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02x16 - The Atheist Papers

Posted: 04/17/20 13:35
by bunniefuu
Previously on "God Friended Me"...

Aaron worked for some mysterious employer online.

Corey Smith.

Mother's name, Marsha Smith.

The father's name is Alphonse Jeffries.

So either Alphonse has no idea his son is behind the God Account...

Or he lied to us.

I wanted to see if you were interested in getting dinner some time.

I have breast cancer.

Sometimes it's easier to talk to a stranger.

So, how's 7:00 tomorrow?


I get how important Anna's faith was.

Maybe the God Account wanted you to know that it's never too late.

That faith will be there if you ever need it.

♪ ♪ [Upbeat music]

♪ ♪ All right, you two.

While I appreciate your good deed, I also see right through it.

Look, I know it's been a rough couple of days, but that doesn't mean I need 24-hour supervision.

We just thought we'd come early and keep you company.


Consider us free barbacks.


I love you both, but I'm okay!

My stomach seems to have settled.

My energy levels are up.

I'm feeling good.

I'm definitely capable of setting up a few chairs.

Look, I am not going to let cancer dictate my life or slow me down.

Just know it is going to get harder.

And when that happens, promise that you will be careful, and not overdo it.

I promise.

But in the meantime, it's business as usual.

Oh, speaking of.

How's the search for who's behind the God Account going?

Any luck on finding Corey Smith?

Rakesh has been looking into him, but so far, nothing.

Have you heard anything back from Alphonse?

No, apparently he's out of the country on business.

I just can't believe he has a son.

I mean, he never even mentioned Corey.

Which tells me there must be a reason why.



You know, I have a service to get to.

Call me...

if you need anything.

I will.

I will.

Cara, Rakesh, good to see you.

Yeah, you too, Arthur.

If you two are here to help me set up, you can turn right around and go back home.

I'm fine.

Oh, okay.

Well, actually we weren't.

But it's nice to know you're fine.

Oh, good.



Thanks, Ali.

Hey, so I got some info on Corey Smith.

So, he joined the military right out of high school.

Got discharged about ten years ago.

The weird thing is, from that point on, his digital footprint went dark.

And I'm talking no social media, no credit card, no cell phone, nothing.

I'm gonna look into his mom, Marsha.

If I can track her down, maybe she can connect us with Corey?

That would be great.


Yeah, we...

we'd help, but Miles is dragging me to go meet his idol, Daryl Watkins.


Well, it sounds fun.

I'll let you know if I find anything on Corey.

Thank you.

So, what's Daryl reading from?

Uh, it's a preview from his new book.

It drops this summer.

I cannot wait to hear his thoughts on where the atheist movement is headed.

He's, uh, the type of guy whose thoughts really dictate the conversation.

Wow, you really do look up to this guy, huh?


You know after my mom died, I started to question everything I believed in.

And then, in high school, I read his first book, "The Atheist Papers." Changed my life.

It was like he was talking right to me.

You know, it felt like he was telling me it was okay to feel what I was feeling.

And now I get to meet him face-to-face.

And possibly get him to come on the podcast.


How you planning on doing that?

Well, Christina at FreeVerse sent an episode of "The Millennial Prophet" to Daryl's agent, who said she would pass it along to Daryl.

Dude, that would be huge.


This is exactly what I needed.

What do you mean?


Well, after what happened with Anna, I'm starting to feel like the God Account is really pushing this idea of faith on me.

So, getting to meet Daryl has come at a perfect time.

[Light piano music]

♪ ♪ Delivery.


Those are beautiful.

They're from Adam.

Obviously things went well on your date last night.

Things did.

But it was just one date.

Not a big deal.

Does he know that?


Hey, can I ask you something?

You're wondering if you should tell Miles.

Let me answer that for you.


Why not?

Because "A," like you said, it's not a big deal.

And "B," nobody wants to hear about their ex going on a date with someone else.


I guess so.


Where you headed?

Uh, I'm working on a lead for the God Account.

I gotta get going.

I'll see you later?

See you.

♪ ♪ Hey, hey.

There he is.

Miles Finer.

I'm Phoebe Reynolds, Daryl's agent.


I just wanted to say hi.

I listened to an episode of your podcast, and I loved it.

I think you have a big future ahead of you.

If you're interested, we should sit down and talk sometime.

Uh, yes.

I would love to.


Well, in the meantime, you should meet Daryl.

I passed along your episode to him as well.

Uh, yeah.


that would be amazing.

Thank you.


Oh, yeah.


Excuse me.


Daryl, I want to introduce you to Miles Finer.

Uh, it is an absolute pleasure to meet you, sir.

I-I'm a huge fan.

Your work has meant a lot to me.

And I'm not sure if you've had an opportunity to listen to my podcast yet, but I would like to know what you think.

I did listen.

Okay, okay, and?

And it's just not my thing.


Nah, okay, okay.

Can I...

can I ask why?

You wanna know what I didn't like about it?

Please, I would love to know your feedback.

What you're peddling isn't atheism.

This idea of the God Account is just a gimmick to get noticed.

Now, it's creative.

I'll give you that.

But as someone who's trying to elevate the conversation, to win people over through intellectual argument, what you do is quite frankly embarrassing.

Is that enough feedback for you?


that's plenty.

[Laughs awkwardly]

Thank you.

Now, if you'll excuse me.


I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry, bro.

Hey, that's probably why they say you should never meet your heroes, right?

[Cell phone chimes, buzzes]

Guessing there's no reason to stay and hear this reading after that.


Actually, there is.

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪ Believers love syllogisms because it gives them a logical way to prove God exists.

Whatever begins to exist has a cause.

The universe began to exist.

Therefore, the universe has a cause.

Spoiler alert, believers think it's God.


But I could apply that same logic to just about anything.

The New York Giants need a defense.

I can play defense.

Therefore, the Giants need me.

But, until John Mara calls, I guess I'll just have to keep writing.

[Laughter and applause]

I see why you love this guy.

He's awesome.

Other than, you know, the fact that he completely trashed your podcast, and changed your entire perception of him...

pretty good.

Oh, yeah, Rakesh, he didn't just trash my podcast, okay?

He said I was a joke.

And now he's my Friend Suggestion?

I mean, how am I supposed to help him after he said that?

No, no, no, no, no, no.


You're looking at this the wrong way.

The God Account's done you a solid here.

You got Daryl with a problem that only you can fix.

What happens after you fix it?

He's gonna realize you're the real deal, all right?

He's probably gonna be so grateful, he'd jump at the chance of being on your podcast.

You know what?

Maybe you're right.

Maybe this is my chance to prove to him that I can help.


That the God Account and me are legit.

[Indistinct chatter]

I can't go and ask them this.

Do you see how well this reading went?


That chance might come sooner than you think, Miles.


'Kay, well, I'll be right back.

I thought I told you I wasn't interested.

Yeah, well that was before the God Account made you my next Friend Suggestion.


I sh**t you down and your God Account suggests me.

Ah, how convenient.

Okay, look.

I know you think all of this is some kind of hoax.

But it's not, and I'm going to prove that to you.

If the God Account sent me your name, then that must mean you have a problem that I can help you with.

Now maybe it has something to do with your argument that you and Phoebe just had.

You think that's the first time I've had an argument with my agent?


Well, I got news for you, Miles.

Other than the occasional misguided fan, my life is great.

[Pensive music]

♪ ♪ [Sighs]

Guessing he said everything in his life's perfect, right?

And we both know that is not true.

What are you gonna do?

♪ ♪ Phoebe said that she would sit down and talk with me.

Maybe she'll tell me what they were fighting about.

♪ ♪ Hi.

Miles, hi.

Um, thank you for meeting with me.


You said you wanted to talk to me about Daryl.

Uh, yes, um...

The God Account sent me a Friend Suggestion for him.


And I saw you two arguing earlier, and I was hoping maybe you could tell me why.

Look, I know you don't know me, but I figure since you listened to my podcast...

You know how this works.


And you want to help him?

Even after the way he treated you?

He's the reason I believe what I do.

I have admired Daryl ever since I read his first book.

Me too.

Uh, but that ended today.

What are you talking about?

He fired me...

after almost 20 years.

I thought we were friends as much as agent and client...

I am so sorry.

What happened?

Uh, it has to do with his new book, I...

I don't know what's got into him, but suddenly he's making all these demands.

He wanted me to renegotiate his whole deal, and when the publisher threatened to walk, he fired me, just like that.

Okay, well, maybe there's a way to change his mind, you know, get him to rehire you.

No one can change Daryl Watkins' mind.

He's always been stubborn, arrogant, difficult, but reason would always prevail in the end.

Clearly reason has gone out the window.

Look, I know Daryl and I did not get off on the right foot, but maybe I can talk to him, figure out what's going on.

I wouldn't hold your breath.

But if you wanna try, he writes on the third floor of the philosophy library, downtown.


[Light music]

You ready to order, sweetie?

Uh, you're Marsha Smith, right?

I'm sorry.

Do I know you?

No, no.

My name's Cara Bloom.

I'm an online journalist for a magazine called "Catapult." I'm working on a profile of Alphonse Jeffries and your name came up.

I don't have anything to say about him.

Look, I'm sorry if this brings up difficult memories, but I know he was the father of your son, Corey.

And from the research I've done, it doesn't seem like he was in his life.

I'm just trying to understand why.

I think it's best you go.

I'm just trying to get the story right.


It'll only take a minute.


Everyone likes to paint the picture of Alphonse, the self-made man, someone to aspire to be.

But the truth?

He is a selfish narcissist who wanted nothing to do with his own son.

You want to write a story about him?

Be sure to include that.


I will.

If you'll tell me what happened...


Hey, I was raised by a single parent.

I know how hard that can be.

But you managed to raise a son that got into West Point.

You must be proud.

I am.

Not that Corey made it easy.


My son went out of his way to outdo the father who left him behind.

He played football better than Alphonse did, outperformed him in the military, and, unlike Alphonse, who was drafted and then got out as quick as he could to start building his empire, Corey found his calling in the service.

Made it his career.


I-I read that he was discharged 10 years ago.

I need to get back to work.

I'm sorry.

I'm not trying to cause any trouble.

I just thought you might be able to get me in touch with Corey.

No, I can't.

He doesn't live in the States anymore.

Please don't contact me again.

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪ I thought I was stubborn.

You need to find a hobby, kid.

Phoebe told me that I might be able to find you here.

And she also told me that you fired her.

Do me a favor and remind me why that's any of your business.

I am just trying to figure out why the God Account sent me your name.


Now, clearly there is something going on in your life.

I can help.

Yeah, you know how ridiculous you sound running around here, doing the God Account's bidding?

It's just another form of worship.

Face it.

The difference between you and the people who pray at church every week is the word "account." Look...

Maybe I do sound a little ridiculous.


But after helping every single person that the God Account has sent me, seeing people's lives change for the better, I've stopped worrying about how it sounds, and started focusing on helping them...

even when they're someone I've admired for most of my life that a part of me wishes I had never met.

I get that a lot.

So then, why do you want to help me, Miles?

And then don't fall back on the God Account.

Tell me why you want to.

Because you are a man that emerged from Harlem with a voice and an ideology that I needed in a time where I felt lost.

You single-handedly forged the way for me...

For a lot of us.

I'm not that guy anymore.

What are you talking about?

You for real?

You really just want to help me, no strings?

No strings.


I told Phoebe to demand more money from my publisher because I didn't know what else to do.

I didn't know how else to get out of it.

Get out of it?

Why wouldn't you wanna publish your book?

Because there is no new book.

[Dramatic music]


And what you heard today, that's all I have.

That's all I'll ever have.


Because three months ago, I realized I was a fraud, and no matter how much I keep trying, I will never be able to write again.

And you can't help me.

I wish you could.

But it's over.

And so am I.

♪ ♪ I just don't understand it.

How could the guy who wrote the definitive book on atheism suddenly think he's a fraud and unable to write?

Well, writer's block is usually personal.

I mean, trust me.

I know.

Yeah, but something clearly happened three months ago.

You know, there was a moment when he was admitting to me everything that was going on, where I saw real pain.

It was the first time that I saw him as a Friend Suggestion and not my idol.

Okay, so let's help him.

You know, whatever happened must by the key to helping Daryl start writing again.


I'm on it.

Oh, uh, so I talked to Corey's mom today.

Oh, great.

What did she say?

Yeah, she said he was never discharged from the military.

Uh, that's not what his record said.



And when I pressed her about it, she ended the conversation.

You think she's hiding something.

I know she is.

I reached out to our friend, Lieutenant Freemont, asked him to look into Corey.

He wasn't able to find anything except that ten years ago, he was pulled off active duty and classified D-13.

What is D-13?

No idea.

And Freemont's never heard of it either.

But his best guess was that it might have to do with national security, probably something within the Department of Defense.

Hey, uh, Rakesh, do you think you can ask Zack if he knows something from when he interned at the DOD?

Yeah, you mean my new super-intern?

That kid is better than half the people on my team.

It shouldn't be a problem.


[Keys clacking]

Wait, guys.

Uh, this is interesting.

Three months ago, Daryl was on a panel at Colombia, debating religion with a reverend named Valerie Lopez, and check this out.

"Epic takedown by Reverend Lopez." "Watkins is speechless." I mean, based on these comments, it seems like the rev kind of...

destroyed him.

Yeah, that seems like something that could have shaken his confidence.

Yeah, but he's been on panels before and in some pretty hostile debates.

I don't see what could have happened to shake him so badly he would stop writing.

Yeah, but seems like he cancelled quite a few speaking engagements after that.

I mean, he hasn't done a panel since.

There's no harm in asking him about it.


Daryl is not going to open up to me at this point.

Well, there is someone who might know what happened that night.

Reverend Valerie Lopez.

If you're here to ask me about the coding update, I finished it two hours ago.

And yes, it's awesome.

Hmm, I see he hasn't lost his confidence.

Yeah, who knew coders could be so full of themselves?

Yeah, it's a real surprise.

What's up?

Uh, Cara and I need a favor.


You need a favor, huh?

From little old me?

Okay, I'm tracking down a lead that might tie back to the DOD.

I'm wondering if you might be able to put me in touch with someone who knows what a D-13 military discharge is?

Well, lucky for you, I can put you in touch with someone right now, 'cause I already know what it means.

You do?

Yeah, um, when I was snooping around the DOD, I saw memos about various recruitment classifications.

D-13 refers to someone who's been transferred to a more covert area of our nation's government.

You know...


So, I take it you're looking for someone who's classified D-13.

Yeah, his name's Corey Smith and we really need to find him.

Okay, well, there's two ways to find out where he landed.

Which are?

Well, you could hack into the DOD.


But I know how you guys feel about that, so.

And two?

I have a friend there I can ask.

What friend?

It's better you don't know.

[Indistinct chatter]

Thank you.

Reverend Lopez.


My name is Miles Finer.

Hi, Miles.

You a parishioner here?


No, no, but, uh, from the looks of things, you seem to really have an impact on yours.



Today's a special service, so attendance had a boost.

What can I do for you, Miles?

Well, I'm actually here because of Daryl Watkins.

I'm sorry.

What is this about?

He's been having a tough time since the panel he was on with you at Colombia, Is that so?

Yeah, and I was hoping maybe you could tell me why.

I'm really not interested in talking about Daryl.

Look, I understand how Daryl can be.

Believe me.

But he stopped writing, and his career is more or less hanging in the balance.

And I know that you have different opinions, but his voice really means a lot to people...

To me.

So, I'm just trying to figure out what happened that night at the debate.

It's not about what happened that night.

It's about what happened afterward.

What do you mean?

We fell in love.

[Dramatic music]

Not what I was expecting.

Neither was I.

After the debate, we went for coffee, started talking, and, as crazy as it sounds, we just clicked, an instant attraction.

In the weeks following, I admit, I was completely swept off my feet.

I've never felt that way about anyone.

So, what happened?

We broke up.

That's why Daryl stopped writing.

He's heartbroken.

I doubt that.

Daryl is the one that broke up with me.

I haven't seen him since.

So, why would he break things off?

I just assume that, deep down, he couldn't see past my belief in God.

But he never explained why.

♪ ♪ You're still in love with him.

It doesn't matter.

It's too late.

♪ ♪ So, an atheist falls in love with a reverend.


I mean, if that isn't a movie already, someone needs to write it.


You really think he'd walk away just because she believes in God?

I do!

I mean, this is Daryl Watkins.

And for him, there is no God, period, and anyone who believes otherwise is intellectually delusional.

His words, not mine.

Damn straight.

[Both laugh]

So what are you gonna do?

Well, I left a message saying that I spoke with Valerie, and asked him to meet me here.

Hopefully he'll come down.

[Cell phone chimes, buzzes]

And what is that look for?

It's Emily confirming our date for tonight.

She scored us a table at David Chang's newest restaurant.

Well, that is a very hard reservation to get.

Yeah, she wanted to make sure we got all of our dinners in before I completely lose my appetite.

She sounds great.

And I can't wait to meet her.

Also, I can't remember the last time you were this excited over someone.

Neither can I.

Who the hell do you think you are, talking to Valerie?


I'm gonna go.

You think your God Account gives you the right to go digging into my life?

Look, I'm sorry, okay?

I apologize.

I was just trying to figure out why you stopped writing.

I told you why I stopped writing.

I also told you you couldn't help me.

Just because Valerie believes in God, doesn't mean that you two can't be together.

Thanks for the insight, Miles.

Do you still love her?

[Dramatic music]


I thought so.

And by talking to her, it's very clear that she is still in love with you.

So, how about you just get past it, so you can start writing again?

It's not that simple.

Daryl, yes.

Yes, it is.

♪ ♪ You've read my books, Miles.

I pride myself on one thing...

intellectual honesty.

I've always said if I ever even found one shred of proof that God existed, that I would be forced to reconsider my views.

What are you saying?

I'm saying I didn't break up with Valerie because she believed in God.

I broke things off with her because I realized...

I might be starting to.

♪ ♪ Wait, I don't...

I don't understand.

You're saying you believe in God?


No, I'm...


[Contemplative music]

I'm saying I'm lost.

♪ ♪ [Sighs]

When I met Valerie...

My life changed overnight.

I fell in love in a way that I didn't know was possible.

I was able to talk to her...

Not debate...


You know, occasionally I'd even listen.


One night I told her that if she had proof that God existed, that she should share it with me.

She said she did.


She told me love was the proof.

That what I was feeling was proof.

Yeah, Daryl, I don't think love is proof of God.

I mean, I've been in love before, and I didn't start believing.

You don't think I thought the same thing?

But for whatever reason, something inside of me shifted.

I don't know why, and I can't shake it.

All I can do is hope, over time, that I can find my way back to being who I was...

which is why I can never see Valerie again.

♪ ♪ I can't believe it.

He's actually worried he might start to believe.

Just because Daryl is questioning things, doesn't mean he's going to change his beliefs.

And if he does?

I mean, Daryl Watkins laid the foundation for everything I know to be true...

how I see the world.

And if he's suddenly open to the possibility that there might be a higher power...

that he might be wrong...

[Reflective music]

Where does that leave me?

It leaves you where you've always been.

Your beliefs are your beliefs.

No one can change your beliefs but you.

Trust me.


I've tried.

Dad, I'm just not sure what to do here.

Well, I-I think it's perfectly clear.


Yeah, the...

the bishop of New York wants me to tell the face of modern day atheism it's okay to believe in God?

It's not me, it's the God Account.

♪ ♪ You know, Dad, it feels like it's sending me people not just to help them, but...

But what?

To get me to believe in God.

First, it wanted me to give Anna Combs her faith back rather than save her life.

Now, it wants me to tell my hero that it's okay to question everything he believes.

You told me the God Account wanted you to become its prophet.

Prophets are tested.

Maybe this is the test that you're gonna have to face.

But if it wants me to start believing in God...


That's not gonna happen.

Miles, I can't tell you what your path holds.

All I know is Daryl needs help, and you have a way to do that.

Now, it's clear that Daryl loves Valerie, and if accepting the possibility that God exists allows him to be with the woman he loves...

♪ ♪ Isn't that worth it?

So, Zach's gonna be here any minute.

He said his friend found something.

Okay, yeah.

Sounds great.

Hey, can I ask you something?


What's up?

So I went on a date with Adam.

[Light music]

Wow, okay.

Uh, Cara, that is more of a statement.

Yeah, well, um.

I'm thinking about going out with him again.

Parker said not to tell Miles.

What do you think?

Yeah, I think she's right.


I would have thought for sure you'd say to tell him.

Cara, like, when Jaya was going on her fake dates while we were still together, I was losing my mind, and those were fake.

Like, trust me, nobody wants to hear who their ex is going out with.

And I'm not saying never tell him.

I'm just saying don't do it until there's actually something to tell.

Hey, boss.

So my friend at the DOD, who will remain nameless, was able to get his hands on the Corey Smith discharge file.

Check it.

[Investigative music]

Uh, okay, well, most of this file has been redacted.

How is that supposed to help us?

Okay, you need to flip to the last page.

It lists the location of Corey's new posting.

♪ ♪ New York City.

His mom lied to us.

She said he was living overseas.

But why would she do that though?

Because she was protecting him.

Now that we know he's in town, can you find him?

Cara, if I could have found him, I would have already.

We're just gonna have to find another way.

Actually, I may know one.

♪ I wish I could tell you ♪ ♪ All my papers piled ♪ ♪ And then you would only kiss everyone in the sky ♪ Hey.


♪ ♪ ♪ Who I am ♪ What was that for?


Do I need a reason?

Guess not.


Oh, hey, we should probably head out if we want to get there in time.

Plus, I may have a little surprise planned for after.

Well, let's go.

[Both laugh]


[Dramatic music]

You okay?

♪ ♪ Sorry, I just...

I got a little dizzy there for a second.

Okay, well, can I get you anything?

No, no, I'm good.


I think I just got up too fast.

Hey, let's not push it.

You know, we could just keep it low key.

Stay here.

No way.

We have a reservation at David Chang's.

I hear it's overrated.

I appreciate the undersell.


But I am fine.

Besides, I have been looking forward to this.

Let's go.

[Warm music]

♪ ♪ If you're looking for an autograph, you're gonna be disappointed.

Page 56.

"Show me a force that causes more pain and suffering than religion itself.

Show me the good outweighs the harm and that we are better for it and not worse." I'd tell you to go away, but at this point that doesn't seem likely.

Your entire career, you have said that believing in God causes nothing but pain and suffering, and yet, here you are, heartbroken and miserable.

[Gentle music]

♪ ♪ What am I supposed to do?

Like you just said, I have spent my entire adult life defining myself by my beliefs.

Atheism has always been my true north, and if I...

Somehow ended up actually believing in God, I wouldn't know who I was anymore.

Look, I get it.

Change can be terrifying.

But that's what love...

real love...


It changes you.

And you know what?

That's okay.


You have been trying to bottle these feelings up, and it hasn't worked, so the way I see it, you have two options.

Option one: You can continue to be miserable and alone in an existential crossroads, or you can go be with the woman you love...

And figure it out...


♪ ♪ Uh, 'scuse me, sir.

We're looking for Valerie Lopez.

Is she here?

Sorry, she's not here.

Do you know where she went?

It's important.

Oh, I'm sorry, but Reverend Lopez went on a mission to South America today.

Do you have any idea how long she's gonna be gone?


Two years.

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪ [Reflective music]

Two atheists sitting in a church...

Gotta be a punch line to that.


♪ ♪ I'm so sorry.

I really thought things were gonna work out.

I mean, when it comes to the God Account, they usually do.

You have nothing to be sorry about.

Yeah, but Valerie is gone.

Yes, but I was so afraid of opening myself up to the possibility of believing in God that I lost sight of what was important.

You've just reminded me.

Atheism was always about being true to myself, and if there's one thing I know to be true, it's that I love Valerie.

♪ ♪ So what do you say?

I'm saying South America doesn't sound so bad, does it?


You gonna go after her?

Well, you said it yourself, Miles.

Love changes you, and that's okay.

[Phone buzzing]

It's my dad.


Hey, Dad, what's up?

[Dramatic music]

Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah...

I'll be...

I'll be right there.

♪ ♪ Hey, Ali, are you okay?

I'm fine.

Don't worry.

Feeling much better.

Okay, well, what happened?


Emily and I were on our date.

We made it to the restaurant, but not quite to appetizers.

Before we could order, I passed out.

And Emily had to call an ambulance.

Oh, Ali, I'm so sorry.

The doctors are running tests now.

They think it's probably just exhaustion, nothing more than a reaction to the chemo, but you guys were right.

I have been pushing myself too hard.

Look, I am glad to know that you are okay.

But can you please promise us that you will start taking it easy?

I promise.

And I'm sorry for scaring you.

Oh, it's okay, sweetheart.

But, look, the good news is, I will be out of here in a few hours.

And you can sleep in our spare room tonight if you'd like.

I'll call Trisha and have her make you up a bed?

That would be nice.

Hey, is there anything I can do?

Actually, can you do me a favor?


Emily's in the waiting room.

Can you tell her I'll call her later?

You, uh...

you sure you don't want to tell her yourself?


Please, just...

do this for me.




It's a pleasure to finally meet you, though I wish it wasn't in a hospital waiting room.

Uh, yeah, me too.

How's she doing?


Uh, the doctors just think it's exhaustion.

They're running a few tests, but she should be home in a few hours.


Can I see her?

Actually, she wanted me to come out and tell you that she'll be calling you later.

She's not gonna call me, is she?

[Melancholy music]

I don't know.

♪ ♪ I get it.

You know, with everything going on right now, Ali needs the closest people in her life.

She, um, doesn't have room for anyone else.

♪ ♪ Tell her I hope she feels better.

♪ ♪ [Curious music]


I followed Corey's mom to Brooklyn.

She's in some building called the National Sewing Company.

And you really think she'll lead you to where Corey works?

I hope so.

When I called her and told her about Corey's transfer in D-13, she hopped in a cab and came right here.

You're like a secret agent.


Yeah, I am.

Hey, she's leaving now.

I'll let you know what I find.


A thank you drink for my trusty intern.

And by drink, I mean a Shirley Temple.

Thanks, boss.

[Bell jingles]

Oh, hey, Cara.

How'd it go?

Did you, uh, find Corey?

Ah, no.

It was a dead end.

The building his mom went into is some sewing shop?

Sewing shop?


Are you talking about the National Sewing Company?


How did you know that?

Because it's not a dead end.

What do you mean?

I mean, I know who Corey's working for.

[Curious music]

Okay, guys, when I was working at the DOD, I heard plenty of whispers about this place.

It's just a front for DARPA.

♪ ♪ It's a government agency responsible for overseeing the development of emerging technology for the military.

Wait, Zack, are you saying that the God Account could be a massive government experiment?

That's exactly what I'm saying.

♪ ♪ I mean, I could look into things further if you want.

Yeah, thanks.


I'm gonna supervise.

You okay?

Uh, yeah, it's just been a rough couple of days.

How's Ali doing?

You know, she's feeling better.

I just know that it's gonna get harder.

But, thanks to you, we're one step closer to getting some answers and potentially saving her.

I really hope so.

Me too.

More than anything.

Um, but look, I have to go.

[Phone buzzes]

I'm meeting Daryl at my place.

[Text dings]

What is it?

[Gentle music]



Well, I'll see you tomorrow?

Yeah, see you tomorrow.

♪ I ain't gotta take it up with anyone ♪ That's right, ladies and gentlemen, I am sitting across from my latest Friend Suggestion, the man who changed everything for me, none other than Daryl Watkins.

Aw, thank you, Miles.

Pretty sure neither one of us thought we'd be sitting here like this after we first met.

[Both laugh]

Well, I'd say we both went on quite the journey.


One that involved love and the lengths that we would go for it.

Now who knew atheists were such saps?

[Both laugh]

Now you were just saying that you had some news to share on the show.


Mic is all yours.

♪ ♪ Well, as most of you know, I'm about to start my latest book, and, uh, I hit a little detour.


But, uh, I think I'm back on track, just with maybe a slightly different take on things.

Ah, so what can we expect?

Well, like all my work, its foundation is in intellectual honesty, and, if I'm being honest, I have to say that for the first time in my life, I am open to the possibility that God exists.


And I know it wasn't easy to help me.

Yeah, well, you know, I just do the God Account's bidding.


[Both laughing]

You know, I've been thinking a lot about who's behind it.

Well, that is the million dollar question.

What if the answer's been staring at you the whole time?

♪ ♪ What are you saying?

Maybe the only difference between God and the God Account is one word.

♪ ♪ "Account." ♪ ♪ [Curious music]

♪ ♪