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05x02 - Between Two Fires

Posted: 02/24/20 08:45
by bunniefuu
There have been sightings of Bonnet in the Province.

WAHKATIIOSTA: His name was Otter Tooth.

He talked of w*r, warning us of our future.

And they began to believe he was possessed.

JAMIE: Any man choosing to settle with me will receive 100 acres.

Good luck to you, Mr.


Do you not want 100 acres for yourself and your family?

I thank you, but no.

The time has come for you to fulfill your oath both to the crown and to me.

Lieutenant Knox and his men will remain to assist you.

If Tryon wants his Scot, I'll give him his Scot.

Stand by my hand, Roger, captain.


I know you stay because of the vow you made to my mother.

I release you from it.

Be hard to find.







Unhand me!

Get off of me!





Show mercy!

I'm begging you, please!


Where was the mercy when the good folks here abouts begged for it?


And you are justice of the peace.

Where was it, eh?

When you painted them as criminals?


When they couldn't pay their taxes?


Go to it, lads.




CHOIR: Sing me a song Of a lass that is gone Say, could that lass Be I?

Merry of soul She sailed on a day Over the sea To Skye Billow and breeze Islands and seas Mountains of rain and sun All that was good All that was fair All that was me Is gone Sing me a song Of a lass that is gone Say, could that lass Be I?

Merry of soul She sailed on a day Over the sea To Skye [DRAMATIC MUSIC]

WOMAN: Sing me a song Of a lass That is gone Say could that lass Be I [PENCIL SCRIBBLING]





Help us, please!

Mistress Farrish, what has happened?

FARRISH: Hurry, please!

Please, he canna breathe!

He's at death's door.

MAN: Quickly.

Mama, something's wrong with Mr.


Here, Marsali.

Clear this off.

Lay him down on the table.


Brianna, get me a pillow.



- FARRISH: Oh, Lord.

Oh, my Lord.

I canna believe that 'tis come to this.

I've been letting his blood.

I've given him purgatives.

What more could I have done?


Bug, get me a bowl of cold water, please.

Need to cool him down.



Mr. Farrish, is it your stomach?


Like a knife to my gut.


Lie still.

Lie still.


You gave him purgatives?

How long ago, and what, exactly?

Uh, two days ago, his belly was swollen and he couldn't eat, so I gave him some calomel powder to rid him of noxious matter.

But he got worse, so you tried blood-letting.

Aye, and some Blue Mass pills.


Does he need more blood let?



I'm sorry.

There's nothing more I can do, Mrs. Farrish.


You can't help him?

Come, let us leave them.

I'm so sorry.






The governor shared your dispatches with me.

You'll not take offense, I hope.

He merely wanted me to know the lay of the land.


The ground you've trodden in your search for Fitzgibbons.


He, uh he merely wanted ye to get the measure of the sort of man I am.

Well Hmm.

Did ye arrive at an opinion?


A man I am pleased to break bread with.

An industrious man, certainly.

Your efforts to cultivate the land Tryon granted you are confirmation of your loyalty to King and country.

You've brought men and women together.

And your gathering was proof of that.

Thank ye.

I, uh I'll be sure to mention the affable Lieutenant in my next dispatch.

I can only hope one day to be granted a parcel of land that's half as prosperous as yours.

Perhaps when we catch Fitzgibbons and see him hanged.

Perhaps then the governor would be so kind.




- Charming.


These backcountry folk are not much for manners, are they?

It's only civility that keeps us all from k*lling one another.

No time for manners when ye've a family to feed.

Maybe you should be glad he only spat at us.

I have to disagree.

There's always a need to respect his Majesty's army.

Life's under no obligation to give us what we expect.

We should take what is offered and be thankful it's no worse than it is.

Men like you and me offer protection to ensure that it isn't any worse.

Appears he doesna share your beliefs in the matter.


And what are your beliefs in the matter?


Are ye taking notes for yer own dispatches?

Recording my words for posterity?

No, but if I were?

Then I would have to agree with ye.


You and I united in our aim of offering protection to those we've sworn to defend.

I admire a man who puts duty and honor above all else.

Then ye admire a man who'd rather starve than dishonor his own conscience?

Do I detect some sympathy there for the Regulators, Colonel Fraser?

I have sympathy for any man who canna afford to eat, Lieutenant, and yer generosity of coin tells me ye have some as well.

I do believe it is right to give to those in need.

Well, I suppose it is reasonably true that there is never a convenient time for death or taxes.

Now, do I detect some sympathy with the Regulators, Lieutenant?


The Regulators have been rioting Hillsborough.

Are there any wounded?

RONNIE: Aye, a few, but thankfully captured three of the bastards.

KNOX: We should make haste.

Our presence there will reassure the townsfolk.






Came to see if you needed any help.

Oh, my God.

I know it's difficult to see someone like this, but I had to do it.

I had to confirm what the cause of death was.


Practically, intellectually, yes.

That makes perfect sense, in 1969.

Mama, what if someone finds out?

They won't.

Now, I'll make sure of it.

You know the worst of it all?

His wife accelerated his death.

His appendix burst, he was in septic shock, and bacteria in his abdomen created a serious infection.

Blood-letting and mercury pills weren't going to do a damn thing except k*ll him faster.

But no one will understand.

Maybe not, but if I am to keep people safe here, then I need to know what's causing their illnesses.

I can't watch someone die like this, knowing that if he'd just come to me sooner, then I could have saved his life.

An appendectomy is It's one of the most straightforward procedures you can do.

I know how difficult it was for you to lose him, but Mama, there is nothing you could have done.


It's bad enough I'm fighting the disease But I'm also fighting the cure.

I know.

Mom, I'm I'm I'm sorry.

I have to get some air.


This is what a world without civility looks like.


I ken that man.

He's a friend of the Governor's.




- Sinclair.

- What?

- Tend the horses.

- Aye, Colonel.

Mr. Fraser.

It's good to see a familiar face.

Mr. Fanning, may I acquaint you with Lieutenant Hamilton Knox.

Mr. Edmund Fanning.

I'm sorry to make your acquaintance under such circumstances.

Let's hope they'll improve now that we have men stationed in the town.

EDMUND: Thank goodness you're here.

It's getting worse and worse.

This country is going to the dogs.

What did they do to you, Fanning?

Come with me.

I'll show you.


They seized control of the courthouse.

The honorable Judge Henderson was forced to hear their complaint under duress, then fled for his life.

They meant to k*ll him?

He certainly had reason to believe so.

Mr. Evans.

EDMUND: When they did not receive their own particular brand of justice from the court, they did this.


My God.

Paraded through town like a boiled goose for enforcing a tax they do not want to pay.

In time, ye will wear yer scars wi' honor, knowing ye received them doing your duty.

I pray you're right.

EDMUND: William Hooper suffered the same fate.

He lies abed as we speak, unable to move and may yet succumb to his wounds.

Cowardly dogs.

EDMUND: I was beaten and forced to watch.

Well, they may as well have blinded me, for I can face seeing no more.

They tore apart my house by the timbers.

I only wish your wife was with you.

We could surely employ a surgeon of her skill.

Still feeling that sympathy, Colonel?

I didna think them capable of this.

We're told you captured three of them.

We did.

And they ought to hang!

EDMUND: They will, John.

Providence has brought us Lieutenant Knox and Colonel Fraser.

As it happens, we seek one of the insurgents ourselves.

A leader.

One Murtagh Fitzgibbons.

Do ye ken if he's among the men ye arrested?

No, but I can take you to them.

Yes, sir.


Do ye, um do ye need time to compose yourself?

I could speak with them alone.


Sickened as I am by their actions, I will face them.

Mebbe let me have the first word.

Highlander to Highlander.

It may loosen their tongues.


Bring them out.



Thank you, Mr.


I'm Colonel James Fraser.

This is Lieutenant Hamilton Knox.

We're looking for Murtagh Fitzgibbons, this leader of yours that we've heard so much about.

Was he the one who put ye up to this?

I ken how persuasive a Highlander can be.

I'm grown out of the same ground.

And given where ye're standing, I'll bet ye have got a few thousand acres of new ground now.

I have settlers.

Highland folk and others.

Men and women who depend upon me.

ETHAN: Spoken as a true Laird.

Look at ye on yer high horses.

Ye're no better than us.

How dare you.

Look me in the eye and tell me what you did was justified.

Oh, it was more than justified.

Crooked thieves and extortionists, all of 'em.

I'm only sorry we didn't bathe the whole stinkin' lot of 'em in tar.

Ye canna mean that.

We'll wage w*r on ye if we must.

Bring towns down around yer ears.

KNOX: Nothing but white-livered miscreants, as evidenced by their repulsive crimes.

Try sayin' that to me again when my hands are untied.


Where are the rest of you hiding?


Where is Murtagh Fitzgibbons?

I'd rather bite my own tongue off then tell ye.

I will remind you that I am a Lieutenant in his Majesty's army.

- Knox.


He canna help himself.

Blood-red coat, the color of the devil himself.

If you are truly so brave, I will ask you one last time.

Where is Murtagh Fitzgibbons?

I am Murtagh Fitzgibbons.


Is that so?




- No!





What have you done?


Hey, come on!



BRYAN: He's dead.

You ex*cuted a man without trial!

EDMUND: Gentlemen?

What happened here?

Aye, sometimes a man must put aside his honor to defend himself.

Take these men back to their cells.





Captain Roger MacKenzie, at your service.

- They're quick.


The whole thing's ridiculous.

The very fact that somehow I'm a militia captain that can't sh**t, the fact that I'm aiming at a squirrel in the first place, the whole thing goes against nature, Bri.

It's like sh**ting at Tufty Fluffytail.

Um, at what?

Ye've never heard of Tufty Fluffytail?

Should have known that reference would be lost on my American wife.

Tufty is a squirrel who teaches children about road safety.

Sort of like your, uh, Smokey the Bear.

Sort of, but there are clubs.

Wow, sounds exciting.

I think I'd rather be in the militia.

Ah, well, I'll confess that in my time at Oxford, I hadn't read about brigades of squirrels on battlefields.

Ye're keeping me occupied hunting wee rodents while the real men are away.

What are you talking about?

Da left you here to protect the ridge while he's gone.


- We're practicing.

Protect it from what?


The Regulators pose no threat to us here.

You know that.

He doesn't respect me, Bri.

It doesn't help matters that we had Jemmy baptized by a Presbyterian.

Well, we already had one heretic in the family, and two are better than one.

Come on.

Let's try something that doesn't move.

Aim at that tree.


Are you serious?

Would you just A tree.


- What's the - Here.




Well now it's you who's driving me nuts.


- [g*nsh*t]



You want to go back, don't you?

You're ready.

Who knows?

Maybe I want Jemmy to be part of the Tufty club.

There are plenty of squirrels here.

We could pick one, name him Tufty.


Welcome to the club.

Look, maybe we should be glad.

Jem doesn't need road safety here.

At least we know he'll never be hurt in a car accident.


Our family is here.

You and Jemmy are my family.

James Fraser is my Colonel.

And what about Mama?

You don't want to leave them.


What have I done?

I've become the very thing I despise.

I'm a hypocrite.

What's done is done.

Ye must try to make amends, perhaps.

Ensure a fair trial for the others.

Ah, they will be found guilty and hanged.

I gave him a soldier's death.


The other two will not be so lucky.

Tomorrow they will go to New Bern to be hanged as proof of the work we're doing here to staunch the uprising.

Is that what they deserve?

I gave that man better than he deserved.

Is there no cause you would die for, Lieutenant?

We're here, aren't we?

To die for king and country?

For that is an oath we both have sworn.


We have.

ROGER: Swift to its close Ebbs out life's little day Earth's joys grow dim Its glories pass away Change and decay In all around I see O Thou who changest not Abide with me - If you need any more help - Thank you.


Fergus, would you mind looking after the children for a little while?

I need to speak with Marsali.

Of course.

Thank you.


There's something I want to show you.

But Marsali, do you trust me?


Now, you promised you'd let me explain.

Lord, have mercy!

Stop shouting!


Marsali, please.

Deliver us from evil.


Dinna make me say it, Claire.

Dinna make me say it.

Was she right, my Ma?

Was she?

I'm not a witch.

Marsali, you have more sense than that.

That is why I brought you here.

Now, knowing me as you do for as long as you have, why do you think Mr.

Farrish is on this table?

Who did we bury?

No one.

Roger and I filled the coffin with rocks.

Should a physician not be more concerned with the living?

The curse of the living is that they can't tell you the secrets of the dead.

And what secrets might those be?

How to save those who are still here with us.

How to perform life-saving surgeries.

You know, we physicians, we we learn by practicing on the dead, and I think you'd be a good apprentice.

Now, I've seen you butchering.

You know how to use a knife.

You understand the parts of an animal and what they're for.

People are similar in many ways.

See for yourself.


God help us.

Well, I believe he does.

It's a miraculous thing, the human body, and I want to use this body to teach you so that we can protect God's miracle.

Marsali, you are kind and caring, and you have the right instincts, and I need help.



I could never defile a body.

I didn't defile him.

I did what's called an autopsy to to learn why he died.

So ye can find out what k*lled a man by cutting him open?


Now, I couldn't save Mr.

Farrish, but this way, his death will mean something.

Help save others.

And after I finish teaching you, we'll stitch him up and give him a proper burial.

I promise.

Roger even said he would help.

Stitch him up?

Like a seamstress?



Ye've got balls coming back here, Mr.


Or is it Colonel Fraser?

You come to finish us off, have ye?

If Murtagh had seen ye standing there No.

No, Knox shouldna ha' done what he did, but you shouldn't have tormented those men.

I'm sorry for what happened to Ethan, and for my part in this.

What part is that, exactly?

Money, is it?

Tryon's coin?

The governor has bound me to him.

I'm trying to save all our lives.

How verra noble.

Ye're not doin' so well thus far.

Dinna speak to me of what is noble.

It is a w*r being waged.

We believe in our cause.

And I believe in mine, preserving as many lives as possible.

We dinna have much time.




Redcoats guard the town.

I told Murtagh be hard to find.

I didna count on his friends laying a trail of tar and feathers to his doorstep.

Murtagh was here with us.


Then tell him not to return.

Knox has an army at his command.

Across the water, mebbe, but we have an army of men here.

Men with nothing left to lose, and farmers though we be, we've beat our plowshares into swords and are training for battle.

How many men do you have?



ABERFELDY: I'll be lightin' a candle for poor mistress Farrish.

MCGILLIVRAY: Terrible, is it not?

He was so young.

Aye, we say bad things come in threes, and did you hear?

My lad Thomas burnt his hand badly last week at the kiln, so I'll be sayin' my prayers tonight.

Put some honey on it, he ought.

Well, that should help.

It can prevent infection.

D'ye think?

The physician at Cross Creek told me honey was fer old wives.

Bartered for some of that St.

James Fever Powder instead.

They say King George himself uses it.


To ingest for a burn?

But the wound is on his hand.

Why risk it?

Well, exactly.

He may as well take it, if it will help.

CHISOLM: Good enough for the king, then it's good enough for my boy.

Mistress Chisolm, has Thomas been vomiting at all?


St. James Powder contains antimony.

It's a poison.

It makes you vomit, which in certain circumstances can make you feel better, but I mean, if you take too much of it Ye're a fine healer, Mistress, and we are blessed to have ye, but Dr.

Wilson is a learned physician.


Can ye imagine if it was discovered that the King was being poisoned by his own physician?


BRIANNA: What are you doing?

Just making a list.

Tips for preventative healthcare.

Hmm, telling people what to do?

More importantly, what not to do.

I'm gonna make as many copies as I can and hand them out to all the settlers.

And how are you gonna explain how you know these things?

Sort of like Otter Tooth, isn't it?

People even gonna listen to you?


No, I very much doubt it, but they will listen to Dr.


Dr. Rawlings recommends.

And who is Dr.


The man who used to own my medical kit and my microscope, and now the good doctor behind these radical new ideas.


All right, do you have a spare pen?

- Here you go.

- Thank you.

Broken free from without.

Then there may be yet more traitors in town.

Mr. Fanning, perhaps you could make some enquiries?

Of course.

Mebbe this works in our favor.

No doubt those men will tell Fitzgibbons what ye're willing to do to bring an end to this uprising.

We sought but one man.

I fear now that w*r is inevitable.

After all, one man fighting for his home is worth 100 100 fighting for pay.

You need more men.


I saw those you called at your daughter's wedding.

Not enough.

I'll leave tomorrow.

Gather a militia.

Meet me here as soon as you're able.

Come prepared for w*r.

T, L, M, S, G, B, K, V?


Oh, I forgot to ask.

Did Marsali pass the test?


Well, I have a new apprentice.

Thank you for helping me hide the body.

"The Apprentice Under the Root Cellar".

Surely that's a Nancy Drew novel begging to be written.

We have another lesson tonight.

Now, look down, look into the light, and follow my finger.



Your father, he was a spitfire pilot during the w*r?


Jerry MacKenzie.

So he didn't wear glasses?


No, I suppose, as a pilot, he must have had perfect vision.

That makes the chances of a hereditary vision problem a little less likely.

So what's the verdict?

You're slightly short-sighted in your left eye, but nothing that would cause any real difficulties.

So I'm just a terrible shot?


Maybe it's psychological.


I mean, my father may have been in the RAF, but I was raised by a minister.

I don't want to sh**t anyone.

Brianna, on the other hand, she, um [EXHALES SHARPLY]

Have you seen her with a r*fle?


Well, she seems to be making do.

She's happy here.

I think she wants to stay.

And why wouldn't you?

Want to stay, that is, if you have all of your family around you?

The Reverend was the last of mine.

Didn't you tell me you had some many-times great grandparents roaming around here somewhere in America?


Aye, I suppose I do.

Though, if we ever cross paths again, trying to explain to Morag MacKenzie that we're kin may be tricky.


Well, either way, we're your family, Roger.

As much as I love all of you being here [DRAMATIC MUSIC]

I hope you don't stay.


I would miss you all.


But it's safer in the future for all three of you, and I know you feel the same way.

I'm doing everything I can to make this a safer time, but it's not.

It's my fault that you're all here.

And Jemmy, he could scrape his knee and get an infection, and I don't know that I could save him because I don't have something as simple as an antibiotic.

Well, it's a moot point, isn't it?

Brianna and I can't go back until we know whether Jemmy can hear those stones.

That could be tomorrow Or a year from now.

Or never.



MAN: What're yer names?

Bryan Cranna and Lee Withers.

MAN: And the watchword?

If it hasna changed since we've been imprisoned, caisteal dhuni.

No, it hasna changed.


Friend Bryan.

Friend Lee.

'Tis good to see you returned.

Mr. Husband.

Mr. Hunter.

Have you news for us from Hillsborough?

How is it that you are free?

MURTAGH: Where's Ethan?

A sorry tale, but I'll tell it.


MURTAGH: Though we mourn the loss of Ethan and long to avenge him, my godson's right.

We need to bide our time.

If he's told us that we cannot return to Hillsborough [CHUCKLES]

There's good reason.

I ken ye trust him, Murtagh, but I canna say he takes our side.

He's walking between two fires.

And ye?

Wavering between two fires.

Our cause on the one hand, and your godson on the other.

Where will your allegiance lie when the time comes to fight?

We pray it does not come to that.

If it does, we'll be ready.

I have no say over my godson, and he has no say over me.

But he stands with the crown.

No, he stands with his people.

And I stand with mine.


He'll fight beside ye when the time comes, Bryan.

Ye have my word.


MURDINA: She's gone mad, she has.

Up all night baking.

More bread than the Lord when he fed the multitudes with the loaves and fishes.


You're not planning to eat all of that, are you?

No, I'm going to let it go moldy.

What a terrible waste.

Please tell me you're being sarcastic.

What, me?


I'm making penicillin, or at least I'm going to try to.

Okay, Mrs.

Bug's right.

You have lost your mind.


- You can't do that.

- Yes, I can, I think.

And not just with the bread; I've sent Marsali out to gather food scraps from the neighbors, things destined for the pig trough.

With any luck, I'll find the right strain.

No, Mama, penicillin isn't invented for another hundred years.

157, to be precise.

Look, pretending to be someone else and writing lists that go against the accepted wisdom of the day is one thing, but this, it's dangerous.

What if it messes with some cosmic balance, or breaks some rule of space and time?

Isn't this playing God?

You know, Bri, you played God when you came back to save our lives, and I'm so glad that you did.

Now, I change the future every time I save a person's life here, and Jamie, even though he's not a time-traveler, his very presence here has affected the future of a lot of people who aren't breathing anymore, and a few who are, like you And Jemmy.

So time, space, history be damned.


ROGER: Jeremiah was a bullfrog Was a good friend of mine I never understood a single word he said But I helped him drink his wine And he always had a mighty fine wine Singing joy to the world All the boys and girls Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea Joy to you and me [LAUGHS]

You're not a bullfrog, are you, Jeremiah?


But it's true.

I canna understand a single word you're saying.

I love that song.



You're a good dad.

You know that?

Here, I'll take that.

You can sit with Jemmy.




Hi, where you going?

Hey, Jem.

Mm, mm.

I know.







Roger, get out here quick!

BRIANNA: Da, you missed it, but Roger, he's walking!

He's walking!

Can you believe it?


Look at our baby!

He's walking!






- I know!



Come on!

Come on!


- Oh!


One of these on the larger girl.

Thank you very much.




GERALD: That's it.

Put some strength into it!



Fancy seeing you here.

I'd like to introduce you to an associate of mine.

May I present Mr. Stephen Bonnet.


Pleased to make your acquaintance.


A gambling man, are you, Mr. Bonnet?

I've been known to bet on the cocks, but truth be told, I find the sight of two women engaged in such violent combat vulgar.


One claims the other cost her 20 shillings.

Stole her fancy man two nights in a row.


Far from bein' the gentler sex today.

Then again, I'm not one to pass up a good wager.

My money is on the stocky damsel.



I put a stake on the vicious little harlot.


So how is it you know Mr. Turnbull?

Oh, Mr.

Bonnet has facilitated the transport of various proprietary goods for me and many others who wish to avoid the King's levies.

He's very discreet in his dealings.

One good turn.


I'm glad we have how shall I put it untethered you from your past, Mr. Bonnet.


It will be a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Forbes, should the need arise.


I'll surely keep that in mind.






- MAN: Come on!




What did I tell you?

I know a winner when I see one.

MARSDEN: And I know a cheater when I see one.


Clearly you know that woman.

What are you implying?

You're in league with the woman.

You knew when she'd go down.

I know who you are, Mr.


I assure you, you're quite mistaken.

Damn your eyes, sir.

I prefer to lose with honor rather than win by trickery.


I think it's you that's insulted my honor, sir.

Let us settle this like gentlemen.




Come on, Bonnet!

Come on!









'Tis not my eyes that will be damned, sir.


'Tis unlike you, Bonnet.

Why not k*ll the man outright?

I considered it, but I must set a better example.

I'm a father now.



Stephen Bonnet is alive.

- Bri doesn't know.

Does she?

- No.

- That's one small blessing.

- Stop!


I'm a man, who lives not far from here.

Claire and I will go see this, Mr. Beardsley.

There's something very strange about this place, Jamie.

- What's upstairs?

- Don't go up there!




NARRATOR: Episode 2, this is entitled: Between Two Fires.

In episode 2, we're kicking off the Really the stories of the season.

You know the Jamie has to go out and find Murtagh.

You know, he's charged with hunting down this fugitive Regulator with, uh, Lieutenant Knox.

I admire a man who puts duty and honor above all else.

You know, he's trying to Kind of walk between these two fires.

Murtagh is doing the same thing.

His love for his godson, and his new comrades, is the Regulators and what they believe in.

There's a line in the book, that's: He's walking between two fires.

And ye?

Wavering between two fires.

We thought it'd make a great title.

But it also, relieves a great theme for the episode as well.

Yeah, you're right.

'Cause also Brianna is obviously struggling between Wanting to be with here family here, but, having a husband who's not happy here.

Her feelings for leaving or going is-is tough.

Because, in her heart, she probably wants to stay with her family.

But in her heart, she loves her husband.

Our family is here.

You and Jemmy are my family.

And Claire, obviously is struggling with fitting into the society, but also wanting to make it better.

In terms of, you know, her medical knowledge.

And how far does Claire go?

I'm making penicillin, or at least I'm going to try to.

Do I bring science and-and my knowledge into this time that can affect the world as we go forward, are definitely two fires that, you know, you're walking between.

This, it's dangerous.

There's something, that we did in this episode that we loved it in the book, but we knew we weren't going to be able to do it in the exact same way, is Claire performing an autopsy.

We didn't think we were going to be able to get to it, where it fits in-in our arc, so we brought it forward and had her do it as a part of her trying to figure out You know, how do I help people.

Well, one of the ways of doing that is to find out what's going on with them.

So, she performs an autopsy.

And then we also wanted to create more story for Marsali.

So we brought her on as, Claire's apprentice through out portion of the season.

We learn by practicing on the dead, and I think you'd be a good apprentice.

The dynamics between the two of them really worked out nicely.

Yeah, I know.

I loved that shot, where that she's, um, butchering and Claire's like, interesting, - I-I see something else for her.

- Yeah.

Um, so and you're right.

I think their relationship is kind of, - one of surrogate mother-daughter.

- Yeah.

And um, it's a perfect job for Marsali.

And um and obviously we know, Brianna does not like blood.

- And-and isn't really, - Right.

um, someone who Claire could take under her wings in that way.

Right now, Marsali and Claire are getting closer as they go.

And this is one of the things that, bringing Marsali on as an apprentice will help Marsali see Claire in a different light.

And then, but also help Claire see Marsali in a different light.

Marsali, you are kind and caring, Given enough chance, then she can blossom.

But also I think Marsali, struggles with her relationship with Claire.

Because obviously as we know her mother is Laoghaire.

Laoghaire and Claire have a horrible relationship.

So, I think Marsali struggles between love for her mother and then love for Claire, who's her, you know, substitute mom in many ways and has taken her under her wing.

She's caught between two fires.

- She's caught between two fires.

- There you go.