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01x12 - The Great Cappie

Posted: 04/23/20 08:57
by bunniefuu
ZBZ HOUSE – Living room

Ashleigh : Excuse me. This is so freaking stupid.

Casey : I don't know who to k*ll first, Lizzi or myself.

Lizzi : Sorry. That was a tod louder than I anticipated. 5 minutes and not a single one of you completed a full rotation. That's disappointing. Rush group A front in center. Speed spot, speed spot! As rush group A, you represent the top conversationalists of this house. I expect you to set an example for rush groups B through F. A rush rotation group should run like a well-oiled machine, so we can keep that potential sisters focused right here, on you, on ZBZ. Ash ? What am I doing?

Ashleigh : The signal that the rushee looks bored in the conversation installed, and that you need me to come help you as fast as possible.

Lizzi : But it took you 30 seconds to answer Casey's signal.

Casey : I think the girls are getting a little tired, and possibly wondering why it is we're practicing on a Friday night, when rush isn't until next year.

Lizzi : We do these drills because practice makes perfect, if we wanna get this house back in shape, we need all the perfect we can get.

Ashleigh : Angie ? Where are you going?

Angie : I can't be here anymore. This sorority has become like a job. Right now, I'm in college so, I don't have to have a job.

Casey : This situation is only temporary and, this whole Greek crackdown will blow over eventually. Where's your ZBZ spirit?

Angie : I've been faking it, a lot.

Lizzi : Girls, I know than loosing a sister brings up difficult emotions, but trust me, I am not some tyrant here to work you to death. Just because I'm a little older, a little wiser, it doesn't mean that I don't need some R&R. ZBZs work hard, and we play hard.

Rebecca : Define play.

Lizzi : Back at Polytech, we started a book club. We could do the same thing here. The Great Gatsby is one of my favorites.

Ashleigh : We'd have to read it?

Lizzi : It still resonates, Gatsby is like like the super rich Omega Chi wanna-be. He threw really wild ravaged parties.

Rebecca : Who wouldn't wanna read about wild parties rather than have them?

CRU – Rusty & Dale’s room

Calvin : Adieu mister social calendar of the greek system. Never have in our line a newspaper to find something to do.

Rusty : Any good movies?

Calvin : I've seen 'em all. Movies are all I do these days. I'm starting to worry about pop corn **long?**

Rusty : How long you have to wait for Omega Chi to make a decision about you going back?

Calvin : I don't know, I'm sort of in a holding pattern.

Dale : My purity pledge group is playing biojeopardy tonight There's free refreshment and girls. There was a girl one time. I think it was a girl, I'm almost positive.

Calvin : I'm gonna keep looking.

Dale : The circus is in town... Last time, I won the entire Rascal Flatt's catalog on CD.

Calvin : If you wanna hang out with your KT brothers, I completely understand.

Rusty : Wait ! Why don't you hang out with my Kappa Tau brothers forever?

Calvin : That sounds harmless.

Rusty : No I'm serious, you can pledge KT. You're still technicly just a pledge at Omega Chi, why wait around for them?

Calvin : There's been a couple days and no notice.

Rusty : We'd have so much fun together.

Calvin : Let me think about it.

Dale : OK but what are we doing tonight?

Calvin : You know what, this guy in my dorm mentioned something about a '70s party Normaly I pull these things off but it could be fun.

Dale : The Carpenters are one the greatest most underated duos of all time.

Rusty : Do you wanna join us, Dale ?

CRU – 70s party’s room

Dale : It's like I'm living ever.

Rusty : I bet the party money went towards the disco bar.

Calvin : I think I'm gonna swing by Kappa Tau tomorrow.


ZBZ HOUSE - Garden

Casey : Here you are. So, I guess we should talk strategy.

Lizzi : You, don't worry. This afternoon, I'm gonna pick up a ton of copies of TGG. The Great Gatsby, I think it feel really nice to get for the girls.

Casey : You might not have to buy too many since all the girls are quitting. Andrea last night, Annabel last week. Don't get me wrong. I am in love with your book club idea. I think maybe the girls need a bigger moral boost.

Lizzi : Something by Dickens, Great Expectations. Little orphans are so cute.

Casey : I don't think the book choice is the problem, I think we could all use some real fun, like a party, with actual boys.

Lizzi : That's a wonderful idea.

Casey : Seriously?

Lizzi : Seriously, I love it. A great Gatsby theme party, but educational.

Casey : As all parties should be.

Lizzi : The roaring '20s, what a wonderfully rich historical period. The fashion and music and prohibition.

Casey : Prohibition, like... No liquor?

Lizzi : I'm sorry, this chapter is not ready for a party with alcohol. We have to find a place to host because of the rules. Prohibited co and sociolizing in the house. We must check the girls' GPA and their house points to see who can attend. Don't forget about the 11 o'clock curfew. We could have a dance instructor. I'm gonna e-mail Nationals and tell them all about it. They'll be so happy.

Casey : So will the girls.

KT HOUSE - Garden

Cappie : Score one for the pledges. We're gonna have to get rid of your handicap, nice shot Bener. Glad you could make it.

Rusty : I didn't know you were golfing today.

Ben Bennett : We discussed it at the last meeting. That's right, you weren't there.

Cappie : As our brother, you deserve our forgiveness, and our loving ridicule. Line it up. For Curses...

Rusty : Hey Cappie ! You met my friend Calvin, I was wondering, if you'd consider taking him as one of our pledges, he dropped out of the Omega Chis. He's smart, really good at sports.

Cappie : You'd me at "dropped out of the OCs." Cultivating a new pledge, not to mention stealing one from our arsh enemies, this is what brotherhood is all about.

Rusty : I do what I can.

Pledges : I'll get it

Cappie : You're not sucking up, I'll get it. Which Law & Order are you with?

Cop : Can I have to issue you your citation? Open container of an alcoholic beverage.

Cappie : Again? There's nothing even here. Except of maybe the tiniest bit of foam. That's not gonna hold up on a court of law.

Cop : Try to stay out of trouble.

Cappie : Give my love to dean Bowman.

Cop : Here's your ball.

ZBZ HOUSE – Casey & Ashleigh’s room

Ashleigh : At least, we're gonna have a party.

Casey : I went to wilder parties in elementary school, I can't believe this, it's like I have no control anymore, my relationship with Evan span out of control, I can't manage with Lizzi.

Ashleigh : OK stop. Compromise is what comes with territory, you're just being a good president.

Casey : I'm a terrible president. The idea is to keep girl from leaving, not drive them away. Frannie'd have found a way around this.

Ashleigh : Let's play "What would Frannie do?" Go with me girl.

Casey : She'd make Lizzi cry.

Ashleigh : And?

Casey : Tie her up and put her on a basement somewhere. I don't know.

Ashleigh : The Kappa Taus have a basement.

Casey : Buffalo Bill, let's put a pin in that. Wait...

Ashleigh : You have an idea?

Casey : Yeah.

CRU - Street

Cappie and Rebecca are kissing in her car.

Rebecca : You just have got to be the #1 w*apon on the fight for abstinence.

Cappie : I thought you enjoyed being ravaged by me in super places.

Rebecca : It's like we're secret sex spies. I say we remove cars from our list of spy places.

Cappie : We're running out of places, library, aiport, that church.

Rebecca : We'll be more creative for the future.

Cappie : You believe we have a future together.

Rebecca : Hypothetically. In a world where there's no Casey, you're a one-woman men and people don't gossip.

Cappie : Miss Logan, I'm surprised you worry about such things.

Rebecca : I don't. But maybe you do.

Cappie : Outch !

Rebecca : You're not contradicting me. Which is why secret sex is so appealing right now. No complications. Ok. Get out. I have class and we can't be seen together. It'll blow our cover.

Cappie : Fine, but just for the record, you cannot be more wrong.

Rebecca : Spies are supposed to be better liers. Enjoy your walk.

CRU - Street

Rusty : Come by the house this afternoon. I'll show you around.

Calvin : I guess I could check it out. Normal fellows, right?

Rusty : From the beginning, you were stuck at OC because of your dad. Now you're not stuck with those guys.

Calvin : They're were not all bad.

Waitress : A cappucino for Evan.

Evan : How's it going?

Calvin : Good... Just drinking coffee.

Evan : We're gonna have a special meeting this week on you coming back. Just hang it tight.

Rusty : You guys are losing a great pledge.

Evan : I don't think we're losing anybody.

Rusty : You have a history of letting great people get away from you.

Evan : You know what? I've tried to be nice to you by not kicking your ass. Last semester, I've put up with the digs, with the insults out of respect for Casey. She and I are not together anymore. You do the maths.

Calvin : He's just sticking up versus...

Rusty : I can do maths. I'm good at it.

Evan : I hear a lot of buzzing, but no actual words. That's what insects do. They buzz around, try to sting you. Be careful, insect!

Rusty : Some insects are quite deadly. Tse-tse fly can k*ll you. What?

Calvin : Just drinking coffee.

KT HOUSE – Cappie’s room

Cappie : To what do I owe this honor?

Casey : Is this a bad time?

Cappie : No, I just really need to sit down. Much better... Do you see a clean towel over there?

Casey : Honestly... Not really.

Cappie : Never mind. What's up?

Casey : I wanna say thank you for what you did for us at the... carnival.

Cappie : I go where I'm needed. That's what makes me superhero.

Casey : I know I haven't really been that super to you in the past.

Cappie : Are you in some kind of 12-step program, or something?

Casey : Unless they started a one for idiots, who, stripted their lavaliere and are having a hard time getting over it.

Cappie : I can give you some pointers there. Not that I've had ex boyfriends.

Casey : What I wanna say, Cap', is that I'm hoping you and I can... start over. Just be friends.

Cappie : We've definitely tried the other thing, right?

Casey : With a lot of fun, but not much success.

Cappie : Friend Cappie, at your service.

Casey : Thank you.

Cappie : What don't you tell me what you really came here for?

Casey : Why do you assume...

Cappie : Cause even though we're startin' over, we're not really. I know you.

Casey : Fair enough. How would the KTs like to party with the ZBZs?

Cappie : What kind?

Casey : The biggest, baddest most rule-breaking party CRU will never see.

Cappie : When you put it like that. We're in.

Casey : Good! Is you shirt on inside out and backwards?

Cappie : It's just... joggging.

KT HOUSE – Living room

Rusty : This is the common room. It looks like TV football, viewing party last night.

Calvin : You guys surely know how to have a good time.

Cappie : Welcome to our temple of good times and life-long brotherhood. Our casa es su casa. We're walkin'. You got any question so far?

Calvin : What are your academic requirements?

Cappie : Every active member must take one course per semester or you get us skip talking to.

Calvin : But I mean, you have to take four course just to be in the Greek system?

Cappie : I'll look into that. We're still walking. Here are our lovely gardens.

Calvin : Do you have any kind of mentorship program? The OC, they had a lot of connections. You know, CEO and like so. Last summer, bunch of the active did some paid internships.

Cappie : That's a good point. Jack Rabbit gives all the active and pledges 20% discount at his hut. Is that what you meant?

Calvin : Kind of. It's good.

Cappie : And here is the lovely recreation and relaxation room. Excuse me.

Rusty : This is Calvin.

Wade : You're thinking about the pledging from the Omega Chi.

Beaver : Spitter and Quiter. Excellent.

Wade : You're awesome.

Calvin : Thanks, I think.

Rusty : Hey Heath, you met my friend Calvin.

Heath : I have.

Calvin : On more than one occasion.

Rusty : The mystery guy. That's cool. It's weird for me to picture but... completely cool.

Calvin : So, how've you been?

Heath : Couldn't be better.

Cappie : So fellas, I have a little anouncement to make. Join me, in the basement, for a chapter meeting in five. All right, libations will be provided.

Rusty : He can stay, right?

Cappie : Well, can he keep a secret?

Rusty looks Calvin and Heath.

Rusty : Oh yeah !

ZBZ HOUSE – Living room

Casey : Because, if you can't keep a secret. You should leave the room right now. You all with me?

Ashleigh : Can we see a little of the ZBZ swear?

Casey : We're going to throw a party. A theme party based on the book “The Great Gatsby”. Which we all know is a big Lizzi favorite. There will be great costumes, fun music and a dance instructor that's gonna teach us dances from the 20.

Rebecca : Did I just fell asleep with my eyes open?

Casey : I haven't finished yet. That's just... the upstairs party.

Ashleigh : But downstairs,

KT HOUSE – Living room

Cappie : A once in a lifetime, down and dirty, secret, Prohibition party, in our old so humble ground.

Beaver : A what party?

Cappie : A prohibition party, a speakeasy. Here is how it's gonna work. Upstairs, there's gonna be the authority pleasing “Great Gatsby” party. Downstairs, will be a delightful, delicious, Den of inequity.

Rusty : You've heard of the 18th amendment? You know, alcohol was illegal in the 20s.

Beaver : Is that why they call it the Great Depression?

ZBZ HOUSE – Living room

Rebecca : This is absurd, Lizzi is never going to allow a speak-easy.

Casey : Lizzi's never going to know about it.

Pledge : Where are we having this party?

Rebecca : What respectable fraternity is ever going to agree to this risk.

Casey : It's already arranged. We're doing it in the KT house.

KT HOUSE – Living room

Beaver : I still have aches from the last time we partied with them.

Wade : Score baby.

Rusty : I can't believe Casey's endorsing a secret party.

Ben Bennett : Those girls are super hot.

Beaver : Rebecca Logan is the hottest.

Cappie : Gentleman, please, come on. Let's respect the ladies and try to stay on point here.

ZBZ HOUSE – Living room

Casey : Who here is with me?

Ashleigh : It's gonna be awesome. We'll wear flapper dresses and garter belts.

Pledge : So we throw this dangerous party. What do we do if Lizzi finds out about the secret room?

Casey : We could loose our social calendar.

Pledge : What? That's not acceptable.

Ashleigh : The only thing I've got on the calendar, is a group trip to the outlet mall in four weeks.

Casey : What I should say is that we really got nothing to loose.

Pledge : What if it gets back to dean Bowman and the administration? We could get seriously busted.

Casey : Then, I'll take the blame. I'll step down as president.

Ashleigh : Are you sure about that?

Casey : I'm sure, because we're not going to get caught.

Pledge : Even if we don't get caught, it still the KTs. They're like a dealest fraternity. And the front hall always smells like vomit.

Rebecca : Excuse me. I know I was initialy sceptical but I think Casey's plan has real merit. I mean, think about it. Would you rather party with real flesh and blood KTs, or read about some fake characters, in a tired, old dusty book about a bunch of crap that never happened. Who's with me?

Pledge : I am! Let's do it!

Casey : OK then it's settled.

KT HOUSE – Living room

Cappie : Let's get started. We need a sound proof down here. Tom, Dave, you still have your disturbingly loud band?

Tom (Plain White t’s) : Disturbingly loud?

Dave (Plain White t’s) : Why wouldn't the band still be together?

Cappie : No reason. And one day, I'm sure you'll be hugely successful. Anyway, you guys need to isolate the room so no sound can make it upstairs and then you'll have a room to practice, you'll become great big rock stars. Next, we need enough liquor to incapacitate David Hasselhoff so who's gonna go and hit the store with me?

ZBZ HOUSE – Hallway

Ashleigh : That was super honorable of you to say you'd step down.

Casey : Yeah, right? What the hell was I thinking?

Ashleigh : You said it we're not gonna get caught.

Lizzi : Hi!

Casey : Lizzi, what happened? We were worried.

Lizzi : I've been running around like a crazy person. Think you gave me the wrong address. There's no book store on 3rd.

Ashleigh : Oh my God! Did I say 3rd? I meant 13th. I feel terrible.

Lizzi : No, it's alright! I found a store that gave me a 40% book discount. I'm so excited right now. Did you tell the girls?

Casey : They loved the idea.

Lizzi : I'm gonna go in a girls' room and freshen up and we've to start planning. ASAP cause I wanna be involved in every single detail.

Ashleigh : Partez!

KT HOUSE – Garden

Evan : You're having a party?

Cappie : No.

Evan : Sure you've got enough liquor there?

Cappie : No.

Evan : You know, smuggling liquor for a party. It isn't just a violation for you, it's gonna reflect poorly on all of us.

Cappie : Then it's a good think we only got diet soft drinks, Evian.

Evan : You gotta be kidding me. You got him working for you now? You with them?

Calvin : They're my friends, that's all.

Cappie : Actually, he's thinking 'bout pledging with us.

Rusty : Just realized the Kappa Taus are a whole lot more fun than the Omega Chis.

Evan : Is that true?

Calvin : Just considering my options alright? Been a little tired of waiting for you, guys.

Trend : You're not going to. Hope you guys got plenty of Cosmo to mix for the fairy.

Calvin : What you say?

Cappie : Don't mess up the party clothes. Come on.

Calvin : I don't even like Cosmo, bitch!

Evan : Come on, go, that's great!


Trend : I almost sweat him, man. Kappa Taus're like the gay fraternity on campus. Fit right in, good riddance.

Evan : I want you to leave Omega Chi.

Trend : Excuse me?

Evan : I want you to pack up your crap and get the hell out.

Trend : Because of him?

Evan : It's time for Omega Chi to work harder on the quality of guys we bring in Calvin Owens has more potential than you'll ever have. And truthfully, Trend, I just don't have the time and the patience to teach you tolerance.

Trend : I don't know who elected you, emperor of Omega Chi but you don't have the authority to kick me out, I'm not going anywhere.

Evan : Actually you're about 3 months late on your dues which if your checked the house rules is due cause for exposure.

Trend : I'll rally the brothers. I'll call nationals if I have to.

Evan : Go ahead and call nationals. 'Cause if I told them half the crap you've been making my ears blead with, you're gonna be bounced anyway. I'm doing you a favor. Take the easy road out. You have until tomorrow.

KT HOUSE – The Great Gasby Party - Upstairs

Rebecca : I actually think these restrictions from the dean are god-sent 'cause they force us to be so much creative.

Casey : This is way better than some loud rowdy fraternity party.

Lizzi : I agree. This was an inspired idea you did an absolutely lovely job pulling it together so quickly Jasmine, please keep your hands off your partner's buttocks!

Rebecca : Some of the girls are getting restless.

Casey : Someone has to stay upstairs. Fine, you can take one couple downstairs but make sure you send people up to replace them.

Rusty : Hey !

Casey : You look.... Are you having fun?

Rusty : Yeah, it's great but, aren't you freaking out, a little bit? You're president of the sorority now. It's a pretty big decision.

Casey : Not at all. I did what I had to do and it's working just fine. Relax! I am!

Cappie : Hey ! Can I borrow your lovely sister for a moment? You really pulled it off

Casey : I couldn't have done without you. What now?

Cappie : I say if you can slip away, we see what the real party's like. Hopefully it's some more of your naughty little clappers. Dean Bowman?

Casey : What a surprise!

Cappie : Come on in.

Lizzi : You're here! I'm so glad!

Dean Bowman : How can I refuse an invitation to a party of the infamous Kappa Taus. Mind if I look around?

Lizzi : Not at all! Let me have your coat.

Casey : You know what, Cappie... Cappie can take his coat. Who invited dean Bowman?

Lizzi : Me. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to show him the concivilized and educational events ZBZ's gonna be hosting this semester. It's gonna buy us a little good-will. It's what good leaders do.

Casey : We are so screwed. What are we going to do? This's a total nightmare.

Cappie : Don't panic, I'll figure something out. Wade ! Wait! I need to buy your expertise.

Wade : Plan B.

Cappie : Not yet, that's way too dressed Find out where the dean lives, get about 10 gallons of gas.

Casey : Wait, where's dean... Bowman!

Dean Bowman : I was looking for the punch.

Casey : It's right over there. Do you want me to get you some?

Dean Bowman : That's fine, I'm fully capable. Thank you. Then I'd like to get myself a tour of the house, if it's alright?

Cappie : Of course!

Casey : I told the girls I'd step down as sorority's president if we got caught.

Wade : I have my stun g*n upstairs.

Casey : You know what? I'll handle it. Make sure Bowman and Lizzi stay away from the basement door.

Cappie : What you gonna do?

Casey : I'm gonna be a sorority's president.

KT HOUSE – The Great Gasby Party - Downstairs

Casey : Ladies, we have an emergency. I need 8 quadro in formation Sisters, you're about to make urgent use of your rush rotation skills. We have an unexpected visitor in our mix namely dean Bowman. Our mission is to keep him occupied, failure is not an option. Are you with me?

All : Yeah !

Casey : Good! Let's move out!

Beaver : Are you guys coming back?

KT HOUSE – The Great Gasby Party - Upstairs

Cappie : Incredible! And then what happened?

Dean Bowman : I graduated from highschool.

Cappie : Highschool? That's facinating! And, then what?

Dean Bowman : I went to college.

Cappie : So... so do you live around here?

Casey : Dean Bowman, can I tell you what a privilege it is to have you at your party? What a great tie!

Heath : So? Are you really thinking of joining the Kappa Taus?

Calvin : I haven't decided yet. What do you think about it?

Heath : You see how much fun we can have. I know you love strip clubs. Boobs.

Calvin : You don't think it wouldn't be awkward though? I mean, if we're dating other people.

Heath : Doesn't have to be. You should meet Greg, I really think you'd like him.

Calvin : Yeah, it'll be a little awkward.

Heath : I don't want to change your mind or anything. I really miss hanging out with you.

Calvin : Me too.

Rebecca : The ultimate secret sex spot. All these people around... Where should we start?

Cappie : Let's hold off on that for right now. We're on high alert.

Casey : Who choose out this song? It's so good!

Ashleigh : You're monopolizing the dean's time.

Casey : I'm sorry. Dean Bowman, this is Ashleigh Hawards, social chair at ZB, would you excuse me? I'm gonna go check on the refreshments.

Ashleigh : It's such a treat to have you here.

Dean Bowman : So I guess you're also a big fan of the book?

Ashleigh : Which book? Oh “The Great Gatsby” ! Yeah! Totally! It's one of my favorites. Mia Farrow is one of the great tragic characters in modern literature.

KT HOUSE – The Great Gasby Party - Downstairs

Calvin : Awesome!

Rusty : Better than watch movies alone, right?

Wade : It's the Omega Chi dropout! We love you, man! You're beautiful!

Beaver : Good going man! Omega Chis suck!

Calvin : I'm starting to feel more like a trophee than prospective pledge.

Rusty : No, I want you here, 'cause you're a good friend and all around, great guy. You'd be around other great guys.

Calvin : As opposed to Evan?

Rusty : As opposed to Evan. A jerk and Greek bro, and the rest of Omega Chi.

Calvin : I had a lot of good times there. It's gonna be a hard decision. I don't want it to be about you, or Evan or my dad. You know, I just gotta... do what feels right.

Rusty : Or you'd be picking Kappa Tau.

Cappie : Need a drink?

Casey : I could use 'bout a million drinks, I've been running around all night.

Cappie : What do you want? Sparta hooch?

Casey : Actually, I brought my own.

Cappie : Nice flask.

Casey : Sorry, I crossed the line, I didn't mean to...

Cappie : Apology accepted.

Casey : To a long and meaningful friendship.

Cappie : Right, friendship. I gotta go back upstairs. Find someone.

KT HOUSE – The Great Gasby Party - Upstairs

Ashleigh : Which is why I think in many ways, Ferris Bueller is my generation's Gatsby. So... do you think that Gatsby is really great or just a totally decent guy?

Dean Bowman : Would you excuse me? I need to find a bathroom.

Ashleigh : I don't think you're heading in the right direction.

Dean Bowman : Sure I am. I've seen a lot of people round here.

Ashleigh : Maybe you should use the one upstairs, it's much nicer. There's pot pourri.

Dean Bowman : That won't be necessary.

Ashleigh : No, you can't go in there.

Dean Bowman : Why not?

Ashleigh : A girl got sick. Not that she was drinking or anything. I think it was a bad trip fajitas.

Cellphone rings.

Dean Bowman : Yes? I'll be right there. Excuse me!

Rebecca : What are you doing? Pretty naughty!

Cappie : What do you think about us going on a real date? I mean don't get me wrong, secret sex is awesome. Really awesome, but I think that you and I actually dating awesom... er. On that thought.

Wade : We have a situation up here.

Cappie : What sort of situation? I'm kinda busy in here.

Wade : Code red.

Cappie : I'll be right back. Someone drop the dime, called the coppers.

Wade : Someone on the Greek task force phoned Bowman to say, claiming there's booze.

Cappie : Come on.

Wade : Chambers.

Cappie : Execute plan B.

Wade : But there's not time.

Cappie : I wouldn't be so sure There's always time for plan B.

KT HOUSE – Garden

Dean Bowman : You fellas and spread out.

Cappie : Hey, boys! Care to join me for a drink?

Cop : What the hell are you doing?

Cappie : Taking your cruise out on the open road, see if I can hit a few miles an hour. You wanna join me, I'd love to have company!

Dean Bowman : Let him go, we always know where to find him.

Cop : Not with my squad car.

Cappie : This thing is kinda peppy. You got a turbo on this thing?

KT HOUSE – The Great Gasby Party - Upstairs

Cop : You fellas spread out.

Lizzi : What's going on?

Casey : I have no idea.

Dean Bowman : I want you guys to check down here. I've noticed a lot of foot traffic down these stairs tonight.

Casey : Foot traffic? There's been no foot traffic.

KT HOUSE – The Great Gasby Party - Downstairs

Beaver :

"Involuntarily, I glanced seaward.

"and distingued nothing, except the single green light.

"Minute, ran my nute."

Probably "my nute".

"My nute and far away that might have been the end of the dock.

"When I looked once more for Gatsby, he had vanished and I was alone again, in the unquiet darkness."

Dean Bowman : What the hell is this?

Casey : It's like a... a literacy thing.

Dean Bowman : A literacy thing?

Ashleigh : Yes, many of these poor boys have trouble reading. Nice work, Beaver.

Beaver : I can read.

Casey : You're doing a great job. The ZBZ sisters have been helping them learn a little. Secret philantropy, if you will. They're a bit embarassed about their deficiency. So we give them a safe place to practice.

ZBZ HOUSE – Living room

Pledge : That was the best party ever.

Lizzi : Girls! I'm ashamed of you, all of you. And you, most of all.

Casey : I'm sorry.

Lizzi : We snap. We don't clap. And Casey Cartwright, you have earned yourself a grand round of snaps, right, girls? This was truly a magical evening. You see how much fun you can have when you play by the rules and help other. Come here. I can't remember the last time I stayed up past 11.

Pledges : Good night!

Casey : Good night.

Rebecca : I had an amazing evening. Thanks, big sis.

Ashleigh : OK, was Rebecca just being nice to you?

Casey : I'm too tired to worry about that now. OK, that was the most stressful, exhausting evening of my entire life.

Ashleigh : We pulled it off.

Casey : And it's been almost a full 48h since I last thought about Evan.

Ashleigh : And tomorrow you'll think about him even less, And the next day even less. And eventually, it'll just be "What's his name".

Casey : I hope so. I wish you were a boy and we could be together forever.

Ashleigh : That's weird. Why do I have to be the boy?

Casey : 'Cause you're taller!

CRU – Calvin’s room

Evan : We want you to come back.

Calvin : Look, Evan, I thought a lot about it. Right, I just, with Trend...

Evan : Don't worry about Trend, he decided to deactivate.

Calvin : That's convenient. What about the other guys?

Evan : There's always gonna be guys that don't like you. Not everyone likes me.

Calvin : That's true. Thanks.

Evan : I think you can't let the way people feel about you determine how you live your life. You're my little brother. I garantee you I got your back. So trust me. And take this back. At least think about it.

CRU - Street

Rusty : What you doing now? I'm heading to the house to celebrate Cappie's release from CRU jail.

Calvin : I'm not gonna be able to make it.

Rusty : More movies?

Calvin : Actually, no. I'm going back to Omega Chi.

Rusty : Are you kidding?

Calvin : I belong there. You can't run away 'cause things aren't perfect

Rusty : So Evan wins?

Calvin : I thought you said it wasn't a competition.

Rusty : Are you forgetting? It's the same Evan Chamber who fought me at Dopplers who humiliated my sister at the carnival.

Calvin : I don't know what you want me to say. Alright? There're 2 sides to every story, Evan can be a real decent guy.

Rusty : Are you saying Casey deserved what he did to her?

Calvin : I'm not. You're perfectly justified to hate him. I'm saying he's really gone back for me. He's always been a good friend to me.

Rusty : That's funny 'cause I thought I was your friend.

Calvin : Look, our friendship has always been outside the Greek system. You always said, you're not gonna let our houses get in the way of us being friends. So let's not lose that.

Rusty : I see you later.

CRU - Street

Cappie : Hey heavy Poo! You're here to give the dean his morning foot massage.

Evan : You know, I don't think I've ever seen you in the sunlight before noon. You're getting troubles with the law again?

Cappie : 100 hours of community service. I consider myself lucky though. Could have been a lot worst, I was the only one who got busted. And by the way, you're a total dushbag.

Evan : Why's that?

Cappie : Because you raided out our party. I knew it was someone on the Greek task force You're the only one I know with personal vendetta. Still, pretty low. Even for you.

Evan : Now you'll think twice before trying to pouch one of your pledges.

Cappie : He came to us. I don't know why I'm bothering explaining myself to you. Take care. Bing.

Evan : What did you call me?

Cappie : You heard. Just to let you know, there will be retribution.

Evan : Bring it.