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06x07 - The Tableau

Posted: 06/16/20 06:29
by bunniefuu
Previously on Good Witch...

I could turn the storage room into an awesome meditation space.

Are you sure you have time?

I'll make time.

How is he?

It took a little longer than I thought but we were able to get it all.

Can you wiggle your fingers?

Why can't he do it?

I'm confident you're going to get that movement back.

I had a dream that you and Donovan broke up.

Kind of blurry but I saw you guys standing under...

a crescent moon?

I think the closer we get to breaking the curse...

The worse it gets.

You were right.

You and Donovan broke up?

We had to.

[mysterious music]

Those look great.


Nathaniel Merriwick was quite the artist.

They've held up well for 200 years.

How are you holding up?

This is my second muffin.


Would a hug help?

Breaking the curse would help!

The crack in the ruby's getting bigger.

Sorry you and Donovan had to break up.

Hopefully we didn't do it for nothing.

Love is not nothing.

Come here.

[sentimental music]

Thank you.

That did help.

Those look great.

I'm gonna get another muffin.


Is she OK?

She will be.


[rubbing hands]

It's interesting.

It's the only one with people in it.

Yeah, my guess is that's Nathaniel with the spyglass and his wife, Meredith, and their daughter, Patience.

Grey House's first family.

Who are the other three?

I'm not sure, but they're in a moment that will be treasured forever.

Well, Grey House is not without its moments.

Or its treasures!

Your relatives here could've made this search a lot easier.

Uh, you should know by now that that is not the Merriwick way.

You should know by now that this is the Radford way.


[phone pinging]

Excuse me.


Oh, it's Grace.

She's at the Altamira Caves?

She's gonna be studying in Spain for a year, tell her she doesn't have to see everything the first week.


tell her we'll miss her at the party.

I will.

Did you talk to Nick?

Said he wouldn't miss it!



Oh, my!

Those look great.

Grey House's 225th birthday celebration is going to be a night to remember.

Yeah, 225 is not just any birthday.

How was the Mayors' Conference?

Well, usually they're a snore but this one was two days of frivolity.

We lunched on the lake, we shopped at Schumann's and we saw...

the most wonderful tableau vivant!

When I was in Rome, I saw a theatre troupe recreate Caravaggio's paintings.

That was quite a feat.


Is that a good gasp?

It's an inspired gasp.

That painting absolutely lends itself to a tableau vivant!

We should put on one of our very own, right here, For Grey House's birthday!

I love it!

But do you think we could pull it off in 48 hours?

With yours truly directing and you, well, being you...

We'll make magic happen.

[doorbell ringing]

I'll be right back.

I'll start planning the tableau.

You must be Hayley.

You must be kidding me with this place!

Thanks, we're pretty proud of it.

My followers are gonna be so obsessed with these pics!

You know it's a lot more impressive when you're not looking at it through your phone?


but my followers aren't actually here.

But you are.

Lucky for you.

Finding small towns and sharing them with the world is my thing.

Hayley's Hidden Gems.

You're a follower!

Mm, I prefer to lead.

[whimsical music]

I hope you're ready to be...


I hope you're ready for blueberry muffins.

There's a batch in the kitchen.

I get it.

You're my skeptic.

In every town, there's always someone who doubts my influence, and thanks me later.

I'll keep an open mind.

I hope you will too.

[indistinct voice over intercom]

If you were a basketball player, I'd say you were working on going to your left.

Just call me ambidextrous.

I just ran into Michelle Katz.


She said she missed you at therapy.


Holland was on edge about his wife's surgery, said he needed to talk.

She said you skipped the last two sessions.


Whatever happened to doctor-patient confidentiality?

She's a physical therapist.

I'm a chaplain.

You know, the people in this hospital that need my services: they come first.


How's the hand?

It's gettin' stronger.

Prove it.

You know, you reap what you sow.

I hope you're right.

[dramatic music]

[game pieces rattling]

It's definitely not as heavy as it looks.

Yeah, it's a good thing I took all those paintings out.

Just put it over here for now.


I think Abigail will want that.

Well, it's all hers.

A meditation room should be free of clutter.

Like our minds.

I could use a clutter-free mind.

Abigail and Donovan's breakup?

I was trying to help them, not hurt them.

I know.

Sometimes I wish I didn't know what I know.

There's something I want you to have.


It's beautiful.

That pearl was passed from Merriwick to Merriwick, through generations.

I don't know what to say.

Well then, let's just put it on.


[sentimental music]

Sometimes we need a little something to help take our mind off things.

[indistinct chatter]

[theatrically]: Oh, if only I could have a dandelion green salad with heirloom tomatoes!

If only those things were in season.

They will be, when you get your year-round chef's kitchen.



Our toil has become soil.

The community greenhouse opens its doors tomorrow.

No more waiting, this is real?

It's so real, I've ordered new gardening tools.

You can't imagine the hoops I've jumped through!

Fundraising, inspections, and now the Grand Opening.

I wouldn't want to walk a mile in your gardening clogs.

But would you want to head up the greenhouse committee?


That would be amazing.

Wait a second, what's the catch?


divvying up plots can be...

tricky business for a sitting mayor.

But not for the owner of a bistro.


I'd work out the plot assignments before morning.

Believe me, when people get there, they'll be itching to dig right in.



And I've always been partial to a south-facing plot, perhaps in a corner, far away from Myrna in County Records.

She's a whistler.


[whimsical music]



Stop right there!

Don't move.

Suddenly, life's a tableau.

It is so hard to get candids like this, in light that good?

Usually, I fake them.

It doesn't sound very candid.

Tricks of the trade.

So close, yet so far.


One of these should work.

So, you're staying at Grey House.


Oh yeah, I'm Hayley, I'm...

An influencer?

Word has spread that I'm here.

It's a small town.

What's your handle?

I'll tag you.

That's alright, I like to keep people guessing.

These are literally the most perfect muffins I've ever seen.

Wait 'til you taste them.

Post first, eat second.

Just doing a quick edit...


My followers are gonna be so obsessed with these pics.

You certainly are.

[mystical music]

[cascading ring tone]

My signal just went out!


I can't post!

How many bars do ya' have?

Oh, I left my phone upstairs.

I could never...

My phone is my life!


maybe this is your chance to stop and...

smell the muffins.

I feel like I'm lettin' Sam down.

You're letting yourself down.

I am being realistic.

You've been to like, what?

Two sessions?


Yeah, well, you need to go three times a week for three months.

Look, I get that you are scared but you can't just give up.

I'm not givin' up.

What would you call it, then?

It's not gonna get any better.

You don't know that.

I've accepted it.



Well, I haven't.

[sentimental music]

Cassie was right, I do want this.

Then we should get it to your place before the teak flooring arrives tomorrow.

There's a painting in here.

Oh, Cassie must've missed it.

What'd I miss?

Shouldn't this be part of the celebration?

Oh, take a closer look.

[mysterious music]


This one wasn't painted by Nathaniel Merriwick.

The artist was P.


You OK?

Does that C look like a...

A crescent moon.

Like the one on the Traveller's wagon?

He's telling us that P.

Connelly is the Traveller.

He's also telling us not to give up.

That will never happen.


we can't.

[sad music]

We just have to listen to Cassie and find a descendent of the Connelly family.

By tracing their 200 year lineage?

At least we have the Internet?


Well, now that we're in the subject of lawn inflatables, perhaps we can move on to Miss Borden's petition to repaint her house.

Now, as I'm sure you know, there are only four historically approved paint colours in Middleton's bylaws.

And mustard...

is not one of them.


Yes, but canary is, which is why I added a smidge of it to cheer up the mustard.

Well, put me in a sour mood.

A smidge of this, a drop of that...

and soon...

you have chaos.

Is that what you want?

Well, no, but I...

Well, then stick to the bylaws.

Petition denied!


[nostalgic music]

You're still putting in that doorknob?

Huh, well, rather be accurate than fast.

Nothing worse than a lock that doesn't line up.

This coffee comes pretty close.


Not scald-your-tongue hot?

It may have cooled off.


One pump of vanilla, a sprinkle of cinnamon...

And exactly two ounces of almond milk.

I watched them to make sure.

Hey, if it's not accurate, it's not right!

You know what?

I know the perfect guy for you.

Oh, this should be good.

What, you don't trust me?

Putting in a doorknob, yes.

Fixing me up, no.

Me fixing you up?

Whole different ballgame.

You think you got matchmaking skills?

Three married couples in Jersey can testify to it.


I'm in.

I'll set you up and you can try to set me up.

[quirky music]

Should be good.

[indistinct chatter]

Hey, you!


Green tea?

Um, how 'bout a latté?

How 'bout you pick me up off the floor?

It's not for me.

I'll take the green tea.

Got it.

I can't get a signal anywhere!

Where have you checked?

The entire town.

What'd ya think?

I think you guys need more cell towers.

Are you Hayley Hill?

I was...

until I got to Middleton.

Now I've dropped off the face of the internet.

Maybe this'll make you feel better.

Nice foam art!

I can already see the caption...

"A work of heart".

You're gonna post that?

[cascading phone tone]

Apparently not while I'm here.


Well, there is something you could do.

To get my phone working?

No, to get over your phone not working.

Drink up.

If I can't share it, how do I enjoy it?

Good coffee...

Good company...

Be hard not to enjoy it.

[indistinct voice over intercom]

[sighs heavily]


If you stopped skipping your appointments, that would be a lot easier.

4 o'clock, right?

I'll be there.

[heartfelt music]

You two do make quite the team!


Breaking conventions, Martha?

I like it.

Oh, well, you know.

Carrying this does give one a sense of power.

I totally understand why gentlemen toted them around.

Is that...

the stick I was using to prop up a shelf?


Well, it may have become un-propped.

But the good news is, this is the perfect prop for our tableau vivant.

Oh, I saw one of those in Newport.

Pretty cool.

Ours will be even cooler.

Directed by yours truly and featuring one of our finest thespians...

Joy Harper!

[quirky music]

Oh, this I gotta see.

Are you OK?


Quiet on the set.

She's in character.


up a little on the right.




[slow clapping]

Oh, no autographs, please.

As fun as this is, I am not paying you to goof off.

And I'm off to find more props.


Your date is gonna love seeing you on-stage.

Who says my date is coming to the Grey House party?

Your date, my date, we're all coming.

Better bring your A-game.

OK, well if you're gonna be that demanding then it's gonna be a lot tougher fixing you up.

You should talk about demanding.

Well, we should talk about your perfect date.

Don't you usually know these things?

I usually do.

Losing your magic?

I hope not.

Let me help you out.

My perfect date?

Movie, popcorn, cold beer.

That sounds amazing.

But I meant, describe the person.

I didn't need help to find you a date, but OK.


Someone who can hold their own, gets what I do and likes to laugh.

Also doesn't hurt to be tall.

[sentimental music]

I can work with that.

Connelly, first initial P.

No, 200 years ago.

Yeah, I know.


dig up what you can.



That is not the face of happiness a mother wants to see.

No offence, but...

I'm not in the mood.

Hence my statement.

Are you in the mood for me to take you to dinner?

I don't have time for dinner.

A mayor's work is never done.

Actually, it is.

This is...



Is this about you and Abigail?

There is...

no more me and Abigail.

I'm sorry to hear that.

May I ask why?

I'd rather not talk about it.

Then I won't push.

You always push.

It is part of my charm.

If you change your mind, you know where to find me.

[emotional music]



I changed my mind.

Mothers' intuition tells me that this is the work of the curse.

This is the work of trying to break the curse.

I need to find information on...



As in...

Priscilla Connelly?

Well, you tell me.

I believe I just did.

Who is she?

Who was she.

Priscilla was the wife of Daniel Davenport, that's Roderick's brother.

She was also the Traveller who cast the curse for Roderick.

Oh, that's a new wrinkle in the family history.

I need to find a living relative of Priscilla's but until now, I haven't known her first name.

You just...

made my job a lot easier.

Well, that's what mothers are for.

[dramatic music]

[relaxed music]

Someone who can...

hold her own, gets what he does and likes to laugh...


Oh, and apparently, the taller the better.

Middleton's your backyard!

You gotta know somebody.


I know the perfect somebody.

Can you send me her number?

Text it to you.

[keypad clicking]

[ringtone blips]

No, that's my number.


You're really not catching on to this whole thing, are you?

You think he wants to go out with me?

Joy, he described you to a T!

[quirky music]


Usually I'm more intuitive about these things.


at least we figured it out in time.

Would've been a little awkward if you showed up with a date for your date.


this is new.

I got inspired.

Well, I think that's great.

Let's set the bar a little lower than great.

I am no Nathaniel Merriwick.

Can I see?

Just remember, it's a work in progress.

I'll keep that in mind.


I think it's...


No, I was going to say...

I think it's very you.

I'm gonna take that as a compliment.

Yeah, I meant it as a compliment.

I appreciate you doing this.



Yeah, you're keeping the tradition alive.

Providing our family's link to Grey House's legacy.

You might want to take another look.

This is a really bad painting.

From a really great man.

I'll leave you to your masterpiece.

[gentle music]

[quirky music]


Hi, Miss Vernaud.

You are in...


Right next to Miss Reddinger.

Thank you!



I have a trunkful of rare hybrids that need planting.

Where's my plot?



I don't see your name on the sign-up list.

Well, it's implied.

It would be better if it was in ink.

My signature is all over this place!

I'm the one who built it!


You're also the one who is passionate about bylaws.

Of course!

Because I wrote them.

Then you'll know, when it comes to the greenhouse, they're pretty clear.

Plots are handed out according to...

the sign-up list.

[awkward laughing]

Well, surely you could make an exception for me?

Oof, one exception here, another one there...

I mean, pretty soon...

you got chaos.

Is that what you want?

At least tell me he's charming.

You really can't handle the suspense.

No, I can't!

Just tell me what he does.

Take a guess!

If I guess right, you promise to tell me?

Scout's honour.


He's a...





Strike two.


Does he play centre for the Bulls?

You really have no idea.

Maybe I did lose my magic.

Andy's an accountant.


Yes, your date does have a name.

And it's...


What about this isn't clicking for you?

Well, the part with Andy the accountant.

Andy's a great guy and a great accountant.

I guess I'll just have to take your word for it.

You won't have to.

You'll see us tomorrow night at Grey House.

[dramatic music]

[emotional music]

Am I as strong as an ox?

More like a chipmunk.


I have no place to go but up.


Push your palm against mine.



I'm gonna push back and I want you to resist as best you can.


[heavy exhale]

I know...


Actually, you are stronger than the last time.



Pretty cool, right?

Actually, seems pretty rough.

Now I know how they must've felt with no Internet.

Oh, yeah, it was totally my first thought too.

Hey, what are you doing tomorrow night?

You asking me out?

I am.

I have got the perfect guy for you.

What's his name?

I'll do a search.

When I get back to LA...

'cause I can't search for him here.

You're leaving.

Waiting for a cab.

OK, but you're gonna be missing out.

If this guy's that perfect, why don't you go out with him?

[scoff]: We work together.

It would be weird.

I like weird.

Then you're gonna love Carter!

OK, he's not totally weird, but trust me, he's worth sticking around for.

Carter, huh?

Martha yelling: Yoo-hoo!

All my vivanteurs, report to the dining room!

I gotta go rehearse for the tableau, but can I count on you?

I'm in.


All eyes will be drawn here.

Sorry I'm late!

Don't be.

It's been scintillating.

As I was saying...

This will be the centre, the nucleus, if you will, of our re-creation, but the ancillary characters will still play a vital role.

All brought together, it will be a production to remember.

We are just standing still for 60 seconds, right?

It's not as easy as it sounds.

It is, if you follow a technique practiced by mimes worldwide.

Allow me to demonstrate.

You walk, and then you simply...


That's the technique?

It allows you to stay in a more natural pose than if you just tried to freeze.

Those mimes really know what they're talking about.

[phone blips]


Flower shipment's 45 minutes early.

Oh, darn!

I hate to leave rehearsal.

I'll send you a detailed video to be studied at length!



You guys...

still at it?


The plot just thickened.

I am only here to talk to Cassie about a menu change for tomorrow night.

Oh, sort of how you changed your mind about my greenhouse status?

This would probably be a good time for everyone to take five.

That's our cue.

Except for you two.


Maybe Cassie can help you see the error of your ways.

You vetoed my paint colour.

You blocked me in the greenhouse!

together: Would you tell her I'm right?

Well, maybe you're both right.

I don't...

believe that's possible.


Sounds to me like you don't believe in compromise.

Well, she's got you there.

I am the queen of compromise!

You're not the only one who can compromise.

Look at that.

You're both in agreement.

Well, I suppose I could...

permit Stephanie's...

mustard-coloured house paint if she would carve me out a plot.

And I would be happy...

to carve you out one...

If I could.

If you could?

I gave them all out.

Well then, consider my offer...


[doorbell chiming]


Hello, Abigail.

Guessing you're not here for flowers.

I can be.

I can also...

be here for you.

Thought you'd be dancing in the streets by now.


nothing breaks a mother's heart more than...

seeing her child in pain.

I wish he wasn't.

I wish you weren't, either.

It may be cliché to say, "love conquers all" but I do believe it's rooted in the truth.

Truth is, it can't conquer the curse.

[dry chuckle]

What's so funny?

We are.

I do sound like you, don't I?

And I sound like you.

We're more alike than you care to admit.

Way to kick a girl when she's down.


Well, anyone who makes my son as happy as you can't be all bad.

Truth is, I have grown...

quite fond of you, Abigail.

[sentimental music]

You're not making this any easier.


I fought hard to keep you two apart...

but now I'm going to fight even harder to keep you two together.

[nostalgic music]

[melodious ringing]

Cassie, I...

I'm sorry, is that bowl singing?

It's a Tibetan singing bowl.

Well, it has a lovely voice.


It's used for meditating.

You feel the sound as much as you take it in with your ears.

Any chance I could take in that cloak you set aside?

Right over there.


It's identical to the one in the painting!

Isn't that the point?

The point is I should've tasked you with finding all the props in my list.

Happy to help with anything else.

I think I've collected almost everything we need to help bring Nathaniel Merriwick's vision to life.

I even found an old deed in the archives that looks perfect!

But you can't find any heather.

But I can't find any...


Heather is out of season.

Well, nothing's out of season in a greenhouse.

Normally, you're spot-on, but our greenhouse is only two days old.

You'd be amazed at what can spring up in two days.


[quirky music]


Radford, please report to the break room, Dr.

Radford to the break room.

You rang?

You ready for round two?


Take a shot.

Let's see what you got!


I said, take a shot.


Come on!

[game pieces rattling]

[emotional music]

I know, it wasn't pretty...

It worked.

It'll work even better tomorrow, I have no doubt.

[sentimental music]

[quirky music]






Excuse me, kind citizen.

Not what I thought you'd be calling me.


It's you.

Let's not do this again, Martha.

I don't have time to do this again.

I have to find heather that isn't yours.

If I can find my way around your spacious plot How much do you need?

[birds chirping]

Are you offering?

It is a community garden.

It's meant for sharing.

And I can't think of anyone that I would rather give flowers to right now.

I wish there was a way I could make up this whole greenhouse thing to you.

Perhaps there is.

[mysterious music]

Ah, thank you.

For a second, I thought that woman was my old softball coach.

Don't tell me.

You played...

centre field!

Third base.

I was All-County.


You know, a new survey from the Loring Research Centre ascertained softball participation has an annual growth of 6.5%.

Andy's like a walking search engine.


That's hilarious.

Some people think I have a dry sense of humour.

No, I didn't say dry.

I said, no sense of humour.

That's hilarious.

You want to get a drink?

I could go for a beer.

Bottle or can?


together: Bottle!


So, um...

Carter tells me you're an accountant.

Actually, I prefer diagnostic statistician.

In my line of work, we have to be precise.

It just makes it sound more expensive.

And you?

Carter says you renovate houses?

Oh, I prefer domicile rejuvenation.


It is!

What're you working on now?

We are restoring one of Middleton's most historic...


You're quick!

And accurate.

I was named Middleton's top CPA three of the last seven years.

If you're looking at monetizing depreciation, I'm your man.

Oh, I'll have to let my friends know at tax time.

I'll give you a few dozen business cards.

No, I...

[nearby laughing]

[emotional music]

[indistinct chatting]

Oh, thanks.

Thank you.

You're still in hair and makeup?

Everyone else is on stage, warming up.


I know, I'm late.

I was on a date, more like a date-saster.

Ooh, do tell!

Don't tell.

Go get in your wardrobe.

We'll do your hair and makeup when you're dressed.

It'll take me two seconds.

You've got one.

That's five out of six actors now accounted for.

Still no Nick?

Not a word, but as his understudy, I'm fully prepared to take on the role.

Oh, no, no!

Performers only.

What's wrong?

I'll give you both a minute.

Just tell me.

I found out more about the Connelly family.


And there are none left.

I am so sorry to interrupt but I just discovered that Nick has been stuck on the runway with no cell service for two hours!

Why are you telling us?

Because Donovan is the perfect replacement.

I thought you were the understudy.

Well, I would be phenomenal...

it did occur to me that having a gentleman in the role would be more accurate.

I'll pass.

You should do it.

It could be the last time we're together.

[sad music]

Well, that's anachronistic.

I need a stage hand, stat!

Strike that cup!


[chamber music]

We're moments away, people!

Line up, and prepare to make your entrance!

Everyone, break a leg!

Is anybody else nervous?

All the great ones get nervous.


I do.


The curtain is about to part.

[bright classical music]




That lion looks a lot like your family crest.




Walking stick in your right, hold the deed in your left!



You're up!

Go, go, go!



[mysterious music]

[inaudible speaking]

[indistinct chatter]

Bravo, bravo!

[relieved sighs]

Where did you get this deed?

The archives!

I just grabbed any old one.

This is a deed from Roderick Davenport to Priscilla Connelly.

Wait, so you're Roderick...

And you're Priscilla.

Why would Roderick and Priscilla be in Nathaniel Merriwick's painting?

It's gotta be another clue.

This means that Roderick gave the Traveller a piece of his land.

It was payment to Priscilla for helping him cast the curse!

There may not be any Connellys left...

But now we can go check and see if they left anything behind.

[indistinct chatter]

I'm so sorry to bother you, but...

aren't you that actor from the tableau?

Unidentified Man in the corner?

Yeah, that's me.

I love what you did with the character.

Oh, come on...

It wasn't easy to...

capture his nuance.

Hmm, well, you nailed it.

Would you like an autograph?

I was actually...

too nervous to ask.

Who should I make it out to?


to the woman...

who will support you, no matter what.

[heartfelt music]

So I'll sign it, from the man who appreciates the tough love?

You were right about sticking with physical therapy.

I know!


I'm just glad you're not the type to gloat.

And here...

this is for you.

There's something I wanna ask you.

I'm sorry, Andy.

I don't think we should go out again.

Oh, I completely agree.

You're not my type.

I'm not?

Carter was way off.

Wow, so was I.

I really thought I knew what you were going to ask me.

I just wanted to know if you mind if I left early?

I'm playing chess on an app and I just thought of the perfect move.

Queen to rook five.

Not even close.

[rueful music]

You OK?


[laughing awkwardly]

Not even close!

It's been an off night.

Guess you and Andy weren't a match.

Looks like you and Hayley had a connection.

A work connection.

She wants me to come to LA and remodel her house.


Just like that?

Don't worry, I won't leave you hanging.


not worried!


It sounds like a great opportunity.

Well, it is, but...

Do you want to go?

I made a commitment to you.

You're a good guy!

I like to think so.

And I can make some calls...

there are a few carpenters out there I've used in the past.

Are any of them as good as me?

[theatrical gasp]


I owe you.

Buy me some onion rings before you go and we'll call it even.

Extra crispy?

Is there any other way?

[glasses clinking]


Looks like you two found a compromise?

Yeah, we worked it out.

I agreed to split my greenhouse plot.

And I declared mustard is the fifth approved paint colour in Middleton's bylaws.

Well, before you know it, we'll have ketchup-coloured houses.

Bite your tongue, Cassie Nightingale.

I'd rather bite into one of Stephanie's desserts.


Thank you.

It's got an interesting energy.

I agree...

Hey, Cassie.


How'd you like the tableau?

I loved it!

Did you take a lot of pictures?

Normally I would, but...

Carter and I were talking right before the curtains opened and I just didn't think about it.

[magical music]

[multiple phone alert sounds]


I see you got service back.

Probably have a ton of messages.


I'll check them later.

I'm gonna go find Carter.

And how was your night?

[groan]: About the same as the last two days?

Ah, eye-opening?

Kind of felt like a different person.

Sometimes it's good to walk a mile in someone else's shoes.


It made me realize I like my shoes.

Also realized that uh...

pearls aren't really my style.


they're not for everyone.

Let's get you feeling like yourself again.


How's that?

Just what I needed.

It's beautiful.

It's close to being stick figures.

Those are pretty impressive stick figures.

I figured...

Grey House isn't Grey House...

Without us.

Do you know why I love it?

'Cause you're being kind.


200 years from now, someone's gonna look at that and be inspired.


maybe it's not that bad.

It's a masterpiece.