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04x08 - Father + Son + Father + Matriarch

Posted: 04/24/20 16:06
by bunniefuu
Taylor, what's going on?

Hurry, it's starting.

All right, that was a good jab I'll give you that.

Mac, I'm trained in six different martial arts.

You sure you don't want to quit? I'm pretty tough.

I can take it. So, you're saying you want to get hurt?

See, fighting is basically physics and biology, Dez.

Every action has an equaland opposite reaction.

It all comes down to snap judgments based on strength... velocity and...

...balance. Oh, no!

Look at that, you finally swept me off my feet. Yeah, well...

Cheap shot, huh?

You swept the leg.

All's fair in love and w*r, right?

300 on Desi.

Oh, that's a no-brainer.

I'll take those odds.

Look, if I've learned one thing it's never bet against...

Never mind.

*MAcGYVER * Season 04 Episode 08 Episode Title: "Father + Son + Father + Matriarch"

Aired on: April 03, 2020

An expl*sive device was detonated in a federal building early this morning in downtown Los Angeles.

What you're seeing is cell phone footage captured at the scene.

No fatalities yet reported, and authorities have no further information...

I'm getting files routed from the FBI now.

So it's not a gas main, then?

No, the way the blasts detonated, they were controlled. It was a series of devices.

That b*mb was just a few blocks from here.

Someone... is sending a message.



It's good to see you.


You, too.

Your father had some theories on the bomber, so I had him come in.

Russ Taylor. Russ!

Good to finally meet you face-to-face.

Well, you left some rather big shoes to fill.

So you have an idea who this guy is?


Mason? Mason, the former FBI psychothat infiltrated Phoenix?

That's the one.

Career FBI, before that, decorated soldier, awarded a purple heart.

All before branching out into the psychopathic revenge killings.

I've been tracking him.

He's somewhere near here, Los Angeles.

It would've been his son's 30th birthday.

Ballistics came back on the device used this morning.

Oh, yeah.

This is asymmetrical timing, old-school blasting caps.

It definitely lookslike his handiwork.

Except for one thing.

The blast site is an empty building.

No casualties.

Not exactly Mason's style.

I connected Mason to three aliases.

One of them, Theodore Ramse, is the name on this propertyoutside of Needles, a couple hours from here.

And there's this.

Taken yesterday inside of a bank, just one block from the blast sight.

All this to send us a message, huh?

Hmm, not "us."

Just me and Dad, right?

That's why I want you to come with me to get him.

Why not just send the FBI to pick him up?

Because Mason has friends in the FBI... He catches wind of this, we'll lose him again.

Not to mention, Mason's our mess, we should be the ones to clean it up.

Listen, about that other thing, Matty, I want you to stay on it.

You're onto something.

Russ. Nice to meet you.

Bozer, Desi, I want you to look into any of Mason's known contacts in the area. Riley?

Go a layer deeper on those surveillance scans, okay?

NSA systems, here I come.

Okay, well, I willsee you later, then?

Why, you have something more pressing?


Care to elaborate?


All right.

Would you please close the door on your way out?


Happy belated birthday, by the way.

I called.

I know.

Well, you know, phones go both ways.


You made it clear you didn't want to talk to me, because... Well...

Because you traded Mason's son's life for mine.

Because you... put that on my head.

You never gave me a choice in the matter.

You played God.

And now, here we are, after Mason again.

Mason's son wasa good soldier, but he was expendable.

I know that's hard, but it's true.

You were the invaluable asset that day.

Mason's son died so you could live and continue your work, saving countless lives.

Sometimes you got to do the wrong thing for the right reason, and you know what?

I'd make the same damn choice all over again.

Operator 187.

Yes, it's Matilda.

Clearance level Q17.

Not available.

Tell him I'll wait.

Message, please?

Okay, fine.

The message is: "Call me.

It's about File 47."

Okay, so this road should lead us to the property leased under Mason's alias.

You know, I was gonna retire in a place like this.

A little farther east.

Big lake.


Sounds nice.

Yeah, you and me.

On a boat.

We went fishing exactly once.

I wouldn't say it was our thing.

I should've been more...


Stop, just, you keep acting like there's something to fix.

There's nothing to fix between us.

I grew up without a dad, that's just how it was.

No dad.

No mom, either.

She would've been here if she could've.

We never talk about her.

That's what families do, you know?

Talk about things, even the hard stuff.


The hard stuff?

The cancer's back.

Doctors say I have a couple months to live, at best.


Look out!

Is that what I think it is?

If you think it's a remote control anti-personnel mine, magnetically attached to the hood of my truck, then, yes, it's exactly what you think it is.

Mason set up a trap for anyone coming his way.

At least we know he's here.

Phoenix, we have a problem.


Riley, are... are you there? Do you copy?


He's jamming our signal.

Do you see that metal box on top?

Yeah, it's a motion sensor... We get out... it goes off.

So we're trapped.

Mac? Mac, can you hear me?

Mac! What's wrong?

I don't know... his comm went dead, and now I have no signal.

There's too much tree cover.

Can't make anything out.

I'm gonna enhance the receiver.


We lost them.

All right, well, we can't just sit here.

What, you're not gonna... Short it out? Yes.

It'll set off the charge. Maybe, but it's better than waiting out the whims of a dangerous psychopath with a remote control, so...

So, let's play the odds.


Speaker wire?

That's a little flimsy, don't you think?

As good a conductor as any.

You're gonna need a control rod.

How about this? Hockey?


It's Desi's.

I can't believe you didn't tell me about the cancer.

I just did.

That was... absolute worst timing.

Is there a good time for cancer?

Yes, there's, there's better times.

I'm-I'm not good at this stuff.

I'm sorry, but I-I-I just, I never know what to say.

Can we just start over?

Right here, right now.

Day one.

We already did that.

Well, I'm... I'm willing to try again.

Have you boosted their comms signal?

Four times already, and they're still down.

Nothing's working.

Anything yet? Working on it.

Nothing on Mason from any known contacts.

If he's in the city, he's laying low.

Hang on, there's a clearing in the tree cover to the east.

I'm gonna re-route another satellite.

You're not gonna be re-routing anything.

Riley, right?

Shut her down, all of it.

Hello. Russ Taylor, owner of everything you're trying to shut down.

Who the hell are you, and on whose authority?

CIA, by order of the executive branch.

I said shut her down, and I won't repeat myself.

I don't work for you.


Stand down!

You're gonna want to be cool.

We're in the middle of an operation here, Burke.

Not anymore you're not, Webber.

Of course you two know each other.

Bring her to an interrogation room.

I'll show you the way.


I got this.

Russ, what the hell is going on?

I don't know.

So this means Mac and Oversight are just...

They're on their own.

Steady. Steady...



Well done.

Let's just get out of here.

I shorted out the electrical system.

So I guess we're walking.

Love this truck.

So what are we doing now?

Oh, I'm not stopping' till I find Mason.

Hey, Dad, I, uh...

Look, I'm-I'm... I'm sorry for not telling you about it.

I was just gonna say, I should have been there.

And done what?

Sit by my bedside?

Look, I'm-I'm... I'm doing pretty good right now.

Look, I know I wasn't exactly... father of the year.

We can't change the past.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

And now that we've all gathered here today, why don't we just takea little walk down memory lane?

I figured it might be you crawling out of your hole on this one.

But it's a corner hole on the twenty-fourth floor with my own bathroom and a view of downtown.

Well, I am sorry to hear about your success.

What do you know about File 47?

Oh. I thought we were still throwing warmup pitches.

Oh, you're gonna tell me what I want to know, and quickly, or this whole candy store operation is gonna be closed for good. On what grounds?

Stealing a top secret project from DARPA.

Well-documented set up.

Operating in two foreign countries without government permission:

Moldova and Italy.

Now there's a career-ending stain on your résumé.

I don't know much about File 47.

But you do know about it, which is way more than anyone is supposed to.

What I know is that it had something to do with a long-term plan to combat global threats, from climate change to unstable governments and everything in between.

How did you find out about it?

You know, I figured this was coming, which is why I checked into the occupancy of our California black sites on the way over.

And there's plenty of vacancies.

So I wonder how long Matty the Hun can withstand a little... enhanced interrogation.

Right. This is ridiculous.

I'm ordering all of you back to work.

Do not touch that laptop.

Your operation's on a government-ordered lockdown.

Right. Enough of this humbug.

I can't let you...


Mike? Russ.

I wonder if you can help me out with my current predicament.

I've got a bit of a sitch with the CIA.

I like it. Rustic.

Very stark.

You know our team's gonna come looking for us, right?

You know, I don't really care.

Today's my son's 30th birthday.

At least it would have beenif it wasn't for him.

Look, you want to settle this thing between us, let's do it, but leave Angus out of it.

I knew you two would come looking for me.

It's hardto stay off the grid these days.

It'd be a lot easier if you didn't blow up that building.

What building?


You wanted our attention. You got it.

I haven't been to the city in months.

We have you on security footage yesterday.

Your truck is dead, I have this g*n.

Why would I be lying to you now?

The only reason I came out looking for you two is because you knocked out my receiver.

We didn't knock out your receiver.

Like I say, I have the g*n, so why are you lying?

Our comms were k*lled, too. We thought you did it.

Someone's been jamming our signal...

Get down!

Friends of yours?

Definitely not!

Who are those guys?

I don't know, but we got to get out of here.

Maybe we can make somethingto hold 'em off.

Oh, that works.

Take this, head for the endof the tunnel.

I've got a remote detonator.

This should cover our exfil.

We're supposed to just trust you? No, but the same people sh**ting at you are sh**ting at me, and I want to find out why. Go!

Go! Go! Go!

So what's it gonna be, Matilda?

Black site or the truth?

I want to know what you know about File 47.

Not sorry to interrupt.

I have the secretary of defense on the phone for you.

Really? Mm.

Hello. Mike?


Hey, listen, Mike, uh, you want to keep your nose clean on this one.

Mm-hmm. Oh, yeah, straight from the big desk. All right.

Yeah, listen, love to Peggy, huh? All right.

Get him out of here.

Hang on.

I demand to be here with Ms. Webber.

I have the clearance.

Not on this one, you don't.

This is compartmentalized.

Why are you here?

They want to find out what I know about something called "File 47."

A top secret project initiated by DXS 14 years ago.

Highly sensitive information.

But the problem is that Burke here doesn't know what to ask.

You want to know why?

Because not even he knows what File 47 is.

It's just a big hole where all this juicy intel should live.

But what exactly is that juicy intel?

So you can't tell me anything?

Oh, no, I can tell you lots of things.

Like how you led the operation that k*lled off everyone involved in designing File 47, despite the fact that you had no idea what... it even... was.

And how do you know all this?

Let me take a look at it.

No, it's fine. Well, it's slowing you down, and we don't know the area, so unfortunately... I hate to say this... but we actually need you.

I've seen my fair share of shrapnel wounds. Come on.

Removing shrapnel is tricky business.

Without the right tools, you can cause an infection that's worse than the wound itself.

But shrapnel is metal, and with an electromagnet, you can pull it free without ever having to expose the wound.

All right, apply pressure.

It's all we can do for now.

We'll rest a minute. Is that what you do?

Just help people, no matter who they are?

Yeah, well, I try to when I can, but don't read too far into it.

We're not friends.

Nobody's forgetting what you did to Charlie.

And I'm not forgetting my son.

But the same person sh**ting at you is sh**ting at me.

So you got any idea just who in the hell is trying to set the three of us up?

We don't have any common enemies.

And if you really weren't in L.A., somebody deep-faked you into that security footage.

Somebody with resources.

It was Codex.


They're some sort of... extremist organization.

We don't really know. Delusions of grandeur.

Ending civilization kind of stuff.

Well, they're after us, sowe better keep moving. Let's go.

You realize you're leaving two U.S. operatives in the field in the dark on an active mission?

That's not my problem, Miss.

You can keep telling yourself that, but if they die, it's on you.


Sit down.

What is that?

It's my alarm, okay? I need to take my meds. I always forget at lunch.

That's why I set this alarm. Excuse me.

Yo, this isn't a choice, okay? I'll die. They're glycerin for my heart.

Where are they?

Downstairs in the lab.

Escort him.

Look, don't make me...

This is ourhouse.

You got cords?

Yeah, I got some cords.

Let's find Mac.

Mac, do you copy? Riley?

Where the hellhave you been?

Long story.

CIA came in armed to the teeth and shut down the whole op.

We don't know why.

Matty and Taylor are with them now.

So we're in the darkwith Codex on our heels?


What happened to Mason? He's with us.

He had nothing to do with the expl*si*n in L.A.

Codex set a trap.

I'm pulling up your location.

I got a satellite that's...

Mac, you've got heat signatures heading your way.

A lot of 'em. From what direction?

All of them.


Angus MacGyver.

Who's asking?

You know who we are.

Someone wants to meet you.

Let's go, let's go. Come on.

We're wheels up in five.

So, what part of the CIA are you with anyway, Agent Burke?

He's wet works.


The real off-the-books stuff, eh?

Assassinations and the like.

Officially, none of your operations exist.

Yes. But unofficially, Burke's the best.

He doesn't make mistakes.

Which is why he's still in business, even after all these years.

This photo was taken in 2003, when this woman was the lead physicist on the File 47 project.

Of course, I didn't know that at the time, when I took this photo... before your squad eliminated all assets involved in working on File 47.

You k*lled...

DXS agents?

Oh. More than a few.

Isn't that right, Burke?

But this woman here...

I believed that she had died in a plane crash.

Lately, I've been suspicious.

And then I found this.

That's her.

A month ago in Italy.

Looks like you missed one.

Where the hell are we?


I thought you were...

Alive and kicking.

James, you really should see the look on your face right now.



Welcome to Codex.

So, the CIA k*lled everyone a part of the old Phoenix... sorry...

DXS project, but that person survived.

How? Well, that's an excellent question.

I'm guessing Codex stepped in. Tell us, Burke, what'd they promise you?

Power? Money? What?


That's so basic.

Did you really think that I would let you walk in here with the upper hand?

Here's the deal.

Either I tell Congress about your k*ll squad, or I tell your boss that your cleanup wasn't so clean.

What do you want?

If this woman disappeared, then you helped her with a new identity.

Help me find her.

Stand down. We're done here.

Ta-ta, then. See yourselves out, yeah?

Just down there to the right.

That intel I gave you... that's a can of worms you can't possibly imagine.

Don't underestimate my imagination.

What the...?

Where's Carter? Oh, uh, second floor.

Supply closet.

God, I hate this place.

Look for any information that you can find on this name.

We lost Mac and Oversight.

Mac thinks it's... Codex.

He's right.

You find this person, we'll find them.

So... who is she?

Titan. Head of Codex.

Her name is Gwendolyn Hayes.

Brilliant astrophysicist and former DXS agent.

She was one of the chief architects of File 47.

I think it's time you tell us exactly what the hell this File 47 is.

Your last name is...

Hayes? Yeah.

Your mother's maiden name.

I'm Auntie Gwen.

I have an aunt?

Had. I thought she was dead.

Well, guess I didn't make the family album.

I used to be just like you, Angus.

I worked for DXS.

I was full of idealism.

Eager to "build a better world." Look, I don't know what you want, but leave him out of it.

Leave him out of it?

James, this is the family business.

Sharing is caring. You need to work on that.

I had to set up poor Mason over here just to get you back in his life.

You set me up? I did.

I really did.


Because the world is on fire.

The climate's changing, but noneof us want to change with it.

As a species, we're devolving.

We used to be... intellectually curious, but now we choose ignorance.

Gwen, don't. Today we censor scientists.

Nobody cares if an entire town's water supply is poisoned, but you take away our same-day shipping, and, ooh... it's pitchforks and torches.

James... did you tell your son about File 47?

He didn't.

'Cause the people who know about it get k*lled.

It was a thought experiment.

An ambitious project started by some of us at DXS.

While the rest of us thought it was insane.

Wait. What...

Tell him.

Go to hell.

Okay, you see this?

Irrational. Afraid.

Holding on to ignorance despite a g*n pointed at his head.

Knowing he's breathing his last breaths, but he's so stubborn, he won't budge... That is us.

That is the human race.

Under the chin.

No, come on. Dad, just...

47... is a hypothetical plan to initiate a series of natural disasters that would plunge the world into chaos.

Destroy the fabric of modern society. No.

Destroy the shackles of modern society.

This is a reset switch.

Get the world off oil, reverse the greenhouse effect... build a real future.

Energy consumption. Population growth.

Food shortages.

Refugee migration.

Political upheaval.

You're an engineer.

Does this look sound to you?


Or does this look like a structure on the verge of collapse?

Does this look like a world that is rising to the challenge?

This... is the TED Talk from hell.

I'd like to talk with Angus privately.

You hurt my son, I'll k*ll you.

Dad, it's gonna be fine.


I'm already dead.

All right, I got a hit on Gwendolyn's alias:

Sharon White.

There's a lotof activity here.

Bank transfers, shell corps, credit cards, donations.

No address or place of business, though.

This is all buried beneath a mountain of smoke.

Do you have a location?

Sure, Riley, just scour the global communications grid for one person out of seven and a half billion.

No problem.

Ah. Isn't she gorgeous?

Truss-Dobsonian optical design.

3.6 focal ratio.

20-inch aperture.

Come have a look.

She's pointed at Icarus, the farthest star known to science.

You know the myth?

Daedalus made wings out of feathers and wax.

He warned his son Icarus not to fly too close to the sun.

Icarus didn't listen and melted his wings, and yada, yada, yada, scientists have too much hubris, and we fly too high, something like that?

No, we're not Icarus.

We're the gods.

You and I, we can end this.

No. Our responsibility is to contribute to the progress of mankind.

You sound just like your mother.

And you have her eyes, too.

Thanks, but I wouldn't know.

Your mother worked for DXS.

All of this started with her.

File 47 was her idea.

Okay, I got something here.

I found a shell corp with a deed for a buildingon a private island.

Well, that could be where they're keeping Mac and Oversight. Boze, tell the pilot to fuel up for Mexico. Desi, you're with me.

Okay, time's up.

Let's go. Hold on a minute.

I think there's something wrong.

Oh, you think I'm an idiot?

He's an old man.

He got hit by shrapnel. Have a little compassion.

Old man, my ass.

Let's go.


I don't believe you.

I don't believe that my mother would have wanted this many people to die.

Nobody wants people to die.

I don't want people to die.

Then stop trying to k*ll them.

You're missing the big picture.

Your mother saw it.

She had the strength. She knew what had to be done, and that's why they hunted us down.

What-what are... Who?

The CIA.

To them, File 47 was just a blueprint for the apocalypse, so they came for us.

Some were car accidents.


Mine was an airplane accident.

I barely survived.

But I was given a new life by Codex.

By t*rrorists. Scientists.

Who are willing to do what needs to be done.

And what is that?

Save the world.

Much as I loathe to say it, we're gonna need each other. You got a plan?

Uh, yeah. Let's shake things up.

Do you think you can work with these?

Like riding a bicycle.

Here's the ignition fob.

Got it.


Well, that wasn't smart.

Trust me, it wasn't for you. They still got Angus.

You're not going anywhere.

You took a b*llet for me.

I'll go get your kid.

If we do nothing, everyone dies.

If we act, yes, we lose millions, but we save the rest.

We've run out of time to be heroes, Angus.

We have to play God now.

When you accept that, the rest will be easier.

Every cause has an effect, so be the butterfly.

Flap your wings and let the hurricane begin.

Angus, either you're with us or you're against us.

It's your choice.

And I think we both know it's time for you to come home.

A telescope like this has enough magnification power that if pointed at the Sun, it could burn out your retina.

But if pointed at the Moon, you get just enough light...

Come on!

Let's go!


Angus, you g... you got to know, your mother never... never wanted any of this.

She-she was just doing her job.

We got company. Where's that ignition fob?

It got hit when I did.

All right, well, we can drive out of here.

Come on, let's go. Let's go! No. No. No. Son, they'll just chase us.

Someone's got to slow them down.

I'll set off the expl*si*n.



No. No, uh, I'll fix this.

Look, uh, we can, uh, start over.

T's day one, remember? Mm-mm.

Hey, I can't stop them.

You can.

You're the invaluable asset, and you have to go.

They're coming.


I, uh...

I love you, too, Dad.

Come on, kid. Hey.

Let's go. We got to go. Let's go.

All right.

You got me.

Now you're probably gonna want to run.

Just in time.

We're leaving. Initiate Clean Sweep protocol.

Copy. Titan has initiated Clean Sweep.

Fall back to Site B.


Up here, I'm going one way, and you're going the other.

You got a problem with that?


But the next time I see you, I promise you, the answer will not be the same.

I'm sorry about your father.

I'm sorry about your son.

Hope you get those bastards.


Mac! Uh, yeah.

Was that you?

No. It was them covering their tracks.

Where's Oversight?

He, uh...

We should go.

So, you knew it was her the whole time?

No. I didn't know for sure.

But after what Bishop said to you, some of their operating procedures, patterns that Taylor was seeing, I...

It all started to feel familiar.

Why didn't you tell me?

Because of what it meant.

For you, for your father.

I wanted to know for sure.

So what now?

She's still out there.

We find her.

And we stop them from doing more harm.

This was an incredible loss for you.

You should take some time.

As much time as you need, Mac. We'll be here.

I don't need time.

The last thing my father said to me was that he couldn't stop them but that I could.

So that's what I'm gonna do.

Mac. I'll see you tomorrow.

Back to work.