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01x08 - Chapter Eight: It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)

Posted: 04/23/20 15:36
by bunniefuu
I grew up an only child.

My mom was my only family.

So, naturally, all I ever wanted was a sibling.

When I met Jorge in the third grade, I finally got the brother I always wanted.

And he got a sister, which was a blessing considering he was the youngest of six boys.

We were family, and when a crisis hits, a family comes together, no matter what.


Which brother's the cop? Miguel?

No, uh, Miguel is the chauffeur. Mateo is the cop.

How many men were there?

Three, maybe four.

Once I got back on my feet, I started fighting them off.

They ran off pretty fast after that.

What did the cops say?

Without any witnesses, it would be close to impossible to find out the guys who did this.

I know the boys at that precinct, I'll give 'em a call.

I went to Molly's Crisis to ask if anyone saw anything.

Whoever did this could have followed you from the club.

Thanks, KO.

Of course. We're family.

Uh, if you need anything at all, you know where to find me.

Would you... Okay!

KO? Hey...

You don't have to leave.

I think Jorge has enough people hovering over him right now.

Was it a mistake calling you?

I don't really know what the rules are.

Jorge is family.

I wanted to be here.

We were family once, too, you know.

At the very least, do you think we could try the whole friend thing?

Start with lunch, take it from there?


Sounds really nice. Great.

I can't believe the hospital released you like this.

What? Stay overnight and pay for the bed?

On my insurance? No, I chose to leave.

Look, everybody, I'm okay. Really.

If you hadn't been there, God knows what would have happened...

Okay, okay, hold on, Ma, don't give Bernardo all the credit.

I got a couple good swings in there with my high heels.

Why were you in heels?

He didn't have time to change from the "Kiss of the Spider Woman".

From now on, you put on your normal clothes before you come home. Okay, Jorge?

No, I won't.



I've been out in public... dressed as a woman, hundreds of times.



I'm a drag performer.

I dress up as a woman for my job.

Do you believe this?!

Wait, you knew?

Dad, it's not a big deal.

It's not a big deal?

Your brother could have been k*lled because he thinks he looks cute in a dress!

Okay, it's been a really long night and I think that we should let Jorge rest.

♪ There goes the dream ♪

♪ Now it's us against real life... ♪



Thank you.

So, how's Jorge?

He's okay, given the circumstances.

Well, if he wants to take a beat on "Kiss of the Spider Woman", I'll cover the costs.

Thank you. But, I haven't brought it up, I didn't want to push it.

I thought I'd be busy rehearsing for the Apollo, anyway.

Hey, Josie, um...

That's not gonna happen.

Not right now.

But why?

I mean, the booker seemed more than interested.

Unfortunately, my dad didn't approve of the gig.

Since when does he have a say over when and where I sing?

It's all in the contract you signed.

And once he hears the whole EP, I know he'll be excited.

He hasn't even listened to it yet?

He knows I'm back in AA, and he promised he'll set some time aside to listen to your songs.

If I can't release the EP and I can't play gigs, do I even have a career?

Once I get him on board, this will all be worth it.

But until then, my hands are tied.

Hello, Pepper, dear! Are you decent?

I brought your favorite doorman.

Ms. Freesia, you two are out of control.


Happy birthday, Pepper, make a wish.

And just a little something to warm up the place.

Thank you. Thank you.

Oh! Come to think of it, I think I forgot Pepper's other gift, down in the car.

Would you be a dear... ?

Absolutely! Be right back.

So, birthday girl, what's the con this year?

We could run a Double Gilroy down at Per Se.

Or we could take a collection again for the Arts Fund, buy ourselves some new duds.

You know what? To tell you the truth, Ms. Freesia, I'm not sure I'm in the mood this year.

I was thinking about what you said, and... maybe it is time to drop the nickel and dime cons.

Oh, no, no, I must have been loopy from my last acu-facial.

Besides, it's a tradition.

I know. You know my friend, Chad, who wanted to invest in this place.

Well, his sentence just got reduced to time served, and as of today, he's a free man and his bank accounts are unfrozen.

Okay, so now, what's the play?

No more scams.

This is my chance to go legit.

I've got this one, Ms. Freesia, don't you worry.

Thank you, guys, so much for helping me.

Alex's hands may be tied, but mine aren't.

If Daddy Cabot won't send my EP out, I'll do it myself.

These are going to every radio station, every streaming service...

I've already told my friends at Apple Music to expect a copy.

Thank you, Pepper. Josie, if you're really going rogue, then maybe you should pull a Normani and drop a music video.

It's not that easy, Jorge...

Ooh! I do know the best director.

Oh, you mean Raj? That guy you're hooking up with?

No, no, he's just a friend, but he is so talented.

And KO's roommate. Mm-hmm.


Well, I'm just sayin' you took your sweet time with KO last night. What's going on between you two?

Nothing. I just want to be friends with him.

Real friends.

No, no, no, you can't be friends with your ex, Katy, it never works. That's not true!

You guys have never been friends with your exes?

Archie and I keep in touch, but he's all the way in Riverdale.

I haven't talked to Buzz since we broke up on Valentine's Day.

Yeah, well, I never think it's worth the work unless there are benefits involved.

Well, that is not happening. We are just going to lunch.

That is it.

You guys, I miss him.

Applying to Parsons, getting this apprenticeship with Guy, these are all things I want to share with him.

And seeing him at the apartment with everybody, it reminded me he's a member of my family.


I've already lost enough of them.

So, Katy, does this apprenticeship mean you are quitting Lacy's?

No, I can't, it's unpaid.

But that's okay, because after the Patricia fiasco, I could really use a mentor.

Ooh, Guy is the best!

You're going to learn so much from him.

Come to think of it, maybe I will swing by the Atelier and get myself a little something.

Yes! Mmm! For your birthday?

When's the party?

No, no, this is no year to celebrate, given what happened to you.

Please, sis, I'm nobody's victim, okay?

And I could use a happy excuse for a drink.

Not to mention that Ginger does an epic lip sync to Marilyn's "Happy Birthday".

Hm. I thought Ginger had her hands full with "Kiss of the Spider Woman".

All right, what do you want to do, Jorge?

We can cancel the show if you want.

That's just what they want.

Marie, they want to snatch our wigs and scare us back into the closet.

Can I get back to you about it?

Nobody'd blame you if you took a week off.

If you're not up for it, Deveraux offered to take your slot.

I'll bet she did.


Hey, uh... yeah.

It's me.


I could use your help with something.


That is ridiculous.

I've never seen you eat a salad in your life.

It's just...

I have this photo sh**t tomorrow.

A photo sh**t?

Are you modeling?

I know, it's weird, right?

But how?

Well, it's for Caboture.

It was kinda Xandra's idea.

We started seeing each other and it feels kinda serious.

Well... it's not that crazy.

I kinda thought you two had a vibe.

Is it weird for us to talk about this?

We don't have to talk about it.

No, we're friends.

And friends talk about their love lives.

I'm really happy for you, KO.

Well, thanks. Yeah.

What about you?

Is, uh, the princess wearing Katy Keene for her big, royal wedding?

Yeah, that didn't work out.

Another big designer's doing it.

But the upside, I'm gonna be his apprentice.

I start today.

That's amazing!

I'm proud of you, Katy.

Just think of how many people you beat out.


Are you all here for a go-see?

Oh, honey, no. Guy LaMontagne's interviewing for a new apprentice.

What are you here for?

A makeover?

Hello! Hi, Guy.


Thank you so much for this opportunity! Wow!

Sure thing. First question...

How did you learn to sew?

That's like asking me how I learned to walk.

My mom sewed, so I sewed.

So, are you hiring more than one apprentice?

Because I thought that when you told me...

You're not thrown by a little competition, are you?

No. No! I know that I don't have the most impressive resume but I'm hoping to hear back from Parsons soon, and with Gloria's recommendation I think I have a really good shot.

Also, no one will work harder for you than I will...

You seem rattled. I'm sorry.

It has nothing to do with you or the other girls.

Let's just, please, continue.

Katy, if something's the matter, you can talk to me about it.

Let's be honest, I've seen you vomit into a purse.

I was kinda hoping you forgot about that.

Hm-mm. Ugh!

Okay, fine. It's not that big of a deal, but...

I just found out an hour ago that my... ex is dating someone new. Mm.

But if it was anyone other than Xandra, I mean, how can I support this?

She almost ruined Josie's deal with Mr. Cabot, she almost stole you from Lacy's...

I'm putting this together...

Xandra Cabot is sleeping with your ex.

Okay, I'm officially talking about my ex's sex life in a job interview with half of the fashion institute in your waiting room.

Let's get back to being professional.

Please ask me about sewing again.

Do you foresee a problem prioritizing this job over whatever drama you may hypothetically be experiencing week after week?

No, I pride myself in keeping my personal life and work life separate.



As I live and breathe...

Buzz Brown.

Jorge, I'm glad you called.

Are you okay?

I'll live.

Thank God for Bernardo.

I've been reading about the recent string of att*cks over the last couple of weeks, but... until you called, it almost didn't seem real.

Well... I mean, it's not like I'm not aware how much hate there is out there.

Why do you think I'm not out of work?

Girl, however you want to move through the world, that's your business.

But for the record, being myself, dating somebody who wants to be seen in public with me... totally worth getting beat up for.

I want to help.

I can give legal advice to you.

To anyone who's been assaulted or even harassed.

Help people press charges... pro bono.

That'd be real nice.

Thanks, Buzz.

You know, it just sucks, anything I do as a lawyer is reactive.

I wish there was something that we could do that was proactive, you know?

Make the powers-that-be notice us so that something like this doesn't happen in the first place.

Of course, we'd love to have your name as one of our inaugural angels, Anderson.

I have to jet, though, I have another angel who's just flown up my elevator shaft.

Okay, bye-bye.

Chad, darling, my favorite party animal.

You look gorgeous!

Where was your prison, the Maldives?

Baltimore. Ah.

And I'm sober now.

That. Is. Wonderful.

I've had to take a long, hard look at my life, and what I can offer of value.

And you realized that what you can offer is capital.

Art, Pepper.

And that is what the Pepper Plant is all about.

What do you think?


The space looks great.

Location's good, too.

But where are all the artists you talked about?

I'll have to meet them.

Get a sense of who they are.

Well, the paint on the walls is literally still drying, but lucky for you, I'm hosting a little party tomorrow to celebrate my birthday, and all of the Plant's most talented artists will be there. Why don't you come?

I'll be there. Fantastic.

And I will be sure to have non-alcoholic beer.

Pepper, girl! Katy filled me in on your party, and I'm so glad you came to your senses.

It's your birthday!

Stop worrying about me, okay?

I'm actually feeling much better and, in fact, I think a very special, very fierce guest may come out to play tonight.

Girl... uh, I gotta go.

Yeah. Bye.

I'm sorry I walked out before.

Is that...

Yeah, Dad.

It's mine.

Jorge, I've always known that you weren't the same as your brothers.

Well, yeah, I was super gay, I know.

That's not what I mean.

You were more sensitive than your brothers.

So, Dad, now I'm too sensitive?

It's a good thing.

When I was tired and stressed from a long day at the bodega, your brothers barely noticed.

I had to act strong, even if I didn't feel it, because you would know, and it would upset you.

Dad, I didn't know...

I can't be strong now.

I can't hide it. I'm scared for you.

Papi, you don't have to be scared for me.

You were att*cked because you were dressed as a woman.

So, now it's my fault that I was physically assaulted?

You can't help being gay, I know that.

But you can help the way you dress.

That's a choice.

No entiendes, Papi. It's so much more than...

I am begging you, Jorge, please don't do this anymore.

I don't know what I'd do if I lost you.

I need you to get a dress back from a former client of mine.

I loaned her the dress when she was courting me for a business partnership, and now she won't return it.

Xandra Cabot.


I told you that she was dating my ex in confidence.

You know that this is a third rail for me.

Yes, and after the saga of Patricia's wedding dress, I need to know you can execute in your professional life no matter what is going on in your personal life.

I would get going if I were you.

Thank you, so much for helping me make a music video.

Even without a budget.

Some of the best art comes from financial restraints.

My cousin owns a trucking company in Queens.

Their parking lot looks out on the East River... ton of production value.

We'll run and g*n it.


Oh, my God.

Lookin' good. All right, cool.

He's a natural, isn't he?


When I heard we needed new models for our house label, I thought they have to see my bodyguard.


I know you two are dating.

KO told me.

Let me get up on your right...

He did? Yes.

And I think that it is great.


Because he seems happy and...

you seem like you care about him.

Look, Xandra, I am here on behalf of Guy LaMontagne and he would love if he could have back the dress that he loaned you.

That man has some nerve!

First he leaves me high and dry for Lacy's, and now he has the audacity to ask me to return a gift?

Xandra, I really need...

What's going on over here? KO, hi!

There's a lot going on over here.

Me and Xandra were just chatting about some fashion business.

And you are in your underwear.

And we're all friends!

Is everything okay with her?

Yes, everything is okay, everything is more than okay.

In fact, I almost forgot to ask you guys...

Do you want to come to a party?

♪ Love isn't all butterflies and a drunken paradise ♪

♪ It hurts, it's hard ♪

♪ It's worth the fight ♪

♪ Let's do our best ♪

♪ To get it right ♪

Oh, gosh, Raj, this is amazing!

Oh! I can't believe it came together so fast!

I was an assistant editor on one season of "The Bachelorette", so, I'm used to working fast.

You ready?

I will let you do the honors.

It's online.

Let's see what people think.

I think you're insane!

What is going on?

I invited KO and Xandra to Pepper's party tonight.

Katy! She is my nemesis!

And technically your boss.

She's made my life a living hell!

Of course, I know that, Josie, but maybe this will be good for all of us.

We can put the past behind us and be friends.

And maybe I can get Xandra drunk and happy enough to hand over Guy's dress.

And I know that's a Hail Mary, but what other choice do I have?

Can we please, at least try?

Are you almost ready, ladies?

Are you... ? Yeah!

Wait, what about Ginger?

Ginger's not coming out to play tonight.

She didn't want to upstage the birthday girl.

It's not that deep.

I promise.

Come on.


Thank you, sir.

And thank you for coming.

Where is everyone?

Patience, Chadwick. I know that on the inside they extol the virtues of punctuality, but sadly, out here, people don't seem to bother, do they?

Here we are! Ahh!

Happy birthday! Happy birthday, my love! Mwah!

Thank you, my darlings.

I want you all to meet Chad Gekko.

He's the financial whiz I was telling you about.

Chad, you are standing in front of tomorrow's leading designer, Katy Keene, and future Tony, Grammy award winning, Josie McCoy.

Hi, Chad, very nice to meet you.

Pleased to meet you. A pleasure.

And behind our future pop-star is her very savvy business manager, Alexander Cabot.

We've met. Collegiate. I was a year below you.

I remember. You took my spot on varsity lacrosse.

Ohh... Oops.


Happy birthday, you wonderful queen!


I thought we were seeing Ginger tonight?

No. Okay.

Chad, this is Jorge Lopez, who I told you all about.

Future EGOT, name in lights.

His drag show is the hottest in town.

Were you on Drag Race?

Not yet.

I mostly perform here, actually.

In this bar. Yeah.

And what do you do? I'm a fireman.

Is there any greater talent than saving lives?

Champagne? Yes!

Shall we?

Hi, darling.

There is this woman named Freesia calling.

She's asking for you.

Oh dear God, tell her I'm not available. Thank you.

No. No. No?

No way. Nope.

One Cabot, I can handle.

But that ice queen burned me on a deal last year.

I'm not gonna talk to her, she makes me want to drink.


Hey, you!

Happy birthday!

Katy said it would be okay.

Oh, my God, KO, don't be silly.

I love your dress, by the way!

Oh, this old thing? Yeah.

It is a Guy LaMontagne original.

Oh, hell no.

Well, Didi, we've brought together some expl*sive elements tonight, and I suppose it wouldn't be a birthday bash without some sparkle, so...

Try to keep Xandra away from Josie because I've promised them both the role of the Spider Woman.

And Raj can't mingle with Alexander because Alex doesn't know about Josie's video.

Are you getting all this?


He is. He's cute.

He's all right. You think he's all right?

Hello! Pepper, girl!

There she is. Grace with that walk.

Honey, I love this dress!

Josie... Oh!

Thank you. Mm-hmm.

We're getting a lot of views on the music video.

What music video?

Oh, I was just helping Raj with a student... film of his.

Hello, Raj. Xandra.

Haven't seen you in awhile.

Usually I just hear you and KO through the... through the wall.

I'm just gonna go find him. Hmm.

My brother told me about your situation.

I can't tell you how many times my step-father has denigrated me.

Just know that his opinion isn't necessarily a reflection of your talent.

Wait a minute...

He hasn't even listened to my EP, yet.

Oh, he has.

Yeah, weeks ago.

He didn't like it.

I, personally, think it's great.

♪ Ah-ah-ah ♪ Right? Exactly.

♪ Ah-ah-ah ♪

♪ I need your love ♪

♪ I need your love ♪ KO, the photoshoot's over, you can have a dessert.

Oh, I know, I'm just trying to cut back on high-fructose corn syrup.

Come on, KO, as long as I've known you, you've always been in tip-top Hemsworth shape.

I guess I'm just not used to being objectified.

Oh, trust me, I objectified you plenty when we were together.

Oh. Mm-hmm.

And you still look great, by the way.

I saw you working that camera.

Okay, now you're making fun of me.

No, you looked hot.

Ladies and gents...

I propose a toast.

One of my favorite artists once said, when life gets scary, you don't hide.

You reach out.

And looking around the room tonight, I can't find anyone more dedicated to bringing people together, than our friend Pepper.

She's risking it all to build a place for artists.

A safe haven.

For all of us.

No matter our stripes.

To Pepper, for bringing us all together and letting us be a part of her incredible Bohemian family.

Amen, sister!

I couldn't have said it better myself.

Excuse me.

Who is that?

Hello. Hello!

What are you doing here?

Good for you, Pepper.

You're doing the birthday scam, after all.

No, no, no, that's not what this is.

Darling, I know a con when I see one.

You know what? You're right.

But I'm just in the middle of it right now, so, why don't you go home and we'll debrief tomorrow.

What, and miss all the fun?

Not on your life.


So, I tell the poacher, you take one step towards that elephant and you'll find yourself missing a g*n, and I don't mean the one in your holster.

Pepper, how have we never heard about your aunt before?

Well, she's not actually my aunt.

I might as well be.

I've known Pepper since she was a little girl.

Oh, yes... dish!

Well, Pepper's father lived in my building but he was always away on business.

And most days, I'd find little Pepper, all by herself, doing her homework in the lobby of the Georgia.

And one day, I invited her up for tea.

And from there on, we became fast friends.

More like family, isn't that right, Pepper?

Wait, you told me that you grew up in London, didn't you go to school there?

I did, I did.

Up to a certain age.

And then, of course, you know, Daddy was traveling so much, so I moved back here, and then I would summer there.

All those hours on the plane and the jetlag, I think I did my best to forget about it, you know, to tell you the truth.

Did Pepper tell you about the musical she produced?

No. And I heard that you two were just marvelous, and I am so sorry that I missed it!

But I'll be the first one there to cheer you on on opening night on Broadway.

That would be a dream!

It'll happen. And when it does, you'll be one step closer to an EGOT.

Pepper? Hmm?

Didn't you tell Alex and Josie about our deal?

Mm! Excuse me?

I was told that I would get to play the Spider Woman if the show ever made it to Broadway.

Uh... Pepper, is she for real right now?

No, no, no, darling... That role's Josie's!

You said you're gonna replace her with Xandra if it gets to Broadway?! Well...

What kind of con are you running here?

Oh, no!

What the hell?!

You did that on purpose, didn't you?

No, I didn't!

I can't believe this.

Guy loaned you that dress, and now you disrespect him like this?!

This will ruin my chance at this apprenticeship!

Xandra, she's got a point. You've got a million dresses, and this is Katy's one dream. Wow.

Well, it's good to know that you're more concerned with your ex's dreams than your girlfriend's feelings.

You guys have been dating for ten minutes.

We were together for ten years.

And we supported each other's dreams.

You're trying to change everything about him to suit yourself! Underwear modeling?!

Really? Salads?

He hates salads!

Have you considered that you may no longer know what KO likes or doesn't like?

I do know one thing...

If you fought for him half as hard as you're fighting me right now, you'd still have him.

Find your own way home tonight.


Look, I'm...

I'm sorry for what I just said back there.

It's just...

I still feel something for KO.

We were together so long.

And seeing him happy with somebody else, it's...

It's hard to comprehend.

That's how I felt seeing Alex with Josie.

Maybe I've taken things too far with KO, but I don't want him to be a different person.

I just think he's capable of more.

That is why we broke up, we... needed to stretch and grow.

And you are right...

He absolutely deserves somebody who will fight for him.

I accept your apology.

Alex, we've got a problem.

What's wrong?

A couple of things, actually.

And I wasn't gonna say anything tonight because I didn't want to ruin Pepper's birthday party, but I just found out that your sister took down my music video.

Hold up, what are you talking about?

After our talk, I took matters into my own hands.

I made a video to support my single and I put it online.

And now it's been taken down for copyright infringement.

Because your evil sister heard me talking to Raj...

Xandra didn't take down your video.

I did.

I asked you one thing.

To take a beat. No.

You said your hands were tied.

And mine aren't. I did this for us.

You know, I know that your dad heard my EP.

And he didn't like it.

And I know that you were just trying to protect me, but I don't need protecting.

Look, when he heard the EP, my dad was gonna cut you loose, but I convinced him not to because I know I can bring him around.

You only get one shot at a public roll-out.

And posting low-budget videos online...

Well, lots of artists have done both.

But most never became what we're trying to make you...

A huge star.

I guess I hear that.

You make up with the wicked witch of the East Side?

Sort of.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but...

I think that she might actually be good for KO.

Wait, what?

My ex has basically leveled up, and I've let my unresolved feelings for him screw up my chance with Guy.

But way more important, are you okay?

We haven't talked much since your attack.

Yeah, I'm okay.

I'm just...

Girl, I'm...

I'm angry.

Angry that I can never walk down the streets of my own city without looking over my shoulder.

I'm angry that there's nothing I can do to find those... thugs!

Damn, girl...

Things with my dad are so bad right now.

And the truth is, I'm not scared of being att*cked.

But what gets me, is that I...

I could lose the support of my family.

Family isn't just your blood.

It's who you choose.


I choose you.

We have each other.

Okay? We're family.

I love you, Katy Keene.

I love you, too.

You're right, I do have another family.

And families celebrate.



I'm so sorry tonight didn't go as planned.

I really hope you'll consider investing in The Plant.

What do you mean, I'm in.

I already signed my check over to your partner, Ms. Freesia.

You know, I really wasn't sure about this whole thing, but... she sold me on your vision.

I look forward to working with both of you.

My partner.

Ms. Freesia.



What's that?

Guy's dress.

Xandra had it dry cleaned.

It's wine free.

Oh, my God! Thank you!

You didn't have to bring it over here yourself.

I know, but I wanted to talk to you about last night.


Oh, my God, I am so sorry about all the drama. I am not proud of my behavior, and I let my work frustrations get the better of me.

And... it's also a lot harder than I thought it would be seeing you with somebody else.

It's okay, Katy.

But I have been thinking, and...

I should have stood up for Xandra last night.

I'm just so used to being Team Katy, and...

I guess old habits die hard.

I do want to be friends with you.

I hope you get that apprenticeship.

Thank you.

So, you said you had good news?

I spoke to my dad again.

I couldn't change his mind on the EP.

Sorry, how is this good?

I got him to take a look at your whole body of work.

He came across some old videos of you and your high school band, and he got pretty excited.

But now he has a whole new vision for you.

As a lead of a group.

Like Diana Ross started with the Supremes.

Or Beyoncé with Destiny's Child.

What... what was your high school band called again?

The Pussycats.

Xandra Cabot's dress.

Wow, did you pry it off her dead body?

Actually, my ex convinced her to give it back.

Turns out sometimes your personal life can help your professional life.

I'm impressed.

Guy, here is the thing...

I freely admit that my life is messy. but I never ever let my feelings get in the way of fashion.

Except for that one time, but come on, he was a prince.

Okay then, Katy Keene...

You got the gig.

You're my new apprentice.

I look forward to keeping things... professional with you.

We're meeting at the exact point where he was att*cked.

No, no, no, thank you, Rebecca.

I'm so glad someone from the Hail will be there tomorrow. The public needs to know.

Okay, I'll speak to you soon. Thanks.

Another one. You really shouldn't have.

Come on, it's tradition.

You know, I'm still trying to figure out the exact day of the month you were born.

I'm not gonna give up.

'Cause you deserve to know when your real birthday is, Pepper.


You're the sweetest.

I don't know what I'd do without you, Dad.

By the by, you haven't seen Ms. Freesia around the Georgia, have you? She owes me a call.

Funny you ask. She walked out this morning with two bags and her cat.

Left me a forwarding address in Zermatt.


It's Ginger, Dad.

We... we talked about this.

Yeah, we did.

Um, and...

I don't want to give up my passion just because something bad happened.

You know, I'm... I'm gonna keep doing my drag.

"Kiss of the Spider Woman", all of it.

You're putting yourself in danger.

Look, if something happens to you it happens to all of us! Tu familia!

Papi... No!

This is selfish.

It's not selfish, Dad.

This is me.

I'll be home soon.

Hi. I'm sorry. Sorry.

Hi! Hey!

I cannot believe you got this many people to come out!

This is awesome!

I was kinda hoping for more, but it's good...

Oh, no, girl, I saw my Plunkin's manager in the crowd.

You did pretty good.

Plus everyone in the city will read about it in the Daily Hail. I love that!

Hey, say something to the people.

Yes! Go!

Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech!

Hold my bag? Of course.

Thank you so much for coming out today!

I just want to say, for anybody out there who's living in fear, today's the day we refuse to hide ourselves!

Today's the day the city sees us as we really are!

I love you. Mmm!

Hey, Ginger... Oh!

Buzz! I can't believe you came! I didn't...

I didn't think you'd want to be seen at something like this.

I did it. I finally came out at work.


Hey! What's up? Yeah.

This is, uh, Buzz.

Hey, Buzz. Bernardo.

How are you? Bernardo.

Thanks to Jorge, I learned the family you choose is just as important as the one you were born with.

And I didn't just have him.

I had Pepper, Josie, and I was happy to have KO back in my life.

Maybe we were better as friends, and this is how it was always meant to be.

Still, you can't blame a girl for wondering.

Greg, move your head!