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21x19 - Solving for the Unknowns

Posted: 04/25/20 16:18
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system,

sexually based offenses

are considered especially heinous.

In New York City,the dedicated detectives

who investigate these vicious felonies

are members of an elite squad

known as the Special Victims Unit.

These are their stories.


- Hey, Annie Oakley?
- Huh?

One more round then grab a quick drink?

Aw, my sitter's on the clock.

Just had some changes in the squad room I wanted to run by you.

- What's that?
- Kat not working out?

Actually... uh, just got off the phone with the chief and, um, he'd like you to report to -P-P on Friday.

About what?

[g*nshots IN BACKGROUND]

What? Just get it over with.

I had a whole speech prepared...

Um, but you...


are being promoted.

Detective Second Grade.

- Oh, my God.
- Really?

- Congratulations.
- Really?


I didn't even know I was on the grid.

And after the year I've had?

You've had some challenges this year, but you've persisted.

Well, thanks.

Congratulations, really.


- That's great.

- Bottoms up.
- Yep.



- There you go.

- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.

Did you get me anything sweet?

Ooh, my bad.



♪ ♪


- Hey!
- Hey!

What the hell?

No, no, no!

- Oh, geez.
- Are you kidding me?



Having a little cupcake party tonight?

- Whoa, whoa.
- Stay where you are, ma'am.

Ma'am, have you been drinking?

I hope to God you haven't, because you just hit a parked NYPD patrol car on an empty street.

- I did?
- Yeah.

- I'm sorry.
- Is this your truck?

Is that your name? Jill?



Cup... cakes.

- I need to lie down.
- Um, Jill, Jill.

Jill, stand up.
Stand up for us, come on.

Jill, stand up. Stand up.

We're gonna have to take you in.

If you could just turn around for me.

♪ ♪

Blow into the mouth piece.

- Blow out.


Or out?

♪ ♪


This doesn't hurt.



♪ ♪

What am I doing here?

On the charges of robbery, predatory sexual as*ault, and unlawful imprisonment, how do you plead?

- She wasn't imprisoned.
- Guilty, Your Honor.

The victim was years old,
Your Honor.

People request remand pending sentencing.

- So ordered.
- Next case.

- There you are.

Thank you, let's see.

People versus Jill Bailey.

On the charge of driving while intoxicated, how do you plead?

- Plead?
- Oh...

Not guilty, Your Honor.

- People on bail.
- Fin, what are you doing here?

Told you your perp was gonna plead guilty.

I just wanted to see the scumbag go down.

It's good for my morale.

- Then it will be released ROR.
- Hold on!

Hold on, this isn't right.
I wasn't drunk.

Ms. Bailey, this isn't the time nor the place

- to argue your case... Bailiff.
- Ma'am.

Why is nobody listening to me?

Let's go outside, talk.

- I don't need to talk.
- I need help.

- Everything all right, Counselor?
- Yeah, it's fine.

No, I just realized what happened!

Did I say you could touch me!?

Okay, what happened here?

I was r*ped last night.

And they arrested me.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

She was sexually assaulted,

then drove her truck into a patrol car.

Yeah, Jill Bailey, years old, she's a cupcake baker.

No priors until the DWI.

- What was her BSE?
- .

Barely over the limit, but the officers that arrested her said she was wasted.

She told me that her brain wasn't working right.

That nothing felt real.

So hours plus in holding, she ate, she drank, she used the bathroom.

So as soon as we get her statement, we need to do a r*pe kit.

I was at a bar, downtown.


I never got his last name.

We met on TrueHeart.

- Dating app?
- Yeah.

He ordered these funky drinks.


Do you remember how many of those you had?

Two, if that.

They must've been strong.

I felt...

Feel not myself.

And then...


My memory drops out.

When does it pick back up?

Trying to drive my truck, I guess.

I could not stay in my lane.

My body...

W-Wasn't listening to my brain.

I felt...


That would make sense, right?

And then it didn't hit until I was...

In court.


Luke had r*ped me.

And what made it click?

My clothes felt wrong, and I'm sore.

I just know. I know I was r*ped.

We need to contact Luke.

Do you have his number?



I can show you the message he sent me this morning.

Oh, what the hell?

- What did he say?
- He's gone.

He said he had a great time, asked if I got home okay.

I messaged back, "What did you do to me?"

- And he deleted your match?
- He ghosted you.

So you can't find him?

Well, we can contact the dating app, but...

Right now, Jill, we need to get you to the hospital, to do a tox screen.

You can find out if I was drugged?

The clock is ticking, but there's a good chance.

They test for over dr*gs.

Kat's not getting anywhere with TrueHeart.

Yeah, I'm not surprised.

The DMV is more user-friendly than these dating apps.

Hmm, there's Howlers.


Hey, bud?

These things, what... What's in 'em?

Uh, it's white rum, palm sugar, muddled pandan leaves, and coconut cream.

- Two?
- That's not why we're here.

- You see her in here last night?

It was pretty busy, but maybe, yeah.

Was she with anyone?

- [SIGHS] Some guy.
- Dark hair.

He have a credit card by any chance?

- Um, uh, no.
- Cash.

He counted out loud as he put it down.

I wish I could help you.

Actually, you can.

We need to see the footage from your security cameras.

- Not mine.
- I'm freelance.

- Okay, find a manager.
- We'll wait.

♪ ♪

Where are we on Jill's timeline?

Security cams put her and Luke at the bar from : to : .

And you watched all minutes?

Yeah. Two drinks each.

From this angle, he doesn't seem to spike her glass.

Maybe they were just strong drinks.

Keep going.

Fast forward.

They walk out.

She doesn't seem incapacitated.

She's not visibly drunk, but she doesn't remember leaving the bar.

It's textbook drug-facilitated r*pe.

So we pulled street cam footage

to follow their route after the bar.

At : p.m. they head south on West Broadway where we lose them.

She's still walking normally.

You pick them up later that night?

An hour goes by, and he walks her out to her truck on the corner of North Moore.

Kisses her good night.

She's standing, but not responsive.

All right, and when was the crash?

Ten minutes later.

So he either drugged her in the bar, or in the hour with no video.

Well, we know what blocks they're on and when, so, somebody saw them.


You ever seen this guy?

Yeah, I'm always telling him to keep his dog off my planters.

Even brings his mutt into that bodega over there.

- Thanks.
- Sure.

Two beers almost every night.

Does he pay by credit card?

Cash, counts it out.

But I know where he lives.

When it rains, he orders in.

- Two beers?
- And a pizza.


Pizza, pizza, pizza, baby.

I didn't order a pizza.

Luke Mitchell.

- We need to talk to you.
- Uh, yeah.

Yeah, uh, really?

My place is a little messy right now.

Nothing we haven't seen before.

Jill? Geez.

I thought that we hit it off at the bar.

You know she drives a cupcake truck?

- Yeah.
- So what happened?

What happened?

Oh, like after?

Um, well, uh,

I asked her to come back here, uh...

I guess this is okay.
She already spoke to you.

Um, we had sex.

Whose idea was that?

Both of ours.

I-I asked.

I always ask these days.

You know, afterwards
I even walked her to her truck.

We know, we checked
the security cameras.

Oh, okay. [LAUGHS]

It's a little bit of a police state that we live in these days.

That's... that's a good thing, right?

Um, yeah, anyway, you know, I did...

I made sure she got to her truck all right.

- So you're a gentleman?
- Yeah.

And I messaged her the next day.

Told her what a great time I had.

Did she say she had a great time too?

Well, now that you mention it, she messaged me back something really weird.

Like, "What did you do to me?"


Yeah, it's, like,

I don't know what she meant.

Guys, I support all the MeToo stuff.

I am one of the nice guys.


The pendulum, it swings too far.

You know, these women, they come up with ideas, and then they just blame anybody for anything.

- I gotta walk my dog.

And get your two beers?

Um, okay, look, no disrespect.

I know you guys are working hard and all, but, um...

Can I ask you to leave?


♪ ♪

Seem like a nice guy to you?

For a r*pist.

♪ ♪

Luke walked me to my truck?

Kissed me?

I don't remember any of that.

So he's saying you two had consensual sex in his apartment.

I was in his apartment?

We have security footage of you two in his elevator.

I have no memory of that.

Did you find out what I was drugged with?

Actually, Jill, your tox screen, came back negative.

How can that be, I...

That can't be true. I know how I felt.

It's possible, that whatever you were given had already left your system, or you were dosed with something that, that we may not have a test for.

Okay, I don't understand.

One of the other detectives told me you test for dr*gs.

We do, but there are people out there who are designing dr*gs we can't ID.

The labs can't keep up.

dr*gs to turn women into zombies?

They all have different effects but, what we found with a lot of these dr*gs is that the victims may be able to walk, sometimes talk, but they may not know where they are or, what is happening to them.

And you don't have tests for them?

They buy stuff online, they mix up the ingredients in their kitchen...

Tranquilizers, antipsychotics, antihistamines.

But they're undetectable?

And he wiped out my memory?

So no one's even gonna believe I was drugged?

We believe you.

And your affect, your demeanor, and everything that you've described, is evidence to us.

Still, it's hard to get conviction on something like this, isn't it?

Let us worry about that.



Ms. Bailey.

How are you doing?

Not great.

There's no proof I was drugged.

And I still have this DWI to deal with.

Insurance, my truck's impounded...

Well, I'll try to get that DWI kicked down the road, at least until we deal with...

With this case.

Thank you.

Oh, Carisi.

Where are we on Luke Mitchell?

Oh, nice to see you too.

Uh, no priors.

We're looking for similar assaults.

- Look, this was well-planned.
- Hmm.

All right, I think that Luke has done this before.

He's a risk analyst in Midtown.

Never married, boring-ass Facebook.

He's a loser.

No wonder he needed an app to get a date.

Fin, not everybody is as magnetic as you.

Yeah, it's the fastest way to meet people.

But do you know how many times

I've seen someone's profile and then met him or her out at a bar and they are nothing like they say?

All you have is a username and a photo.

You have no idea who you're actually meeting.

Uh, which brings me back to Luke.

I need a search warrant for his apartment.

I hear you, but the tox screen was negative, right?

So I have no idea what to ask for.

I think I have something.

Similar M.O. in ViCAP four months ago.

The vic, Rebecca Larson, reports that she was drugged, and r*ped by a Luke, that she met on TrueHeart.

- Who caught the case?
- Brooklyn SVU.

It was closed, unfounded. Insufficient evidence.

So we open it back up.

But after my tox screen came back clean, the detective stopped returning my calls.

We think you may have been drugged, with something there's no test for.

Oh, my God.


No, but I...

I was careful.

I ordered beer in a bottle.

How? How did he do that to me?

Um, you met this guy on TrueHeart.

Yeah, he said his name was Luke, but after our date, he deleted me.

What can you tell me about that night?

I don't know.

He wasn't hot, but he seemed fine.

We went to Pinky Six.

I only had that one beer, but I got woozy.

Then there's a significant gap, and it's all tiny flashes after that.

Can you tell us about the flashes?


I'm awake, but I can't open my eyes.

I feel limp.

I can't move.

I mean, I knew I was on my bed...



There's someone on top of me.

My whole body is shaking, and then my eyes pop open.

Do you remember what you saw?


♪ ♪

Oh, his chin.

I think that's him.

Which number?

Number one.

Can he come closer and look up?

That's, uh, how I remember him.

Yeah, we can do that.

- So can each of you please step up to the mirror, chin up.

- Number one first.

We have some more forms for you to sign.

Is someone else IDing him?

Well, I can't tell you that.

Have a seat.

I'll pick up your file.

♪ ♪

- No.

- That is him.
- Ms. Larson, are you okay?

- I need to...
- Mrs. Larson...

- I'm sorry, I need to...
- Rebecca, Rebecca.

- You're gonna be all right.
- I...

That is him, number one.

He r*ped me, he r*ped me.
- All right, good.

You IDed him. It's over, all right?

- Hey, look at me.
- Take him back.

Look at me, you're safe.

No, I am not safe. I just...

I'm sorry. I need to go.

I need to go. [CRYING]

Jill, you can't go over there.

- Did he r*pe you too?

- Did he drug you?
- Jill you can't be here.

- Did you ID him?
- Ladies, please, please.

Listen, you can't talk about this, the whole case could get thrown out.

You gotta come with me, come on.

- Did he do this to her too?
- I cannot say.

He did though, he did though.

Those other detectives, they did not believe me.

I doubted myself, but seeing her...

I'm not crazy.

I'm not the only one.


Okay, we know that you know Jill.


What about this woman?



Yeah, that's...

That's, that's Rebecca.

- Go on.
- Um...

Okay, I know I...

Guys, I know this'll sound bad, but it is...

It-it's the same story as Jill.

It was a bar and some drinks and then...

- Just sex.
- Sex?

Well, she's saying that you r*ped her.

- Now, one woman makes an accusation, maybe, right?

Your word against hers, but two women?

Who don't remember consenting to sex.

Two women...

Who felt incapacitated.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

They were capacitated, okay?


This is what I was talking about.

See, it's open season on men.

This girl is piling on.

If you're not guilty, why'd you ghost 'em?

Is not calling a girl back a crime?

Drugging women and raping them is.

I did not give them any dr*gs.

When we search your apartment, what will we find?

Not dr*gs.

Look, I-I.

I kinda take these girls to bars that pour strong drinks.

And they may be, really strong, but it-it's just 'cause it...

It makes it easier to relax, 'cause the dating world is brutal, you know?

♪ ♪

Sorry, I work front of the house.

I, I don't recall these two.

What'd he do?

We're trying to figure that out.

You ever get any complaints about customers being drugged here?

Not that I've heard.

But I get it.

When I cover the bar, I keep an eye out.

Can you tell us who else was on the schedule that night?

Mmm, four months ago on a Friday?





We were down two regulars.

Manager called in a freelancer.

Freelance bartender?

There's an app for that.

♪ ♪

Here is his photo and profile.

Ash Gordon.

Son of a bitch.

This is the guy you asked me about the other day, right?

You mean when you lied to us?

Or, I just didn't remember him, because a serve people a night, six nights a week.

They're all just drink orders to me.

Let me refresh your memory.

Luke Mitchell.

He called you six times over the last six months.

I give out my number to lots of customers.

I have a following.

People wanna drink where I'm pouring.

Okay, well, the last two times you poured for Luke his dates ended up unconscious and sexually assaulted.


Well, what's that have to do with me?

You tell us, pour boy.

Look, I'm not stingy with the alcohol.

These women, they have no problem letting guys buy them drinks all night.

If they can't hold their liquor, that's on them, and I guess this, uh, Luke...

Maybe you're right.

You know, why don't you come with us downtown, talk about Luke a little more?

- Do people fall for that?

Technically, I don't have to talk to you at all.

I was trying to help.

But uh, I've got customers.

If you're not buying drinks, I'm gonna need the room at the bar.

♪ ♪

Still waiting on the two eggs scrambled on a buttered Kaiser roll.

So Luke spent the night in holding, huh?

- Good.
- And we think, that he has an accomplice.

Luke took his dates to two different bars in two different boroughs.

Same bartender, Ash Gordon, was at both of them.

Now Jill and Rebecca didn't drink a lot, and yet they both ended up with significant memory gaps.

But since we didn't find any substances at Luke's, you think Ash is the one who did the actual drugging?

- Maybe.
- Now, he has no complaints, no arrests, no records, but...

But he was a chemistry major in college, who got kicked out for conducting unauthorized recreational drug trials in the lab.

That's interesting.

So, what's he get out of this?

Well we're not sure yet, but...

So, no motive, no evidence?

I need something to get a subpoena.

Carisi, tell the judge that it's your cop instincts.

Except I'm an ADA now.


Got your egg sandwich.


All right, I'll try to push it through after Luke's arraignment.

Thank you.

Two counts of r*pe in the second.

- How do you plead?
- Not guilty, Your Honor.

- People on bail?
- $ , , Your Honor.


Mr. Mitchell has a steady job, never been in trouble with the law.

This is a case of "morning after" regret.

Two cases, Your Honor.

You want , they want zero.

Call me Solomon.

Split the difference. Bail is set at .

Next case.

Jill, you didn't have to come.

I'm still trying to piece together what happened that night.

I was hoping that...

Seeing him, hearing his voice would help.

I get it, I used to be a cop.

For what it's worth, I've had cases like this.

It's gonna take some time.

I just wanna know what the hell he did to me.

What he gave me.

What did you find in his apartment?

Dog food and pizza boxes, we're...

We're beginning to think he had an accomplice.

The bartender?

They seemed to know each other.

How so?

They were laughing together when I walked in.

And wait. They knew each other's names.

You're sure?

You may have just gotten me probable cause.


♪ ♪


I'd offer you a beer, but what's the etiquette for guys illegally searching your apartment?

We have a warrant, but keep talking.

Maybe you'll say something useful.

All you're gonna find is toothpaste, mouthwash, vitamins.

I believe in clean living.

Found Percoset in the bathroom cabinet.

- It's prescription.
- I had some dental work.

Hey, Sergeant?

Well, on his computer...

Search history was erased, but, I did find this.

A folder labeled Luke.

Half a dozen video files labeled with dates.

Anything in the last four months?

Yeah, three, right here.

Open them.

Um, I'm trying, but it looks like these files were created and exchanged using an encrypted app.

It'll take some time.

Sorry, guys.

Huff and puff all you want, but that's not happening.

Get him out of here.

These two files...

They match the dates of your r*pes, and, there's four other folders with other guys' names.

Five or six files in each.

So we could be looking at more r*pes?

♪ ♪

Ash had a cabinet full of legal substances.

Eye drops, antihistamines, prescription Percocet.

All of which can be used in drug-facilitated sexual as*ault.

But any good lawyer can explain that away.

Well, there's no internet purchases either, so if Ash was buying dr*gs, he's probably using cash or cryptocurrency.

Were you able to get into his files?

Nope, triple encrypted, and he's the only one with the password.

Okay, call Carisi and tell him to get a warrant for the app company.

Won't help.

These apps are designed so the company itself can't even open them.

We've seen this before, Fin, with sex traffickers, child pornographers.

There's no laws that cover this.

It's still the Wild West out there.

So how many files are there?


Each of those is connected to a r*pe?

How do we find these other victims?

We get them to find us.

SVU has arrested Luke Mitchell, charged with raping two women.

We believe, that he has an accomplice, and we believe that there are other women who have not yet reported

their assaults.

Mr. Mitchell connected
with both victims

on a dating app called TrueHeart.

He met Jane Doe one at a bar
in Lower Manhattan

and Jane Doe two in a bar
in Williamsburg.

Now, both of these victims
experienced confusion,

disorientation, and memory loss

and we believe that these women

and possibly others,

were drugged and r*ped.

Your decision to go on a date,

and consume alcohol with someone

does not give them permission to r*pe you.

Doing so is a crime that we at SVU

and the DA's office

are taking very seriously.

If you or anyone you know have been victimized in a similar manner, we urge you to contact Manhattan SVU.

Thank you.

Do you have any other comment?

So how long till a call usually comes in?

- Here we go.

- Detective Rollins.



I met him at Vinyl Lounge.

We had, like...

Two drinks and then, suddenly I can hear his dog barking.

And I'm coming to in this, bed, completely naked, and I can't really sit up.

Like my body isn't working.

Is there anything else you recall, hearing or feeling?

I felt confused.

And embarrassed.

I'm lying there, my brain is foggy, and he's telling me how hot I am.

And I'm thinking, "Get out of here... fast."

- What did you do?
- I messaged him.

The next day, um,

"What exactly did we do last night?"

I threw in some laughing emojis to try and keep it light.

That's very smart.

Did he message you back?

He said we hit it off like rock stars.

That's not what I remembered.

So I reported him, to TrueHeart like five times.

They never got back to me.

I didn't think, I could call the police.

All I had was a sense that something bad had happened.

So I tried to forget about it.

♪ ♪

When I saw you on the news, I knew I had to call.

'Cause you were victimized, Ms. Hill?

Uh, not me.

My daughter, Piper.

She's inside resting.

Can we speak with her?

I hope so.

You could try.

She had a stroke, the night she was r*ped.

I'm so sorry.

Whoever heard of a -year-old girl having a stroke?

My poor baby hasn't been the same since.

She's afraid to sleep.

I lay there with her all night.

Even with me there, not until the sun comes up that she feels safe enough to drift off.

That night, I got home, something felt... wrong.

I... I called my mom.

We went to the ER.

They started a r*pe kit.

About ten minutes in, I...

My ears started ringing.


A stroke, and later, seizures.

Always a surprise.

What did the doctor say?

That dr*gs could've triggered the stroke.

And we haven't gone to the police because she didn't remember anything.

When was this?

Three months ago.


My life ended three months ago.

- Mmm, don't say that, honey.
- It did.


It did.

♪ ♪

My client's already been arraigned.

You've publicly denounced him, and now you're re-arresting him?

This is a vendetta.

We're bringing additional charges.

Two women have come forward with the identical MO.

Two more r*pes.

And one woman who couldn't come forward, but her mother did.


Who had a stroke that night, is paralyzed and brain damaged.

And if she dies, you're staring down the barrel of felony m*rder.

That's life in prison.

No. that is crazy.

She was fine when I left her.

I-I put her, now, I put her in a taxi, and she was walking, she was talking.

Well, all of your victims were, because that's how drug-facilitated r*pe works.

I don't know anything about dr*gs.

Well, maybe not...

But your friend Ash does.

Now, we know that you two have been in contact since you've been arrested.

You wanna tell us what he told you?

Hold up.

First off, my client had absolutely no knowledge of this woman's condition or what she may have ingested.


What does he know?

Um, before a date, I would call Ash, and I'd let him know that I was coming in.

And he would drug their drinks?

- I guess.
- Nope,

- That's not good enough.
- I swear.

All he said to me, was the girls would be awake, but they would be, um, what was the word he used?

He said... oh, he said they would be compliant.

So what was in it for him?

This guy is a mad scientist.

These dates, he wants the videos of them.

He calls them his clinical trials.

Where are your copies of the videos?

[LAUGHS] I don't keep them.

That would be a violation of the girls' privacy.


All right, so the night you were on a date with Piper...

Did Ash say anything about her cocktail?

We talked about how my last date before Piper, how it wore off too soon.


'Cause she stopped being compliant?

Kind of, an-an-and he said,

"Well, that probably shouldn't happen again."

So, he must've cooked something up.

I mean, I have no idea.

Well, guess what?

You're gonna find out.

♪ ♪

Luke needs to chill.

I still don't get these men who drug these women so they'll just lay there and they can do whatever they want to them.

Well, it's about control.

And maybe since the victims don't resist, they, tell themselves it's consensual.

He can't get it any other way.

This way they don't have to talk, buy dinner, they just get what they came for.

There he is.

What the hell are you doing?

Your face is everywhere.

- You screwed up.
- I know, I know, I know.

I just, I need your help, Ash.

- I really need it.
- You're under arrest.

- We can't talk.
- I know, but my lawyer said, they might charge me with m*rder.

Uh, t-that girl, Piper.

I don't know names.

Nah, nah, you remember.

It was like three months ago.

January , .

Long blonde hair, got it.

- Yeah, what?
- Okay, well, she must've had, like, a bad reaction o-or something 'cause she's, like, stroked out and she, a-a-and she might die, but if I could just tell the doctors what you gave her...

Like, I know, I'll say it was me.

But what was it? Roofies or...

Are you kidding me? Roofies?

You think I went to Date r*pe Depot and ordered a box?

Luke, my work is artisanal.

I tailor make each batch.

Not too lively, or she'd kick your ass to the curb.

Not too zombie because you'd be going,

"Duh, what do I do now?"

This doesn't happen to other guys.

- You got caught...

Hands on the wall.

Stupid moron.

- Hey!

- That's enough.

- You're under arrest.
- You don't have anything.

Huff and puff all you want.

You're going down.

Let's go.


My work is artisanal.

I tailor each batch.

That, is an admission.

Or bragging, you have no evidence.

Actually, we do.

Aside from Luke's testimony, we have five women who will ID Ash, as the bartender the night they were drugged.

One of whom is paralyzed.

My client has nothing to do with that.

The tox screen, which was the only one taken the night of her as*ault, found traces of Percocet, which we also found in Mr. Gordon's medicine cabinet.

I have a prescription.

Which proves, that they're you're dr*gs.

And when a jury sees

Piper Hill on the stand in her wheelchair, slurring her words, unable to use her right side...

That's tough, but I never laid a hand on her or any of them.

I'm just leveling the playing field.

How do you figure?

You ever work in a bar?

I see these guys in their sweaty desperation...

Getting rolled by women night after night.

I told Luke, if you're gonna pick up the check, make sure you're getting something for it.

And you made sure that he did.

And the same for your other clients.

They're not clients.

They don't pay me.

They're just guys trying to get over.

Just like them, you need me more than I need you.

I didn't r*pe these women, if that's what you wanna call it.

But I know who did.

And you have the encrypted video files to prove it.

♪ ♪

Hey. Put him in two.

All right, we'll be right with you, doll.

Come on, this way.

In here.

Come on, this way, in here.

Full house.

That's the fourth r*pist from Ash's files.

I'll call Carisi and get them processed, arraigned.

And each one of them is more beta than the next.

Ash knew how to pick them.

He's their puppet master.

He got off, watching them r*pe the girls that he drugged.

The scary part is he worked at a bar and had no trouble finding five guys who were into this.

Where are we with IDing their victims?

I... nowhere.

Unless these guys talk, we may never be able to find all of them.

So we notify the ones we can.





Thank you.

Hmm, yeah.

- Rebecca.



- So I don't have to testify?
- No.

And believe me, that's...

That's a good thing.

How are you doing?

Honestly, I don't know how I trust anyone ever again.

You caught him?


So Luke...

The man who assaulted you, will do ten years.

And Ash...

The man who drugged you, will do two.

That's all?

He cooperated with our investigation.

Gave up other rapists.

And technically, whatever dr*gs he used, we can't...

Prove they're even controlled substances.

They should be.

Look at what happened to my daughter.

Unfortunately, at the moment, criminals and the dr*gs they use, it's...

It's very hard for the law to keep up with them.

I, uh, I-I don't know if I'll be up for it, but I... I will...

I wanna get strong enough, to make a...

A statement at sentencing.


They thought of me, as just this...

Thing, to experiment on, I...

I want them to know I'm a human being.

That I matter.

And you're going to get there.

And we will be by your side...

The whole time.

♪ ♪