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02x18 - Almost Famous

Posted: 04/24/20 14:40
by bunniefuu
Previously on "God Friended Me"...

Unfortunately, your current treatment didn't give us the results we were hoping for.

So what's the next step?

We're gonna have to get more aggressive.

I wanted to see if you were interested in getting dinner sometime.

So I went on a date with Adam.

Parker said not to tell Miles.

Yeah, I think she's right.

I have a lead on the God Account.

There's a waitress I need to talk to at a diner across town. Uh, you're Marsha Smith, right?

I know Alphonse, the father of your son, Corey.

I just thought you might be able to get me in touch with him. No, I can't.

I followed Corey's mom to Brooklyn.

She's in some building called the National Sewing Company.

It's just a front for DARPA.

Are you saying that the God Account could be a massive government experiment?

That's exactly what I'm saying.

How are things with Ali?

Did she have her next round of chemo?

She was supposed to today, but the doctor wants to talk to us before moving forward. Is everything okay?

I think so. All she said was there were other treatment options she wanted to discuss.

Hey, two coffees and an extra chili cheese fries with everything for me.

What? It's 8:00 a.m.

Exactly. I heard breakfast is supposed to be the most important meal of the day, so...

Anyway, still no sign of Corey Smith?

No. I mean, no one has come in or out of this building in, like, three days.

Maybe we're wrong about this being a front for DARPA.

That's possible, but I get this feeling they got a private entrance somewhere else.

So continuing to stake this place out in hopes of confronting Corey is a waste of time.


I did reach out Adam, see if he has any contacts inside DARPA.

I'm just waiting to hear back.

I didn't know you and Adam were still working together.

Yeah, well, he was a huge help in finding the underground poker club that led us to DARPA in the first place.

Makes sense. So if he knows anyone, maybe he could get a message to Corey... tell him we just wanna talk.

Actually, we already have someone who can do that.

Marsha, Corey's mom.

Whoa. Didn't she make it pretty clear she didn't wanna help us?

I mean, how are you gonna change her mind?

By sending a message of my own.

I will catch up with you guys later.

Oh, I gotta meet Ali at the hospital.


Happy to do the stakeout by myself, thank you.

Just me and my fries.

I know we were planning to start your second round of chemo tomorrow, but I wanted you to meet our hospital administrator, Ms. Marshall, first.

It's nice to meet you all.

And please call me Tammy.

Tammy oversees new drug trials here at the hospital.

What kind of trials? We're about to start the second round on a promising new drug that's shown remarkable results in shrinking tumors that initially resist traditional chemotherapy... tumors like yours, Ali.

So you're saying I would start this new treatment instead of my second round of chemo?

That would be the hope.

With your permission, I'd like to have your file transferred to my department for a better look. But we know time is a factor.

When would she start? The trial starts in a few days, so no impact there.

Dr. Chang and I agree that you'd be an excellent candidate.

That said, due to the drug's early results, we have been inundated with patients looking to participate.

Is there anything we can do to increase her chances of getting in? Unfortunately, no.

At the end of the day, Tammy and her team will review all the applicants' results and make their final decisions.

Dr. Chang will schedule some additional blood work and panels to see if you qualify, and I'll be in touch.

It was nice meeting you all.

I can't believe it, Miles.

I have been praying for something like this to happen.

Hello? A little excitement, please?

No, I... I am excited. It's just I can't stop thinking there must be something we can do to make sure you get in.

Too bad I'm not a Friend Suggestion.

I'd be a lock.

The God Account just liked a music video on YouTube.

Miles, I know you think the God Account might help with my cancer, but you weren't really expecting to get me as a Friend Suggestion, were you?

Well, why not? After everything I've done for it, it'd be nice if it did something for you.

Well, clearly it wants you to help someone else.

Let's see this video.

Hey, guys, my name's Kylie, and this is "Have a Little Faith in Me."

♪ When the road gets dark ♪

♪ And you can no longer see ♪

♪ Just give these loving arms a try, baby ♪

♪ And have a little faith in me ♪

♪ Have a little faith ♪ Miles, she's phenomenal.

And look at the view count.

Over a million. ♪ Have a little faith in me ♪ Hey.

There's nothing we can do about the trial other than wait and see.

Go help your Friend Suggestion.

I mean, if nothing else, we can use all the good karma we can get.

Yeah. Come on.

Here you go.

Still time?


I thought I made myself clear.

I'm not answering any questions about my son.

You might as well leave.

I followed you to the National Sewing Company last week.

I know Corey works for DARPA, and I know what he's working on.

I need you to deliver a message.

And what would that be? I need to talk to him.

2:00 p.m., tomorrow, my office at "Catapult."

He'll never talk to a reporter.

Well, that's fine. But at 2:01, he'll read my article about the code he wrote that he's been testing on my friend Miles Finer.

I'm sure readers would be fascinated to learn that DARPA's using innocent civilians as test subjects for their new technology.

Or, we can have a conversation, just the two of us, off the record.


It's like we just stepped onto the set of "High Fidelity."

Huh? John Cusack, Jack Black...

Never mind. Okay, um, according to her Facebook page, Kylie works here after school.

Isn't that her? Yeah.

Hi, can I help you? Uh, yes.

Actually, I was looking for some music for my sister, and I thought a vinyl would be a great gift.

Yeah, what kind of music does she like?

Mainly R&B. She says hip-hop, but that's just an act.

Got it... old soul. Follow me.

Wait, hey, aren't you the girl from the YouTube cover, Kylie? Yeah, you've seen it?

Someone liked it on Facebook. I thought I recognized you.

I'm Miles, this is Rakesh. Nice to meet you guys.

Nice to meet you. Wow, talented YouTube star.

Your parents must be really excited for you.

Uh, it's just me and my mom.

And she's here.

Sorry, could you excuse me for a sec?


Seems like a good kid. I wonder why the God Account sent you her name. I think I know why.

It's Kylie's mom.

What do you mean? She's in charge of Ali's cancer trial.

Rakesh, she's the one who's gonna be able to choose whether she gets in or not. Okay, Miles, that can't be a coincidence. No, it's not.

Hey, I think the God Account is trying to help Ali by sending Kylie as a Friend Suggestion.

Yeah, that makes sense. Fix Kylie's problem, and her mom can't help but be grateful.

Yeah. Will you at least listen to her?

Alex says this tour is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

You're 16.

You're not signing with that manager, and you're definitely not going on some tour.

I'm not gonna let you derail your life.

Mom, please, will you just talk to her...

The answer is no, Kylie.

Okay, things just got complicated.

Hey, sorry, we just overheard your conversation.

Are you okay? Not really.

I should've known my mom wouldn't let me go on tour.

And why's that?

Because being in the music industry has been my dream for as long as I can remember.

Even before the video went viral, I was getting offers from labels and managers.

She said no to all of it.


Where's your mom?

I thought she was coming down to meet us.

She did. She already left.

Oh, it went that well, huh?

I told you she'd never go for it.

Sorry, this is Miles and Rakesh. Hi.

Alex Moss. You're Kylie's manager?

Yes. Well, at least I'm hoping to be.

Alex is the best.

She's the one who convinced Robertson Records to include me on the million hit tour.

But you saw what I'm up against.

My mom won't listen. Hey, I know what it's like living under a single parent, how protective they can be.

Yeah, my dad and I didn't see eye-to-eye on anything.

You don't get it. This isn't even about me.

What do you mean? My mom had a sister, Grace.

She was a singer like me, and she OD'd when she was only 20.

And your mom thinks if you get into music, you're gonna turn out just like her?

I'm being punished for something I had nothing to do with.

How is that fair? It's not.

Well, there must be some kind of way to find common ground.

Were you able to find that with your dad, growing up?

Uh, no.

And our relationship was fractured for many years because of it.

You don't want that to happen between you and your mom.

No, I don't.

So how'd you fix it?

Honestly, it took something extreme to bring us back together. But we started talking, and it was worth it. Well, look.

The tour doesn't start for another week.

I can hold them off for a little while, but we need to find a way to get through to your mom, no matter what it takes.

Like Miles said, getting through to my mom is gonna take something extreme.

Hey, so what did you find out about the YouTube star?

You know, nothing yet.

Yeah, we stopped by the record store that she works at, but she wasn't there.

Hmm, okay. Well, keep me posted.

You know, I kinda feel like I'm part of the God Squad these days. For sure.

Dude. Mm.

Why didn't you tell Ali who Kylie's mom is?

Because I don't want to worry her that my Friend Suggestion might jeopardize her chances of getting into the trial.

Hey, how'd it go with Marsha?

Well, I told her that we need to meet with Corey by 2:00 tomorrow or I'd publish everything we know about what he and DARPA have been doing.

So by "message" you meant "threat."

Nice play. Thank you.

What have you guys been up to?

I got a new Friend Suggestion, Kylie Marshall.

She is a 16-year-old singer who wants to go on tour, but her mother is against it.

Okay, so have you talked to her mom?

That's the problem.

Her mom works at the hospital.

I met her this morning when I was with Ali.

She's in charge of the new drug trial Ali's trying to get into.

And you're worried if you interfere with Kylie, her mom would hold it against you.

This new drug trial could be the difference between life and death.

I can't ignore that.

Look, Miles, no one's asking you to.

But our best chance of this working out for everyone, including Ali, is to do what we always do.

He's right.

Which means you gotta talk to her mom.


Bishop Finer?

Yes? I'm sorry to disturb you.

There was no one in the waiting room.

Yeah, not a problem, Miss...

Smith. Marsha Smith.

We knew each other many years ago when I was dating Alphonse Jeffries.


Of course. Um, it's been a while.

Please, take a seat.

I'm sorry to barge in here after all these years, but I... uh, I need to speak with you.

Of course. What about?

My son, Corey, the son I had with Alphonse.

I only just heard he had a son.

I had no idea that you were Corey's mom.

Well, I am, and I will always have my son's back, which is why I'm here.

A reporter named Cara Bloom is blackmailing him, threatening to ruin his reputation.

It doesn't sound like the Cara Bloom that I know.

Well, she claims that my son is behind some kind of code that's linked with your son, Miles.

Yes, uh, the God Account.

I don't know what the God Account is, but if it's being used on civilians like your son, there is no way Corey is behind it.

I was hoping you would speak with Miles and explain this.

Miles has been trying to find out who's behind the God Account from the beginning.

If he and Cara think that Corey is behind it, they must have a good reason.

So you're saying you won't speak with him?

No, I'm saying that even if I did, it wouldn't make any difference.

Miles is not gonna stop until he's figured it out.

If you end up speaking with Miles, remind him that they are threatening a high-ranking official at DARPA with false allegations.

Thank you for your time, Bishop Finer.

Hi, Tammy.

Uh, my name is Miles Finer. I met you earlier this morning.

Of course. Your sister's Ali. Mm-hmm.

What can I do for you?

Um, do you have a minute?


I was at the record store that your daughter works at earlier today, and I couldn't help but overhear the argument you two were having.

Why did you come down here to talk about that?

Well, after you left, I spoke with Kylie, and she told me about your sister, Grace.

I'm sorry, but I'm not sure how any of this is your business.

Look. I know that you love your daughter, and that you would do anything to protect her.

But take it from me, you might be driving her away.

What's going on?

I... is this about your sister?

Y... you think inserting yourself into my life, into the life of my daughter as some sort of Good Samaritan is gonna get her into the trial?

Because that's not how it works.

No, no, no, no. That... that's not why I'm here.

I'm just here to help.

My daughter and I are fine.

Tammy Marshall?


You've been served from New York State Court.

Have a nice day.

This can't be.

Kylie's suing for emancipation.

What the hell did you say to my daughter?

Nothing. We just talked, and she introduced me to her manager, Alex.

That manager was there after I left?

What... are you two in this together?

I'm not in anything with anyone, okay?

I... I'm just here to help.

I didn't mean for any of this to happen.

And yet, it did.

Get out of my office, now.

This is bad.

I mean, Tammy blames me for Kylie wanting to emancipate.

She thinks I gave her the idea.

Dude, in all fairness, you did tell Kylie to go do something extreme, so...

Rakesh, not helping.

No. No, no, no. He's right, I did say it, and now I may have screwed up Ali's chances of getting into the trial.

Miles, this isn't your fault.

Okay? You don't just decide to emancipate and serve papers in a matter of hours.

I'm guessing Kylie had this in the works for a while.

Yeah, she's right. I mean, Kylie did say this had been an ongoing fight with her mom.

Yeah, and I pushed her over the edge.

Look, enough with the blame game.

The good news is, we know what's wrong and we know how to fix it.

Look, just talk to Kylie, convince her to call all of this off; make sure that she and her mom reconcile before it's too late.

If you do that, all will be forgiven with Tammy.

Kylie. Hey, do you have a minute?

Uh, yeah, sure. What's up?

I was with your mom yesterday when the process server showed up.

But how do you know her mom?

She's administering a trial that my sister might be up for.

Look, what... what I'm trying to say is... I get it.

Hey, going on tour is an amazing opportunity, but risking your relationship with your mom is not the answer.

You said it yourself.

I had to do something extreme.

I don't have another choice.

Yes, you do. Talk to her.

There's no point.

She doesn't care about what I want.

Of course she cares.

She's just looking out for you.



If you're here to change my mind, it's not gonna work.

Miles already tried.

Look, I... I know you told me to stay out of this, but I'm just trying to make things right.

So am I.

You're the most important person in my life.

I don't wanna go to court, and I don't wanna lose you.

If going on this tour is going to make you happy, then I'm not gonna stand in your way.

You mean it?

Thank you. Mom, thank you so much.

What changed your mind?

I... Miles did.

After we spoke last night, I realized he was right.

You need to follow your own path.

I'll off the paperwork. Make it official.

Actually, that won't be necessary.

I know the law firm that filed the emancipation works with your company.

It was never my intention to break up a family.

I just wanted to do what was best for Kylie.

So do I.

You can go on the tour, but not with her as your manager.

Mom, Alex has been working on this for months, okay?

None of this would even be happening if it wasn't for her.

Kylie, it's okay.

If getting your voice heard means me stepping away, then it's worth it.

Good luck. Thank you.


Thanks again, Miles.


Miles. Hey, what... what's going on? Where's Cara?

Oh, she'll be right back.

So what... what are you doing here?

I'm helping Cara look into Corey Smith and DARPA.

My, um, sources came up empty, but I heard you guys are about to meet with him.

Yeah. Yeah, hopefully.


Okay, well, um...

Good luck on your interview with Corey.

Yeah, I'll let you know how it goes.

So, uh, how did it go with Kylie?

Uh, actually, things worked out.

Tammy came by and said that Kylie can go on tour.

Emancipation's off.

That's great.

Isn't it? Well, Tammy said that I was the one who changed her mind, but the thing is, I didn't.

I mean, she kicked me out of her office.

So if you didn't change her mind, then what did?

I don't know. Cara Bloom?

Special Agent Pellum.

Uh, we were expecting Corey Smith.

Yeah, Mr. Smith won't be joining us, but I have some questions of my own.

Why don't we start by you telling me how you got onto Mr. Smith in the first place?

You know, I just... I don't remember.

Who else have you spoken to about this?

You can read about it in my article.

It'll be up on "Catapult" right after you leave.

You do that, you'll be sued by the Department of Justice, and your career will be ruined.

You know, I'm sure they told Woodward and Bernstein the same thing.

Now, if you were really here on government business, you would've k*lled my story before you even walked through that door.

I think Corey sent you to find out what we know.

So why don't you tell him, if he wants answers, he knows where to find us.

Whew. Hey, you okay?

Yeah, it was like an out of body experience.

But, uh, I think we made our point.

Now we wait.

Clearly, Marsha relayed my message to Corey, and that was his response.

Not very subtle. Mm.

Miles, I know you want answers, but you and Cara need to be careful.

Dad, I get it, but if that agent wanted to arrest us, he would have. And if you continue to press, that may happen.

I'm sorry, but I can't let this go.

Hey, guys. I just heard from Ali. She's running late.

Is everything okay?

Yeah, fine. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Just God Account stuff.

Speaking of which, Ali told me that your new Friend Suggestion's a really talented singer. Yes, she is.

As a matter of fact, she's heading out on tour.

Really? Mm-hmm.

Wow. Have I heard of her?

No, no, I don't think so.

But you have met her mom.

As a matter of fact, we all have.

My Friend Suggestion's name is Kylie Marshall.

Her mom's name is Tammy Marshall.

The woman who's in charge of Ali's cancer trial.

Yes. She didn't want her daughter to go on tour, so Kylie filed for emancipation.

What? But the thing is, the emancipation is off.

Tammy changed her mind.

I'm just not sure why.

People change their minds all the time.

Yes, but Tammy's fears go deeper than that.

She had a sister, Grace, who was a musician, and died of a drug overdose.

Tammy was determined to make sure that Kylie did not follow in those footsteps.

Wait a minute.

Grace Marshall is Tammy's sister?

Yeah, why? Did you know her?

Grace performed at the Blue Danube a few times.

And I think I actually have a few photos from one of her shows.

If helping Tammy's daughter tipped the scales even 1% in Ali's favor... Dad, I know.

And... and I wanna get this right.

I... I just feel like I'm missing something.

Grace was so talented.

I remember thinking and hoping that she would slow down and clean herself up after she got pregnant.

Wait, this picture was taken in 2004... that's 16 year ago.

Grace is pregnant, and not Tammy.

That's what I've been missing.

What are you talking about?

Tammy agreed to let Kylie go on tour because going to court would reveal the truth: she's not her mom, Grace is.

Miles. Hey, do you have a minute?


Uh, thanks again for helping me out yesterday.

I wish I could take the credit, but we both know I had nothing to do with you changing your mind.

Where did you get this?

My stepmom used to watch Grace perform at the Blue Danube.

Has Kylie seen it?

No. I came to you first.

Now, I know you think I only got involved because of my sister, but that is not true.

I'm only here to...


That's what you keep saying.

And if that's true, then you will leave this alone.

When Grace died, you stepped up.

You were there for Kylie every single day of her life.

You raised an amazing daughter.

So why not tell her the truth?

It's not that simple. Yes, it is.

If you don't tell her, if she finds out another way, she's going to resent you for the rest of her life.

Is that what you want? Of course not.

Then tell her.

I can't.

I appreciate you coming to me with this first, Miles, but I'm asking you to stay out of it.

Thought you could use a break.

I was literally just craving a cup of coffee.

Thank you. You're welcome.

So, any update on Corey Smith?

Uh, no.

Not since you texted me the same question, like, an hour ago.

Right. Why do I get the feeling you're not just here to bring me coffee or for an update on Corey?

Because I'm not.

Yesterday, I kinda got the sense that you hadn't told Miles that we were dating.

It just hasn't come up.

And it won't unless you bring it up.


I like you, and I wanna see where this goes, but if you still have feelings for Miles, I understand.

I'd just rather know sooner than later.

Miles and I are just friends.

And I'm gonna tell him about us.

I just need to find the right time.


And I like you too.

I tried to convince Tammy to talk to Kylie and tell her the truth. She refused.

Yeah, dude, I... I... I get it.

Like, she's been keeping this secret for so long, she's probably hoping she'll never have to own up to it.

So what's your next move?

Honestly? Nothing.

What do you mean, nothing?

Kylie's not going to emancipate, she's going on tour and her and Tammy seem like they're in a good place.

Maybe that's what the God Account wanted.

Miles, you and I both know that's not how this works.

Can I... can I ask you a question?


Would you be backing off if Tammy wasn't in charge of Ali's trial?

I went to her, told her to talk to Kylie. She didn't want to.

Yeah, you're not answering my question.

But it doesn't matter, she's in charge.

Yeah, but she's not your Friend Suggestion, Kylie is.

Dude, I think you're backing off

'cause you're afraid that upsetting Tammy is somehow gonna affect Ali's chances.

And... and fair enough.

But dude, you gotta admit that, at... at least to yourself.

Okay, okay, fine, yes.

Yes, I am backing off, okay?

Ali is getting blood work done right now at the hospital, and if all goes well, tomorrow she'll be accepted into the trial.

And I'm not going to do anything that will risk that...

Even if that means not helping my Friend Suggestion.

Now, I'm sorry, I have to go.

I promised Ali I'd meet her at the hospital.

While I appreciate you holding my hand while I give blood, I think I would've been just fine without it. Hey, I wanted to be here.


Hey, what are you doing here?

I was just talking to Tammy.

Looks like I'm gonna be managing Kylie after all.

Really? Um, what changed her mind?

I think she just wants to do what's best for her daughter.

Good to see you.

Hold on, your Friend Suggestion's mom is Tammy?

As in the head of the trial? Yes.

And I'm guessing you didn't leave that out by accident.

Ali, I didn't want to worry you.

Especially when things weren't going well with Kylie.

How are they now? Everything is fine.

I promise.

You know you've never been a good liar.


Tammy told me to back off. Now, if I don't, what if she holds that against you, huh?

I can't jeopardize your chances of getting into the trial.

And I understand that, because I want nothing more than to get into it.

But, Miles, you have to treat this like you would any other Friend Suggestion.

Kylie deserves that.

Yeah. You're right.

Can I catch up with you later?



What happened?

I ran into Alex.

She said that she was managing Kylie again.

She found out the same thing you did.

Apparently, the lawyer she hired for Kylie's emancipation dug it up. Did she tell Kylie?


But she said if I don't sign over control of Kylie's career, then she'll tell her everything.

I don't know what to do. Wait.

Then she's... she's blackmailing you.

I know. Well, you can't just sit back and do nothing. You were right, Miles.

Whether I want it to or not, the truth is gonna come out.

So then go to her.

I'm just working up the courage to do that.

Is there anything I can do to help?

Actually, would you mind coming with me, make sure I don't lose my nerve?


Kylie, we need to talk.

Mom, I already know.

Alex just told me the good news.

Thank you so much for letting her manage me.

You made the right decision, Ms. Marshall.

Your daughter's in good hands with me.

No. No, she's not.

Mom, what's going on?

There's something I need to tell you.

Something that I should have told you a long time ago.

The reason I have been so against you following in Grace's footsteps... is because I see so much of her in you.

You have her eyes...

Her voice.

Yeah, because she was my aunt.


Because she was your mother.

What are you talking about?

After Grace...

I adopted you.

Sweetheart, please say something.

How could you lie to me?

I... I was trying to protect you...

From what, the truth?

You had no right!

Kylie, please. This is why you need to take control of your career and your life.

Don't stand there and act like this wasn't part of your plan.

Alex found out about Grace and wanted to blackmail your mom.

She is the one who wants to take control of your life.

Great, so... so I can't trust anyone?

Kylie. No, you know what?

I'm... I'm done, with both of you.

I... I need to do this on my own.

What are you saying?

I'm saying I'll see you in court.

No, I didn't think things between Kylie and her mom could get any worse.

Well, what are we gonna do? Honestly, I don't know.

But the moment they step into that courtroom, no matter who wins, they both lose.

Well, is there any way to postpone it?

Buy some time for Kylie to calm down and think things through?

It's scheduled for this morning.

I don't see how.

You know, Tammy gave up whatever life she was gonna have to raise Kylie after Grace died.

That's an amazing thing to do, so why hide it?

I've been asking myself that same question.

But we need to focus on getting through to Kylie, convincing her not to go through with this.

I've been scrolling through Kylie's Facebook page looking for an answer, and all I'm seeing is a mother and daughter who love each other...

I mean, look at these pictures from her first birthday.

"Thanks, Mom, for being there for 16 years.

#ThrowbackThursday." See? Adorable.

16 years.

Does that mean something? Maybe.

When did Grace pass away? Um...


That's it.

That's it. I think I know why she lied.

Care to explain? Uh, not enough time.

I have to head down to the courthouse before it's too late.

We've already discussed this.

I know you're angry. You have every right to be, but we need to talk about this, please.

Kylie! Hey, Kylie.

You can't do this.

Miles, what are you doing here?

You are a great mom. And you know it.

But you're angry because you were lied to, and you don't know why she did it.

What are you talking about? You need to tell her.

Stay out of this, Miles.

I'm sorry, no.

I can't.

My first birthday?

What does that have to do with anything?

Grace isn't in the photo.

Yeah, because she died.

Tell her.

That's not why, Kylie.

Grace didn't die until you were almost two years old.

The reason she's not in that photo is the reason she's not in any photos with you.

Because she left after you were born.

I don't understand.

Grace loved you in her own way.

But there was nothing more important to her than her career. So she abandoned me?

She asked me to take you.

And I did.

I adopted you the moment we got home from the hospital, and it was the best decision of my life.

And even if you don't want me as your mother, you will never stop being my daughter.

We can work this out. No, no, no.

I'm so... I'm sorry, I have to go.


I'll go talk to her.


Wait up, listen, listen. Look.

Just because Tammy didn't give birth to you, doesn't mean she's not your mom.

She has been there for you every day of your life.

She also lied to me every day of my life.

Just because she had a good reason doesn't make it okay.

No, it makes her human.

Even if I could forgive her for lying, I have no idea where we go from here.

I mean, everything's changed.

Yeah. And you know what?

Maybe that's a good thing, because you both can start over.

Not because you have to, but because you want to.

Why are you defending her?

Because when it comes to protecting family, I know what it's like to do the wrong thing for the right reasons.

There are decisions that are thrust upon us and decisions we choose to make.

They're not always easy, but the good thing is they can always be changed.

I'm glad you called.

I dropped the emancipation suit.

But that doesn't change what I want.

I wanna make records and go on tour, and I wanna be a singer.

I know.

And I'm not gonna stop you.

Look, I...

I know you're scared of me following in Grace's footsteps, but I'm not.

How can you be so sure?

Because I don't take after Grace.

I take after my mom.

And when you can, you try to tip the scales to go your way.

Ali, you're one of three qualified candidates for the final slot.

With everything Miles did for my family, I figured putting your name through was the least I could do.

Unfortunately, an issue showed up in your final review.


Our cardiologist found a mitral valve prolapse.

Don't millions of people have that?

Yes, but because we're uncertain how this new drug will affect the heart, any condition, no matter how small, disqualifies the candidate.

I'm so sorry, Ali. I...

I wish there was something I could do.

But thankfully, it's the people in your life who are there to pick you up to make sure you're never alone.

Hey, Ali's a fighter, Miles. Damn straight.

You know, I just don't understand.

Like, why would the God Account send me Kylie, let me fix something between her and Tammy, all for it to end up like this?

I really thought this was going to be the thing that saves Ali's life.

But it didn't make a difference.

Well, then that's the first thing we ask when we talk to Corey. Have you heard from him?

No, but... Look, the three of us are not gonna stop until we get answers, until we have a way to help Ali.

Hey, we're here, Miles.

Till the end of the road.

Oh, it's Marsha.

She wants to meet at the coffee shop tonight.

Did she say why? No.

But she said that you should be there as well.

We're here.

Question is, why?

In the back.

You must be Cara and Miles.

I'm Corey Smith.

I heard you had some questions for me.

Just one.

Are you behind the God Account?