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08x13 - Student Doubt

Posted: 04/17/20 13:28
by bunniefuu
And Zhang Ziyi is incredible in it.

Her character, Xiao Mei, is a dancer, - Uh-huh.

- but she's really part of the anti-government underground.

And the corrupt officials send police to spy on her but...

... one of them, played by Takeshi Kaneshiro, - falls in love with her.

- Oh.

And so he doesn't tell the police what's really going on.

- Lots of twists, lots of intrigue.

- Oh.

Seriously, House of Flying Daggers is my favorite Chinese movie.

- What's your favorite?

- Oh, oh, the one where Jackie Chan kicks the crap out of that panda.


I brought healthy movie night snacks.

Jícama and tzatziki.

Oh, the original names of Batman and Robin.

So, Jen, tell me about this movie you picked.

No, no.

It'll literally take longer than the movie.

All right, I'll pick you up later.

I got to get to the library.

There's this one really wobbly chair...

and I want to get it.

Uh, so, my college boy has his first test coming up in Philosophy.

A Philosophy test?

"Oh, the humanity!" Philosophy is one of the Humani...

Oh, come on, it's a good joke.

You get to laugh twice.

Once when she says it and once when she explains it.

First big test.

Are you ready for this?

- Well, I...

- He's ready for anything.

He's gonna crush it.

- Guys, tell him he's gonna crush it.

- You're going to crush it.

Much like Xiao Mei in House of Flying Daggers.

Right, right.


This is where I came in, this is where I take off.

I s...

I sold the '68 Camaro, I'm gonna take her out for one last ride before I let her go.


Oh, I guess the hardest part of this car-flipping business is saying goodbye.

She is a '68 Camaro, - I'm a human man.

- Mm.

We both knew what this was.

All right, I got to get out of here, too.

And go review my notes.

Everyone is so smart at college.

Even at night.

You got this, babe.

You're gonna crush it.

Oh, you know, I am so proud of Kyle.

I think he's gonna do great.

You're living in a dream world, lady.

What are you worried about?

Kyle's got a light schedule this semester.

- I'm sure he'll do fine.

- Based on what?

I mean, let's face it, he was never the greatest student.

- And it's even harder when you're older than everyone.

- Mm.

Try being younger and smarter than everyone.

That's no picnic, either.

Uh, hey, Mom, you are a tutor.

I would like to hire you to work with Kyle.

But without paying you or letting him know what you're doing.


Well, I-I, uh, I'd be happy to help, but, uh, why can't Kyle know?

Yeah, and why don't you have any money?

This woman's time is worth something.

Okay, if you could just...

Uh, Kyle's confidence is shaky.

And if-if he thinks that people are doubting him, he'll start doubting himself, - and then he's screwed.

- Mm.

Well, whatever I can do to help.

I'm all in.

Uh, what exactly does Kyle need?

Um, you know, study habits, uh, note-taking, - test taking strategies.

- Okay.

All the stuff you thought I'd need, and then...

... this happened.


All right, well, honey, uh, bring him by tomorrow.

I have got a lot of surefire learning strategies.

I'll help, too.

I have lots of free time after school because the homework in this country is a joke.

You know, it might be more of a picnic if you'd lose the attitude.

- '51 Mercury Wagon.

- Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

- Man, isn't she a beauty?

- Yeah.


- Mm.

- Could be "he's a beauty".

Remember, Chuck, this is 2020, all right?

You know, that-that could be very nice once we flip it, huh?

- Mm.

- Yeah?

- Tough call.

- Mm-hmm.

Maybe we should let Mike weigh in on this.

- Huh?

- Oh...

Oh, there he is.

- Good morning, guys.

- Morning, Mike.

Mike, you remember that old lady from Pagosa Springs, - right, with the '51 Woody?

- Oh, yeah.

- Right, huh?


- Beautiful car, man.

Wood on the outside, wood slats interior.

That's so much wood, it's like driving around in Dean Martin's den.

- Do we make her an offer?

- Well, I-I'm not sure.


- T-There's a lot to weigh...

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, we don't have a buyer yet, - and it's going to take a hell of a lot of work...

- Right.


- All right, looks like we're buying a Mercury.

- Yeah.

- I thought you weren't sure.

- That's past tense, Mike.

- Now I'm sure.

- Hold on a minute, hold on a minute.

Somebody please tell me what's going on.

Preferably somebody that's not all liquored up.

Ed doesn't make any tough car decisions until you throw your briefcase and we see how it lands.

Wow, that makes sense.

- It's silly and stupid.

- Yes.

It's worked for months, Mike.

You toss the briefcase, if it lands upright...

- it's a green light.

Yeah, yeah.

- Yeah.

And if it falls over or, God forbid, hits Ed, - like that one time...

- Yeah, yeah...

That's the red light.

"Do not proceed.


So, wait a minute.

You're telling me that that GTO that we bought and flipped for a lot of money, we bought because I landed the briefcase?


And the only time we defied the briefcase was when we bought that '62 Imperial.

Which turned out to be stolen.

And I burned my mouth on the soup that day.

Well, you know, it's good to know that we...

we don't base our little car business on sound practices like legwork and research.

Mikey, we do all that.

But we're humans.

We make mistakes.

The leather never lies.

Okay, Kyle's here.

I know it's wrong, but I just love fooling people.

Hi, hi, uh, we just stopped by to pick up some of my old fabric.

Uh, what cool, cool thing are you kids up to?

Oh, Vanessa and I were just discussing the best study techniques.

Uh, yes, my tutoring company is always looking to update its methods for the students.


So fun.

Right, Kyle?

Oh, yeah, I'm sure.

It's not, like, spitting-off-a-bridge fun but...

Well, hey, why don't you stay up here with them and I'll grab the fabric from the basement?

Ooh, wait, but I thought you brought me here - to help you carry it up.

- Oh.

No need.

I've got Thelma and Louise.

Well, let me know if you need any help from Lefty and Righty.

Kyle, uh, why don't-don't you join us?

- Here, come on, come.

- Yeah, you're going to be taking tests now.

You would probably find this super interesting.

Uh, yeah, okay.

Uh, okay, so, uh, I was just saying to Jen that the key to studying is a solid note-taking system.

Like, uh, like with Roman numerals.

Kyle, do you ever use Roman numerals?

Oh, I try to stick to American-made numerals.


Uh, well, there is, uh, there's also the Mapping Method, uh, which is much more visual.

Oh, you know what?

You guys should try what I do.

I make important notes in black pen and super important notes in blue pen.

Aren't those colors kind of similar?

Yes, and that's why I trace over my blue notes in red.

Okay, okay, well, um, however you get your notes, you still have to retain the information, so...

Oh, I have a great trick for that.

Memorize every word forward and backward.

When I was learning English, I did that with "The Star-Spangled Banner".

♪ Brave the of ♪ ♪ Home the and free...

♪ ♪ The of land ♪ ♪ The o'er.

♪ Wow!

- Oh, look at this meeting of the minds.

- Yeah...

I smell brain cells burning.

Maybe that's why my head's starting to hurt.

Wait, it is?

No, no.

No, we...

we were just having a fun conversation about learning.

They were just telling me my system doesn't work.

Why would they do that?

That would hurt his confidence.

Mom, Jen, tell him his system works.

Uh, yeah, of course it does.

We-we were just discussing alternate learning methods.

For fun.




it's fun.


That's not fun.

And it's too late for me to change my methods now.

I only have two more lectures before the test, and I've already bought the pens.


Yeah, he doesn't need any alternate study methods.

- He doesn't?

- No, he doesn't.

He's doing fine.

He's totally crushing it, and he doesn't need your help.

Get a life, nerds!

Come on, Kyle.

I know, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

- Oh.

- A little peace offering for throwing you under the bus earlier.

I can't drink.

Well, you can drink, Jen.

But you shouldn't.


I'm not one to turn my nose up at wine...


What the hell was that?

Kyle was rattled and I had to pull the plug before he lost all his confidence.

Well, we didn't mean to scare him.

We were just offering suggestions and then he took it - as criticism.

- Ugh.

Men can be so sensitive.

It's like they think taking any help is a sign of weakness.

Well, especially from a woman.

Look, they need to be the heroes.

Come home from the hunt and throw down the carcass.

And look, hey, that is not a metaphor.

Those scratches on my table?


Tell me about it.

I scared off so many boyfriends by saying these six simple words: - "I can reach that for you".

- Oh...

So what do we do now?

- How are we going to help Kyle?

- I don't know.

We need to find a guy who thinks like us but who can tell Kyle that accepting help doesn't make you less of a man.

But where are we going to find a man who thinks like that?

♪ Howdy-hooooo.

♪ Hello, ladies.

I'm just returning the DVD that I borrowed.

- Oh, what is it?

- The Notebook.

Gosling gets me every time.

He's perfect.

The old lady turned down our offer on the Woody.

- Oh.

- Her husband must've told her what it was worth before he died.

Yeah, the bastard.

Um, I mean, God rest his soul.


So we gonna make another offer on it?

Well, we might.

We might not.

We're waiting for...

you know.

The magic briefcase.

Listen, uh, just do it, uh, do it from about here 'cause you need to have a nice arc.

Need an arc, that's not bad.

Come on.

- Come on.

- Gotcha.

All right.

All right, here we go, here we go, all right.

Ah, refresh me.


If it lands upright, we buy the car?

Yes, Baxter, now come on, focus.

We-we-we really want this car.

- Yes.

- Right.

- Sorry, sorry, sorry.

- Come on, come on.

Here we go.

Ah, big decision.

Is this briefcase worthy?

You know, when you say it like that, you make it sound stupid, so just toss the satchel.

Just want to make sure we're all on the same page.

- Just be the briefcase, Baxter.

- Do this.

You can do this.

Okay, here we go, guys.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Now what are the rules?

Let me do it one more time.

No, no.

It's all about the first toss.

It's a mulligan, it's a mulligan.

Let it go, Baxter.

The briefcase knows more than we do, even when it hurts.

I don't know what happened.

Maybe first time ever the pressure got to me.

You know, I really wanted that car.

Come on, Chuck.


we have our answer.

You know?

And I'm-I'm-I'm dumping out that soup I brought for lunch.

Ah, maybe next time, guys.

And right here.


Thanks for the hand, buddy.

Uh, that box is awfully light.

Are you okay?

You think that I'm weak because I'm asking you for help?

With a box that weighs three pounds.

A man can be strong and still ask for help.

Not with a box that weighs three pounds.


there's nothing in here but bubble wrap.

It's not about the box, okay?

I can lift the box.

I'm a very masculine guy.

Well, sure, you have a beard.

Too many men are stuck in this primitive mindset, right?

The male must go it alone.

You see it in apes, you see it in cockroaches.

Don't bad-mouth the cockroach.

Sometimes, when I was little, they would lead me to the food.

We can rise above our worst instincts.

You can rise above.

Just let people in.

It is so simple.

Say, "I need help".

But I don't.


You don't need help with anything?

Like, even something...



Wait, what's going on here?

- Hey, guys.

- Oh, hello, Mandy.

Hey, babe.

You helping Ryan?

And, Ryan, are you accepting help like a real man?

Uh, yeah, Mandy, despite our stellar acting, I think he's onto us.

You told Ryan I needed help, just like you told Mrs.

B and Jen I needed help.

Wh-Where is he getting this?

Has he been sampling the wares?

Hey, save it.

You don't think that I can do this, do you?

No, of course she does.

Ryan, you had your chance and you blew it.

Okay, well, I would leave, but I work here, so I guess I'll just go to the other end of this very tiny store.

Hey, of course I believe in you.

I'm the one who's been telling you that you're crushing it, and you are.

Keep crushing it.

I thought we had a relationship built on honesty.

You know, but maybe sometime you can ask Thelma and Louise to help you lift the truth.

Hey, Dad.

Hey, honey.

Listen, I got a big inventory snafu.

Can I help you with something?

Well, it's no big deal.

I just stopped by to tell you I wrecked my marriage.

That one with Kyle, huh?

Wh-What-What's going on here?

Um, I broke one of my wedding vows, Dad.

S-Some of those vows are bigger than others.

What-what vow are we talking about?

The one that says that you can't doubt that your spouse will do well in college, even though the last class he took was tenth grade wood shop and the napkin holder he made won't hold napkins.

Oh, yeah, th-that vow.

Yeah, that cost Mickey Rooney four marriages.

You have doubts about Kyle in college?

No, no, I don't have doubts.

I just don't know if he can do it.

Well, just for the sake of conversation, let's call those "doubts".

H-H-Have you talked about this with Kyle?


No, he's my husband.

What kind of a wife would I be if I told him that?

Well, m-maybe be an honest wife.

The hard part about vows are for better, worse; richer, poorer; in sickness and in health.

But that's not what this is.

Although, I do have a little bit of a throat thing.

What all of that means is that you got to be there for the other person in tough times and not just pretend that they don't exist.

Okay, wait, so you're saying that I should tell Kyle that I have doubts about this whole college thing?

That would be really hard for me to do.

- No, it wouldn't.

- Yes, it would.

No, you can crush it.

You got this.

Not helping, Dad.

Oh, whoa, whoa.

What am I thinking?

So it-it's annoying to be told things are fine even though you're not sure that they are?


When am I gonna learn to stop walking into this?

- Hey, guys, I'm taking off.

- Hey, hey.

Or you can come join us.

- We're celebrating.

- Hey.


What are we celebrating?

Lola Falana coming to the Paramount?

Maybe celebrating's too big a word.

We're relieved.

Some other guy bought that car.

Yeah, or lady, Chuck.

It's 2020.

Whoever it is, I hope they're good at digging through salvage yards because, according to the all-knowing briefcase, that thing's got a lot of problems.


Actually, the engine's in perfect shape, so's all the wood paneling.

Uh, what?

How do you know that?

You bought it.

You went against the briefcase?

Yeah, it was on its side.

You've cursed us.


I did that on purpose.

Come on.

Ed, you're the smartest businessman I know, and, Chuck, you work near him.

We don't need superstitious voodoo to buy a car.

Yeah, I know that, I know that, but it's a lot of fun.

And if things went wrong, we didn't feel so bad about it.

It gave us plausible deniability.


A flying briefcase?

When you say it like that, you make it sound stupid.

- Mm-hmm.


- Hmm?

Hey, look, Joe found us something.

It's a '68 Charger.

It looks a little rough.

Ooh, that's a nice car.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Look, it's got a HEMI in it.

- Oh...

- People are looking for that car.

But you just bought us that Woody, and, uh, that's gonna take a lot of work.


What to do, huh?

Tough call.

All right, one more.

- Okay.

All right, here we go, here we go.

- Okay, come on.

- Ed.

- Yeah?

You got to move your Ermine.

That's, uh, Ethel Ermine, please.

All right, here we go.

Oh, baby.

- Come on, go.

Here we go.

- You guys ready?

- Yeah, itty-bitty toss, man.

- All right.

- You can do it.

- Here we go.



Green light, people.

- Oh.


- You all right?

You okay, man?

Sorry about that.


Do you have time?

We need to talk.


Well, Plato said, "Time is a moving image of reality".

Pretty sure "time is money".

Um, look, I didn't mean to upset you earlier.


So I'm just supposed to feel wonderful with you constantly telling me how great and smart you think I am?

I would.

Well, Plato said, "I know too well that these arguments from probabilities are imposters".

I have no idea what that means.

Neither do I.

But you think I do because you think I'm a genius.

I don't.

I don't think you're a genius.


Well, I have doubts.

I mean, yes, you always finish the puzzle before me on Wheel of Fortune, but that doesn't mean you know how to take college tests.

I guess it doesn't.

Yeah, and it's been, like, ten years since you've taken one.

What if things have changed?

Oh, God, I hadn't thought of that.

And-and I'm sorry, babe, but going back to school is a huge deal and you weren't that good the first time.

Say something!

Thank you.


Well, the pressure was k*lling me.

I mean, everyone was so sure I was gonna do great.

Have they met me?

They were lying.

Everyone has doubts about you.


Wait, okay, so you don't mind that we feel that way?


Everyone should have doubts.

This is gonna be really hard for me.

I know, sweetie, but just because I have doubts doesn't mean that I don't believe in you.

I do.

This is so great because now it's not all on me.

I have someone I can talk to about this.


And from now on, I promise to be honest with you, even if I think it might hurt your feelings.

And I'll do the same for you.

Oh, sweetie...


Hey, Mike Baxter here for Outdoor Man with the five least helpful words in the English language: "You got this, no problem".

Translation: "Please don't ask me to do this for you".

We all like to pretend "You got this" means, "I believe in you", but let's face it, it just really means, "It would be so great if you could just take care of your own side of the street".

I mean, sometimes you mean it, like the first time you let go of the back of the two-wheeler and watch our kid wobble away.

"Y-You got this.

You got this.

Oh, oh, oh!

Go, whoa, whoa.

Good try.

Try not to lead with your head next time.

I'll get a Band-Aid".

Of course, more and more these days, people don't get it.

You don't believe me, ask a young person to grab the jack and change a tire.

The kid's gonna look at you and go, "Wh-Who's Jack?" We spend a lot of energy teaching people how to ask for help, but if we teach people to engage, fail, and learn, then we'll have people who don't need help.

Not from me, not from the government, and certainly not from some smart device that you bought to bug your own home.

Listen, in the Bible, my favorite carpenter says, "If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it", but I wonder that under his breath he actually said, "But I would prefer if you took a shot at figuring it out yourself.

Come on, you got this, no problem".

Baxter out.