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05x02 - A New Life

Posted: 07/03/20 11:52
by bunniefuu
Is this Newmerica?

Right now, Newmerica's just an idea.

A dozen outposts, just trying to make it on their own.

How long has she been dead?


We just thought she was sick.

- They're Talkers.

- Talkers?

Since the Black Rain, people don't just die and turn like before.

Z bizkits keep the Talkers happy.

Dead don't just walk.

Now they talk.


I can hear you thinking.

Do you ever worry this is a dream?

That one of us isn't really here?

No, I know my ass is here.

So that would make you some kind of...

I'm serious.


You know, what we're doing right now.

Just being here with you.

Being touched by you.

I'm afraid to believe it.

Because the second I do, it'll all go away like a dream.

This is not a dream.

This is real.

You were sent for me.

You were sent to me.

I don't know if it's God or fate or karma, or just Sarah smiling down from above.

You are here for a reason.

And I'm not gonna let anything take you away.

You're the best imaginary friend ever.

We're in need of some fire wood.

- Mm-hmm.

- And you chopped?

I did.


So I should go fetch it?

You are nailing it right now.

Be careful out there.

_ This is more like it.

Hey, Doc!

You gotta go to quarantine first!


Thanks guys.

Dante, how's that Kevlar tape working out?


No guts have come out yet.

Got some new citizens for you.

What's up?

We come in peace.

Welcome to Altura, the longest running zombie free outpost in all North America.

Give yourselves a hand.

You made it.

Hey, where ya going?

Don't worry.

They'll take good care of you.

See you on the inside.


Any zombie bites?

Mortal wounds?

Organ failure?

Not that I noticed.

96.4 and you've got a pulse.

You are certifiably alive.

Good to know.

Okay, Doc.

Here's your application for citizenship and your voter registration.

Through the blue gate.

I'm having a hard time finding a pulse.

Any near death experiences?

Going into the white light?

Loss of appetite?

Sometimes everything's in slow motion?

What is that?

Looks like a healed over bite.

Oh, that...

That was me.

Any heart problems you're aware of?!

Not till you did that.

There we go.

We got a pulse.

No bizkits for you.

_ We got a hungry one here.

I'd like to sever your head!

Get her to quarantine and get her a bizkit before she turns on us.

Don't worry.

Once she has her bizkits, she'll be back to you in no time.

What's next?

We got to wait here in line for housing and a work permit.

These people have their shit together.

- No way.

- Huh?

It's her.



It's Doc!


She can't hear me.

Well I know somebody that's gonna be happy.

Are you sure that's her?

Oh, it's her all right.

I can't wait to tell the kid.

A baby?

A husband?

Well there's a turn of events.

What are we gonna tell 10K?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Don't sh**t!

Don't sh**t!

I am unarmed.

Keep 'em up.

- Higher.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.




I'm not armed, so...

Except for that, I am unarmed.

What's your story?

It's complicated.

It's not contagious.

Look, I'm not looking for trouble.

I'm just looking for a friend.

I'm the only one here.

Well, maybe you've seen her or heard about her?

I've come a long way.


Yeah, a woman.

Uh, uh, you'd remember her if you saw her.

She was in a plane crash.

She might have been hurt.

Her name's Warren.

Roberta Warren.

She's about our age.

Umm, she's bla...

She's a super great gal and a personal friend of mine.

And I'd be forever grateful if...

You know, you know what?

If you haven't see her, you haven't seen her.

So I'm just gonna thank you for your time, and I'll be headed on down the road.

You must be Murphy.


So you've...

you've seen her?

I thought you were supposed to be blue?


It's complicated.

So you've seen her?

Is she okay?

She talked about you.

Well I deny all of it.

Well, half of it anyway.


Well, thank you.

You don't know how long I've been looking for her.

She's got a whole bunch of friends waiting for her back in Newmerica.

Pick up your bag.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

I'll take you to her.


Oh, right.

Could I maybe have my g*n?

I got a car.

- Go.

- Right.

Okay, yeah.


It's gonna be nice to get off these dogs for a while.


Everything all right?

I was worried about you.

The fire's almost out.

Yeah, I was on my way back inside.

What are you doing in here?

I don't know.

Don't do this to yourself.

Come on.

Don't t*rture yourself.

There's nothing you could've done to stop what happened.

Let it go, baby.

Let the guilt go.

I don't even deserve you.


what was that?

Get me out of here!

Get me out of here, Roberta!

Yeah, I know.

All right, I'll explain.

Why my friend is tied up and gagged in your trunk?

He was gonna take you away, Roberta.

Destroy everything we built.

What were you gonna do?

k*ll him?

You do understand, I'm trying to do this for us.

For us?

Okay, wanna do it the right way?

Open the trunk.

Let the man out.

I'll apologize.

My bad.

But promise me, promise me, you're not gonna let him take you away.

Or what?


Or what?

Don't touch me.

You need to listen to me.



You wanna let that red devil in that trunk destroy the dream we're talking about?

I need you just to...

Just back off of me.

I need to think.


Hang on.

I'm gonna get you out of there!

I trusted you!

And you know I would never hurt you, ever.

Too late.

- Listen.

- Let me go!



You're gonna have to stop struggling.

Now I got something you got to hear.

You got to hear me out.

But you can't fight me on this.


No one else knows what I know about you.

And no one can help you like I can.

I need to tell you something.

But you can't fight me anymore, okay?

The truth.

No struggling.


That's better.

You made me have hope.



Next time, get me out of the trunk before the fight.

It's good to see you too.

Who is he?

Just some guy.

Well what are we gonna do with him?

Can I k*ll him?

We're gonna leave it up to Darwin.

Goodbye, Cooper.

Long walk to Newmerica.

We got a ride.

Thank God.

Beats walking, but the Apocalypse will be over by the time we get there.

Time for a new start.

You made it.

Apparently we're still alive.

Glad to hear it.

Did you get your work assignments?

Sure did.

You're looking at a future intake examiner.

I guess they liked my bedside manner.

We've been assigned gate duty with the volunteer militia.

It's only temporary.

Once the referendum passes, you'll be able to work anywhere in Newmerica.

Me personally, I like Pacifica, my home.

But there's something for everybody.

Get in there, you!



Take it easy there, soldier.

That's somebody's mother.

She's a goner.

She hasn't turned yet.

She's just hungry.

She's had her ration.

Besides, we're waiting on more bizkits.

Hang on.


Hey, what's in those things anyway?

Nobody knows for sure.

Nobody wants to know.

My guess, trace amounts of brains.

I'm good.

It's an acquired taste.

Let her go.

Hey, shhhh.

You're gonna get it.

But I need you to calm down.

You can do it.



Yeah, that's it.

There you are.


- Those bizkits sure do the trick.

- Yeah.

We'd be screwed without them.

She must really be something, that George.

I've laid down my life for her.

Many times.

Go on now.

You're gonna be okay.

I promise.

So, what do you think of this Newmerica idea?

Are you gonna vote yes?

I hope she's right.

I don't trust my fellow men.

But I trust her.

She says we should be one nation.

I vote Newmerica.

Yeah, well what's the alternative?

Burn it all down.

These are some of the last survivors out there.

Yeah, looks like it.

- Warren!


- Oh my God, Roberta!

You are indestructible!

Look at your hair.

Side effects, baby.

I told you I'd find her.

I shall never doubt you again.

That red shit ever gonna wear off?

Stop it.

Please refrain from touching inductees until after quarantine Oh, yeah.


- This is very impressive.

- Thank you.

Yeah, they got room service?


Welcome to Altura, the longest running zombie free outpost in all of North America.

You made it.

Give yourselves a hand.

Okay, everybody.

Listen up.

This is how it's gonna go.

Humans line up to my right.

Mortally challenged to my left.

Follow me.

Where do you think you're going, Lucifer?


No, no, he ain't no demon.

He's our friend.

Friend or not, he's going straight to Biohazard Research.

Excuse me?

Who you calling a biohazard?

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

I don't like how this is trending.

The cold and rugged terrain have been a natural barrier.

But since the Black Rain, there's been a steady increase in zombie contacts.

The Talkers are seeing it on patrol everyday.

Used to be one, two Z's a week.

Now it's two or three a day.

The Black Rain could be affecting their behavior, giving them a level of consciousness like the Talkers.

If you're right, some of the more remote outposts could be in real danger.

They're on their own if this vote doesn't pass.

We could all be in danger.

- He wouldn't wait.

- It's all right.

Trouble at the gate.



The ones we brought in.

I'll take care of it.

Get me the head of the Militia.

Already on his way.

Is there anything else I can do for you in the meantime?

You can't do this!

This is discrimination pure and simple!

My friend here is a little phobic.

Of everything.

- Yeah.

- But especially scientists.

That's right.

It's not up to me.

Either he goes to the lab for examination or back to the Apocalypse.

Hey, Doc.


What's up?


Hey, good.

George, you're here.

So look, this is Murphy.


And despite what he looks like, he's really human.

And this is Lieutenant Roberta Warren.

She's the head of our band of merry pranksters, aka Operation Bite Mark.

She can vouch for Murphy too.

You know, they shared blood and everything.

Those two go way back.

Just like all of us.

Something wrong?



Let's go.

Come on.

Keep moving!


Stay close!

Why aren't you at the evacuation site?

My friend was dying.

I couldn't leave her.

Did you mercy her?

I didn't know how.

She turned and I ran.


I'm Lieutenant Roberta Warren.

What's your name?

Sweetheart, what's your name?

Georgia St.


Okay, Georgia.

We got two minutes to get to that evac.

You with me?


Come on!

In the head!

Now that's how you do it!

Have mercy.


Hey, hey, hey.

You okay?

Look at me.

Look at me.

You're okay.

All right.

Let's go.

Those your people?

That's them.

- There's so many.

- I know.

But there's no time to go around.

We're going to have to just run right through them.


Yes, we are.

You're gonna take this, flip it up, use it like an axe.

Come on, I got you.

Puppies and kittens.

Puppies and kittens.

- Puppies and kittens.

- What, you praying?

No, puppies and kittens is what I call zombies so I'm not scared.

- Puppies and kittens.

- All right, stay close.

Take that down.

All right?

We're running on three.

One, two, three.

Stay low.

Come on!

Come on!

Puppies and...


Get down!

Come on.

Hold the truck!

- I'm out!

I'm out!

- This way.


Hurry in.

This way.

You're good.

All right.

Watch out for those puppies and kittens.

Let's go!

I told you you'd be okay.

Now wait.

You two know each other?

- She saved my life.

- She saved my life.

Well great.

So that means I can skip the testing?


This is quite an operation.

We've been working on a constitution for weeks.

It's not even done yet.

It probably never will be done.

We're voting on it anyways.

Can't wait.

Hey, who's that?

That is Roman Estes.

The CEO of Altura.

He was one of the first people to settle here in the valley.

He's the reason we have water and power.

Not a mad genius.

He's a genius, but he's totally cool.

I will introduce you.

Of course.

Excuse me, Roman?

You got a minute?

There's someone I want you to meet.

Of course.

This is Roberta Warren, an old friend.

She saved my life back in Black Summer.

It's a pleasure.

We owe you a debt of gratitude for saving George here.

She's one of our greatest resources.

Well, did she tell you she saved my life too?

Not surprised.

It's kind of a habit with George.

Welcome to Altura.

Or if George has anything to say about it, soon to be Newmerica.

So you were in Zona?

In the beginning, yeah.

And you left?

I didn't support their goals.

Luckily, I got out early.

When were you there?

I got out early as well.

When they said they were sending me some type of red freak, I should've known it was you.

- Listen, Sun Beam.

- Sun Mei.


Don't you think that my precious bodily fluids have caused enough trouble for one Apocalypse?

Your blood's such a toxic stew that I doubt there's much scientific value for my work.

Christ, not another vaccine.

Actually, no.

I'm trying to identify and synthesize the protein in brains that make Talkers human.

Oh, is that right?

Well yeah, you're god's work there, sister.

Hey, listen.

What happened to you anyway?

I mean, we all thought you died.

I got rescued by a group of Marines, including Lieutenant Dante, before he died and turned into one of the first Talkers.

Marjorie here is married to Dante.

They make such a cute couple.

Quiet, blabber mouth.

Oh, is that right?

So it's true, love never dies.

It just rots away.

Citizen Z here, coming to you live from The Pale Horseman Tavern.

The place where future Newmericans come to, well, they come here to get drunk and forget about zombies.

But today we're here to argue over a new constitution.

Humans, Talkers, all soon to be citizens ready to embark on this crazy experiment in democracy.

Holy zombie.



- What's up, man?!

- Hey!

I thought I heard your voice.

It's so good to see you.

And you I don't know, but come here.


So, how's...

how's Kaya and the baby?

Oh man, they're great.

They're back at Pacifica.

Warren's here somewhere.

She's with that gal George.


I love George.

George is a big reason why all this is happening.

- Yeah, she seemed cool.

- How bout this?

You guys go take a seat, and I'll finish up here and join you.

Right on.

Good to see you, buddy.

Oh it's so good to see you.


Come here.

That was so so cool.

Operation Bite Mark in the house!

Look at you.

All grown up.

Yeah, you sure have changed.

Well the zombies will do that to you.


You look exactly like I remember you.

Well, I appreciate your glaucoma.

- One zombie shine.

- Thank you.

- And one water.

- Thank you.

Black Summer.

Black Summer.

And now we're here.

Now we're here.

It looks like you've made a name for yourself.


No, I heard that most of the students you started out with in Black Summer made it here because of you.

It was Lieutenant Dante and the other Talkers.


If it weren't for their help, we'd be dead or worse.

At least you knew to ask for help.

You know, you were the one that knew they still had souls.

Back then when we saved each other, I knew you were special.

It's been really hard.

I know.

So, what have you been up to since Black Summer?


Got it.

Hello, Dante.

Hello, Pandora.

Now go away.

Don't be so mean.

Well I came here to congratulate you.

I hear it's gonna be a landslide for the yes votes.

Your human is gonna get everything she wants.

And more.

She's not my human.

Her name is George.

And since when do you give a bizkit what the humans want.

Oh Dante, you don't have to be so...


Just because you can't get everything you want.


Wow man!

Citizen Z!

I love you.

- Oh, thank you.

- Man, when I was out in the shit, your broadcasts were the only thing that kept me going.

Thanks, man.

That makes me feel good.

- I am buying you drink.

- No, no, no, I already have one.

- Get this man a real drink.

- No, I don't deserve a drink.

You know brother, I have to work tomorrow.

That's not a drink.

Here's a drink.

Thank you.

Is that a thumb?

You're supposed to eat it when you get to the bottom - like the worm in tequila.

- Oh, right.

Don't worry.

The alcohol kills the germs.


Well that's good to know.

No, it's delicious, surprisingly.

I can't believe it.

- The real Citizen Z.

- Hi.

Looks like Citizen Z is having a little Talker Stalker moment.

- Why don't you go rescue him, kid?

- Sure.

Who's gonna tell 10K about Red?

Not me.

You gotta tell him.

Why should I be the bearer of bad news?

Because you're cuddly and everybody likes you.

Break it to him gentle.


Yeah, I got this.

It's cool.

I'll be cool.

I got it.

When I was alive, I used to listen to you on the short wave.

Oh, thank you.

That means a lot to me.

Thank you.

Oh hey, there's my buddy.

Where have you been?

I've been looking all over for you.

Uh, well guys, it's been so nice to meet you.

Thank you so...

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

What was that?

What was what?

Do not let me drink this.

I got a wife and kid.

Red's alive!

She's here with another dude and they got a kid!

Another dude?

And they have a kid?

Sorry, Tommy.

Oh, don't drink the thumb.

Just take it easy.

Get your hands off me, you damn dirty Talker.

Uh oh, looks like trouble in paradise.

People like you give humans a bad name.

I've never trusted your kind, and I never will.

Yeah, well you're gonna be one of my kind in a minute - if you don't shut up!

- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Leroy, Cliff, you guys are drunk.

Be cool.

All right?

We're all friends here.

Yeah, you better listen to her.

I think we've listened to her too much.

You're always siding with them over your own kind.

We have rights too.

We all have rights.

Inalienable rights.

Life, liberty, the pursuit of getting shitfaced drunk.

You think this is a joke?

These Talkers aren't human.

They're zombies.

And some day they're gonna stop pretending and start eating us.

Sit down and shut up!

You're drunk.

You can't speak to me that way, you bag of rotting jerky.


You shot me.

I'll do it again if you don't shut up.

Oooh, this is gonna take some getting used to.

This was my favorite t-shirt.

Your wife was a Talker, wasn't she?

I miss here everyday.

And if she were still here, how do you think she would vote tomorrow?

I think she would vote yes because she loves you.

She'd want to be with you.

Just like all these post-dead folks want to be with their loved ones.

That's all they're asking.

You'll get the b*ll*ts back when you sober up.

A toast!

To democracy!

To democracy!

_ Ballots are still being cast in each of the outposts, as the constitutional delegates gather here awaiting the outcome of the vote.




Did you vote?

We did.

In just a few minutes the polls will close and the voters will have spoken.


How do you feel?

I feel good.

Like we made it to the end of a long journey.

A part of me is also sad, though, thinking of the people that didn't make it here to see this.

Oh, Leroy.

I know we don't agree on much of anything, but I'm glad you came out to vote.

Actually, I voted yes.

You were right.

It's how Anna would have voted.

Good luck with your country.

If you can keep it.

Thank you.

And we're keeping it, if it kills me.

How's that speech coming?

Oh, umm, I got it right here.

Just need to work on the opening.

You better hurry up.

Polls are closing any second.


In three, two, one.

The polls are officially closed!

What happens if the no votes win?

We all just start sh**ting?

And what are they gonna do with the Talkers if they're not even citizens?

It seems like it won't be long until there's more of them than us.

Are you even listening to me?

You should go talk to her.


You should go talk to her.


About the vote?


The speech?

Little bit.

Just speak your truth.

Newmerica's real.

That's my truth.

Then what?

We'll roll up our sleeves and get shit done.

It's 1776 all over again.

Your friend Sarge told me you were here.

I'm so happy you're alive.

Me too.

Not me, you.

I'm happy you're alive too.

Let's try this again.

You're alive.


You're alive.

You're alive.

I was so afraid that I would never see you again.

What about the other dude?

Other dude?

The father of your child?



Tommy, there's no other dude.

There's not?

You must mean Ted.

He's married to a friend of mine.

It's her kid.


Can we try this again?

It's been a long journey getting here.

And we'll get to the results in just a moment.

I want to thank one person in particular who has worked tirelessly to get us to this point.

And if anyone has earned the right to announce the final results of the vote, it's her.

So George?

Let's get her up here.









- Where is she?

- George!






They're calling your name.

I need a joke.

You got to start a speech with a joke, right?







Don't forget the results.
















- George!

- Wish me luck.