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05x06 - Limbo

Posted: 07/03/20 12:06
by bunniefuu
Previously on Z Nation...

Dante is not involved in any attack.

Find Dante.

We will.

This was supposed to be a safe place.

We find who did this.

And we get your damn country back.


Is that really you?

It's been a long time since Murphytown, sir.

We've been waiting for your return.









Have mercy.




More lost tourists.

They sure didn't walk from California.

Someone's tram went way off the studio tour.


- Another tram-load of tourists.


They're moving pretty damn fast for zombies who just hiked 2,000 miles in flip flops.

I know where we are.


What the hell is Limbo?

A place Dante could hide.

Right now it's cover.

Around back!

Ugh, damn.

Dead end.




- Help!


Wrong password.

That was last week's.


- Should we take 'em?

- Warren?



- Password?

- Zombies!

Should've said that in the first place.



Come on!





Are you sure this is where we want to be?

The mark led us here.

Looks like a nice place to get m*rder-porned.

This is a place for outlaws and K*llers, just the type of place Dante would love.

[TWO g*nshots]

I'll go ahead of you.


Cuz you're my friend, and I don't want you to get hurt.

I got the next one.

Brace yourselves.



What in the hell?



I got ten bizkits, the old guy pukes first!





♪ Stay with me, Doc.

Look for Dante.

We're running out of time.

It's like she looked into my soul.

I'm sure she did, buddy.


Duel, duel, duel duel, duel, duel duel, duel, duel!

A single b*llet.


Duel, duel, duel duel, duel, duel duel, duel, duel!

Place your bets!

Gentlemen, spin the chamber.


No more bets.

Time to duel.




We have a winner!





Are you not entertained?


And to the victor goes the bizkits.



And there's plenty more where that came from.

Well, well, well.

It's about time you kids slaughtered your way here.




Welcome to Limbo!


♪ Have mercy ♪ [FIVE g*nshots]

♪ Oh, have mercy.

♪ Ross.

How could you?

But, Rachel, we were on a break.


That still makes me laugh.

I don't get it.

So the Blends have been running this place the whole time, just waiting for the return of the Big Red One.

Kinda heartwarming.



My heart just threw up a little bit.

Ah, wipe that look off your face.

Polyamory is very complicated.

It's not like a wild sex orgy every night.

That's what Tuesdays are for.


Excuse me, is today Tuesday?




Dante's out there running for his life, if he hasn't been m*rder*d already.

And we're in here dicking around with go-go strippers and extreme Monopoly.

Doc, let's go.

Uh, Jack, wasn't it?

It's George.



Listen, I have something you need to hear.

You're a drag.



Let me at least buy my friends a drink before y'all go running back to your next su1c1de mission.

Come to think of it, I am still sober.

Murphy, we're looking for someone.

Don't bother.

He doesn't know anything.


Let's go.

Let's go.

Place your bets.

Place your bets.

Come on.

Try your luck.

What you got?

He bet it all on black.

Place your bet.

Try your luck.

Maybe not.

That's it.




Black wins.


Lucky man.

Lucky man.

Go ahead.

Go ahead.

All right, what you got?


Well I gotta hit the head.

There's always a line for hit the head.

So it looks like you've chosen sides in this Talkers controversy.

Yeah, I have.

The winning side.

Whatever side that is.

You got a lot of Talkers here to be so a-political.

You realize you're now the only outpost in Newmerica that lets Talkers walk free?

Talkers, Blends, humans...

Baby, they're all customers to me.

This place has everything.

Zombie roulette, hit the head, punch the lawyer, who's a puker, chainsaw wrestling, find the bone spur, holenado, and George Clooney's actual moving foot.

You can tickle it for a nickel.

Remember George Clooney?


You're beautiful, my fallen angel.

Nice strippers.

The preferred nomenclature is go-go dancer.

This is a classy establishment.

Strippers are upstairs.

After you, princess.

So what's a holenado?

It's a whole lot of holes.

You do the math.

Where you taking us now, Murphy?

I'm gonna level with you, Murphy.

We're looking for a Talker on the run from Altura.

Goes by Dante.

Now there are markings outside saying this is a safe place for the Talker underground.

Know anything about that?


All right, Murphy.

Come out, come out, wherever you are.

I told you to stay out of the wine.




Oh, my God.


I'm so happy to see you, Marjorie.

Have you seen Dante?

That's what we're here for.

We're gonna find him.

How long they been coming here?

Few weeks.

Are they all on the run from Altura?

All over.

So Murphy, what's all this talk about only being interested in profit?

Let's be clear.

I didn't ask for these fugitive Talkers.

Someone just keeps dropping them off at my doorstep every other day.

I don't know who, but they keep showing up.

They're really cutting into my bizkit inventory.

And this...

This mystery person dropping off Talkers.

You never saw them?

Not my job, man.

I dunno.

They show up in a truck.

That's it.

And these Talkers, they're eating bizkits like there's no tomorrow.

So you better hope we get a shipment soon or there'll be no tomorrow.

Let me guess.

You want to get involved.

I want to find Lieutenant Dante.

Maybe he can tell us the truth about these bombings...

And Estes.

Roman Estes?

That creep?

I met him back on Zona.

What do you know about him?

Some high tech whiz-kid.

They sent him out to front some new startup.

Which must be Altura.



You haven't been feeding them bizkits?

Calm down, Jorge.

We were, but Altura cut off our supply.

I saw the Talkers betting for them on the casino floor.

Well yeah, I gotta keep those Talkers fed and happy.

Or else who knows before they go biting into one of my patrons?

You know, trying to run a business here.

It's okay.

I know how you feel.

Oh, yeah right.

No, people treat you like a freak.

Even before the apocalypse.

Yeah, right.

Now you finally have a family.


I get not wanting to lose them.

That Talker over there, Marjorie, she's just an outsider trying to get back to her family too.

All of them are.

And you're risking everything to help them.


I was wrong about you, Mr.


You're a very brave man.


No matter what you decide to do, Newmerica owes you a debt.


Oh, you're good.


I've met a few bullshitters in my day.

But you are good.

I want to find my husband!



- I want to find my husband!


That's enough.

Okay, we're gonna help you find Dante.


- This way.

- It's okay.

Calm down.

Let's go, George!


They sure sound like Zs.

They went to hell in a hurry.

They're hungry.


What are you waiting for?

You want to find this guy or not?

Come on.

Doc and Warren.



Eight thousand six hundred and nine.

Anyone want anything while we wait for our mystery Talker hero?

How many bars you got in this place anyway?

Hey Doc, remember back in the day when you accused me of being a sniveling coward?

Letting other people fight my fights for me?



Have you changed?


I just learned to swing first.


I think this is it.


What's the plan?

We wait till they start to unload.

I'll talk up the driver.

You guys protect the payload.

Remember this is not an attack.

We are all on the same team.

But we're ready for anything.



On my count.





- What is it?


Can you hear me?

It's Lucy.



- Lucy!

- Murphy!

- Lucy!

- Murphy!

Don't move!


Well of course you're the Big Red One.

♪ I know, it's been a long road for all of us.

I sure missed you.

And Lucy too.

Missed you too, Doc.

Missed you too.

Sorry about the g*n.

I felt Lucy in you.

I know it doesn't make any sense, but I thought it was her.

I thought about taking the shot.

Speaking of which, Z Shine, please.

Thank you.

To Lucy.


To Lucy.

Hey, you guys...

You bury her somewhere that I could visit?

Viking funeral.

That's good.

That's good.

She'd like that.

I saved something of hers.

I think she'd want you to have it.

You know, I felt her too.

When I was looking for her, during the day I'd lose the signal.

But at night, I'd look up at the stars, and it's like I could feel her.

You know like maybe she was thinking about me.

And then, and then one night, I looked up at the stars and I felt nothing.

Just the weight of them, crushing me down.

That's when I knew I was alone.

And I haven't felt anything since.

She did love you.

But I wasn't there to save her.

But hey, neither were you.


You shouldn't drink so much.

You look like shit.

- Bite me, Murphy.

- Boss?


Boss, we have a problem.

All right.

I'll take care of it.

Tell the others to keep their eyes open.

Doc, come with me.

Don't listen to him.

You look great.

Stay close.

How'd she get out?

I don't know.

But that means the others are running around here somewhere too.

You stay back.

You're food.

I'm not.

Oh, come on.

She looks like she might still be nice.

Hey, Marjorie.

Remember me?

Yeah, Doc.

You look a little lost.



She's not nice.


Come on.

Still no sign of him.

Addy, this is my good friend George.

It's an honor to meet you.

Any friend of the Talkers is a friend of mine.


I'm not their friend.

- No?

- Nope!

You've put yourself in grave danger just to help them.

I didn't even know about the attack in Altura.

I just had a truck.

There was a Talker family.

They asked me to smuggle them across the border because I had a truck.

They had a baby.

Never seen a Talker baby before.

Lucy couldn't stop growing, and here they had this little baby that was never gonna grow a day again in its life.

They were scared.

So I helped them.

I was just glad to have a mission again.

That's all.

I'm sleepy.

Any of those Talkers you helped, you happen to come across one named Dante?

Uh, no.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no I know what you're gonna do.


This is what you're into now?


You're gonna get him ex*cuted?


Where is she?

Rabid Talkers are not great for business.

Limbo is the one place where folks can get away and forget about getting eaten for a minute.

Hey Murphy, do you think that dancer really liked me?

It's weird.

You know I felt like she really got me, you know?

Once you go Blend, Blend to the end.




Go, go, go, go, go!

Stay behind me!

Stay behind me!

Go, go, go, go, go!

In here, Murphy!


Get them inside!







Not now, Marjorie.

Murphy, they're friends.


Friends don't have friends for lunch.


- Well now what do we do?

We feed them.

Come on.

- Sorry, guys.

- We're going to need a lot of bizkits.

Right now Dante is a fugitive.

A trial will clear his name.

We have all seen the kind of trials that Talkers get.

He's better off exactly where he is.



Where is that?

Hey, hey, hey.

Talk to me.

It's been real, Warren.

Bye bye.

- Addison?

- I'm outta here.

- No, no, no.

Wait, wait.


- No, hold on.

Give her a second.


Come on.


All right.



♪ Come on.

♪ Come on.

Come on.

I know where we can get more bizkits.

♪ Come on.

♪ I didn't want to do this, but...

I'll just borrow some from the house stash of bizkits.

♪ Where the hell are all the bizkits?

Found 'em!


I think your whale bet the house and won.

Done already?



All right, come on.

♪ Come on.

♪ Come on.


- Talkers?

- Zombies.

Old school.




- Got ya.

- Yeah!

Just like old times!

Yes, you and I have history, Addy.



I used to think of you as my lieutenant.

I was your lieutenant.



- I'd give my life for you.

- And I gave mine for you.


- And for that big Red One in there.

- And for Lucy.

- Yes, you did.

And George and Dante are the same.

- Look out!



- Mercy.

- Mercy.


She can't protect him if she can't find him.

More of these tourist Zs we keep seeing them everywhere.

You can help me find my friend.

I know you can.


You got to promise me...

Promise me you will not hand him over to Altura.

You won't give him over to a bunch of vigilantes.

I promise.

Come here.


Now you're up to dress code.

Damn straight.


♪ Well, it seems that Lady Luck holds you in her favor.

And I can tell you want something.

Let me guess.


I'm Mister Murphy, the owner of this establishment.

This is my associate, Dr.


Perhaps you've heard of him.

I won them fair and square.


This is a Talker friendly outpost.

And you and I both know that not having bizkits in circulation is going to be a problem.

So for the comfort of our guests and their desire to remain amongst the living, I would like to offer you an even exchange.

We call it the...

b*ll*ts for bizkits program.



Let's say I hold onto this one more week.

We let the other Talkers get good and desperate.

Now just imagine what someone would give me for one more day of humanity.


Maybe I'll just eat them all because I can.



You listen to me, Moby Prick.

Hey, hey, hey.

Now, now, what if I win them off you?

- Name your game.

- What are you doing?


Shut up.


I have the longest winning streak of any player in here!

I even got Clooney's foot to giggle.

That's a daily double.


- Then what've you got to lose?

Well I do like that hat.

All right, place your bets.

Hope you know what you're doing.

I'm feeling kinda lucky.


What's your best cheatin' move?



Everyone is watching.

What, now you're being honest.

Call 'em.

Go fish.


Well if I keep playing, I'm bound to win something.

I don't think you understand.

This guy's so lucky, he shits rabbit's feet.

Why you gotta say that?

You're messing with my mojo.

I do like that jacket.





Come on.


- [g*nsh*t]



- [g*nsh*t]





Eight thousand six hundred and ten.

Okay, where is he?




Hey, George.

I can't believe it's you.

You haven't changed at all.

I'd never leave your back, George.

Where's my wife?


You can trust George.

I promise you.

But can we trust Altura?

Well, CEO Estes is trying to keep his people safe.

So is it a good idea to hand over the leader of the so-called Talker resistance to him?

Copy you.

Maybe there's another option.

Where does this Talker Underground end?

It doesn't.

Some of them want to get out of Newmerica.

But most of them, they want to stay here.

They want to stay as human as they can for as long as they can.

So, heard a lot of rumors about you, Lieutenant.

I didn't plant that b*mb.

I know.

CEO Estes has video proof it was you.

I don't know anything about that.

What about the Talkers you escaped Altura with?

We split up.

But I heard what happened.

Vigilantes on the highway.

They're not gonna stop.

Not as long as they think the Talkers are rebelling and that you're behind it.

We fight this.

We go back.

- We'll go together.

- That's crazy.


George always does it the hard way.

That's what I like about her.

My wife?

Where is she?

Marjorie's here.

She's inside.

I'm down to my last sock.

It's not on my foot.


Big sock.

I do okay.

I could sure use that secret ace.

I put it up your sleeve.

Oh, great.

I'm gonna lose my only sock.

All right.


I have a proposition for you.

One last hand.

All or nothing.

Winner takes all.

I'm listening.

The deed.

Ownership of Limbo.

Murphy, what are you doing?


If he takes those bizkits, this place is doomed anyway.

I have to try.

Deal me in.



I hear you.

Ace of spades.

Ace of hearts.

Ace of diamonds.



Six of clubs.

Five of clubs.

I'll take two.

Just call.



House wins!


What happens in Limbo, stays in Limbo!


- You cheated!

- We won!

- You did it!

- You did it!



You're my best friend!

I love you, man!


Holy hell.


- Give me back those bizkits.

- Hold on now.

If there's one thing I've learned from feeding uppers to rock stars, it's the body has limits.

Don't you do it.

I mean it.

Don't you put that cookie in your mouth.

Son of a bitch!




I don't feel so good.

Clean up table seven.



Make sure these bizkits get down to the talkers in the wine cellar.

Do I wanna know?

Looks like I saved Limbo.

Murphy helped.


We found what we were looking for.




Who's in charge here?


What now?

Can I help you?

Was that really necessary?

Can I help you?

We're searching for one Lieutenant Dante.

And we have reason to believe that he is or has been in the area.


A Talker?




Isn't that Dante's wife?

How does she keep escaping?

You again.

You know it's funny how you keep popping up.

Yeah well what's funnier is we came here for the same reason you did, Captain.

Okay, so we turned this place upside down.

And there is no Lieutenant Dante here.



- Dante.

- Altura has no power here.

You can't do this.


You are wanted for questioning in the whereabouts of Lieutenant Dante.


What's wrong with her?

Isn't it obvious?

She needs bizkits.



Look, if he finds the other Talkers, he's gonna take them with him.

Make sure they're safe.


Got it.


Come out now or I will sh**t this Talker deader than she already is.

Say the word.

- We'll take them all.

- No.

George, you're our hope for the future.

I can't let you risk that.

- Not for me.

- I never leave a brother behind.

We do this together.


Come on.

You're hurting her!


Up here!

We're coming down.

Don't hurt her.



Let's go.


- See.

They're surrendering.

Come on.


They're surrendering.


Lieutenant Dante, you are under arrest.






That was a mistake.

Marjorie, I love you.



Yeah, baby.

Now, I'll let you take me.


Look, he's surrendering.


We go together.

Just the fugitive.

Those are our orders.

Hey, hey.

I understand you're doing your job.

Let her go.

She's not even a part of this!

- Don't you bite me!


- Come on.

Let her go!

- [g*nsh*t]




No, no, no, no!


Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.




Hey, you're no good to Dante if you're behind bars.

Come on.




She was too far gone.

She gave me no choice.

What have they done?

Still think humans are the good guys?

I need to go after him.

I need to be there at his trial.



How are they doing?

Well, we got all the bizkit bits we could find.

So the Talkers are calm for now.

Okay, good.




Where you been, kid?



What the hell?

Oh, I have news.


Well, it's safe to let the Talkers out now.

Just make sure they're fed first.

Yes, sir.

Those vans are being loaded up deliberately.

Somebody's shipping in truckloads of zombie tourists.

So you think it's Altura?

I don't know.

That's where I saw the vans.

But it could be anybody.


We've got to find more bizkits before every Talker turns in Newmerica.

We could always feed them brains.

I'm just throwing it out there.

Let's get a move on.