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05x08 - Ghost Train

Posted: 07/05/20 08:39
by bunniefuu
[Man grunting]

[Hitting, Grunting]

Jane: Locations locked.

You'll always be my little boy.

This is a waste of time.

I say we put a b*llet in his head and clear out before someone misses him.

No one's gonna miss him.

Keep at it.


There may be another way to get what we want from him.

[Keys clacking]

[Jane clears throat]

You've been watching that a lot.

Allie's hidden message.

"Mission is a go." What mission?

What's she trying to tell us to do?

Are you sure that's what's bothering you?

The mother of your daughter is currently under the thumb of a psychopath.

It's okay to be worried about her.

Patterson: Hey.

There's been more movement on the tracker you guys placed on Madeline's ZIP.

After flying from Budapest to Morocco yesterday, it just left a port in Tangier.


It's impossible to say.

But we have to assume that she's consolidated all batches of ZIP, including the canisters that we weren't able to neutralize in Libya.

Have we intercepted any new messages between Madeline and Ivy?

Just the last one where Madeline sent to Ivy, "Stay in position.

I'm coming to you." So we know they're meeting up, but we have no idea where.

What about her son?

Have you heard from him again?

Not since his original message saying that he'd help us.

I'm starting to get worried.

Okay, so Allie sent us a message that feels incomplete, Ivy and Madeline have gone silent, your asset is M.I.A., and our only move is to do nothing.

Uh, don't forget the ZIP is on the move.


Rich, mimics Irish accent: Crewmen Weller, Doe, Patterson, and Zapata, please report to the Lido Deck on the double.

The Lido Deck?

He's in a nautical phase right now.


be happy he didn't call us seamen.

Would you follow me, please?


[bell ringing]

After setting a course to trawl the abyss of all human knowledge...

You searched the Internet.

...I caught a big one.

Jane's Cerberus tat...

Jane's Cerberus tattoo.

[clears throat]

I found it in the same ad in "The New York Spectator," the "Denver Times," and the "Cape Town Daily News." Three places where Jane lived.

What's the company?

Rich: Oh, it doesn't exist.

Real ad, fake company.

Real Jane tattoo.

Somebody wanted us to see this.

Okay, so let's get to solving.

That's it?

"Let's get to solving it"?

Come on, people.

I get it.

You have a lot on your minds, but...

these are the tattoos.

We used to love these.

And we still have the tracker on the ZIP and we have a back door to Madeline and Ivy's private communications.

We are this close to having everything we need to take them down.

So, what I would like to do is go back 20 seconds and let's try this again.


Real ad, fake company, real tattoo, somebody wanted us to see this.

Rich and Patterson, let's do what you do best.

Rich: All right.

That is much better.

Just a little more to the right.

Ooh, perfect.

Now let's move the surface table one foot closer to where I'm standing.

Director Weitz.

A word, please?

You're finally making the place your own.



I'm not making the lab my own.


I'm just doing some temporary redecorating until Patterson gets back.

Yeah, whatever.

I'm making small talk, Afreen.

I don't, you know, care.

I need your help.


You don't even know what I'm asking for yet.

The last time I helped you, you were actually helping Madeline.

I know, but technically I was helping Madeline, but that's only because her lawyer surely has all this leverage on me.

What kind of leverage?

That is not relevant.

You want my help.

I need to know everything.

I fabricated evidence that kept a guilty person from walking.


He didn't.

As bad as that is, and it is very bad, I don't believe for a second that's all she's got on you.

It's the truth...

Okay, listen, listen, listen, um...

as part of a cover-up, I kinda sorta commissioned a drone strike on U.S.

soil that k*lled an American citizen who we didn't have any actual proof committed any crimes.

I know it's bad, but I'm trying to land some points here.

If we could just take a quick peek at Shirley's computer, then we would know who else they were leveraging.

If we could find out who else she's blackmailing, then we would know who to trust and who we couldn't.

And we can start unraveling her base from within.


Now, I don't know if you've noticed this, but Madeline and Ivy and her whole goon squad, they're not in the office today.

Which can't be good.

So this might be our only chance to use the FBI resources to do this thing.

I need to clear out the lab.

Come back at noon.

Thank you.

You know, I am not doing this for you.

I'm doing this for the team.

Yeah, well, I mean, so am...

so am I.

You think Allie has been sending us the tattoos?

Think about it.

What if her message wasn't for us?

What if she's been working with someone else to send us those tattoos?

So the message was for them to put out those newspaper ads.

Well, according to Rich, the ads were bought not long after Allie's press conference.

So the timing works out.



[keys clacking]

What'd you got?

The boat full of ZIP, the picture's a little clearer now.

We may have hacked into a Russian satellite.

So looks like they're hiding the container of ZIP amidst normal cargo to get past security.

Only so many ports can dock a ship that size.

Yeah, and that's the scary part.

[computer chirping]

Weller: It's headed for America.

This is how Madeline is getting ZIP onto U.S.

soil for an attack.

Patterson: Ivy sent Madeline a message.

Zapata: "On the move.

Ready to strike." Maybe she means like a labor strike.

You know, union issues?

Is that a thing?

This is not a popover.

Once that ship hits the dock...

Madeline is gonna use all that ZIP on America.

♪ ♪ How long before the ship gets to America?

Well, depending on where it docks, it could be less than 24 hours.

We've still got the trackers.

Not after the ZIP is in the weapons.

After that, we'll just be tracking empty canisters.

Once that ZIP is weaponized, Madeline can move it around the United States without detection.

Eh, America had a good run.

Do we know what the tattoo says yet?

Not completely.

The tattoo itself decodes to a secure FTP site just like the blackbird tattoo did.

But unlike the blackbird tattoo, this site contains a very complex, very processor-heavy digital puzzle for us to solve.

Given the extra security, it probably leads to something more important than the blackbird.

Hey, the blackbird led to me.

Yeah, I know what I said.

So we need to find out what it is before we make our next move.

Well, if the ZIP reaches its destination, we won't have a next move.

Yeah, but crossing into the States with targets on our backs while the FBI, CIA, NSA, they're all hunting us.

And that's far too risky without all the information.

Hold on, we might have another option.

What if I could locate whoever's been sending these to us?

I thought you said that was impossible.

It was when we had one or two tattoos to work with.

Now we have a third data point.

Okay, so if I can compare the digital signatures from all three, filter out the noise...

[computer chirping]

Here we go.


Looks like they're in Malta.

Who do we know in Malta?

Zapata: Keaton.

Just before Iceland, the CIA exiled him to a small outpost there.

How small?

Just him.

I can go.

If he's still there, I can tell him about the ZIP so he can warn the proper channels.

And then he can tell you what's in this digital puzzle.

Rich: Whoa, hang on a second.

What if it's not Keaton?

You just gonna knock on the CIA's door and hope for a friendly face?

I mean, I know that time is of the essence here, but so is not getting blacksited.

I'll be careful.

Okay, go.

She's spying for two.




Take this.

Key chain with a kitty on it?

It's a virtual pet.

You push the buttons to keep it alive.

Is this for baby practice?

I know you have to feed them.

No, no, no, no, no.

It is a communications device in disguise.

We-We are so close to figuring out Madeline's whole plan.

Your next move might not be to come back here.

This is gonna tell you what your next move is.

Got it.

Left button gives it water, right button gives it food, and you tap its nose to give it affection.

Bye, Patterson.


Okay, I think I got it.

Shirley's computer.

Oh, this guy...

I hate this...

I hate him so much.

Okay, how do we...

where, um, where do we start?

There's a folder just marked "H." Yeah, good, that could be Helios maybe, right?


That's it.

This is all the people they're leveraging.

That is a lot of people.

Lucas Nash, I, neh, that makes a lot of sense.

We can't be k*lling FBI agents.

Well, they're not FBI agents, not anymore.

There's congressmen and cabinet members.

The head of INTERPOL is on here.

And tons of FBI personnel.

Michael Deigh, Tess Rimmel.

Afreen Iqbal.




Miss Holier Than Thou has a closet full of skeletons.

Or full of nothing.

It's good work being a good person.

Okay, let's just copy all these folders so we have proof of blackmail, and then I will get to work trying to limit the power of these people.

Um, you're not planning on blackmailing these people yourself.


I never even thought about that...

until just now.

But no, that's...

No, I'm not doing that.

You ever hear the expression "a watched pot never boils"?

Got it.

Hey, you're right.

This is taking too long to solve.

We could lose track of the ZIP.

I don't know.

Like you said, they sent this to us for a reason.

Rich: Hey, uh, not to sway you guys one way or the other, but I just found out a friend in the import/export business has a cargo plane heading to the East Coast of the U.S., a plane that will bypass customs.

You know, if you wanna stop a ship and a ZIP or whatever.

When does it leave?

Oh, you got time.


an hour.

So you gotta decide right now.


Let's get going.

Wait, wait, what about waiting for the tattoo to get solved?

Tasha is about to land in Malta any second.

Hopefully she can get the answer from the source.

Hey, I'm gonna solve it.

Just have a little faith, people.

If your gut says that we need to get moving, let's move.


Okay, I'll tell him you're in.

Oh, you guys aren't allergic to any endangered animals, are you?


No reason.

Are you?


It's really important.

We'll find out.



I guess so.

Great work, Afreen.



What's that mean, hmm?

I mean it's great that we know who Madeline is blackmailing.

But she's still blackmailing them.

What if we could free these people from her control right now?


You mean like delete the files?

I'm sure Shirley has them backed up somewhere.

Oh, he does.

And if I delete the files, he'll just restore them from his cloud-based, off-site digital hub.

But if I corrupt them, the way Shirley's system is set up, I may be able to use those corrupted files to override the originals in the cloud.

Then they'd be unopenable and unrecoverable.




Do that.

That's the one to do.


Well, this may take a while.

You may want to get some coffee.

I'm wired.

I'm good.

Um, I meant for me.

Decaf americano.

And a blueberry scone.


Oh, you...


All right.

Madeline Burke...

[keys clacking]

...say good-bye to your blackmail.

[phone vibrating]

Bonjour, Frederic.

How go things at INTERPOL?

Frederic: This may be nothing to write about, but I just sent you a civilian's photo our computers say has a 33% chance of being Tasha Zapata.

It's probably not her, but I thought you'd want to see for yourself.

[phone chimes]

Yeah, that's her.

Um, uh, where did you say this was?

A port on the southern tip of Italy.


Thank you, Frederic.

Let's go.

[engine starts]

♪ ♪ [doorbell rings]


Hey, Keaton.

You sent us a message.

How did you find me?


Come in.

I thought I covered my tracks.

And she uncovered them.

Wow, Jake, this is...


It's cozy.

Welcome to CIA purgatory.

You shouldn't have come here.

I had to.

We're out of time.

We guessed it was you and Allie sending us the tattoos and thought we'd cut out the middleman.

You guessed right.

But it's not just us.

Despite being harassed, falsely accused, and wrongfully imprisoned for horrible crimes, Ms.

Burke never wavered in her resolve or her efforts to help the FBI.

[phone vibrating]

Madeline: Thank you, Director Weitz.

And might I say that your commitment to your current position is inspiring.

And I am deeply honored that you've chosen me to lead your new Civilian Oversight Committee.

And as my first act in that role, I would like...

♪ ♪ [indistinct chatter]

[doorbell rings]


Can I help you?

Kurt, Jane, Patterson, Zapata...

They're on the run and they need our help.

The CIA sent me here because they don't trust me.

I can't leave this outpost, let alone this island, without raising a million red flags.

You don't have to go anywhere.

My family is living off the grid.

I can be your arms and legs.

I'm so happy that your family's safe, but mine isn't.

Are you telling me you can't get CIA intel that could help the team?

What intel?

For starters, where's Rich Dotcom?

You think we have him?

I think you might.

Is there any way you can find out?

You shouldn't be here.

Big Brother's been watching me ever since the Tattoo Squad went on the run.

So why not disappear like the rest of us?

Sometimes the best place to hide is in plain sight.

Or maybe now that you're finally enjoying the life of a successful artist, you're not ready to give that up yet.

Look, the FBI's got Rich.

What do you expect me to do about it?

That's the thing.

They don't.

The CIA does.

And we've got solid intel he's about to be sent to North Korea.

My God.

So help me pull him out of it.

We need to get a secure message to Weller and his team.

We don't know where they are.

But I know you're very creative.

I am, aren't I?

Do you have a cool hoodie?

♪ ♪ Madeline: That's a signal.

I want them found.

All of them.

Someone sent us a message.

Jane: Who?

I don't know.

An old friend, a new one.

And that's how it started.

After you sprung Rich, Boston went underground, too.

Probably smart.

Yeah, not smart enough.

I haven't heard from Boston since Madeline found Allie.

Do you have any idea where he might be?

No, but we got the Cerberus tattoo.

What does it mean?

I don't know.

That one was from Boston, and he wouldn't tell us what it was.

But it was sent from here.


He left it with me.

He told me to release it if one of us ever got caught.

How you holding up?


I heard about Reade.

I'm really sorry he didn't make it.

I know how close you two were.

And these are the buttons that love it, feed it, and keep it alive.



A bear?


'Cause I'm scruffy?

No, because like a mama bear, anyone who gets between you and your cubs will get torn to shreds.


Also, you are scruffy.

Jane: Hey, don't complain.

I got a baby flamingo.


Hey, flamingos are very fierce creatures.

They're adaptable to any environment.

Their legs can repel acid.

They can...

swallow boiling water.

Yes, and also I ran out of options, and I figured you wouldn't want Rich's possum.

Speaking of which, are you sure you're gonna be okay if you're left alone with him?

Rich I can handle.

You two are going into the belly of the beast.

Please don't die.


As soon as we can tell which port the ZIP is gonna dock at, we will let you know via the virtual pets.


I was just thinking about how you push buttons to look after us.

We're kinda like your virtual pets.

Weller: You're right.

Thanks for keeping us alive out there.

Most days, yeah, I don't know what's worse, the grief or the survivor's guilt, but...


...from the way you are moving, it doesn't look like you've been having it so easy yourself.




Perils of living in CIA exile.

When you slip in the shower, you can't just go down to urgent care.

Well, I've been told it could get you back in the Agency's good graces.

Madeline's moving ZIP across the Atlantic to the U.S.

to be weaponized.

How do you know?

We've been tracking some of it.

Look, you've got to get word back to D.C.

Whoa, whoa, so you're tracking Madeline's ZIP?

Way to bury the lead.

What else do you all know?

Not enough and Weller doesn't want us to move on until we have intel from the Cerberus tattoo.

Like I said, that was Boston's thing, so tell me more about this tracker.

Since when do you not cover the camera on your laptop?

Pretty weird time to be less paranoid.

I took it off to chat with Cindy and Erin.

I must've forgot to put it back on.

How is the family?

They've been better.

Who's watching us right now?

I'm sorry, Tasha.

♪ ♪ Ooh, geez, you gotta feed this thing a lot.

Okay, Penelope Possum, you're gonna be a stocky possum.

Oh, this is so frustrating.

Every time I solve one quadrant of this thing, the whole thing shifts and then it gives me another part to solve.

It's like it's a...

This puzzle is...

...toying with us.

Oh, my God.


Oh, no, no, no.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

What are you doing?

It's a trap.


The more time we spend solving it, the more we give away.

Give away?

Wait, wait.

What are we giving away?

Our location.

Whoa, that wasn't you, was it?

It's too late.

They're already here.

Madeline and Ivy found us.

Remove your sidearm and slide it over.

How long have you been working for Madeline Burke?

That's who's watching us right now, isn't it?

I didn't wanna do this.

Is anything you told me true?

All of it.

Look, we were helping you.

Me, Boston, and Allie.

And then Madeline found me.

That's why you're limping?

She tortured you?



[groans, sighs]

Ivy: This is a waste of time.

There may be another way to get what we want from him.

That's all it took to give us up?

She has my wife, my daughter.

Who else is helping you?

Who else knows about the ZIP?

I can help you.


Just put the g*n down and let's get outta here before they come up here.

Please, Tasha, she's gonna k*ll my family.

She doesn't care about your family.

She's going to k*ll you.

The second I tell you what she wants to know, the second she realizes she doesn't need you anymore, you are dead.

We both are.

Now we need to go.

Look, there's no time for that, but I have a plan if you just tell me what she wants to know.

We'll take it from here.

Keaton: I got this.

No, you don't.

Stand down, Mr.


Your services are no longer required.

Good luck.



Madeline: We tried it his way.

Now we'll try it mine.

Madeline and her people will be here any second.


We need to protect this device at all costs.

Intercepting her private messages will be the only thing we have to take her down.

This is not over.

I have laid enough thermites to melt every piece of equipment in this bunker.

All we gotta do is get topside and pull out this baby, flip the switch, and poof, they don't know what we know and what we don't.

Is that enough to destroy the hard drives?

This'll be enough to destroy everything.


I'm gonna send Armageddon message to the team.

- Okay.

Hopefully Jane and Weller made it to the surface.

Uh, they stopped before they got to the top.

Forget the surface, I don't think they got off the elevator.


[metal creaking, banging]


Piece of junk.

No, it's not that.

[key chain beeping, chirping]

Jane: Wait, stop!


Madeline just found us.

Must've cut the power.

They're about to breach the bunker.

How many people do you think are waiting for us on the other side of that door?

I almost got it.


You said that ten minutes ago.


what is this?

What is...

what is...

What is this?

Once I hit this button, all of this blackmail material is gone.



that's the whole...

That's the whole point, isn't it?

Even yours.

I'm literally giving you a get-out-of-jail-free card.

No, no, no, no, no.

You are helping to stop Madeline by destroying the power she has over, yes me, but dozens of other people.

When you click this button, all the people in this list, they'll be free and they'll no longer have to do Madeline's bidding anymore.

I know you wanna be the kind of person that does the right thing.

I just still don't know if you will.

I guess we're about to find out.

[beep, chirping]

Okay, do you know where you're going?

Yes, the path of least resistance.

This looks like a bunch of resistance.

That is why I brought the thermite.


This is all my fault.

I led them straight to us and I should have known that that puzzle was a trap.

Hey, hey, you can't think like that, okay?

Like what?

Like this was the biggest mistake of my life?

Like I single-handedly brought down this entire operation like I-I-I-I...

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Do you wanna know a secret?


Pretty much my whole life, like since preschool, I've been certain that I'm the smartest person in the room.

That's not a secret.

You say that all the time.

And it's this certainty that allowed me to go to some very dark places where I acted on my worst possible instincts.

But then I met you guys.

And all of a sudden, I'm not the smartest person in the room anymore because that person is you.


I have spent the better part of the last four years in perpetual awe of your genius.




If we have to find another hideout, if we catch Madeline tomorrow instead of today, I say...

big schlemiel.

Because I know we will.

Because there is nobody I have more confidence in in the entire world than you, including me.

You have a backlog of those speeches filed away, don't you?

You should hear the one I have written for when Zapata's kid says she wants to be an actor.

[indistinct shouting]


Damn it, they're coming in the same way we're going out.

Please say you have a Plan B.

I always have a Plan B.



[banging, elevator moving]

Wait, you got it?


That's not me.

Whoever's up there is bringing us to them.

And the only way out is through that door.

If it's Ivy and the Dabbur Zann out there...

Let's hope we got enough a*mo.

Whatever happens, I love you.

I love you, too.

All right.


Let's do this.

officer: Czech police!

Come out with your hands where we can see them.

Ivy's using the local police as a shield.

She knows we won't k*ll cops.

I repeat, come out with your hands where we can see them.

We're coming out.

We're dropping our weapons.

officer: Don't move.

Thank you for your assistance.

My people will take it from here.

Come on.


Let's move.

We've got Weller and Doe.

We're clear to breach the bunker and get the others.

This way.

Come on.


This is your Plan B?

A dead end?

No, this is Plan B.

These tunnels are full of refuge spots in the event of a cave-in.

When they completed these tunnels, some of them were filled in...


...and others went straight to the surface.

And are you sure that this is one of them?

Pretty sure.

Great, yeah.

That's the level of confidence you wanted.

What's happening?


The main bunker's been breached.

You gotta set the trigger now before they get to the server room.


You know what, you found this place, you should do the honors of blowing it to smithereens.




That's funny.

There should be a loud kaboom and then the sound of a bunch of stuff collapsing.

Servers are still operational.

Do you think Ivy's jamming us?


There's no way.

I'm using a microspectrum that operates independent of all known comm frequencies.

And yeah, she's definitely jamming us.

Okay, time for Plan B.

Wait, whoa-whoa-whoa...

We got a perfectly good Plan B right here.

I gotta get to the computers before Madeline finds them.

You get outta here.

I got this.

Like hell you do.


I know about your hideout in Prague.

So there's no point stalling until your friends come rescue you because they won't.

The tattoo wasn't just to trap me.


Always a bright one.

Now let's talk.

Who is helping you?

Besides Sho Ahktar, Allison Knight, Jake Keaton, and Boston Arliss Crab.


and my son.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Neither does he...


You zipped your own child?

You left me no choice.

Now who else is helping you?

Go to hell.

Things are never easy with you, are they, Tasha?

Tie her up.

[door creaks]


In retrospect, the ship motif was a little on the nose.

All right, where'd you put the thermite?


The entire ceiling is lined with it.

It's gonna be like Pompeii in here.

Where's the ignition point?



It's gonna take me a minute to get this radio detonator turned into a timed one.

When the countdown starts, they'll be no turning back.

Hey, where you going?

I am gonna buy you that minute.

I'm meet you back at the crawlspace.

No, no, no.

Hey, Rich, Rich.


I was wrong.

Okay, you need to stop blaming yourself for the tattoo trap.

No, no, no, I...

I'm not...

I'm not talking about that.

When we first met, I said some very not-nice things about you.

Yeah, well, I tend to bring that out in people.

I called you a decent hacker.

Oh, yeah.

You are the best hacker I know.

And you're a pretty awesome person, too.

Now can you please go out there and do whatever you need to do and get the hell outta here?

Aye-aye, Captain.

[Jane sighs]

You think Rich and Patterson are okay?


You were right.

We should've stayed.

We could be in there helping them right now.

If we'd all left when you first wanted to, none of us would've been here when Ivy came.

You think we'll get out of this?


With Patterson, Rich, and Tasha still out there?

Yeah, I like our chances.

You manipulated my son against me.


All I did was tell him the truth, that you k*lled his father.

Is it worth it?

You once said you wanted to restore your family to greatness, but at this rate, you won't have any family left to restore.

Give us a minute.

Do you remember that day we first met?

What to do about you?

I thought you were special.

That is why I let you live.

I read your jacket.

I saw how you went from the NYPD to the FBI to the CIA.

I saw a woman who wanted to be in control of her own destiny.

I thought I saw a kindred spirit.

What I didn't see was the trail of destruction you leave.

Everywhere you went, you left bodies behind...

Your NYPD partner, and then your FBI partner, and now your CIA partner!

They're all dead.

But Reade...

Well, that was different.

Reade was a little bit more than just a partner, wasn't he?



[Madeline choking]

Get off of me!

Stop, stop!

I want her alive.

I want her alive.


Come on.


[beeping continues]

It's a b*mb!


Okay, okay.



Come on, let's make a move.

Hang on.

Just setting the timer.

Come on.

Come on!

Here we go, let's go.

[slow music plays over g*nf*re]

♪ ♪ [music plays over dialogue]

[music continues over dialogue]

[banging on door]

What's going on?

Is it them?

I can't tell.




Rich, Rich?



where's Patterson?

Rich, where is she?

Did she make it out?

[Jane panting]

Your orders were to arrest all of them.

The lab technician died trying to destroy their hard drives.

Did she succeed?

They used thermite.

The server room's cooked to a thousand degrees.

Nothing could survive that.

These people just don't know when to give up.

Even in death, they're an annoyance.

Keep the arrests under wraps for now.

I want to control the narrative on this.

Who's dead?

Who's dead?

Uh, exc...

um, excuse me.

Matthew Weitz, Director of the FBI.

Maybe don't push me.

You cleared your calendar for the rest of the day.

Yeah, because I am on my way to D.C.

to let everyone who Madeline was blackmailing know that they no longer have to do her bidding.


I missed the travel memo on that.

Yeah, well, you know how paperwork is, excuse me.

If I didn't know any better, I'd think now that Madeline's leverage on you is gone, you're running, like a coward.

Because now that she can't arrest you, you're afraid she's going to k*ll you.

Yeah, well, good thing you know better.

Excuse me.

The team is still out there.

You can't just abandon them.

Look, with Madeline, you either end up in prison or in the grave.

I only took care of one of those things.

I gotta do what I gotta do.


You are choosing to do this.

You are choosing to run.


I really hoped that I was wrong about you.

[elevator dings]

♪ ♪ Congratulations, Director Weitz.

You just made the arrest of the century.

Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please.

You all did excellent work.

This was a real team effort.

We managed to arrest all of them, save for Patterson.

So Patterson is still out there?

In a matter of speaking, yes.

The Czech authorities should be collecting her remains about now.

So I'd like you to prepare the lab for a post-mortem analysis.

Carry on.

[sad music playing]

[sad music continues]

Zapata's voice: You zipped your own child?

Was it worth it?

woman: Director Burke?

We're ready for you.


[Madeline clears throat]

Hello, thank you all for coming.

After months of coordinated efforts by law enforcement agencies across the globe, I am happy to report that the rogue FBI agents responsible for the attack on Air Force One, the attack on our power grid, and att*cks on American citizens too numerous to mention, have finally been arrested.

[handcuffs clicking]

The fugitives were apprehended at a safe house in Prague.

Four of the five were taken without incident.

A fifth chose to take her own life rather than be captured.

The hunt is over.

Their campaign of terror has ended.

Today is a new day in America.

A brighter day, a better day, a safer day.

♪ ♪