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04x03 - The Vanishing

Posted: 05/01/20 07:21
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Z Nation"...

- Dr. Teller?
- Come with me.

You're no longer safe here.

There's a helicopter leaving in
the next fifteen minutes.

And if we're not on that chopper
we don't survive.

Supplies are all still here.
Even a*mo. It makes no sense.

- No sign of a struggle.
- Like they vanished into thin air.

- Where are we going anyway?
- Your daughter's alive.


Estimate six days
to our next rendezvous.

- Roberta.
- What?


Yeah, right.


Why did you leave? Help me.

Tommy. I'm here.

Over here. I'm hurt. I'm here.

Here it comes.

Hang on, Lucy.





I didn't know you were alive.

Yeah, well, now you know.

You've grown.

Yeah, that happens

regardless of whether
you're there for it or not.

Sure. You've just done it
rather quickly.

Um, yeah.

Look, have I done
something to disappoint you?


I mean, because if I have, I'm sorry.

I don't know exactly
what I could've done differently.

To be honest, it's hard,

this whole parenting thing.
You know being responsible,

what with the Zompocalypse
and everything.


You look a little different yourself.


I'm cured.

Was there something wrong?

- No, no, no, no. Not like that.
- No. No, it's okay.

No, no, no, no, no, no.
I didn't mean that...


Honestly, I...

I just don't feel anything... with you.

I understand.


- But I think that if...
- But you...


Something's wrong, isn't it?



I didn't want to leave her.

She told me to go.
She said she'd find me.

We were headed to a refugee camp.

Everyone's going to Newmerica.


We should get to that camp.

She'll come look for us there.


I've seen some bad things, man.

Things I couldn't explain.

But this one...

Maybe they got tired
of waiting and just left.

Well, why not take all the gear,
the weapons, and supplies?

It makes no damn sense.

We're not doing ourselves any favors

wasting time trying to figure it out.

We need to be proactive.

What do you suggest?

Pick up and head north.

The sooner the better.

Well, we will,
soon as my friend gets back.

I know where he's headed.

He's going back to their tent.
I was there.

He's not gonna find her.

He's gonna find whatever it was

that ripped her face off
and ate her soul.

I've been doing this long enough to know

when a situation is no longer
compatible with survival.

What makes you think that
whatever cleared this place out

won't be coming back?

Hey, I understand.

And if you need to leave,
I'm not gonna stop you.

But I'm staying.

Look, man.

I had one mission.

Keep everyone in this camp alive.

Now there's four of us.

I'll be damned if I'll let you
k*ll yourselves on my watch.

Identify yourselves!




What the hell, chief?

I'm digging the hair.

You like? Apocalyptic blonde.

Right on.

Hey, Lucy.

What's up, Doc?

Thanks, man.

You're the first person
on the mainland who's

been half happy to see me.

What do you mean?

Yeah. Well,

you reap what you spawn, brother.

Ain't that the truth.

I'm Lieutenant Mueller.

And this...

is Sergeant Lilly.

Sergeant Lilly?

- It's got a nice ring to it.
- Sarge will do,


Sergeant. I'm Lieutenant Warren.

Ex National Guard.

This is Murphy. Ex human.

We all go way back.

I hate to cut this lovefest short,

but we've got some decisions to make.

To bring you up to speed,

we left a group of survivors
here a few hours ago

to intercept a convoy that was overdue.

We found it abandoned, were ambushed,

and lost a good man.

I'm sorry to hear that.

When we returned,
we found the camp abandoned.

Everybody gone.

Any sign of a fight?

No. Just gone.

Including Red and Sun Mei.

- They're both alive?
- Yeah. Last time I saw them.

Yeah, 10K's with us.

He's out there now
looking for Red and the others.

We gotta get on the move while
there's still daylight.

Whatever's out there that got
your friends

will most surely be out there
when the sun sets.

Yeah, well, 10K's still out there.

I understand your concern,

but I can't risk these vehicles,
supplies, and all of our lives

for one individual.

You know he's coming back, chief.
You know he is.

If she's out there, he'll find her.

We'll wait till morning.

That's a mistake.

Wouldn't be my first.


What's she staring at?

That's complicated.

If she's looking for your friend

she's looking the wrong way.

He went south. She's looking east.

Well, maybe she's not looking for him.

So what was it like over there?


Hell of a lot better than our
current situation.

Why'd you leave?

Like I said, it's complicated.

Try me. I'm a good listener.

Something about The Reset.

- You ever hear of that?
- Nope.

Sounds like a good idea though.

All I know is that for two
full years it was like Club Med.

Except for free. And then one day,

a guy gets cracked over the head
with a fouriron and then...


none of that matters anymore.

Now it's about getting
all of you to Newmerica.

Yeah, about this Newmerica thing.

Why are we all going there again?

It's the only place to go.

Actual civilization.


They have food, munitions,
a growing society.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. That sounds familiar.

What do you mean by that?

I mean I have heard that
a hundred times before.

And every time we'd get there,

it's some utopian cult freakshow
blah blah blah.

And then by the time we leave,
it's on fire.

No one said anything about utopia.

It's a functioning outpost. That's it.

- But it's all we've got.
- Yeah, well, whatever it is,

it can't be better
than where we just left.

Maybe it's more real.


How's she doing?

She's sleeping.

Doesn't much feel like talking.

So, how do you feel about this
whole Newmerica thing?

I'm all for it.

I'm all for any place that's not here.

I just don't know how
we're gonna get to Canada

without that convoy.

Wait, hold up. This thing's in Canada?

Roger that. We are headed for the Yukon.

Whoa, nobody said anything
about freaking Canada.

- You got a problem with Canada?
- Yeah. I do.

It's far. And cold.

I don't think you got much of a choice.

Well, hey. Welcome back
to the Apocalypse.

So what's the deal with these jugheads?

No, jarheads.

- Whatever.
- No, they're okay.

We've been through some shit together.

Yeah, well, I've been led blindly
by enough military intelligence

to know it's an oxymoron.

And what's the deal with this
Newmerica crap?

- Are you buying it?
- Well, what choice do we have?

I could think of a few.

Look, Murphy, I know you've been living

like the Pope of Zombietown
for the past two years.

But it's slim pickings
out here in the cheap seats.

What, so we follow them just 'cause
they're the only game in town?

Well, yeah.

Why do I feel like we've been
down this road before?

Because we have.

Man, you are not cheering me up.

What's up with Warren?
Is she like herself or what?

It's hard to say.
I mean she's all there, but

it seems like there's more

there there than there used to be.

You know what I'm saying?

Not really.


Over here!

I'm alive.

Come find me.

Help me.


Look out!

- What the hell was that?
- What?

- You didn't hear that?
- I didn't hear anything. Did you?


Where did it come from?

Over there.

Or... Or maybe over there.

Or there.

Over there!

- I heard that.
- I heard that too!

Something's out there.

Watching us.

Waiting for us.

Maybe it's one of them mad Zs.
The kinds that won't go down.


what are you talking about?

You haven't seen one?

- Nope.
- You're lucky.

One of my men,

he went down during the fire fight.

We had to mercy him.

Head shot.

And still, he came back.

I heard rumors about unkillable Zs.

The virus mutating.

But I never thought they were real.

You start to wonder if
something's happening out there.

Something that can't be stopped.

Some fresh hell
we've brought upon ourselves.

Could explain what happened here.

It's enough to make you
want to run into the abyss.

Death by Apocalypse.

Yeah, well, maybe we should
do something about it.

You know, before it's too late.

We should've left hours ago,
but we're waiting for your boy.

Our boy saved your ass back there.

Did you forget about that?

Not personal, bud. I feel you.

We've all lost people.

We got to be smart and move.

In my experience,

people who wait too long, they're dead.

Anybody got eyes?

Over there.

Mother of God.

We got to get out of here.

We're not going anywhere
until Warren says so.

Ain't that right, Murphy?

Ain't that right, Murphy?

Yeah. That's right.
What he said, she said.

Well, I'm not staying put while
whatever's out there

prepares to dine on my innards.

I'd rather die on my feet
than on my ass.

Are you sure those are the only options?

Sergeant, you're coming with me.

What are you doing?

You're just gonna
leave us here stranded?

We're safer if we stick together.

If your friend's out there,

we'll find him and bring him back.

We'll just see what Warren
has to say about that.

I don't know what's
going on with Lieutenant Warren.

Be alert.

We'll be back shortly.

If he's out there, we'll get him.


Never get out of the boat.

Go east.

Always east.

Always east.

Follow the signs.

Follow the rainbow.

The rising sun.

You know the way.

It burns.

It burns.

It burns.


Are you okay?


I brought you some water.

- What happened?
- You passed out.

I got to quit doing that.

Last time it happened, I lost two years.

Really is good to see you.

Good to see you too.

Not sure what the hell we're doing here.

We're waiting for 10K.

I still can't believe you're alive.

Well, I guess I can believe it.

Should've never doubted it.

Tell you what, you didn't miss much.

The last two years
was like one long root canal.

Meanwhile, you guys...

Was life really that sweet in Zona?

I don't know, Doc.
I slept through the party.

Yeah, I feel that way about 60's

and the 70's and 80's.

Most of the 90's.

Well, chief, I hate to sound
like a broken record. But...

I still keep wondering if it's worth it.

- If what's worth it?
- I don't know.

You know, all the caring for each other,

relying on each other,
trying to stay positive,

and keep the faith in the midst
of this Apocalyptic shitstorm.

You know what I mean?

All too well.

Well, is it worth it?

Of course it is. It's all we got.

Yeah, I mean I know. I know.

But, really, is it really worth it?


All right.

I guess I just needed
to hear that from you.

I'm gonna shut up now.
You get some rest.

- Okay.
- Okay. Good night.


Explain the mentality to me.

You know, creepy, threatening sounds

coming from the deep, dark,
zombie infested woods.

So hey, let's go follow it.

I mean, what sense does that make?

Rarely am I wrong,
and yet rarely am I listened to.

If people just did what I told
them to, they'd be better off.

Go ahead. Roll your eyes.

- Hey, guys.
- Hey.

Good to see you, Lucy.

Hey, Lucy. What happened to Addy?

- Did she make it?
- Yeah, she made it.

I knew it.

She was shot. In the face.


Is she all right?

It was a sn*per.



A few hours ago.


Nothing. We need to go find her.

She said don't wait.

That we should stick together
and she'd meet us in Newmerica.

She'll find me.

What do you think happened
to them refugees?

I think Lieutenant Buzzcut was right.

I think they realized no help was coming

and got the hell out of here.

Wait a minute! Wait a second!
I know this guy.

- What?
- I know him.

Who the hell is it?

That's Burgess.
He's one of the refugees.

Hey, buddy. Hey, it's Doc, your friend.

Look, man, you're safe now.

Burgess, what the hell
happened to everyone?

Can you answer me, man?

Where did everybody go?



Listen to me.

I need to know what happened here.

Where did everybody go?

Come on, Burgess!

You got to help us out, man.
Are we safe?

What? You were expecting
a different answer?

So, what you saw was it alive?
Or was it something else?

All right, man. Hey, hey. Okay.




Now hear me.

I need you to pull yourself together.

I need your help.
Our friends are out there,

and we need to know
what we're up against.

He's zombie gaga.
I've seen it a million times.

Get outside.

Whatever happened,
it traumatized that poor soul.

Yeah, I don't think
we're gonna get much out of him.

We need to consider our options.

There's only four of us.

We can get in that truck and get
the hell out of here right now.

- Well, what about 10K?
- What about him, Doc?

I mean, for all we know, he found Red

and he's headed back
to his hideout right now.

He left you here without considering
what might happen to you.

He could be home.
He could be zombiechow.

Either way, we can't stick
around here to find out.

Yeah, we can!

We can't go anywhere right now.

10K and the soldiers are out there.

You're better off with them.
At least here you have supplies.

What do you mean,
"you're" better off with them?

Are you not coming with us?

Hang tight.

I'll find you.

I give you mercy, soldier.

You can rest now, brother.


Sergeant Lilly!

Okay. Let's do it this way.

Blink once for yes, twice for no.

Can you do that for me, Burgess?

All right, now we're getting somewhere.

Did you see what it was
that came into the camp?

Okay. Did you hear it?

Were you in the tent alone?

This is a medical tent. Was it...

Sun Mei. This was her spot.

You said you weren't alone.

Was the doctor in here with you?

So you did see her?

Did you see what happened to her?

Come on, Burgess.
Did you see what happened to her?

Tell me! Did you see
what happened to her?

Did you see what happened to her?!

Hey! Something's coming!

Stay with Burgess.


That little zombie proof son of a bitch.

10K, goddammit.

You got to stop leaving me like that.

- Look at that.
- He's gone!

- What?
- Burgess! He's gone!



This road will take us north.

We'll meet up with the other convoys

and join them to Newmerica.

What the hell?

Hey, Warren! What are you doing?!

Chief! Where are you going?!

She's going east.

I thought Newmerica was north.

Well, that's what I thought.

No, she's going the wrong way.




Wait! Where you going now?!

Do you think she even realizes
she's going the wrong way?

Not in her mind.

Not you.


Wait! Why are you going now?!

Well, you know me.
I don't like it when we split up

I'm going with them.