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06x02 - The Chili

Posted: 05/12/20 07:05
by bunniefuu
Previously on Good Witch.

Dad. Wanted to give you something.

Is that what they teach you in prison?

I'm here now and I'm trying the best that I can.

What brings you to Middleton? My gut brings me to Middleton.

♪♪ Hey!

I think your new guest is playing with us.

Do you think she's ever gonna tell us?

[Cassie]: When she's ready.

Paper lanterns? For our paper anniversary.

They're perfect. ♪♪


Who is it? It's Cassie.

I thought you might like some English breakfast tea.

Uh... sure, yeah. Come on in.

Oh, bad dream? Uh...

Weird, weird dream.

I was trapped in this small space like a tunnel.

There was this red light. It was flashing.

Everything was blurry. Dreams can tell us a lot, but sometimes they take a while to make sense.

You seem to know a lot about it.

It's kind of a Merriwick thing.

Breakfast is downstairs when you're ready.

You really go all out.

Grey House should feel like home.


The key to the whole pot of chili is the garlic.

I slice it so thin it liquefies in the pan.

You wouldn't be trying to influence my decision, would you? Influence? No.

Educate? Yeah. If you're gonna judge chili, you gotta know all the ins and outs.

Blueberries and garlic?

Those are two smells that do not go together.

Hey, if you're gonna bring the heat, you gotta bring the garlic.

They're words to live by from the chili champ.

Ah! I thought Martha was the chili champ.

She might have edged me out for the blue ribbon 10 years ago, but history is not going to repeat itself.

You see, now this is why we haven't had a cook-off in so long.

Middleton gets a little intense about its chili.

Middleton will not know what hit it when they taste my chili!

Nice visual with the bat. Ah, lucky coincidence.

Colin Brunton hit two homers with this bat in one game.

You know Colin Brunton? He's a patient.

He signed it for me when I repaired a torn ligament in his knee yesterday.

Didn't know you were a baseball fan.

Donovan is. He's mentioned Brunton once... or a hundred times.

Treat this with kid gloves, please.

I will have it mounted on a silken pillow.

Figured a wooden display case, but pillow's not a bad idea.

The bad idea is for you to go against me in the chili cook-off.

Hate for you to waste your time, Doc.

I've got a secret ingredient arriving today.

It's gonna make you wish you never heard the word chili.

Oh, I'm there already. [Sam chuckling]

I gotta go. Thanks again for getting the bat mounted.

Sure. No kissing the head judge!

Kiss or no kiss, I promise to remain impartial.

Morning. Yeah, morning.

You got any coffee? Of course.

You look tired; wake up on the wrong side of the bed?

Uh, well, that bed's pretty comfortable;

I don't think it has a wrong side.

Ah, there are fresh-baked blueberry scones.

Those were my mom's favourites.

It's her birthday today.

You know, the first time I tried baking these for her, they were as hard as rocks, and she still ate every one.

Remind us not to let you bake anything.

Yeah, good call. Pastry skills are still a little lacking.

We could probably help you with that.

You obviously don't shy away from a challenge.

My mom was actually a lot like you.

I'm gonna take this outside.


She seems like she's warming up to us.

Mhm. I think being here is just what she needs.


[Martha sighing] [indistinct conversations]

One café au lait and a Tinsdale on Toast, please.

So, a coffee with hot milk and a tuna melt with sauerkraut?

Well, that took the bloom off my rose.

Haven't we done this little dance long enough?

When are you gonna name that sandwich after me?

Nothing else on the menu is named after anyone.

What about the Reuben? [Stephanie sighing]

I stand corrected. Since you're already standing, why not give a Middleton salute to the Tinsdale on Toast.

Don't you have bigger fish to fry running for re-election?

There are no fish to fry when you're running unopposed.

There may not be fish to fry, but I have a bone to pick.

Says the man who is 15 minutes late.

Oh, I'm late because the Middleton footbridge is still just that... a footbridge.

And...? And you promised when you took over as mayor to finish what I started.

Yes, but that was before I took an informal poll and discovered that not everyone wants that bridge widened.

So you have no plans of doing anything?

I have plans to have lunch with you.

Fine. We'll split a Tinsdale on Toast.

[sighing] [whimsical music]


[girl]: It's chocolate. [woman]: It's perfect.

[girl]: ♪ Close your eyes and turn the key ♪

♪ Lock away my love

♪ For eternity

[woman and girl]: ♪ No matter what

♪ No matter why

♪ Together, we can find a cloudless sky ♪

♪ Feels like forever has just begun ♪

♪ No matter where, no matter how ♪

♪ Together's all about

♪ The here and now

[theme music]

♪♪ It's quite a milestone.

More like half a mile. Two years ago, you and your dad weren't even talking. Well, you weren't talking to him. "Tomayto, tomahto."

Yeah, maybe you should just call the whole thing off.

That's not a bad idea.

Your dad wants to introduce you to his girlfriend, you should be flattered. I know, I am, I guess. It's just... something about it feels off.

I can't quite put my finger on it.

Hello? Hi. Yes, it's me. No, I'm here.

What caller am I? Did I win?

OK. No. Thank you. [sighing]

That was interesting. I'm trying to win tickets to the Stevie Nicks concert. It sold out in three minutes.

I guess these were the last two.

You got tickets? How?!

Donovan pulled a few strings.

Do you think he could pull a few more?

I'll get you a T-shirt.

Thanks. Thanks for the tea.

See you soon. [laughing]: Thank you.

Oh, hey, you two! We were just passing by...

And I really needed one of your s'more cupcakes.

Sounds serious. Ah, perfect timing!

Let me guess. Presley?

And you must be Susan. And you must be the guy taking up all Stephanie's time.

We've heard a lot about you. Really?

I might have mentioned you once.

Or 10 000 times.

[laughing] Oh! Oh!

Well, it's a pleasure to meet you both.

And hey, you're gonna come out and see me win the big chili cook-off tomorrow?

Not if my chili has anything to say about it.

We're gonna miss it.

I have to be out of town and in Chicago on business for the day.

Oh no!

Well, if it's OK with Mom, my chili team could use a captain.

Can I?

How could I deny Stephanie's team a captain?

Yes! [Stephanie laughing]

Dad. Hahaha!

Abby. Oh.

And you must be Josie.

I hope your dad warned you, I'm a hugger.

He told me so many great things about you.

I'm not sure when he'd have the time; he's always talking about you. Arthur.

Good to see you. You too!

You must be Cassie? Yes. Haha!

You two must be exhausted.

I wouldn't fight a nap right about now.

I will have George take your bags upstairs, if I can separate him from his chili.

I thought that's what that delicious smell was.

No. That smell is victory coming closer by the hour.

George is competing for the chili cook-off title.

You need tasters, you know where to find us.

I like them already. [chuckling]

Come on with me.

♪♪ That went well, right?

OK, I admit it... smells good in here.

It's called an aroma and will pale in comparison to the exquisite flavours of the chaplain's chili.

Hahaha! People will be begging for mercy?

Oh, I do like that one. And yes... yes, they will.

Yeah? You better hope so because I'm bringing the heat.

Wow... is that really the best you can do?

[chuckling] [cell phone ringing]

That's not good. Everything alright?

My chili's star ingredient is not gonna make it in time for the cook-off.

Your chili has a star ingredient?

Yeah. Doesn't yours? I'm more of an ensemble guy.

Besides, a true chili artist paints with more than one brush.

Alright, Picasso, I'll let you finish your masterpiece.

I'll give you a shout-out from the podium.

The last place doesn't get to stand on the podium.

♪♪ Wow.

It just never gets old.

Excuse me! Tom Tinsdale, what on earth do you think you're doing?!

Keeping my promise to the people.

If you won't widen the footbridge, then I will.

And how long do you think this little ruse is going to last?

Sometimes, change is what we need.

And sometimes it isn't.

Yeah. Oh, I can see you're still putting soy sauce in your chili recipe.

Well, as reigning... defending chili champion, I think it's quite obvious that I know what pleases the people.

Are you sure it's the people you're trying to please?

So, you think you can give me a run for my money?

Somebody has to.

Fine, bring it on!

♪♪ Someone's on a mission.

Chili is so simple, but one small ingredient can separate the good from the gold.

What exactly are you looking for?

You know I can't tell you that.

Do you remember when Martha had us over after she redid her kitchen?

The ribbon cutting was a bit much.

Not when you have the Buckingham Palace of spice closets.

But her chili's in the cook-off too.

Don't you think she wants to win?

Maybe there's something else she wants more.

Thanks. Mm-hmm.

Oh! A magnolia tree, a symbol of eternity.

I plant one of these every year on my mom's birthday.

♪♪ I know just the spot.

Alright. What is next on my secret recipe?

I'll stir the turkey and you chop the celery.

Mhm. Aye-aye, Captain!

Turkey, huh?

You really think it'll stand up against beef?

I think it'll stand out. Hmm.

Don't underestimate the lady with the bistro.

Oh, I-I won't. We'll let you know after we win. OK.


What are you doing? Checking out the competition.

Oh. Oh...

What is with the face?

Um... I think you may have broken a rule.

Oh yeah? What's that? Mm-hmm.

Never confuse sugar with salt. Oh, nooo.

[sighing] My eyes must be wrecked from chopping all those onions.

Rookie mistake!

This is not over.

Mm-hmm? For both of you.

Oh. Isn't that your friend MacKenzie?

Oh, we're not really friends anymore.

Oh. I'm sorry. Wanna talk about it?

Not really.

We've hung out together every single day since kindergarten. Now all of the sudden, she wants to do everything with Victoria. I don't get it.


I'm gonna go get us some cookies and cream milkshakes.


[inaudible speaking]

Are you sure it's OK? I think that Magnolia will be a perfect addition to our garden.

More like this garden is perfect.

My daughter Grace planted it with her dad.

Holds a lot of memories. I get it.

I... also got something stuck here in this dirt!

♪♪ Probably just a rock.

I've never seen a rock like this before.

I forgot all about that.

Is it the family fortune?

In a way, yeah.

It's a time capsule that Grace and I buried there when she was 7.

Probably holds a lot of interesting Merriwick history.

Or maybe just holds some old jacks. Haha!

But we won't find out until the next time Grace is home.

I'll just... I'll put it in the sun room for safe keeping.

I said a drape, not a droop!

Let's smooth that out.

You are quite the ringmaster.

Well, this is quite the circus.

Have you got a minute?

I've got 30 seconds. Go.

Word is you have a legendary spice closet.

I do. You mind if I take a peek?

I would.

Any way I can change your mind?

Have you ever had a tuna melt with sauerkraut?

That looks great!

My mom wore a Magnolia flower in her hair every year on her birthday.

We used to sing this song together that she made up. She said she sung it to me the day she brought me home from the hospital.

Sounds like you have wonderful memories of her.

Mm-hmm. I'm sure the time capsule is full of similar memories for you and Grace.

Yeah. Finding it has brought back a few.

Um, Grace put what was left of her baby blanket in there.

[Joy laughing tenderly] She carried that thing around with her everywhere she went until she was 3.

It was practically nothing but threads.

I can relate. I have a flannel work shirt I've worn at every house I've ever renovated.

Sounds comfortable. Well, at this point, it's more like Swiss cheese than a shirt, but...

What else did you guys put in the time capsule?

I can't remember everything, but I do know Grace put a family-tree project in there that she did in second grade.

Couldn't go back more than a couple of generations on her dad's side, but we found Merriwicks that went all the way back to the founding of Middleton.

Good to see that again, Would make for some interesting reading.

What about your family history?

Oh, it's something I've started looking into.

Hi! That's quite a smile.

Well, I never did have much of a poker face.

So, what do you think of Josie?

She makes a good first impression.

She also makes a good ratatouille.

You offering to make dinner? Well, we want to show off what we learned in cooking class.

I'll set the table for four.

I take it there's someone you want me to meet?

I always thought I got my intuition from my mom's side of the family. Hahaha!

Ugh! Presley looked so disappointed.

I just wanted to snap my fingers and make everything better.

What did you do?

I made her a milkshake. Not a terrible approach.

Haha! Well, it's not what you would've done.

I mean, I have a little more experience...

You're right, it's time to call in a pro.

Ha! I mean, I appreciate your vote of confidence, but this isn't really my area of expertise--

I was thinking more of Cassie.

You know, that is a strategy I'm fully on board with.

[Stephanie chuckling]

You know he's your competition, right?

Mm-hmm. Well, so are you.

Good thing friendly competition is my favourite kind.

That's why I'm hoping you'll do me a favour.

Depends on the favour. What would it take to get Tinsdale on Toast on your menu?

Wow, Martha does not give up.

Neither do I. And she's got something I need.

Well, how about a little quid pro quo, this for that?

Hm, you must have a "that."

Abigail's two Stevie Nicks tickets.

I get your name on those tickets, Martha's name goes on the menu? You get my name on those tickets, both your names go on the menu.

Sam and cheese. Sold!

Haha! Martha! Were your ears burning?

Are you aware there's a "Tom for Mayor" sign in your window? I am. There's also a "Martha for Mayor" sign in my window.

Well, yes, of course there is. But Tom is only doing this to put a bee in my bonnet. Well, that bee's got a lot of honey.

Or coffee beans in this case. ♪♪


Hi, Sam. [Sam sighing]


I know that look. I don't think you do.

You diagnose patients, I do what I do.

You're looking for a dozen roses.


Gave it a shot. It works 9 times out of 10.

And what's the 10th time? Chocolates.

You may want to get some for not getting my Stevie Nicks tickets.

If you knew I wanted them, you could've saved us some time.

This was more fun. And the answer's no.

Is it? Everything's negotiable.

Not Stevie Nicks. Even Stevie Nicks.

Why do you want to win this chili contest so badly?

The Radford chili is a source of pride in our family.

The recipe's been handed down from father to son for generations.

We've never lost a blue ribbon, and I don't intend to start now.

So, think hard.

There's gotta be something you want.

Your signed Colin Brunton baseball bat.

♪♪ Think again.

Don't have to. Donovan would love it, and you want the tickets. I want the bat.


How's this smell? Wow!

Uh, well, kind of like surprise...

[Stephanie sniffing] ...mixed with oranges.

Yeah, I find it uplifting.

Hmm, well, I could use it.

I feel like I'm letting Presley down.

I doubt that's true. Well, she confided in me that her best friend doesn't want to hang out with her anymore, and I froze.

Mm-hmm. I would look at that as gathering your thoughts.

Well, then I've been gathering them for hours, and I got nothing.

How do you always know the right thing to say?

I don't always know, but I do rely on experience.

I don't have any experience with kids.

Maybe not, but you do have friends.

Mm-hm. That's your phone.

[cell phone ping]

Oh, it's my friend Courtney texting.

Um, do I know her? She lives in Los Angeles.

We were inseparable when we were growing up.

Except when we weren't.

[crickets chirping] Three months and voilà.

A lot of broken eggs and spilled milk, and then voilà.

It was worth it. If I could cook this well after three months, I might take a class.

That I'd like to see. Is that where you two met?

No. Actually, we met because of you.

I went into Josie's boutique looking for your birthday gift.

That pendant you sent me? Mm-hmm.

He spent two hours picking it out.

I was working up the courage to ask her to a Yankees game.

Didn't have the heart to tell him I'm a Mets fan.


[all chuckling] What about you two?

We met over a noise ordinance.

Donovan's bike is now banned in several counties.

I didn't know you ride?

Electra Glide, it's parked out back.

I had an old Panhead when I was your age.

Best time of my life. Hmm...

Uh, second best. [Josie]: He's learning.

[Josie laughing]

I'm so glad we got to do this.

Not often I get to dine with a mayor.

And future governor, I hear.

According to my mother.

[Abigail chuckling]

You and Donovan's mom don't get along?

Donovan's mom is not a huge fan of our relationship.

There's a lot of "history" between our families.

A 200-year-old broken engagement...

A motorcycle accident my mom is convinced was caused by a curse.

Then when she found out Dad was in prison, that didn't help.

[Abigail chuckling] ♪♪ You were in prison?



[camera clicking]

Hey. Headed to breakfast? I was just checking an email from Martha about the renovation.

Oh, Abigail told me about finding Roderick Davenport's secret study. I wonder what other secrets you'll discover.

Yeah. I've been wondering that myself.

Tiring work digging up the past; let's get you some fuel for your day.

That's weird.

I... I didn't notice that when I put the box here.

Definitely looks like something out of a time capsule.

Yeah. Question is, how did it get outside of the time capsule? ♪♪ I've got a better question: where would you even get a roll of film developed these days?

George says film beats digital by a mile.

He built a dark room in the old pantry downstairs.

Why don't I see if I can tear him away from his chili.

Yeah, I'd like to know what's on here.

But I don't envy the task though.

♪♪ May I come in?

Dad, I feel bad. You should.

Whoa. I feel bad it came out the way it did, but you should have told her.

Well, that was my decision to make.

What does Josie have to say about that?

She's not talking to me. Can you blame her?

You don't understand, Abby. The minute people hear "ex-con," that's all they see. I mean, look how long it took you to forgive me. But I did forgive you.

Give her some time.

I have no choice.

[door opening and closing]

Hmm! Oh!

Well, that'll get your barn burning.

Congratulations, Martha! I appreciate your vote of confidence, but my chili chili bang bang has not officially claimed blue ribbon status just yet.

No, but the Tinsdale on Toast is officially on the menu at the Bistro.

[gasping] You're kidding?

No. And it's even today's special.

How can I ever repay you?

Oh, of course, my bad.

This is the key to the maison de Tinsdale, and this is the key to the Rolls Royce of spice cabinets.

Feel free to take her for a spin. You'll find a flurry of fragrances that span the globe, zests and zings from A to Z. However, I will admit that there is one rare gem that has eluded me for years. The paradise pepper.

How did you know?


You know, seeing MacKenzie here yesterday reminded me of my best friend when I was your age.

Really? Mm-hmm.

Courtney Boyd.

We used to go to the park and play together every single day after school.

Anyway, one day I showed up and Courtney was playing on the monkey bars with Kim Bradley.

She just kind of ignored me.

Did you do something wrong?


But I knew that if she truly was my best friend, eventually she'd come around.

So, I gave her some space and then one day, when I wasn't expecting it, she said she was sorry and that she missed me.

Made our friendship even stronger.

Really? Mm-hmm.

[Stephanie chuckling] [sniffing]

Smells good.

"Good" won't win the blue ribbon.

Spicy is the name of the game.

Feels like everybody's playing that game.

Do you work for the competition?

If it's not hot, it doesn't stand a shot.

Well, seems like you got it all figured out.

I figured out that you didn't come in here to talk about chili.

Not a lot gets by you, does it?

You don't live with the Merriwicks for as long as I have without a little intuition rubbing off.

Is that what they call it? [George chuckling]

But I say, if you keep your eyes and ears open, you'll be amazed at what you can figure out.

Did you figure out I was gonna ask you to develop a roll of film? Don't have to, you just told me. Is that a yes?

Consider it done after the cook-off.

I was kind of hoping you could do it now.

What's on there that's so important?

Don't know. Cassie and I are trying to find out.

I'd like to help you, but my chili won't stir itself.

How about I stir and... you develop?

[George sighing]

It needs to be in constant motion for the next two hours.

Got you covered. Alright. You make sure I don't come back to any clumps.

[door chime ringing] [Martha sighing]

What's wrong, Martha?

Oh, Cassie, sometimes I just don't feel like my voice is heard.

Hmm... I don't think that's possible.

Do you think change is good?

Well, it depends on what you're changing.

Tom is like a dog with a bone when it comes to widening our charming footbridge, but I have made it crystal clear that bridge stays put.

Bridges are meant to bring sides together.

Not this one. Well, might be time to meet in the middle. I'm not sure that's possible.

You should give it some thought.

A walk along that bridge might help clear things up.

♪♪ Hmm...

Hey, what are you doing here?

Are there things I don't know about you?

Of course. Not what I wanted to hear.

Well, I could lie, but I respect you too much.

Is that Donovan or Mayor Davenport talking?

What are you trying to accomplish here?

An open and honest relationship?

We have that already.

You just said you keep secrets.

I said there are things about me that you don't know, but I didn't say I was keeping them secret.

There's no difference. Definitely a difference.

Look, I get why you're worried, but I'm not your dad.

♪♪ Ah, looks like George put you to work.

My wrist is k*lling me.

I never knew how much effort went into a pot of chili.

That's not just any pot of chili.

Well, it's definitely one without any clumps.

Since you held up your end of the bargain...

Turns out the film was black and white.

The pics are of a family vacation at a lake.

Half for you, half for me.

♪♪ Are you OK?

These are my parents.

I had no idea.

So, that little girl by the lake--

Is me. I was 7.

It was our last vacation together.

♪♪ You look happy.

Yeah. I'm glad we found these.

They must be 40 years old. Where did that film come from?

It must have been in the tin box I gave Grace to use for the time capsule.

It belonged to my mother. [George]: Oh.

I feel bad, there's one photo that didn't turn out.

I tried every trick I knew, but it looked like it was overexposed.

Mind trying again? I'll try until the cows come home if the kid here is willing to stir. Don't worry, I'll work a little magic.

[Tom]: Martha.

Well, congratulations, Tom!

I had no idea you'd already won the election.

I'm trying to do something positive for Middleton.

Yes, of course, positive.

I mean, after all, your coffee bean poll jar is half full.

Martha, let's think this through together.

Well, this place is just chock full of nostalgic memories, isn't it? [chuckling]: It sure is.

Do you remember when we first started dating, we would take romantic walks along this bridge and talk about our future together, our dreams?

And afterwards, we would pick strawberries at Meyer's farm and you would eat half of them-- Before we even got home.

If this bridge goes, I just feel like all those wonderful memories will go with it.

Martha, I don't need bridges or parks or strawberries to bring back memories.

I just need the person I made them with.

Oh, Tom...


I just wish there was some way we could make this work for both of us.

Still coming up blank?

Well, unless you're seeing something I don't.

Leave it in a bit longer. Who knows what might develop?



Hey. How's your chili coming along?

Ah, couldn't find a paradise pepper anywhere.

I guess your secret ingredient is not so secret anymore.

It doesn't really matter at this point.

My chili recipe is just a bowl of bland without it.

You still got a few more hours.

I've looked everywhere.

Paradise peppers don't exactly grow on trees.

Yeah, you're right.

They grow on plants.


[indistinct conversations]

Coleslaw, mac and cheese...

Perfectly timed comfort food.

Yes. And I made some cornbread with your name on it.

I don't see any cornbread in here.

Oh! Must have left it on the kitchen counter.

I'll go back and get it.

Don't worry, plenty of food. I'm not feeling very festive anyway. A walk might do me good.

I bet it will.


Where did you find time to make this feast?

I channeled my inner Stephanie.

How did your talk with Presley go?

I told her that even the best of friends sometimes need space. Wise words.

I think it made her feel a little better, but waiting for someone to come around isn't always easy.

Looks like your wait is over.

♪♪ [inaudible speaking]

[Stephanie]: Hahaha!

Well, there goes my team captain.

Well, no matter how the cook-off goes, I think you'll always remember this day as a win.


I'm just picking up cornbread.

You and me both.

I thought it was up for grabs.

Honest mistake.

People do make them.

You know, there's a fine line between... putting your past behind you and... pretending it never happened.

And I crossed it, Abby. I'm sorry.


I had chances to tell her, but tax evasion and embezzlement are not exactly first date material.

Part of the reason I came here was to get your blessing.

You want to marry her?

I do. You do?

I wasn't upset that you had a past, I was upset that you hid it.

No more hiding.

Hahaha! Oh!

Yeah, well, you have my blessing.

But I don't have the ring.



[Abigail's dad laughing]


...will you be my wife? Yes.

[Josie chuckling]

[laughing]: Yes!

Nice pin. Oh. Thanks.

Martha doesn't think so.

She's not one to hide her opinions.

Or her priorities.

I'm not sure what to do.

Your heart's not in the race?

My heart is with Martha.

If I could just get through to her about that bridge...

Maybe you did.

Tom, after our tête-à-tête, I stopped by Mr. Meyer's farm.

You got a hankering for some strawberries?

I had a hankering for a deal.

I've found a detour around our impasse.

The footbridge will stay put.

Meyer agreed to sell part of his land?!

I do drive a hard bargain.

I guess you do.

I made a promise to you and to Middleton when I was elected.

Then it's a good thing you'll have two more years to keep it.

Are you giving me your endorsement?

And my vote.

Aw! At last.

[female announcer]: And ladies and gentlemen, report to the table for the final chili faceoff!

Fasten your seat belt and raise your tray table, you're about to take off. Can't wait for the flight.

Now, it's not too late to back out!

I promise you won't be judged!

[indistinct chatter] ♪♪

Remember, no playing favourites.

Unless it actually is her favourite.

This is a real page turner!

Time to convene.

[indistinct whispering]

The final scores are in.

We have a unanimous winner.

Yes, this year's champion has brought a non-traditional take to a traditional dish.

Instead of bringing the heat, they brought the sweet.

Well, I guess that lets me out.


I would like to present the blue ribbon to...

George O'Hanrahan.

[people cheering] Are you kidding?

Well done.


Thank you.

Haha! I've been thinking about this for the last 10 years. [some people chuckling]

And even though I wanted to take the title home on my own...

I had a little help.

And I owe her a big thank you.

There's lots of chili, folks, so dig in!

Worked a little magic on my chili?

Oh, that... or a hint of honey, dash of sweet potato powder.

I hope you're not mad. [George chuckling]

How could I be mad with a blue ribbon?

Can I tell you a secret? Why start now?

I don't like chili. Then what are you doing here?

You're here.

If you're trying to apologize, you're doing a lousy job.

I'm trying to tell you what you didn't give me a chance to say before. I'm listening.

The longer we're together, the more we're gonna learn about each other.

You're really not hiding anything?

I will always be honest with you.

♪♪ Can I tell you a secret?

I'm listening.

Uh, I didn't quite hear you.

[sighing]: I can't believe my paradise pepper let me down. Your chili was spicy, I'll give you that. You also would've given me that blue ribbon if George hadn't

"cut the heat with the sweet."

I'll give you something better.

My Colin Brunton bat! How did you get it back?

You're not the only negotiator in the family.

[happy sighing]

You know what this calls for, don't you?

A bowl of chili? Exactly.

Never enough chili.

That's distracting.

I'm having trouble with that socket.

I had a dream about this.

In your dream did the picture develop?

Because this looks like a lost cause.

So, you're giving up? No, I'm giving in.

[knocking on door] [Cassie]: Is it safe?

Yeah, there's nothing to see here anyway.


That looks like something to me.


Why am I not surprised?

That's a great shot!

It's me and my second cousin, Julia.

She looks just like you.

That's my mother.

♪♪ You're a Merriwick?

Welcome to the family.

[all chuckling]

[theme music]