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06x10 - The Bird

Posted: 07/07/20 06:33
by bunniefuu
Previously on Good Witch...

I can't believe you're leaving in a week.

Trying not to think about it.

If you can bring what you did in the quad to the classroom, we'd be lucky to have you.

Thank you.

She's pushy.

She's rude.

And you think she's trying to take Joy away.

Doesn't it bother you?

What would bother me is if Joy had a job opportunity she wanted and we didn't support her.

Do you think George could make a stand for this?

Sam and I found the other half of the cipher in a weather vane, hidden in plain sight.

What does that mean?

I have no idea.

[Uplifting music]

[Cassie chuckles]

[Sam sighs]

Good morning.

What is all this?

This is English breakfast tea.

This is a chocolate chip scone.

And this...

is a kiss from your husband.

And this is perfect.

You were up late.

Yeah, I was grading papers.

Your last ones.


How does it feel?

Like it went by too fast.

You don't wanna leave?

I was just getting warmed up.

Well, you know what they say: when one door closes, make lemonade.

Nobody ever said that.

What can I tell you?

You married an original.

You are definitely one of a kind.

I'm also late.

Have a good day.

I always do.

♪ ♪ What do you think?

Not too shabby.

Not too shabby?

You do nice work.

We do good work.

Yeah, we do make a pretty good team.

Sometimes I forget that.


[Joy chuckles]

Thanks for jumping in on Martha's house.

Ah, I couldn't just let you fall on your face.

Oh, well, I still might if we don't get that hallway painted before the party.

Oh, we'll get it done.

It's what we do.


Question is what do we do next?

I haven't given it much thought.

I have put in a bid on a huge remodel in Vermont.

It could be our biggest project yet.



You're gonna love it.

[Pensive music]

I was hoping my eyes were playing tricks on me.

They're not.

It's almost cracked all the way.

We broke up for nothing.

We had to try.

You're not giving up, are you?

[Tense music]

[Donovan sighs]

[Uplifting music]

[Bell jingles]

[Bell jingles]


I need to clear the air.

About what?

Well, not about what.

It's about where.


[Mysterious music]

Everything OK?

Oh, that's lovely.

What treasure does it hold?


Is that dirt?

Looks like dirt to me.

Some sort of beauty treatment perhaps?

I don't think so.

You don't know?

I don't.

Didn't you order it?

I didn't.

So it just appeared out of nowhere?

I don't think you came in here to talk about dirt.

No, but I did come in to talk about my housewarming gala.

I don't think I've ever felt this anxious.


Your home is beautiful, and your housewarming is gonna be magical.

Oh, I do like the sound of that.

Smudging some juniper will help get the energy flowing in the right direction.

Oh, wonderful, but I will need some direction on how to put those sticks to work.

I can do better than that.

I'll come over and smudge with you.

Oh, thank you.

Now I know everything will be absolutely perfect.

♪ ♪ Let's shift Mr.

Jenkins' knee replacement to 8 a.m. and Ms.

Garutso's shoulder to noon.

Let's put a pin in both of those things.

Oh, this should be interesting.

Surprising is more accurate.

Did you know you had 42 vacation days in the bank?

What can I say?

I'm a saver.

Well, I'm trying to save you from burning out.

I haven't in 25 years.

And it's not gonna happen under my watch.

You know the policy better than I do.

Vacation isn't elective, it's mandatory.


Fine, I'll take one at some point.

That point is now.

Effective immediately, you're on vacation.

[Playful music]


It could be the pilot light.

I'll just call the repair guy.

I will fix it.

I'm right here.



But what happens next week when you're gone?

Ah, then you call the repair guy.



Bad joke.


good joke, bad timing.

I've just...

I've been reading articles on long-distance relationships.

Not good?

[Softly]: Not good.

But our long-distance relationship is only temporary.

Says the man who has no idea when he's coming back.

So what are you saying?

I don't know.

One of the articles said that doing what you think you're supposed to do instead of what both people should do is a great way to ruin a relationship.

So what do you wanna do?

I don't know!

[Tense music]

Hidden in plain sight could be any of these places.

Or it could be none of these places.

That's encouraging.

That's keeping it real.

Don't make me break up with you again.

Sam: Hello?

We're in the living room.

Thanks for coming.


Hey, you've got an evidence board!

I borrowed it from the police chief.

I thought you two couldn't be in the same room together.

Neither did we but the ruby keeps cracking, so.

We decided if we're gonna lose to the curse, we're gonna lose together.

Well, let's make sure you don't lose.

♪ ♪ How wonderful!

A cleansing smoke bath for my home.

Smudging's a tradition that goes back thousands of years to create calming and soothing energy.

I can positively feel the positivity in the air.

This housewarming gala is gonna go off without a hitch!

Hey, anybody order some flowers?

[Playful music]

I ordered a houseful of stunning arrangements, but that is a stunning disappointment.

There's eight more of them on the truck.

Where do you want them?

I don't.

The delivery is denied.

Why didn't you have Abigail do the flowers?

Well, she was my first choice, of course, but she refused to help celebrate Roderick's old house.

I reminded her that it's now my house, but no dice.

I've got some more bad news.

Um, I'm not sure if the hallway paint is gonna dry in time for the party.


No flowers and wet paint.

When is the smudging going to kick in?

♪ ♪ Mm!

What is all this?

This is crisp iceberg lettuce, and this is freshly-sliced Roma tomato, and this is Applewood-smoked bacon.

And that is the perfect BLT.

You know, it's about time somebody recognized my sandwich-making genius.

You want half?


And I also wanna know why you're home.

I was sent home.


Were you a bad boy?

I was.

I haven't used any of my vacation days in three years.

Mystery solved.

So, you're stuck with me for the next two weeks.


Well, maybe you can help me grade some papers.

I thought you said goodbye to your class?

Professor Hughes decided to take an extended sabbatical.

And Professor Barnes offered you the position?

She did.


That's great.



Not as great as this.


It's not an anagram.

I don't see anything hidden on the music box.

So we've got nothing.

Nothing yet.

[Cell phone ringing]

You should go.

I'll just reschedule.

You can't reschedule lunch with the governor.

I'll keep looking.

I'll make sure he doesn't order dessert.

I wish I could say the three words.

Let's break this curse so that you can.

I wanna say them now.

I'll say them for both of us.

I love you.


That's quite a rock.


I'm quite a guy.

[Adam chuckles]

And modest too.


Think Stephanie will say yes?

What do you think?

I want her to know how much I love her.

You sure that's all you want?

I wanna marry her.

Or you wanna make sure that she's there when you come back.

That's not fair, Sam.

You're right.

It's not.

Lucky for me, you're not the one I'm proposing to.

♪ ♪ Well, did you offer to pay double?

I did offer double, but they didn't think they could get the arrangements done by tonight.

That is the last time I go to Blairsville for something!

I think this is the first time.

How will we ever put the warm in housewarming without beautiful flowers?

As long as you're there, Martha, the house doesn't need flowers to be beautiful.

Oh, Tom!


Is this a bad time?

I'm guessing it's about to be.

So the chandelier...


The renovation's piece de resistance...

Was it damaged?

No, it's in perfect condition.


Well then, what's the problem?

[Descending piano notes]



It's pretty!



It looked full-size online!

We can still hang it.

[Martha sighs]

[Harp music]

Alright, get comfortable.

If this were an operating room, that would be a lot easier.

You're supposed to be on vacation.

I can't just turn it off.

No, but meditation can.

I can do this.

How do we start?

Close your eyes.


Now take a deep breath.

[Inhales deeply]

And exhale.

[Exhales heavily]


Relax your mind.

I don't think that's gonna happen.

Give it a chance.

Remind yourself why you're meditating.

'Cause you told me to.

Focus on your breathing.

Try counting with each breath.

When do we start with that whole om thing?

Om is a mantra.

You should try to come up with one of your own.

Like what?

Whatever helps you find your center.







I'm sorry.

All this relaxing is stressing me out.

Well, the stressing out is making it hard for me to relax.

I have the perfect solution.

Yeah, you're gonna go work on your putting?


[Exhales heavily]

I'm not doing your flowers, Martha.

Why would you assume I'm here about flowers?

Aren't you?

Well, yes, but why would you assume that?

You ordered online, didn't you?

When you turned me down, I had no choice.

It was your choice to buy Roderick Davenport's house.

The house is an innocent bystander.

Your beef is with Roderick.

My beef is with you.


And I'm happy to bear that burden.

And I completely understand if you can't bring yourself to arrange the flowers, but I would love it if you'd at least bring yourself to my housewarming.

Oh, and Donovan too, of course.

I appreciate that, but we wouldn't feel right celebrating where the curse began.

Well, if you change your mind, you know that my door is always open.

[Mysterious music]

Got you hooked on that sweet and salty thing, didn't I?

Actually, this is for you.

You're good.

You're not too shabby yourself.

And I can see you're a good friend to Joy.

She's had my back since day one.

Yeah, and you've had hers.

She told me you helped her through a rough time after her mom died.

That was a rough time.

She was pretty lost.

Yeah, finding our way after going through something like that is never easy.

Joy almost found her way by joining the circus.

The circus?

She told me she grew up doing gymnastics, but she never mentioned the big top.

She thought she'd make a great trapeze artist.

All that twirling just makes me dizzy.

I guess she changed her mind.

Yours truly changed her mind.

I helped her realize it wasn't the best choice for her.

But you think taking that job in Vermont is?

You don't?

I don't think it's up to either one of us.

You're hoping she'll choose your family.

We should both be hoping that she chooses whatever's right for her.

I'll let the two of you talk about it.


So I've been thinking about this whole Vermont thing.

You don't wanna go.

I'm not saying that, but I would like to see if there's more work here in Middleton.

Might take me a minute, but...

I think I could get used to small-town life.


[Relaxed music]

Looks like someone found his center.

No mantra required.

Hm, I don't know.

Your mantra could work for me here.





Don't knock it 'til you've tried it.

I got skills.

Here, let me line the ball up for you.

No, no.

I got this.

That was...

Pretty bad.


Let me help.


Widen your stance.

Bend your knees.


Take a deep breath.

[Inhales deeply]


Now visualize where you want the ball to go.




And then we're gonna take a nice, easy stroke.

Look at that!

You do have skills.

It's pretty exciting, huh?


[Sam sighs]

[Cassie laughs]

♪ ♪ I'm back.

What are you doing?

What we should've done a long time ago: taking our lives back.

And I need you to take the music box back to Martha.

Are you sure?

We are gonna go to that party tonight and we are going to dance and we are going to have fun and we are going to forget all about curses and clues and Connellys.

I have just one question.

What time do you want me to pick you up?

[Sentimental music]


I fear those smudge sticks we used were expired.

Have some tea.



This problem is bigger than tea.

This problem isn't a problem.

Smudge sticks don't expire.

Well then you gave me a couple of duds.

I take it you hit a few bumps in the road?

There is nothing but potholes on this street.

Are these potholes big enough for you to cancel your party?

Nothing could make me cancel my party.

Well, it sounds like you're staying positive!

I guess I am.

Then I guess those smudge sticks weren't duds after all.



Hey, you!


This is a surprise.

A nice surprise?



You got a sec?


So I was talking to my mom today and everyone is very excited to meet you over the holidays.

I'm excited to meet them too.

That was convincing.

No, I...

I am.

I just...

I just don't know if...

If you're gonna be here.

I'm sorry.

What do I tell them?

That's a good question.

One that I would love to have an answer to.

And I wish I had an answer.

I really do.

You made a plan for yourself, which is great, but I also have to be able to make plans.


This is where the long-distance thing gets tricky.

This is where the open-ended thing gets tricky.

I can deal with the long-distance thing if I knew how long I'd be dealing.

Look, we've started to build a life here.

I know.

But nothing's gonna change.

[Soft music]


There you are!

Just me, and my Christmas ornament.

Who doesn't love Christmas?

Well, that goes without saying, but Rudolph isn't exactly guiding my sleigh tonight.

On the bright side, it's a funny story.

It's hard to see the bright side without my monumental chandelier.

Well, here's a little something that might take your mind off of it.

A gift?!

Go on, open it.



It's lovely!

And such a stately woman!

Reminds me of someone I know.

It seemed befitting for the lady of the manor, hosting the first of many joyful gatherings.

The first of many.

This is a dress rehearsal, not a swan song!

The show must go on!

What's in there, my Christmas tree?

Well, it lights up like one.

The chandelier!

How did you...

We don't let our clients down.

Or our friends.

Is it too late to RSVP?

You're always welcome.

And so is that stunning arrangement!

I have a whole carful.

I'll help you.

Now it's a funny story.

[Uplifting music]


This is interesting!


is a pottery wheel, and this is a mound of clay, and all of this is me feeling inspired.

Well, that looks like something I'd like to try.

Well, I'm not surprised.

You do have the hands of a surgeon.

And the ego to match?

Yeah, I call it confidence.

Well, I will confidently give it a shot.



Where do I start?

Well, allow me to demonstrate.

[Soft music]

That looks easy enough.


Alright, let me see what you got.

That was, uh...

Pretty bad.

[Both chuckle]


You just gotta be gentle.

Let me help you.

Put your hands on the clay.


Like I said, it's easy enough.

[Cassie chuckles]


Get ready for your mind to be blown.

Well, with a statement like that, you better live up to it.

We landed that remodel in Vermont.

Why isn't your mind blown?

Well, what happened to looking for work in Middleton?

That was before we got this offer!

Joy, this job could take our company from the minor leagues to the majors!

I need to think about it.

What's there to think about?

This has been our dream, the whole reason we started the company!

No, you're right.

But you still need to think about it.

I do.

Well, think fast 'cause we gotta make a move!


[Mysterious music]

You're not supposed to be looking at that.


You're definitely not giving the curse satisfaction.

I could say the same about you.

Then you should.

Why don't I say this instead?

Well, that's worth saying again.

♪ ♪ [Doorbell rings]


to Casa del Tinsdale.

Your home is beautiful!

I wish I could take credit, but this is all Martha and Joy.


Where is the lady of the house?

You are just in time for her grand entrance.



We're so delighted that you could join us.

We wouldn't have missed it.

Follow me!

[Martha giggles]

[Indistinct chatter]


Thank you so much for coming!

Mark, Evelyn.


[Martha exhales heavily]

Good evening, everyone, and welcome to Tinsdale manor.

[Softly]: I thought it was Casa del Tinsdale.

This remodel has been a labor of love.

But I couldn't have done it without my Tom and the talented and tireless Joy Harper!


Thank you, Martha.

Working with you was like no other client I've ever had.

And so please eat, drink and enjoy!

Woman: Cheers!

Maestro, hit it!

♪ ♪ Maybe I should get you guys to remodel my flower shop.

Oh, sorry, we're actually booked.

I'm glad we came.

I'm sure the curse isn't glad.

Do we care?

No, we don't.

[Inaudible speaking]

♪ ♪ [Music stops]


[Exhales sharply]


You are stunning.

And you...

are one lucky guy.

Can't argue with that.

Let's not argue at all.

I'm sorry I've been making this so difficult.

So am I.

[Soft music]

It's not fair for me to ask you to put your life on hold.

Maybe we're doing what we think we're supposed to do.

Instead of what we should do.

♪ ♪ My, my!

The queen finally has her castle.

I'm surprised you didn't ask to borrow my tiara.


As always, you put the backhand in compliment.

You should see my forehand.


I take it you've had a chance to peruse my humble abode.

You've certainly made some changes.


It's not what I would've done, but it's not half bad.


Adam: You were right.

Well, I wasn't trying to be right.

I just wanted to make sure you were proposing for the right reason.

I was just really hoping he would stay.

I'm sure he appreciates you being supportive.

She was completely supportive.

And you broke up anyway.

It was the right thing for both of us.

Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same.


Nice party.

It's absolutely perfect.

The whole place looks pretty classy.


Well, Joy is a class act.

And I appreciate all you did to help her.

It's what we do.

Well, what you do has caught the eye of my dear friend, Terry Applebaum.

She's been looking for someone to renovate her family home and guess who she wants?

We're flattered, but...

...but Joy and I actually already accepted another offer.


Joy never mentioned it.

Is it here in Middleton?

Actually, it's in Vermont.

I don't know what to do.

Yeah, it's not an easy decision.

Vermont is beautiful.

But it's not Middleton.

My mom always told me there were Merriwicks out there, but I never thought I'd get a chance to meet you, get this close to you.


Merriwicks always have a way of finding each other.

Well, you'll never run short of maple syrup.

That's exactly why we took the job.

You know, you really are quite the spitfire.

Admit it.

You're gonna miss my charm.

Actually, I'm gonna miss you and Joy.

But I'm thrilled for you both.


So are we.

I'd really miss you guys.

We would miss you too.

You're not making this any easier.

As long as I'm not making it any harder.

It's a great opportunity.

It's the type of job we've been working towards since we started the company.

And it is well-deserved.

Middleton's not going anywhere.

Neither are we.

So you think I should do it?

I think you should do whatever you think is best for you.

And only you know what that is.

Did I mention you're not making this any easier?



What are you doing?


That was unexpected.

But I liked it.

And Roderick would've hated it.

Then kiss me again.


[Dotty chuckles]

I am so happy to see you two happy.

And seeing it here, where that treacherous curse began, makes it all the more joyful.

Well, we figured if the curse is going to win, we're not going to make it easy.

I admire that.

You know, Donovan's father and I also had to contend with forces that tried to keep us apart.

What forces?

Let's just say the Davenports weren't very fond of our relationship.

The family loves you.

They do now, but it wasn't until your father asked for my hand that they finally backed off.

Well, this curse isn't backing off.

Then I suggest you two carry on.

As you were.

♪ ♪ Ahem.

Can I have this dance?

Took you long enough to ask.

[Indistinct speaking]

I'm gonna miss this.

Me too.

Shall we?


Martha: Oh...

how lovely.


you are.


♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [Mysterious music]

Hidden in plain sight.

The clue.

When I saw Tom looking through his telescope, I realized Nathaniel had to be sighting on something through his spyglass.

Well, it makes sense.

Everything else in the painting is a clue.

Looks like he's focused on the man who's watching them from behind that screen.

I bet that's William Spry.

The man who stole Patience away from Roderick.

I don't think that's what he's looking at.

There's a table in front of William.

There's a candle, and a bird on it.

That bird is a dove.

That bird is a figurine.

Like the one my mom left me.

You see anything?

I see what you see.

Well, we know the dove's connected to the moon.

And the crescent moon is the traveler's symbol.

The traveler is Priscilla Connelly.

And that gets us right back where we started.

Maybe this is more about when it started.

Well, it's been handed down from mother to daughter for generations, but my mom thought it only went as far back as...

Laurel Merriwick.

Laurel was in the painting.

It goes back a lot further than that.

Did your mother tell you anything else?

No, that's all she knew.

And I haven't read anything about it in Elizabeth Merriwick's diary.

Sounds like a piece of Merriwick history that's never been connected to the Merriwick history.

Until now.

And now what?

[Object falls and breaks]

Well, that's fitting.

It's kind of lights out on this whole thing.

Maybe not.

We each have a beauty inside.

It's important to take the time to recognize it.

[Dramatic music]


♪ ♪ I got here as fast as I could!

I can't wait to see that glorious diamond!

We finally agree on something.



Special delivery.

Thanks for bringing it.

What exactly happens when a curse breaks?

Hopefully, we're about to find out.

[Martha gasps]

Together: Oh, my...

[Music box plays]

Somehow, that never gets old.

I know we all wanna see what happens, but maybe Abigail and Donovan wanna do this on their own?

It wouldn't feel right without everybody here.

It certainly wouldn't!

[Mysterious music]

[Music stops]

Is that it?

Do you feel any different?

I don't think so.

Can you say it?

Say what?


can't say it.

Well, that was anticlimactic.

[Music box plays]

I take that back.

That's the ring that Roderick used to propose to Patience.

Don't touch it.

That ring is definitely cursed.

["Like Real People Do" by Hozier]

What are you doing?

Exactly what I'm supposed to do.

♪ About that night ♪ ♪ The bugs and the dirt ♪ ♪ Why were you digging ♪ ♪ What did you bury ♪ ♪ Before those hands ♪ ♪ Pulled me from the earth?

♪ Abigail...

From the day we met, you've challenged me in a way I never thought anyone ever could.

And I've loved every second of it.

I wanna spend the rest of my life with you.

I'm not gonna let anything keep us apart.

♪ We should just kiss like real people do ♪ [Abigail exhales sharply]

[Vocalists harmonizing]

Will you marry me?


Of course I'll marry you.

♪ Eyes always seeking ♪ ♪ Was there in someone that dug long ago ♪ I love you.

I love you.

You said it.

I said it.

You said it.

I said it.

I love you.

♪ ♪ ♪ So I will not ask you where you came from ♪ That's what happens when a curse breaks.

♪ And neither would you ♪ ♪ Honey, just put your sweet lips on my lips ♪ ♪ We should just kiss like real people do ♪ [Vocalists harmonizing]

Feels like you've been avoiding me.

I have.

Guess you haven't made a decision then?

I haven't.

Which way you leaning?

[Joy chuckles]

I know how much this job means for us.

But you're leaning towards Middleton.

It's just, if I knew we had a job here, this would be a lot easier.


...we don't have a job here, but we do have one in Vermont.

And we need to let them know by the morning.

Would you still go if I don't?

It'd be tough to do it without you.

But you'll figure it out?

I'll let you sleep on it.

[Sam sighs]

What a day!


This vacation is exhausting.

Yeah, taking it easy can take it out of you.

Hey, we've been going nonstop.

Oh, yeah.

Tell me about it.

Meditated, played golf, made some pottery.

Don't forget dancing.


How could I forget dancing?

And you became a full-fledged professor.


I also helped Martha smudge her house.

And we broke a 200-year-old curse.

That was a group effort.

Still tough though.


Come on.

Let's do a little more putting.


[Cassie chuckles]


Alright, here we go.

Bend my knees, take a deep breath and relax.

[Breathes deeply]

Visualize where I want the ball to go...


Did you see that?



[Soft music]

♪ ♪ [Mysterious music]

That's interesting.

Someone left it on the counter at Bell, Book & Candle.

Somebody left this on my counter at home.

Somebody left this in my truck.

What do you think it means?

I have no idea.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪