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04x12 - Loyalty + Family + Rogue + Hellfire

Posted: 05/02/20 16:07
by bunniefuu
Previously, onMacGyver...

I just want to give Mac and Desi the space they deserve.

Is that whatyou're telling yourself?

Don't make me say it.

I'm Auntie Gwen.

File 47 is a hypothetical plan that would plunge the world into chaos.

It's a reset switch.

You can't save everyone.

When I fed you that lie about wanting to join Codex, you lapped it up.

Of course, you were lying.


♪ Your time has come

♪ Can't tell hell

♪ From the sun

♪ Will you run

♪ Or will you fight

♪ Will you run

♪ Or will you fight?

Gorgeous day, isn't it?

Gwen. Yeah, I am always starving after a good nature hike.

What do you say?

A little breakfast with your dear ol' aunt?

Doesn't seem like I have much of a choice.

Come on, kiddo.

You're here early.

Or should I say late?

You know we have techs working around the clock.

You really need to go home and get some sleep.

I'm concerned about Angus.

I think he may have fallen under Codex's spell.

Why would you say that?

Is there something you know that I don't?

No, it's just a feeling.

Okay, well, since we aresharing feelings, I'm concerned about you.

Russ, listen to me.

Don't mistake your pareidolia for single-minded focus.

You're brilliant, but don't get crazy.

I've made a lot of mistakes.

Lost more to Codex than I care to admit.

I just don't want to lose Mac, too.

Well, there's only so much weight any one of us can bear.

It's time for next steps.

What did you have in mind?

Let me show you.

You're eating like this is your last meal.


Help yourself.

Blueberry were always your favorite.

How did you know that?

You know, I remember giving you your first telescope.

You used to huff it all the way up to the roof to get a good look.

Just like I used to.

That telescope that you're talking about was given to me by my father.

Was it?

Your father had many admirable qualities... truth was not one of them.

When Mom died... everyone said she was... looking down at me, so that telescope, in my mind, allowed me to... look back up at her, somehow.


I promised to look out for you.

For her.

Although... admittedly, I'm kind of the world's worst guardian angel.

You know, when you were born, you looked like a little shriveled-up alien.

Seriously ugly. But I took one look at you, and my heart... just opened up.

A biological response. Well, exactly. Key to the survival of our species, but the feelings...

The-the feeling... was surprising.

Why am I here?

Codex desperately needs people like you.

What, my engineering skillsmake me worth saving?

Yes. And besides, you're all the fam I got left.

Right. You and I, together... we can rebuild.

The world.

Just like your mom would have wanted.

Invoking my dead mother doesn't sell me on a plan that kills billions. The plan...

Herplan... is world salvation.

Well, look, if you really want to get me on board, maybe now's the time that you walk me through it.

Nice try.

You know, you have one of my top operatives... Scarlett.

Her sister Ella's worried about her.

She's the only family Ella has left.

She's fine.

Unlike you, we don't like to hurt innocent people.

Yeah, your father has indoctrinated you to believe that you're working for the good guys.

Always owning the moral high ground, but...

It wasn't cancer that took your mom.

It was your government.

The same CIA that tried to k*ll me.

I'm sorry. I...

You must have at least suspectedl was telling you the truth.


Then you can finally see the world the way I see it.

The clock's run out.

We are mere days away from a long winter's night.

And I would rather you not be left... well, left out in the cold.

That's up for you to choose.

Phoenix or Codex.

It's all gonna be paper soon anyway.

Has anyone seen Mac?

He was gone before I woke up, and... assumed he was here.

Nope, and I've been here most of the night.



What happened to you?

Codex grabbed me on my morning run.

What? Yeah.

It was my aunt. TAYLOR: What?

Gwen just wanted to have breakfast with me, but it felt like a last supper.

So how did you get away?

She just let me go.


She said we are "mere days away from a long winter's night."MATTY: So whatever their plan is, we don't have a lot of time.

Riley, where are we with locating Codex'snew headquarters?

The number we got from the merchant linked to a 56K hardwired modem.

I'm using a brute force attack on its encryption to isolate the network. It's notgonna be fast or guaranteed.

I've been reaching out to intelligence agencies, and things are getting a little freaky.

Well, it's the endof the world.

They've got thingsto cross off their bucket list.

Not that kind of freaky, you freak.

Top-level scientists and military personnel are going AWOL or-or straight-up missing.

So, Codex agents are going to ground.

It's confirmation of an imminent attack.

Taylor and I are getting on the jet to D.C.

It is past time we ring alarm bells at the highest level.


I mean, you said it yourself... We can't trust anybody.

Certainly not the people who m*rder*d my mother and her whole team. BOZER: But your mom died of cancer. That's what the CIA made it look like.

Gwen filled me in. TAYLOR: Angus, Gwen's manipulating you. Look, letting in the CIA or anybody else means more people who'll only serve their own agendas.

Mac, what would you do instead?

I haven't figured that out yet. Codex is on the verge of attacking theworld, so we don't have time to not figure things out yet.

I realize that. MATTY: Okay, Mac, I understand how you're feeling, but it's done.

Taylor and I are calling in the cavalry, and in the meantime, I need the four of youto use every available resource Phoenix has to locate Codex.

Starting with their operative... Scarlett.

I've brought her in for interrogation, so...


What's with all the late-nightdisappearing acts?

You ever heardof leaving a note?

I'm sorry. I've had a lot on my mind. Let's see. My dad's dead.

I k*lled that nice family man at the power plant.

And, oh, yeah, now my mom's been m*rder*d, so that's fun.

That's why I'm here... to help you. Desi, there's no future for any of us if we don't figure this out.

Look... right now what we need to focus on is just getting Scarlett to talk.

Hey, Scarlett.

We really want to help youget back to your sister, but we need to knowwhat Codex is planning.

Help us stop them, and we are authorizedto give you whatever you need.

That's the easy way.

Oh, if you take these off, I'm happy to do things the hard way.

Look, I have to believe that somewhere deep down you know that what Codex is doing is wrong.

Help us, we'll get Ella out. We can reunite you two.

Well, since we're talking about family... what about all of you?

Well, Angus here, an only child, but...

Bozer was the closest thing you had to a sibling.

Desiree has a brother, doing his residency at John Hopkins.

Am I right?

Yeah, you're right.

Let's take those shackles offand get to the fun part.

You know, ever sincemy parents were k*lled, my sister wanted to be a doctor.

I mean, we're just soldiers who break things.

Ah, but our siblings...

They put it back together.

You and me, we're not that different.

And what's your sister think of culling the global population?

So much for "do no harm."

She deserves so much better that the global climate disaster that's being left to her.

How can you say that you can protect her after what the government did to your aunt, to your own mother?

How could I possibly trust them?

Gwen still thinks that you're gonna come around.

Over and over, she was very clear: do not harm Angus.

Even when it went against orders.

Gwen doesn't call the sh*ts?


Well, we all have to take orders from somebody.

Right, soldier?

Isn't that how you justify all those people you've k*lled, Desiree?

Let me show you.

No. Desi, let's go. You can beat me till I'm black and blue, but my loyalty is to my family.

Get off of me!

What are you doing? She's about to talk, and then you nearlytake her head off?

You're letting herget to you.

I'mletting her get to me?

Yes, you're playingright into their hands.

I'mplaying right into their hands?

God, what is wrong with you?

Why do you refuse to seewhat is actually happening here?

And what is that?

You're compromised.

Are you questioning my loyalty?

You are so drunk on somescrewed-up cocktail of your mom, your aunt, Codex science...

No, I'm not. Things are just complicated.

No, it is simple.

It is us or them.

Whose side are you on?

I don't know what answer's gonna get you off my back.

Both? Neither?


Clearly, you are not on mine.

Matty, I hope you understand this is your one and only call using the red bat phone. I understand that, Danny, and I wouldn't waste it.

But we need to mobilize our nation's defenses like never before.




JSOC. The whole alphabet's here.

You have 90 seconds.

All right, then.

Let's get straight to it.

This... this is Codex.

A millenarianist doomsday international terroristorganization that wraps itself in an eco-warrior ethos...

You know, rather than just... rehash this brochure, why I don't I just... jump to the good bits, hmm?

Recent att*cks and penetrations on sensitive facilities directed by their leader, Gwendolyn Hayes, are soon to culminate in a global attack that will wipe out a quarter of the Earth's population.

They believethat these att*cks will save the planetfrom an otherwise inevitable collapse due to climate change.

Nearly two billion people... dead.

Now, we haveintelligence that says this attack... is mere days away.

Armageddon is scary stuff, but where's the hard evidence?

Well, they tend notto leave anything behind, but... rest assured... this threat is real.

How are they gonna do it?

We don't know.

Phoenix is closeto finding the location of Codex's headquarters, but we need to knowthe rules of engagement and if we can relyon military support.

This is exactly the kind of intransigence that has allowed Codexto recruit so many to its cause.

We need to act, and act now.


I hear you.

Very clear.

Look... the big boss had ears on us and heard your pitch.

The problem is POTUS doesn't want to get caught holding a dookie sandwich if you're wrong.

A dookie sandwich?

But, Danny, with all due respect, this is no time for us to stick our heads in the sand.



Plausible deniability is a cloak I've worn before.

Russ, excuse me.

Mr. Taylor, we're hereby giving you authorized authority, via your private military company, Spearhead, to eliminate Codex.

No chances taken.

Understood? MATTY: Gentlemen, I'm not comfortable with the ramifications...

You may assure President Royce... that the enemywill be chopped off at the head.

I expect no less from a man of your... character.

Somebody call to get the cable fixed?

Riley, have youlocated Codex yet?

I'm almost there.

They're still in the western U.S., but I need more time.

Who are these guys?

They're Reaper drone pilots.

Good news, everyone.

The president has sanctioned Spearhead Operations to neutralize Codex.

By any means necessary.


Codex is on U.S. soil, so to circumvent the law, it's you ordering the m*ssile strike instead of the president.

Well, with so much at stake, all options are on the table.

Look, what they're doing is obviously very wrong, but there are good people there.

There are civilians, scientists, their families. Angus, you are distraught by personal loss.

Your vision is completely clouded.

We are all in this fight because you wanted to make up for past sins, yet here you are, resorting to the same method you swore off. MATTY: Okay, you two need to cool it. I'm sorry, Matty, but this isn't how the Phoenix works... We don't indiscriminately take innocent lives. But you're okaywith Codex doing it?

I don't... What are you talking about?


And why do you want to join Codex?

MacGYVER: Both of my parents are dead.

I feel... free.

Free to choose a path of science and reason.

And the whole...

Codex planning on k*lling billions of people... your friends...

Phoenix... your girlfriend?

Sometimes to do what's right you have to sacrifice the things you love.

Body language. Pupil dilation. Electrocardio rhythms.

All indicate the same thing: that you're telling the truth.

I knew it.

No. I...

I was playing a part. Yes, well, the data says otherwise. This is insane.

Auntie Gwen got to you. You don't all believe this, do you? Riles.


Unless you've been taking acting classes...

It's hard not to worry about you, Mac.

I'm sorry.

But I needed to removeall doubt, so that no one would question me when I say to you that you are off this mission.


You're not a machine, Mac.

And a person can only take so much.

None of you get it. It's... you're not...

You're taking sides in a w*r that nobody wins.

I like your pom-pom.

That's a good one.

Would you excuse me?



Your unsanctioned tripto Los Angeles raised concern.

Leland had you tail me. That's lovely.

I don't need a babysitter. And you should know, muscle's easily replaced.

Yeah, well, it's my job, ma'am.

Head of security, et cetera, et cetera.

But you know that. So don't take it personal.

You can tell our boss that it was a fact-finding mission.

It turns out Scarlett is being held by the Phoenix Foundation.

She's alive, but... potentially compromised.

Then we should up the timetable.

No, Roman. We proceed according to plan.


So relax.

Hang out, enjoy the sunset.

It's a reminder of what we're fighting for.

I'm not saying Mac's gone full Codex, but Taylor's always been right with the psy-ops stuff.

You're siding with Taylor over Mac, who doesn't have an evil bone in his body?

Mac is just too good of a person to make hard choices in the best of times.


I think something inside him is close to breaking.

Here I am.

The sum total of both of you.

All the good.

All the bad.

You taught me I could fix things, but...

I don't know if I can this time.

Really wish you guys were here right now.

Dad, you used to always say that thing.

The only real failure is never having tried at all.


I'm gonna try something.

But it means risking everything.

Everyone I love.

Science is driven by cold logic, by equations you can test and duplicate.

But humankind's greatest leaps forward were all born of instinct and intuition, by the belief that the impossible was within reach.

So there comes a time to put aside all logic and trust your gut and do what you feel is right.

Liftoff affirmed.

Green lights on missiles one and two.

This is a last resort, correct?

Of course.

We got a security alert in the interrogation room.

Get Desi to meet me there.

MacGYVER: There's a high probability in the next 24 hours that the Codex base will be taken out with a drone strike.

Your sister, my aunt... I need your help saving them.

If I take you there, how dol know you won't betray us?

You don't.

Angus, there's no way out, so just... just stop this.

Mac, just put her back in her cell. We can talk about this.

I think we both know it's too late for that.

Don't do this.

MacGYVER: At my recommendation, the Phoenix recently installed a hypoxic fire prevention system, based on the simple principle that fire needs oxygen.


So, if you suck most of the oxygen out and replace it with nitrogen-rich air... breathing gets very hard.

I'm sorry.

Angus MacGyver has gone rogue.

Get APBs out to every local and federallaw enforcement agency.

Start running facial rec on every camera located withina 60-mile radius.

Report all progress to Riley Davis.

Angus MacGyver is now officiallyan enemy of the state.

Get to work.

Is all this really necessary?

Was leaving me and Desi withoutany oxygen really necessary?

There has to bean explanation.

Mac does everythingfor a reason.

Mac's not himself.

He needs to be stopped for his own good.

I know only too well the evil that Codex nurtures in even the best of us.

Unfortunately, Mac is now a threat.

And there's no telling what his next move will be.


Put the Phoenixin lockdown.

Riley, Bozer, you both know Mac best.

Anticipate his moves and help mebring him back in here before he does anything else he's gonna regret.

None of us want him hurt.

I'm counting on the both of you.

Why the pit stop at the sketchy warehouse?

A century-old secret. A few weeks ago, Phoenix obtained a w*apon known as Shiva, made by Nikola Tesla...

I know. I was there, mansplainer.

Oh, yeah. Right. Well, anyways, we outfitted this building as a research facility in the hopes that we could determine whatCodex is planning to use it for.

So did you? No.

I was hoping, since we're on the same side now, you could spill the tea. I'm a soldier, I'm not a scientist.

I don't knowwhy we want it.

So we're gonna go grab it?

Yeah. You're crazy.

I like you.


Hold on.

Nothing on the west side.

What you got?

Hoping to catch Mac and Scarlettstealing their getaway vehicle, so... I'm hackingdoorbell cameras in the neighborhoodaround the Phoenix.


And disturbing that you can do that.

I can't believe we're runninga manhunt for Mac. Actually, this is my second time.

In sixth grade, he got in trouble for blowing up the chemistry lab and ran away.

The whole school went on lockdown and a search party was formed to comb through Mission City woods.

Where'd he turn up?

My house.

Said he got scared and... that's where he felt safe.

Do you really think Gwencould get into his head?


If it were me, I know she would mess with my head.

Mac's always wanted a connection to his mom, and Gwen's giving him that.

Got something?


Mac's too smartto leave a trail.


Can you take a look at this?


Hey, hey.

Well, when it comes to partners, I guess I have a type.

We are not partners.

Knock, knock.

We're here for Shiva and we have no intention of hurting anybody. All of the emergency protocols...

I designed them.

So whatever you're thinking, I'm a step ahead.

Look, we'd love to cooperate, but Mr. Taylor made it very clear that you're persona non grata.


But, hey, who are we to judge?

Knock yourselves out with Shiva.

We literally have.

A couple of times.


Hold on.

Before we sh**t, let's just... try locking 'emin that supply closet.

I'll workon the exit strategy.

He's going after Shiva.

Damn it, Angus.

Lock down the building!

Aw, come on!

What now, genius?

Working on it.

Riles? Get in.

Let's go!

Hey. Stop!

Looks like the ALPR blocker on the plates is still working.

Thank you.

I'd hate to think where I'd beif you hadn't shown up.

Why did you do it?

Because, at the end of the day, I trust you, Mac.

But, seriously, man, what's going on?

I know that everybody thinks that Gwen has cast a spell on me, but look at Taylor.

I can't figure it out, but he's obsessed with Codex.

He pretends like there's other options on the table.

But, given the chance, he's gonna press the button, no matter how many innocent lives he takes.

So now what?

We ask your Aunt Gwen nicely not to press herbutton to reset the world?

I saw somethingin her, Riles.

As estranged as we may be, I'm the only familythat she has left.

More importantly, she thinks I'll join 'em. So, I use Shiva back there to convince 'em that I've changed my mind.

And once I'm inside Codex, I figure out a way to stop her.

You know, withoutall the needless death.

And how do we know we're not walking into a trap?

We don't.

Gwen could welcome uswith open arms, or... we could be marchingto our deaths.

You know you don't haveto do this, right?


And miss all the fun?

If any of you had any doubtsabout where Mac's loyalties lie, well, I hopethey've been put to rest.

There's got to be another explanation.

Then I suggest that you find them, bring them back and ask them.

Riley did a hell of a jobcovering their tracks.

I mean, no phone signals, no GPS, no nothing.

Y'all believe what you want, but Riley left us a clue.

The trace on the modem finally pinged a location in Montana.

I'm accessing satellite coverage now.

Looks like a ranch complex.

We've got multiple power sources, heat signatures for about a hundred people.

I'll start a scanof the property.

No, that's Codex headquarters. We've got them.

Desi, how long to geta tactical as*ault team on site?

We've got to gear up, get airborne, add in flight time, HALO in.

At best, four hours.

Calculating from when Mac and Riley left the research facility.

They'll get there first.

And warn Gwen, which will give enough time to evacuate Codex.

Or worse, set up a defense and turn our as*ault into a su1c1de mission.

We can takewhat they throw at us.

Or we can call Washington for other options.

No, Matilda.

Chain of command was clear.

Cut off the head of the snake.

How long before you can get the Reaper in position?

At top speed, we can getto these coordinates in roughly an hour.

All right. Get on it.

Uh, hold up.

We don't know when Macand Riley are gonna get there, and we're talkingabout dropping a m*ssile?

How do we even knowthat will stop Codex?

The drone could be our best optionat taking out Codex leadership.

Has everyone lost their minds?

Desi, back me up here.

Sometimes we need to sacrifice the things we love for the greater good.

Look, we all know what you're going through, Bozer.

Angus is family.

But we can't risk billions of lives to save his.

If you could go back in time and stop Hitler, stop 9/11, even if it meant sacrificing innocent lives, wouldn't you do it?

Let me I ask you something, Taylor.

How's that so differentthan what Codex is saying?

Inform me when the Reaper'sin firing position and wait for my command.

Home sweet home.

I have eyes on Scarlett, MacGyver, and another Phoenix agent. Over.

Scarlett's compromised. Take her out. Take 'em all out.

Hey, Roman, we don'teven know why they're here.

Don't be so naive.

She led Phoenix right to us.

All units, take out MacGyver. Do not let them reach the perimeter.

So is there a secret password or signal?

Or do we just drive up to the front door and shout "Howdy"?


Gwen sure knows how to roll out the red carpet.

We do tend to besuspicious of outsiders.

Hang on.

Hold your fire!

That's not good.

They'll have us dead to rights in a second.

Can you do your Mac thing? Yeah. On it.

Is this really timefor arts and crafts?

You know what? It actually is.

What the hell's going on down there?

Are they fighting with Codex agents?

Since you're out of toys, MacGyver, this one's mine.

Reaper in position.

Target acquired.

There's more going on down there than we're aware of.

Don't let your trigger fingerget itchy.

Come on, Taylor. Mac's fighting them.

m*ssile One away.

I didn't give the order to fire.

My orders have been clear all along, sir.

Abort that m*ssile. We've got people on the ground.

I'm afraid I can't do that. I think you can.

MacGyver could provide valuable intel.

What's the strategic benefit of sh**ting him?

Eliminating risk.

I have my orders, and we don'twant to take chances. Hey.

Do not let them near the ranch house.

Is that clear? MAN: Yes, sir. You heard him.

What now? Well, I just got a lot less popular at group meals.

We need to make contactwith Gwen.



Taylor pressed the button.

Oh, God. Ella.

We need to get everybody out.

Tell me you got a plan, Mac.

Get to the ranch house.

Of course you'd say that.

Everyone, just calm down.

We're all on the same team here.


It's easy.

You can do it, too.

Stand down.

Green light, boys. Fire at will.

Is this windshield bulletproof?

Not against that kindof firepower.

But I have an idea on how to get through to Gwen.


Wait, new orders. Hold your fire.

Come on, Gwen. He's doing Morse code.

He's saying "Hellfire... inbound."

Incoming m*ssile.

Emergency protocols. Get everyone to safety now.

Everyone inside! In!

Now! Get the kids. Get 'em in.

Now it's my turnto be your guardian angel.

He's on our side, Roman, and so am I.

He brought us Shiva. You gonna sh**t him for it?

What's that gonna do against a Hellfire?

Hopefully it'll act as a mini m*ssile defense system.

Thank you.

Tesla designed Shiva to release a powerful electromagnetic pulse, which should scramble any electronics within range.

In this case, that'd be the guidance system in an incoming m*ssile.

It actually worked?

Thanks for the doubt.

Hey, Mac, how many missiles does a Reaper drone carry?

I'm guessing two.

You better hurry. Yeah, well, this thing takes a minutes to crank.

We don't have a couple minutes.

I'll be hanging onto this.

Thank you, Taylor. You made the right call.

Let me make something clearto you, Matilda.

I am not on Mac's side.

There's a concrete structure under that ranch house there.

Taking out Codex leadership was not 100% guaranteed.

Otherwise, I would have let that b*mb drop, regardless of Mac or Riley.

Well, then, thank you anyway.

Bozer, we need to getin touch with Mac and find out exactlywhat's going on down there.

We still don't knowwhere his loyalties lie, and our priorityis to take out Codex.

So if he getsin our way next time, I'm telling you, I will not hesitate.


Thank you.

Roman, play nice with our guests.

So what changed your mind?

I can't find a holein the logic of File 47.

I hate it, but I don'thave any other solutions.

My mother was right.

I'm really glad that you werehere to show me that, Gwen.

So am I.

And your girlfriend?

You know I'm not his girlfriend.

You also know the skills I have to offer.

We're a package deal.

Then you both understand the commitment you're making?

Any lingering doubt? We just betrayed our friends to stop a missilefrom dropping on your head, so I'd saythat ship has sailed.


Welcome home, Angus.

This is unbelievable.

They built a whole city down here.

So what now?
