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05x05 - Perpetual Adoration

Posted: 04/19/20 15:19
by bunniefuu
CLAIRE: Previously...

For his maintenance.

Take care of him.

What aren't you telling me about your man in Scotland?

He's Bree's real father, and I told her when we were in Scotland.

KNOX: I admire a man who puts duty and honor above all else.

It's only civility that keeps us all from k*lling one another.

What have you done?

You ex*cuted a man without trial!

Stick out your tongue.

Kezzie. His tonsils are as infected as his brother's.

Then you must return with him to the Ridge.

- You will escort Claire home.
- What about the militia?

I made ye a captain without time to teach ye what the word meant.

[sweeping orchestral music]

JAMIE: Couldna tell ye at the wedding.
I wanted to be certain.

Confirmed sightings of Bonnet in Wilmington.

[man yells]

CHANTER: ♪ All glory and honor is yours ♪

♪ Forever and ever ♪

♪ Amen ♪

[melancholy music]

CLAIRE: How many times have I put my hopes, my fears,

my secret longings

into the hands of a being I can't see,

can't hear,

can't even feel?

And how many times have my prayers been answered?

[gasping softly]

[warm music]

[footsteps tapping]

What is it?

Come and look.

It's paintbrushes.



Ye found it?


I think what we're supposed to say is "eureka."


Uh, what does that mean?


It means, well, "I've found it."


Well, uh, eureka, Claire.


Ye found yer penicillin.


CHOIR: ♪ Sing me a song ♪

♪ Of a lass that is gone ♪

♪ Say, could that lass ♪

♪ Be I? ♪

♪ Merry of soul ♪

♪ She sailed on a day ♪

♪ Over the sea ♪

♪ To Skye ♪

♪ Billow and breeze ♪

♪ Islands and seas ♪

♪ Mountains of rain and sun ♪

♪ Mountains of rain and sun ♪

♪ All that was good ♪

♪ All that was fair ♪

♪ All that was me ♪

♪ Is gone ♪

♪ Sing me a song ♪

♪ Of a lass that is gone ♪

♪ Say, could that lass ♪

♪ Be I? ♪

♪ Merry of soul ♪

♪ She sailed on a day ♪

♪ Over the sea ♪

♪ To Skye ♪

WOMAN: ♪ Sing me a song ♪

♪ Of a lass ♪

♪ That is gone ♪

♪ Say, could that lass ♪

♪ Be I? ♪

CLAIRE: Time is a lot of the things that people say God is.

There's the preexisting and having no end.

There's the notion of being all-powerful,

because nothing can stand against time,

not mountains, not armies.

Give anything enough time, and everything is taken care of:

all pain encompassed, all hardship erased,

all loss subsumed.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

Remember, Man, thou art dust,

and unto dust thou shalt return.

And if time is anything akin to God,

I suppose that memory must be the devil.

BRIANNA: Sorry I'm late.

That's all right.

Plenty of time to get to the restaurant.

Lunch at Jeveli's.

One of us must have done something good.


Is everything okay?

You sounded kind of weird on the phone.


Actually, I... [sighs]

I just lost a patient.

Oh, wow. I'm sorry.

He had an allergic reaction to penicillin.

Don't we have tests for that?


He tested negative.

The probability of a false positive is less than %.

It's very rare.

Unfortunately, he was part of that percentile.


I guess you never really know what's coming, do you?

[melancholy music]

No, you don't.

ROGER: Did you... enjoy yourself?

Aye, Captain.


Well, I'm delighted to have pleased you, Mrs. Mac.

But if it's a military man who takes your fancy...

[with English accent] Methinks you sell yourself short, my darling.

Accent hasn't improved much, I see.

[laughs] No.

If yer father agreed with you, I'd be out leading the charge, not sent home from Brownsville.

The Brownsville thing doesn't seem that bad to me.

Mama said people were actually singing and dancing when they arrived.


You know how to get through to people.

It's no wonder they loved you at Oxford.

Well, you know, I had time to think on my long ride home.

There are already universities established here.

Harvard, Yale...

MacKenzie University.

[laughs] There's no MacKenzie University.

Not yet, but then...

That's not a bad idea, actually.

I could teach math.

Honestly, I was just passing time, thinking about the old days.

Things being what they are...

Anyway, I gave my oath to your father to be in his militia, and those words mean something to him... and to me.



[thunder rumbling]

[horse neighs]

[uneasy music]

Not the cordial welcome I'd expect.

Friendly buggers, aren't they?

Yeah, they think we're Regulators.

MAN: We don't want trouble again.

If you've come to violate the king's peace, there's a brigade of redcoats at hand, ready to give ye a sound thrashing.

We've no quarrel with you, neighbor.

On the contrary.

Colonel James Fraser of Rowan County Militia, assembled according to Governor Tryon's orders.

Then we welcome you and bless you for your kindness.

Not kindness alone.

Governor Tryon has promised

shillings for every man who enlists.

Is there anyone here willing to take up arms and join us?

[laughter, men muttering]

Is that what our lives are deemed to be worth?

There's no price that can be put upon a man's bravery.

No doubt the strength of spirit speaks louder than the strength of body.

We do aim to keep you in good spirits, however, with our shops and the like.

The redcoats are benefiting from our hospitality as we speak.

Where are they?

William Reed's Ordinary.

[indistinct chatter]

[men cheering]

JAMIE: Uh, buy a cask of rum, have the garrison make camp, and let them drink till the barrel runs dry.

Say no more, Colonel.
Your command is our wish.

Ah. Did I not tell you the colonel would arrive as promised?

And with daylight to spare.

And wi', uh, a few more men to stand wi' us, Lieutenant.

or so.

Oh. Fetch them both some ale.

A little barbaric, I know, but in the absence of more tangible pursuits...

He leaves no trace.

A shadow in the dark, that one.


I'm glad to see you, but there is some unfortunate news I must share...

From Governor Tryon.

The governor intends to pardon the leaders of the Regulator movement.

Full pardons... for everyone?


After everything we've done, the progress we've made...

He makes no mention of why he'd order such a thing?


Appeasement, perhaps.

But I worry.

Will it not make us look foolish or cowardly, even, in the eyes of our subordinates?

Aye, mebbe.

As you know, I did something... excessive in the jail.

I cannot face knowing that it might have been for nothing.

Maybe it's for the best.

Every man deserves a second chance.

But if you had taken the life of an incarcerated man...

You must ask the Lord's forgiveness and receive it.

Trust me.

There will be other battles to fight.

Yes, uh, I'm glad to be able to call you a friend and to confide in you.

It's a shame.

I am still holding on to one small hope.

I'm expecting a letter which may give an indication as to Fitzgibbons' whereabouts.

What d'ye mean?

I petitioned the magistrate for the prisoner rolls at Ardsmuir.

I discovered Fitzgibbons was once incarcerated there.

You believe there may be fellow prisoners residing here in the colonies that might be hiding him?

[uneasy music]

Leave no stone unturned.


As ye say...

'tis all for naught.

Here, have a go.


Uh, the pardon doesna extend to the man's image, then?


This may be as close as we come.



Between the eyes, Colonel.

CLAIRE: As a child, I used to stare at spiderwebs,

watching and waiting for an insect to become caught.

While part of me was horrified by watching the death throes,

I was mesmerized by the way the tiniest vibrations in the web

would signal the spider that her prey was near.

I wonder, is time God's eternal web,

silk strands stretching through time,

the mildest touch setting off vibrations

that echo through the eons?

Well, it's about time.

Is that cigarette smoke?

[sniffs] I don't smell anything.

You need to give those up.

You certainly are chipper this morning.

Giving the nurses a run for their money, I hear.

I can't help it if Nurse Jeffries has taken a shine to me.

[chuckles softly]

Go on, give it to me straight, and no doctor mumbo-jumbo, eh?

All right.

You have gallstones.


- Mm.
- Is that it?

I thought you were going to use the C word, cancer.

Well, there is another C word I have to use, unfortunately.

Cholangitis, an infection in your bile ducts.

I can treat that with an antibiotic, but the gallstones are rather large, too large to pass naturally.

You'll need a cholecystectomy, surgery to remove the gallbladder.

Dr. Randall...

Randall, that's a good English name, that...

It's my married name.

What you're proposin' seems quite personal to me.

Be nice if we were on a first-name basis.

Mr. Menzies, I do need you to keep focused.


See, I can tell a Scot when I see one.

You have some Scottish blood running through you somehow.

I consider myself American these days.

Ah, no shame in it.

I married a Yank as well.

He wasn't a Yank, actually.

She passed away.

My Olivia.

Would you believe, lived here for more than years, and still no one understands a damn word I'm saying?

[gentle music]

You have a knack for getting me off topic.


May I go back to discussing your surgery without interruption, please?

If ye must. [grunts]

The incision is generally between five and seven inches in the upper right section of your belly, just below the ribs.

You're gonna gut me like a fish, then?

Yes, but first, I'd like to start you on a course of antibiotics to treat the infection.

I'll have Nurse Jeffries run some preliminary tests for allergies and such.

I don't suppose there are any other options.

I'm afraid not.

Well, let's go on with it, then.

[sighs] It's but one more scar, nothing worth broodin' over.

No swollen tongue or lips.

No rash... or hives.

Congratulations, Kezzie.

It appears you're not allergic to penicillin.

So the mold worked?

As far as I can tell.

What? Ye dinna sound certain, Claire.

Well, the test isn't always reliable.

Aye, but ye think all will be well?

Everything you do as a doctor involves risk.

Even after you've done everything you can, there could still be unforeseen complications, sometimes even fatal.

The more you can do to alleviate the risk, the greater the chance to save the patient.


Now, this dose... should start the fight against the infection.

Bring over the other sterilized instruments, please.

All right, Kezzie. Drop your britches.


[uneasy music]


Lizzie, put the sheet on him.

Mr. Bug, hold his shoulders tight.



This will start to take effect quickly.

Lizzie, keep the lantern close by.

Uh, yes, Mistress.

CLAIRE: Open wide.


Well, I'm going to work quickly, but you need to keep very still.

Head up.


Right, just as we practiced.



[Kezzie groans]


Keep the tongue depressed.

[Kezzie groans]


Head up. Hold that in there.

Right, I'm going to have to cauterize the tissue.


This can be the tricky part.

- [tissue hisses]
- [groaning]

CLAIRE: There.


[relieved music]



Lizzie, you can open your eyes now.

Holy mother of God.

CLAIRE: Are you all right?

[serene music]

You're very, very brave, Kezzie.

Now, you need to get your rest.

Lizzie, can you clean him up and put him to bed?

- Mm...
- CLAIRE: No, don't try to talk.

You'll hurt yourself.

He insists on stayin' while ye do the same for me.

Then I suppose we should get started.

[baby squalling]

Jem, look, look.

Hey, Jem, look.


CLAIRE: Is God the spider,

embracing us through our death and resurrection,

or is he simply the spinner of the web,

watching as the silk shimmers and vibrates

through the cosmos...

[disquieting music]

Awakening the real spiders,

the ones lurking deep within the recesses

of our own natures?

I was going to wager this rare beauty.

Double or quits the last card.

Women will do anything for trinkets, coins, jewels.

Anything at all.

They're yours for a pretty penny...

or a diamond... or a ring.

My lass is more concerned wi' words and deeds.

Is that so?

Since you've no need of the gemstone, perhaps you'll be more satisfied with my pearls of wisdom.

Women are but a tax we men pay on pleasure.

Did you not play the ace of hearts in the last hand?

You're mistaken.

It must have been the ace of diamonds.

[slams table]

You're a wise man, Mr. MacKenzie.

[uneasy music]

I wanted to make mushroom soup.

Didn't think I'd be gone so long.

I was looking for chanterelles but couldn't find any.

[baby coughs and fusses]

Was he a handful?

What is this?

It's Bonnet's, isn't it?

I wanted to tell you about this, but...


I was afraid you wouldn't understand.

Try me.

You know that I went to Wilmington to see him.

What you said was, you went to see him hanged.

I did, but...

When I got there, I...

I felt like I needed to see him in person.

So you spoke to him, there, in jail?


That's when he gave me the diamond.

And you kept it?

A gift... from Bonnet?

I kept it for Jemmy, so that one day, he could go back through the stones.

R-Roger, that's his ticket home.

It's our ticket home.

[tense music]

Why, though?


The Stephen Bonnet I knew wouldn't give up this diamond to save his own mother's life.

[melancholy music]

[breathes raggedly]




Because I told him Jemmy was his.

He-he was gonna die, and I thought that it would be of comfort for him to know there'd be something of his left in this world.

Roger, I am so sorry.

I am so sorry.

I-I didn't know if you were coming back, and I was scared, and I was grieving for you.

They were just words, words you were never, ever meant to hear.

Words have consequences.

All these months since I've been back, at the wedding, the blood oath, you were sure the child was Bonnet's.

Roger, how could I ever know for sure that Jemmy is his?

You told him so.

You've never said as much to me.

I didn't think I needed to.

Brianna, what do you truly believe?

In your heart, what do you truly believe?

[door latch clacks]

[door slams]


[church bell ringing]

I don't believe I've seen you at the adoration before.

Were you a friend of Mr. Menzies'?

Claire Randall.

I'm his surgeon, or I would have been.

Graham was a rare individual.

Always brought a smile to my face.

Yes, he was good at that.

Do you mind?

Oh, please.

Did you know him well?

No... not in the typical sense.

To be honest, I'm-I'm not quite sure why I'm here.

Sometimes even strangers can find a way into our hearts.

No, what little I did know of Graham was how sacred he held this time.

[gentle music]

The promise he made to his wife to be here.

Outside the love that God has for his children... that sort of love and devotion between man and wife, there's nothing like it.


He reminded me of someone.

Someone I lost.

No one's lost who's not forgotten.

Perhaps I just needed to be reminded of that.

[insects and birds chirping]

[leaves rustling]

[suspenseful music]


- [gasps]
- Claire!


I thought...

I probably would've missed you, but still.


You're out early.

Ah, I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd be productive, start looking for some goldenseal for the twins' recovery.

I could say the same about you.

Ah, hunting... mostly.

All night?

It's none of my business, of course, but...

But you're not buying the... hunting ruse.

Oh, call it a mother's intuition.

Oh, I wish I had a bit of a husband's intuition.

You haven't been married very long.

Intuition comes with listening and time.

I have time in spades.

Ah, take it from someone with a lot of experience, but marriages aren't always easy.

Well, you and Jamie...

Oh, forgetting.

Jamie wasn't my first husband.

Yeah, Frank and I... no, we had a very complicated marriage.

I'm sorry, Claire.

I-I didn't mean to dredge up old memories.


I don't mind talking about it.

No, in fact, I've... been thinking about that time a lot lately.

Yeah, Frank and I, we...we still managed to make it work for Bree's sake.

But to make it work, you had to lie to Brianna for most of her life about her real father.

Do you ever regret that?


No, what was important was that Bree felt safe and loved by both her parents.

[pensive music]

But telling her the truth about Jamie, that... brought the two of you closer.

It did.

So surely, the moral of the story is, honesty is always the best policy.

Not always.

Sometimes the truth really does hurt.

Brianna was devastated... and angry when I told her that Frank wasn't her real father.

You witnessed that.

There was no way she could've understood the truth as a child.

It was difficult for me as well.

Trying to find the right time to tell her...

And, Roger, don't be careless with the time you have together.

I appreciate your honesty, Claire.

I waded across the creek and found some chanterelles.

I want to explain.

Doesn't... doesn't matter.

I'm sorry, Brianna.

I'm sorry for everything.

There's something else.

Stephen Bonnet is still alive.

[uneasy music]


And he haunts me, Roger.

I see him everywhere.

What's worse is...

Mrs. Bug told me an Irishman approached her and spoke to Jemmy when we went to Woolam's Creek.

That could've been anyone.

And... Mrs. Bug's an old busybody.

That might not have been Bonnet, but...

Lord John confirmed it at our wedding that others have seen him in Wilmington.



I'm not gonna ask you to explain why you didn't tell me.

It doesn't matter. He... doesn't matter.

Because as soon as we know if Jemmy can travel, we'll use Bonnet's gem to leave.

As you said, it's our ticket home.

[indistinct chatter]

A pardon for everyone but Murtagh Fitzgibbons?

Cunning maneuver, isn't it?

Governor Tryon wants to make an example of him.

Well, treasonous behavior of this sort is unforgivable, which is why His Excellency has ordered me to continue the hunt for Fitzgibbons.

I'm relieved to hear it, but, uh, I fear it'll only encourage lawlessness among the Regulators.

Well, we are but humble servants to the law.


Those who follow the path of the righteous shall have their reward.

What will become of the militia?

Uh, you are to stand down and hand over your muster roll.

Then you and your men can disband and go home.

On your way, you'll deliver these pardons to those living in the counties west of Hillsborough.

Oh, I've no standing. I'm no sheriff.

No, but you are Scottish, as are many of the Regulators.

From one Scot to another, the governor would like you to impress upon them his desire to be merciful and... just.


Well, my only regret is not being able to assist you in your hunt for Fitzgibbons.

Allow me to worry about him.

Return to your family.

[somber music]

GRAHAM: You have to promise me one thing.

I'll be back on my feet by Friday at : .

It's my perpetual adoration shift at St. Finbar's.

I have heard tell of that.

Then you'll know that someone must be there at all times so the blessed sacrament is never left alone.

I haven't missed a day since Olivia died.

It's my way of keeping her close.

I like to think it's her way of keeping me close too.

You know, sometimes I feel her presence there.

You remind me of someone I met in Scotland years ago.

We lost touch.

He must have been a fool.


Well, if he was, then I was equally so.


Scotland, eh?

I never stop missing it.

Always planned to get back to the Western Isles.

Well, maybe once you're on the mend.

That time has passed, I'm afraid.

Uh, my wife, Olivia, is buried here, God rest her soul, and I could never leave her.

I will do my best.

I'll get you started on a course of penicillin for the cholangitis.

You'll be ready for surgery tomorrow.

It's a date.



[knock at door]

Ah, Colonel.

Please, come in.

The, uh, muster roll, as requested by the governor.


You'll find every man who pledged his oath to the militia.

Since we're parting ways in the morning, would you consider a game of chess?

You bested me last time.

Please give me the opportunity to even the score.

One game.

That's the spirit.

Sit, please.

Part of me envies you, that you'll soon be home...

resuming a citizen's life.



It's a relief to finally put down the sword and p*stol and pick up the axe and shovel.

Hmm. Mm.

One more soldier lost to the land.

[melancholy music]

He died?

Well, what happened?


Apparently, a penicillin reaction.

I'm sorry, Dr. Randall.

Why wasn't I notified?

I-I-I don't know. I'm new here.

[sharply] Well, that's no excuse. I should've been called.

I-I'm so sorry.

Thought I might find you here.


Joe Abernathy.

Doctor and a detective.

Ah, The Impetuous Pirate.

Just something I picked up at the surgeon's lounge.

Who do you think put it there?

I never took you for a romance novel kind of guy.

Takes my mind off things.

Yours too, I'm guessing.

I must be the talk of the third floor.

The fourth floor by now.

Something about Graham Menzies...

I let myself get attached to the patient.

It happens sometimes.

Jesus, Claire, we're doctors, not robots.

It's not just that.

Do you ever feel as if... as if everything is pointing you towards something but you can't quite put your finger on what it is?

I mean, you can feel it, or you can sense it somehow.

Ah, you're going to think I've come unhinged.

[laughs] Look, there's clearly something on your mind, but in my opinion, the problem isn't in the brain.

The problem is in the heart.

[warm music]

At the risk of sounding... sentimental, had we gone to battle, there's no man I'd have rather had by my side.

That's kind of you.

[chess piece clatters]

'Tis a rare thing in this world to... meet people of a like mind.

- Indeed.
- Hmm.

And I know you share many of my concerns: principally, that men like Fitzgibbons never change.


Our duty is to the law.

We will see justice done.

[exhales sharply]

[knock at door]

Hmm. Excuse me.

Ah, mm-hmm. Thank you.

[tense music]

- For your trouble.
- [coins jingle]

Is that the document you were expecting from Scotland?

Mm, a transcript of the Ardsmuir prison roll after Culloden.

If I present this to the governor and news of it is circulated, then...

You'll find my name on that prison roll.

Oh, I'm certain I will.

I'm certain there is more than one James Fraser in Scotland.



But only one from Broch Tuarach.

It is written here that Fitzgibbons has the surname Fraser.

[exhales sharply]

My godfather.

Fitzgibbons is his middle name.

[dramatic music]

What kind of deceitful devil wears the guise of honor and talks of justice and mercy?

You released those men in Hillsborough.


Everything you did, it was all for his sake.

Believe of me what you will, but Murtagh Fitzgibbons Fraser is a good man.

As God is my witness, I will do what must be done.

Damned if I'll be in league with a traitor.

I'm no traitor.

I've cheated death in the duty of other men's ambitions.

I've got the scars to prove it.

And I've done so without complaint.

But I will not stand by and watch my kin hunted like a dog for protecting those that can't protect themselves.

Tryon will put a rope around your neck.

And tell me, what would you have done in my place?

I would never break my word, betray my oath to king and country.

You will do me the service of standing down while I call for your arrest.

[disquieting music]

First and foremost,

I swore an oath to my family.

Surely you must understand.

You're a good man.

I took a life in that jail, and you stood by and pleaded for mercy on their behalf.

I believed you were a good man.

Which of us is it, then?


Which of us is righteous?


It cannot be both.


[head thunks]

[both grunting]


Forgive me...for not affording you a soldier's death.

[uneasy music]



[cat meows]

Not a word, or I'll throttle ye.

- MAN: Fire! Fire!
- [bell ringing]

[people clamoring]

Fetch a physician!


[mournful music]

JAMIE: Let's go.

Milord, it's-it's Lieutenant Knox.

Yes. Nothing more we can do for him.

[tranquil music]

[horse whinnies]

[both laughing]

- Careful, Sassenach.
- What's wrong?


- [cat meowing]
- Found him in an alley, wanting for his mother's milk.

Mm, couldna leave him behind.

He's been surviving on insects and earthworms.


Took an instant liking to each other, did we no', Adso?


- Is that a name?
- It is.

Was the name of my mother's cat when I was a wee lad.

This one here is identical.


Insects and earthworms.


I bet you'd k*ll for a saucer of milk.

That was my intention.

He can keep the vermin from your surgery.

[laughs] They'd have to be very small vermin.

Ah, he'll grow.


I guess you never really know what's coming, do you?

No, you don't.

Actually, I've been thinking about that a lot lately.

How would you feel about taking a trip to London with me?

- I have finals, and...
- After your exams.

What about the hospital?

Well, I've already requested a leave of absence.

You're taking time off?

Can't believe it.

Why London?

Your father wanted to bring you there before he died.

Let me?

I'd have to cancel my summer classes.

- Uh...
- Please, Bree.

It's important to me that we spend this time together.

[somber music]

- [cat meows]
- Shh.



Thank you for my gift.

I have much to tell you about Hillsborough.

But first, I can see you have something on your mind.

Do you remember me telling you about a... a former patient of mine, Graham Menzies?



Aye, you told me his death was but a rare occurrence.

[laughs softly]

It was.

Do you know what I finally realized after all these years?

Just how much I owe him.

His death had a profound effect on me, so much so that I took a leave of absence from work and went to London with Brianna, and that was where I learned of Reverend Wakefield's passing.

Had we not attended that funeral, we would never have crossed paths with Roger

or... or found you.

[tender music]

Welcome home, Soldier.

God the infinite,

God the merciful,

God the eternal.

Someday, I will stand before God,

and I will receive answers to all my questions

about everything in his universe,

and I do have many questions.

But I won't ask about the nature of time.

I've lived it.