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06x15 - Relentless

Posted: 04/20/20 20:19
by bunniefuu
What's the verdict, Rach?

The probability of a train derailing is too high.

1 in 432,000.

Well, that's not so bad.

Better than the chances of a car crash.

How is that relevant?

We've already established we're not driving.

You know the agreement, three months to research how we're traveling to Arizona, not a day longer. We decide today.

There has to be some safer way.

The rehearsal dinner's in a week.

I just want to make sure we actually attend Aunt Sheila's wedding, not die on the way.

Why don't we take a bus?

Huh? It's cheap, it's safe, and you can let all this go and focus on having fun.

Most busses don't even have seatbelts.

N-N-No way.

Okay, sweetheart.

Take a deep breath.

You take your meds this morning?

I need you to focus on one thing.

You know what that is?

You're going to say breakfast.



Dad, wh-what's happening? [g*nshots]

Upstairs, Rach, use the fire ladder like we practiced.

Upstairs! Go!

Find the girl.

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ Bang, bang, bang, bang ♪

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ How, how, how, how ♪

♪ Hey, hey ♪

♪ ♪

♪ You gotta come on. ♪

♪ ♪ What do you think, Mama?


Same Trutone you remember?

It's like I stepped back in time.

I-I can't believe you own this bar now.

Yeah. It's a lot of work, but I love it.

Glad you made it. [CHUCKLES] Yeah.

Expected y'all a couple hours ago.

Uh, Mena had a rough morning, so we had a late start leaving the motel in Montgomery.

Well, it's a long trip from Virginia to New Orleans.

Yeah. Seems like she's doing okay now.

RITA: Let's just hope it lasts long enough for her to have that tour at Vista Shores.

How's she feel about maybe moving back?

The jury's s-still out on that one.

PRIDE: Jimmy, want you to meet my mother, Mena Cantrell. Mama, this is Jimmy Boyd, the new bar manager.

Hi. Well, I see you got your looks from Mena's side of the family, Dwayne.


You miss our chicory coffee?

Just made a fresh pot.

Figured you could use it after that long drive.

Cassius doesn't like me to drink coffee, thinks it makes me too jittery.

The doctors said that her memory would continue to come and go.

PRIDE: Just hope being back actually helps.

She likes you, Jimmy.

We should tell her you're more than the bar manager.

Well, I appreciate that, but she got a lot to take in right now.

Letting her know that Cassius was my daddy, too, well, that can wait a while.

Lot of memories for her here, not all of them good.

RITA: Hey, if it's too hard for her, we'll just turn around and drive her back.

Whatever's best for your mom, that's what we'll do.

Yeah, okay.

I always loved you in that dress.


You know, when you were a little boy, you used to sneak in and watch me sing, right over there. Right there, I know, on a stool, hiding. [CHUCKLES]

Loved the way you lit up the stage.

Good to have you back where you belong, Mama.

But your dad was a three-star admiral.

Why didn't you just go to the Naval Academy?

Is there something wrong with being a Marine grunt?

No, no, no, I have nothing but respect for enlistees.

I'm just pointing out that you had options.

Oh, you found me out, Agent Khoury.

I'm a chronic underachiever.

Hey, so the victim's a Seabee out of Belle Chasse named Ben Kinnaman.

Yeah, we heard he's still alive.

Barely. Neighbor saw two masked men leave the house, called 911. They rushed in to take him to the hospital.

You think it was a robbery?

I don't know. He was shot twice in the chest.

Neighbors didn't hear any g*nshots, so we're thinking it was a silenced w*apon.

Yeah, sounds like a professional hit.

You don't say?

Oh, aren't we just so lucky to have such a brilliant agent on our team now?

So lucky.

sh**t weren't going for subtlety.

Kicked in the door, came in hot.

Seabee Kinnaman was trying to defend himself, but looks like he didn't get a round off.

Anything in his file indicate why he might be targeted? Nothing so far.

Sebastian's talking to his CO, but Kinnaman mostly worked on facility upgrades at Belle Chasse.

Why put out a professional hit on a naval engineer?

Hey, Kinnaman has a daughter, right?

Teenage girl.

Where is she?

Cop told us he was calling the school while they sent a unit over there. Why?

I think she was here. In fact, I think this all started here.

sh*ts fired from outside.

Someone tried to take Kinnaman out from a distance.

Looks like breakfast for two.

Well, when Covington PD cleared the house, there was no sign of the daughter. BREAUX: Rachel!

Rachel? Hey, buddy, slow down.

Tim Breaux, Covington Police. Ben's a friend.

I just heard what happened. Is Rachel okay?

Rachel is Ben's daughter?

Cop I talked to said she was at school.

She's not. Rachel is homeschooled.

She should be here. Where's her room?

Upstairs. - Okay, go with Agent Gregorio, maybe she's just hiding. Check down there.

I'll coordinate a search of the surrounding area.

Rachel, you here?

It's Tim.

You can come out.


Did Rachel have medical issues?

She's on the autism spectrum, highly intelligent.

The meds are just for anxiety.

There's a fire ladder.

Yeah, Ben had them installed in the bedrooms to make Rachel feel safer.

She found a way out, smart girl.

Is that her bike?

That's Ben's.

Rachel's is blue.

Where'd she go? Does she have any family close, or friends? No, it's just Ben and Rachel.

I don't really know of any friends.

Think, she's scared, she's on the run. Where?


They spent last summer building it together.

Rachel calls it her quiet place.

Is it a bike ride away?

It's on some land he owns out in Folsom.

They ride out there all the time. All right, show me.


I just don't know if now is the right time to bring it up to her.

Well, will there ever be a right time?

You had a breakthrough at that clinic, Dwayne, but your mom is probably the only person who can fill in the missing pieces so you can put Red behind you for good.

I've been sleeping great.

You've also been beating yourself up over what happened to him.

Because I told Cassius about the affair, about Red and my mom. You were a child.

What your father did to Red isn't your fault.

Just wish I knew more about him.

Who his family was.

I mean, what if his family never even knew what happened to him?

So go ask Mena. Get the answers you need.

She's fragile.

She's also Dwayne Pride's mother.

You're a pretty tough bunch.

You're just as good on those keys as I remember.

[SIGHS] I just wish I could remember the words. [CHUCKLES]

I've been thinking about the old days, about you, this place.

Remember the man who taught me to play the piano?



Clarence. What was his last name?


Clarence Redding. He was kind and funny.

He used to make you laugh all the time.


I don't really remember him all that well.

Well, you liked him.

You liked him a lot.

He was, uh...

What, Mama?

He... He was... What?

[STAMMERS] You know what, I-I just don't think I want to talk about this anymore. That's okay.

It's okay.

We don't have to talk about anything you don't want to.


Play some more. I like hearing it.

Khoury, you, uh, got something on our Navy engineer?

Kinnaman's in surgery now.

Sebastian talked to his CO, but he didn't have any leads on why Kinnaman was targeted in the first place.

Well, we got his laptop, - but it's pretty damaged. Have it sent to NCIS.

I'll get Patton on it.

Hey, Pride, there's something else.

Kinnaman's teenage daughter was here during the attack.

She went missing.

Fled or abducted?

We're hoping it's the former.

Tammy and Carter are searching for her now.

PRIDE: All right, I'll head in, coordinate social services and St. Tammany Parish.

Keep me updated.

Gonna miss the tour at Vista Shores, aren't you?

I got a sailor in critical condition and his teenage daughter's missing.

Okay, I'll, um, call and reschedule, and, uh, we'll take care of your mom.

Maybe I'll even get her to sing a song with me.


She'd like that.

Okay. Thanks.

BREAUX: That's Rachel's.

Hey, Rachel, sweetie, it's Tim.

RACHEL: Where's my dad?

He's with my team. Why don't you come down here and chat with us for a minute?

Who's she?

I'm Special Agent Gregorio.

I'm with NCIS.

Naval Criminal Investigative Service?

Wow. She's one of the few who actually knows what that means.

Agent Gregorio is very trustworthy.

It's safe, you can come on down.

I don't know her.

You got to be patient with her.

Gain her trust.

All right.

My name's Tammy.

And I'm a Virgo.

Astrology is dumb.

It's not scientific.

Fair enough.

Can I ask you a question?

Sure. - My dad says to truly know someone, you have to know their struggles.

Uh, what's your greatest struggle?

Probably my roommate's snoring.

It's that bad?

Rachel doesn't really do sarcasm.

Oh, right.


I guess I-I act before I think.

You know?

My temper can get me in trouble, so I have to watch it.

Me, too.


Wow, you're good.

Usually it takes her a while to warm up.

I've known her and Ben since I moved here.

We got to get the people responsible for this.

We will.

Hey, Rach. [g*nsh*t]



Come on.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪ Come on. Move! [SCREAMING]

I need you to pull it together for me, okay?

When I sh**t, we run, okay?



Come on.

Listen to me.

Listen. Listen.

Do what I say, and you'll be okay, all right?

Oh, okay.

[SHUSHES] Go. Go, go. Run.

Careful, it's steep.

[SHOUTING] Oh, God...

Go! We can't lose them!

Where's my g*n? RACHEL: Get up!

They're coming! Go.

Run! Hurry!

RACHEL: You're hurt.

I'm fine. I can handle it.

Really. Damn it.

What are you doing? I'm leaving a breadcrumb.

We got to hide until someone finds us.

I know a place. This way. Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Trust me. Wait.


Hey, Sebastian, any word from the missing girl?

Uh, nothing yet. I texted Tammy, but no response.

WADE: Those are b*ll*ts from the sh**ting?

Yeah. There are some distinctive markings, so I'm running them through NIBIN right now.

I really enjoy seeing you back here.

You're an excellent field agent, but the lab suits you.

Yeah, well, at least here nobody's calling me stupid nicknames.


It's nothing. It's just the new guy.

Ah. Agent Carter.

Well, I'm looking forward to meeting him.

Yeah, well, I suggest you avoid that for as long as possible.

He's that bad?

Oh, man. He's abrasive in, like, every single way.

He's completely full of himself.

He's wearing these fancy clothes all the time that fit him perfectly, you know.

And he's always calling me Slim.

I don't know what that's about. You know, I've been... been beefing up.

You are still rather thin.

I thought this was a safe space.

Carter will simmer down. He's just new and loud.

[COMPUTER BEEPS] Oh, we got a hit from NIBIN.

What? The g*n's been used in another crime?

Yeah, a m*rder.

Actually, five other murders.


The team needs to find this poor girl, fast.

GREGORIO: What is this place?

RACHEL: Power station, abandoned two years ago.

Eight buildings, multiple floors, over 90 rooms.

Ah. Lots of hiding places.

I get it. Smart.

I have an idea.

We can start a fire i-in the woods.

That-that would d-draw the K*llers away from us.

Yeah, no. No fires.

What are you, what are you looking for?

Uh, I-I can help.

J-Just give me a second.



Hey, I'm sorry I snapped, I'm just a little on edge, okay?

M-My dad says I talk too much when I'm scared.

A-And people don't like that, but he says n-never apologize for being me. [SNIFFLES]

Well, that's really great advice.

Hey, is-is he okay?

We'll find out.

When we get away from these scumbags.

Hey. You want to help?

Yeah? We-we need an alarm.

You know what I mean? Like, uh...

So maybe, uh... broken glass makes a lot of noise. Oh!

You know what I'm saying? I-I can break the window.

And then we can lay the glass on the floor. Yeah.

And-and then the K*llers will step on it and we'll know they're here. Well, why don't you...?

Like that?


Patton. You find anything on Kinnaman's laptop?

King, that's not his laptop.

That's his daughter's. And the girl got skills.

She used an RSA encryption.

Yeah, Rachel is no ordinary teenager.

Tell me about it. She's some type of research genius. Look at this.

Global warming, power plants.

Hand washing? Big and small, she does it all.

But I beg to differ on her whole "most efficient hand washing ritual" results.

[CHUCKLES] Yeah, research may be Rachel's special interest.

Lot of people with ASD have them.

We got a guy in the neighborhood who drops by the bar every once in a while. He's got autism.

Makes toy race cars to help him stay grounded.

Well, lately, she's been obsessed with the risks of different travel options.

Cars, buses, trains.

You name it, she's researched it.

Anything that might make her a target?

Nothing stands out.

Why, you think the K*llers might have been after her?

I don't know what to think.

So far, we haven't found any motive for a hit at all.

Keep digging.


You get a chance to talk to your mom about the guy in your dreams?

Just a little. Got a name.

Clarence Redding.

Red. That makes sense. Hey, you want me to keep digging, see if I find out anything about his family?

No, no. Stay with the laptop.

We're running out of time to find Rachel Kinnaman.

GREGORIO: We got to find a place to hole up until my team realizes I'm gone.

Uh, h-how will they find us?

Because they're the best. They'll get here.

W-When, when I ask a question, you don't always answer.

Y-You say something else.


Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry about that.

I'll try to do better.

Come on.



We're gonna get out of here, baby.

You don't know that. Sure, I do.

Well, no, I don't, but...

I'm gonna do everything I can to try to make that happen, all right?


Okay. Come on.


Seems like they tracked me to find you.

Any idea why? No.

You or your dad had problems with anyone?

Uh, upset anybody?



Y-Your shoulder's dislocated.

Yeah. Feels like it.

I-I know how to relocate a shoulder. [STAMMERS]

I don't... I'm not sure you do. Whoa.



[CHUCKLES] Thank you.

JIMMY: Uh, hey, there.

So, what do you think of the old neighborhood?

[GROANS] Just like you remembered?

So many people. Just too many people.

Just got a little overwhelming.

She's okay? RITA: Just needs to rest a while.

Bad times come and go, and unfortunately, that's not gonna change.

MENA: Where are you taking me?

I want to leave right now. No... It's okay.

We're gonna go upstairs, and you can lie down.


No. Yeah.

No. Cassius hates it when I stay too late.

I don't want to make him mad at me anymore.

The Trutone is your bar now, Mena.

Just think about all the good times you had here.

All those beautiful songs.

But you know how upset Cassius gets. I do.

I do. But he's gone now.

You're safe now.

Cassius can't hurt you anymore.

You're Carla's boy.

I knew it the minute I saw you.

It's okay, you know.

It's okay. I'm glad you and Dwayne found each other.

Me, too. [CHUCKLES]

That's good.

Hey, let's, uh, go upstairs, okay?

Yeah. Yeah, right.

Chopper's shifting to the east.

So far, no sign of Rachel or the sh**t.

What's wrong?

You haven't heard from Tammy, have you?

Not since she left with that Covington cop. Why?

She hasn't checked in, all my calls are going to voice mail.

Covington PD can't reach Breaux, either.

Mm, they were heading to Kinnaman's property.

Folsom, I think she said.

Yeah, I know where it is. Tell Pride to meet us there.

You asked me earlier about my struggles.

What do you struggle with? My dad says that I-I worry too much, that I can't let things go.

Do you agree with him?


So what do you do about it?

Uh, research.

That's how I knew about this place.

Yeah? But why creepy, abandoned power plants and not, like, K-pop or makeup or something?

This place still leaches toxic runoff.

I've written 349 e-mails to my local parish rep about getting it decontaminated.

Well, let me get this straight.

You do research about humanity's downfall just so you can relax?

Knowing how things work helps.

Yeah, I kind of get that.

'Cause in my job, I have to know how the bad guy thinks, and it's kind of scary, but, like, I don't know, I feel better knowing, you know?

And, and that helps you relax?

Nah. I'm more of a red wine and "Golden Girls" type.

Wine contaminates the gut's microbiome.

I-I told my dad all about it.

[CHUCKLING] I'm sure he totally appreciated that.

My dad is okay... right?


Get down.

Get down.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

[WHISPERING] Follow me. Stay low.

Okay. Come on.

- Come on. Uh...

I'm-I'm not getting in there.

Oh, no, this isn't up for debate, sweetie.

I can help...

You can help by staying in there. Okay? Shh, shh.


Where are we at?

Judging by the hat and the bike, we think Tammy and Officer Breaux found Rachel.

sh**t must have followed them here.

Any idea which way Rachel and Tammy headed?

Footprints lead down there, but then the trail disappears.

We've got more dogs on the way, and every agency on the north shore is searching.

Nearest town's ten miles away.

Khoury, I got Gregorio's phone.

Busted. It looks like she left it so it'd be easy to find.

Where are you, Carter?

Uh, about a mile northwest of the treehouse.

Tammy would've wanted to go somewhere that she could use to her advantage.

Fontainebleau Power Station.

It's a couple miles away.

Rachel had a folder of research on her hard drive dedicated solely to that plant.

Carter? We're gonna send you coordinates for the Fontainebleau Power Station.

Meet you there. Roger that.



I told you to stay up there.

I heard sh*ts. I wanted to make sure you were okay.

I am, let's run! [WHIMPERS]



[GASPS] Oh, God...

Give me that, give me that, stay back!


Oh, God!



[QUIETLY] I told you they'd come.

I need to know his chances.

Oh... Well, you can ask the doctors all your questions when we get to the hospital, sweetie.

This won't open. I need this open.

Rachel. Okay. It's all... I got it.

Here you go.

Uh, what-what kind of surgery is it?

I need to know the name of it so I can determine my dad's survival rate.


What is it?

Okay. Look at me.

Deep breath. Come on.



So my buddy Hannah's at the hospital right now, making sure it's safe.

We can go there, and you can ask all the questions you want, I promise.


You should have told me he was hurt.

GREGORIO: Yeah, maybe.

I figured you had enough to worry about, you know?

I'm sorry.

Why don't we get you something to eat?

Then we'll go to your house and get your medication, and then I'll take you to the hospital to see your dad, okay?

Sound good? All right.

Come on.

Right over there.

Feeling all right?

Peachy. Be even better when we find the sons of b*tches responsible for this.

You speak to Rachel's aunt?

Yeah, she's booking the first flight here from Tucson.

Good. Rachel needs a familiar face.

Yeah, but until we figure out who hired those guys, Rachel and her father could still be in danger.

Yeah, go see Sebastian at the lab.

Find out if he got anything off the bodies that might point us in the right direction.


Hey, Pride.

I need to talk to you.

You got something for us, Plame?

All right, I'mma stop you right there.

The name is Patton, or Triple P.

Now, since you're new, I'mma let it slide, but just this once.

And when I say I need to talk to Pride, I mean Pride.

Guess that's my cue.

Hey, I know you told me not to look into Red.

But you did.

I couldn't help myself.

There's someone upstairs to see you.

Goodness... little Dwayne Pride.


C... Clarence Redding?

No need to be so formal.

You always just called me Red.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

...and when I heard you were asking about me, I figured it was time to... come home.

I was certain I saw you die.

If it's any consolation... [CHUCKLES]

I was pretty sure I was dead, too.

I barely survived your daddy's beating.

That Cassius's work? Yeah.

Most everything else healed.

Tell the truth, I kind of like having it.

It always reminds me of the life I had here.

Most of it damn good.

What happened that night?


I saw a piercing white light, just like in the stories.

Convinced I was in heaven.

Then I saw Cassius, and realized I was in his car.

He had just opened the damned trunk. [CHUCKLES]

Brought you somewhere to k*ll you.

No, no, no.

Cassius drove me out to Stark's, right by the border.

Said if I didn't leave Louisiana for good, cut all ties with Mena, he'd k*ll me.

And her, too.

That's why you disappeared.

That man chased me away from everything I held dear.

Now look, Dwayne.

I've lived a good life. Moved to Texas, met a wonderful woman.

We opened a piano bar outside Amarillo.

She passed a while back, but we had a lot of good years.

My one real regret was that I never got to tell you and your mother I was okay.

To say a proper goodbye.

Red, I'm...

I'm so s... sorry...

You've got nothing to be sorry for.

But I-I do, though.

I'm the one who told Cassius.

He went after you because of me. - You think your daddy wouldn't have found out what was going on one way or another?

You know the kind of man he was.

The only people responsible for what happened that night are me and Cassius Pride.

Not you.

So... you still play piano?

I dabble. [CHUCKLES]

And Mena?

I hope she's well.

Had her ups and downs.

But still going strong.

I don't suppose she would want to see me after all this time?

I would sure love to see her.

It might be hard for her.


Hey, Slim, you get anything useful off those hit men?

Nope, just some trace I'm analyzing right now, Flash.

Uh, Flash? Yeah.

See how you're calling me "Slim" all the time?

Well, I'm gonna call you "Flash".

And not 'cause of Flash Gordon, or the Flash...

Because of your clothes.

'Cause they're so flash... They're flashy.

Sure. Maybe keep working on that.

What kind of trace did you find?

Some kind of a hydraulic fluid.

Sebastian? I have IDs on the two K*llers.


I'm guessing you must be the new agent ruffling all the feathers.


Is that right?

Quentin Carter. You must be Dr. Wade.

Oh... is that Lancôme Tresor?

Mm, he knows his perfumes.

CARTER: Yeah, my mother wears the same one.

I appreciate a woman with good taste.

Pleasure to meet you, Quentin. [LAUGHS]

Hey, you know, I like your perfume, too.

I just, I haven't had a chance to say it.

Mm. Now, Dr. Wade, you were saying you were able to ID the two men?

I sent the information to you.

It's, uh, Andres Cutter and Elias Hansen.

SEBASTIAN: Oh, yeah. Looks like they worked for some kind of Blackwater-style outfit called Aranco.

CARTER: Mm. Aranco's mostly mercenaries.

Somebody brought in big g*ns to take out a naval engineer and his daughter.

And you still don't know why they were targeted?

No, no, but we'll start digging into these two, see if we can figure out who hired them.


Looks like the trace on the boots was from a hydraulic fluid called Hydra-Flight.

It's used for airplanes.

Mm. So no connection to Kinnaman.

His focus was strictly naval facility engineering.

You know, Patton mentioned that most of Rachel's research was focused on major transportation risks.

Like airplanes. That's good, Slim, very good.

Uh, pleasure meeting you, Dr. Wade.

Looking forward to a longer chat soon.

See what I mean?

I rather like him.

And the way he dresses.

So this is the taste of betrayal.


Hey. Ben Kinnaman is out of surgery.

Doctors said he's doing well, but, you know, it's still touch and go.

Will he survive?

They'll know more in a few hours.

I got a two-man security detail keeping an eye on him.

GREGORIO: She's finally eating something.

Once she's done, we'll stop by the house and then head to the hospital.

You guys find something?

I may know who hired the two thugs.

PRIDE: Looks like Rachel may have been the target all along.

But she's just a teenager.

Rachel is the most relentless researcher I've ever seen.

Her recent subject of interest is airline travel.

Kinnaman wanted to travel to his sister's wedding on a regional airline called Zion Air.

Yeah, I know Zion Air. They had a lot of trouble last year.

That's exactly why Rachel was looking into them.

Zion had several mechanical issues. No accidents, but a ton of delays and cancellations and a lot of bad publicity.

Airline nearly went bankrupt.

Got bought out by an investor group.

What does this have to do with Rachel? - Rachel's research revealed the statistical improbability that any airline could have that many issues in such a short timeframe.

PATTON: Rachel exchanged a lot of e-mails with the chief safety officer of the company.

She was convinced that all their problems had been intentional.

Sounds like someone sabotaged the airline.

What do we know about this chief safety officer?

His name is Kendall Veidt. He's been with Zion since before all the trouble started.

Zion offices are out by the airport.

I'll have Carter and Sebastian go by and see if Veidt's there.

I'll get his home address.

PATTON: The last e-mail Rachel sent to Veidt, she threatened to call the FAA, tell them everything, if they didn't come clean themselves.

That's the reason why this jerk tried to k*ll them?

Because Rachel figured out that he was trying to sabotage his own company? PRIDE: Tammy.


You're saying those men coming after my father...'s all my fault?

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Kendall Veidt's not at work.

No one's seen him since yesterday.

Just talked to NOPD.

Went by his house, no sign of him there, either.

No, but we found something interesting.

The investor group that bought Zion Airlines after all the incidents, it's just a shell company.

Checked with a contact of mine at the FBI.

She says that the shell corporation has deep ties to the Medellín Cartel.

The cartel? - Yeah. We think Veidt is sabotaging the planes to drive the company's price down.

So they can acquire Zion for dirt cheap.

Then the cartel could have its very own FAA-licensed airline.

Lots of uses for an airline. Laundering money, smuggling weapons, dr*gs.

Makes sense why Veidt would hire hit men. The cartel must have sunk millions into that deal.

Means Veidt will keep coming until the Kinnamans are dead.

Thank you, Officer.

GREGORIO: Doctor says her dad's still in recovery, no change.

[SIGHS] He's got to pull through.

This girl's been through enough.

All right. Rachel.

Come on, let's go.

I'm gonna go grab you some clothes.

You and Agent Khoury can get your medicine. Okay?

Tammy said you were at the hospital.

Yeah. I was.

My dad's dying, isn't he?

No, honey, he's not dying. He's fighting.

He's doing a lot better, actually.

VEIDT: That's too bad.

Means I got more mess to clean up. Don't.

Put the g*n on the counter.

HANNAH: You know you have nothing to gain from this, Veidt.

It's over.

Where's your partner?

I saw three of you walk in.

She's out front talking to the officer.

How'd you get past her, anyway?

I'm a security professional. It's my job.

Hey! Do you have any idea the trouble you've caused me, kid?

I'm sorry. Please don't hurt me.

HANNAH: Hurting her won't help you.

VEIDT: Shut up. She's just a kid.

Drop it or I'll sh**t.

Smartest move you've made all year.


You okay? Yeah?

Yeah. Good.

Come on.


GREGORIO: Okay, yeah.



Thought you should know that your aunt's plane just landed.

And that Zion Air is going up in smoke thanks to you.

It's my fault, what happened.

No, it's not. You did the right thing by coming forward, Rachel.

The right thing almost got my dad k*lled.

It was me they were after. I-I should have just let it go.

No, no. Listen to me.

You have a million amazing qualities.

Persistence is your best one.

Your dad raised you to be that way.

You're the reason he's not gonna let go.

DOCTOR: Rachel.

Is my dad okay? He just woke up.

But I would give him a minute to gather himself. Oh, wait.




♪ Cry, cry, cry... ♪ Oh, just the man I was looking for.

You remember this one?

How could I forget? [LAUGHS]

Remember we'd stay after closing almost every weekday night and sing it over and over and over again?

Till we were both hoarse.



How you doing?

Being back here?

Well, you know, Dwayne, I'm not gonna sugarcoat it.

It brings up a lot of bad memories.

But mostly good ones. [LAUGHS]

Can't tell you how glad I am to hear you say that.

Seeing you with Rita and Jimmy, you working at NCIS, owning our bar.

You have no idea how proud you make me.

Thank you.

Cassius would be proud, too.

Mama, Cassius is dead. Dead.

Dead... I know that, Dwayne.

What do you think, I'm having a "moment" or something? I'm not.

And I also know why you brought me back to New Orleans.

You want to spend as much time together, because both of us know I'll forget this song.

Forget singing downstairs.

Forget you.

I want to move back here.

I do. But I'm only gonna get worse.

And if it's too much for you, I understand.

I can stay in Virginia.

We'll schedule that tour for Vista Shores tomorrow.

I think you're gonna like it.

Now, if you feel like you're up for it, there's someone downstairs who wants to say hello.

Well, I mean, that... Let-let's meet your friends.

I like them. They're nice.

Actually, it's a friend of yours.

Clarence Redding.

Red. No.

No, no. I mean, that's impossible.

He's alive, Mama.




This was always one of your favorites, wasn't it?


It still is.


They're quite the pair.

Thank you.

For pushing me.

For always pushing me.


I guess she finally remembered the words.

You okay, Dwayne?


Yes, I think I am.