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04x09 - We Interrupt This Program

Posted: 05/01/20 07:26
by bunniefuu
Previously on Z Nation.

Zona, here!

sh**t at my baby.

Northern Light under attack by Zona forces.

Repeat, Northern Light under attack by Zona forces.

Did she just say Zona?

We gotta find a bigger transmitter.

You're right.

Let's go, I'm sure Canada's got transmitters.

She's heading back to the US.

Sometimes you just gotta believe.

This cold front pushing down from the Arctic means rain will arrive in time for your weekend.



You'll need your poncho at Lambeau Field for the big game this weekend.

And if you're staying in, wouldn't it be nice to snuggle up to a puppy or kitten?

Action News 9 Weather is sponsored by.

Grace Animal Rescue Shelter.

Aren't they adorable?

The world needs more puppies and kittens.

Back to you, Jack.

Keep your eyes peeled, they're in here somewhere.

B team reporting in, northwest corridor is clear.

Try that hall.

I'll take this one.

The main entrance is hidden and secure.

They won't find us down here unless they already know where to look.

And, we have eyes.

I count five.


Who's that dude?

The man with the plan.

What are they looking for?

Good question.

Simon would know what kind of top secret old world military voodoo is buried in this base.

Who are they?

Zona, whoever that is.

Mayday, mayday.

This is KayaintheSkyA, broadcasting from a dark day at Camp Northern Light.

Request emergency assistance.

Anybody read me?

Come back.

Mayday, mayday.

We have armed intruders of unknown origin up in here.

Immediate assistance requested.


Citizen Z, if you're out there somewhere, if you can hear me somehow, I need you.

We need you.

Simon, please some home.

This is KayaintheSkyA.

Request emergency assistance.

Mayday, mayday.

This is KayaintheSkyA.


Kaya sounds like she's in real trouble.

I wish we could do something.

We got to find a way to boost our radio signal so we can contact her.

Look, she can't help us.

We can't help her.

Say we call it even.

A TV or radio station could give us the signal boost we need.

What we need is a vehicle.

Where did this come from?

Chopper crash?

A disabled vehicle on US41 has traffic moving slower than a clogged artery in a diseased heart.

And I41 is blocked by a horde of zombies.

Film at eleven.

You sounds pretty good there, Murphy.

Yeah, right?

You know, I could've done traffic or been a news anchor if I'd only applied myself.

Stay tuned for traffic on the nines.

Back to you, Susie and Ken.

That oughta boost our signal.

Barricaded from the inside.

Got to love their optimism.

Locked in for eight years.

This is gonna be like opening up a tomb.

No signs of looting.

So the equipment is likely in good shape.

This town must have turned fast.

Well it helps that this town isn't on the way to anywhere.

Not a Packer fan?

What's a Packer?

You get beat up a lot as a kid?

We could break down these doors.

Let's find a way in that doesn't invite anyone to follow.

Hey, look.

We interrupt this program to bring you an Action News 9 special report.

Midwest Air Fight 409 has crashed near Green Bay.

The commuter flight, with 46 passengers aboard, was on its final approach to Straubel International when the tower received a report of a cabin disturbance.

Fire and rescue crews are on the scene.

Authorities have not ruled out terrorism.

We will have more as details become available.

Carly McFadden, Action News 9.

And we're clear.

Attagirl, Carly.

Thanks, everybody.

That was fantastic, Miss McFadden.

Very newsy.

Here's your tea.

With honey and soy?



Give it me.

Be honest.

Pacing, 10.

Diction, 10.

Eye contact, 10.

Posture, 10.

You're not a weather girl.

You're a news anchor.

You did fine.

Thanks, Bruce.

I knew once the tally light...

This is not about you.

It's about a plane crash.

People are dead, probably burned alive.

Your audience needs information that's delivered simply, clearly, and with empathy.

Yes, sir.


Okay, good.

I called Jack in early.

Of course.

I understand.

You'll coanchor the breaks with him.

I will?

Thank you.

You can count on me.

News, people.

We have breaking news.

Disasters mean eyeballs glued to the screen.

So look alive.

It is Action News time.

Great, Mr.

Emmy is here.

Excuse me?

Isn't your chair over there.

Did I miss a memo?

There was a plane crash.

Yeah, might've heard something about that.

I'm excited to coanchor with you.

Thanks for keeping my seat warm, weather guesser.

But it's news time now.

So try to keep up.

Excuse me.

Renfro, take Mitchell.

Get out to the field.

I want a live report out there by 3:45.

Yeah, we'll be up in fifteen.

Is Chopper 9 airborne?

I'll tell you one thing.

That smug bastard from channel six tried to box me out at the train derailment.

That is not happening today.

All right, I got you.

All right, give me a check.

Dirty Mike Renfro, live.

Action News 9.

Good, we're good.

Let's do this.


Road flares.


First Aid Kit.

We can use this.

A gallon of gas.

Probably oxidized.

Sealed tight.

I haven't smelled gas that fresh since Jesus was a corporal.

Are there any candy bars or protein bars?

Check the glove compartment or under the seat.

They'll have snacks.

I'd never risk a blood sugar crash on a live remote.

Quit it, Murphy.

You're making me hungry.

Big chicken dinner for you.

The Action News van isn't gonna drive again.

But one of these keys will get us into the TV station.

The generator is probably in the basement.

Somebody made a stand and never left.

I hope it's not a trap.

I'm tired of running into traps.

What's with you?

Did you hear that?

Hear what?


Must be my stomach.

Move out.

Get back!


Forget him.

You are prepared.

You are capable.

Embrace your moment.

Embrace your...


Are you all right?

Helen, is that you?

Are you sick?

Sometimes Taco Tuesday fights back.


I'm going to give you some privacy.

Carly, listen to me, girl.

It's showtime.

Yeah, yeah.

I see ya.

I give you mercy.

Something horrible happened in there.

TMI, man.

Have a little class.

No, I meant zombies.

Never mind.

Although I did appreciate the twinply.

You know, Green Bay is the toilet paper capital of the world.

The first to have splinterfree TP.


Are you all right?

I'm fine.

Well I would highly recommend an afternoon constitutional on real porcelain.

All right, all right, all right.

I'm just sayin'.

Okay, Mr.


What are you looking for?

Keep walking, keep walking.

No, no, no, no!


Nana, stay back.

It's not safe.

What do you want?

Tell me.

I want to see my boy.



It's your father.

Look at what the zombie dragged in.

I know this is probably the concussion talking, but am I really here?

I've dreamt of this moment every hour for the last two years.

It's not a dream, baby.

I just wanted to be here to take care of you, to protect you, help look after the baby.

It was a long walk.

I tried to hitchhike, but no one would pick me up.

So much distrust in the Apocalypse.

That stupid little plane went down, didn't it?


Uncle Kaskae did everything he could, but we crashed hard.

He was mercied on impact.

Your husband was a brave man.

He saved my life.

Before we took off, he gave this to me.

He wanted you to have it in case he didn't make it home.

I'm so sorry.

Hey, JZ.

It's interesting.

As in Junior Z.

Thought it was the rapper.

I know how much you love hip hop.



Nothing like that.

I totally named him after you.

Hey, little man.

Come here.

Come here.

Hey, buddy.

I'm your daddy.

Your dada.

Your papa.

You owe me 600 diaper changes.

Going into a dark basement on purpose?

That would freak me out even if it wasn't the Apocalypse.

Doc, hush.

Sorry, sorry.

Those are my inside thoughts.

Over there.

Nice, 10K.

Gasoline powered.

That gallon you found will last us an hour, maybe two.


Helen from accounting is sick as a dog.

She's paying the price for Taco Tuesday, let me tell you.

Never eat Mexican before a newscast.

I don't care if the FAA has grounded everything at Straubel.

Get Chopper 9 in the air.

Two minutes to live!

Two minutes.

Two minutes, Jack.

I'll tell you something, okay?

Um, I want a real cue from you for a change.

I don't just want you waving your arms around.

Hard point.

This is breaking news.

The hard point.

Have a little pride in your work.

Yes, sir.

What a d*ck.



Renfro, take a breath.

Sit tight.

You're on in 30 seconds.

We have survivors.

We're going live to the crash.

Lock it up.

We're going live.

We interrupt this program for an Action News 9 special report.

I'm Jack Kingman.

And I'm Carly McFadden.

Midwest Air Flight 409 has crashed near Green Bay with 46 passengers aboard.

We're receiving preliminary reports that there may be survivors.

With Action News team coverage, we go live to the crash site now and our own Mike Renfro.


Come on!


Mitchell, run!


Mike, describe the scene for us.

Mike, tell us what we're seeing there.

We have lost the feed from Mike, our reporter.

And he...

We are experiencing technical difficulties with our live remote from the crash of Midwest Air Flight 409, as you saw, a chaotic scene.

Initial reports indicate there are survivors, and we're working to verify that information.

We'll bring you more details as this story develops.

For Jack Kingman, I'm Carly McFadden.

Action News 9.

And we're out.

What the hell was that?

Why was Mike running from a story?

That little generator can power all of this?

This place looks like it hasn't been touched in eight years.

The new report suggests zombies can be bad for your health.

Film at eleven.

Keep alert.

The Zs that did this are probably in here somewhere.

The clock hates us.

That generator will only give us about an hour of power.

Yeah, so look for anything that can help us contact Kaya.

Look for a sat phone, CB radio.

I'll check these offices.

Some uninvited guests are poking around.

Yeah, their chopper flew over me as I was arriving.

I thought you were one of those Zona g*ons.

Please forgive me.

I don't want you thinking that clunk on the head was some passiveaggressive outburst for you knocking me up and then leaving town for two years.

Okay, well you knew that they were in matching black combat gear and I was in a parka.

So what is on this base that they can't hack or find somewhere else?

Could be anything.

This place was a top secret NSA base for 40 years.

There are offline server farms and jurassic technology I've never even fired up.


I haven't intercepted anything from Zona in a while.

There was a spike of crazy transmissions a few months ago.

And now, radio silence.

From what I've intercepted over the years, Zona's a bunch of rich bastards who enjoy living in their hermetically sealed zombiefree paradise.

Then why are they here?

What do you make of that?

We could target a satellite using one of their dishes.

See if anybody's listening.

All right.

Let's give it a shot.

Time I learned how to aim a satellite dish.

This just in.

Everyone is dead.

Film at eleven.

They just come to me naturally.

Being zombie messiah wasn't enough for you?

Now you want to anchor the six o'clock news?

Action News, Doc.

Well don't get the flop sweats.

Hey, hey, hey, Doc.

Work the teleprompter.

How's that?

I'm Jack Kingman.

We interrupt this program for an Action 9 News special report.

The crash of Midwest Air Flight 409.

Our own Mike Renfro has just returned from the site of this disaster.


Hey, guys!

Guys, I need a little help here.

Renfro is hurt.

I'm okay.

It's not that bad.

I need some help here!

Come on!

Intern, get him some water.

Everyone has gone insane.

What do you mean everyone?

Everyone out there.

You're bleeding.

Some dude just bit Renfro.

Get the first aid kit!


Somebody bit him?

The survivors from the crash, they were burned so bad, but they...

They were in shock.

I don't think so, man!

They bit Mike!

I'm the one in shock.



People need to stay inside.

Survivors, not safe.

You good to go on?

Hell yeah.


We go live in two minutes.

You're so professional.

Maybe we should take him to the hospital.

Nah, this will fix him up just fine.


Renfro is looking really rough, isn't he?


Absolutely brutal.

I just hope he's okay.


Everybody settle, please.

I'm Jack Kingman.

We interrupt this program for an Action News 9 special report.

The crash of Midwest Air Flight 409.

I'm Carly McFadden.

Our own Mike Renfro has just returned from the site of this disaster.

Mike, tell us in your own words what you saw at the crash site.

Mike, I know this was a harrowing experience for you, so try to collect yourself if you can and tell us what it was like seeing those passengers emerge from the wreckage of Midwest Air Flight 409?


Can you tell us what you saw?

We will check back with Mike?

Can we get a medic?

The man is ill.

Sweet lord!


Talk to me, buddy.

Good lord.

Go to commercial.

Public service announcement.

Even a promo.

Get security in here quick!

State authorities have instituted a curfew effective immediately.

Everyone is urged to stay indoors.

It is unclear how the violent mob behavior is related to the crash of Midwest Air Flight 409.

Get the first aid kit!

We will continue to bring you team coverage as this story.

Come on, we got to go.

As this story develops.

I'm Carly McFadden.

Be safe.

Action News 9.

My God.

What is happening, Doug?

You know my name?


What happened to Renfro?

I think he turned into a zombie.



I dunno.

Come on!

We need to get to the roof!

And also grab a camera.



We're gonna get you some help.


That is what you need.

Some antibiotics.

We're gonna get that for you.

Damn, Bruce.

Is this about the contract renegotiation?

Remember this, sir.

I have won nine local Emmy's for this station.

Nine of them.


And I'm the face of the station.

No offense.

I mean you're important too, Renfro.

You really are.

That series you did on the homeless, I mean that was great.

I couldn't have been down there for a week like that with those people!

That was weird!

What was weird?

You okay?

It's all clear back there.

What do you got there, 10K?

It says it's an Emmy.

I'd like to thank my good friend Doc, who believed in me when no one else would.

Keep it short, Murphy.

It's a local Emmy.

You guys are wasting electricity.

It's not me.

It came on when everything else did.

It was on.

This place went down during a newscast.

Man, that'd be a hell of a blooper reel.

Murphy, look out!


Well, I guess now we know what a local Emmy is good for.

That Z went right for Murphy.

Nice blazer.

I think you were sitting in his anchor chair, Murphy.

Let's go find Warren.

I do not want to meet the rest of the awardwinning.

Action News Team.

That's the old server farm.

Nothing in there can be remotely accessed.

Could we reroute the power?

At least shut everything down?

Lock them out that way?

That could work.

Or we could drop these two and then go mano a mano.

They're messing with my family.

There are four or five more soldiers and the one creepy dude, the HMFWIC.

Head Mother...


The man with the plan.

The man with the plan.

The head of the snake.

Why did he travel from secure paradise to Apocalyptic wasteland?

Nothing good, I'm betting.




Who's Scampy?

Scampy's the Z that tracked me for 200 miles.

I named him Scampy to make it less freaky.

I thought I lost the guy.

I pinned him to a tree with that pipe.

Dude won't die.

He's a Mad Z.

A Mad Z?


I picked up a lot of unconfirmed radio traffic about unkillable Zs.

Virus mutated.

Can't mercy them.

What in the what?

I know.

It's a real bummer.

So they're unkillable?

That explains a lot.

Here comes your friend.

He's not my friend.

He's more like an acquaintance I keep murdering.

Let's go.

Dude is nothing if not persistent.

We have to get back to Nana and JZ.

Where'd that thing go?

I think we lost him.

So these new zombies are smart too?

Smarter than your average Z.

Let's just hope we're a little smarter.

What's up, Scampy?

Sorry about the whole pipe in tree thing.

We have to lead him away from JZ.


Everybody be cool.


Do you think we lost it?

For someone who has survived seven years of the Zombie Apocalypse, you are ridiculously optimistic.

And I love that about you.

That was nice.

Simon, what are you doing?

Trust me!

Get back.

Simon, come on.


Get back!


Simon no!

Come on.

Get away from him!

Come on.

Is this for real?

What do you want?!

Come on, Simon.

Still no signal?

It won't track.

Something's jacked up between here and there.

We'll have to track directly off the dish.

I guess we're going to the roof.

In here.

Come quick.

Help me!

Are they coming?

I don't know.

Well what are we gonna do?

Give me a minute, Doug.

We can make the hallway really slippery for those things.

Get more toilet paper!

Okay, yeah.



My God, Helen.

My God.

No, no, no, no, no.

Not you, Dougie.

I think that's the quickest way to the roof.

We got to get up to that dish before the generator dies.

All the Zona soldiers could've turned Mad Z by now.

You have to be smart, not just impossibly brave.

I didn't make it back all this way to die in front of you.

Come here.


Two years away and you're a better kisser.

Well, absence makes the heart grow something something.

I'll k*ll the power to the server farms and back up what I can.

You capture the HMF and make him talk.

Done and done.

I love that man.

Murphy, are you with us?

Overrun them to the stairs.

Haul ass.

Weather girl, Weather girl.

Come back.

Chopper 9 is on approach.

Chopper 9, Chopper 9.

I'm here!

I'm coming.

I'm here!

The control room.

Momma's got to go out.

I'm KayaintheSkyA.

And you're in the wrong control room, Buster.


Do I have your attention?

This is the part where you tell me who you are and what you're doing here.

Who I am is of no consequence.

But I can assure you my errand here is of critical importance.

Importance to whom?


You sit right there!

It's time for me to go.

I mean it.

Don't you move!

We have to figure out what he was looking for.

I had him.

I let him go.

I'm sorry.

Kaya, you saved my life.


You owe me one then.

Chopper 9, I'm at the landing pad.

Chopper 9, you're my only way out.

Copy you, Carly.

I'm inbound.

Five minutes.

Copy you, Gus.

I'll be here.

We interrupt this program to bring you an Action News 9 special report.

This is Carly McFadden, broadcasting from atop the Action News 9 Broadcast Center.

The news team is dead, or something, whatever they are.

The crash of Midwest Air Flight 409 pales against this epidemic of death we all now face.

As a broadcast professional, I will provide updates for as long as I can.

Take care of each other.

That's all we can do now.

Be safe.

This is Carly McFadden, Action News 9.

There you are, Chopper 9.

Keep them off the roof!

You got it, chief.

What about that?


That com box looks accessible.

Let's make a long distance phone call.


Where did she come from?

The door was barricaded from this side.

She's the only Z up here.

She died all alone on this roof.

I give you mercy.

So that's where the rotor blades came from.

She was waiting for Chopper 9 to rescue her.

That is harsh.

Whatever was on these disks was wiped clean.

He transferred all the data to a hard drive.

Anything recoverable?


Empty shells.

Camp Northern Light?


Operation Bike Mark calling.

Come back.


Operation Bite Mark for Camp Northern Light.

Do you copy?

Hey, Warren.

It's me, Citizen Z.

I'm here with KayaintheSkyA.


Citizen Z.

We heard Kaya's Mayday.

Is she okay?

She is now that Simon's home.

Let me tell you, that makes our day.


I've been off the air a long time.

What's the status of Operation Bite Mark?

Where's Murphy?

How's Addy and the rest of the crew?

We lost contact with Addy.

Lucy is dead.

Doc and 10K are with me.

And Murphy and I escaped Zona together.


You were on Zona?

That's a roger.

Zona soldiers just att*cked us.

They stole files.


Are you sure?


What did they take, exactly?

Not sure.

They covered their tracks.

They were after old floppy disks.

We're not sure what was on the disks.

They were damaged.

All we know is the name of the label on the files.

Black Rainbow.

Black Rainbow?

Black Rainbow is real.