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01x10 - Chapter Ten: Gloria

Posted: 04/25/20 16:41
by bunniefuu
Is that too, um... ?

No, it's perfect.

What do you think?


Are you okay, Katy?

You were screaming in your sleep.

Yeah. Sorry to barge in, I'm Kevin, Josie's step-brother.

Right, of course, I... totally didn't forget you were staying with us.

Girl, were you having a sex dream?

Because you are flushed as hell.

No, I was not having a sex dream about anyone.

I was having a nightmare that Gloria, she was chasing me around with this giant Jimmy Choo.

So, Kevin, any fun plans while you're in town, other than Josie's big show and your play reading?

Actually, yeah, I was hoping we could catch a matinee of the "Stepford Wives" musical.

Well, Kevin, so lovely to meet you, but if I don't get to work on time, Gloria will actually attack me with a Jimmy Choo. Bye!

My whole career, I've wanted to write my very own memoir.

It'll be on the New York Times Best Sellers list in no time.

And you're wearing one of my pieces before it even hits the runway.

What's going on? Are you okay?

I'm great. Never better.

What's happening? Why are you whispering? Is it the dress?

Mm-mm! Gloria, you look amazing!

I've never seen you so happy!

It's a milestone, Katy. I've worked hard for this.

And what about you?

What are you wearing to my book launch?

Don't forget that as one of my girls, you represent me.

Oh, I'm sure I'll find something.

We have two weeks till the opening, and we still need the catwalk.

Not to mention, we're $40k over budget.

Well, you know, as soon as we start selling memberships, we'll recoup that in spades.

Good, because I've been thinking...


I want a cut of the profits. Ten percent.

Didi, I'd never have gotten this far without you, but... it'd be such a shame to replace you with an unpaid intern. Please, just don't force my hand...

Nice house of cards you built.

How many people did you have to swindle to pay for it?

Didi, some privacy, please? Thank you.

Oh. Well!

A bit on the nose, but cute.

What the hell are you doing here?

I'm not allowed to visit my wife?

So, where do you hide your fake passports?

Behind a brick? Under a floorboard?

Am I getting warm?

Why don't you just drop the act and tell me what you want, would you?

The $30,000 you owe me.


♪ All the girls in the world were meant to be ♪

♪ All the girls in the world were meant to be ♪

♪ Bad. Bad! ♪

That was such a good practice, ladies.

We are gonna slay at Molly's!

All right, what's going on?

You guys have been weird all rehearsal.

We just thought... and please, don't be mad... that since we're a band, we would all be part of it.

What Cricket is trying, and failing, to say, is that we just feel like your background props.

Exactly. Maybe we could rearrange the song a little?

So we could all sing?

Okay, just as a reminder, this is Josie and the Pussycats.

These are my songs.

Now, when we start writing new material, trust me, you both will be a part of the creative process.

But this is our first show, I just don't want any surprises.

Sorry, girls, am I interrupting?

You cannot be serious right now.

You want to be in the Pussycats?

Josie, your EP is really good.

And I know we started off on the wrong foot, but I want to be a part of what you're building.

You're surprised, but you said yourself, I'm a good singer.

Mm, when you ambushed my song.

That was to piss off my step-dad.

He's the one who discouraged me from music, and now that Alex has cut ties with him, why shouldn't I?

You should, Xandra, but...

I could be a real asset in the group.

Market the hell out of it.

I also happen to love cats.

Okay, Xandra, don't take this to heart, but... it's just too messy between us.

Too much has happened.

Now, don't choke on your wine, people, but Xandra asked to be a fourth cat.

Oh, God. Oh, no!

Trojan horse, much?

Exactly what I was thinking.

This is my first show here, and I'm not gonna let Xandra mess with it.


I'm so glad that you are finally getting to meet Kevin.

He is...

A prolific playwright with a harrowing origin story.

Not quite prolific.

I teach drama at my hometown high school.

Thanks for hosting my reading.

I'm hoping it'll get me an agent.

Oh, I'm happy to. Pepper's the reason Kiss of the Spider Woman happened.

Mm-hmm. And my three-way.

Kevin, what's your play about, my love?

La Bonne Nuit. It's a coming of age noir set in the small town of Creekdale.

A lot of people die, and also make out.

My favorite combo!

Hi, what's going on? Hi.

Oh, what's this? You tell us.

It's addressed to a Miss Katy Keene.

"Not using it for the collection after all, but it's perfect for you.

Wear it to Gloria's book launch.

Guy LaMontagne".

Oh, Katy, are you having an affair?


Girl! Guy is your boss, and this whole thing with him is full on 50 Shades of Katy Keene pink!

Oh, he's a designer and she's his muse!

You're Guy LaMontagne's muse?

No, he just fits his dresses on me, that is it.

As someone who's wanted by two men, I know desire when I see it.

Oh, I don't know. This dress seems mild to me.

I say, if you're not feeling vibes, there's nothing to stress about, my love.


I did have a sex dream about him.


I knew it! I had a three-way!

Okay. Jorge, if I may just say one more thing to Katy's predicament before we talk about your ménage à trois?

Just say the thing to Katy.

Sex dreams can be a manifestation of all kinds of desires.

You have chemistry with Guy, but you also want to be Guy.

These kinds of feelings are very powerful.

You're right, it's just a dream. Hm.

Okay, but what do I do about this very real dress?

I don't want to offend him by not wearing it, but on the other hand, what message am I sending if I do wear it?

Jorge, go!

I had a threesome.

Get out. You don't say?

It was good!

And I'm not one to obsess, but...

I'm spiraling.

I thought this would make me feel next-level confident, and instead, I'm feeling so... vulnerable.

Well, it's a big thing to do.

Of course there are big emotions attached.

You can always walk it back.

You know, only do what you wanna do.

You're right. I'll talk to Bernardo.

Draw some boundaries.

Meanwhile, I had to draw my own boundaries with Guy.

Good morning.

I'm Loretta Lacy.

And I have the distinct pleasure of introducing the woman of the hour.

Of course, around these parts, she's been the woman of the better part of twenty-five years.

Good thing great fashion is timeless.

Wow, right out the gate with an age joke.

I'm obsessed with her.

Please welcome, to read an excerpt from her new book, Gloria's Golden Rules of Fashion, Gloria Grandbilt.

I'm nervous.

They say to imagine you all naked, but I'm imagining you in Calvin Klein.

Much more soothing.

Chapter one, "Selling the Fantasy".

Fashion is a visual art form, but often the magic lies in what we don't see.

A Burberry trench coat with nothing underneath, that a wife wears to seduce her husband at the Regency Bar.

The bustier worn under a Vera Wang wedding dress.

I help create a reality based on my client's wildest fantasies.

What's happening? I don't know.

Miss Grandbilt, can you comment on a piece just published in the Daily Hail that claims you offer sexual favors to your A-list clients using your sales girls as bait, including a worker who, quote, slept with a member of the royal family to secure Lacy's involvement in the royal wedding.

Did you do this?

No, of course not! I would never betray you.

And I didn't want anyone to know about me and Errol.

Well, then, how do they know about him? Who did you tell?

Nobody. Just you.

And Jorge, Josie, Pepper, Francois, and Guy LaMontagne.

That's half the world, Katy!

I should be reading from my memoir right now not a Daily Hail smear piece!

I'm ruined!

Nobody is going to believe this because it's not true!

Katy, I need a word with Gloria.


Why are you smiling?

Are you kidding?

It was insane, and we were here.

Aren't you worried about Gloria?


It's okay, Katy, it's just for a few days until the dust settles.

Gloria, no!

Stop making a scene.


I'm loving the view.

But this is not what I thought you meant when you suggested that we work out together.

It'd be a lot more fun if you'd join me.

You should come running with me.

Hard pass, baby.

God blessed me with these abs.

I mean, who am I to critique her work?

I know you hate running, but maybe just once you could do it for me.

It's Buzz, he says hi.

Uh, what do you mean that was Buzz?

You guys are texting outside of the group thread?

Just once.

Talk about how hot the other night was.


You like Buzz.


Wait, what are you asking me?

You like me.

Yes. Duh.

But you also like Buzz.

And seeing as how we just had a threesome, I just can't help but feel a little left out.

I mean, maybe my emotions are getting the best of me, but what started out as "cazh" is encroaching on throuple territory.

Wait, wait, slow down... throuple?

Mmm. Throuple... a couple, you and me, plus one, Buzz.

We can establish rules and boundaries.

That way, everyone gets an equal amount of attention.

And the best part is, is that nobody gets hurt, or left out.

I would never leave you out.

Are you sure this is what you want, Jorge?

I mean, yeah, maybe.

It could be fun, right?

If it's what you want.

Yeah, sure.

We could give it a shot.

Let's talk to Buzz.

Yeah. Yeah. Okay.


Great news, Kevin Keller.

I have assembled quite the guest list for your play reading.

Hattie Malone, Adele Dazeem, Finn Samuel, Dot Ludin, Lester Darin, Trudy Baymore... Lester Darin?

Yes, do you know him?

Unfortunately, yeah.

Um, I moved here one summer during college to pursue acting.

Let's just say Lester's the reason I didn't come back.

God, what happened?

We met during an open call for Dudes in the Chorus.

He promised he'd help me out, and then he just ended up being gross.

My whole life, I've loved watching the Tony Awards, but ever since Darin, I... I can't.

If his casting couch could talk, it would say "quid pro quo".

Oh, God, Kevin, I'm so sorry.

That man is scum.

You know, if you're interested in exposing him, I could write a take-down piece in the Hail. If you're game.

I'm definitely game.

I am so angry, I'm still shaking!

They perp-walked her out of there like she stole a lipstick.

That article is filled with lies, Pepper.


Who could've leaked this?

Do you have any intel from the Hail?

In my experience, articles like these are planted for a reason.

Someone has it out for Gloria.


Well, are you just going to stand there, or are you going to let me in?

Oh, sorry, come in.

I never imagined I'd see you in Washington Heights.

I never imagined I'd see all these colors together in one room.

What they did to you today was wrong.

I'm sorry.

Don't be. These days, if there's even a whiff of a scandal, you're out on your Pucci before you have a chance to defend yourself.

That's why I need a favor, Katy.

Of course, anything.

Write an op-ed explaining how I have never coerced my girls into using sex as a tool in the workplace.

Leave your personal indiscretion with the prince out of it. Just clear the air.

I have a close friend at the Times who's agreed to publish it. I'd do it myself, but Lacy's lawyers put a gag order on me.

I would love to write a letter.

Gloria, you have done so much for me!

You hired me, took me into your department after my mom died and I had no one.

I will always be grateful.

Let's not get sentimental.

Do keep your ear to the ground, see if you can suss out the source of the leak.

Already on it.

You will be back in your domain, helping clients, before you can say Prada.

Hey, kitty girls, hope you're hungry.

Josie's Plunkin's manager wouldn't let her out for rehearsal, so she had me stop by "Tar-jay" for some snacks on the way home as an apology.

So, you're the new Pussycats.

New Pussycats?

Oh, yeah, they were iconic when we were in high school.

There was Mel and Val.

My bestie, Veronica, joined at one point.

And Cheryl.

So, it makes you like the fourth iteration.

Why the high turnover? Yeah, what happened?

Amanda, what are you doing?

Oh, relax, Angela Lamesbury, Gloria asked me to text her to-do list.

Do you know who leaked that story to the Daily Hail?

What does it matter who did it?

Because it was clearly a take-down piece full of lies, probably from someone with an ulterior motive.

Uhh, some of it was true, and you know it.

It's high time Gloria had a reality check.

She's been running things in a backwards, sexist way for years.

Gloria is not as bad as that article depicted.

No? No!

Well, how about the fact that she keeps pitting women against each other?

Like the two of us.

Or how she only ever hires the prettiest young women to be her shoppers?

Then, of course, there's Ally...

Gloria kept assigning her to a client who relentlessly pursued her.

She felt uncomfortable, but Gloria pushed her to make the sale.

So she quit.

That's what matters to Gloria... selling, at any cost.

Poor Ally!

I did not know that.

Maybe it's time things changed around here.

For the better.

Hey, where have you guys been?

We're missing out on precious sound check time.

So, I was...

We had a very enlightening conversation with your step-brother.

He told us about the other Pussycats.

Something tells me you were just as bossy back then.

We've thought about it and decided that if you want to sing your own songs so badly, your way, you should do it.

Without us.

Guys, can we talk about this?

You've been distracted all day.

I'm sorry, it's...

Amanda and all the girls are talking about how abusive Gloria is.

I mean, yeah, sure, she's hard on us, but... she's never forced us to use sex to get ahead.

Do you remember that night at Studio 34?

Did Gloria send you to track me down and woo me?

No, that was my idea.

It was your idea to flirt with me?

I didn't flirt with you, I...

You leaned in for a kiss.

Pretty sure I did, too.

Well, I wasn't working for you at the time.

Look, we had a moment...

Listen, I flirt with clients, I flatter them.

That's how we sell.

You know, I have friends on the Lacy's board, and they've said, they don't want Mad Men anymore.

They want someone who gets it.

Someone young, diverse, inclusive.

This article is their chance to push Gloria out.

Look, I like Gloria, she's a kick in the pants, but maybe it's time.

What's the big emergency, Josie?

What did you say to Trula and Cricket?

I just told them about the history of the Cats. They asked.

Yeah, well, they quit, thanks to you and your big mouth!

I have moved on from Riverdale, Kevin.

And all of the drama that came with it.

But you, you're still dwelling in the past about my history with the Pussycats.

And your Bonne Nuit play... You need to move on.

I wish I could. I would give anything to have your life here, your friends.

I still live in Riverdale.

I work at Riverdale High. That's my life.

And Cricket and Trula were unhappy before I talked to them.

They said that you're controlling.

So, yeah, I may be stuck in the past, but you're ignoring it, making the same mistakes you made with Mel and Val.

The Josie I knew back then was shut off.

You're different here, happier.

Just because you're restarting your old band, doesn't mean you need to bring back the old Josie.

Thanks for coming over, Buzz.

Bernardo and I were talking, and... we think we need to set some ground rules.

You know, draw some boundaries.

And we think the best way to accomplish that is... to just make this thing official.

Uh... What thing?

Our throuple.

Buzz Brown...

would you be our third?

Guys, uh, I'm flattered, but I just came out of the closet, officially.

And as much fun as I had with you two, um, I want my first relationship to be with one guy.

Not two.

First relationship?

I mean, we saw each other for a year.

You know what I mean.

Do I?

Well, the predator has arrived.

Tonight he becomes our prey.

Let's see if he even remembers me.


Mr. Darin, good evening.

This is Kevin Keller, our playwright.

He's the next Matthew Lopez.

Oh, nice to meet you.

When I heard New York's next hot writer just arrived into town, I didn't expect him to be so young.


We find our heroines, Betty, Veronica, Cheryl, and Josie, locked in heated discussion.

A hooded man sits in the middle of La Bonne Nuit, bound and gagged.

Cheryl, you can't just round up every suspected serial k*ller in Creekdale.

Half the town would be under citizen's arrest.

Check yourself, Kitty Girl.

I have irrefutable proof that this man m*rder*d three of my Vixens.

Then show us the receipts.

A tense beat between our squad.

Maybe I don't have proof, but I have my reasons for punishing this monster.

He wronged my TeeTee.

Cheryl, just because a person makes a few questionable choices, it doesn't make them a bad person.

Ugh! I say do it, Cheryl.

Nobody messes with Choni!


I wasn't expecting such an evocative piece from somebody with a baby face like yours.

You look so fresh and innocent.

That really means a lot, coming from an esteemed director like yourself.

I'd love to discuss the play further and how I might be able to help.

Maybe over drinks?

Uh, yeah, I'd love that.

I'll call you tonight.

Well, do you have it?

I couldn't write the letter, Gloria.

Oh, no?

Then, why am I here?

I wanted to talk to you first.

Gloria, some things in that article are true.

You have pit us girls against each other.

You criticize how we look, what we wear.

Some days working for you is beyond rewarding, and other days you make me feel disposable and unworthy.

This is the general consensus amongst the girls?

I love Lacy's. The... clothes, the clients...

But you girls, I...

I think of you like my daughters.

I would do anything to protect you, to make sure you succeed.

And I won't coddle you, or anyone else.

I don't believe in it.

Fashion is a tough business, cutthroat.

If you think for one second I'm the biggest bad wolf you'll encounter on your path to becoming a designer, think again.

Gloria, if you weren't so hard on people, they would have your back.

Do you think I'm a bad person?


Gloria, no, I don't.

I've heard some urban myths about "The Town With Pep", but you can't really expect me to believe that something called the Gargoyle King terrorized a bunch of teenagers.

It's all true.

I never thought I'd survive high school, let alone ever live long enough to write a play.


You know, you look familiar.

Have we met before?

Just, uh... it's, uh, my face.

I get Montgomery Clift a lot. Mmm.

So, back to my play...

Do you think you'd be interested in directing?

I'll tell you what...

Come back to my brownstone, and we'll recreate that bunker scene.

And maybe I'll consider workshopping your play.

And what exactly would that entail?

I want you in my bed from the start of auditions until curtain call, closing night.

I'm not exactly comfortable with that.

Then get comfortable... unless you want to teach theater in Riverdale for the rest of your life.

Well, this is very disappointing.

What do you want?


Seventy grand.

Otherwise, I'll share this little recording with my editor at the Daily Hail.

It's not so fun when the shoe's on the other foot, is it?

Hey, thanks for coming.

This better be good.

I left my climate change protest.

I was in bed watching The Morning Show.

Um, so, I took your feedback from our last practice, and I worked it into the song.

It's a new arrangement.

For all of us.

Listen, you both were right.

We may be called Josie and the Pussycats, but you two are just as important to this band.

It should be all of our voices working together on that stage.


How about we give that new version a shot?

Thank you for taking the time to talk to me, Mrs. Lacy.

I know that you are extremely busy.

I will be the first to admit that Gloria has her flaws.

But she deserves to be in this department.

She built it.

Katy, you have always been one of our brightest girls, so I trust you can read.

Then you must have noticed that the sign that has overlooked fifth Avenue for nearly a century, says "Lacy's", not "Grandbilt's".

I understand that, Mrs. Lacy, I do, and I acknowledge that Gloria has made mistakes, but with all due respect, you're making one now.

The only mistake Gloria made was breaking her own Golden Rule.

She made it about herself, instead of Lacy's.

And that is unforgivable.

This is my store.

And I will not allow Gloria Grandbilt to continue this propaganda that she is my rightful heir.

I think it was Mrs. Lacy.

All signs point to her.

Guy told me that the Lacy's board was looking to make an internal change so that the store could appeal to a new generation of customers.

But what if Mrs. Lacy felt threatened by you and wanted to remove you as a potential heir to her throne?

And that is why she planted the story in the Daily Hail: to tarnish your name and remove you from the picture.

She even alluded to the idea that you were after her position. It all adds up.

Well, all but one piece.

Mrs. Lacy didn't know about me and Errol.

Or did she? I told her.

We were investing in the coronation collection, and I had to protect all of us.

I'm afraid your theory might be right, Katy.

Okay, so let's do something about this.

Let's expose Mrs. Lacy.

I have a friend at the Daily Hail, and I can write the support letter.

No, I've already released my statement to the press.

An apology. And an official resignation.

Gloria, we can stop it. It... it's not too late.

It is, Katy, even with your letter.

I've been cancelled.

Why is she doing this to you? Oh...

I mean, I get not wanting you to take her job, but destroying your life?


This is a cautionary tale.

Years ago, I had an affair with one of my superiors.

At the time, I thought I knew what I was doing, that I was in complete control.

I got the man of my dreams, the job of my dreams, I built a legacy.

But... eventually Mrs. Lacy found out.

It changed our relationship for the worse.

My affair came to an end.

And every now and then, I lie awake at night wondering if I got where I am because of a man, that I didn't earn it.

And I don't want the same for you.

Gloria... One day, you will be a great designer, and I don't want you to have the same nagging voice in the back of your head that I have.

Nothing is happening with me and Guy.

Make sure you keep it that way, don't repeat my mistakes.

Gloria, don't leave everything you've built behind, not because of Mrs. Lacy or, as you said, a man.


Don't you worry your pretty head.

When the time is right, I will rise from the ashes like Coco Chanel after World w*r II.

Oh, one more favor, Katy? Sure.

Collect my personal effects from the office?

The g*ons at Lacy's never gave me a chance to pack up my things.

Gloria left me with a lot to think about that afternoon.

But most of all, I finally knew what I had to do with the dress Guy gave me.

I don't think anyone's ever given back a dress to me before.

With everything going on with Gloria right now, and with us...

Look, you were right.

I did almost kiss you that night, and that was wrong.

Listen, we were both a little bit...

I think that we should keep things professional.

Especially since you're my boss now.

If that's what you want, Katy.

I wanna be you, someday.

I can't mess this up.


I wouldn't expect anything less of my protege.

If you're thinking of stealing anything, don't.

Gloria has me keep a ledger of all of her belongings.

What is it?

It's a love letter to Gloria from Leo Lacy.

In that moment, I realized it was the same L.L.

I found engraved on my mom's sewing machine.

Isn't that... ?

Mrs. Lacy's son.

Oh, my God, this really is the best week of my life!

One new message...

We had a deal. I paid you the money!

How could you still publish the article?!

Ooh! Somebody give me a Pulitzer.

Bonjour, mon petit poivre!

Where's my money?

All thirty thousand.

Well, I guess this is it.

You, me... we're really going our separate ways.

We'll always have Marrakesh.

Didi, hi!

I've been trying to call you all day.

I found this amazing distillery that's going to do this case of absinthe for our opening, and I just need you... No.

I don't work here anymore. What?

I took a job with Hannah.

She told me what you did to her, and I figured I'd get out before I end up in a Moroccan prison.

It was three days... Didi!

Please, everything we've worked for is upon us!

This is our dream!

Actually, I have my own dreams.

You've just never asked me.

She's gonna help me ruin your life.

You need to learn to treat people better, Pep.

We had a deal, I got you your money!

You're supposed to leave me alone now!

Oh, God!

Another vodka soda, please!

Maybe you should slow down a little bit.

Hold up... Gina!

Josie's show hasn't even started yet.

I always have three vodka sodas too many after a breakup, and then one of the girls holds my hair back while I puke... It's tradition.

A breakup?!

Come on, I know we both thought we wanted to be with Buzz, but you can't call that a breakup.

Baby, rejection always stings, no matter the circumstances.

Plus, it just brings back all those old feelings about Buzz and the year he wouldn't commit...

Look, Jorge, I gotta draw the line at comforting you through a breakup.

I'm your boyfriend!

And if I'm not enough, just me, then... maybe this isn't working out.

Bernardo, I'm sorry, I...

You know I'm a drama queen, I was just exaggerating...

No, you're not! It's how you feel.

You've made your point.

Enjoy your drinks.

I'm not gonna be the one holding your hair back tonight.


Hey, you okay?


I think Bernardo just broke up with me.

Okay, girls.


Let's go show the world what the Pussycats can do together.

Josie, why are they playing our song?

♪ Instead I speak my mind again ♪

♪ I'm sorry, next time I'll be louder ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ They say, girl, don't talk back ♪

♪ Just be quiet ♪

♪ You're good at that ♪

♪ I guess all the girls in the world were meant to be ♪

♪ All the girls in the world were meant to be ♪

♪ All the girls in the world were meant to be ♪

♪ Bad ♪

♪ They say, girl, don't get mad ♪

♪ Just keep smiling ♪

♪ You're good at that ♪

♪ I guess all the girls in the world were meant to be ♪

♪ All the girls in the world were meant to be ♪

♪ All the girls in the world were meant to be bad ♪

What the hell was that?!

You stole my song? Oh, I didn't steal anything.

You recorded your songs under a deal with Cabot Entertainment.

We own your music.

And side note, performing your songs without our consent, will be breaking the law.

You can't do that, because everything that I've written since I moved to New York is mine.

Sorry. But take it as a compliment.

They're great songs, and they'll be perfect for my new band, Xandra and the Kitty Cats.

And one by one, you'll hear your songs reach number one on the charts, sung by me, with my face on billboards, living your dream.

And mine.

Nice ears.

I could k*ll Xandra and her Dreamgirls.

I want to call KO and see if he knew anything about this.

No, no, don't drag him into this.

The good thing about cats is that they always land on their feet.

Mmm, yes you will, girl. And was it just me, or did Xandra sound pre-recorded and auto-tuned?

Yes! Thank you! She sure did!

Good news of the day...

Thanks to Pepper, there's one less bad man lurking around.

There's still plenty of them out there, but we gotta celebrate progress.

To my partner in crime... a brilliant playwright and actor.

I may not have gotten a lit agent, but at least I get to enjoy the Tony's again.

Cheers to that! Yes. Here, here.


What happened to your fireman?

I messed up the best relationship I ever had.

Not too late to patch it up, my love.

If you want to win him back, you need to make a big, romantic gesture to show him that you care.

Or maybe just a sweet letter.

That reminds me...

Tomorrow, I am handing Mrs. Lacy a letter of resignation.

What? I'm quitting.

Really? Katy...

Yes, I've decided to stand with Gloria.

I'm done with the back channeling, the secrets, and the lies.

Lacy's used to make so much sense to me.

Oh, and... Guys, I found this love letter to Gloria from Leo Lacy. Look.

Who's that? Mrs. Lacy's son.

He said that he had to end it because of a situation out of his control but that he would always love her, and look!

On my mom's sewing machine, the same L.L.

Leo Lacy.

What if my mom and Gloria were dating the same person?


Ah! Miss Keene, just in time.

Thank you for standing by Lacy's during these trying times.

You girls truly are the heart and soul of this store.

But as you know, since Gloria Grandbilt can no longer be with us, the personal shopping department is in need of new leadership.

Until we find a permanent replacement, I've appointed Amanda...

and Katy to be the interim co-heads of this department.

I trust you girls won't disappoint.