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02x01 - Brothers and Sisters

Posted: 04/23/20 09:08
by bunniefuu

Rusty: Greek Week's a bigger deal than I'd imagined.

Calvin: Yeah, it's the biggest Greek-on-Greek competition of all.

Rusty: Well, if our friendship's going to be tested anywhere, it's here. Which is
why we are...

Both Calvin and Rusty: Switzerland.

Rusty: Cappie swears by their method of neutrality in dealing with Rebecca vs

Calvin: Look, we survived six hours being trapped in Dale's car listening to Amy
Grant, all right? Together we can withstand anything.

Rusty: When he busted out the Christmas collection, you were...

Calvin: I was ready to launch myself out a window. But I would've thrown you out

Rusty: Now that's friendship.


Presenter: Welcome everyone to the 63rd Annual Greek Week Olympiad! I now give
you the Parade of Houses. Alpha Sigma Rho. Beta Theta Tau.

Heath: Where is he?

Wade: I don't know. Where is it?

Cappie: I don't know.

Presentator: Gamma Psi Alpha.

Cappie: Spitter!

Evan: Pledge Owens!

Rusty: Time to cross the border.

Calvin: We'll always have Zurich!


Casey: We are so going to win again, I can practically taste our victory!

Ashleigh: And what does it taste like?

Casey: Cheesecake miraculously devoid of calories.

Ashleigh: I don't know the Gamma Psi Alphas are looking pretty scary-buff this
year.They've all have Madonna arms from doing power yoga.

Casey: I will not be the first ZBZ president in ten years to give
up this trophy. We are winners and cementing our winning status is
going to be the cornerstone of my presidential campaign. I plan to
be the legitimate, elected president of ZBZ. I am no Gerald Ford!
Frannie taught me that one. But I don't want to get too confident.
I must first focus on a Greek Week victory. Even the Ice Queen looks
melty. Think about it: We escaped Myrtle unscathed by Logangate '08.

Ashleigh: She looks so perky. Seriously, if my Dad did that...

Casey: I don't care how she acts as long as the only perky thing
she shows off this week is her attitude.

Presentator: And our reigning sorority champions, Zeta Beta Zeta.
This week's Greek Olympiad events include the Tug of w*r, Powder
Puff Sorority Football game, the Human Pyramid, the Fraternity
Cheerleading Contest, the Ultimate Relay Race...

Cappie: Just look at the spectacle. This is even better than the
ice-skating cows, Torino opening ceremonies, 2006.

Wade: Cap's a big fan of the Olympics.

Cappie: More than a fan. I'm an Olympic historian.

Presentator: The reigning fraternity champions, Omega Chi Delta!

Cappie: You know, the insurance salesmen convention's a few hundred miles
to the left, in Toledo!

Evan: Take a good look at that trophy. It'll be your only chance
to see it up close.

Cappie: I thought it was your Oscar for Best Actress in a
Supporting Role, Evan-gelina Jolie.

Evan: Laugh it up now. You guys are gonna be crying like little girls
when we're done with you.

Cappie: Like you cried when we beat you in beer pong?

Evan: I was thinking mire like when we kicked your asses
at floor hockey.

Cappie: Hey, you won on a technicality. But since I'm so generous,
we'll call it a draw. Greek Week is the tie-breaker.

Evan: Yes, it is.


Frannie: Hey, Case, do you think later this afternoon we could talk?

Gamma Psi Alpha sorority girl (Janette): Oh my God! That is Rebecca Logan!

Rebecca: What?

GPA sorrority girl: Pledge gone wild at spring break.

Casey: Oh-oh, I think we have a code pink situation here. The
miracle cheesecake just got fattening.

Presenter: In the spirit of Greek unity, I hereby declare open
the Greek Games of Cyprus Rhodes University!


*** Dobler's ***

Cappie: You sure you wanna stay here?

Rebecca: Why should I bury my head in the sand because certain
people without lives resort to Internet voyeurism in a pathetic
attempt to justify their existence? [Silence] So, did you see the

Cappie: Yeah, too bad they missed the part where I got punched in
the face.

Rebecca: Hey, I told you how sorry I am about all that.

Cappie: You were drunk and the whole thing with your dad, I get it.
It's water over the bridge, under the dam, whatever. And the same with
the video. Everyone is gonna be bored with it by tomorrow.

Rebecca: Not according to my dad.

Cappie: You called him?

Rebecca: No. He called me. And instead of apologizing for bringing our
dirty little family secrets out in the open, he had the nerve to
discipline me. For whatever damage this video may cause his
situation. "Lay low. Ride out the storm." He always uses clichés.
He's a politician, after all.

Cappie: Your dad's delivery was lame, but you know, maybe he has a
point. Keep your head down, focus on Greek Week and the Zbzs. Give
your sisters a chance. You might be underestimating them.

Rebecca: Yeah, I'm gonna have to think about that one.

Cappie: You know what, I could use another beer. You want anything?

Rebecca: Actually, I've put in enough of an appearance. I'm gonna
head back to the house, get some rest for the big week ahead.


Frannie: Maybe we can find a way to put her out of commission.

Casey: Step away from the kneecap, Tonya Harding. I'm thinking we
call her in front of the Standards Board for the spring break incident.

Frannie: Right, Nip this in the kneecap now, because inevitably
Nationals will see that video.

Casey: And by then, we can tell them we've already handled it. I'd like
to avoid another special guest star appearance from Tegan.

Ashleigh: Yeah, she is a little scary. Really good hair, though.

Frannie: Casey, I just have to say, I am so impressed with your
presidential prowess.

Casey: Thank you.

Frannie: I'm gonna go check with Laura, make sure
everyone has their spirit shirts. [Leaves the table].

Ashleigh: She's being more supportive than a pair of Spanx.

Casey: Yeah. New, nice, de-clawed Frannie.


Evan: So, Capp', how's it feel to be dating an Internet star?

Cappie: So, Ev's, how does it feel to be dating... nobody?

Evan: Because I'm pretty sure just about everybody on campus
has seen her in action by now.

Cappie: Hey guys, did you know that one time Evan pooped his pants at Camp

Evan: Hey guys, did you realize when Cappie started dating Rebecca, he took
my sloppy seconds?

Cappie: Watch it, Bing, watch it!

*** Outside a theater ***

Rusty: Who knew Ben-Hur would be such a hot ticket? I can't believe
we had to get these a day in advance. Dale was right.

Calvin: Well, if you think about it, it is one of the
few movies that has something for everyone: Jesus for Dale. Buff gladiators
for me. Roman history for the more studious among us. And a leprosy
subplot for- well really for everyone.

Evan: Pledge Owens, you're consorting with the enemy?

Calvin: Ha ha ha, very funny.

Evan: Who says I'm joking? I am. Barely. But I do that assume if you're
hanging out with this guy, you must be doing some re-con work on
the Kts.

Rusty: Yeah, he's trying to spy on the Kts to try and learn how not to
be lame. Maybe you guys can learn a thing or two. Because you guys are

Evan: We're headed to the house to practice for the final relay.
It's Greek Week.

Calvin: Yeah, yeah, I'll be right behind you guys.

Evan: All right.

Calvin: Hey, we're cool, right?

Rusty: Oh yeah we're cool. It's just one more test for Switzerland.

*** ZBZ's ***

Suzanne: The entirety of your ZBZ-emblazoned bosom was all over my
computer screen. We absolutely do not want to demonstrate that
this type of raunchy behavior is in any way indicative of ZBZ-ian

Rebecca: Entirety of my bosom aside, it certainly looked like I
was having fun, right? Maybe we could use this as a recruiting
tool for rush.

Suzanne:This violation warrants an immediate suspension.

Casey: She's right. And we've called you here today because we
should've punished you right after the Spring break incident occurred. But I
was there, and we all understand how upset you were, and, well,
everyone does things they don't plan to do. Especially over
spring break.

Suzanne: Just ask Betsy. She ended up with a one-way ticket to rehab.

Casey: Bottom line, you violated ZBZ standards, and therefore we
are fining you with 20 hours of sister service.

Rebecca: Sister service?

Casey: Sorority-centric community service.

Rebecca: Yes, I know what it is. Instead of picking up highway trash,
I get to, what, apply Laura's self-tanner? Lucky me.

Casey: You are lucky. And you should be grateful we're going easy
on you. You have to think about the sorority. So I strongly
encourage you to lay low and ride out this storm. Trust me, it's
for your own good.

Rebecca: Right.

*** KT's ***

KT boy: I can't believe how sprightly those guys are.

Rusty: We're gonna blow the Ocs out of the water!

Ben: Those guys are such assfaces.

Rusty: We should never take for granted how lucky we are to be in
a house whose brothers have their priorities straight. Because of
instead of controlling jerks like the Omega Chis, the Kts know
what really matters is friendship. And fun.

Cappie: Pledges! I present to you this
year's Greek Week Powder Puff cheer squad: The Kappa Tau Hotties.
Formation, formation!

KTs (dressed up as cheerleaders): We heard you caught a chill Well,
we're here to warm you up. We call ourselves the hotties
And we're gonna win that cup

Cappie: Yeah! A special shout-out to my man Heath, whose 15-year-old
sister taught us that little gem. Which, I'm sure you will agree,
is gonna help us win the Powder Puff cheer-off.


Calvin: Hey Cappie, Is a... Rusty around?

Cappie: Why? Why do you want to know?

Rusty: We're gonna go see a movie.

Cappie: Is that so?

Rusty: Uh yeah. We're in really good shape with the human wheelbarrow.
Ben and I are very sprightly. What's going on?

Cappie: Calvin is an Omega Chi. You are a Kappa Tau. It's Greek Week.
The twain does not meet Rusty. It never shall.

Rusty: What, are you doing an impression of Evan Chambers? Ha ha...

Cappie: No ha. Look at me. I'm deadly serious. Don't look at my
outfit.Look at me. See? Serious. [To Calvin] Sorry Cal, nothing
personal. Double air-kiss for Evan Lame-bers, though. [To Rusty] Go
back to work. Go on.

*** ZBZ's

Ashleigh: All my lip-synchers, practice, stat!

Casey: Friday is red T- shirt day Laura. Today, we wear our yellow spirit shirts.

Laura: But yellow makes my skin look diseased.

Casey: Don't blame the shirt for that and look to your foundation.
Put on a yellow T-shirt. The shirts are an easy way to earn
spirit points. Especially because, for obvious reasons, the Mu
Gamma Sigs are heavily favored to take gold in Powder Puff Football.

Ashleigh: Ok, let's get into formation. Abs in, lips relaxed.

Frannie: Can I have a private word real quick?

Casey: [Answering her phone] Allo? What? Where? Ok, I'll be right there.
Campus security. [To Frannie) Hum, we'll talk as soon as I get back.

Frannie: Ok, take your time. You deserve it, you hard-working little
president, you!

*** On campus

Casey: Oh God!

Cappie: Nope, just me. But thanks.

Casey: Cappie, What are you doing here?

Cappie: I got a call from Rebecca.

Casey: I got a call from campus security. [To both drunk Rebecca and
Mandi] What's wrong with you?

Cappie: Officer Huck. On Coast Guard duty tonight? Where are your
water wings?

Officer Huck: Mr Cappie. I should've known you'd be a part of this kerfuffle.

Rebecca: Hey! Cappie's my boyfriend!

Cappie: Yes, he is. Now, let's get you dry.

Casey: And back to ZBZ.

Rebecca: Oh no thanks.

Casey: Rebecca, I'm trying to help you. [To the officer] Officer
Huck, I'm so sorry these pledges interrupted this... event.

Officer Huck: This is not just any event. It's the president's
private shindig for Greek alums coming to Greek Week. Including
some elderly folk with delicate sensibilities and varying heart

Mandi: Whatever! They looked bored. So we entertained them.

Rebecca: And Mandi used to be the synchronized swimming champion of Western New

Mandi: I'm drowning.

Rebecca: So I thought we'd use this for some of my sister-service

Casey: You've just earned a lot more of them.

Cappie: Don't worry. I'll take her home. Come on. Not so fast.

Rebecca: Don't worry, big sis, we took off our pledge pins. See? I
laid low and rode out the storm.

Cappie: Ok [taking Rebecca with him].

Casey: [to Mandi] Come on.

Mandi: Bye Huck!

*** Rusty and Dale's room

Dale: There she goes. You know I really hope you guys appreciate
this sign of solidarity to the Three Musketeers.

Calvin: Oh I'm touched beyond words.

Dale: Look away, Dixieland. All right. You guys ready to see some
Chuck Heston, may he rest in peace?

Rusty: Dale, you still have your VCR, right?

Dale: Rusty, why would I need my VCR? We're going to see Ben-Hur in
its original anamorphic widescreen with seat-rumbling sound and
overpriced concessions.

Calvin: Oh well, I bought some popcorn.

Rusty: And uh, the video store didn't have it on DVD.

Calvin: Yeah we thought it would be more fun to watch it here.

Rusty: No noisy crowds to disturb the Three Musketeers.

Dale: Rusty stop blowing smoke up my as...bottom.

Rusty: Well, since it's Greek Week, the brothers aren't that comfortable
with Calvin and I hanging out.

Dale: So what? We're supposed to hide here in a dark room like
lepers that we're not seeing on the big screen?

Rusty: No, we're just laying low. It's our own private Switzerland.

Dale: Switzerland? You mean the wusses that wouldn't stand up to
the Nazis?

Rusty: We just want to conduct our friendship free from prying
fraternity eyes this week.

Dale: You know, we made a pact at spring break, OK? I just took down the
Southern Cross.

Calvin: Dale, we're pledges, OK? We have to do what the brothers
tell us.

Rusty: Yeah, we've lasted an entire year as pledges. We can't just
blow it now when we have a few months left. So we do their laundry,
we scrub the toilets and we just don't hang out during Greek Week.

Dale: Do you guys really think the brothers are gonna stop caring about who you
hang out with once you're actives? I mean, yeah, today it's Greek Week. But then
it's next week, then it's the week after. And then Poland falls.

*** ZBZ's

Casey: You know Ash, I had a very simple plan at the beginning of Greek Week:"To win".
A simple, doable plan considering we've won Greek Week
for the past ten years. But then Rebecca gets all Dirty Dancing...
again. This time aquatically, and distracts me. And here I am
wearing a red spirit shirt on green shirt day. Very unpresidential
of me. And not at all befitting my "Zbzs are winners" election

Ashleigh: Meanwhile, Suzanne and the standards
hyenas are dying to kick her out.

Casey: I'm dying to kick her out! It's time to put Baby in the
corner for good. She has got to be the worst pledge
in the history of pledgedom. Including Jen K. and that legacy from last year who wore
culottes and had that little mustache.

Ashleigh: Thank God she deactivated.

Casey: Seriously. The only reason
Rebecca's stuck around as long as she has is because she's a senator's daughter,
which is really doing nothing for anybody these days. But maybe I'm just looking for an excuse
to get her out because I simply hate her. But then again, she has
been going through a hard time.

Ashleigh: And you did
almost myrtle her boyfriend at spring break.

Casey: Cappie and I, didn't even come close to myrtling. We kissed. Very briefly.
Under the influence of spring break. Which we have since left behind,
unlike someone I know. I caught you sniffing that thing

Ashleigh: Hot Ness.

*** Evan's room ***

Evan: If I don't have a problem with Casey
and everyone else seeing us, then why should you?

Frannie: Because I don't want to be hated at ZBZ, which I will be
if Casey sees me as an enemy. I want it all, and the only way I can
have it is if I can prove to Casey that I am still her friend and
Big Sis. Before we tell her.

Evan: Well, you've had a week. So hurry up. Or you're gonna have
to find another cheerleader.

Frannie: You're cute when you give ultimatums. Bye Eve's.

*** On campus ***

Presenter: And now, the Omega Chi Hotties!

Cappie: Those sluts stole our cheer!


Casey: The Gamma Psi Alphas are looking pretty tough, huh?

Ashleigh: Fortunately, some of our pledges have passed the Freshman 15
so we have a size advantage. Especially if Tammie leads
with her hips.

Casey: Maybe I could harness Rebecca's powers for good. To help us
win Greek Week.

Ashleigh: How would that work?

Casey: You'll see. [To Rebecca] Look Rebecca, Hum, I've decided to
overlook the fountain incident.
For now. Don't take that out, the game's about to start! I know
you're going through a hard time, and you need to blow off steam.
So, on that note, how about you channel your frustrations in a
positive way. No, leave it in. I can tell they're just about to start.

Janette: Hey Rebecca, for my blog. And guess what? I found one of your dad's
hookers online! She's trying for a music career. I especially loved
her song Daddy's Girl.

Casey: Ok now focus those feelings on the game and rip those little
flags off that Gamma Psi Alpha quarterback! Go Zeta Beta Zeta!

Gamma Psi #2: 1 Blue 42, pink 23. Hut one, hut two, hut!

Rebecca: [Attacking Janette] Put that in your blog, bitch!

Casey: That's it! I've tried to be nice. I've tried to be
understanding that is it! I'm officially recommending your expulsion
to the ZBZ standards board! Until then you are suspended from all
ZBZ activities. You might as well start packing your bags.

*** KT's ***

Beaver: Remind me never to do the splits again.

Cappie: It was a noble effort, Beav.

Beaver: I had to try something new, otherwise it just looked like
we were ripping off the omega chis.

Cappie: It did, didn't it? It was like the battle of the carmens,
ladies figure skating, calgary, 1988. The omega chi were Katarina
Witt, sexy, powerful, Germanic and we were poor Debi Thomas,
just biting it left and right.

Wade: And to be fair, their cradle
catch was much tighter than ours.

Cappie: So Chambers and Co. Won. In the
sneakiest way possible. And we're left with one lingering question.
How, oh how, did they Steal our Cheer?

Rusty: Yeah, no kidding! What? What is everyone looking at me for?

Cappie: You're the only one who associates with the Omega Chis.

Heath: Hey, I slept with Calvin last semester!

Rusty: Wait a minute, what are you implying? Are you saying that
I memorized the Cheer and taught it to Calvin in one day, all to
sabotage my own house?

Cappie: Absolutely not, Spitter. You are a loyal pledge. We know that.

Rusty: OK, good.

Cappie: But we also know that a fortress is only as strong
as its weakest part.

Rusty: Cap'!

Cappie: You've been hanging out with Calvin.
Maybe you happened to mention to him when we'd be practicing our
Cheer. And since I'm sure the Omega Chi Cheer sucked, Calvin seized
the opportunity to spy on us and Steal our sweet, sweet moves.

Rusty: He came over to meet me for a movie.

Cappie: That's what he told you. I'm not saying you did it it on
purpose. For your protection and ours, I have to ask you to stay
out the final competition.

Rusty: The relay? You won't find anyone sprightlier.

Cappie: We'll manage. I'm sorry, Spitter.

*** On campus ***

Casey: Hey, sourpuss. What's up?

Rusty: My supposed brothers think I helped Calvin Steal our Cheer
and give it to the Omega Chis. Cappie kicked me out of the relay race!
I'm over this. I'm about to re-ignite usag.

Casey: Sometimes a good president has to practice tough love. How do
you know Calvin didn't steal the Cheer?

Rusty: Casey, Calvin didn't steal the Cheer.

Casey: Hey, it's greek week, all bets are off. Regardless, You're a
pledge, and pledges are supposed to do what they're told.

Rusty: I just don't understand why all the competitions are so important.
I thought greek week was about unity. So whatever happened to the brotherhood,
friendship, family?

Casey: Oh, my god. You are such a boy scout!

Rusty: Eagle scout. I made it to the eagle scout. Remember?

Casey: Yes, I went to the ceremony. And you were such a tool, you
earned more badges than anyone else.

Rusty: That's a good point.

Casey: That you were a tool?

Rusty: Yeah. That you thought I was a tool, you found me annoying,
but you still showed up to the ceremony. Because you're my sister.

Casey: Mom and dad made me go. You knew that, right?

Rusty: Which was the right thing to do, because no matter how much
you and I find each other annoying, we're still a family. So underneath
it all, we'll still trust and support each other. So why am I not
seeing that support from my brothers at Kappa Tau?

Casey: Because you're not a brother yet, you're a pledge.

Rusty: Semantics.

Casey: Call it what you want, but it's
still your duty to be a good pledge.

Rusty: What about being a good President?

*** Dobler's ***

Casey: I was right. It is called greek week. Not "personal drama
week." So what's yours?

Cappie: You're going to kick Rebecca out.

Casey: And you banned Rusty from greek week.

Cappie: Ok, it's not exactly the same thing.

Casey: But, it's for a similar reason. And Rebecca was putting the ZBZ
house at a much greater risk. Cap', I know you care about her. But honestly,
Rebecca kind of asked for this. And I frankly don't even know
why she's in a sorority. Do you? Because she seems
to hate everything about it.

Cappie: That's just her way. Her hostility and sporadic verbal
abuse are endearing once you get to know her.

Casey: I know her and I'm over it.

Cappie: OK, look, Rebecca's in trouble. And I can't hold her
together all by myself.

Casey: You're stronger than you think. Not to mention Rebecca and I
don't Even like each other. So why do you want me to help her?

Cappie: Because she's your sister. If that's just empty crap to you,
then why are you in a sority?

Casey: For the parties. Why else?

Cappie: Whatever you say, Case.

*** ZBZ's ***

Casey: Where's Suzanne? I need to talk to her about Rebecca before
the standards...

Ashleigh: Casey,look who's here!

Casey: Tegan!

Tegan: Casey. My little success story. Nationals thought you might need
help with the Rebecca Logan problem. Politico offspring, never easy.
So here I am!

Ashleigh: Doesn't her hair look great?

Tegan: Oh! That's so sweet.

*** Later

Tegan: Of course, like pretty much everyone else
in America, we saw Rebecca's very special dance video
from Spring Break.

Ashleigh: [bringing water] Flat and French!

Tegan: Great. Now we're not monsters. We know that Rebecca's been
through a tough time.

Casey: Right, right. And you know, if you've checked recently,the
number of hits on Rebecca's video has gone way, way, way down.

Ashleigh: Way down.

Tegan: But Nationals' tolerance has reached
its limit with the fountain fiasco and that little'roid rage
as*ault on the football field.

Casey: Wait, how did you hear about
the fountain and the football?

Tegan: Girls, we have eyes and ears everywhere. Boo! Kidding!
About the "boo." Not about the eyes and ears. So, your Standards
Chair informs me that you are planning to vote to expel her tonight.

Casey: We were, but I've been thinking...

Tegan: Things could get messy?

Casey: Uh...Yes.

Tegan: Well, I'm here to keep things clean. If the decision
comes from Nationals, it could carry more weight. Invite less
resistance. [Tegan winks at Casey]. If only we had more girls like
you, Casey, ones who value standards,
image and reputation. Now, where is that adorable little stain on
our good name?

*** Rusty and Dale's room ***

Rusty: Come in.

Calvin: Hey. Just wanted to see how you were
doing after the big cheertastrophe. The KTS looked pretty pissed.

Rusty: Well, yeah, they think
the Omega Chis stole the cheer.

Calvin: Who's to say the Kappa Taus didn't
steal the cheer from the Omega Chis? I mean, you know, The KTS aren't known for being
the most prepared guys on the planet.

Rusty: We got it from Heath's sister.
She made it up.

Calvin: We got it from O'Toole's sister.
She made it up. Look, The Kts always... we're doing it.

Rusty: I know we're doing it.

Calvin: We said we weren't gonna do it.

Dale: What have I come upon?

Calvin: Nothing, Dale. We just almost chucked our friendship
again over some stupid stolen cheer.

Dale: Cheer? What cheer?

Rusty: Some cheer that our friend Heath's sister thought of about
hotties warming people up.

Dale: Yeah? As in... "We heard you caught a chill
Well we're here to warm you up. We call ourselves the hotties
and we're gonna win that cup". That cheer?

Rusty: How did you know that?

Dale: It's from the 1998 film Cheer It Forward. It's a clean-cut tale
of nubile, lightly-muscled young ladies, you know engaged in a
friendly competion in the
world of high-school cheerleading. It was followed in 2000
by a deeply-flawed sequel called Cheer It Backward. I've just seen
bits and pieces on TV, you know. It's always on while
I'm waiting for The 700 Club. I mean, I haven't seen the whole thing.
It's not like I was a cheerleader in high school or anything you know.
[While Rusty and Calvin left the room] They would never let guys on the team. No matter how talented they

*** ZBZ's ***

Rebecca: I'd like my packing privacy please.

Casey: No time for barbed banter! Togan's
waiting downstairs to kick you out!

Rebecca: And you're here to, what, celebrate?

Casey: I changed my mind, OK? I don't want you to go.

Rebecca: You're serious?

Casey: God help me but yes. I'll explain later. Right now we need to figure
out what to say to Tegan so she'll let you stay.

Ashleigh: She should definetely go humble.

Casey: Groveling's essential.

Ashleigh: And tell Tegan you like her hair!

Rebecca: No!

Ashleigh: Even if you don't really like her hair, just say it.

Rebecca: I want you to explain why I should even care if she kicks
me out.

Ashleigh: Rebecca, this is a really good deal.

Casey: I don't know.
You tell me. Why did you even join in the first place?

Rebecca: Why else? The parties.

Casey: Right. That's why I joined, too. Or at least that's what I
told anyone who asked. Because admitting the honest
to God truth, "Hey,I'm Casey, scared and friendless freshman"
would've been just too pathetic. So I rushed. And, as luck would
have it, somewhere along the way, I discovered that I ended up with a
family. Screwed up and dysfunctional, like every
other family but a family nonetheless. And this family can include
you if you want it to.

Ashleigh: [crying] Sorry.

Rebecca: Yeah, well, families suck. You don't have to worry
about kicking me out. Because I quit.

*** Downstairs

Tegan: Rebecca. Just the person I wanted to...

Ashleigh: Rebecca!

Tegan: Ashleigh! Casey?

*** Outside

Ashleigh: My God, slow down.

Tegan: Anyone?

Ashleigh: I know Casey, and I know she meant what she said back there.

Rebecca: Of course you'd say that. Casey's sidekick.

Ashleigh: Stop it! Stop with the whole tough girl act! My God, I've
been a friend to you, even when it was the last thing Casey wanted.
And I get it. Your dad let you way down. But don't go down with him.
Stop being a stupid senator's daughter and start being Rebecca Logan!

Rebecca: Being a senator's daughter is the only
reason ZBZ wanted me in the first place.

Ashleigh: Yeah, well, things change. Fine! Leave! And I'm not
Casey's sidekick!

*** KT's - night ***

Ben: [To Rusty] He's not nearly as sprightly as you are.

Cappie: You here to fess up?

Rusty: Nope. I just came to give you this.

Cappie: Cheer It Forward, I've been meaning to catch this one.

Rusty: The stolen cheer? It's from this movie. Apparently it's a
popular movie for 15-year-olds like Heath's sister. And O'Toole's.
And Dale.

Cappie: I...

Rusty: But before you apologize, I'd just like to say one thing.
I'm a really good pledge. And you know it. For the past seven months,
I have scrubbed the toilets, I have done your most questionable
laundry, and I even let Wade throw up into my hands one time.
And I will continue to do so, if that is what you tell me to do.

Cappie: Well...thank you?

Rusty: But there's one thing that I will not do. I will not let you
tell me who my friends are. Real brothers will treat
each other with trust and respect. They won't be threatened by
friendships made outside the house. I think you're letting your grudge with
Evan poison how you treat your own brothers. And that's not what I
signed up for. So. So maybe this isn't the place for me after all.
I'll be at the relay race later to cheer you on. Unless I hear

Cappie: God, Wade, dismount.

*** Dobler's ***

Asleigh: Excuse me. The spirit point tally just
came out and we are miles ahead. Turns out you were the only
president a**l enough to make us wear
those shirts every day.

Casey: Yay obsessive-compulsiveness.

Ashleigh: You don't sound very excited for
someone who's about to win Greek Week. Your whole "ZBZ winners"
campaign strategy is coming together just like you wanted.
You are going to be a
totally legitimate president!

Casey: Then why do I feel so Gerald Ford?

Tegan: Hi. Frannie was just apologizing
for going off the rails so perilously last semester.

Frannie: Thank you for listening.

Tegan: Code pink. Code pink. Code pink.

Rebecca: Tegan?

Tegan: Yes?

Rebecca: I'm here to apologize. And to ask for a second chance.
I'm sorry I put the sisterhood at risk. I'm sorry for...

Tegan: I don't want to make you grovel needlessly.
There won't be any second chances here.

Rebecca: Tegan. One more thing. Your hair is...

Casey: Rebecca! No. Stop. Rebecca shouldn't have to grovel at all,
Tegan. Yes, she should apologize, but that's it. We can't desert
our sister now, when she needs us the most. Sisters trust and support each other.
No matter what. It's simple. We stand together. Which means
if Rebecca goes, I go.

Ashleigh: And I go.

Frannie: And I go.

Mandi: And I go.

Laura: If I stay, can I pick whatever room I want?

Casey: Something tells me Nationals wouldn't be too happy
if an entire ZBZ chapter de-activated. Am I right?

Tegan: So, you're really going against me. For her?

Casey: Yep.

Tegan: And you realize if she screws up again, that it's all on you?

Casey: Yep. I stake my presidency on it.

Tegan: Your interim presidency.

Casey: Right.

Presenter: And, next up in the lip-synch competion, the Zeta Beta

Casey: Girls, come on, hurry. Go on. Get up there and do your thing.
Just keep your clothes on and don't get wet this time.

*** Campus - Day ***

Rusty: So I guess we won't be wheelbarrowing
against each other after all. And I told him I was...

Calvin: I know, I know, you're really sprightly. Cappie really won't
lift your punishment even after you told him about the cheer?

Rusty: Apparently not. Switzerland has its limits.

Calvin: Yeah, too many limits. We need to come up with a stronger,
more outspoken country.

Rusty: A brave little land with two citizens. We could call it Ralvin!

Calvin: Yeah, maybe it doesn't really need a name.

Rusty: That's right, because we'll be more powerful in our namelessness!

Calvin: Right.

Cappie: Could I request a temporary visa? I'm sorry. To both of you.
Calvin, you're welcome at the KT house any time you like.
Even Grey's Anatomy night, which can be quite exclusive, so feel
privileged. Any friend of my little bro is a friend of mine.

Calvin: Thanks.

Evan: Pledge, what's going on here?

Calvin: Just talking with some friends.

Evan: Well, it's time for the relay race. We'll discuss your
choice of friends later.

Calvin: Discuss away. Doesn't mean I'll listen.

Rusty: So, what about that feud? Nothing good can come of that.

Cappie: You might be right, Spitz. As in swimmer Mark Spitz,
nine-time Olympic gold medalist. Assume the position, pledge.
We need your human wheelbarrow. I'm off to face Chambers
in the last leg. By the way, you were terrifyingly adept
when you ripped me a new one last night. I was impressed.
Do not do it again.

Presenter: Take your marks, get set...

Evan: Come on, pick it up, pledge! Ready to come in sloppy second?

Cappie: May the best man win. Beaver, come on!

Beaver: Cap, you OK?

Cappie: Yeah.

Beaver: We can't let them get away with this! Let's go mess 'em up!

Cappie: No, you know what, Beav? Just let it go.

Calvin: Hey, you OK?

Cappie: Yeah.

Calvin:I'm sorry Evan went all aggro out there.

Rusty: It looks like Cappie's ready to move to Ralvin.

Calvin: That is not what we're calling it!

*** Later

Presenter: The winners of this year's
Greek Week Olympiad are... Omega Chi Delta and Zeta Beta Zeta!

Rebecca: [to Cappie] Well, we won. You should've seen
the look on Janette's face. It went well with her black eye.

Cappie: "We" won?

Rebecca: Yes, I'm still a ZBZ "we.". That whole cheesy sister bond
thing? It's...
actually stronger than I thought. [Hugging Cappie].

Cappie: Sorry, I've been a little distracted this week.

Rebecca: It's OK.


Frannie: What are you doing? [Evan kisses her and Casey sees them].

Presenter: I hereby declare the end of these games.

*** End of episode ***