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06x05 - The Mandala

Posted: 06/01/20 19:40
by bunniefuu
Previously on Good Witch...

Elizabeth Merriwick.

The candle's never been lit.

I wonder what her dream was.

"Never stop learning." "If true love completely breaks the heart, the curse is sealed and shan't depart." You think Roderick's letter was talking about that ruby?

If that ruby cracks-- The curse is here to stay.



My hand's a little asleep.

all: Cheers.


Can you lower your arm?

I don't think so.

[heavy exhale]

[relaxed instrumental music]

Well, I think you'd make a great teacher.


Now, I just have to find a school that agrees with you.

What about teaching holistic medicine at Wellingsly?

Yeah, I thought about that, but Grace is there and...

You don't wanna cramp her style?

I was gonna say step on her toes.

Either way.

Wellingsly's out.

And I'm not so sure that holistic medicine would be my first choice.


I do have this art history degree and...

well, I always dreamed that I would do more with it.

Sounds like Elizabeth Merriwick's dream candle wasn't the only one to burn down?

You guys ever get these "On This Day" reminders?

Turn it off unless you want a bunch of pictures of your old boyfriends popping up.


Too late.


Let me see.

He's cute.

Oh, we had the worst luck.

You did?

Like what?

Every time we were together, something went wrong.

We'd go for a drive to the beach and the car would break down.

And we'd go to the movies, they ran out of popcorn.

We took a walk in the park and got sprayed by a skunk.

Sounds like you guys were cursed.

Welcome to my world.

OK, what is the deal with this curse you keep talking about?

[Abigail sighs heavily]

[pensive instrumental music]

The tumor is right there, between C5 and C6.

It's still relatively small.

How do we...

fix it?

Surgery would be my recommendation.

[heavy sigh]

A tumor?

My arm was asleep.


these don't present with any symptoms at all.

The weakness in your arm actually helped us catch it early.


I know this isn't easy.





Yeah, I'd rather not wait.

[theme music]

[uplifting instrumental music]

"If true love completely breaks the heart, the curse is sealed and shan't depart." That was in the letter we found in Roderick Davenport's secret study.

This started cracking right after we found it.


I think not.

I think this is a lot to take.

Welcome to being a Merriwick.

At least the crack hasn't gotten any bigger.

Well, certainly something to be thankful for.

For 200-years-old, this box is pretty well preserved.

It would seem that everything connected to the curse has withstood the test of time.

[mysterious music]

Check out the Middleton medallion.

The end of this key is the same shape as the hole in the center.

Martha: Well, that's promising.

So is that!

[Martha gasps]

There's something on the wood.

"A breaking heart can only stop with luck, love, and one teardrop." That's an intriguing little riddle.

Luck is clearly the emerald.

Well, love is the ruby.

And if the teardrop is the diamond...

Then finding it would stop the heart from breaking.

Which would break the curse.

[sentimental instrumental music]


Yeah, I said the same thing.

[heavy sigh]

Did you tell your parents?


My dad's never missed a day at the pharmacy.

I think he would for this.

I don't want him to.

I don't want him or my mom to worry.

You shouldn't go through this without your family.

I have you.


You definitely do.

[light instrumental music]

[door opens]

[doorbell chimes]

So, I got all the way to work...

And now you're here?

'Cause I can't get the curse out of my head.

I can't get it out of my life.

I may know someone who can help.


I renovated a house for a woman who's a cryptologist.

A what?

She cracks codes.

Well, we already cracked the riddle.

Yeah, but there may be something more in there that could help us find the diamond.

It's worth a shot.

[doorbell chimes]


Can I help you?

You already did.

Your chocolates got me through an incredibly long lecture on the art of Mesopotamia.

I can see why that might require a sugar boost.

I had to know where they came from and the organizer pointed me here.

Let me guess, caramel clusters?

And the coconut chews.

I'll take two dozen.

Another lecture?

A gift for a colleague.

He's leaving on a book tour.

You're an author?


I'm head of the fine arts department at BCC.

So you're one professor down?

For the next month.

Either of you an expert in French Impressionism?

[tinkling music]


French Impressionism?

How impressive.

Monet was sensitive, perceptive and a bit shy.

Sounds like you're describing my Dylan.


When will he be here?

Not soon enough.

Well, it'll be really nice for the two of you to catch up.

You mean the three of us.

My daughter-in-law will be with him.

Oh, I can't wait to meet Claire.

I can't wait for you to meet her either.




How does she feel about you?

I suppose I'm about to find out.

Dylan has always been there as sort of a buffer.

But he's heading to Chicago for two days on business.

Sounds like you and Claire will have some quality time together.

If you say so.

Sometimes when we get to know someone, we get to know ourselves even more.


[relaxed instrumental music]


Everything OK?


You wanna talk about it?


You're a man of few words today.

You're in the dog house, aren't you?

Mia wants me to go to some fancy dinner with her boss.

So what's wrong with that?

I'm not exactly a fancy dinner guy.

You're worried you're gonna be a fish out of water?

I prefer to eat food I can pronounce.

So just don't slurp from your soup bowl and you'll be fine.

Be even better if I don't go.

I can guarantee that's the wrong choice.

How do you know?

How do you not know?

OK, well, when you figure out I'm right, make sure you dress to impress.

[playful instrumental music]

[doorbell jingling]

I've got a surprise for you.


Caramel clusters and coconut chews?

A possible teaching job.

"Professor Alicia Barnes".

She's expecting your call.


So no chocolates?

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Now wish me luck.

Good luck.

For what?

Donovan and I are on our way to see a cryptologist.


Worth a shot.

That's what Joy said.


Did she also say take the road past the old train station?

She did not.

Well, you should.

It's a shortcut.

The sooner the better.

Thank you.


[tinkling music]

[doorbell jingling]

Martha: Everything must be parfaitfor the French delegation's visit tomorrow.


No, not the kind with yogurt.

Look who I found.


Hey, Mom.



You feel thin.

Is Claire feeding you?

All homemade, all the time.


You never fail to make an entrance.

And I never miss a chance to hug my mother-in-law.

[both exclaiming]


I'm glad you two are gonna get to spend some time together.

Can I just say, you look fantabulous.

Oh, and you look...

Actually, you're positively glowing.

Funny you should say that.

We have some news.



You're having-- A tiny Tinsdale!


[both exclaiming]

Congratulations, son.

Thanks, Dad.



I've waited eons to be called grandmama.


Too much?

I love it.


[light instrumental music]




[heavy sigh]

I needed that.

I know.

How's Adam?


As good as he can be.

And how are you?

As good as I can be.

I know this isn't easy.

[heavy sigh]

It's a tricky surgery.


What if it doesn't go perfectly?

Adam couldn't be in better hands.


[Cassie chuckles]

I've got something to show you.

"Professor Alicia Barnes"?

I've got an interview with her today for a temporary teaching position.

That's fantastic.


It will be, if I get the job.

You'll get the job.

What's wrong?

[Cassie sighs]

I think I'm nervous.


If anybody shouldn't be nervous, it's you.

Yeah, I've never taught before.

Well, you've never taught in a classroom, but you teach all the time.

I'm gonna remember you said that.

You better.

[uplifting instrumental music]

This menu looks scrump-dilly-icious.

[Martha chuckles]

That's quite the adjective.

Oh, that's what I call a jackpot for your taste buds.

Hitting the jackpot is getting to plan for the arrival of my grandbaby.

First up on the checklist, handing down Dylan's favorite baby rattle.

Love the sentiment, but we'll take a pass-adena on the rattle.


Might I ask why?

Baby toys from yesteryear weren't held to the same safety standards as they are today.

I'm sorry, "yesteryear"?

I feel compelled to point out to you that not only is Dylan fine, but thriving.

You don't need to tell me.

I mean, he is the second youngest VP in the history of the company.

He is?

That's why he's spending the next two days breezing through the Windy City.


Well, I suppose with all the hoopla over the baby he forgot to tell me.

She has been the only thing on our minds.


Oops, I guess I just let the gender out of the bag.

Well, I guess you did.

Why on earth would you not want to be surprised?

Why on earth would we wait to find out?

It's how Tom and I did it.

Well, it's not how Dylan and Claire are doing it.

Well, I'll make a note of that.


Perhaps it's time to order.

Oh, it's definitely time to order.

[both chuckling]

[upbeat instrumental music]

Are we out of gas?

We're out of luck.

What does that mean?

I just had this bike tuned up.

There's no way it should be breaking down.


I've got more bad news.

There's no service out here.

You know where there is service?

On the main road.

We wouldn't be stranded if it weren't for your little shortcut.

It was Cassie's shortcut.

Is that supposed to make it better?

[mysterious instrumental music]


it might.

Where are you going?

To catch a train.

[birds chirping]

[relaxed instrumental music]

I mean, wouldn't you tell your family?

I would.

But every one handles these situations differently.


Well, I'm the one who's not handling it very well.

You're kinda freaking out because Adam's not freaking out?


I don't know how he does it.

Well, he's had a lot more practice.

Right now, the chaplain could use a chaplain.

Right now, the chaplain could use a Stephanie.

He said the same thing, but I don't know what to do.

Just keep being here for him.

And I'll keep being here for you.

Thanks, Cassie.


But please, can you make sure that Mr.

Taylor gets a copy of The Great Gatsby?

I promised him.

Thank you.

The only patient that Mr.

Hawkins should be concerned with right now is himself.

Are you sending me to my room?

Without supper.

That's a little harsh.

You can't eat for eight hours before surgery anyway.

Oh, that reminds me.

I have something important for you.

A flash drive?

It's more like a mixtape.

You made me a mixtape?


I know how you like to play music while you're in the O.R.

Well, you didn't have to bring your own.

Oh, yes I did.

That '80s pop you play isn't gonna cut it.

What's wrong with '80s pop?

So many things.

Hey, I got your primer.

Oh great, just put it over there.

What's this?

That's your suit.

It's my suit?

Yeah, I got it for you.

You got me a suit?

What part of this isn't clicking for you?

Why would you get me a suit?

'Cause you got that fancy dinner party to go to.

The same one I told you I'm not going to?


Now, you won't just fit in, you'll stand out.

Like a sore thumb.


Don't think Mia will feel that way.

You don't even know Mia.

I don't have to.

I know what women like and she's gonna love it.

Come on, I owe you.

For what?

You didn't take my truck.

Just try it on.

[playful instrumental music]

[heavy sigh]

[tinkling music]

[Professor Barnes sighs]

To be candid, I wasn't sure if I should interview you.

Your teaching experience is...




So why am I here?

You tell me.

Rembrandt's Self-Portrait as a Young Man.

I did my thesis on that painting.

A painting almost completely shrouded in shadow.

Except for a single highlight that defines the subject.

Someone once asked him why he made that his signature.

"The darks make the lights sing." [chuckling]

A lot like life.

That painting inspires me whenever I hit a rough spot.

I would love to inspire the students to find their own Rembrandt.

How's it going up there?

It's going.

You're really not a fancy suit guy, huh?

I told you.

Well, how does it look?

[Carter sighs]

You tell me.


I kinda feel like James Bond.

James Bond never wore work boots.

I guess I'm going shoe shopping.

Not without your fashion consultant.

I hope Mia appreciates this.

She will.

[playful instrumental music]

Donovan: Still nothing.

Abigail: Next word...



how about intra?

Intra's not a word.


Um, ant.

You have to use all the letters for it to count.


How about, uh...

an anagram for stop.



Well then, you pick a word.

[Abigail clicks her tongue]




Of course not.


Nice try.

You think you can do better?



Alright, quit showing off.

I've even got another one.

[Donovan sighs]


[Abigail clicks her tongue]

What's wrong?

"With luck, love and one teardrop." The riddle to break the curse.

[mysterious instrumental music]

[light instrumental music]

Cassie: Thank you.


Shobha Bhagawati Temple.

The goddess Bhagawati was fierce.

Oh yeah, I wouldn't mess with her.

[both laughing]

Did you know that the temple was known as a refuge for witches?


I didn't see any witches, but I did see a statue of the goddess.

You've been there?

Yeah, the summer after I graduated.

I wanted to experience all the places that I'd studied.

I bet it was amazing.


What was amazing was getting to backpack across the entire country.

I'd love to backpack across Bhutan.

I watched a monk create a sand mandala in Bhutan.

[sharp exhale]

Are you kidding?

The closest I'll probably get is watching on my phone.


Excuse me.


Do you mind?

Sure, go ahead.

Thank you.

Mandala represents...

an imaginary temple.

The designs are meant to remove the negative thoughts and allow the creative mind to run free.

woman: Hey, check this out!

It starts with concentric circles.

From there you build it out, focusing on your breathing and...

allowing your artistic vision to take shape.

The purpose of the mandala is to help transform an ordinary mind into an enlightened one.

Can I try?

Of course.

Close your eyes.

Now, visualize your palace.

Got it.

Now, draw it.

[mysterious instrumental music]

[Adam sighs]

Why don't I shuffle?

Good call.

[both chuckling]

Be careful with this guy, he's a hustler.

Don't blame me 'cause you're a terrible poker player.

Well, at least he's a great surgeon.

You should see me with a Rubik's Cube.

Your pre-op labs came back.

Everything looks great.

I guess we're good to go.

I'll let you get back to your card game.

See you.

So, what should we play?

How 'bout gin?

My favorite.

Oh, yeah?

How many cards again?

20 each.


You have no idea how to play gin, do you?

Not a clue.

[both laughing]


How about we play Go Fish?

Ah, well, now you're in trouble.


OK, let's go.

[Stephanie chuckling]

If the diamond was here, someone beat us to it a long time ago.

Or maybe they didn't.

Or maybe we broke down because the curse doesn't want us talking to a cryptologist.

I'm going to look inside.

You're not going in there without me.

That can't be right.


The plaque, it's dated 1819.

The year of the curse.

And 11 years before trains came to the U.S.

How do you know that?

Oh, I wrote a report on it when I was in the fourth grade.

This building must've been something else before it was a train station.

You're right.

A stagecoach stop.

[doorbell jingling]

This place is absolutely-- Darling.

Well, I was gonna say charming, but "darling" is apropos.

You must be Claire.

Cassie, meet my daughter-in-law.

And your granddaughter.


How did you know we're having a girl?

Your glow gave it away.

I saw the same glow.

Now, what I don't see is a baby section.

Perhaps we should think outside the crib.


For example, these owl bookends would be quite a hoot.

Dylan and I are a little less hoot and a little more elegant.

[Claire chuckling]


Well, far be it for me to want to liven up baby's room.

I might have something you'll both like.

both: Oh!

Bamboo satin.


It's lovely.


And soft as a lamb.

This will be grandmama's gift to our little bambino.

Oh, it doesn't quite match our color scheme.

Well, perhaps Cassie has it in a different color?

I wish I did.

Probably better that way.

Probably better if we browse solo.



I don't feel right about this.

But I do.

You're sure?

I am 100% certain.

[phone ringing]

Might wanna get that.

[heavy sigh]

[phone ringing]

You're calling me?

I want to be with you the whole way.


[Adam laughing]


Hello, Stephanie Borden?

[Stephanie laughing]

Are you standing in front of it?

I am.

Did you put money in?

I did.

Do you see the peanut butter crackers?

I don't.

I see cheese crackers.


Look closer.

The peanut butter is inside.



You're right.

[Adam chuckling]

Listen, before I buy these, I need to remind you that you are not allowed to eat tonight.

Knowing they're waiting is gonna get me through surgery.

Hold on there, mister...

I thought that was me?

You and peanut butter cheese crackers.


I'm one lucky guy.

[mysterious instrumental music]

I think I would've liked living in the 1800s.

I don't think you would've liked only bathing only once every two weeks.


Scratch that.

[both sigh heavily]

No diamond?

Oh, no.

I found it.

I'm just hiding it from you.

Maybe it's time we hike up to the main road.

[Donovan sighs]

[sign creaking]

That was weird.

You're gonna go fix it, aren't you?

You don't know me.

This is cool.

What is it?

It's an old stagecoach schedule.

"Meetinghouse, market, clock tower." Clock tower is the only one still standing.

Might be worth checking out.

It's a pretty long walk.

[phones beeping and chiming]

I guess we got a signal.

I guess we can call for a ride.

[mysterious instrumental music]

A sand mandala.

A Tibetan way of getting your mind off things.

How About an Italian way of gettin' your mind off things?

Sausage and peppers?

My mom's favorite comfort food.

Professor Barnes is calling.

[phone ringing]


[soft instrumental music]

I understand.

Yeah, I appreciate the call.



That's why you made the mandala?

And that's why you brought the pizza?

Their loss.

Where's yours?

[both laughing]

[light instrumental music]


Just wanted to make sure you're OK.

I am.

You got any questions?

Yeah, just one.

Go for it.

Do you really know how to solve a Rubik's Cube?



You got any real questions?


You know, I've...

I've stood where you are so many times.

It's a lot different being down here.

You know what I think we should do?

Take a little ride.


[playful instrumental music]


Bergamot Orange and...

Clary Sage.

A Cassie Nightingale special.

The perfect combination for relieving stress.



You did say she was a handful.

And now I've had an earful.

Maybe this will help.

For me?

For your granddaughter.

Oh, Cassie...

it's absolutely dreadful.

So you love it?

Oh, I'm sorry.

I know it's the thought that counts, but it makes me think of my mother-in-law.

She gave me one just like this when Dylan was born.


I take it she was a handful?

Actually, that's what she thinks I am.

I know I can be a tad strong-willed, but I am who I am.

It's not easy, always being challenged.

You have no idea.

I know someone who might.




Oh, my.

♪ ♪ So let me get this right.

We started this day heading to a cryptologist to help us break a 200-year-old curse.


Then we broke down in front of an abandoned train station that used to be a stagecoach stop.


Cracked an anagram for Dearport that led us to this clock tower-- And now we're trying to find a really big diamond.



Just checking.


[second hand ticking]

[Abigail sighs]

So now what?

Dearport Building Company.


My least favorite year.


There are four raised letters.

E, P, N, O.




It's an anagram for "open".

[tinkling music]

Is that a monocle?

It's not a diamond.

Do you see anything?

I see what you see.

Nothing different?

Nothing different.

[Donovan sighs]

How's Martha?


She's a handful.

How's the mandala?


I don't think I've ever been this relaxed.

It reminds me of when I used to play in the sandbox as a kid.

I built some serious sandcastles.

You know, your mom and I made a sandcastle up at the lake.

You're kidding.


We spent all day on it and then a rainstorm just washed it away.

Did she say it was meant to be?

She did.

And then, she built a better one.

She did the same thing with our house.

We redid that whole place together.


That's what led you to renovating.

We were adding a porch swing when she died.

I finished it on my own.

I'm sure she would've loved it.

Yeah, she would've.

She used to say there was nothing better than relaxing after a long day.

That's why I meditate.

And build mandalas.

You know, I could turn the storage room into an awesome meditation space.

Well, that sounds pretty awesome.

Are you sure you have time?

I'll make time.

[soft instrumental music]

I can't believe you pulled my own move on me.

I learned from the best.


You know, when I take people on these little rides, they're usually pretty freaked out about surgery.

And what do you tell them?

I usually just listen.

I can do that.

You've been doing that for me since the day I got here.


I know what it's like to be the new kid on the block.


But people act differently when they find out you're a chaplain.


You put your pants on one leg at a time like everybody else.


[birds chirping]

I'm pretty scared.

I know.

What if something goes wrong?

I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure that doesn't happen.

If I have to go through this, I'm glad it's with you.

[mysterious instrumental music]

Today was a sad turn of events.

Yeah, even she agrees.

One teardrop.

You think?

I think, who needs a cryptologist?

You see anything?

I see what you see.

Nothing different?

There is now.

There are letters hidden in the base.

Read them off.

J, K, S, S, I, L, K, L, B, Q, V, K, L, A, K, X, J, Z.

Got it.

Got any idea what they mean?

It's definitely not an anagram.

♪ ♪ [knocking]

Professor Barnes.

Come on in.

Hope you don't mind my just showing up, but I wanted to do this in person.

Do what?

You have been the talk of the school.

Your mandala demonstration made quite an impression.

Mandalas can do that.

It's more the woman behind the mandala.

I know I told you you didn't have enough teaching experience.

Actually, you told me it was non-existent.

I wasn't wrong about that...

but I was wrong in using it as the reason not to hire you.

Your life experience is invaluable.

If you can bring what you did in the quad to the classroom, we'd be lucky to have you.

I think I'm the lucky one.

Thank you.

[soft instrumental music]


is that coffee?

Don't fret, Martha.

It's decaf.

Do you think we could chat?

I don't think I have one of our chats in me right now.

I owe you an apology.

You do?

One of the things I enjoy about being me is, well, being me.

[both chuckling]

But what I need to accept is that you also need to be you.

I am who I am.

And it's not my place to challenge that.

And I shouldn't challenge you either.

We're family.

We are.


And our nest is growing.


Oh, it's nice to get along for once.

We should make sure that it's more than just once.

I agree.

From this moment on, I will be here for you just as much or as little as you like.

Thank you.

That means a lot to me...



[both laughing]


Aren't you supposed to be out to dinner?

I was.

Now I'm not.

Now you're here.

Mia and I broke up.

She didn't like the suit?

No, she loved it.

That's the problem.

She, uh...

wants me to be someone I'm not.

Oh, I feel like this is my fault.

It is...

but you did me a favor.

I did?

We've never really been right for each other.


[soft instrumental music]

♪ ♪ We've run it through every Internet translator we could find and...


There are no translators for gibberish.

Well, it has to mean something.

Can I see that?

The alphabet's engraved around the edge.

Well, we saw that, but we're not sure what it's for.

I think it's part of a cipher.

Well, this probably fits onto another piece that has letters around it.

When you put them together-- We'll be able to crack the code.

[cover of "Landslide" by Fleetwood Mac]

♪ I took my love, I took it down ♪ ♪ I climbed a mountain and I turned around ♪ ♪ And I saw my reflection ♪ ♪ In a snow-covered hill ♪ ♪ 'Til the landslide brought it down ♪ ♪ Oh, mirror in the sky ♪ ♪ What is love?

♪ ♪ Can the child within my heart ♪ ♪ Rise above?

♪ ♪ Can I sail through ♪ ♪ The changin' ocean tides?

♪ Hmm.

That is incredible.

How do you feel?

At peace.


Think you could share a little bit of that?

Adam's surgery?


Come here.

♪ Well, I've been afraid of changing ♪ What are you doing?

Sharing a little peace.

♪ 'Cause I've built my life around you ♪ You just finished it.

Nothing is permanent.

♪ But time makes you bolder ♪ ♪ Even children get older ♪ ♪ And I'm getting older too ♪ With each sweep, we let go of a little more.

♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ I'm getting older too ♪ How does it feel?

[Sam chuckles]

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪