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05x04 - The Company We Keep

Posted: 04/17/20 13:29
by bunniefuu
CLAIRE: Previously...

- You need more men.
- I'll leave tomorrow.

I will promise to stand by your side,

Colonel Fraser, sir.

Confirmed sightings of Bonnet in Wilmington.

- Bree doesn't know, does she?
- JAMIE: No.

Kezzie and I are indentured to a man who lives not far from here.

Take these lads and the rest of the company and continue to Brownsville.

Claire and I will go see this Mr. Beardsley.

- I must speak with your husband.
- Husband's dead.

I would like to purchase yer two bond servants.

Keep 'em. I got no use for 'em.

- [wheezing]
- [gasps]

You said he was dead.

He struck me, and then he fell, and I couldn't move him.

- [gasping]
- [liquid splatters]

Baby's father is black.

You hear that? She isn't yours.

- Fanny?
- She's not coming back.

She left the deed with the baby.

And indenture papers.

CHOIR: ♪ Sing me a song ♪

♪ Of a lass that is gone ♪

♪ Say, could that lass ♪

♪ Be I? ♪

♪ Merry of soul ♪

♪ She sailed on a day ♪

♪ Over the sea ♪

♪ To Skye ♪

♪ Billow and breeze ♪

♪ Islands and seas ♪

♪ Mountains of rain and sun ♪

♪ Mountains of rain and sun ♪

♪ All that was good ♪

♪ All that was fair ♪

♪ All that was me ♪

♪ Is gone ♪

♪ Sing me a song ♪

♪ Of a lass that is gone ♪

♪ Say, could that lass ♪

♪ Be I? ♪

♪ Merry of soul ♪

♪ She sailed on a day ♪

♪ Over the sea ♪

♪ To Skye ♪

WOMAN: ♪ Sing me a song ♪

♪ Of a lass ♪

♪ That is gone ♪

♪ Say, could that lass ♪

♪ Be I? ♪

[horse whinnies]

[thunder rumbling]

Halloo the house!


Do not move.

I'm Captain Roger MacKenzie,

in command of a militia serving under

Colonel James Fraser of Fraser's Ridge.

MAN: We saw you up the road, Morton, you bastard.

[dramatic music]

You'll pay for what you did!

- [g*nsh*t]
- [man yells]

- [horse whinnies]
- [grunts]

[men shouting]


[men clamoring]


- [panting]
- [g*nsh*t]

What do you want with Morton?

None of your concern.

Hand him over.


Do you think they're Regulators?

Well, not unless Morton's secretly a corrupt tax collector in disguise.

- [door thuds]
- Isaiah!

I'm sorry. I had to tell.

I couldn't marry Elijah Ford. [sobs]

Please, Isaiah, say you'll do right by me.

- Don't hurt him!
- MEG: Alicia!

I'd rather die than be without him!

Have a shred of dignity.


Shouting for all the world to hear of your shame.

[sobs] Isaiah.


[sighs] What can we do? What can we do?


Oh, Lord, give me courage.

- [g*nsh*t]
- [both panting]


I suppose we better do as they ask.


Turn Morton over to them?




We're gonna need some
of that whisky, Fergus.

Oh, are you sure?

- [g*nshots]
- Oh.

Aye, and get a full bottle, please.


A bit of Dutch courage is all we need.

Aye, Captain.

- [g*nsh*t]
- Stand down.

[breathes heavily] Stand down.

[bright music]

- [cart clacking]
- [horse chuffs]


How was town, Mistress?

- It was good... and busy.
- Oh.

We got paper and books, fabrics, linen, cotton.

Oh, canna wait to see them.

And something a little special for you.

- For me?
- Mm-hmm.

You'll smell like orange blossom.

Thank you, Mistress.

MURDINA: Now, let's go inside and, uh, make stew and dumplings.

- What do you think, Mr. Bug?
- [baby cries]

Go all that way to town for sugar,

and it's savory dumplings again?

MURDINA: Well, we all know you're sweet enough.

ARCH: Ugh, stop your nonsense.

Mrs. Bug... where did Jemmy get this?

MURDINA: While you were collecting the post, a man ruffled Jemmy's hair and gave him a coin.

Did he say anything?

He said, "What a handsome lad," and, uh, did he take after his mother or his father?

And then just gave him a coin?

He say anything else?

He was Irish, you see.

So, of course, once they get talking about this and that, it can take all day, but...

What did he look like?

A gentlemen, he was, fair and strong.

Did he have a scar here?

I'm sorry. I dinna recall.

I hope you don't think I would ever let the bairn come in harm's way.

No, no, I-I know.

I just know all about the Irish gift of the gab, that's all.

Don't want Jemmy's mind filled with superstitious nonsense about luck.

- Let's forget about it.
- Aye.

I'll call you when the stew's ready.

[dramatic music]


Um, with so many away from the Ridge,

I think maybe we should move into the big house with everyone.

Aye, mistress.

It is nice to have company.

[ominous music]

[indistinct chatter]

[sobbing] Isaiah.

[tense music]


How much for a cask?

We'll buy some, and you can be on your way.

Will you oblige me and have a little more?

What are you, whisky merchants?

Heh, no. No, no.

As I was saying earlier, we are militiamen

charged by Governor Tryon to march against the Regulators.


[men murmuring]


[exhales sharply]

Well, it's tolerable, I'll admit. [grunts]

Then perhaps I can propose a toast... hmm?

To the men of Brownsville and to the men of the Fraser's Company.

[indistinct chatter]

Au courage.

[indistinct chatter]

We've come to notify you of your obligation to provide men.

Heh. "Obligation"?

Or opportunity, I should say.

shillings and two shillings every day thereafter for each man.

The only present obligation I have is to my daughter...

[melancholy music]

And these men here, who'll break that boy's neck without hesitation

if I give the word.

What could a young lad like Morton possibly have done that can't be resolved over a drink?

That bastard's cost me a fortune.

I had a match arranged with my daughter.

Elijah Ford brought with him almost acres and a decent trade in tobacco.

I tell her the news and she weeps, refusing to be wed because Morton got to her first.

Ford won't marry a harlot.

Maybe Morton isn't as fine a match, but would you consider him a suitor?

He's dishonored my daughter.

Now, I told her I'd see him dead at her feet if ever he dared show his wretched countenance within miles of Brownsville.

And damn my eyes

if that grass-livered spittle-snake hasn't the face to ride right up to my door.

You and your men can stay the night.

But when you go on your way tomorrow, Morton won't be joining you.

[insects and birds chirping]

[baby cries]


She's a bonnie wee thing.

[chuckles] She is.

To see ye with a bairn, Sassenach.

I could watch ye hold her all day.

[baby fusses]

I hope we're not too far from Brownsville.

She won't do well on goat's milk alone.

[goat bleats]

JAMIE: We should be there before dusk.

Dinna fash.

We'll find someone to nurse wee "Bonnie."

[goat bleats]

And what then?

Do we bring a newborn all the way to Hillsborough?

I'm not sure it's the best way to put the fear of God into the Regulators, unless they're afraid of a few dirty diapers.


The surest way to send any man scurrying for cover.


[baby fussing]

[indistinct chatter]

FERGUS: Some of the men, Robertson, Morrison, and a few others... are gone.

Gone? What do you mean gone? Gone where?

They don't respect what you did.

What I did?

- Well, I had to do something.
- I know, and I agree.

But they didn't.
I'm-I'm-I'm sorry. I tried.

Ah, Christ.

- [indistinct chatter]
- [cart clacking]

[upbeat fiddle music playing]

[faint laughter]

JAMIE: Sounds like Roger's won them over.

♪ Where ha' ye been a' the day ♪

ALL: ♪ Bonnie laddie, Hielan' laddie ♪

♪ Saw ye him that' far awa' ♪

ALL: ♪ Bonnie laddie, Hielan' laddie ♪

♪ On his head a bonnet blue ♪

ALL: ♪ Bonnie laddie, Hielan' laddie ♪

♪ Tartan plaid and Hielan' trews ♪

ALL: ♪ Bonnie laddie, Hielan' laddie ♪

ROGER: ♪ When he drew his gude braid-sword ♪

ALL: ♪ Bonnie laddie, Hielan' laddie ♪

ROGER: ♪ Then he gave his royal word ♪


ROGER: ♪ Hielan' laddie ♪

I have secured you and your brother's indenture papers.

Ye willna see Mr. Beardsley again.

ROGER: ♪ Wi' his friends wad live or dee ♪

What about the mistress?

Well, she's gone for good.

- She left her baby with us.
- [baby grunts]

I didn't know she was with child.

Kezzie told me the mistress may have lain with... well, there's a man, a former sl*ve.

He came looking for work once or twice.

Then all of us... we're all free?

Aye, lad.

[exhales sharply]

Does that mean we can ride on to Hillsborough with your militia?

How old are ye?

Ye canna be more than .

I must be older than that.

I'm telling ye, ye're , too young to fight.

Aye, Colonel.

Ye've fought hard to earn your freedom.

I willna let ye lose it in death on the b*ttlefield.

Go home.

Hunt. Provide for the Ridge.

ROGER: ♪ Charlie yet shall mount the throne ♪

♪ Bonnie laddie, Hielan' laddie ♪

♪ Weel, ye ken it is his own ♪

♪ Bonnie laddie, Hielan' laddie ♪


[bright fiddle music playing]

[baby crying]

[indistinct chatter]

[crying continues]


Is that our whisky?

Oui, milord.
There was a small difficulty.

Uh, before you explain, I also have a small difficulty.


You work fast, milord.

Uh, the baby needs milk urgently.

Are there any nursing mothers around?

Mothers, no.

But the lady of the house will surely be able to help.

- [crying continues]
- CLAIRE: Hi, I'm sorry to bother you.

- [dramatic music]
- [cart clacking]

This is Mistress Claire Fraser of Fraser's Ridge, colonel's wife.

My daughter-in-law Lucinda just gave birth.

She'll have the milk for the babe.

Oh, I'm so sorry to intrude.

This little one was born a few days ago.

She's not mine.

I fed her goat's milk on the road here, but...

She needs to be fed properly.

[whispering] Okay.

- [Lucinda squeaks]
- [Claire chuckles]

- [baby cries]
- Oh.

Such a strong and healthy babe.



A girl?


[baby cries]

Does she have a name?


She lost both her parents before they could christen her.

Is she a sl*ve's babe?

Not quite.

How'd you come by her, then?

[upbeat fiddle music playing]

What's this "difficulty" Fergus told me about?

[sighs] Wee bit of a misunderstanding on our arrival.

And ye cleared it up with our whisky?

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

When I was a professor at Oxford,

I loved telling my students about words and phrases, their origins, their meanings.

Do you know where the expression

"Dutch courage" comes from?

I'm sure ye're about to tell me.

What's it got to do wi' Rome?

Some say it dates back a century ago to when English troops would drink to calm themselves before heading into battle.

Others say the English witnessed the incredible courage gin gave the Dutch.

A number of times in history, an advance of soldiers were stopped by an exchange of alcohol or goods.

Take the First World w*r, for example.

There was a daily rum ration on the western front...

Where are Morrison and Scott?

Piss drunk already?


They left... and, with them, three more.

Left? Why?

[door squeaks]

[fiddle music playing faintly]

Ye allowed Lionel Brown to do this to one of yer men?

They wanted to blow Morton to smithereens.

I had to...

I had to agree to some kind of temporary confinement.

And what were you gonna do once the whisky ran out?

I was hoping you would arrive before that happened, and you did.

I avoided confrontation.
I kept the peace.

Do ye ken the meaning of the word "captain," Professor MacKenzie?

Is that one ye can explain to me?

Yer men left because ye betrayed their trust.

Those who remain willna have much faith left.

They swore to follow us into battle, to risk their lives.

As captain, ye must honor their loyalty above all else.

What good is loyalty if the men are hurt or worse?

I was responsible for that too.

[horse chuffs]

Now, what disarray have ye and yer cock brought upon our endeavor?

If ye have dishonored the Browns' daughter, ye must marry her and put matters to rights.

Ye dinna have much choice, Isaiah.

I would, Colonel, but I canna.

Regretfully, I already have a wife.

I can understand the Browns wanting to see ye drawn and quartered.

[grunts softly]

How is it ye have a wife?

My marriage was arranged between her parents and mine.

Ally... Miss Brown...
She-she took a likin' to me on my travels through Brownsville.

And I took a likin' to her.

My, um... my heart had a mind of its own.

'Twas as if I had no say in the matter.

Still, ye made a vow to yer wife and broke it.

Ye swore an oath to me.

How can I be certain ye willna break it before day's end?

My vow to ye was my own will.

Aye, as was yer infidelity.

ROGER: I think we should consider clemency for the man.

After all, "love makes fools of us all."

Ye must leave.
Dinna show yer face here again.

I meant no trouble for ye.

As yer colonel, I'll take care of your trouble.

[dramatic music]

What's stopping ye?

I'll never see Ally again.


It'll be better for both of ye.

They'll come looking for him.

And they willna find him.

So Mistress Beardsley disappeared and left us with the child.

When we went outside,

we found Mr. Beardsley's grave.

She probably k*lled the bastard.

Ma, you always think the worst of people.

MEG: I'm just saying, is all.

Beardsleys were strange, came through here once on their way home, didn't say a word.

[baby grunting]

MEG: So the babe's dark.

Aaron Beardsley wasn't the father.


MEG: Fanny Beardsley may be strange, but she isn't the first woman to find herself in... an unsuitable situation, and she certainly won't be the last.

- [cup thuds]
- Oh, I'm so sorry.

MEG: Oh, don't worry.

Funny you should spill cider on it, in fact.

I don't know who these physicians think they are these days, writing to the broadsheets with their "wisdom."

It speaks of means to prevent becoming with child.

"A woman is most fertile between"...

Alicia, it is improper to speak of such things in company.

[solemn music]

May I see that?

Trust you to draw her attention to that vulgar nonsense.

Have you no compassion for your cousin?

- [baby grunts]
- There now, my little lady.

You'll do well here with us.

MEG: The babe's a beauty.

We're not here to judge her for her parents' sins.

If you like, Mistress Fraser, I'll take the babe tonight.

It won't do you much good to be woken up by a screaming child when I can feed her here.

Won't your husband mind you having to feed two hungry mouths?

No bother at all.

My husband is a fair man.

A fair man who fired at my Isaiah.

Aye, he did, and very fairly at that.

No one to blame but yourself.

If your poor mother could see how lowly you'd fallen.

Would it be all right if I, uh, take this?

I, um... I could use it to, um, light a fire.

[laughs] That's all it's good for.

Thank you for your kindness.

♪ There was two recruitin' sergeants ♪

♪ Came frae the Black Watch ♪

♪ Through markets and fairs, some recruits for to catch ♪

Well, you've only lost a few men.

Men are what I need for this show of force.

And what should Roger have done?

JAMIE: Well, he had command of near two dozen men.

One word from him, and the Browns would have been outnumbered.

Instead he had them stand down and gave up one of his own.

Actions have consequences, Sassenach.

Yes, I know they do, but everyone can make a mistake.

[sighs] Here, look at this.

ROGER: ♪ Horses was to fleg and yer owsen was to rin ♪

JAMIE: Who's Dr. Rawlings?



Beauchamp, Randall, Fraser, now Rawlings?

Ye have another husband I should ken about?

It's a pseudonym.

That was the doctor's name of the medical equipment you gave me.

You wrote to the broadsheets?


No, I wrote out some medical advice for the Ridge to dispel certain superstitions.

Never intended for it to go any further.

Who would have submitted it to the printer without me knowing?

ROGER: ♪ That greedy ol' farmer thinks you never will tire ♪

Matured in oak casks, you say, huh?

Aye, the Scottish way.

Of course, it doesn't compare to the wine from Champagne en France.

That's a damsel's drink if ever I heard of one.

[Roger singing faintly]

[footsteps approaching]

Fergus... that advertisement ye took to the printer, ye remember the paper ye wrote on?

Did it have writing on the other side?

There was.


Ah, printer must have decided to use it, a very respectable name, after all, "Dr. Rawlings."

Do you think it will cause us any trouble?

I mean, will anyone associate it with Fergus or the Ridge?

Not unless someone tries to find the author, invite him to speak on how "bloodletting is a harmful practice."

HIRAM: He's gone. He's gone!

He's gone!

[tense music]

Morton's gone! He's gone!

Morton's gone.

What are you telling me, boy?
Was no one guarding him?

HIRAM: No, they were drinking.

LIONEL: Find him, and when you do, don't wait for me.

No, Morton is a militiaman under my protection.

Well, we're as protective as you, Colonel, only I protect my own.

RICHARD: Ho! Ho there!

What in God's name's going on?

I had Isaiah Morton.

He was here, can't have gone far.

Did you have any luck with Elijah Ford?

He could not be persuaded.

Well, we can still catch Morton, if the militia will step out of my way.

I'm Colonel James Fraser.

Any harm done to Morton

will be considered an act of aggression against my militia,

formed by His Excellency, Governor Tryon.

I'll have no choice but to consider ye traitors to the crown, no better than the Regulators we were sent to disperse.

[g*n cocking]

Who are you calling a traitor?

Stop, brother.

You sound foolish.

[dramatic music]


And a drunken fool at that.

I want Morton as much as you do.

So I am gonna talk to Colonel Fraser...

Come to an understanding.

Is that clear?

You keep strange company, Colonel Fraser.

Isaiah Morton...

Not of the God-fearing kind.

Little I can do about a man's character.

There's enough sin and lawlessness each day without counting those Regulators causing disorder on an already crumbling society.

And we don't want no trouble with the governor.

So if you have come recruiting, you could not have found any better men in all the Carolinas.

We'll ride to Hillsborough with you, but they'll all be answering to me.

Long as we're in agreement ye will answer to me.

You'll stay the night with us?

If it's no trouble.

What sort of man would I be if I allowed a lady to sleep out with the militia on a cold, dark night?

[insects chirping, frogs croaking]

[Jemmy babbles]

[insects chirping, frogs croaking]

[distant screaming]



Where's Jemmy? Where'd he go?


Germain, look at me. Did you see a man?


Jemmy. [breathing shakily]


Jemmy? Jemmy?

Jemmy? Jemmy!

He-he took him.

What? Who?

Jemmy! Jemmy!

I stepped outside for a minute, and I-I shouldn't have.

- He can't have gone far, Mistress.
- We'll find him.

Germain, where's Jemmy?

- Ball.
- BRIANNA: Jemmy!


[suspenseful music]

[exhales sharply]

Intent on finding his precious trinket, that's all.

[Jemmy fusses]

There we are, safe and sound.

- [Jemmy fussing]
- Off to bed, everyone.

- [Jemmy whimpers]
- I know.

Meet me in the kitchen.

I ken an honest cure for waking nightmares.

[Jemmy grunts]

[morose music]

Okay, bud.

CONNOR: Connor Brown.

Hiram Brown.

PHINEAS: Phineas Brown.

Abner Brown.

[upbeat fiddle music playing faintly]

Will this do for you and your husband?

It's perfect. Thank you.

I hope you don't think we're a family of ill repute with all that's happened.

Perhaps God sent you to bring us the babe for a reason.

If you're looking for a home for her, we would care for her as if she's ours.

That's very kind.

You see, Lucinda's own was born too little.

She passed.

I'm so sorry.

Alicia will help you with the bedding.

Come and join us when you're ready.

[door clicks open and shut]


Mistress Fraser...

I heard.

Is Isaiah truly gone?

Better he stay gone, considering your father's feelings about him.

I know... but...

But what?

He's my first thought in the morning and my last thought at night.

He never spoke of marriage, but I wouldn't have lain with him if I thought...

Will you ask your husband, if he sees Isaiah again,

to tell him that I'll follow him wherever?

I'll do whatever I must.


Isaiah Morton... is not worth leaving your family for.

I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you this.

He's already married.

[solemn music]

What do you mean?

To whom?

I don't know.

[Alicia sobs softly]

He told my husband.


Oh, he...

he's also not worth your tears.

What will I do?

I'll never want anyone else, and no one else will ever want me.

Alicia...are you with child?

I think so. I don't know.


Your family will take care of you.

No, I've disappointed them.

I've ruined my... Our reputation.


I wish I was dead.



No, that is the last thing you should wish for.


[exhales deeply]

Ye gonna tell me what kind of devil ye conjured?

[exhales sharply]

I did, didn't I?

I conjured everything up somehow.

I canna help ye if I dinna ken what ye're thinkin'.

It's nothing.

I mean, I-I hope it's nothing.

Then we'll sit here and drink in sacred silence.

It's my own fault. I-I shouldn't have let Jemmy out of my sight.

Nothing happened.

[fire crackling]

I never told you this... but...

I k*lled my father.

He beat us... Hand, belt, pot... whatever was close, whenever he felt the urge, which was often.

He once broke my lip. Couldna speak for a month.

I prayed every night that he would stop.

[exhales sharply] Wished him dead.

And then one day... he was arrested as a Jacobite.

Though I prayed every night for God to take him.

I let my mind be consumed by thoughts of all the terrible things that could happen to him.

[somber music]

He died in prison.

I k*lled him.

You didn't k*ll him.

[chuckles breathily]

You see, thinking, no matter how hard or long, doesna make something come true.


Or else I'd be the queen of some castle filled with jewels and fine wines.


- [glasses clink]
- Thank you.

[indistinct chatter]

[slow fiddle music playing]

JOSIAH: Our men are putting up the tents for the night, Mistress, up the road.

They need a hand.


Wait, come here.

Open your mouth.

Stick out your tongue.


Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ.

Must you two be alike in every way?

Is all well with him?

Does your throat hurt from time to time like your brother's?

Aye, comes and goes.

Well, there's nothing I can do it about it tonight.

But make sure to drink plenty...
Water or ale...

And pitch your tent at a fair distance.

Aye, Mistress.


[indistinct chatter]

ROGER: It's about miles.

It's about two...

- What is it, Sassenach?
- Kezzie.

His tonsils are as infected as his brother's.

Must have contracted it from Josiah somehow.

His fever's very high.

Josiah's strong enough to wait for surgery, but I don't think Kezzie is.

Can ye perform it here?

I need penicillin for this kind of surgery.

And ye don't have that yet?

No, I feel I was close to finding the right strain before we left.

Then ye must return with them to the Ridge.

Josiah's no use to me here.

The Ridge needs a hunter, and...

Keziah's no good to anyone dead.

What if you encounter the Regulators?

Won't you need me?

Well, ye said ye didna ken of any battles.

No, nor did Brianna.

[dramatic music]

[whispering] I don't want to leave you so soon.

We didna spend a day in hell to secure the safety of those lads to... see them suffer now.

Heal them both...


And return to me.

Roger Mac.

ROGER: Colonel.

Come dawn, ye will escort Claire home.

What? Why?

I need to take the twins back to my surgery.

What about the militia and Hillsborough?

I made ye a captain without time to prepare ye or teach you what the word meant.

From the old French capitaine via the Latin...

Lead my wife home.

Don't worry.

We'll be back with them before you know it.

It's not that that concerns me.

He doesna have any faith in me.

He just entrusted you with the one thing he loves most.



[warm music]

[ominous music]

[breathing shakily]

[cheerful fiddle music playing]

[crowd whooping, clapping]


[laughs] Go. Go and dance.

I hope my mother-in-law told you that if you're looking for a good home...

We don't mind keeping her.

[chuckles] Are you quite sure?

It's not her fault how she came into this world, and we have plenty of room to spare now.

She wouldn't lack for anything.

If you'd allow it.

Well, I'd have to speak with my husband.

Of course.

[drum beating]

[cheers and applause]

[drum beating]


[cheers and applause]

Here, would you like to take her?


[cheers and applause]

[metallic scraping]

[crowd whooping]

[man exclaims]

[bright fiddle and drum music playing]

- [crowd whooping]
- [man laughs]

MAN: Oh.

[grunts] Oh.

[laughter, applause]

Go on, Mac Dubh.

[applause, laughter]

[Claire laughs]


[rhythmic clapping]

[upbeat fiddle and drum music playing]

[cheers and applause]


MAN: Mac Dubh! Go on, Mac Dubh!

[cheers and applause]

[faint indistinct chatter]

Didn't know you could dance like that.

[both laugh]


CLAIRE: Where are you taking me?

JAMIE: Heh. Away from prying eyes.

[both laugh]

Well, I should warn you, my husband's as jealous as he is handsome.


And you should know I can... knock you off your feet, sir.

[both laugh]

You can't even walk in a straight line.

Can you recite the alphabet backwards?

I expect so. English or Greek?

[laughs] Well, never mind.

If you can recite either of those forwards, then you're in a better condition than I.

- JAMIE: Mm.
- [Claire smooches]


Ah. [exhales deeply]

There's a... a question I wanna ask ye.

[chuckles] What?

Do ye want wee Bonnie?

Do ye wanna keep her?

[dramatic music]

We have a big house.

I've seen ye with her, Sassenach.

I've seen how you-you would ha' looked with Bree.

And I thought maybe this might be the last chance for us to raise a bairn together.

[exhales deeply]

What would you think if she stayed?

Here... in Brownsville?

It's been suggested.

Lucinda's taken a liking to her.

I think she needs our wee Bonnie more than anyone.

She'd be in good hands.

Bonnie comes with the deed to the Beardsley property.

After the trouble with Alicia, it'd be a welcome addition to the Browns' estate.

I have no life but you, Claire.

But if ye wanted another child, I thought that perhaps I might give ye one, one that ye wouldn't have to suffer carrying.

[tender music]

Please know... that if it's at all possible...

I love you even more for wanting to take the chance.

I also regret that we were never parents together.

But regret...isn't reason enough.

I love our life.

I love our home together.

Would we even be the best home for her?

Then there's our obituary.


I am grateful...

for every day we have.

As am I.

[exhales sharply]

And Marsali and Fergus...


Well, I'm sure they will keep the Ridge sufficiently populated, if that's what you're worried about.

Yeah, that lass is with child every time Fergus lays eyes upon her.

[both chuckle]

And he dares to joke about my virility.


[g*nsh*t echoes]

[tense music]

That was a g*nsh*t.


CLAIRE: Alicia!

- Alicia.
- [Alicia sobs]

I meant the b*llet for my heart.

Please, leave me so I can try again!

- [Jamie shushing]
- [whimpering]


[Alicia sobbing]

She's wounded.

We must get her home. Come.

- [Alicia gasping]
- Shh, come.

Come on.

[thunder rumbling]

CLAIRE: It's all right, darling.

I'm all alone.

[breathing shakily]

I can't live with what I've done.

I can't live without Isaiah.

You are not alone, and your baby is worth living for.

Jamie, would you find some whisky?

Settle her nerves.

[breathing shakily]

- [rain pattering]
- [Jamie panting]


What in God's name are you doing here?

I couldn't leave, sir, not without seeing Ally.

Do you know where I can find her?

The lass kens ye've a wife already.

If her father sees ye, he'll sh**t ye on sight.

She may s*ab ye to the heart, bigamist that ye are.

And if neither of them succeed, I might do the job myself.

What sort of man gets a lass with child and no right to give it his name?

With child?

Aye, she is.

Now, ye'd best leave.

I'm sorry, sir.

I dinna wish to do you harm, but I must see Ally.

Put it down.

Ye ken fine ye willna sh**t me.

So do I.

[breathing heavily]

I canna speak ill of my wife, but neither one of us was happy.

We havena shared a home nor a bed for two years now, and we've no children.

Ally... uh, Miss Brown is my heart and soul.

Please, help me see her.

[melancholy music]

Nothing in this world is worth taking your life for.

[door clicks open]

[exhales deeply]

I thought you were gone.

I should be gone.

Is it true? You're with child?

Is it true you're married?


And do you love her?

- I love only you.
- [knock at door]

I have the muster roll here, Colonel.

I just wanted to...


What are you thinking coming back?

I'm a fool, as ye said,

as are ye, and as is the colonel.

Are ye both telling me that if someone told you to leave, told ye that ye'd never see Mistress MacKenzie or Mistress Fraser again, you'd stand for it,

that ye'd obey without a fight?

If either of ye would go and leave the women ye love with all yer hearts, say it now.

Say ye'd go, and I'll walk out of here without another word.

[sentimental music]

So I was biding my time.

I had to wait for nightfall to prove it to you.

Will ye have me?

It may be bold and...

reckless and foolish, but... how can I live without ye?

Or I without you?

They can't stay here.

No, they canna.

[dramatic music]

[hooves clomping]

[barrels thudding]

- [dog barking]
- Go!

- [horse chuffs]
- [dog barking]

[suspenseful music]

[horses whinny]

[horse neighs]

[hooves thundering]

[horse neighs]

- MAN: Those are our horses.
- MAN: Get after them!

[men shouting]

[goat bleats]

[dramatic music]

This wee devil roaming about.


JAMIE: Must've startled the horses.

They dinna take kindly to our cloven-hooved friends.


[goat bleats]

CLAIRE: Adultery, betrayal, dishonor.

Excuses could be made, of course.

I know I made my own when I was separated from Frank

by a power I didn't understand.

And yet, wherever you are, you make choices:

foolish ones or ones that save yourself or someone else.

All you can hope for is that the good

will outweigh the harm that may come of it.