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05x04 - Pacifica

Posted: 07/03/20 12:00
by bunniefuu
Previously on Z Nation...

Today was to have been a day of joy, unity, and progress.


Not a day of death, fear, and pain.

Altura authorities are asking Joseph Dante to turn himself in for questioning.

I am calling for the quarantine of all Talkers.

We've had to make difficult choices before.

That's how we survived.



Clara Moore.

Michael Towsack.

After all the suffering we have endured it is the strength of the human soul that will carry us through.

Joining those who have gone before and will come after these names and DNA sealed in glass here for millennia to come are a memorial to who we were.

So if we are the last generation of humans we are not lost to the universe as we place another brick in the wall.

We must renew our efforts to protect what we have built here.

Sergeant Lilly M.


Nothing less...

Will you do it?

... than the future of humanity is at stake.

For as long as we live, they too will live, as we remember them.

Dante would have gone to Pacifica.

They know him there.

And if he was hurt, injured in trouble, anybody would help him.

We're his family.

People around here consider him a hero.

I believe you.

But the longer he stays on the run, the more guilty he seems.

And vigilantes don't care if he's innocent.

We'll find him.

He's probably waiting for us.

We're almost there.

I can't wait for you to see Pacifica.

It's pretty great.

Largest collection of books in the New World.



I can't remember the last one I read.

So, what's the population?

Sixty-five adults.

Six kids.

It used to be just 20 of us students.

Everybody gets along...


It's not perfect yet, but we're trying to make it work.

I mean, everybody's equal.

Black, white, gay, straight...

Talkers and humans.


Who woulda thunk it?

The Zompocalypse, nature's great equalizer.

Well, it's not the promised land yet.

What do you see, chief?

People running.


I see them!

I think I know them.



Running from something.

Or someone.

Alright, Doc, CZ, stay with the truck.

Looks like a lot of foot traffic up in through here.

Talkers are probably trying to stay off the road.


It's a Talker.

You can tell by the bizkit bag.

It's not from around here.

It's been dead a while.


Something ate its brains.

- That unusual?

- Around here it is.

At least until recently.

Hold it right there.

Put your hands in the air.


Oh, thank God.

We didn't know if you were alive.

We saw the attack on CZ's livestream.

Is he...?

- He's here.

Back in our truck.

Oh, Kaya will be out of her mind.

She's been so worried.


this is Lieutenant Roberta Warren.

Remember, she's the one that saved me?

- What?

No way.

Back in Black Summer.

Lieutenant Warren, meet professor Henry McCabe.

Of course I remember you.


You made it.

- Pleasure to meet you, Professor.


Thanks for saving George.

In a way...

you saved all of us.

I don't remember the last time I saw you with a g*n.

I know.

I thought this was behind me.

We doubled our patrols since the attack.

We've been hearing rumors about att*cks on other outposts.

I'm just so relieved you're back.

Have you heard from Dante?


We heard he was a suspect.

That's insane.

I know.

I need to get to him before the militia does.

Well, they think the Talkers are plotting against the humans.

The Talkers aren't the enemy.

They're human too.

Pacifica is a living testament to that.

You'll see.

We live in peace and harmony.

It's not always easy, but we make it work.

Or at least we did up until last week.

Let's move.

♪ Have mercy...

♪ ♪ Oh, have mercy.

♪ Wow, look at this.

Just what I always thought college would look like.

Yup, Kaya and I checked out all the outposts before we chose Pacifica.

We really wanted JZ to go to school.

So, basically we took the south end of campus with the library and the dining hall and made it zombie-proof.

Dining hall?

Oh, we have an incredible chef.

Hold up.

You have a chef?

That implies you have food.

Chef Amy.

She's an amazing chef.

But because she's a Talker, she can't eat anything she cooks.

Kinda like Beethoven being deaf.

Chef likes to keep a few humans around as tasters.

Might be an opening for you, Doc.


I can finally put the munchies to good use.

Where do I sign?

Here's the dining hall.

Come on.

I'll introduce you to Chef.

Should be busy with the dinner hour.

Think the maitre d' can seat us?

This place is usually packed.

So, should we be worried?

Hey, Phil?

Where is everybody?

Not much of a conversationalist, is he?

It's odd.

Looks like dinner was interrupted.

I wonder what's going on.

Uh, let's take them to the library.

Kaya and JZ will be there.

I can't wait to see Kaya in the Sky-a.

The library is really what sold Kaya and me on Pacifica.

As far as we know it's the largest collection of books still under human control.

Someday we're hoping to send expeditions out to rescue books from the great libraries.

I used to love me some Stephen King but after eight years of Apocalypse, it seems a little tame.

This is the Pacifica pièce de résistance.

Wow, what is that?

It's the Pacifica Family Tree.

A communal record of all the citizens of Pacifica and every ancestor they can remember.

There are so few survivors left we want to memorialize as many as we can.

What do the colors stand for?

Well, the yellow are humans.

The green are Talkers.

Brown died before the apocalypse and the black...

those turned Z.

Kinda gets to you, seeing it all laid out like that.

And that...

That's Kaya's Nana.

Hey, Nana!

I missed you, too.


Let's go meet my family.

I'm gonna go see where everybody is.

Hey, Nana?

I got a little something for your pipe for later.

There's my boy!



I'm gonna eat you like a monster!


You're alive.

I tried to call.

Oh, baby, I'm so glad you're alive!


Good to know some things never change.

Kaya, meet Lieutenant Warren.

Well, hello, Lieutenant Warren.

Oh, come on, we can do better than that.

Come here.

So nice to finally meet you, Kaya.


And this, this is Doc.

Hey, Kaya.

OK, now, who is this lil person?

Hey, JZ, meet my buddies.

This is Warren.

Hi, little man.

And this is Doc.

Pound it.


Oh, wow, I see you've got a little friend.

Who's that?


Well, hello, butterfly.

What's your name?


Oh, nice to meet you, Emery.

Emery's a Talker.

Can I get a hug?


You gotta come.

They called a town hall meeting.

But no Talkers allowed.

Chef and the Talkers are scared.



Pacifica is all of us.

Humans, Talkers, that is the entire point of this place.


What you're talking about is utopia, man.

Look around.

This is real life!

These are not strangers or freaks.

That's exactly what they are!

That's my aunt out there, and she feeds all of you!

The thing that happened in Altura was a Talker uprising!

That's not true!

That's ridiculous!

I am sick of all this political correctness.

You are acting like this is not a real threat to our survival.

You're the threat to their survival.


- George is here.

- George?

What's going on?

- George, this is madness.

They've locked us out of a town hall meeting.

They said it's for humans only.

Danny's in there trying to convince them to let us in.

Danny's her nephew.


This is freaking scary.

Why would they shut us out?

Don't worry.

I'll sort it out.

How 'bout that?



Yes, I think I feel something.

My right foot.

It's like it's there.

Please mercy me.

I cannot live without my wife and kids.

I'm sorry, Mike, but...

I can't do that.

You've given me so much already, but...

I need to know what keeps you talking.

We're done for now.


I am so sorry to hear what happened to you and your family.

Here, Mike.

Take these.

They're rationing them.

I don't want it.

I don't want anything to make this last longer.

How's he doing?

His wife and son got k*lled in the blast.

And he was left like that.

We didn't evolve to handle that.

It's no way to exist.

It's worse than being a zombie.

At least Zs don't know they're Zs.

How you doing, 10K?

How soon can we get out of here?

You need to take time to recover.

You don't want an infection.

The longer we stay here, the harder it's gonna be to get out.

Let me take a look at your arm.

See how that cauterization's doing.

It's healing beautifully.

It's not.

This is my hand, right?


Red went back and found it.

I want you to sew it back on.

It doesn't work like that.

Well, what am I supposed to do with this?


It sucks, I know.

But you can learn to live without a hand.

There are prosthetic options.

We'll get through this.



I see you're busy, so I won't take much of your time.

I just wanted to make sure you had everything you needed to complete your research.

It's more important now than ever.

I heard you lost a hand.

I'm very sorry.

Oh, it's OK.

They found it.

It's right here.

When things settle down, come see me about that hand.

We're doing great things with robotics.

I can help you.

I've got some meetings to attend with some of the other outpost leaders to discuss where we go from here.

You can update me in detail then.

I didn't come this far to be eaten alive so that you can feel better about yourselves.


Can I say something?!

This is not like us.

Or it's just like us.

George, the people have gone crazy.

They are talking about putting the Talkers in a quarantine.

Just until we know what's going on.

Yeah, well, that's a slippery slope, brother.

They are dangerous.

You have no right to put my family at risk.

OK, take it easy.

Let's back it up a bit.

Beth, nobody wants to put your family at risk.

I am not like you.

I don't believe that everything is gonna be OK.

I'm not gonna sit around and wait for something bad to happen.


George, you have to do something.

I dunno what to...

Jeez, Beth!

Simon says "hop on one foot." Wow, you guys are good!

Simon says "stop." Simon says "pat your head." Logan, get over here.

- Mom!

- You're not playing with Talkers.


They're just kids.

That Talker kid can k*ll my child.


Way to hurt her feelings.

She's still a kid!

You just don't get it.

You OK?

Can we please cut the bullshit?

They are not human.

Yeah, well, you're not showing a whole lot of humanity yourself there, pal.

My wife isn't gonna hurt anyone.

As long as she gets her bizkits, she's fine.

What do we do if we run out of bizkits?

No delivery came this week.

That's why we need to put them in quarantine, George.

If you are so hell bent on protecting them you will put them in quarantine and then we'll all be safe.


Tell me we're not honestly talking about putting our family and friends into a camp.

This is not n*zi Germany.

This is Pacifica.

There have been more Zs this week than all of this year.

What do y'all think is attracting them?

Talkers are going feral!

Wait a g*dd*mn minute!

Who are you calling feral?

Aunt Amy, don't make this personal.

I've had enough.

I say quarantine!

- Quarantine!

- Quarantine!

Nobody is separating me and my wife!

- Quarantine!

- Then you can go with her!


You son of a bitch!

Now that I have your attention...


Sit down.

I'm new around here.


please forgive me if I overstep.

You say you want to form a new country.

What kind of country would that be?

You talk of quarantine.

That only comes from a place of fear.

You got vigilantes out there that are sending messages of hate that is rooted in the same fear.

We just came from finding a Talker that was left to rot alive.

We have every right to be afraid.

The zombie virus is not the only virus you need to be worried about.

Acts of hate rooted in fear is a virus, too.

And it will eat your brains faster than any Talker.

How can you dehumanize your neighbor...

your friend...

Oh God, your family?

How is it that we see them as a threat?

Come on, is that...

is that a country you want to live in?

Cos that is not a country I'm willing to die for.

Thank you.

You bet.


I want us all to take a moment to look around the room.

Remember who we are to each other.

Each of us is here today because of the others in this room.

Each of us has saved one another.

Multiple times.

We are only alive because of each other.

And that includes our Talker family and friends.

They aren't our friends.

Not anymore.

They're dead.

They might be dead, but they're still here.

Their hearts might not be beating but their soul is still in there.

Who knew death would one day be on a sliding scale but that's the world we find ourselves in.

They still want to eat our brains.

Not everyone's.

Just yours.


as long as they get their bizkits the Talkers are no more dangerous than your average human.

Probably less dangerous, by the looks of this bunch.

I know we're all shaken by the latest att*cks on Altura.

There were several dozen Zs that seemed to be part of a coordinated attack, and...

we can't rule out that Talkers were somehow involved.

Is that why Altura soldiers are looking for Dante?

You know Dante would never be a part of something like that.

I don't know that.

And neither do you.

I know that if it weren't for Dante, I wouldn't be standing here alive.

- Yes.

- None of us would.

We would all be dead.

We just can't trust any of them.

Dante included.

They don't trust you either, brother.

Listen, you guys have a chance at building a new world.

Please do not build it on fear.

I still have hope.

And I know you do, too.

That one day, this long, dark howl of despair will be over.

Guys, there will be an "after" someday.

And when that day comes I want to be able to live with myself.

What do you want us to do?

Go home.

Get some rest.

Remember what we dreamed of here.

The cold reality of it is one day we will all be Talkers.

I hope this looks different tomorrow.

In the morning, we'll continue our search for Dante.

If he's in the wind, it's for a reason.

Maybe it's because he's guilty.

If that's the case I'll be the first one to bring him to justice.

Doc and I will take watch.

No, you guys have to sleep.

Your Pacifican humans didn't seem so pacifico tonight.

I'm sorry.

They're all good people, just...


We'll be fine.

I'm not taking any chances.

Looks like these books gon' get a better nights' sleep than you.

I can't sleep on a bed.

Eight years sleeping on the ground, I sleep better here.

That's sad.

You did a great job tonight calming people down.

I see why they put their trust in you.

For how long?

I did my best.

It all went to shit.

I'm tired, you know?

I think it's time for somebody else to try.

There's nobody else.

I just don't think I can be who they want me to be.

Yes, you can.

Because you have to.

Because you know, the way that I do there is nobody else but us.

We don't get to have doubts because when we do, we hesitate and that's when people die.


I will back you 100 percent.

But I gotta ask...

is there any part of you that suspects Dante?

Dante's like a brother to me, OK?

It's like...

Doc betraying you.

You know...

there are few things I've learned to depend on in this apocalypse.

And Stephen Beck is one of the few.

Did you know that was his real name?

Troix, tres...


Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete.


This way...




- Escapees.

I can't find any Talkers!

- All of them?

- Yeah.

What's going on?!

The Talkers are gone!

They're all gone!


Good riddance.



Thank you.

They can't have gotten far.

Probably hunkered down till daylight.

I feel terrible.

They're probably scared to death.

Can't say that I blame 'em.

If we move quickly, we can catch up with them.

You need to just let them go.

They don't belong here.

Vigilantes are crucifying Talkers out there.

You just don't get it, do you?

More than you know.

Let's go.



- Hey.

- Hey.

Kaya's got some intel for you.

- What you know?

Not too much.

But Chef told me they were headed into the woods.

Supposed to look for a symbol.

It's like...

half a sun with three rays coming out.

She left this behind.

You talked to Chef?

She told me to tell you "thank you for everything you were trying to do" but not to follow them.

Why didn't you tell us something sooner?

I guess I was worried about them.

The things people were saying scared me, too.

She's safer here than out there.

I'm not so sure anymore.

Amazing how quick things turn, huh?

Looks like somebody's helping them out there.

A Talker underground.

Come on.


I know.

I'm just trying to find an interim solution until engineering can manufacture you a better one.

How long is that gonna take?

It's hard to say with the lockdown.

There's a lot of wounded to care for.

Just give me something that I can pull a trigger with.

Well, somebody's in a damn hurry.

Maybe it's a bizkit delivery.

Those don't look like bizkit trucks.

Over here!

Look at this.

That's them all right.

It's a piece of Chef's scarf.

Hold it right there!

- Put your hands where I can see them!

- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

We're just looking for our friends.

- Any Talkers with you?

- No, sir.

No one but us humans.

Can I help you, Captain?

I work with Roman Estes.

I know who you are.

We're looking for your pal, Dante.

Have you seen him?

- No.

I haven't.

Not since the blast.

And those charges are bullshit.

That's not what I hear.

What are they planning to do with him?

- Put him on trial.


What court system?

What judges?

That's what the vote was for.

A provisional court has been formed.

Estes is chief justice.

Dante will get a fair trial.

Then we'll mercy him.

If you help Dante evade us in any way we will arrest you too for being an accessory to m*rder.

Look, she's telling you the truth.

We don't know where he is.

It's also now a crime to help Talkers avoid quarantine.

This is wrong.


Maybe not.

But it's the law.

And we intend to enforce it.

What law?

There's no vote.


If you see Dante or any of your other Talker friends you need to report it immediately.

Or you will be subject to arrest.

Move out!

Have a nice day.

We need to find Dante before they do.

Sun Mei?


you startled me.

I see that.

Why aren't you in the lab?

I needed some time to think.

The past three test cycles have been complete failures.

The side effects have been horrible.

I know this must be hard on you.

But your work must continue without interruption.

We are so close to identifying the protein in brains that drives zombie behavior.

You find that protein and we may be able to figure out what about the Black Rain restored consciousness to the undead.

But we're k*lling them in the process.

And if we do nothing, they'll also die.

There's a limited supply of brains to feed the Talkers and it's still inside the skulls of the very humans they need to survive.

I need more time.

We don't have more time.

Vigilantes are already k*lling Talkers on sight.

If we don't find a sustainable substitute for brains soon we will run out of options.

I'll have no other choice but to begin treating Talkers as if they're zombies.

You can't mercy them.

Not if they're still conscious.

You've seen what happens when they're starving.

You want to save the Talkers?

Figure out what woke them up.

You have 48 hours.

So, you've known George since Black Summer?

Since before.

She was a student of mine.

That is a long time to know somebody in the Apocalypse.

She was just a kid.

A freshman.


there was something about her.

Even back then.

A lot of good people strong men, brave, tried to keep us safe and together.

They got k*lled.

But not George.

She just kept surviving and took us all along with her.

She seems real nice.

But I know a badass when I see one.

I bet she could mercy a horde of Zs with her eyes closed.

Any chance Dante is the one helping all these Talkers disappear?

If he is, it's for a good reason.

I just can't see him wanting to hurt humans.

He's saved too many to start k*lling them now.

Maybe he doesn't see it as k*lling them.

Hey chief, over here!

Three-pointed sun.

Looks like we're on the right trail.

Paint's still wet.

Something familiar about this, but I can't quite place it.

Come on, let's catch up.

Hey, over here!

Could be a supply drop for the Talkers underground.

Well, somebody left in a hurry.

Check it out.

That's Dante's.

He was here.

What's that sound?

Shh, shh, shh.

Sounds like a giant bug zapper.

Puppies and kittens.

A whole damn litter.

Let's go get some food.

I'm not hungry.

Well, I can make you some soup.

You liked that soup.

I'm fine.

They're playing a movie tonight in the dining hall.

On a real TV.

Called, uh...

"The Fugitive" or something.

Let's go.

It'll take your mind off things.

I don't want to take my mind off things.

I want to get out of here.



Stop apologizing.

I know you only did what you did so you could save my life.

You know what?

I'm not sorry.

And I did do what I had to do to save your life.

With half a second to think about it.

And I'd do it again.

I know.

I would've done the same thing.

It's not you.

You're the only thing that's keeping me going.

It's just...

If I can't sh**t who am I?

You're Ten Thousand.

And you're the kind of shot you are because of your mind and your eyes not your hand.

You can learn to sh**t again.

It's all in here.

You have to start by looking at it.

I need to think.


George seems pretty sure Dante's innocent.

I mean, it does seem out of character.

That guy would lay down his life for her.

Why do they think he did it?

He was there right before the blast but he wasn't amongst the dead or the injured.

No one's seen him since.

I was videotaping the whole thing.

Well, where's the tape?

That would prove it.

I had to hand it over to Estes to analyze.

I'd like to see that tape.

There's no way.

I won't get it back until after the investigation.

If then.

If he's analyzing the tape...

it's probably uploaded to a server somewhere in Altura.

You've got that look in your eye.

Let's hackity hack.

Come on back.

Go find JZ.

- Alright.

I'll get started.

When's the cavalry coming?!

We are the cavalry!

I was afraid of that.

Look left!

Look left!



Speed up that mercy!

We got a 911!

Damn, where they all coming from?



Have mercy.


Henry, are you OK?

I don't know.

I think so.

How many more times are you gonna save my life?

As many times as it takes, my friend.

I like you as a human.

Don't go turning Talker on me yet.

A dozen Zs from Kalamazoo Water Park?

That isn't random...

What was that?

Sounds like an expl*si*n.

That's Pacifica.

Pacifica Base, Patrol One.

Repeat your message.

We did not copy.

- Repeat message.


- It's Kaya!



Pacifica Outpost.


- Kaya, it's Warren!

- Mayday!

Pacifica Outpost.

- Kaya, it's Warren!

- Warren!

Help us...

You're breaking up!


Large expl*si*n...

Under attack...

Zombies every...

I don't know who's alive and who's dead...

Mayday, mayday, mayday.

Hang on!

We're coming!

You go.

I'll catch up.



What are you doing?


I borrowed some of your lab gear.

There's got to be some way to make 10K a trigger finger.

How 'bout this?

It's another attack.

Keep your eyes open.

They could be anywhere.

Oh, God.

Damn it.

Come on.

Hang on.

We're not gonna do anybody any good if we go rushing in there and get k*lled.

Oh, man.







by Zs.





My baby.





We got to get in there.

- I can't leave her.


I give you mercy.

Come on.

They have no idea what's coming.

It's time to move.

Humans don't like being k*lled.

