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04x08 - Crisis of Faith

Posted: 05/01/20 07:25
by bunniefuu
Previously on Z Nation...

We all loved you Lucy.

You were right.

What happened was my fault.

I don't know what we're doing.

These dreams, visions, hallucinations, It's leading us nowhere.

- North!

We head to Newmerica.

- Newmerica?

Citizen Z.

This is northern light, do you copy?

Where are you?


- Where's my left handed spanner wrench?


There it is.

Don't tease the frozen zombie, honey.



- That's right, baby.

Frozen puppy.

- Frozen puppy!


Daddy, is that you?

Zone A?





- [g*nsh*t]


[g*nf*re CONTINUES]

sh**t at my baby.

[g*nf*re CONTINUES]

Don't want you to panic, nana.

But we have intruders.


Bad guys.

We're going to z-con four.

I said don't panic!

Thank you.

Got your bug out bag?

Little JZ?

Let's go.

This is an emergency broadcast from Camp Northern Light.


Citizen Z.



Camp Northern Light under attack.


Northern Light under attack by Zona forces.


Are you out there?


Help us.


Hello muddah, hello faddah.

Greetings from Camp Marijuana.

- Big bud's good here.

- Big bud's good here.


Hash is better.

I'm so stoned that I can hardly write this letter.

Here we are.

Cannabis country.

Oh my God.

Those aren't pot leaves, dear.

They're maple leaves.

Those are Canadian flags.



So this is Canada.

Newmerica's probably less than two day's drive now.

Barring any unforeseen zombie action.

Well what do you say, chief?

She's not the chief anymore.

She said so herself.

Shut up, Murphy.

Are we doing this?

We're doing this.

Frozen waste land of peace, here I come.

Kinda seems too good to be true.

Yeah, I know what you mean, kid.

I remember when Newmerica was called California.

It's just so hard to believe anything anymore.

Yeah, well I'm back to believing in nobody but myself.

I'm still alive, and I keep going.

Yeah, you're like a cockroach that way.

Yeah, well you know what they say about cockroaches?

They survive.

And I plan to keep on surviving thank you very much - [SNARLING]

- Oh, tabernac!

- Warren, check your three.


More coming, Sarge.

12 o'clock.



♪ Have mercy...

♪ - [TWO g*nshots]


♪ Oh, have mercy.




Look at these two, hosers.

- Take off, eh?




Get out of here, you hoser.


- Sorry.


- Hyah!

- Hyah!


- Quit playing with it.

- [g*nshots]


But I'm keeping this.

Well I don't mean to stereotype, but those were the nicest zombies I've ever seen.

I know, eh?


Back to America.







- [g*nshots]

Guys, over here!

- [g*nf*re]




- [SLAM]





Zombie Mother of God.






- Dang.

You ugly.



Forgive me, Sister.

For I have sinned.

- I was nowhere near the altar wine.

- Doc, snap out of it!


- Not that ruler again.


- Forgive me, Sister.









- A little help here!





This is why I hate organized religion!







My savior.






As if Catholic School didn't scare me enough.

Oh, no, no, no!

- Christ!

- Ah, I'm going to hell even more than I was before.

We're already in hell, Doc.

Can only go up from here.

Look, the original zombie got up and walked away.

Man, have some respect.


Oh, ha ha.

My dad said Lazarus was the original zombie.

Well it don't count if you don't crave brains.

If you're all done yammering, can we please take a minute to recon this craphole?

Sarge, - it's a church.

- Was a church.

I think Satan runs it now.

We have Canadian Zs on each of these windows.

Not the nice ones.

Yeah, Mad Zs are outside the doors.

Yeah, well there's something mean out there.

Like Mother Superior mean.

Zombies to the east of us.

Zombies to the west.


stuck in the middle with you.

I'm dying of thirst.

Anybody got any water?

What's left of it is back at the van.

And what's left of the food.

God dammit, I miss Zona.

I mean it.

I mean, I thought we'd won.

I thought this was over.

I mean, think about that.

You guys have forgotten what it's like to have it good.

Now the best I can hope for is freezing my nuts off in Newmerica.

Yeah, and who knows how many more zombie hordes we're gonna have to k*ll to get there.

And even if we get there...

What, Warren?

Say it.

Something about your dreams?

Just say it.

I don't know how far this darkness spreads.

And it feels like the whole earth.

But you said you didn't trust your dreams, that maybe they were hallucinations.

I don't know what they mean.

No, I don't.

But they keep coming.

Maybe they're true or maybe they're not.

You were there in Zona.

You were awake.

What did they do to me?

Because if these dreams are real, then nowhere is safe.

Not even Newmerica.

Chief, we need to get inside your head.

Good luck.

He could do it.

Murphy's pretty good at getting inside peoples' heads.

10K's right.

She's got your blood in her.

She did, but...

Yeah, well it's worth a shot.

Isn't it?

Come on.

We need to know.

I need to know.


This isn't working.

You got to give it a minute.

Come here.

Come here.

Look at me.



Keep trying.








Where are we?

The end of the world.

It doesn't seem so bad.

You can't see it.

See what?







What about now?

It's too late.

I'm sorry.


The rain is coming.


It's here.


What is it?

What happened?

What'd you see?


I couldn't see anything.

I felt it.

What she's feeling.

It's excruciating.





- Hey.



What I felt, What you've been feeling, you've been feeling that this whole time?



Whatever it is, are we going toward it or away from it?


I don't know.


We're gonna need something stronger.


Knock knock.


- Oh no.


That's better.



That didn't move like a zombie.









- Not so fast, Quasimodo.

Look alive, girlies.

We got a storm of skinnies.



Getting a little chicken and dumplings out there.

- Warren and Murphy need backup.

- You go ahead.

I'll keep an eye on our friend here.

- Friend?

- We take a little getting used to.






- [a*t*matic g*nf*re]




- En guarde!



I'm getting pretty good at this.

I've got issues.

Who's that?

The bell ringer.

We get to interrogate him, right?

I always wanted to interrogate somebody.

Park it here.

What the hell, man?!

Are you trying to get us k*lled?!

You know I should off you right now.

So why don't you give me one good reason why not!

I'm Lieutenant Roberta Warren.

National Guard.

- You got a name?

- Lou.

- Louis.

- So, Louis, any particular reason you want to get us k*lled?

- No.

- No?

You got a death wish then?

What are you doing here?

He came from downstairs.

With this.

Hmm, so what?

You a...

grave robber or something?

- No.

- No?

You mean living people gave you all this stuff?

This would be important to people.

You sure you didn't drag these off of corpses?

- No.

- Horse pucky.


Saint Christopher Medals.

My granddad had one of these.

Never took it off.

You'd never get it off him unless he was dead.

- You're disgusting.

- No!

So if you're not a grave robber, you want to tell us how you got all this stuff?

Why you got all this stuff?


Can you say anything else other than "no?" Doc, search his bag.


A cornucopia of comparative religions.

I always liked this guy.

Fat and happy.

That's enlightenment.

Oh, wow.

Would you look at that.

I had a necklace just like this.

Remember, I got it from that medicine woman, Kuruk.

Please tell me you didn't get this off of a pretty Native American lady near the Grand Canyon.

It was this old lady in Sedona.

Family mercied here right before she turned.

They went right after.

She was holding this.

You took it why?

Maybe he was moved by the Great Spirit like I was.


But someone was.

And someone will be again.

Uh, when?

When this is finally all over.

I don't know.

Taking necklaces from dead ladies sounds like grave robbing to me.

- You found him coming from downstairs?

- Mm-hmm.

Downstairs like a basement?

Or downstairs like a crypt?

You mean crypt like more dead people?

No, not just any dead people.

Important dead people.

Rich dead people.

Been digging for treasures, have you?

You can say that, yeah.

- No, no.

No, but it's not what you think.

- No?

Have any of you ever heard of Saint Teresa of Aurea?



There is a relic here.

A bone from her finger.

It's supposed to cure the sick.


And if you buy that, I got a bunch of other crap I can sell you.

Look, you can believe whatever you want to.

Quit trying to get us k*lled.

I'm sorry about that.

I am.

I just, I didn't know who you were.

And people are weird now.


Well that's an understatement.

This relic is really worth you risking your life?


Uh, people, we have a horde situation happening here.

- We got to vamoose, pronto.

- No, we can't.

There's already too many.

- Well, we can't stay here.

- All the ways out of here are blocked.

I know a way out.



That's the crypt down there where your Saint is?

There's also a tunnel, a way out.

- It leads to an old graveyard.


Whatever we're doing, we better start doing it.

Help me move this.




- Push!









- [g*nsh*t]


- [g*nsh*t]


- [g*nsh*t]


- [g*nsh*t]


- [g*nsh*t]


- [g*nsh*t]




10K, help me!

Pull the slab!



Is it just me or does that Z reek more than usual?

Is this the tunnel?

Is this the way out?


This your Saint?

The relic is buried in there.

Along with a bishop from the '20's.

Upstairs you said that her finger bone healed people?

Saint Teresa of Aurea.

She was a young girl.

Said that God gave her the gift to cure people.

She laid her hands on the sick, and she...

she never asked for a penny.

Her father, he wanted to marry her off.

He needed the money.

And she just wanted to remain a virgin.

Heal people for God.

Once she refused to marry a wealthy man twice her age, and he k*lled her in a rage.

If the bone was so miraculous, why'd they bury it down here?

This bishop must've been pretty powerful I guess.

He wanted the relic.

- He got it.

- Oh Jesus!

Oh my God.

- We hit a brick wall.

- What do you mean?

There's a wall.

Made of bricks.

Your friend lied to us.

I didn't lie.

I didn't know about the bricks.

They weren't on the blueprints.

Give us your axe.

Come on.

You think you can help me with this?

Maybe there's a latch or something.

You know, not many people still got religion, after all this.


I don't, I mean old white dude in the sky?

But if this relic can really cure people, people are gonna need healing once all this is over.

You think this will be over?

I call that faith.

That's just basic survival.

You got to believe this will end, right?

If you don't, hug a zombie.





Why do you have all that stuff if you're not a believer?

My ma was a good Catholic.

It really made no sense to me, but I was glad she had something, you know?

It was comforting.

And then one day the whole world lost its mind.


It was bad that first night.

I was in a garage.

I used to be a mechanic.


Me too.

It was in the middle of the city.

It seemed like ground zero.

Alvin, my boss, he was the first to turn.

And then my buddy, Juan.

And it was up to me to put them both down.

And it took forever.

Didn't know back then that you had to...



All I could hear was the screaming outside.

And the sound of me with my wrench hitting.

And then it was done.

They were dead.

And it was dark.

But somehow, Juan's stupid candle, you know, the one with the Virgin Mary on it, it kept burning.

That's some kind of miracle.

It was a light.

I needed it.

So I took it.

And ever since then, it was like...

I just kept finding stuff.

Yeah, some might say you were called.


I don't think so.

I like to think more like it's...

gives me something to do.

A reason to keep going.

A mission.

What if it's not a real mission?

- What do you mean?

- What if it ends up meaning nothing?

Like the Apocalypse never ends.

Or it does and nobody wants that stuff anymore.

How do you know you're, how do you know if you're doing something good or you're just...


I don't.

Let me see if I can find something to help you lift this thing.


- You still got that pry bar?

- Yeah.

- Warren, look at this.

- I'll take it.

Here you go.


So this Saint Aurea.

She had a pretty crappy dad, huh?

All those girl saints did.

Well, Saint Lucy had a crappy mom.

Saint Lucy?

Patron Saint of the blind.

And epidemics.

She was...

My daughter's name was Lucy.


She was supposed to...

She could've cured everyone.

Healed everyone.

Just like...

And then she...

They would've called her Saint.

My Lucy.

After she saved everyone.

After she lived forever and we...

But she didn't.

She died.

She died saving my life.

She wasn't a Saint.

She was just a little girl.

I don't know.

Sacrificing yourself for someone you love?

I don't think it gets more holy than that.

Do you?

We need to get more leverage.

We need that pickaxe.

It's important.

On three.










What happened to love thy neighbor?!


- Hey, Bishop!

- One!




I thought he was supposed to be dead dead?

It's a Mad Z miracle.

It doesn't open.

There's no secret compartment.

It's not the relic.

It's just a cross.

It's empty.

Well, then it's probably time to go.

Oh yeah, about that...

There's another wall, behind this one.

Ain't going this way.

I have one grenade left.

Nope, don't even think about it!

We don't need a grenade.

We need a miracle.

An actual one.

Well, I think it's safe to say, Warren, we ain't gonna find one here.


- Oh, come on.

Somebody's ringing the bells.


The Zs are leaving.


It's just zombies, tangled up in bell pulls.



It's a little girl.

She's been mercied.

- It's a first communion Z.

- She's holding something.

It's the relic.

Now that's what I call a damn miracle.

Saint Lucy.



It's even more beautiful than I thought.

Could I?

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Thank you.

I didn't do anything.

It was just there.

I'd like to give you something.

For helping me, you know, and...

not k*lling me.

Is there anything you need?

Maybe something to help you keep going.

Got anything useful in there?



Toilet paper?

I got batteries.

My man.


Keep the faith, brother.

I will.



Citizen Z.

- Operation Bite Mark.

- Holy crap.

Is that Northern Light?

U.S. GOV. Emergency.

- That's Kaya all right.

- Under attack.

Northern Light.

This is Operation Bite Mark.


- Under attack.


- Operation Bite Mark calling Kaya in the Sky-A.

Do you copy?

- Can anyone hear me?

- She can't hear you.

Transmitter is too weak.

- We can hear her, but she can't hear us.

- Emergency.

Camp Northern Light under attack.


Northern Light under attack by Zona forces.

- Did she just say Zona?

- That's bad.

- We got to find a bigger transmitter.

- Yeah, you're right.

Let's go.

I'm sure Canada's got transmitters.

- Under attack by Zona forces.

- Warren?

- Warren?

- She's heading back to the U.S.


Sometimes you just got to believe.