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02x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 04/27/20 20:51
by bunniefuu
What happened to the pub is Irish business?

You shut your gypsy mouth and listen to your instructions.

Eamonn Duggan?

My son and my daughter were taken from me when they were very small.

We're planning an expansion.

I'm taking premises in London.

The Italian gangs and the Jewish gangs have been at w*r in London.

The Jews have been having the worst of it. They need allies.

We take the opportunity to show our hand.

That arrived an hour ago.

There's no name on it but it comes from Camden Town.

Well done, Tommy.

Now you're at w*r with Sabini.

Ada Shelby? No.

Your brother broke the rules.


My face is the last thing you'll ever see on earth.

See if the bastard's still alive.

No! No!

It's all right, Miss Shelby. We work with Tommy.

We're Peaky Blinders.

My name is not Shelby!

Ready for a visitor, Mr Shelby?


I'm here on the King's orders.

I'm afraid I must insist.


You paid extra for daylight.

The racketeering business must be booming.

Are you not going to thank me for saving your life?

Pass me cigarettes?

Three nights ago, at the co-operative stables in Montague Street, there was a m*rder.

A man named Duggan.

The Oxfordshire constabulary found his body in a shallow grave.

I need to piss.


I know it was you who carried out the m*rder of Mr Duggan.

Oh, by the way.

Grace, she went to New York.

A place called, er...


She's married now.

To a banker. He's rich.

I'm sure she's very happy.

You have been under my microscope for some weeks now.

I have been observing every move you make.

And that is why I was on hand to save your life.

I imagine being shot by a woman hurts the same as being shot by a man.

Just a bit more shameful.

You know, Mr Campbell, when I got shot they gave me a medal.


No medal for you I bet.

Mr Shelby, our reunion

is part of a very carefully worked out plan, which has been in place for some time now.

Every time you lean on that stick I bet you see her face.

And as a result of the information in my possession, I can charge you with m*rder at any time and provide two impeccable Crown witnesses whose testimony will lead you directly to the gallows.

You are on my hook, Mr Shelby.

And from this moment forward

you belong to me.

So, get well quickly.

I'll be in touch the moment I hear you can piss standing up.

Then I will send you your instructions.

Curly, you left the gate open?

No, I locked it. I pinched myself when I did it.

Get that stuff under cover. Yeah.


Who goes there?


Curly, get that oil you put on the legs when they go lame.

Are you f*cking mad, Doyle?

The yellow stuff. Go on.

They said you'd be in for another three weeks.

I need to get on a boat to London.


You discharged yourself?

I'm a f*cking sitting duck in there, Charlie.

Sabini could send a man at any time.

I need to get some things done.

You're burning up.


Oh, Tommy! That stuff's for rubbing into f*cking horses.

Ha! I am a horse.

If you were a horse, they'd sh**t you with this many broken bones.

Get the black powder, Curly.

Go. Yeah.

The black powder.

You pay for a bloody hospital and you're using witchcraft?

I need to sleep in the open air and feel the boat under me, Charlie.

Oh, Tommy.

You're just like your mother.

Do you have a boat here?

Only the January. She's heavy.

London will take four days.

That'll do. Can you spare Curly?

He'll be my doctor.

Then God help you.

You have tobacco, Curly?

And tea and whisky.

We'll have you running around like a colt.

Ah, get him aboard. I'll fill her up.

If I sleep all the way, it's Camden Town we're heading for.

What business do you have in Camden Town, Tommy?

Tell Polly she's in charge while I'm away.

If I don't come back, tell her she's in charge for good.

You hungry yet, Tommy?

You know what, Curly?

I think I am.

Where are we?

Uh, Heathrow. One more day and we'll be there.

I'll put something in the pan.

Can you steer?

Give it a go.

You're almost there, too, Tommy.

f*cking hell, lads. Calm down.

Put him down, Ollie.

Put him down, mate. He's only little.

You on your own?

Seems so.

Well, you're a brave lad, ain't you?

You want to take a look at my bakery?

We bake all sorts here mate, yeah.

Did you know we bake over 10,000 loaves a week?

Can you believe it?

We bake the white bread, we bake the brown bread.

We bake all sorts.

Would you like to try some?



All right.

What would you like, brown or white?

Try the brown.

Brown, right.

Not bad.

Not bad, eh?

Not bad?

It's f*cking awful, that stuff.

The f*cking brown stuff is horrible, it's for the workers.


The white stuff, now that is for the bosses.

Come look.

Well, I've heard very bad, bad, bad things about you Birmingham people.

You're gypsies, right?

So what, do you live in a f*cking tent or a caravan?

I came here to discuss business with you, Mr Solomons.

Well, rum's for fun and f*cking, innit?

So, whisky, now that...

That is for business.

Let's talk first, eh?

Suit yourself.

They say you had your life saved by a policeman.

I have policemen on my payroll.

Well, I don't like policemen because policemen, they can't be trusted.

Mr Sabini uses policemen all the time.

That's why he's winning the w*r in London and you are losing it.

A w*r ain't over until it's over, mate.

You were in the w*r?

I once carried out my own personal form of stigmata on an Italian.

I pushed his face up against the trench and shoved a six-inch nail up his f*cking nose and I hammered it home with a duck board.

It was f*cking biblical, mate.

So don't come in here and sit there in my chair and tell me that I'm losing my w*r to a f*cking wop.

That w*r was a long time ago.

You need to be more realistic.

Realistic, yeah?


Well, if you weren't losing the w*r, then you wouldn't have sent me the telegram.


You forget your f*cking telegram. The telegram just said, "Hello."

Very simple, you want to sell me something.


We join forces. f*ck off.

No! Categorical.

f*cking ridiculous.

Mr Solomons.

Your distillery provides one-tenth of your income.

Protection is another 10%.

And the rest you make from the race tracks.

I know you keep a g*n in the drawer.

I know you keep it beside the whisky.

I know you offer a deal or death.

I know what I'm saying makes you angry.

But I am offering you a solution.

You see, Mr Sabini is running all your bookies off your courses.

And he is closing down the premises that take your rum.

And people don't trust your protection any more.

You're the bloke who shot Billy Kimber, right?

You did, you f*cking shot him. That's you.

You f*cking betrayed him, mate.

So it'd be entirely appropriate to do what I am thinking in my head to you right now.

I can offer you 100 good men.

All with weapons.

And a new relationship with the police.


Intelligence is a very valuable thing, innit, my friend?

And usually it comes far too f*cking late.

Let's say that I shot you already, right, in the f*cking face.

And the b*llet goes bone, mush, bone, cabinet over there.

Which is a shame, innit, 'cause that cabinet's f*cked now and I got to get shot of it.

So, what I'd do is this...

It's f*cking simple, mate.

I cut that cabinet in half, don't I?

I do. I just literally... I cut the cabinet... I cut.

I cut the cabinet literally in half, mate.

And I take one half of the cabinet, all right, and I put it into a barrel and I take the other half of the cabinet and all its pieces and I put that into another barrel, right?

And I send this barrel off to Mandalay.

And the other barrel off to somewhere like I don't know...


You ever been? No.


Would you like to go?


You know, I always thought that you'd have a great big f*cking gold ring in your nose.

I'm sorry, go on.

Tell us your plan.


How the f*ck did you find me?

What, are you reading Polly's letters?

Polly showed me the letter.

Look, you think you're safe because you moved flat, but you're not.

Polly thinks the same.

When will you understand? I just want you all out of my life.


Look at us, eh?

And it'll happen again.

Yeah, well, next time I'll be ready.

In fact, I want them to try again 'cause I'll sh**t their balls off!

Ada, put the f*cking g*n away. Get away from me, I'm late for work.

All right, fine. Fine.

Just take this.

Take it.

Where you're living now is right on the edge of Sabini's territory and all the coppers round there work for him.

I've got a lot of money coming in that I can't put through the banks.

My accountant says the best thing is to buy property for cash and put it in the name of a family member.

A house? A whole house?

It's all yours.

Four storeys, eight bedrooms, kitchen, scullery.

Rooms for a maid, if your political conscience will allow.

At least go and have a look, eh?

sh**t the f*cking lot of them.

Mr Sabini? The police are here.

Tell them to wipe their feet.

So why do I have to tell you everything?

We can't search every train that comes into London.

They don't use trains, they use boats.

The boatmen are all gypsies. He's a f*cking gypsy.

Why do we have to tell them everything?

Okay, we can't search every boat.

Lucky for me, I have a boy in the Jews' rum house.

The gypsy went to meet Solomons.

And after, they drank whisky and shook hands.

And then Alfie gave him some salt or some such kike thing that means peace.

What exactly do you want us to do, Mr Sabini?

Did you bring dog shit in here on your shoes?

Check, have a look.

I can smell something.

You've got photographs of this Tommy Shelby, though, right?

We have military ID photographs from his time with the Warwickshire Yeomanry.

Shelby won medals.

Okay, so you've got his f*cking photo.

If he shows his face in Camden Town, your coppers lift him. All right?

You know...

Sometimes when I smell something, it's something that's not real, it's something more like a... Like a premonition.

It's like sometimes I smell something, but it's not a smell, it's just something isn't right.

Mr Sabini, we'll do everything we can to deal with this man.


Did you say, "Do a deal"?

I didn't mean that.



You've been f*cking got at. No, you're being ridiculous.

Somebody's f*cking sat you down.

Somebody's f*cking sat you down and talked to you!

Mr Sabini... We should go.

This f*cking gypsy has sat down with the f*cking coppers!

Mr Sabini.

And you're taking with both f*cking hands off of me and off of him!

Okay, so now you f*cking follow Shelby.

You f*cking follow him and you finish him!

Oh, shit.

I told youse, boys, 'ere she is.

What the bloody hell is going on?

When did you get back?

I didn't want to miss your birthday, Pol.

Back to work.

How do you know it's my birthday? Nobody ever knows.

Ah, it's different this year.

John, Finn, bring the car round.

Where are we going?

To unwrap your birthday present.

After you.

Good morning!

You said you were gonna buy Ada a house.

Yep, that's right, I did.

Just had a bit of cash left over.

This is ours?

No, Polly...

This is yours.

'Cause you deserve it.

What would I do with all these rooms?

Well, you could, uh, relax for one.

Come here at weekends.

It has a garden, eh?

You love gardens.

You can grow roses, Pol.

I don't know, have a piano.

Have people round, they can have a singsong, eh?

God help the bloody neighbours.

f*ck the neighbours.

Welcome home, Pol.

Arthur, why don't you take the boys outside, wait by the car?


I know you haven't been happy for a while.

And I know why.

Esme is all right, you know?

She's got a good heart, she has.

I've spoken to her and she told me.

Told you what?

She told me what it is that would make you happy.

I've spoken to our contacts in the police.

They have contacts in the council, and they have contacts with the people who keep the parish records.

Records of adoptions, and of confidential forced removals.

Now, with your permission, I'd like to grease a few palms and take a look at the records they never showed you.


I am going to find your son and daughter and I'm gonna bring them home.

That's what this house is for.

So that you can bring your family home where they belong.

We're moving up, Pol.

Go have a look what you think.

Can you hear that?

Silence at last.

And it belongs to us.

Mummy, there's loads of chairs!

What's in there?

Still here?

Well, there's a lot coming in and a lot going out.

Well, as long as there's more coming in, we're all right.

This came for you today.

It's all the way from America, New York.

Somewhere called Poughkeepsie?

And the decorators doing The Garrison want paying.

Arthur forgot and pulled a g*n when they asked, so...

They've stopped and everything's green. All right, well, just pay it.

Oh, and we need to put an advert in the Mail, "Grand Reopening."

Oh, and you said there's a letter that had to go today.

Special delivery.

I wrote it in the diary.

Yes, I haven't written it out yet.

Well, you can just tell me and I'll write it down.

I've learnt shorthand.

Fair enough.

Dear Mr Churchill...

Has your pencil broken?

No. No, do go on.

Dear Mr Churchill I've been approached by an agent of the Crown to carry out a task, as yet unspecified.

"His name is Major Campbell and I believe he reports to you."

"Therefore, I decided to make direct contact with you"

"to make sure that certain things are clearly understood."

"Mr Churchill, you should know that I am a former British soldier"

"and if you look at my w*r record,"

"you will see that I fought bravely at Verdun and at the Somme."

"Also, you will see that my actions at Mons"

"saved thousands of Allied lives."

"I know that you resigned your ministerial position"

"and the safety of an office"

"to go and fight on the front line with the men."

"I read that you fought bravely, Mr Churchill."

"Therefore, I hope I will be treated"

"in any dealings we have with a degree of respect,"

"soldier to soldier."

"My demands are slight and my sacrifice in service of my country"

"will no doubt once again be great."

"Yours sincerely, Thomas Shelby."

Military Medal and the DCM.

Distinguished Conduct Medal.

Hands up in this room, those who were at the Somme.

Those who were at the Battle of Verdun?

Thomas Shelby was a tunneller.

His demand is rather amusing.

He has asked that the Colonial Office grant him an Empire export licence.

And specifically a licence covering India, Malay Peninsula, Canada and Russia.

He plans to transport certain manufactured goods from Birmingham to the Poplar Docks.

And you plan to agree to this demand?

Dear God, Major Campbell...

We will be asking this man to carry out an assassination on behalf of the Crown, once more risking his life.

These demands by comparison are slight and easily met with a few quiet words over lunch with the appropriate ministers.

Sir, with the greatest respect, Thomas Shelby is a murdering, cut-throat, mongrel, gangster.

And yet, the tunnels were dug beneath our feet to silence the g*ns pointed at our heads.

Get Thomas Shelby's details from Campbell and get some kind of royal appointment stamp.



Just until the deed is done.

Agreed, Major Campbell?

And then I can proceed as discussed?

Ag reed, sir.

Come on, let's go inside.

Here, pass the ball!

Come on.

Come on in, boys.

Did you have a good game?

I'm starving, have you done anything for lunch?

It'll be on in a minute, in you go.

Go in and wash your hands, boys, all right?

Come on, mister.

Mrs Johnson?

Yes. Who are you?

I'm from Birmingham Council, Bordesley parish.

No-one wrote to me. What do you want?

I would like to talk about your son, about Henry.

Can I come in?

Oh, I'd rather you didn't, he doesn't like to talk about this.

I see.

So what does Henry know about his real identity, Mrs Johnson?

I only deal with Mr Ross from the agency and he only ever writes, so...

Why are you here in person?

Well, the boy is approaching his 18th birthday.

This isn't right!

You're not from the council, something isn't right.

Hmm. What does he know, Mrs Johnson?

He knows his mother couldn't cope.

She drank too much, she used opium.

She used to beat him.

But that isn't the truth, is it?

Look, I think you should come back when my husband's here.

Does he know what his real name is?

His real name is Johnson, Henry Johnson, now I would like you to go away and come back when my husband's here.

The truth is, he was taken from his mother without her permission.

Henry, go back inside, please.

Who are you?

Please, Henry, go on!

Your real name is Michael Gray. No!

Your real mother wants to see you.

Her address is on the back of this card.

She just wants to talk.

Go away. She just wants to talk.

Go away and leave us alone.

Go away!

Come on, let's go back inside.

Come on, I'll get you something to eat.

Come on, Henry.

Come on. Come on.

Call yourself a Shelby?

f*cking hit him, Finn.

Hit him, that's right.

All right, Isiah, your turn.

Finn! Call yourself a Shelby? f*cking hit him, for f*ck's sake!

Hit him.

Get him out of there, get him back!

Get him back! Arthur, for f*ck's sake!

Get him out of there!

Rockfair is down to sixes.

Right, what happened?

It was a fair fight.


Arthur just caught him with a good 'un.

I saw the body, don't f*cking lie to me.

I saw the body, what f*cking happened?

I'm not family, I'm saying nothing.


He's blown a few times lately.

Six, seven.

It's like he's not there in the head.

He can't even hear "stop".

Even his own name.

And then he cries.

Right, listen to me.

That's two f*cking stories.

Your brother k*lled a boy.

There were witnesses, there will be questions, get your story straight, it was an accident.

f*ck off.

I spoke to the doctor, he said the kid probably had a weak heart.

We'll look after his mother.

It'll be fine.

Polly said I should have stuck with the medicine.

I said that you know best.

It's like a f*cking boat, Tommy.

Full of heavy cargo, like coal or iron.

Sometimes it slips to one end.

And the boat tips.

I can feel it slipping.

And I can feel the boat tipping.

But there ain't nothing I can do about it.

It's like me f*ckin' head's just like this f*ckin' black f*cking barge!

And it just f*cking drifts in and out, in and out.

Well, we're home a long time now, Arthur.

We're home a long time.

I thought you were all right. Yeah, well...

I, I, I don't think I am, Tommy.

Take this f*cking thing away from me.

Just f*ck off, Arthur.

You know what?

I've had enough.

I've f*cking had enough.

Just f*ck off!


I'm supposed to treat you like a f*cking kid again, eh?

Keep you away from g*ns and f*cking rope, is that it?

You think I haven't got enough on!

Stop it, Tommy. Arthur?

You think I haven't got enough on?

Stop it. The w*r is done!

Shut the door on it! Stop it.

Shut the door on it like I did, eh?

Can you do that? Yeah?

Like I f*cking did. I'm not f*cking you.

Shut the f*cking door, eh? But I'm not f*cking you!

I am not f*cking you!

Everyone f*cking knows it!


Look at yourself. Eh?

Look at yourself.

Take a long, hard, f*cking look at yourself.

Time for lunch, sir.

I thought we could eat at the desk, like the old days.

You remembered.

Tongue and pickle, sir.

But it's the single stroke of mustard, that's the thing.

Hmm. The fine detail.

Speaking of detail...

How much is Thomas Shelby paying you in bribes per week?


Actually, I already know.

Two pounds a week, eight pounds a month, plus extras for specific favours.

When I left, you were an honest man.

And now you're on the Peaky Blinders' payroll.

Shelby is a worm and feeds off the rotten parts of your mind.

He gets in through your ear, with a whisper.

He crawls in over your tongue as you lie to the judge and the pastor.

Mr Moss...

We are entering a bloody phase of a bloody w*r with no quarter asked or given.

But as of this moment, you are now back on the side of the angels.

Shelby thinks you work for him, but in truth, you work for me.

And I will use you mercilessly.

Polly, these are the files for Michael and Anna Gray.

As you can see, one is white,

and one is black.

What you saw in your dreams was right.

Your daughter is dead.

Um... You do it, I can't read it.

After Anna was taken from you, she was put with a...

With a family of a railway station master in Stafford.

She never settled.

So she kept running away.

She got on a train to Birmingham once...

Eventually they sent her to Australia where she died of something called spring fever.

So my little Anna travelled all the way back across the world to be with me in my dreams?

She came all by herself.


That's one train they couldn't get her off.

But, Pol, Michael is alive.

He's in England,

and I know where he lives, I went there.

But, Pol... And?

Okay, Polly, listen to me.

Just listen to me, please.


The woman that he calls "mother" will never let him come here.

Just tell me where he is, Tommy.

Polly, if you go there and you get mad and she gets mad and she calls the police, they will never let you anywhere near him and the boy will get scared.

That's what will happen, Pol.



You just tell me where he is, Thomas.

Tell me where he is, Thomas!


Pulling the g*n...

Pulling the g*n is why I can't tell you.

Pol, I'm sorry, you're going to have to wait till he's 18.

Till he's old enough to make his own decision.


You tell me where he is!

If you sh**t me, you'll never know.

Mickey! Hurry up, the party's starting.

Good, carry on.

Finn, where you going?

To talk to Arthur. Right.


Go away.

What's wrong? Why aren't you ready?

For what?

The Garrison.

The reopening of your pub. It's tonight.

Tommy don't want me there.

It was Tommy who told me to get you.

He says it's your name above that door, so you've got to be there.

No... No, look at me.

I'm staying away.

Go away.

Get out.

I told you to go away.

Sometimes, when we boys are feeling blue, this is what we do.

It's called Tokyo.

It's good stuff, Arthur.

It'll help you.

For special occasions.

Oh, boys!

My f*cking Garrison!

Take that. Take that an' all.

'Ere you are, Lizzie. Let me get you a light.

There you go, my darling.

Jeremiah, I'll be with you in a second.


Look at the place!

You all right?

Busier we are, the faster time passes.


Arthur. Tokyo, it's fuel for races, eh?

But you've seen a doped horse after a race...

Oh, yeah.

Grand openings and race days only, brother.

All right? Go on then, Tommy!

There you go, come on, drink up. Boys.

All right, Mick? Tom.

Finn! Gimme that.

Keep him off the whisky, John.


Ada! I didn't know you were coming.

There's Aunt Polly. Aw.


Hey, who's that?

Do you want a cuddle?

Polly, that's right. Take him. Polly...

Oh, Ada, why don't you think about coming home?

Hello, Ada.

Say you'd...


So what do you think, eh?

It's very...

Gold? Yeah.

Hello, Ada.

Hello, trouble, how're you doing?

Mmm. Oh, you're spilling my drink!

Hey, Arthur, look who it is.

So what do you want me to say to her?

Just talk to her.

No one can get through to her.

Tell her I had no choice.

I appreciate this.

Hello, brother. Ada, come here, you!

You big bear!

Polly? Why don't you come and join us?

What? I'm not an idiot.

He asked you to come, didn't he?

I don't want conversation, I want an address.

Until I have that, I've not got anything to say.

Now, it's a party!

Yeah, it is! Oh!

And I'm going to enjoy myself.

No, Pol, don't be silly.

Excuse me?

Would you care to dance?

It'd be my pleasure.

My love, pleasure hasn't even begun.

Excuse me?

I'm looking for someone called Elizabeth Gray.

I was told she lived here at number 17.

I came last night but there was nobody here.

So I waited.

What do you want with Elizabeth Gray?

I think she might be my mother.