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05x01 - The Fiery Cross

Posted: 02/16/20 06:33
by bunniefuu
CLAIRE: Previously TRYON: North Carolina offers wealth and prosperity for those willing to persevere.

10,000 acres of his majesty's land at your disposal.

- You'll marry me?

- Yes.


How much money do you want for it?

Well, perhaps you could earn it.

Get off me!

I have no choice but to live with what you've done to me.

While you rot in the ground, I will raise my child to be nothing like you.

Brianna was att*cked.

Knowing it might be Bonnet's child that she bears, can you go back to her?


- You're here.

- I love you.

The corruption of the governor's sheriffs - and tax collectors must end.

- [cheers]

Your first mission is to hunt down and k*ll the fugitive Murtagh Fitzgibbons.

[gentle music]

She's gone.


I swore an oath Jamie Fraser, when you were no more than a week old and a bonny lad at your mother's breast.

I knelt at Ellen's feet, as I now kneel by yours, and I swore to her by the name of the threefold God that I'd follow you always to do your bidding and guard yer back when you became a man grown and was needing such service.

She's gone now.

But I'll always be with you.


[gentle music]

CHOIR: Sing me a song Of a lass that is gone Say, could that lass Be I?

Merry of soul She sailed on a day Over the sea To Skye Billow and breeze Islands and seas Mountains of rain and sun All that was good All that was fair All that was me Is gone Sing me a song Of a lass that is gone Say, could that lass Be I?

Merry of soul She sailed on a day Over the sea To Skye WOMAN: Sing me a song Of a lass that is gone Say, could that lass Be I?

JAMIE: Careful, or ye'll lose yer head.


It's not called a cutthroat razor for nothin'.

We canna have ye lookin' like ye've been to the w*r and back, not today anyway.

All right.




About what, the day ye has in store for me, or that you have a blade to my throat?


But for you, a day off from working on the house, at least?

Yeah, first in a wee while.

But we have a floor under our feet now and a a roof above our heads.

Couldna have done it wi'out the help of some of the men.

Bree and I cannot thank you enough for the gift of this cabin.

Couldna have my wee grandson sleeping in the woods now, could we?

I was thinking of adding a loft.

Bree said she'd draw up some plans for me to follow.

And So Yeah.

Have ye the right tools?

Well, they say it's a bad tradesman who blames his tools for his lack of skills.



No, I don't suppose I've done much building, or farming, for that matter.

Nor do I know how to drive a horse or gut a deer or wield a sword, but, uh But I'm sure I'll find a suitable trade to provide for my family.

And until that time, ye'll have to rely on the skills and trades of others.


The ring ye asked Murtagh to make for Bree.

Thank you.

Oh, I thought perhaps I only expected copper and brass.

Well this one is certainly fit for my daughter.


[groans softly]

[gentle music]

CLAIRE: Home is the place, a site on which we live, but Fraser's Ridge is much more than that, a community built by the people who live there.

Once Jamie and I had chosen a spot for a new home, with the help of the settlers, construction began.

Men and women who made us feel at home before the walls of our new house had even gone up, who stood by us as the seasons came and went, who looked forward to reaping the first harvest with us and to sharing in our daughter's wedding, even if we hadn't quite finished the house in time.

We were making our mark on the land, laying our foundations for the rest of our lives.

That's not quite the white satin and orange blossom I imagined.



It's even more beautiful.

[exhales deeply]

Now, I didn't have my mother at either of my weddings.

I've dreamt of this day for so long.

Helping you into your dress.

Doing your hair.

Mama, I'm here with you and with the man I love.

It couldn't be more perfect.


I better go see where your father's gone to.

It's almost time.

My baby.

[gentle music]








And blue, huh.

Yeah, blue enough.


CLAIRE: Jamie?

In here.

Wait till you see her.

You've been busy.

I must do what I can for her, while I have the chance.

We've no' had enough time together.

It was going to happen one day.

And we're giving her away to a man who loves her.



You doubt his love?

Did he no' doubt it himself?

Well, he's here now, and he loves her.


Mebbe that's what I fear.

I ken what love can make a man do.

Gives ye courage, but not the sense to go along wi' it.

And no good love'll do either of them if he gets himself k*lled.

He's a scholar.

I'm not sure his area of expertise covers the dangers of the Carolina wilderness.


S'pose no amount of time will prepare him.

Perhaps not.

But he has you to teach him.



[light music]

It's time?


[gentle orchestral music]

You remembered.

[both exhale gently]

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and a silver sixpence For your shoe.


From Murtagh.

I am sorry he can't be here today.

As is he.

I, uh, I'm glad you brought these back with ye.

Hoped that maybe you would wear them one day.


I, uh, dinna imagine it's quite the wedding ye maybe dreamt of when you were a wee lass.

Hmm, not quite.

But, the best thing, I don't have to imagine you.

It is a blessing you came to me.

But having just gotten ye back, must I give ye away so soon?


No matter where I am, I will always be your wee girl.


[gentle music]

You ready, a leannan?

Je suis prest.

[gentle orchestral music]

You look radiant.

The Frasers of the Ridge are here!

[cheers and applause]

It'll all be fine.

Remember, the two of you together can conquer the world.

You just I love you too.

Dearly beloved, we are assembled here today in the presence of God.

Let us therefore reverently remember that God has established and sanctified marriage for the welfare and happiness of mankind.

I charge you both before God that if either of you know of any reason why ye may lawfully not be joined together in marriage, ye do confess it now.

Roger Jeremiah, wilt thou have this woman to be thy wife, and wilt thou pledge thy troth to her, in all love and honor, in all duty and service, in all faith and tenderness, to live with her and cherish her according to the ordinance of God in the holy bond of marriage?

I will.

CALDWELL: Brianna Ellen, for ye be well assured Brave face, darling.

'Tis brave as I can muster given that it's not in Latin and conducted by a Catholic priest.

CALDWELL: Duty and service in all faith and tenderness, to live with him and cherish him according to the ordinance of God in the holy bond of marriage?

I will.

Who giveth this woman to be married to this man?

I do.

I, Roger Jeremiah, take thee, Brianna Ellen, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward in plenty and want, in joy and in sorrow, in sickness and in health as long as we both shall live.

BRIANNA: I, Brianna Ellen, take thee, Roger Jeremiah, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward To have and to hold from this day forth, for better for worse, for richer for poorer.

In sickness and in health.

BRIANNA: In sickness and in health as long as we both shall live.

BOTH: As long as we both shall live.

[cheers and applause]

[upbeat music]

[low chatter]

Thank you for coming.



Thank you.

Your Excellency.

Heartfelt congratulations to you.

If we kenned you were coming, we might have been better prepared to accommodate you, offered you a chamber in the house.

Oh, no, attentions are where they should be today, when, in fact, his Majesty has equipped me with pavilion tents to rival some of the best houses in the Province.

And with my house unfinished, I'm relieved to hear it.


Ceremony fit for a prince in the days of yore.

I expect you'll be planning a hunt in celebration?

- The groom's not much for hunting.

- Oh.

He sings like a bird, but not one for sh**ting them.


Oh, um, I have a man with me, Lieutenant Knox.

Well, it's a platoon, to be precise.

Hope your men enjoy themselves.

Well, it's business that brings them here, not pleasure, unfortunately.

- Here?

- Hmm.

To the backcountry, you mean?

All manner of things can grow from fallow soil, as you've intimated in your letters, and, uh, there certainly seems to be an abundance of that out here.

Enough to keep a good number of men busy, including myself.

But I ask you, is the man who delays paying his landlord more or less of a thief than, say, the letter writer who is parsimonious with his words?

When I write, Your Excellency, I aim to provide simple facts.

But I can't help but feel myself robbed of the satisfaction of seeing one particular story being brought to its conclusion.

Your dispatches have kept me enthralled these past few months, but a few too many twists and turns of plot for my taste.

You know, I like to see a villain get his comeuppance.

[foreboding music]

But I'm keeping you from your guests.


[lively music]

[children laughing, screaming]

Congratulations, Uncle Roger.


Look at you.

Don't touch my hair.

Germain, ye daft thing, why not?

Grand-Père says you have ticks.



Says all Presbyterians have hair ticks.


Off you go.

Go play.

To the bride and groom.

[speaking Gaelic]

[all speaking Gaelic]

So your father thinks I'm heretic.

BRIANNA: Oh, it's not just you.

He thinks all Presbyterians are.

He just canna forgive me for not coming back to you right away.

Nah, some of us like to think before we act.

But you did come back, and that's all that matters.

Then tell him that.

[both laugh]

You know, in my America, it's traditional for the bride and groom to feed one another a little bit of wedding cake.

Oh, good.

I wish you'd told me first.

There was me thinking that you were just trying to shut me up for a minute.

But a wife should never dare contradict her husband.

- [chuckles]

- Oh, it's my turn.

Mm, wow.

Thank you.

[both laugh]

And here we are, mistress.

The happy couple, Mister and Mistress MacKenzie.


Wed at last.

Thank you.

I wondered if your husband would be so good as to speak with me in my pavilion before I leave.

Of course.

I look forward to it.

Enjoy the dancing.


Well, at least your aunt likes me.

Well, you do look dashing.

- As I'm sure you've told her.

- [chuckles]

She, for one, can't see that I have cake all over my face.

[chuckles softly]

Maybe when we go back, we can do all this again.

And I'll be a little more prepared.

[lively music]

[rhythmic clapping]


[lively music continues]

My throat is drying out.

Who's next?

[crowd oohs]

Aye, come on.


I slit a sheet a sleet I shit no.


[raucous chatter]

Who's next?


Come on, Morton.

Time waits for no man.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.


- Sláinte!

- ALL: Sláinte!

[crowd oohs]

ALL: Oh!


Peter pecker plucked a pluck of [overlapping shouting]


Forfeit, come on.




Ah, you would have more luck in French, my love.


ALL: Ooh.


- [sighs]

- [scattered laughter]

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.


Quickly, think of another, Mistress Fraser.

- I don't - Else you'll face a forfeit.

- No, my mind is blank.

- Come on.

Oh, heavens all right, I'll go, all right!



'Tis mebbe a wee bit vulgar for a lady.

May the lord forgive me.

There was an old pheasant, and he's not too pleasant, and though I'm not a pheasant plucker ooh I'll be plucking pheasants till the pheasant plucking's done.


Um some Shakespeare, anyone?

- What?

- [scattered groans]


Forfeit, please.


- [laughter]

- Up you go.

[lively music]

Always exhausting, no matter what century you're in.

A wise man once said, "No one dances sober unless he's insane.

" - [chuckles]

- Let's grab a drink.

- Mistress, might I - May you what?

- Of course, Lizzie.

- Oh, come on.

[Brianna chuckles]

Should we teach Jemmy how to do the mashed potato?

Or the twist?

- [Claire chuckles]

- [Jemmy coos]

Anyone watching you, they'll think you've gone stark raving mad.

Well, brides are allowed to be crazy on their wedding day.


BRIANNA: You know, it's not very easy with this music, but you know who I'd love to see giving it a go?


I don't think you'd get a mashed potato out of your father.

Well, we'll see about that.

Good luck.

Willie's well, then?

Oh, he'd be dancing with joy unconfined if he were here.

There's never a dull moment, or any rest, where youth and pleasure meet.

And both fair youth and pleasure are to be found in England at the moment.


I'm always glad to hear your news, John.

And I endeavor to bring you only glad tidings.

But in your letters, you asked me to undertake something for you.

Do you want one?

Do I need one?

GREY: I'm afraid I have some shocking news.

There have been sightings of Bonnet in the Province.


[breathes raggedly]

GREY: I should have made certain.

I don't know why I didn't.

I assumed he perished in the rubble.

That bastard has an ungodly way of escapin' death.

Maybe hell's too good for Stephen Bonnet, and the devil wilna let him in.

[tense music]

[band playing lively music]

Well, did he put Elvis to shame?

Oh, couldn't find him.

You all right, darling?


Yeah, I was just thinking it's a shame cameras don't exist yet.

Well, it has been a day to remember, Mrs.

MacKenzie, even if we don't have any photographs.

You know, Daddy wouldn't have been in them, even if we were in our own time.

But Frank would have been so proud of you.

And he would be delighted that you're marrying an Oxford man.

- BRIANNA: Well - [Claire chuckles]

We used to joke, living in Boston, that you'd end up with a Chad or a Chip.

BRIANNA: Well, I have a Roger, and a MacKenzie to boot.


Which one of you lovely ladies would like to cut a rug?

[both chuckle]

Ah, don't mind if I do.

[insects chirping]

[door creaks]

You missed a beautiful ceremony.


But I did catch a glimpse from afar.

Though was that a redcoat I saw?

Governor Tryon.


Then what took you so long?


Well, I'm not in the habit of traipsing out to a shed to meet my acquaintances.

Who said it's a shed?

Perhaps I made a hasty judgment, being too generous.

The sound of twigs snappin' and mud squelchin' underfoot, well, it would suggest something a wee bit rustic.

Well think of it as an enchanting woodland palace built by the kindly wood-nymphs that live hereabouts.


What would that make you, the Fairy King?


[lively music]

CLAIRE: Your dispatches aren't satisfactory any longer?

Tryon certainly isn't subtle for a politician.


When it comes to politics, Sassenach, there's not much difference between makin' the right friends and the right enemies.

I'd rather keep Tryon as a friend.

There's nothing we can do about it tonight.

Let's get some sleep.

It won't be long before we're woken by the loud wailing of a certain baby boy.

- Hmm.

- [baby cries]

Loud wailings, huh?


Like father, like son.



JAMIE: Hush there, wee laddie.

Sit down.

"L" is for the way You look at me "O" is for The only one I see "V" is very, very extraordinary "E" is even more than anyone That you adore can love Is all that I can give to you Love is more than just a game for two Two in love can make it Take my heart and please don't break it Love was meant for me and you [baby cries]

[baby cries]


[both moaning]


[both moaning]

[high-pitched ringing]

Where are we now, in the cold light of day?


Yer mind's not here, in this enchanted woodland palace?


In another lifetime, you and I might have had more time.

Perhaps if I was a different man But it's because I ken what life is.

Ye canna change a man.

Ye can only change his circumstance.

My circumstances may soon be about to change.

Duncan Innes has proposed marriage.

- Innes?

- Aye.


Ah Jamie and I, uh, kent him from Ardsmuir.

I'd heard he'd settled in North Carolina.

What did you say to him?

I have yet to give him my answer.

I'll no' stand in the way of yer happiness.

What kind of creatures do ye hunt?

Uh, w-whatever I can find.

Uh, bear, beaver, and fox.

Hare, if ye can catch 'im.

You won't get much for 'im, though.

Stag, buck, and doe.

Sure I'm borin' ye, Miss Lizzie.


[footsteps approach]

Josiah, the hunter.


Fraser, sir.

W-we was only talkin' of skin.

Of, uh, skins and pelts, I mean.

CLAIRE: Next patient.

Aye, ye've a talent for huntin'.

Couldn't do better myself.

I was hopin' you'd consider settling here, on the Ridge.

Though perhaps I'd be unwise to leave such a charming lad among the women folk.

I've got more on my mind than kissin' and what have ye, Mr.

Fraser, sir.

M-my throat hurts bad.

These look healthy, Mistress.


Mr. MacKenzie.

Choosing your breakfast, Mistress Cameron?


'Tis the cock that crows but the hens that lay the eggs.

A married man ye are now, come home to roost.

Will ye join me, Mr. MacKenzie?

Did my niece tell ye that I meant to make her heiress to my property?

Aye, she did.

I'm sure, um, my wife is most conscious of the honor, - Mistress Cameron, but, uh - Is she?

I shouldn't have thought so, to hear her talk.

Well, ye ken her mind better than I do.

Be that is it may, I mean to tell her that I have changed my own mind.


- Well, I'm sure she'll - I told Gerald Forbes to draw up a will, leaving River Run and all its contents to Jeremiah.

To what, to wee Jemmy?

You'll doubtless ken that a woman's property becomes her husband's once she's wed, and I ken also that protestants are partial to divorce.


I thought, if you canna love the lad for himself, you might treat him well for the sake of his prospects.

Are ye sayin' ye think I don't believe that he's my son?

I didna say as much.

Oh, you said a great deal.

And what ye've not said speaks louder than what ye have.

How dare you imply such things to me?

I offer you my apology, Mr. MacKenzie.

But it is only to be understood that a man might not feel so kindly towards a bairn his wife has borne to another.

- But if - That's enough.

I may not have any property or money, but I have time.

And I will give it all to Brianna and Jeremiah.

Let me put this very plainly.

I do not want your money.

My wife does not want your money, and my son will not have it.

Cram it up yer hole, aye?


As you hoped, Mistress?

Even better.


All right, head back.

Open your mouth wide.

Stick out your tongue.

Okay, say "ah.

" Ah Mm.

Abscessed tonsils.

I can remove them.

It'll hurt, but it'll be better in the long run.

Ye could do that?


Though I wish I had different medicine and equipment.

That's not it, is it?

'Cause if it is, I'm feelin' better already.

No, don't worry.

And we don't have to take them out now.

JAMIE: If Claire does this for you, lad you'll settle at the Ridge?

Do the hunting when I'm away?

We'd be happy to help you.

Thank you.

That brand mark on his hand.

I'm guessing that "T" stands for "thief"?

Well, who's not stolen something in his time?

The lad's brought in a great many deer and beaver skins.

Certainly doesn't sing for his supper.



I'll leave you to yer patients and to wage w*r with yer wee invisible beasties.


Certainly does feel like a w*r.

[person coughs]

Then ye must find yerself a lieutenant.


Next patient.

Yer Excellency.

Glad to see you up early, Colonel Fraser.

Early bird and all that.

Still, I suppose it is a kind of worm you will be catching.

I beg your pardon, sir?

Well, out of respect for your daughter's wedding, I deferred speaking of this until today.

Your endeavors to cultivate the King's land have been admirable, but the time has come for you to fulfill your oath, both to the crown and to me, your benefactor.

Time for that hunt, Colonel Fraser.

Gather your men.

I want Murtagh Fitzgibbons and his insurgents brought to justice.

Be it by rope or by ball, it matters not one bit to me, but I want his body hanging in New Bern as a warning to all.

This matter is beyond the Province now.

The people are mindful of the outcome.



Lieutenant Knox and his men will remain to assist you.

I must show my face to the local sheriffs, reassure them that their governor is taking appropriate measures to eradicate this Regulator pestilence.

The indignities and insults to his Majesty's government must end.

Chose you for this task because you know these Scots, 'cause you are one.

Do not disappoint me, Colonel.

KNOX: We should prepare to leave within a week.

Will that give you enough time to put your affairs in order?


Shh, shh, shh [baby crying]

Yesterday was a celebration of our love for one another.

But today, and every day from now on, it's us.

The three of us.


Roger, what are you doing?

Something I should have done a long time ago.

Jeremiah Alexander Ian Fraser MacKenzie, you are blood of my blood, bone of my bone.

I claim thee as my son before all men, from this day forever.

Oh, where have you been?

[Jamie sighs]

What's the matter?

Tryon is leaving a troop to aid me in the hunt.

We leave in a week.


And if you refuse to hunt Murtagh, then Tryon takes back our land?

He'll brand me a traitor.

I signed an oath to the crown.


Tryon would renege on his oath to you the moment it suited him, - or if he could profit from it.

- Aye.

When this w*r you tell me about eventually comes, well, then, I'll reconsider my vow, but I dinna have the luxury of that now.

Because of our family, our tenants.

If there is a w*r, I need to ensure the men of the Ridge are loyal to me, not to Tryon.

The men of the Ridge would do anything for you.


If I call up a militia, he'll be expected to fight, being fit and of age.

He's not ready for that.

Can't you keep him out of it?

Where are you going?

Tryon wants his Scot.

I'll give him a Scot.

[musician singing Gaelic]

[footsteps approaching]

In the Highlands When a chieftain sets himself to w*r, he'll burn the fiery cross, sending a sign throughout the lands of his clan.

It was a call for his men to To gather their weapons, come, prepared for battle.

We are friends, neighbors, countrymen.

But we're not a clan.

I'm not yer chief.

But I hope that if the time comes, you will all stand by my side.

We canna say what might befall us.

But we must not only be willing to make oaths to our wives and loved ones, but to our brothers in arms in this new country.

Stand by my hand.

I will promise to stand by your side, Colonel Fraser, sir.

I swear, by the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by the holy iron that I hold What's happened?

Why are they giving their oaths to Da now?

Since all the men are here, your father thought it would be wise to prepare for the future.

If ever my hand turn against you in rebellion, I ask that this holy iron pierce my heart.

Roger MacKenzie.

Be a shield for your family and for mine.

Son of my house.

Captain Roger MacKenzie.



You'll be my safe by my side.

Repeat what I say.

I swear by the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ And by the holy iron that I hold, to give ye my fealty, and I pledge ye my loyalty.

If ever my hand be raised against ye in rebellion, I ask that this holy iron pierce my heart.

I want ye to ken that this act we're undertaking forms a bond between us, the founding of a kinship in this New World.

Just as ye give me your word, I give ye mine.

I will serve you, as you are swearing to serve me.

And I will not light the cross again until the time has come for us to do battle.

Stand by my hand.

Fergus, son of my name and of my heart.

[musicians singing Gaelic]

FERGUS: I swear by the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by this holy iron I give you my fealty.

One last thing.

It's time.

Well, I suppose I should take it as a compliment, that he wants to display me so prominently at his palace in New Bern.

You've gotten under his skin a wee bit.

Ye keep telling me, ye ken how this will end.

This this w*r ye say is comin'.

But you can tell me nothing of the Regulators, how they fared in all of this.


No, but if you wait We'll be fightin' on the same side.

The w*r will change the face of this land.

There's always a w*r comin'.


But it's for us to decide which ones we fight.

What are you doing?

Fashioning a circle.

Perhaps you can ask those that can travel to and fro to go back and change things.

Make things here different.

Claire, Brianna, Roger.

They all came to this time from another.

Because they did Ye have everything ye've ever wanted.

I don't resent you for it.

But I must do what I must.

And ye cannot resent me for that either.

Nothing could ever make me resent ye.


It's no longer safe for you to remain here.

I know you stay because of the vow you made to my mother.

And to me.

Now I release you from it.




Be hard to find.

[chuckles softly]

[musician singing Gaelic]