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06x19 - Monolith

Posted: 04/25/20 15:38
by bunniefuu
What about that panelist that proposed an amplified DoS Storm attack on the stock market servers?

This is terrifying.

At least the half that I understood.

You know, I'm just glad that these scenarios are hypothetical. Wait, hold up.

What happened to my conspiracy-minded buddy?

Our government is sitting on those same weapons right now, just itching to use them. Yeah, well, if they are, then I don't want to know about it.

You know, it's the stuff of nightmares.

Well, you know what?

Let's see which panelist is gonna keep you up all night next.

Help! Come on, let's go!

Patton, call 911.

I'm on it.

Hey! Shut up!


Help me!

Let me go!

No! Get in!

Let's go.

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ Bang, bang, bang, bang ♪

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ How, how, how, how ♪

♪ Hey, hey ♪

♪ You gotta come on. ♪

Hey, Carter?

You in there?

Come on, I'm double-parked.


Uh, sorry.

Wrong apartment?

No, you're here for Quentin, right?

Yeah. Come on in. He's almost ready.

Oh. Do you want some coffee?

Um, no. No, thank you.


Uh, I'm Hannah, Quentin's associate.

Audrey, Quentin's friend.

Ever heard of texting? Yeah, I did.

You didn't respond. Oh, he's bad at that.

Well, you could've just gone. I would've met you there.

Yeah, well, we... we got a crime scene to work.

Thought it'd be easier with one car.

Okay. Well, let's go. Okay.

Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.

What's that look?

No look. I can feel it.

I know you got a ton of questions.

I am just walking to the elevator.

She's a friend.

How's that?


She's just a friend.

Nice to have friends.

It wasn't so much the suspects fighting back as it was the set of stairs I was hurled down.

Yeah. Well, could've been a hell of a lot worse.

Glad you're okay.

What about the victim?

Well, witnesses were able to ID her as Ms. Norah Moncado.

She's here attending the security conference.

FBI's on this one?

Hannah and Carter are with them at the crime scene. Okay.

Well, I just need to check out the security and traffic cam footage ASAP.

If you get my laptop, I'll, um...

Do absolutely nothing.

What? I'm fine. It's just, you know...

Three broken ribs, multiple contusions and a sprained wrist.

Loretta's right.

You need to focus on recovering.

And I found the perfect medicine.

Are those the lime ones? Where'd you get all those?

A lady never tells.

Oh, I could get used to Nurse Tammy.

I take it back. I take it back.

I'm sorry. Okay.

Looks like you're in good hands here, Sebastian, with these two.

I'm gonna check in on Hannah and Carter.


This is all you could find, huh?


Hey. How's Sebastian?

Well, he's gonna be all right.

The doctors want to keep him overnight for monitoring.

Too bad his beatdown didn't get us more than a kidnapper's glove.

Uh, he misses you, too, Carter.

What do you have on our kidnapping victim?

Norah Moncado, 35.

Single, no children.

Resides in Baltimore and came to town for the conference on behalf of her current employer, Spotter Security.

She, uh, contracts in I.T.

Helps tech companies square away security.

Network encryption, data breaches.

Nothing classified or sensitive enough to make her a kidnapping target.

What about ransom?

There's been no calls, no demands yet.

Plus, no one to call. Only child.

Parents died in a car wreck when she was in college.

She's got a clean record.

Pays her taxes, solid credit score.

Few thousand in savings.

And has a social media footprint dedicated to her succulent collection.

Perfectly normal.

Except... normal people don't get kidnapped.

We used the security footage from the plaza to try to track the van, but her abductors planned a getaway route that avoided security cameras.

This was a brazen, public spectacle. Mm-hmm.

Kidnappers aren't gonna take that risk unless Norah is important.

We're missing something about her.

Everyone has secrets.

We just need to figure out what hers are.

She was staying at an Airbnb in the Garden District.

We'll check it out.

And I'll check in with Patton, see if he's found any cracks in her story.

Patton? Man, you trying to give me a heart attack. You okay?

I watched Sebastian take that spill, man.

Set me on edge. Hey.

He's gonna be okay, P.

But with him riding the bench...

You're gonna need me to step my game up. I'm already on it.

Our victim Norah... she's damn sure more than some ordinary I.T. consultant.

She worked for multiple companies over the past ten years.

Now, by themselves, none seem special.

But combined? There's a common denominator.

Presidium Limited.

Each company receives a generous investment from Presidium.

Then the next week, they get a new contractor.


What's Presidium?

You tell me.

Investment deposits come from an offshore bank account.

No physical address, no real owner.

A shell corporation.

But why bribe these companies to hire Norah?

I don't know.

Uh, the work she did seems to be legit, but I'm gonna keep digging.

Yeah, well, I feel like I know less about Norah than when I walked in here.

Yeah, well, I'll tell you this... she writes some pretty angsty poetry.

I found this train wreck saved as a draft in an e-mail account.

"You left a void around me, "darkness, black.

You fled and now I'm nothing, weightless, slack".


Girl needs to find a better way to deal with her breakups, 'cause these words ain't winning anyone over.

So, how long you planning on living in corporate housing?

Uh, my record is 13 months.

That was Sicily.

Usually, it's 8 to 11 months before I move on to a new gig.

You're just comfortable with temporary living?

Yeah, five posts in five years.

Before that, I was a Marine.

Before that, Navy brat.

So, yeah, I like the nomad life.

Yeah, I thought I did, too.

Living out of a suitcase, seeing the world.

I really didn't know what I was missing until I got a bed, hung up some photos.

A bed is a bed. Photos, I keep on my phone.

As long as it's clean and I got a place to hang my suits, I'm good.

Property owner texted me the code.

I'll cover the rear.

Federal agent!

You need to put that down.

Hey, I'd listen to her if I were you.

Maybe you should listen to us.

We're NCIS. Who are you?

We're the ones with more g*ns, so drop yours.

Yeah, that's not gonna happen.

I think we have a big problem.

I'll make it go away.


Special Agent Khoury.

Why am I not surprised?

What the hell is DIA doing here?

Oh. You think you brought enough guys?

I know what you're gonna ask.

Why is DIA taking over the kidnapping of an I.T. consultant?

And you know what I'm gonna answer.

"Above my paygrade. National security".

You ever get tired of asking questions you know the answers to?

You ever get tired of using the same crappy lines?

I do not.

Pack up the rest of the house.

We'll take it into evidence.

One of my agents was hospitalized trying to save Norah Moncado.

Special Agent Lund hurt his ribs and his pride.

Both will be fine.

But my team is best suited for tracking Norah down.

Oh, I think we're doing fine without the benefit of you.

You made it all the way to her Airbnb... hours after us.


If this is your case, it's your case, but I got to know:

What is DIA's interest in Norah Moncado?

Learn to live with disappointment.

The shell corporation.

Presidium... it's DIA cover.

You got Norah each one of those contracting jobs.

She's one of yours.

This isn't over.

This is absolutely over.

Whether we like it or not, DIA has jurisdiction.

Who is this Winchester guy anyway?

He's the ultimate swooper.

He swoops in at the last minute, takes all the credit.

Kicked us off of a k*ller drone operation last year and expected everyone to pretend like none of it ever happened.

Seemed like you two have some history.

Yeah, our first run-in was in North Africa years ago.

My team spent six months gathering intel.

Winchester came in...

Came in, took all the glory for himself?

Swooper. Not this time.

Sebastian was injured.

We need to find out who was responsible.

Sebastian's gonna be just fine.

Yeah, maybe a few Jell-O pounds heavier.

This isn't worth getting into a bureaucratic fight over.

The last thing we need is to bring the NCIS brass down on our heads again.

Wait, how'd I manage to piss off HQ already?

I just got here.

He's not talking about you.


Just tell me.

Are you being cautious because you're anticipating problems from D.C., or do you know that something's happening?

Deputy Director Van Cleef.

Yeah, he had me demoted for making a call.

I took my lumps.

It's been months... not a peep.

He's leaving NCIS.

Well, that should be good news.


But guys like him make grand gestures before they take a bow.

You think he's gonna come after me?

Don't know.

But why borrow trouble?

I don't need you to protect me.

You also don't need to go against DIA.

Both can be true.

Let 'em find their own damn agent.

Show me your hands!

If I stop stirring, I'll burn the risotto.

You're still here.

Ooh, you could sound happier about it.

Oh, uh... where did you find that thing?

Oh, this? I found this in a drawer.

It doesn't seem like quite your style, but...

I make it look good. Ooh.

Well, I will not disagree with you.

Get a plate. Food's ready.

Not that I don't appreciate a home-cooked meal, but I thought you were flying out today.

I pushed my flight till tomorrow.

After all, I came here for one reason, and that reason rudely disappeared on me this morning.

You know I'm always on call.

No, I don't want an apology.

I just want what I came here for.

And what did you come here for?

It's not the risotto.

Winchester? Yeah.

The same guy who came in and stole my drone Mm-hmm. a bastard?

Swooper strikes again.

Well, what'd he want with Norah? Well, turns out she's an undercover DIA agent.

Hey. You're gonna get sick eating that.

Why are you eating so many?

Norah's DIA?

Yeah. That's why she was a target.

Well, that doesn't make any sense... when she was taken, she screamed, like, a lot. Yeah, you did say she had a healthy set of lungs.

Yeah, she didn't fight back.

That's weird, right? You'd think a trained agent would at least put up some kind of a fight.

Why didn't you say this before?

Well, it wasn't relevant when I thought that she was a civilian, but now that I know she's DIA...

Oh, my God.

All right, let me think about this for a second.

Let me get my thoughts together.

Whoa! I don't need to see that. Where you going, tiny butt?

I got to get released. Get in the bed.

No, I got to go. Get it in the bed.

In the bed.

Now, tell me what you're thinking so I can help.


Canceling your flight to stay another night?

Mm-mm, sorry. Just finished checking in.


Mm. I'm glad you stayed.

I'm glad your coworker didn't interrupt us again.

Khoury, she can be a little, um... impatient. Mm.

But she's had a rough year.

Now, how would Agent "I Don't Get Close to My Coworkers" Carter know that?

Because I do my homework.

Mm-hmm. What happened to her?

Well, she used to run the team, then she got demoted.

I'm not really sure why.

Well, that's got to hurt. Yeah, but she's handling it well.

Have you ever told her that? No.

Like you said, I don't get close to my coworkers.

Paying someone a compliment is not the same as getting close to them.

No, I'm not opening that door.

Yeah, you say something nice to them, then they say something nice back...

Well, it's a vicious cycle. It is.

And then they start asking you questions, like, "Who's that girl in your apartment?"

Oh. And you said? Nothing.

My relationship with my girlfriend is none of her business.


Well, speak of the devil.

Duty calls.

We still good for, uh, next month?

Meet halfway in Denver?

Uh, I'm not sure.

I'll make the wait worth it.

I promise.

I told you the kidnapping of Agent Moncado isn't our case anymore.

His ribs are broken, but his brain is fine. Just hear him out.

All right, so-so Norah didn't fight back.

Tell me you don't think that's a little weird.

Sebastian, I already combed through the footage.

There's nothing useful from the attack.

Yeah, well, I'm not interested in what happened during the attack... I'm interested in what happened a few hours prior to the attack.

Isn't that the exact location where she was later kidnapped? Yeah, and that's not all... check out her line of sight.

Oh, snap!

She's looking at the kidnappers' van.

Any chance that's a coincidence?

Would be if she didn't do the same thing the day before.

She picked out the very spot that she was gonna be kidnapped from.

Because she was in on it.

I got to fill Winchester in.

Look, if she staged her own kidnapping, what else is she planning right under his nose?

Damn, it went straight to voice mail.

Can you locate his phone? Aw, man.

Even I can't break the DIA's level of encryption.

But their phones transmit data on the same cell network that we use, too.

Then you just got to find the tower that's receiving the encrypted signals.

I can narrow it down to a two-mile radius.

Can you be more specific, please?

His SUV. The DIA, they're always concerned about their phones, but they forget they're driving a computer on wheels.

American-made black SUV. Well, there's hundreds of those in the city. Yeah.

Yeah, we don't need to search the whole city.

Just a two-mile area that's receiving encrypted signals.

I'll take those odds.

I want a clean breach.

We extract our girl, take down anyone who tries to stop us. Copy?

Copy. In position.

Stand by. Winchester.

What are you doing here?

Trying to save you from making a mistake.

Norah is working with the kidnappers.

It's all a setup.

Does this look like someone who's in on her own kidnapping?

Maybe it's Norah, maybe it isn't.

Look, either way, you should know more before you charge in. There's no time.

We found a second pair of tire tracks.

The kidnappers aren't here right now, but they could be back any minute.

Why would they... Enough!

You've lost control of your team.

Hey, does this look off to you? Yeah, it looks patchy.

What would cause that? I've seen it before, overseas.

t*rrorists would pack a corpse with body warmers so we'd pick it up.

Draw the cavalry in.


Winchester, it's a trap!

Whoever's tied up in there is already dead!

They're being used as...

Secure the perimeter.

Yes, sir. Winchester, stop.

This is my operation, Pride.

I'm getting my agent out.

Even if it means risking the lives of the rest of your men?

Stand down.

Fall back!

How's my team?

Several are headed to the hospital.

But they'll live, so will you, thanks to Special Agent Khoury.

You need to tell us everything we don't know about Norah Moncado.

I'm good.

She's dead.

We don't know that.

Regardless, the case isn't dead.

Norah had access to classified DIA intelligence, didn't she?

She had something of value to exchange.

Whatever it is, DIA would hate for it to be in enemy hands.

I taught her everything there was to know about deception.

She used it against me.

Aw, save the pity party.

Read us in, or explain to DoD that you let a double agent hand over God knows what intel to an enemy.

Look, what I'm about to tell you will be denied if it comes out later.

My role at DIA is Head of Internal Security.

So, basically, the most secretive agent at the nation's most secretive agency.

I handle clearances and vetting to find the right people to do the most demanding of jobs.

I also handle leaks.

And Norah Moncado?

Real name's Norah Bishop.

She was my human lie detector.

She could sniff out anyone unfit to work at the agency.

That's why you set up Presidium.

Gave her a rotation of cover jobs to keep her at arm's length while she investigated other agents.

Any idea why she would betray the agency now?

A month ago, I located a dangerous leak.

DIA had a mole.

I, uh...

...turned to the one person I could trust.

Norah. When what you were looking for was standing right next to you the whole time.

It was her idea to come to New Orleans.

Claimed she had a hit on the mole.

Never would have guessed it was part of an escape plan.

There's still time to fix this.

Your team is in no position to continue the investigation.

Let us help you.

I'll get the evidence we've gathered transferred over to you, along with Norah's classified file.

The sooner, the better.

Norah didn't do this alone.

We need to find out who helped her.

We're back in the game, Loretta.

I'm hoping you can put some points on the board.

Well, I put a rush on the DNA analysis.

Genetic markers don't lie.

This poor woman is not your DIA agent.

Only mistake was sharing a similar physique.

So Norah could still be alive.

Get an ID on this victim?

Not without dental records.

But hypostasis suggests that she's been dead for at least 72 hours.


Yeah, a s*ab wound at the base of the skull.

Appears the knife... cut her spinal cord instantly.

Any luck with the evidence DIA sent? Well, it depends on your definition of "luck".

The gloves Sebastian grabbed off the kidnapper at the plaza? Mm-hmm.

I pulled DNA from skin cells.

There's no match on any of our systems.

But whoever wore that glove is a male of Asian descent.

That limits our suspect pool to about four billion.

Oh. Does that get me any points on the board?

Wasn't a brick.

What does DIA know about their double agent?

Norah Bishop, she was the ultimate DIA recruit.

Joined Mensa when she was six years old.

Programmed her first computer at eight.

Her parents traveled abroad for work, Norah traveled with them.

She's fluent in six different languages.

So we're dealing with a superspy.

Yeah. But who's she working with?

Norah traveled to Hong Kong researching her PhD dissertation on cybersecurity.

Trip was supposed to last six weeks.

She ended up staying six months.

There must be something in China worth staying for.

Perhaps a change of allegiance?

DNA on the glove Sebastian grabbed belongs to an Asian male.

The body at the back of the warehouse was rigged by professionals.

Could be Ministry of State Security.

Chinese intelligence? Yeah, it makes sense, if she was recruited in Hong Kong.

Which means that Norah has been working with the Chinese long before she joined DIA.

They could've steered her to them.

But why stage a kidnapping?

If she wanted to sell the DIA out, why not fake her own death and disappear?

Because... she needed Winchester involved in the investigation.

He was the only one who knew she had access to classified DIA intel.

The only one who could peg her as the mole.

Taking out Winchester was necessary for her escape plan.

We need to tell him.

If we're up against MSS, DIA can help.

I'll call Winchester, get him over here and get him up to speed.

Keep looking for Norah.

Agent Carter, you have a visitor.

You weren't answering my texts.

Oh, I'm sorry, that's on me.

It's a-a time-sensitive case.

I just need a quick word before I head to the airport.

So, why the need for the face-to-face?

Because I respect you too much to say this over the phone.

Okay. So, what needs to be said?

It's actually what you said.

This morning.

You called me your girlfriend.

Yeah, because you are.

Actually, I'm not.

Uh, what do you mean? We've been dating for... three years.

We've been meeting every other month for hotel trysts.

And it's fun, but it's not a relationship.

I mean, come on. We have that connection.

We get along, we never fight.

We understand each other. Sure.

It's fun, it's uncomplicated.

No stakes, no depth.

It's not just the people you work with, Quentin.

You don't let anyone in.

That's not true.

You refuse to lower your walls.

And at first, it was frustrating as hell for me, but I made my peace with it.

You... you met someone else.



It's been casual, but he wants to take it to the next level.

I didn't know if I was ready.

Until now.

Whatever this is between us, it's never gonna be enough for me.

Okay, so that's it? We're breaking up?

We can't break up if we were never actually together.

You are a good guy, Quentin.

But I deserve more.

Norah's been playing me since the day we met?


The human race evolved to trust others because more often than not, it's in our best interest.

But not spies.

We're supposed to distrust everything.

Like Norah.

She lived a lie for over a decade.

Question is why.

Money? Patton looked into her finances.

Nothing raised a red flag.

If she was being coerced, she would've been tied to that chair and k*lled alongside you.

Agent Gregorio's been working up a profile, believes that she's being driven by ego.

She wanted to feel special.

Nothing is more exclusive than a club of one as a double agent.

If she makes it to China, she'll also be a hero.

We can't let that happen.

Okay, then.

You're the one person who's worked most closely with Norah.

You knew her beyond the agency.

I already told you everything I know.

What about her personal life?

Did she have hobbies or friends?

Did she take, I don't know, any vacations?

If she was working with the Chinese, there had to be a point of contact.

No agent is that good at covering their tracks.

The Caribbean.

She'd go there for long weekends, two, three times a year.

She loved all-inclusives

'cause she never had to leave the resort.

And no real paper trail.

It's a good spot to meet with a handler.

Ugh, I hate everything about this traitor, but I do know where I'm going on my next vacation.

What'd you guys find?

Tracked down each of the resorts Norah stayed at the past few years...

Five-star. Expensive taste.

...and cross-referenced the guest lists with those travel dates.

Was her handler with her? This Chinese national overlapped Norah at the same resort every time.

And travels under different aliases?

Each time. Last trip six weeks ago was under the name, "Alex Chang".

Well, that's got to be her handler, but who is he? That's where the trail goes cold.

We've been digging into each alias, but so far, they're all ghosts.

No one's a ghost to DIA.

I'll pass along the names.

We've got our own way of finding people.

Hey. I just cracked the code on how Norah signals her handler.

What you got, P?

Shared e-mail account.

Norah and her cronies used the same password.

Passing along messages in the saved drafts folder, weren't they? Hey, I don't have Sebastian here to de-geek this stuff, so little help?

Norah writes an e-mail, never sends it, and it saves as a "draft".

The handler sees it, reads it, then deletes it.

Nothing's ever transmitted, so there's no digital record.

Clever, but how does that help us find Norah?

Especially if she's already fled the country.

Oh, I doubt that. A new e-mail showed up in her draft folder after she was taken.

If her handler would've seen it, he would've deleted it by now.

Means we still have a chance to catch her.

"The folly of man.

"Why not wo-man?

"Two of one? Separate.

Equal. Without both, there is none".

There's no way Norah's still writing more bad poetry on the run.

Which made me realize that this is a coded message.

We've got to get this poem to DIA cryptography team right away.

I ask for help from your minions?

It took a patented Triple P algorithm to find the right cipher, and voilà.

What the heck is "Monolith"?

What don't we know, Winchester?

And don't give us that national security crap again.

Monolith is the name of a program that doesn't exist.

What does this nonexistent program do?

It monitors every spy DIA handles across the globe.

So if Norah handed it over to the Chinese...

Every one of those agents will be exposed.

Just updated the deputy secretary at Homeland.

They're blasting an alert to every agency in the Southeast.

We got BOLOs out on every private air and boat charter on the Gulf.

I'll double back to Winchester, see if DIA resources have illuminated anything else on Norah's Chinese handler.

Let's hope she hasn't already slipped past us.

We'll put trip wires out, and hopefully we'll get lucky and Norah will stumble over one.

I hope you're right.

Oh. I know you're committed to your froth, but we got work to do.

Yes. Sorry.

You seem distracted.

Uh, just needed some caffeine.

Audrey, right?

You, um, need a moment?

No, I don't do moments.

All right, well, I'm here if you want to talk.

But you probably don't want to do that, either.

You, uh, call it like you see it, don't you?

Sometimes I can cross boundaries.

Yeah, I noticed that about you.

Oh? Please, don't hold back. Mm-hmm.

Oh, nor should you.

You're the one who tells the truth, even when it hurts.

Which makes you an effective leader, despite what the brass says.

Somebody's been gossiping.

Oh, not here. Not me.

But, um, I heard you got demoted, and I know it was a raw deal.

But for what it's worth, the way you handled it is a case study in class.

It's worth a lot, actually.

Tell us DIA's having more luck than we are, Winchester.

I told you, no one's really a ghost.

The alias Alex Chang belongs to this man, Feng Wei.

That's the same man from each of the resort surveillance photos.

What do you know about him?

A suspected operative for Chinese MSS.

His file's been flagged dozens of times by international agencies.

He's their top recruiter.

Yeah, well, if he's helping Norah escape with Monolith, how do we find him?

We dug into all of Wei's aliases, and this popped up locally.

What's Deep Gulf Diving Adventures?

Seaplane charter operating in Lafitte.

Specializes in trips to remote Caribbean dive spots.

I take it Feng Wei's various aliases have booked their services before?

Multiple times, all arranged by Travis Hayes, Deep Gulf's owner and pilot.

Is there more than a passive connection between Travis Hayes and Feng Wei? Yes, there is.

Hayes spent three years in Beijing teaching English over a decade ago.

Where he was recruited by Feng Wei. Mm-hmm.

Seaplane's a great way to move assets in and out of the country.

Hayes filed a flight plan for Belize this morning.

Norah was on that flight. She's gone. Not yet.

There's a storm in the Gulf, it has light aircraft grounded since yesterday, but it is clearing soon.

All right, let's bring these traitors in.

Monolith is priority.

Everything else, especially Norah, is collateral.

I'll take the far side.

Set. Set.


Clear. Winchester?

Damn it, how did we miss them?

The river.

I count six hostiles, but I don't see Norah.

Federal agents, drop your weapons!

Let's go!

Get on the plane! We're leaving!

This is the United States Coast Guard.

Shut down your engines immediately.

If you do not comply, we will be forced to open fire.

I repeat: this is the United States Coast Guard.

Shut down your engines and prepare to be boarded.

This is your final warning.

Shut down your engines now or we will open fire.

Thanks. No sign of Norah.

Or any kind of drive with Monolith.

Well, her message said she was en route to the extraction point. Maybe we got the wrong one.


They're refusing to talk.

Yeah, and Norah's still out there.

Well, she couldn't have gotten far on her own.

You find anything on the plane or on the bodies? Yeah, some damn good passports to get them into Belize.

One of those Norah's? Nope.

Well, wherever she is, her cover's blown.

She's gonna have a new ID now, too.

Yeah, we need to figure out who cooked these up.

Get them back to the lab, get Patton to start hunting for the forger.

Carter and I will stay and coordinate with Winchester, see if any of his DIA toys turn anything up.

Okay. Let's go.

You got that look on your face.

Yeah. Thinking about Occam's razor.

Simplest explanation is usually the correct one.


And the simplest way for Norah to get out of here is on that plane.

Why isn't she on it? Maybe she's just laying low here for a while.

I mean, she's got to know that every agency we cooperate with is gonna be on the lookout for her. Right?

No passport or new look is gonna make up for the scrutiny she'd get at Customs Control. Mm-hmm.

Unless the plan was to never pass through it at all.

Give me a hand.

These crates were supposed to be loaded on the plane.

I'm not sure what you expected to find.

Come on.


Hannah, you all right?



You all right?

I don't think your fancy threads are gonna survive New Orleans, hotshot.

After seeing what's in this water, I think I'm gonna burn this suit.


What's Monolith?

Take her in my car.

What'd you call him once?

A super secret ass?

Uh-huh. Some things never change.

You finally gonna join us at the bar tonight?

Uh, thank you, no, thank you.

I got a lot of work to do here. Mm.

Okay. Well...

...if it's a drinking-alone kind of night... you might as well drink the good stuff.

Ooh. I know, I just...

I did not take you for a whiskey girl.

Yeah, well, you don't know me very well.

But you could.

Oh, not gonna bite, Khoury.


It's HQ with another e-mail blast.


Deputy Director Van Cleef is leaving NCIS, pending Senate approval, to become chief of naval operations for DoD.

Talk about a career leap.

Yeah, it is.

Oh, you know him.


Um... we've had a few interactions.

Any chance he was involved in your demotion?

It doesn't matter. That's in the past.

You know, I worked with a woman at NCIS: Pearl Harbor.

She also had a few interactions with Van Cleef.

It didn't end well for her, either.

Enjoy that whiskey, huh?

♪ Dancin' to the truth ♪

♪ Let your body move ♪

♪ Dancin' to the truth... ♪ Well, here's to closing our first, and hopefully last, joint case with the DIA.


I'm just dying to know what other programs DIA has that "don't exist".

I could find a back door into their system. Mm.

We are not getting mixed up in anything that could bring Winchester back down here again.

Who wants another round? Yeah.

Me. Yes, sir.

Okay, I got 'em. One beer's not gonna hurt.

Alcohol will not mend your broken ribs, Sebastian.

Lucky I brought you here to celebrate.

It's not much of a celebration.

Here, pumpkin. I swiped this before we left.

I figured you'd want it. Oh, my God, I could kiss you.

Nah, just put the spoon in your mouth instead. You'll be fine.

Anybody heard from Hannah?


Thought she'd be here by now.


You're the last person I expected to get an urgent call from.

Well, I wanted to catch you before you went back to D.C.

I, um... I was hoping you could do me a personal favor.

I appreciate your help with Norah Bishop, but the DIA isn't in the business of personal favors.

Well, I'm not asking the DIA.

I'm asking you.

You owe me for North Africa and now for here.

Is that a threat?

No, Winchester.

It's a fact.

You don't want to help, don't help.

I'll survive.

I didn't get a chance to thank you back at the docks.

Thank you.

I know that wasn't easy for you.

You have no idea.

What kind of favor do you need?

I need you to look into somebody for me.

NCIS has resources.

Why not just use those?

NCIS can't know about this.

This has to be strictly off the record, and that is what you do best.

What do you want to know about Deputy Director Ezra Van Cleef?


I heard chatter for months about his new promotion.

Are you sure it's wise to go kicking that hornet's nest?


But I'm gonna do it anyway.