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06x04 - The Dinner

Posted: 05/26/20 06:13
by bunniefuu
Previously on Good Witch.

This is my ex-husband, Wes.

Wes, this is my boyfriend, Adam.

How would you feel if I met Wes at the cabin to clear things out?

You have my blessing.

I want to buy that clock.

Not for sale.

Who's got next?

I do!

I win, I get that clock.

And if you lose?

You get my truck.

Thanks for the life lesson.

It's you realizing that Grace and Nick are going off to college.

Grace and Nick, they're about to head down an amazing road.

Kind of weird to have an empty nest.

So what do I do now?

♪ ♪ So you're sure I'm off the hook?


Martha's on the appetizers, Stephanie's doing the entrée, and I've got desserts.

Did I mention what a great idea I think this progressive dinner is?

Yeah, I think it's a great way for everyone to get to know Joy.

Aww, I appreciate that.

And I may have an even greater idea.

This should be interesting.

Well, actually, it's Elizabeth Merriwick's idea.

I love making dream candles.

Well, we should do it.

We should.

Do you two want to tell me what you're talking about?

It's an old Merriwick tradition.

A candle maker etches their dream into the wick tap and then lets the wax set.

Once the candle burns down, their dream is supposed to come true.

♪ ♪ Oh, I'm in.

[Indistinct chatter]

You're cancelling your cruise?

I don't see any other way.

How does David feel about that?


He doesn't care a fig.

If he did, he wouldn't have pushed my buttons the way he did.

Which buttons precisely?

The ones that light up and twinkle.

He still hasn't put up the twinkle lights in the garden?

And every day, it's a new excuse: golf, the weather, the wrong kind of ladder.

Finally, I gave him an ultimatum: no lights, no cruise.

Well, far be it for me to dish out advice to an advice columnist.

Dish away!

I dole out so much advice that I don't have any left for myself.

You could outsource the job.

To who?

[Martha clearing her throat]

"Middleton's best handyman." Actually, Middleton's only handyman, but who's splitting hairs?

Won't that be saying that David is right?

Do you want to be right or do you want to twinkle like a star?

♪ ♪ Nick's just going over his questions; he'll be ready in a few minutes.

I have never been the subject of a sociology paper before; should I be nervous?


But at least you'll have Abigail and Joy sitting beside you.

Yeah, three Merriwick women together, you never know what we might say.


Maybe Nick's the one who should be nervous.

I know he's got a few days off, but he didn't need to fly home.

He could have done this interview over the phone.

He could have.

Is there something you're not telling me?

About Nick?


But there is something you should know.

I'm listening.

I am signing up for a drawing class at Middleton Art Studio.



With Grace and Nick out of the house, I have some extra time on my hands.

Well, look at you putting that art history degree to work.

Yeah, we'll see.

Studying art and creating it are two very different things.

I've seen you sketch.

You thought my cat looked like an ostrich.


I said kangaroo.

And it had style.


Nice save.



I'll tell the Louvre to reserve space on the wall for your masterpiece.

No pressure.

♪ ♪ Black.


I don't do licorice.



That we're not all candy cohesive?


You're all holding your tea mugs the exact same way.

[Women chuckling]

Any other ways you guys are alike?

[Tinkling music]


You could say we're all very..

[Together]: Intuitive.

Grace said the same thing in her interview.


What was it like connecting with family you hadn't met?

Hm, exciting and a little bit scary.

And why scary?

We can be pretty intimidating.

It was more the unknown than anything.

And now that you've gotten to know us?

Still pretty intimidating.


[Cell phone chime]

♪ ♪ Everything OK?

Uh, yeah.


Where were we?

You tell us.

I hope you like mint mocha.

For me?

It's a thank-you gift.

Your advice was spot-on.

It was!?

David and I worked everything out.

Our trip is uncancelled.

Oh, that's wonderful news!

To think that my advice helped Dear Debbie.

And now Dear Debbie will be helping herself to a strawberry daiquiri and not worrying about Bashful Bride or anyone else's problems for a week.

Just because you're on vacation doesn't mean that your column needs to be too.

Well, who else would write it?

[Clearing her throat]

♪ ♪ How big do you think these dream candles should be?


it depends on the dream.

What's important is that you put it into words.

Well, meeting you guys was kind of like...

A dream come true.

You read my mind.

I didn't know you had that gift.

What am I thinking?

That you want a glazed chocolate doughnut hole.

No, but I like how you think.

You know, I just found out that they make doughnut holes from the dough cut from the centre of the doughnuts.

How did you think they made them?

I thought they just rolled up little balls of dough.

We have so much to teach you.

Well, I'm about to make my first dream candle, so I have no doubt.

And you have no words for it in here.

I say go big, pick something fun.

I've always loved the Florida Keys.

Now, you have my attention.


I want a lounge on a deck in a house I designed in Key West, drinking a piña colada and watching the sunset.

Save me a spot.

Save me a piña colada.

Now, you just have to etch it into the metal.

[Brief buzzing]

What are you gonna etch?

I'm working on it.

You're got getting off that easy.

What about rafting the Ganges River?


I did that when I was 25.

Climbing Machu Picchu?


There's gotta be something you haven't done.

"E.M." Elizabeth Merriwick.

The candle's never been lit.

I wonder what her dream was.

Let's find out.

♪ ♪ Oh, that clock face is perfect!

It will undoubtedly be the icing on this renovated cake.

What are you doing here?

This is my house.

Not you.


Oh, I take it that you two know each other.

We've met.

We haggled over that clock.

Well, haggle no more.

I just paid handsome for it.

You mean handsomely?


Oh yes, yes, of course.

How do you two know each other?

Joy is my designer de maison.

I'm renovating the place.


What's that supposed to mean?

Well, it means we're working together.

I just hired Carter to be our head carpenter.

[Indistinct chatter]

Oh, looks good!

You're spicing up the menu?

Spicing up my progressive dinner.

What's a progressive dinner?

Three courses, three houses.

I'm doing the entrée.

This little joint make a cold brew coffee?

[Chuckling]: Wes!

I thought you left!

I was literally boarding the plane when I got a call from the realtor.

Already have two offers on the cabin.


That's amazing!

I know.

So I figured I'd stick around for a day or two, so we can close the deal.

Makes sense.

Also give me a chance to wear my leather jacket.

I think you mean my leather jacket.


Hey, I was thinking.

Once the cabin officially sells, we should celebrate.

♪ ♪ OK.


Good morning!

Hm, it is now.

Is Nick up yet?

I haven't seen him yet.

I haven't see him at all.

Almost feels like he's avoiding me.

I'm sure you'll catch up soon.

That'll have to be later; I've got two surgeries scheduled today.

Have a great day.


You too.


There you are.

You just missed your dad.

I did?


Yeah, he thought so too.

I'm gonna get some fresh tomatoes out of the garden.



Oh, I'd love an onion bagel.

Cinnamon-raisin all the way.

OK, this conversation is over!

[Both sniggering]

Hey, you know, I heard a rumour that you design video games.

I'm learning.

Man, I remember when I was learning to renovate houses.

There was so much more to it than I could ever have imagined.

Like what?

Permits, plumbing, physics.


Yeah, it's part of everything.

Not this bagel.

That bagel started as dough, that dough needs physics to rise.

So, no physics, no bagel?

No physics, no nothin'.

♪ ♪ [Chuckling]

Man: Seriously?


Man: A dream candle?


And when it burns down, whatever you etched into the bottom is gonna come true?

That's the plan.

So what's the dream?

It's a secret.

I thought we didn't keep secrets.

If I tell you, it won't come true.

It's a dream candle, not a birthday cake.

You don't have to tell me, I know what you wished for.

You think so?

No, I know so.


For the curse to be broken.

I wish it were that easy.

So, tell me your dream.

I want to live in Tuscany.

♪ ♪ Italy?


I spent a month there before I moved to New York.

It was amazing.

I've thought about living there ever since.

Do you...

think that's actually gonna happen?

Well, I'm not moving there tomorrow.

But you would if you could?

♪ ♪ You really said that?

I did.

Do you plan on celebrating with Wes when the cabin sells?

I don't.

Then you know what you need to do, right?

[Uncertain]: I think.

You think?


Look, I was hoping I was gonna come here, and you were gonna tell me that this isn't as bad as I thought.

I can't.

I know.

So you're gonna talk to Wes?



You guess?

I will.

You better.

♪ ♪ [Stephanie sighing]

I was just about to come looking for you.

What's up?

Not Mr.


I'm repairing his rotator cuff in a few hours, and he's not exactly at peace about it.

I'll see what I can do.

I appreciate it.

[Intercom]: Dr.

Berri to Oncology.


Berri, Oncology.



Who are you?

I'm Adam Hawkins, the hospital chaplain.

Oh, man, I need a chaplain?

No, no.

You don't need a chaplain, but people tell me I'm good company.


Radford mentioned you have a torn rotator cuff.

Let me guess.




Yeah, it's rough.

I'm a 300 average myself, but...

Guess it helps to have a higher power on your side.


Yeah, well, I'm not gonna argue with that.

But you're in great hands with Dr.



It's not Dr.

Radford I'm worried about.

I get it.

You know what I think we should do?

Let's take a little ride.

♪ ♪ Man: How is your dream candle?

About halfway there.

Does that mean you're halfway to Italy?

You're really worried about this.

Well, considering I planned to run for governor with you by side, I am worried about this.

You should be more worried about the curse getting in our way than Italy.

Maybe you going to Italy is the curse.

It sounds like if I go, I'm on my own.

I think it would be a great place to retire.

I would have to learn Italian.

You'd be retired, so you'd have lots of time on your hands.

You get me.

I get you.

Which is why I think you'll never really retire.

I can see myself starting to slow down in like...

30 years.

And what if I didn't want to wait that long?

I just...

wish you would have told me.

♪ ♪ Would it have changed things?


Original oak.


I should probably thank you.

You probably should.

Why didn't you take my truck?

It's not my style.

All this plaster needs to be replaced with drywall.

All this plaster needs to be preserved.

It's one of the reasons people like older homes: it gives character.


our job to give it character.

It's my job, you work for me.

Technically, I work for Martha.

And Martha has already approved my game plan.

So I gotta play by your rules?

♪ ♪ Are we gonna have a problem?

Sounds like we already do.

[Serene music]

It's peaceful out here.

It's the hospital's best kept secret.

So don't tell anyone.


miller chuckling]

We had a tree just like that in my backyard when I was a kid.

So did I.

Maybe we lived in the same neighbourhood.


Did you have a tree house?

As a matter of fact, we did, yeah.

Yeah, but did you have a tree house?

Apparently not as nice as yours.

Oh, man, this thing was amazing.

Oh yeah?

We had three rooms and a kitchen.


The only thing missing was a two-car garage.

[Adam laughing]

Those were some good times.

They sure were.

I'm glad we took this ride.

♪ ♪ Let's talk about your dream.

To be governor?


that's your goal.

What's your dream?

To get a piece of that baklava.


Not to play first base for the Cubs?

I never told that to anyone.

Why not?

Uh, I guess it was something that meant a lot to me that was just mine.

You're upset Abigail didn't tell you about Italy?

I'm not upset.

You're afraid it might come true.

I am afraid I might lose her.

Does she know that?

[Tinkling music]

Oh, uh, I forgot the powdered sugar.

Oh, it tastes great.

No, it'll be worth it, trust me.

It's, um...

Do you mind?

It's in the cabinet above the spices.

[Gentle music with tinkling]

[Whimsical music]

There you are!

Our house is the first stop; we should make our spicy tomato bites for the progressive dinner, as you would say, tout de suite.

Tom, please, I'm in the zone!

Which zone would that be?

The advice zone.

I'm answering a Dear Debbie letter.

Bridge Over Troubled Waters is in desperate need of my help.

So is Lonely in the Kitchen.

Did I miss that letter?

You need my help?

Of course.

I don't know where you find the energy to take all this on.

You know the saying, "If you want something done...

Give it to Martha." I'm glad you agree.

Now, let's go spice up those tomatoes.

Excuse me, Doctor.


I need your professional opinion.

Crepes or croissants?


Are you taking me to lunch?


I'm taking you to France.


As long as I'm back for surgery in an hour.

Does that mean you don't want to go?

You're serious?


I told you I have a little extra time on my hands.


What happened to the drawing class?

I decided to dream bigger.

I want to see the Louvre.

Haven't you already seen it?

Not with you!

Let's just get on a plane and go.


I run a hospital, you run two businesses...




let's do it.


♪ ♪ Nick: Don't you need to get to the progressive dinner?

Cassie: I have some time.

♪ ♪ Game crowd: Aww!

I can't wait to read your sociology paper.

The Merriwicks might be interesting enough to get me an A.

Well, right now, the bases are loaded with Merriwicks.


Well, my pitcher is about to bring the magic.

Bring it.



That is called a grand slam!

[Both chuckling]

Well, technically, that's called a reverse rotation.

"Reverse rotation"?


It's the only thing I can remember from physics class.

I doubt that's true.

I wish it wasn't.

The e-mail you got yesterday?

I failed my physics test.

Is that why you came all the way home to do your sociology interviews?

I needed to take a break.

If I don't pass the class, they're gonna kick me out of the game-design program.

I don't know how I'm gonna tell Dad.

[Whimsical music]


Do you smell what I smell?

Spicy tomatoes?


This just in.

"Dear Debbie, I'm keeping a secret from my significant other, and I'm worried they're on to me." That's a juicy one.

Oh, it gets better.

"I fear my secret will come out tonight while we're at a dinner party.

If it does, it will cause a major scene.

What should I do?" Signed "Torn Over Mischief." What should they do?

Well, the bigger question is what should we do?

There's a good chance this person is talking about our progressive dinner.

You think it's someone we know?

I think the pool of suspects is quite narrow.

It's got to be either Stephanie and Adam, Abigail and Donovan, or Cassie and Sam.

Cassie and Sam?!

I can't imagine those two keeping secrets.

You never know what goes on behind closed doors.

I hope this doesn't put a damper on dinner.

It's about to start.

On the contrary.

This will be a soiree to remember.

The game is afoot!

♪ ♪ Yoo-hoo!

I want to welcome everyone to the first stop on our progressive dinner: hors d'oeuvres and perhaps a bit of mischief.

Bon appétit!

[Ambient music playing]

Keep your eyes peeled.

One of our guests is harbouring that secret.

Stephanie seems a bit antsy.

Oh, that's par for the course.

You two talking golf?

We can be.

Any juicy gossip out on the links?


no, I steer clear of that stuff.

I don't want to be part of any major scenes.

Maybe you don't, but what about your lovely bride?

What about me?

Honestly, how do you do that?

It's a secret.

One that you feel compelled to share?

I feel compelled to get another Brie bite.

Martha, maybe you can solve something for us.

I'm all ears.

Don't drag Martha into this.

Oh, no, please.

Drag away!



Are different from hors d'oeuvres, right?

Excuse me?

They're the same thing.

[Martha gasping]

I'm sure Martha has something to say about that.

You think a buffalo wing and a delicate Brie in flaky puff pastry are in the same league?

That's exactly what I think.

Oh, she has so much yet to learn.

And I'm going to get another hors d'oeuvre.

And I'm going to get another appetizer.

Oh, before you scoot, I feel compelled to ask: are you a party of one tonight?

Donovan's working.

He's gonna join us later.

Is that what he told you?

♪ ♪ We've got some news.

Stephanie: We do not.

She deserves to know.

She certainly does.

My ears are on fuego.

OK, but you have to promise to be cool about this.

Consider me an igloo.


Middleton Village Magazine just named Tinsdale on Toast their sandwich of the week.

[Tom and Martha laughing]

As promised, I'm remaining cool, but I will say that I am not one bit surprised!

Neither am I!

It's a heck of a sandwich.


Congrats, Martha.

Sauerkraut on tuna, who knew?

I'm torn!

Ooh, torn?

Torn over what?

Cucumber canapé or stuffed mushrooms?

Oh, they're both scrumptious.

[Ambient music playing]

Winnowing out our letter writer may be harder than I thought.

Good thing you always rise to the challenge.

I do, don't I?

And it's challenge.

[Joy sighing]

I could use one of those.

Tough day?

My carpenter quit.

Technically, Martha's carpenter.


does she know?

She does now.

We didn't exactly see eye to eye.

I see.

I did handpick him, but you're the maestro and I defer to your judgment.

For now.

You have 24 hours to find another carpenter.

That was awkward.


You don't happen to know any good carpenters, do you?

Best in town actually.

♪ ♪ I'll drop you his contact.

[Cell phone chime]

Carter Bissanti?

There's something on Nick's mind, but he just won't tell me.

First year of college can be quite an adjustment.

You think it's about school?

I have a feeling he doesn't want to let you down.

As long as he's doing his best, he can never let me down.

Maybe you should remind him.

There you two are, looking quite clandestine.

Nothing top secret.

Just stepped away for a moment.

Whatever you want to call it.

We're all moseying on to Stephanie's for the entrée portion of the evening.

♪ ♪ Dinner is served.

I really appreciate you helping out with Mr.


Made his surgery a lot easier for both of us.

It's what we do.

[Soft music playing]

[Knocking on door]

I'll get it!



What are you doing here?

I just came by to let Stephanie know the cabin sold.

Looks like you came to celebrate.

[Whispering]: I think we're getting warmer.

Wes, what are you doing here?

I just came to tell you the cabin sold.

But I didn't know you had company.

He probably would have brought enough champagne for everyone.

I'm sorry.

I'm gonna go.

But I'll let you know when the papers are ready to sign.

Yeah, OK.

I take it you had no idea he was still in town?

Why would she keep that from me?

I know, I should have told him.

There's something to tell?

Maybe I'm overreacting.

That's a question for Stephanie.

I'm sure he's gonna ask.

Well then, you need to be honest.

So Stephanie's ex showing up was quite the secret rendezvous.

I wouldn't call it that.

I beg to differ.

I agree with Abigail.

Look at the two of you both on the same page.

About some things.

And torn over others.


Did you say torn?

I'd rather not say.

Is that right?

♪ ♪ I'm gonna go get a drink.

I'm gonna go get a kebab.

Well, that was a scene.

I agree.

But would you classify it as a "major scene"?



A major scene was when I was renovating a house in North Carolina.

I walked in and the whole place was flooded.

I literally watched the plumber float by me.

[Martha chuckling]

Yes, well, that's old news.

You wouldn't happen to have anything a little more current to share?

I do.

Do tell.

Well, there will be no floods at your house because we are replacing all of the old pipes with copper.

How wonderful.


Any closer to unmasking Torn Over Mischief.

Not really.

Does this mean you're throwing in the towel?


I refuse to let this mystery remain a mystery.

What's going on with you and Wes?


Why didn't you tell me he stayed in town?


That silence tells everything.

Not everything.

When we were packing up the cabin, we took a trip down memory lane, and...


And we hugged.

You hugged.

Look, I didn't mean for things to get so complicated.

No, no, no.

It sounds simple to me.

What does that mean?

I think it means you need some space.


No, I...

I don't.

Maybe I do.

♪ ♪ I'm gonna go.


[Tom speaking indistinctly]


Husbands and wives aren't supposed to sit together at dinner parties.

What if want a tête-à-tête?

It sounds serious.

Au contraire.

Oh, you're practicing your French.

Thought I was being subtle.

I could see you strolling down the Champs-Elysées.

Just me?

I thought that was more about us.


Us in Paris, that would be a dream come true.

I'm sensing a but.


Well, I love that you were willing to drop everything and go.

I guess you're rubbing off on me.



I take it that you changed your mind about the trip.

Well, you run a hospital, I run two businesses...

[Sam chuckling]

You knew I would get there all along.

Sam: I had a feeling.


And you still humoured me.

I was right there in that plane seat next to you.

♪ ♪ my place, the whole time.

[Cassie chuckling]

All right, pack your bags, everyone!

We're flying to Grey House!


[Tom speaking indistinctly]

You don't have to stay with me.

Go catch up with the others and have dessert, I'll be fine.

Nice try, but I'm not leaving.

Because I'm feeling extra nice, I'm not even gonna say, I told you so.


I should have listened to you about Wes.

Give any more advice, I promise to take it.

Well, do you want Adam to give you space?


It's the last thing I want.

Then I think you know what you have to do.


♪ ♪ My whipped cream usually comes from a can.

How's the renovation going?

I'm guessing not so good without a carpenter.

What are you doing here?

Brought you back the house key.

You may want to hang onto it, we're starting early tomorrow.

What part of "I quit" do you not understand?

What part of me trying to apologize do you not understand?

What part of a fresh start do neither of you understand?

Sometimes, if you give a little, you get a lot.

You think she's right?

She could be.

I guess I'll hang on to these.

I guess you could stick around for dessert.

I'd like to, but my girlfriend and I are headed to a movie.

Then I'll see you in the morning.

Don't be late.

♪ ♪ Ooh!

So many fabulous treats!

How shall I ever choose?

I'm sure you'll figure it out.

I've been trying to figure it out all night.

Can I tell you a secret?

Of course.

It's safe with me.

The baklava is better with powdered sugar.

♪ ♪ [Sighing]

I thought you might like this.


I made it myself.

I wanted to bring a piece of Italy to Middleton.

Not bad.

Not bad?!

That was hours of painstaking work!

Only hours?

You're not making this easy.

This was really nice, but...

if I moved to Italy tomorrow, would you come with me?


Now, who's not making it easy?

[Crickets chirping]



Can we talk?


I'm sorry.

I thought you were happy.

I was.

I-I am.

I'm not interested in competing with Wes.

You are not competing with anyone.

That was me freaking out.

About what?

About us!

I was scared.

You were scared of us?

Scared of how much I love you.

I love you too.

♪ ♪ Brought you pie.

[Nick sighing]

Cassie told you, didn't she?


mentioned that something might be bothering you.

Physics is bothering me.


For me, it was organic chemistry.


The most dreaded of all science classes.

Made a 58 on my first test.


I doubt that.

Oh, you doubt my epic fail?

Reactions, mechanisms, nomenclature, ugh, all made me dizzy.

Tell me about it.

Kinematic oscillations, thermodynamics; my head is spinning.

[Chuckling]: The Radford men taking science by storm.

And you did take it by storm.

You will too.

I'm glad you think so.

I do.

But you need to think so too.

This isn't the first time you've been knocked down, right?

It's what I admire about you: you always get back up.

You want to design video games; what do you need to do?

Pass physics.


And what you gonna do?

Don't make me take that pie back.


♪ ♪ I'm gonna pass physics.

Now we're talking.


And you know we can talk, anytime.

As long as you're doing your best, you can never disappoint me.

Now, eat your pie.

♪ ♪ [Distant indistinct chatter]

Let me guess, you thought I could use a piece of pie?

I have banana cream and lemon meringue.


Well, this is quite a conundrum.

Are you torn?

Torn, you say?

What an interesting word choice!


Another interesting word is mischief.

[Martha gasping]

You know who wrote the letter.

I do.

What are you waiting for?

Spill the tea!


You know it's anonymous!

I know that it's almost impossible to figure out who put pen to paper.


Well, I will tell you that the letter writer is not who you think it is.

Who do you think I think it is?

Half the fun is figuring out for yourself.


What's the other half?

Because this detective thing is for the birds.

That is my cue to fly away.

[Martha sighing]



Is that your second dessert?


The organic chemistry story worked?

It's a good story.


"You get knocked down...

You gotta get back up." Mm-hmm.

Parenting never ends.

I hope it never does.

[Cassie and Sam chuckling]


You didn't need to do that.

Told you.

[Tinkling music]

Elizabeth's candle went out.

What happens now?

[Amusing music]

[Cassie sighing]

I can take a hint.

Thanks for understanding.

What was Elizabeth's dream?

"Never stop learning." ♪ ♪ Beautiful moon.

It's even more beautiful in Tuscany.

[Abigail sighing]

How about we just forget all about Tuscany?

It's kind of hard when I know how much it means to you.

I never imagined I'd live anywhere but here.

But I also never imagined I'd meet anyone like you.

♪ ♪ That makes two of us.

I want your dream to come true.

Are you saying you would move to Italy?

I'm not saying I wouldn't.

[Tom clearing his throat]

I'm sorry you didn't solve your mystery.

It was a tough case.

I did however compose an answer to Torn Over Mischief.

Will you indulge me?

Of course.

"Dear Torn, have no fear.

If your secret does come out, the major scene will be your wife's delight in discovering that your beloved son and daughter-in-law are visiting next week." You figured it out.

What gave me away?

Was it Cassie and Abigail playing along?

Well, I did sense those two were playing little games.

Did you also figure out the acronym?

Oh, Tom.


Torn Over Mischief?

Elementary, my dear husband.

And who else knows me well enough to set up such a grand scheme?

Thank you.

Also, Dylan just texted me.


♪ ♪ I'd like to make a toast.

Not without us you don't.

Well then, you are gonna need these.

Thank you.

Thank you.

When Cassie told me about this progressive dinner idea...

He loved it.

[Martha laughing]

Actually, I did.

I thought, "What a great way to spend a night with friends like you." Awww.

So here's to many more.

All: Cheers.


It's not a party 'til something breaks!

Adam: Ah!

[Adam laughing nervously]

What's wrong?

I don't know.


Can you lower your arm?

I don't think so.

Just try it for me.

[Suspenseful music]

Let's get him in his chair.

[Theme music]