details of my work until I report my findings to NASA.

Of course.

Since you mentioned Comms, communications between earth and Mars would be delayed due to distance.

Does your experiment account for that?

Indeed it does.

Our system is programmed to have a 20-minute lag, so everything you see or hear from the biodome actually happened 1,200 seconds ago.

You are certainly a smart fellow.

Smartest one in the room.

He lives for this kind of thing.

Of course.

Well, school is officially in session.

Uh, here you go.

Key fob for entry.

And when you're done, I'll remotely open the door so you can exit.

You lock the scientists in?

They can always request to leave.

But the 20-minute delay, it allows for reflection and avoids any rash decisions that could ruin a multimillion-dollar venture.

Now, I've got a Van that's gonna take you all to the dome in the Camino desert.

It's about 40 minutes from mission control, which is where I'm heading.

You don't have to drive all the way over there, Mr.


I can get into your system and we can observe from here.

Oh, that certainly is a fun idea, son, but we've got a state-of-the-art security system...


Here it is.

Wait, what?

How did he do...

Smartest one in the room.

(Phone ringing)


Paige, we can't turn the music off in this thing!

I didn't know that when I rented it; Just check the manual.

I did.

It's useless.

I am sure you can figure it out.

How's the party planning going?

Uh, it's good.

We're on our way to pick up your piñatas now.


What was the deposit on this thing?



'Cause I'm pulling over and tearing out these speakers.





I'm not paying for those speakers.

Toby: Okay, and the truth comes out.

No wonder we signed nondisclosure agreements.

(Walter sniffing)

You smell something?

That's the, uh, putrid stench of failure.

Happy: What a dump.

You can keep your stuff here.

No, it's the smell of the ultraviolet lights from the garden hitting the oxygen-ozone mixture, it's like...

Oh, hello.

Let me help you out.

Hello, Walter.

I've smelled this before.

Walt, you all right, pal?

You're looking a little loopy.

Yeah, I, uh...


The smell in here just caused the strangest memory, but there's no way this could be a memory.

What was it?

Uh, this is gonna sound crazy, but Paige and I were on Elia's space capsule.

You know, uh, as a psychiatrist, I can tell you that that did not happen and, yes, it does sound crazy.

So, uh, how about we focus on the grid and get out of this pigsty?

What the hell's going on with Walt?

He's having an olfactory-triggered memory.

That rocket had an O2-ozone mixture, and it was hit with ultraviolet rays from the sun.

The stink in here is similar.

It's taking him back to when he thought he was star-hopping with Paige.

He said a lot of things to Paige up there.

Best these memories stay buried.


So how about we just fix the grid and then get out of here before his schnoz sniffs out any more of the truth.

This place looked a lot better in the video.

These are tell-tale signs of full-blown ego depletion.

These biodome inhabitants, they must've been so driven to succeed in their experiments, they weren't able to focus on any of the other elements of life satisfaction.

Like hygiene.

Don't blame me.

I'm a neat freak.

Salvatore Roselli, I presume.

Who the hell are you guys?

That bastard Kapper send you?

Yeah, and he said that you and your partner would be in the lab.

Oh, please.

He knows we haven't followed our work schedule for months.

All he cares about is keeping this place barely running for the next month to impress NASA.

You pick up on Kapper lying?

He said that, according to schedule, they should be in the lab, and they should be.

That's not a lie.

He didn't seem like a fraud, he was very congenial.

Oh, yeah?

Well, he didn't lock you up in a snow globe with faulty equipment and a blonde lunatic.

Jennifer: Real nice.

Only people we've seen in over 330 days, and first thing you do is badmouth me.

And you must be Jennifer Hennings.

Uh, no, she goes by Oscar the grouch now.


The messy thing?

With visitors?

I am a man of science.

I observe and draw conclusions.

And after observing you for the past 11 months, my conclusion is, you're a slob.

Toby: Okay, friends.

We don't really want to get in the middle of things.

In fact, this interplay taints the whole experiment.

This thing's been tainted since the day we came in.

Yeah, mostly because the world-class botanist can't sustain a farm.

None of my plants would've died if I would've been given the proper fertilizer mixtures from Mr.

Ivy league chemist.

Ivy league.



No wonder this failed.

Walter: Sal, Jen, we're just here to fix the power grid, so if you could just show us where that is, we will do our thing and get out of your...


Happy: Your wild, unkempt, crazy hair.

Sal: It's about time Kapper sent somebody.

Power's been very unreliable lately.

Totally inconsistent.

Look at that.

Something that you agree on.

So how about we get the electricity humming and you guys can hot-plate up some vittles, 'cause you-you both look thinner than when you came in here, and Jen, you're, um, you're a little jaundiced, and your skin is showing low Turgor.

I'm a little concerned about your health.

Yeah, I lost some weight.

But I'm rationing my space-mush supplies.

I'll make it the last month.

And I'm growing fruits and vegetables in my room.


And she doesn't share them.

Okay, I'll tell you what, how about you show me this lovely garden, and, uh, Sal, why don't you show Walter and happy the grid?

We'll get it fixed and then we'll get out of this madhouse.

Follow me.

Jennifer: Once the farm started dying, I moved viable plants in here.

Put out my own soil bin.

Let me turn on the lights and the hydroponics so you can get the full experience.

(Switch clicks)

Isn't it beautiful?

Oh, yeah.

It's certainly interesting.

That's a lot of dirt up there.

Sal says I'm hoarding all the power, but I need it.

So screw him.

It's funny, from the video that Kapper showed us, I assumed you were a couple.

Yeah, we were.

And then we came in here.

You know, when you work with someone all day and live with them all night, there's no space to yourself.

Not healthy.

You don't say.

Here she is, the thorium reactor.

Who Jerry-rigged that?

She takes all the energy for her precious plants, but I set up a back door so things could be a bit more equitable.

So she's siphoning off power and you're trying to siphon it back.

Sal: As of this morning, when I finished splicing the wires to redirect the lines.

This thing is not designed for multiple line outputs.

It's why your grid went down today.


Oh, are you kidding?

This is rigged for disaster.

Sal: I guarantee you Jen turned on her pod's light show for Mr.


(Electricity crackling)

Happy: Oh, this is bad.

The system's overheating.

Can you fix it?

No way I can sort through this in time.

Come on, it's gonna blow.

And this is my prized zucchini.

Sal (Through vent)

: Jen, turn off your power now!

See, he's always complaining about the power.

He just won't shut up!

(Sal coughing)

Sal, you okay?


Happy: Walt, you all right?

♪ ♪ Happy: Walt?

You still with me?

Uh, y-yeah, think so.

Listen, the reactor exploded.

You sure you're okay?

Yeah, yeah, we should check on the others.

But first I need you to tell me something.

What happened to me when I was up in that rocket?

I recall the strangest things about my time in space.

You can't recall things that never happened.

Sal: What the hell happened here?

Toby, you in there?

Toby: Yeah, yeah.

We're here.

Guys, that loft gave way and there's a mountain of soil blocking the door.

Oh, god.

We're sealed in.

It's getting really hot in here.

Walter: Out here, too.

Reactor-grade thorium gives off a massive amount of heat.

And we're in a dome constructed of carbon fiber.

We're basically in an oven.

We are not dealing with a lot of square footage.

Things will get exponentially hotter in a very brief period of time.

Toby: Yeah, especially in here.

It's a much smaller space.

We must've jumped 20 degrees in the last two minutes.

We need shovels.

We've got some at the farm.

Come on.



Walt, Jen was in bad shape to begin with.

Dehydration and malnutrition.

She's swooning now and...

Walt, the ac unit's out.

Ralph: Okay, I'm into your security cameras.

Hey, how about you fix all the vulnerabilities you're exploiting to hack into my biodome?

Got to protect the Jewel of Kapper industries.

Oh, look, there's the team going in.

Not really, that was 20 minutes ago.

They're probably hard at work now.

The Jewel of Kapper industries seems to have lost some of its luster.

Yeah, what happened to Eden?

Look, I'm the first to admit that the dome looks a little bit lived in, but that's a small price to pay to make history.

Fine, I ran into funding issues halfway through the project.

So the dome isn't all I hoped for, but it's still a beacon for scientific inquiry.

I'm not sure I'm comfortable with my team repairing a sensitive reactor in a place that looks like an attraction from an abandoned amusement park.

I assure you, there is nothing to worry about.

They're in a very secure, very safe environment.

Guys, I'm getting nowhere here.

This dirt just keeps backfilling.



I'm feeling dizzy.

Happy: Hold on!

We're going as fast as we can.

Hey, I know you're hotter than a street-corner Rolex, but you just got to stay with me.

Guys, guys, she's in bad shape.

We don't have much time.

In this heat we could lose her.

This is taking too long.

She never should've brought this dirt into the living quarters.

But she had to have her ammonium nitrate-rich soil for her stupid plants.

Ammonium nitrate?

Stop digging, stop digging.

Do you have pure ammonium nitrate in the lab?


We can use it to freeze the soil.

Once it's frozen, we can break it up into movable blocks and get them out in minutes.

I'll be right back.

Okay, Toby?

You need to find a way to soak the soil with water.

This won't work unless it's saturated.

I'm on it!

Paige: Is it my imagination, or do those scientists not like each other very much?

(Phone rings)

Hey, Sylvester.

Sylvester: Ralph, I just got a text alert on my emergency app about seismic activity at the same coordinates as the biodome.

It's only a 2.7 on the Richter scale, but still I thought it prudent to call and check it out.

Ralph: I'm pulling up the U.S.

geological survey site now.

What's up?

Probably nothing.

Might've been a small tremor at the biodome.

Could slow down the guys' work.

No, the dome, it's built to withstand the impact of even a strong shaker.

That place couldn't withstand the impact of a salt shaker.

Ralph: Mom, this is bad.

There's no record of fault line movement within a 100-mile radius of here.

Okay, why's that bad?

It means the tremor the government sensors picked up was man-made.

Something inside the biodome released as much energy as a small earthquake.

Oh, thorium reactor.

What's he doing?

Turning off the 20-minute delay so we can see what's happening to the team in real time.

What happened to the very safe and secure environment you promised?

Get the ammonium nitrate as deep into the soil as you can.

What exactly is the plan here?

Walter: Toby's saturating the soil with water.

When ammonium nitrate comes into contact with dihydrogen monoxide...

You mean when dirt touches the water?


Freezes the surrounding soil.

Happy: And then we can break it up into pieces and remove it like a collapsed brick wall.

(Grunting and panting)

Just hang in there.

If this works we'll be out of here soon.

(Dirt rustling)

It's working.

It's freezing solid.

Just hold on, Jen.

We'll be there soon.


The largest solidifications will be in the center.

Here, let me get it.


Ralph, stop the film, back it up.

Right there.

Hit play.

♪ ♪ Go open the door and let them out!

Watch out, watch out.

No, the door mechanism, it must've been damaged in the expl*si*n, I can't get them out of there.

Ralph: Mom, I just pulled up the Biodome's diagnostics.

It's 110 degrees in there and increasing.

Okay, we have to manually get them out.

The nearest people are 40 minutes away.

They'll be dead by the time we get there.

Ralph, it looks like you have a plan.

I'm hacking into the Biodome's P.A.

system, patching in Cabe and sly.

We need the whole team working together if we're gonna get them out of there.

Where the hell are you going?

Hey, you all signed nondisclosure agreements.

I wish you the best of luck, but, uh, things are getting a little hairy, so I'm out of here.

What a jerk.

Almost there.

I see his stupid hat.

(Toby grunts)



Jen, give me your hand.

You're almost there.


(Jen grunts)

(Jen breathing shakily, others grunting)

You okay?


I don't feel good.

Okay, just catch your breath.

If only someone had warned you about putting the soil supply up on that loft.

Oh, wait, I did.

Every day for the last 11 months.

Toby: Hey!

Let's figure out what we're doing here, and once we get out, you two can tear each other to pieces.


Guys, let's get out now, come on.

We got you.

Paige: Guys?

It's Paige.

Can you hear me?

Loud and clear.

Status report: Ralph rigged the P.A.


Sly and Cabe are linked in.

We know about the expl*si*n.

Door's broken, can't get out.

Kapper just ran off, you're screwed.

Toby: No, no, no, no, no.

We got to get out of here stat.

It's humid as hell, and in moist air, heat levels of 122 degrees are acutely fatal because the water vapor condenses in your lungs.

We got to be at 110 right now.



Less than a half an hour until we're dead.

We got to buy some time until we figure out a way to get out of this crock-pot.

Jen's air-conditioning unit.

We can use its refrigerant to temporarily cool the thorium in what's left of the reactor.

It'll eventually heat up again, but at least we'll slow down our slow-roasting.





Sylvester: We just picked up the piñatas from Sylmar.

So we're not far from you.

We're coming to bust you out.

Got it.

Let's go, let's go.

When the coolant hits the thorium, it's gonna cause an incredibly hot steam cloud.

What about you?

There's gonna be a concussive pulse.

I'll duck as fast as possible.

Now stay back.

One, two...

Toby: Walt.

You okay?

I kissed Paige on the rocket.

You should've kissed her on the mouth.

It's not funny.

You guys keep playing it off like nothing happened out there, but I'm not imagining things.


What do you know about this?


kissing you in space?

I-i know that didn't happen.

Then what am I remembering?

M-maybe you had a sexy dream.


No, it's very normal for adults.

Happy has them about me all the time.



Walter, you've got bigger problems than a seven-month-old case.

Paige: I don't like that voice.

That's your i-see-something-scary voice.

That's how he always sounds.


Sylvester: There is a fog surrounding the dome, thickest on the east side by what I can only assume is the waste t*nk.

The waste t*nk?

That must've ruptured during the expl*si*n.

This is bad.

When is a ruptured waste t*nk good?

Spell it out, doc.

Ammonia is a natural by-product of human waste, but it should be treated with certain chemicals to prevent dangerous bacteria from forming, and, you know, judging from the looks of this crap-shack, I don't think Kapper was big on upkeep.

What's so dangerous about this waste fog?

When concentrations of ammonia mix with humid air, it creates a cloud that's deadly if inhaled.

In 1950s London, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide combined into a fog that k*lled over 4,000 people.

How are we supposed to try and open the dumb door if we die by stepping into that fog?

Let's just keep our heads.

We'll think of something.

For now, you guys just stay put.

Not sure if that's an option.

Walter: Uh, guys...

The fog that was outside, now it's inside.

It's coming in pretty fast.

Won't be long before it gets down here.

No, we won't have to wait for the fog to come down to us.

Once it makes its way through the ducts to these wall vents, it'll fill this room up in seconds.

Sly, we'll handle the vents in here.

Now, you need to find a way to seal the waste t*nk.

So, stop the fog at its source so you can get to the door.

Oh, guys.

The soil that we froze, that must've started to melt by now, so grab buckets and fill it up with mud.

We're gonna Spackle these vents shut.


Sylvester: Close enough, close enough, close enough.

Close enough, close enough, close enough.

Would you just settle down?

We're at least 30 feet from the fog.

Too close for comfort.

Yeah, well, I hate to tell you, but you're about to get very uncomfortable.

Get in the back and grab the happy and Toby piñatas and the air freshener sprays I saw in the bathroom.

I'm gonna go rip that "no trespassing" sign off its post.

If you saw the air fresheners, why didn't you use 'em?

♪ ♪ ♪ hell yeah...

♪ Cabe: Okay, we're heading toward the fog.

How are you guys protecting yourselves?

Cabe: We're using the piñatas.

We sealed the eye holes and the neck with the packing tape we were gonna use for Toby's move.

We got to move fast.

These things are quickly filling with carbon monoxide.

We only have a few minutes.

This one's done.

You guys?

Finished over here.


Now the only one left is up there.

Yeah, y-you might not have the vertical leap.

I can climb up the scaffolding.

Happy: That's not a scaffold.

It's aluminum framing for the sprinkler system.

Wasn't built for climbing.

And those piñatas weren't made to be snorkels.

We're in improvisation mode.

So, I'll need goggles, respirator mask, and rope to descend down after I seal the vent.

In the lab, all you need.

Toby, happy, go grab those items for me.

And, Sal, help me combine all our soil into one bucket.

Be careful.

The melting point of aluminum is 1,221 degrees, but the melting point of your hand is a whole lot less.

Sal: That is not a high-end respirator.

It only blocks minor fumes from chemical experiments.

The filter will fail in a minute or two.

Good to know.

All right.

Here I go.

Hope that mask protects him.

Jennifer: No way of knowing.

It's not like Sal's lab equipment was ever used.

I can't believe I had two tons of dirt and a shovel and you're still here.

Toby: Don't worry.

They're not us.

We are not them.


Not yet, anyway.

I made it.




Head back to the bus.

Sylvester: Guys, the t*nk is sealed.

Out here, the fog should dissipate in a few minutes.

That means the only place the fog being generated inside the t*nk can go is through the vent in the dome.

It should start pouring out faster.

It's starting to.

Paige: That looks really bad, and you don't have a good mask.

Hurry up or you won't be getting enough oxygen.

Because you're not getting enough oxygen.

Walter: I know I can't be what you need.

I know I can't be emotionally present the way that you deserve, but I always thought that, that eventually, that you'd want to...

You'd want to be with me.

That's why it hurts...

Because I love you.

I love you, too, Walter.


What did she say?


Toby: Walt, just hold on.

We're gonna figure out a way to get you down.

Walter: You guys lied to me!

I know what happened!

Paige told me she loves me in space!

Oh, man.

Oh, no.

Oh, boy.

Oh, crap.

Hey, Walt, uh, look, it's not Princess and the pea quality, but it should stop you from breaking most of your bones.

Walter: I don't care about that.

I just want to know from Paige, why did you tell me you loved me?


Did you really say that to Walter?


honey, I don't recall.

Walter: Yes, you do.

I can hear it in your voice.


I'm getting dizzy.

I found a knife!


Point down!


I'm coming up, drop the gear.

Toby: Listen, Walt's a bit below the fog, but you're gonna be right up in it, so Spackle fast, cut him loose and get down.


Paige: Careful, happy.

That place is held together by spit and chewing gum.

It looks sturdy, but it's deceptive.

Oh, like you?

I wasn't being deceptive.

I said what I had to say to get you back to earth safely.


So you admit it.

You said it.

Son, stop acting like a hurt schoolboy.

Focus on getting down and get out of there.

And he better do that fast.

Even after happy covers the vent, the dome's at 120 degrees now.

Two more degrees and respiratory failure.

Oh, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Keep your eyes open, Jen.

Come on.

Sly, Cabe, we only got a few minutes.

You got to find a way to get the door open.

Sylvester: Is that all?

It's a reinforced, triple steel, mechanically and electronically locked biodome door.

We need tools and time.

All we have is a few minutes and a party bus.

That's right.

So, let's party.


You're damn right.

Let's suck the fuel out of this bus and make some Molotov cocktails.

I'm never getting that deposit back.

Okay, vent is sealed.

Time for operation Chumbo drop.

'Cause you're my chum.

Get it?

Eh, it's amusing.

Hey, hey, you might want to step to the side.

Forecast calls for genius.




Are you okay, pal?

Yeah, you know, if we're gonna effectively dry-drown in our own lung fluid, I have to demand that you tell me what happened on that rocket.

You won't like it.

Try me.

Oh, help.

Help, she's unconscious.

Guys, her pulse is extremely weak.

Uh, she looks worse than I feel.

Will she even make it till Cabe figures a way to open the door?

No, not at this rate.

We got to get fluids into her directly.

There is no time for consumption or absorption.

So, grab your medical bag.

Um, I'm looking right at it.

How does it help us in the garage?

We came to fix a reactor.

Why would I bring my medical bag?!

The irrigation system.

Sal, I saw salt and water in Jen's room.

Hurry up and get it.

What are you thinking, Walt?

She is dead in less than a minute unless I can figure out a way to inject her without a needle.

Oh, just what I thought.

It's driven by a piston.

Uh, engineer, how do I build an injector from this?

Uh, I'm a little foggy.

We all are, but you can do this.


I'm sorry about this.


Oh, my laptop!

Needed the magnet.

And I need electrical current.

Oh, I got it.

Okay, I'm putting the magnet under the piston.

And once Toby hits it with electricity, it creates Lorentz force, increasing the piston's velocity so much that...

The saline solution penetrates her skin, right into the fatty tissue.

Here, I got the water-salt solution.


Done with the injector.

Toby: All right, put it against her skin.

Jen, I want you to know I'm sorry for everything.

Please be okay.

All right, here goes science.


Four heart pumps, and hydration should hit most of her body.


Sal, I'm sorry, too.

Paige: Guys, the temperature reads 121.

122, we're goners.

Uh, Cabe, what's your plan?

Figured what's a bachelor party without cocktails?

We're gonna blow that damn door off its hinges.

Found aluminum oxide.

Ah, calcium hydroxide.

Got it.

Pour it in.

I am really feeling this in my lungs, Walt.

Do you think Cabe's plan is going to work?

If we bring the expl*sives, he brings the heat, it'll work.


Yeah, hold on, big guy, we'll be in frigid, 85-degree weather before you know it.

I'm not gonna make it.

Oh, no, no, no.

No sitting down on the job.

Walter: Everyone, get away from the door.


Cabe, the expl*si*n putty's on the hinges.

Steel door will transfer heat to the putty quickly, so back away.

Okay, now!


Paige: Cabe, are you there?

Are they okay?

(All coughing)

They're banged up, but they're all right.


Thanks, guys.

Sylvester: Water from the party bus.

The EMTs should be on their way soon.

Is that a door hinge?

I don't think Paige is gonna get her deposit back.

You okay?

Physically, yes.

You upset about Paige and outer space?

Everyone knew?

I poured my heart out to her, and everyone knew?

So all this time, I'm walking around the office unaware, like an imbecile, and...

I'm disappointed in Paige.

She lied to me.

Cabe: She didn't lie to you.

You were suffering hallucinations.

She helped save you.

She didn't tell you what happened because she probably thought you'd be embarrassed.

Sylvester: Which you shouldn't be.

You told someone you loved 'em, so what?

You made out with your palm...

Who cares?

I did what?

Yeah, um, when you imagined you were kissing Paige, you sort of sucked face with your hand.

Let's go home.

(Upbeat pop music playing)


Wow, pretzels, three adults and a kid.

Cops are gonna break up this bachelor party any minute.

I know, it's not what we planned, but the bus is ruined, the piñatas are toxic, and none of you are in any shape to run around tonight.

But I have a surprise coming, and it should be here any minute.

Any idea when he'll be coming down?

He said he had some thinking to do.

Maybe I should go talk to him.

I wouldn't do that.

He's a little spaced out, on account of what happened in space.

I think he needs his space.

Cabe: Okay, thank you.

Well, Kapper's been hit with over a million in environmental fines.

NASA won't work with him.

Man, this party sucks.

Tell me about it.

I have a surprise coming.

While we're on the topic of surprises, saw happy unloading a wrapped gift from her truck.

Can only assume it's for you, doc.

This party just got better.


Happy, let me help you with that.

Is this for the bachelor/ bachelorette party?


It's more of a housewarming.

Or should I say "homewarming"?

I don't want our relationship to die like those plants in the biodome.

And I surely do not want to end up like Sal and Jennifer.

Me, either.

I mean, we see each other a ton now, and once we're shacked up, it's gonna be all Toby all the time.


well, that's, uh...

That can be a lot to take.

And you'll be getting round-the-clock happy.


no picnic.

So let's remember those dome-dwellers as a cautionary tale and make sure we don't get on each other's nerves.


Can I open it now?

It's your present, dummy.

You had Toby d*ck framed?

My way of saying we'll make room for your crap.

Mom, can we talk?

Sure, honey.

What's up?


I'm confused.

When Walter was hallucinating, he didn't stop being a genius.

He just saw things that weren't there.

Um, okay.

Well, a genius brain knows when it's being duped, even with hypoxia.

His brain would've picked up on it.


I don't get your point.

Have you considered you weren't lying to Walter when you told him you loved him?

Perhaps it worked because his brain processed it as a fact.

Please, just think about it.

Man, this party sucks.

Both: She has a surprise.

(Door opens)

What the hell is that?

The surprise.

Everyone meet Abra-Cadabracus, the mathemagician.


Cabe: I went to a bachelor party in Saigon once, woke up in the middle of Ho Chi Minh square with my underpants on my head.

Man, my life's taken a turn.

No, don't be like that.

Abra-Cadabracus, do your thing.

Okay, folks.

Let's start by throwing out any two three-digit numbers that I will then multiply.

Wow, you just brought a knife to a gunfight.

Sly, 364 x 245?


Wow, that...

that was fast.

1,101,564 / 4,962?


Uncool, guys.

He's all I could find on short notice.

Square root of 879?



Do we have any chips?

I didn't come here to be mocked.

No, I...

I'm sorry.

I'll send your check.

Oh, hey, Walt.

You missed Abra-Cacrapacus.

Paige, a moment?


So, I...

I want to apologize for getting angry today.


It's okay.


You know, I understand that you said what you had to say to save my life.

Yes, exactly.

I mean, if I hadn't gotten you to pull that hatch open, your body would be decomposing somewhere around Pluto right now.


Actually, decomposition requires oxygen, and there's no oxygen in space.

But never mind.

It's not relevant.

I have to say, you're handling this incredibly well.

I'm impressed.

Because of you.

You've taught me so much over the past three years.

I can deal with human beings much better now and relate to others thanks to you.

And that's why...

Your services are no longer required a-at scorpion.


I'm sorry.


You've done your job.

Incredibly well.

And it's time to move on to a new challenge, so I spoke to Richard Elia, and he wants you to go work for him.

He-he's always been impressed by you.

Are you kidding me?


I've given you a year's severance.

That's double salary in 12 months.

That's good for you and...

and Ralph.

Go to hell.




Hey, Paige?

I have to say, you're acting irrationally.

You've done great work here.

The job is over.

And I found you new employment for twice the money.

So why...

why are you mad at me?

The fact that you think you've made progress when you're pulling something like this...

I am getting off this crazy train for good.

Good luck, scorpion.


Let's go.

What did you do?

I made an executive decision.

It's in my right.

Man, this party sucks.

You are the one brain I can't crack, 197.

I don't think I want to.

Don't always like what goes on in there.

(Door opens)

(Door closes)

And Volkswagen