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05x18 - The Missing Link

Posted: 05/11/20 06:01
by bunniefuu
Inhale, tadassana...

Exhale. Padmasana.

Again. Inhale, tadassana...

Exhale. Padmasana.

And as we close our practice, let us thank Lena Luthor for freeing us from rage and for bringing us peace.

Namaste. Namaste.

What's going on?

Wh... Why won't the doors open?

The solar event must've knocked the power out.

I can't breathe.

I think he's claustrophobic.

I got to get out of here!

Is that our invitation to the Leviathan ship?

I really have to put a bell on you.

No, but I'm close.

I think Gemma Cooper is warming to me.

And when she sees my newest present, she'll roll out the red carpet.

Another present like the Sun-Eater?

I'm a twelfth level intellect.

Did you really think I wouldn't connect the dots?

What's your point? Okay. I... I know that you've been cozying up to Gemma Cooper for strategic reasons, but there's a distinction between manipulating Leviathan and helping them destroy the world!

What kind of operation do you think this is?

Mr. Smith Goes to Leviathan?

Sometimes, to get what you want, you have to play a little dirty.

I cannot get that invitation unless they think I'm on their side and if that means helping them get a w*apon or two, so be it.

People could've died.

My friends could've died.

Three months ago, you said that Leviathan was our biggest threat, that if we didn't defeat them, the global repercussions would be catastrophic.

Millions dead, us and the Supers included.

And your very words were, "The only way that you could successfully defeat them was by working with me, by trusting me."

So, trust me now... because I know what you're thinking.

You're thinking that if you can get the location of the Leviathan ship before I get that invitation, you can maybe end this before anyone gets hurt.

But that's your anxiety thinking, not logic.

I don't want your friends to die either, but sometimes, for the greater good, you have to break a few super-eggs.

And you expect me to just stand back while Leviathan tries to k*ll my friends?

I expect you to trust the process.

w*r is brewing between Leviathan and the Supers and you are not to intervene.

So, we tried to find Leviathan's last known location.

There's no trace, no hidden signs, no radiation. Even the elevator was gone.

J'onn is out scanning for any other signs of Leviathan right now.

We don't even know if their headquarters are in National City on this Earth.

Well, one thing that we do know is that Leviathan strikes quickly after a failure.

I wish Brainy would give us another crack at that Morae.

What I'd really like to know is why Lena was at the Fortress at the exact same time.

Myriad is a trigger for Lena.

So, maybe her arrival is a coincidence.

Like it was a coincidence that Lex just heroed in and saved all those coma patients the exact same day Leviathan tried to destroy the sun?

No. Where there is smoke, there is a Luthor.

Right now, we have no reason to believe that Lena is involved with Leviathan.

We have no reason to believe she isn't.

Okay. So, let's start with something that we do know.

Rama Khan.

Except he hasn't been seen on this Earth for hundreds of years.

I can monitor for unusual seismic activity until J'onn gets back.

Rama Khan isn't the only member of Leviathan.

So, we should search for record of any others throughout history.

How can we do that without the DEO's database?

Kelly's mentioned an old military friend who's an expert in semiotics and iconography and he's currently an archivist at the United States Congressional Library.

So, I will ask her to reach out to him and maybe he can help.

I'll stay here, see if I can't dream of Leviathan's new headquarters.

Good. Look, we've stopped him before, we can do it again.

And this time, we'll take down both the Luthors and Leviathan.

So, the blackout provoked the subject to have some sort of episode?

No, I think something's interfering with his Non Nocere directive.

Do you think your BFF messing with Myriad Q-waves yesterday had anything to do with it?

That was the very first thing I thought of, but I checked and it didn't.

Well, even still, I could have a bag of Kryptonite dumplings delivered to her door.

Mr. Luthor, I didn't know you were gonna be here, too.

What an honor.

And I had no idea you... existed.

This is Steve Lomelli. I asked him to come.

He was with Klaus when he changed, but Steve's Non Nocere directive is still intact.

So, it was an isolated incident.

Great. Just need to re-adjust the Q-wave frequencies and that should re-establish Non Nocere.

Don't worry. I turned the sun red.

I think we can fix one broken inmate.

Imagine a place where there's only peace, connection, unity, where we can connect with everyone, past, present and future, where a lost loved one can stand by your side once more.

I give you Obsidian North's greatest VR achievement, the Obsidian Worldwide Unity Festival.

An Obsidian employee kidnaps hundreds of users and the next day, we're planning a Live Aid 2020.

If Margot Morrison had anything to do with the glitch that trapped Alex, who knows what else she may have planted.

Great. Everyone, thank you. That'll be it.

Andrea. Kelly. Isn't this exciting?

We're obviously working late tonight.

I was thinking Thai. There's so much to do.

Andrea, we are not in a position to launch such a massive event.

After what we just went through, we have a responsibility... I told you.

I took care of that glitch personally.

We're clean.

And right now, we have what every company needs, momentum. To launch this event without proper vetting, is reckless.

We owe it to our users to make sure it's safe.

It is safe.

So, unless you have specific proof that it's not, please do not waste my time with this, again.

So, wait, this is the army buddy Malefic impersonated?

Yes, but this is the real Pete and Kelly adores him.

You must be Alex. Hi.

Kelly couldn't stop talking about you when she called.

Oh, hey, thanks so much for meeting with us.

Uh, Pete Andrews, this is Kara Danvers, my sister.

Hi, nice to meet you.

Of CatCo Worldwide Media. I'm a huge fan of yours.

Your use of syntax and imagery is sublime, suggesting a much deeper understanding of language than just modern English.

Uh, thank you.

Did you spend a lot of time growing up in foreign countries?

Uh, no.

We're Midvale born and raised.

Yup. Yup.

Although right now, I feel a little like Eliza Doolittle.

"The rain in Spain...

...stays, um, mainly in the plain."

Sorry. I'm sorry.

Occupational hazard for a linguist. I can't turn it off.

Kelly said that you need help finding a unique symbol?

Yes. It belongs to a very dangerous organization that we're tracking.

We're trying to find any evidence of it on Earth.

Buildings, temples, whatever can pinpoint us to their current location, Though we think they were behind the solar event yesterday.

They're called Leviathan. Leviathan?

I've heard whispers about them, but only as myth.

Well, we can assure you they are very real, and they are very dangerous.

I think I know where to start.

Neat party trick.

Do you use that at your corporate cocktail soirees?

Don't be bitter.

You had your chance at the throne.

Oh, you think you can fare better?

With those idiotic ringlets and obnoxious porcelain cheek bones.

You are a bolt of power and fear, and yet you insist on wearing this stupid human shell.

You're an insult.

You are just jealous because I have evolved.

Fitting in with the humans has allowed me to lull them into a false sense of security.

You should really consider it.

What's in there? Poison lipstick?

This was stolen from us years ago.

Lex Luthor found it just wasting away in a chilly place that you know quite well.

So, you came here to gloat.

I came here to give you a second chance to destroy the Supers.

You know what this w*apon is, so you know what it needs.

Get it for me.

And this time, do not fail.

In 1752, a series of crop circles appeared in Greece, only weeks before a plague of locusts took out the entire region.

But this symbol is similar, but it's slightly off.

Well, symbols like languages evolve over time.

But all of these have the same DNA. Look at this.

567 A.D, Macedonia, 1134 A.D, Bavaria.

Each time this symbol has appeared, catastrophe has followed.

There's gotta be a way to use this pattern to predict where Leviathan is now.

Well, there's a special collections room in the library, might have more information.

I'll go try to get access.

Great. Be right back.

You know what?

I'm starting to get it.

The desire to be in a new reality, to live in a world that's a little less complicated.

Hmm. Is this about your run-in with Lena?

She was so kind after Jeremiah died, and then... and then she breaks into the fortress and accuses me, me, of hypocrisy.

And you know what? The more I think about it, the more the pattern makes sense.

Her and Lex are working on something with Leviathan, and it makes me so angry, I... I just... I wanna...


William, what's going on?

I've been dissecting Margot Morrison's manifesto video.

I think I found something you're gonna want to see.

I'll be right there.

William thinks he found something connected to Margot.

Go. Check it out.

I'll stay with Pete. Thank you.


Hey, I'm so sorry.

Kara had a work emergency. She had to go.

Oh, that's all right. I think we may have hit a wall anyway.

All of my requests were completely denied, which is strange, because I've been in that room many times.

I think it stopped when I mentioned the word Leviathan.

Which means that we must've struck a nerve.

And in my experience, that means that we're on the right path.

Maybe. I mean, they shut me down cold.

So we find a new way.

Pete, if we are right about this, this is a matter of global security.

We cannot be concerned about breaking the rules.

Now, are you with me? Yeah.

Lead the way.

Why are his eyes like that?

The Q-waves have a direct effect on his irises.

The inkiness indicates an irregular break.

Did Klaus hurt the other prisoner before his eyes turned? Or after?

Before. Definitely before.

What if the act of v*olence isn't a result of Non Nocere failing?

What if the act itself caused the failure?

His need to survive clashed with his directive to do no harm.

Klaus felt like his life was in danger.

His brain adapted, it evolved to protect himself.

But now, his survival instincts, they're in overdrive.

You can fix it, right?

I mean, after all you've done for us here, now that I'm free from fear and anger, I'm finally enjoying life and the community.

I forgot what it was like to have friends.

Are you feeling okay after what happened in the elevator?

Technology is the greatest evil mankind has ever faced.

See? Right there.

Oh, my God. You're right.

Whoever that is, they're wearing an Image Inducer.

But why would someone imitate her?

You said she worked at Obsidian North?

Let's get our hands on Obsidian's personnel files, see everyone she was in contact with.

I expanded my search, but no sign of Leviathan anywhere within a 300-mile radius.

Hmm. Perhaps, we can try again later.

Oh, yeah. It's a little unconventional, I know.

To go out wearing this face, but I like it like this.

I'm just as much J'onn J'onzz the human as I am the Martian Manhunter.

The last time I saw you, you were wrestling with your own sense of self, burdened by the ghost of your father.

But now...

You're finally in command of who you are.

And you, the last time I saw you, you were engaged in endless Martian civil wars...

Until your brother's heroic return to Mars, which was nothing short of a miracle.

We're finally on the path to peace because of him.

Because of you.

Well, I guess we were both in different places back then.

But I gotta say,

I'm really glad you're here now.

Should we wake her, or... No, no, no. That's, uh...

That's just how she works.

I don't understand it.

Every time we try to re-establish Non Nocere in the subject, his vitals spike and his body's overriding it.

It's like he's treating my directive like some kind of flu virus.

Try again.

We've already given what we can. Any more would k*ll him.

Uh, guys.

It's spreading.

Wait. I created a safe environment, free from outside predators so that the prisoners would be safe.

But when Klaus turned, he became the predator, triggering the survival instincts in the other inmate.

So, when he att*cked the other inmate in the elevator...

A domino effect was born.

Evolution is a bitch.


Get out of my dreams, Brainy.

Get out of my dreams!


Mmm. Mmm.

Seriously, what do you put in these things?

I can't stop eating them. They're so good.


Just kidding. But seriously, um, I can't tell you.

Chef Emile would drag me to patisserie prison for even hinting at it.

So, I didn't find any communication between Margot and the Luthors.

But she did spend a lot of time talking to this employee, 873.

No name. Just a badge number.

Well, then let's find this mysterious number 873.

Supergirl, Dreamer just woke up from a vision.

We believe Rama Khan is at the Oregon Geological Monitoring Station.

We think he's gonna trigger a massive earthquake.

Uh... Oh, sh**t.

sh**t. It's my sister's cat. Oh.

He got out again. I gotta go.

I'll come with you.

Cats love me, for some reason.

Of course they do.

Uh, but this one, he gets real skittish around... around tall guys with... accents and... and he bites.

Well, a shy biter. He...

You call Kelly about number 873.

I'll be right back.

It's over, Rama Khan.

Oh, no. It's just begun.

We're in a massive subduction zone.

If it ruptures, the results will be devastating.

Then we should stop that from happening.

Director Dox, we have reports that Rama Khan has triggered a massive seismic event in Portland.

Supergirl and her allies are already there, sir.

Should we provide backup?


I think I can fix this.

I can reset everything with a burst of Q-waves.

We just need to reconfigure the Q-wave generator in my office.

It's on the other side of the prison.

All right. Safety in numbers.

I'm coming with you.

Excuse me.

Lena, help!

Stop, please!

Oh, are you all right?

We need to get the staff.

It's enhancing his powers.

Supergirl, we've stopped the quake.

We're gonna go put the town back together.

Thank you for the assistance, we'll take it from here.

Assistance? We found him.

We get to question him first.

Absolutely not.

Leviathan is the DEO's top priority.

No, Brainy, the DEO might be compromised.

I have reason to believe that Lex has been working with Leviathan.

You turn Rama Khan into the DEO, who knows what Lex will do.

I'm sorry. My decision is final.

Rama Khan comes with me.

So are we.

The Special Collections Room is right here.


Well, just keep watch. I need a minute.

We only have one.

It's the 5:00 p.m. shift change.

The new guard's gonna be coming on duty any second.


What's wrong?

It's just...

Something about that staff is giving me bad vibes.

Hey, Brainy.

We need to find out if Leviathan has anything else planned.

I will.

You and Dreamer can watch from the observation room.

Whoa, whoa, wait.

You said I could go in there with you.

I said you could come to the DEO.

Look, this is a very sensitive prisoner.

By my calculations, any interrogation will be

85% more successful without you in the room.


Are you really going to shut us out like that?

Did you call me when you found Rama Khan's location?

Did you?

Are you sure this is a good idea, leaving Brainy alone in there with him?

No, I don't love it, but it is Brainy's DEO.

Brainy was in my dream of Rama Khan.

What was he doing?

He was playing games with Rama Khan.

More like, Brainy was using Rama Khan.

So, it's just you and me now, Coluan.

You will tell me what I want to know.

Your fellow Leviathan, your headquarters, your endgame.

And why would I do that?

How is my wife?

She's sure somebody's watching the house.

Oh, God. I'm so sorry for dragging you into all this.

No, I jumped willingly.

But I think I better keep my head down for a bit.

I got a friend who's gonna get my family and me off the grid.

You should think about it, too.

Not until we bring all of Leviathan down.


For what it's worth, you still sound like someone who's a part of the military.

I get it.

Shifting to civilian life can be hard.

It took me months, years.

Hell, if you ask my wife, I still think I'm leading a platoon of 20.

You get used to the power of the uniform.

There comes a day when you realize... you gotta let it go.

Thanks again for helping me out.

I know it goes against Andrea's orders, and I don't want to get you in any more trouble.

All right, let's see who you are, Employee 873.

Eve Tessmacher.

Did you know her?

Oh, in another life.

And if she's still who I think she is... this is bad news.



Wait, what did he say?

That's not a language I know, or ever heard Brainy use.



Did he just say "Luthor"?





What is it?

Something's wrong.

Rama Khan's staff.

It's scanning the DEO for something.



It's a trap!

Not so fast.

The prisoner has escaped.

Initiate Protocol Five.

Evacuate the DEO.


And now to get what I came for.

I can't find the right frequency, I need more time.

Back in a minute.


Shall we dance?

You're gonna have to do better than that.


Are you okay?




I feel like I used to feel.

The peace.

It's all gone.

Rama Khan! Over here.

M'gann! No!

Is everyone safe?

Everyone's fine.

But Rama Khan's gone.

We need to find him.

J'onn and M'gann are out looking for him.

He could be anywhere by now.

Well, then we'll look everywhere.

We'll start at the Tower.

See if we can trace his seismic signature.

I'm needed here, but I... Don't.

Nia. No!

When you took off your inhibitors, I swore to be there for you no matter what.

But, maybe I was wrong.

Because I don't know who this Brainy is.

But, I know I don't like him.

And I definitely don't trust him.


I can't explain.

No more riddles.

What the hell were you doing in there with Rama Khan?

What was that language?

And what did Lex Luthor have to do with it?

Tell me.

Right here, right now.

I can't.

You can't play the game from both sides, Brainy.

You can't pretend to be on our side one minute and then push us away the next.

If you can't pick a side, I'll choose one for you.

And this is who?

She apparently has a list of names and identities...

Her real name is Eve Tessmacher and she's a very dangerous individual.

Well, it says here, we hired her on direct, personal recommendation of Gemma Cooper, our board chair and my friend.

No criminal record, no black marks on her file, practically a model citizen.

I don't know what kind of game you two are playing, coming to me with these concerns based on nothing.

But I've worked too hard to get this company to where it is to lose momentum now.

If you can't find it in you to get fully behind Obsidian Worldwide's Unity Festival, then perhaps, you should consider finding the door.

Peace at last.

It took a bit of persuading, but the prisoners have been pacified and neutralized.

They're ready for the next round.

Non Nocere is dead.

It doesn't work.

It can't. It never could.

Pain is a necessary part of being human, of life.

And I was delusional to think that I could save people, or fix it.

Humanity will always try to protect itself, to evolve.

You can't stop that.

You saw Steve, how helpless he was, all because of me.

I was rooting for you, Lena.

But, I have to agree.

Humanity can't be fixed.

They need to be controlled.

Leviathan may be our biggest threat, but they were right about one thing.

Humanity needs a firm hand to guide it.

To lead it.

And not some arrogant alien.

It needs to be human.

You mean, a Luthor.

Think of all that we could accomplish together, if we just take our rightful place as humanity's saviors.


Of course.

You never change.

This was always all about you, your megalomania.

You... knew my plan wouldn't work, that it was doomed.

You were counting on it.

How dare you?

I gave you the world.


I supported you.

I sabotaged nothing, touched nothing.

I set aside my own goals for you.

Because you needed to see your little project fail with your own eyes.

To know the true depravity of humanity.

To know that my way was the only way.

You're a monster.

But that doesn't mean I have to be one, too.

We've lost the DEO, we've lost Brainy.

Leviathan has Kryptonite.

Without Lena to build me a Kryptonite suit, I have nothing.

We still have each other.

And we will stop them.

Go home.

We'll deal with this in the morning.


I can't find Rama Khan's energy signal.

I've lost his trail.

Listen, listen, listen.

I nearly lost you out there today.

I'm just not sure I can...


It's okay.

Hey. Hi.

How did it go with Pete?


Not so good.

Um, we were ambushed by Leviathan.

Wait, what?

Pete's okay.

It's fine. I just...

Look, I made a mistake.

I just... I pressed and I put him in danger.

I just...

I'm not used to being so exposed.

And now with the DEO, it's gone...

I'm so sorry.

Oh, and speaking of exposed, William and I discovered that Eve Tessmacher has been working for Obsidian.

Have you talked to Andrea?

She didn't care.

In this world there is no record of Eve being anything but perfect.

She threatened to fire me if I came to her again.

Come on. Yeah.

So, what are you gonna do? Are you gonna leave Obsidian?


No. That'll make it much harder to get to the bottom of this.

I just...

I've got to get better at hiding.

Maybe you should, too.

What do you mean, like, wear a mask?

It worked for my brother.

If you're going to be a vigilante, you might as well go all the way.

Mr. Luthor?

We got the prisoners back in their cells.

What do you want us to do with them?

Burn it.

Just the person I was hoping to hear from.

Did you get my gift?

Oh, yes.

I am very grateful.

How grateful?

Regarding your request to meet my colleagues, I'll send you a car tomorrow morning.

Well, now I'm grateful.

See you tomorrow.

Eventful day, Director Dox?

I know. I disobeyed your direct order.

I interfered with Leviathan and the Supers.

I am responsible.

For everything.

Oh, Dox.

Of course, I knew that you'd rush in to help your little friends.

You're all gooey hero on the inside.

I don't have to be a genius to know that.

But don't worry.

Everything is right on track.

Even the loss of the DEO is a tax write-off.

You wanted Rama Khan to be brought here.

To get the Kryptonite.

I gave Leviathan a little trinket from the Fortress that, with Kryptonite, will make Supergirl's life miserable.

And they were very appreciative.

You got an invite to the ship.

I told you, trust the process, save the world.

Get some sleep.

Big day tomorrow.

I have made a terrible mistake.

I was hurt.

I was so hurt. And...

I thought I could get rid of the hurt.

I thought that I knew better, that I could make the world a better place.

But I was wrong.

That hurt, um, took me down a dark, dark path, where I was blind to what I was really doing, to what I'd become.

You were right.

This whole time I became a villain, and then...

I'm not looking for forgiveness.

I know what I said and I know what I did, but I am...

I am really hoping that you will believe me right now. Okay?

Lex is working with Leviathan, and they are going to use Obsidian to do something terrible... using the system, That I made with my project.

I didn't know I was helping them, but I did. And... now I want to help stop them, so...

Please, okay?

I want to help stop Lex and Leviathan.

Sit down.