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A Valentine's Match (2020)

Posted: 02/14/20 09:33
by bunniefuu
A Valentine's Match (2020)

M Just pretend like we're two friends.

Two friends.

I like that.

So, we do not need the script?

No, we need the script.

Stick to the script, just conversational.

Two friends... with lines.

Uh, all right everyone.

Let's settle.

Thank you.

-We are rolling.


And... action.

Welcome to A Taste of Class, where we explore the best hidden restaurants in the US.

I'm your host, Natalie Simmons.

I'm here today with Chef Henri.

[small laugh]

With Valentine's Day just around the corner, I can feel the love in the air.

Can't you?


It is a time for love.

It is also a time for roulade.

Chef Henri's roulade is rumoured to be the best in the country.



I can't wait to taste it.

Lead the way.

And cut!

All right, moving on.

Wait, wait, wait...

Are we getting a reflection from this window?

I didn't see anything on the monitor.

Are you sure?

Will you just humour me?

I think we need to go again.

Is that "time for love" line working?

He feels a little forced.

Ah, ah...

It's, it's fine.

I want to do another one.

Is makeup around?

We can if you want, but I think we are good.

Here, there's a script for the kitchen set...

Thank you, thank you.


Okay, hi.

"Wow, this roulade tastes like my grandmother's recipe." Uh, let's add a "just" and cut "recipe." "This roulade tastes just like my grandmother's." Thank you.

At least that way it sounds like I have a French grandmother.

Oh, thank you so much.

Oh, yeah, how about you ad lib a little.

You know, just have fun with it.

Brooks, I'm in three-inch heels, I can't breathe in this dress, and I'm freezing my butt off.

This show is not about fun, this show is about the unreachable.

People want to want to want something that they can't have.

Thank you.

Copy that.

Oh, by the way.

Tim called, he said he wants to see you after wrap.

I mean, can it wait until Wednesday?

We're really behind.

He says it needs to be today.




I'm sorry, Natalie.

Wait, you're actually firing me?

You know the ratings haven't been what we hoped.

Well, let's hire new writers.

Or I'll start writing some of the episodes.

I appreciate that, but you're already doing way more than any other host.

Did they give you a reason other than ratings?

They feel like you've lost your authenticity.

My authenticity?


You know I love you, Natalie.

But I can't disagree.

Okay, well so what am I missing?

You just don't have the same "oomph" anymore.

"Oomph," that's great.

What does that mean?

I don't know, it just seems like you're not having fun anymore, and it shows.

I'm sorry.


I'm fun.

I golf!

I have just as much fun as anybody else in this business.

That's a bit of a stretch.


Well, I can look like I'm having fun.

I can look like I'm having the time of my life.

Do you think I should call Tim and tell him that?

Um, I'd say yes if I thought he'd change his mind, but...

What am I gonna do?

Have the ice cream that I brought you.

Brooks, you're a good boyfriend, but I don't like chocolate ice cream, remember?

Oh, right.

I knew that.

I mean, it'd be one thing if I hated my job, but I love my job.

Getting to meet new people, getting people to open up and talk about things they never normally would.


[phone notification dings]


I just need to do better.

If people want perfect, I can do perfect.

That's what I do.


This is just a temporary setback.


No reason I can't bounce.





I mean, I could spin being fired, right?



I'm never going to work again, am I?

Don't worry.

Call your mom, she always cheers you up.

Well that's just poppycock.

Poppycock, is that even a word anymore, Mom?

And what are you doing about getting another job?

Unemployment is not a joke, Natalie.

I know, mother.

I don't know what I'm going to do.

Apparently, I've lost my authenticity.



What "oh?" Well, honey.

I've seen your shows, and um, you used to be so much more you.

You didn't hide from anything until...

Until what?


what am I hiding from?

Well, I can only think of one thing.

Zach Williams.

I'm not hiding from Zach Williams.

That was ages ago.


And for that entire time, you have always refused to talk about him, find out what's going on in his life, even when you've come home.

Which hasn't been often, by the way.

Mom, I've been home.

I came home...

That Christmas.

Uh, no, honey.

We came to you that Christmas.

But if you book a flight today, you could make it in time for the Valentine's Day festival.

Ah, that is the last event I would want to come home for.

Besides, I have a boyfriend.



You two have plans for Valentine's Day?

No, he has a sh**t that day, but you know.

It's the principle of matter.




Oh, I'm sorry, honey.


I'm distracted.

I've been busy working on this piece for the auction.

Oh, you and Sue still on the festival planning committee?

You know, Sue Williams, Zach's mother?

See, I can talk about Zach Williams.

Co-chairs, as always.

How's that going?

Oh, it's good.

We're not as close as we used to be since you two broke up, but we're friends.

You know what, honey?

Don't take my word for it, but I think that if you want to get your authenticity back, you are going to have to face what you've been running from.

And half inch serrated flange nuts.

Yeah, looks like we've got three boxes and two, four, eight single units.

Okay, great.

That does it.

Hey, do you mind holding down the fort for the afternoon?

Yeah, I've got you.


So, is there going to be a second?

A second?


That thing you went on last night?



Oh, don't say that.

Jess is not going to be happy.

Why am I not going to be happy?

How do you always do that?

How does she always do that?

Hi, husband.

Hi, Zach.


Don't hate me, she was really great.

I don't hate you.

I love you.

And so did she.

Just like all the others, I might add.

And I really appreciate you setting me up.

She was really...


I heard.

And she is.

Hey, don't worry about it, man.

True love is hard to find.


Honey, you're so sweet.



Okay, I am out.

There is only so much gush that one man can take for the day.

Uh, you can't fool me.

You're an artist.

There's a romantic in there somewhere.


I thought I owned a hardware store.

I'll be in the studio if anyone needs me.

[doorbell jingles]

That wasn't gushy.

Not even a little bit.

Nah, it was like a minor thing.

What is he talking about?


We gotta work it up next time we see him.

We'll show him some gushy.

Oh yeah, we gonna show him some gushy.


Okay, let's see.

Um, Bob Stoddard found this lovely little flower mart today that is willing to donate for the bouquet arranging contest today.


And Jenny Stoltz has volunteered for the valentine decorating station.


How is the puppy kissing booth coming along?

Oh, um, you know, I don't have everything for that yet, but I think Natalie will be able to help me.

Oh, she's coming home for a couple of weeks.

Oh, that's great.

Oh, you must be so happy.

Yes, I am.

Okay, Sue?

You're doing that thing again?

What thing?

That disappearing lip thing.

Oh no, I don't have disappearing lips.

-Yes, you do.

-No, I don't.

-Yes, you do.

-No, I don't.

-Yes, you do.

-No, I don't.

-Yes, you do.

-No, I don't.

Sue, I know you I know there's something that you want to say.

No, there isn't.

Don't make me drag it out of you.

Well, if you want to know the truth, it hasn't been easy.

What hasn't been easy?

Well I just think, especially since Natalie's coming home for the festival...

I just...


Sue, what's going on?

There's something I think you should know.

You know, I wish you would've told me that a long time ago.

Well, it was Zach's secret to tell, and it still is, unfortunately.

Well, it's too bad.

I always thought they were so good together.


[mischievous music]

I have an idea.

To get them back together.

How long did you say Natalie was going to be in town?

Long enough.



I am untethered to the past.

I am untethered to the past.

I create my own future.

I create my own future.

I relinquish old loves and relationships that no longer serve me.


I relinquish old loves and relationships that no longer serve me.


Hi stranger.

Hi Mom.

Hi Dad.

Welcome home, sunshine.

Good to have you back.

Thank you.

So you guys started decorating already.

Oh, well it is my favourite time of year.



Oh, woah.

Mom, I thought you were going to redecorate.

Oh, I just didn't have the heart.

There's just so much life in this room.

Or, "bad collage" is another way of putting it.

Well, I love it.

It reminds me of the old Natalie.

Um, oh, Honey, do you think you could help me run some errands while you're here in town?

Yeah, sure.


I just happen to have a list handy.

Puppy Kissing booth detail.

Now you can probably get most of these things down at the hardware store.


Um, I'll get started.

Uh, you're going to go now?

Yeah, is that okay?

Well, I just thought you'd go tomorrow, after you settle in.

No, I think I'd rather do this now and then get settled in later.

I've got a lot of phone calls to make this afternoon.


Yeah, that whole "serious unemployment" thing, remember?

No, I mean, you really want to go down to the hardware store right now?

Is there a problem with me going to the hardware store right now?

No, no.

Now's good.


Are you going to go like that?

What's wrong with what I'm wearing?

Well, I thought you might want to slip into something a little more comfortable.

I'm comfortable.

You're wearing heels.

They're weekend heels.










It's me.


Listen, I think we have a problem.

She just left.

[sparks crackling]

[phone ringing]

Hey, mom.

What's going on?

Oh, hi honey, have you left for the studio yet?

Yeah, I just got here.

What's up?

Well, I have a hardware emergency.


Would you be able to come over to the store and meet me?


Well, what is it?

Well, it's sort of hard to describe over the phone.

I really need to show you.

Can you ask Eric?

I just got here.

Oh, I'm sorry to be a pest honey, but that just won't work.

I'll see you there.


See you there.


Can I help you?

Um, yeah.



Give us a hug.


How are you?

I'm good, good.

My gosh.

What have you been up to for the past 100 years?

Uh, let's see, uh...

I got married.


I work here.

Pretty much sums it up.

That's so good.

Uh, what about you?

Uh, well, I, um, I am not married, not married, yet.

I have a boyfriend though.


You know, I'm doing well.


I'm surprised you're even here.

I decided to finally come visit Mom and Dad.

Mom put me to work already.

Valentine's stuff.


Let's get you started.

[doorbell jingles]


Red paint...

Down there.

Oh, great.

Uh...yeah, right there.




...and there's paint brushes.

Paint brushes right here.

Oh, great.

Thank you.


[doorbell jingles]

Oh, could you grab a roll of tape please?

Thank you.



So sorry, what was your wife's name again?




How did you guys meet?

Actually, we met right here.

She came in with a list, just like you.

I basically helped her out and laughed a little bit.

By the end of it, she was all smitten, so...

How could she not be?

Of course, right?


[sighs of relief]


Is everything okay?


Come, come.

Total is $92.17.

Okay, great.



What a surprise.

Hi Mrs.


It's so good to see you.





Hi, Zach.


Well I'm just going to let the two of you catch up.


Eric, could you help me with some grommets?


I can.

I'm having a little hardware related emergency.


It's so good to see you.

You too.




What brings you to town?

Um, I'm just helping my mom with the Valentine's Day festival, I'm doing the kissing booth.

Oh, yeah.



How about you, what brings you back?

Oh, I live here.

Like above the hardware store?




No, no.

No, I-I-I-I live here.

In town.


Oh, right.

Yeah, of course.




So, you're not off doing your art?

Yeah, no.


Not professionally.

I, uh...

I actually, uh...

Bought the hardware store a couple years ago.

You what?

Bought a hardware store.


You own a hardware store?

I own a hardware store.


And now this is what you do.




Well, good, good, good, good job.

Okay, great.

I mean, that's great.

It's so, look, it's so well stocked, and look at these.

These, um...

You got all these...


Nuts, and um, lumber- Yup.

And these are, man, these are great.

Actually, I'm gonna, I'm gonna take one of these.

I need one.

You got a clogged drain?

Uh, well, I don't...

I don't have one today, but um, I definitely will in the future.


I mean, don't we all?



How much is this?

You know what, this is on the house.



That's so nice of you.


Find what you need, Mom?

All good.

Carry on.

So, congratulations on the store.

That's just fantastic.


Just like...

so great.



And I, I guess I'll, um, see you soon.

Here, can I?

No, no, I'm so good.

I'm good.



Good luck.

Good luck.

And good luck with the kissing.



-The booth.


Should be fun.

Well, it's puppies, so cute at least.

You sure you have...

I've got it, yeah, I'm great.

Can I get the door?

Nah, I'm good.


You sure?



Oh, look at that.


You did it.


Okay, great.


Good to see you.

-You too.



[car engine rumbles]

Oh, that's her.

Give me five minutes.

Guess who I ran into at the hardware store.


I think you know who.

So, you saw Zach.


And how did it go?


Why didn't you tell me that he gave up his art career and bought a hardware store?

Well, I just thought that would add insult to injury.


It does.

I'm sorry.


He can buy a hardware store, he could buy a snow cone factory for all I care.

A snow cone factory?


Making snow cones.

What do I care, see?

I'm letting it go.

I don't even want to talk about it anymore.

Oh boy.

But why a hardware store?

I mean honestly, of all the things that he could...

And if he quit his art career, then why didn't he come back...

You know what?

It doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter.

I'm only home to face my fears and let it go.

Which shouldn't be that difficult, considering I'm in love with someone else.


Wow, that's a new development.

Yeah, well, you know.

Deep like, at least.

Brooks is amazing.

Oh well, I wouldn't know, since [whispers]

we've never met.

-Mom, you Face-timed with him.


[phone rings]

Oh, sorry honey, I have to get that.



Hi, Sue.

What's up?

Oh no, no, we have to have the auction.

That is what funds the entire Valentine's Day festival for next year.


Um, well.



I don't know.


But I'll ask her.

Sure, I'll ask her.

Okay, bye.

Mom, I don't want to work while I'm here.

Well, we only have one person, and you know we always have two.

And the auction, it funds the entire event for the next year.

Yes, I know.


The last item on the agenda is the auction.

Unfortunately, Rich and June had to drop out this year, so Natalie has graciously volunteered.

And do we have a partner?


We do.

Here he is.


You and Natalie will be this year's auction team.


Problem solved.


Meeting adjourned.

ing this.

Honey, just breathe.

And remember why you came home.

To face your fears.

And besides, you were just convincing me that you had moved on.

I have, of course I have.

Well, good.

Then there's not a problem.

I know you and Sue are all worked up about the Valentine's thing, but cupids you are not.

Why didn't you tell me that Natalie was going to be here?

Oh, I'm sorry, I guess I just forgot.

Oh, and Natalie?


Thank you so much for your help.

Sure, of course.


And Zach, you too.

I don't know what we would've done without you two.

Hi, I just want to introduce myself.

I'm Jess.



Jess and Eric are going to be coordinating the Sweetheart Dance this year.

Oh, okay.

And you're going to be going to Steve's later?

Yeah, we're going to stop by and ask about the sound equipment and grab a bite to eat.

Two birds kinda thing.

Steve's diner is a local hangout.

Best burgers in Five Counties.



Do you guys want to join us?

Oh, well, we'd love to, but...

We have festival business.

But do you know what?

Why don't all of you go?


Have some fun.

Oh, what a great idea.

Because we have a lot of work to do.

Yes, we do.

-Yeah, we should go do that.

-We better get to it.

Just breathe honey.


Have fun.

Hey, babe.


How are you?


I was just asking Natalie and Zach if they wanted to join us for...

Hey Nat, how you doing?


You two know each other?


Yeah, we all go way back.

Yeah, yeah.


Nat's the one who I told you about.

The one I saw yesterday at the store?

Oh, right.


Oh, you're the one who...

I mean, great.


Do you want to ride with us?

Sure, yeah.


No, that'd be great, but we have decorations in the back, right?



You're welcome to ride with me.



Natalie's the one who was engaged to Zach?


So, I totally blew that, didn't I?

It's okay.

You look cute sweating b*ll*ts.

Oh wow, this is going to be awkward.

So now you're a big TV star.


Well, I think star's overstating it, but I do work some.

I'm just your average TV host and I've been really lucky.

I'm sure it's more than just luck.

Yeah, I've worked really hard actually, over the last couple of years that, um...

I've been working with editors and writing some of the episodes.

My boyfriend is a director, so we get to work together a lot.

Oh, well, that's...

that's great.


That is nice.


He's super talented.

I'll get that...

oh, there you go.


How's life in the hardware trade?



You got a girl...


you're dating or?

Oh, no.

Nobody serious.

Listen, I know this is awkward, but it doesn't have to be.



Glad we're past that.

-Me too.


[car starts]

This is where we're eating?


It's not Jenny's anymore?


But the burgers are still the same.

Oh, good.


So, Steve says we can pick up the sound equipment anytime.

I've got the keys to the store, do you think you could give me a hand when we're done?



Oh, and maybe you and Natalie could pick up the rest of the decorations at the hall?

If that's okay with you, and then I can give you a ride home afterward?

Sure, that sounds great.

Natalie, do you want to try one of my fries?

They're amazing.

Oh, thank you, no.

I actually know these fries are really good.

I used to come here all the time.




Fry bite?


Mmm, so good!


Could we grab a cheque?

Food is the way to Eric's heart.

It's one of the things I love about him.


Is anybody else feeling like, stuffy?

Like, is it?



I need some fresh air.

I'm just going to step outside for some air.

I'll see you guys out there.



did I do something wrong?

No, no.

Uh, it was me.

We used to come here a lot when we were dating.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I didn't know.

Why would you?

Excuse me.

Everything okay?

Uh, yeah.


Just getting some air.

You don't seem fine.

Why wouldn't I be?

Well, it's just that this is where we had our first date.

Thank you.

Except that was Jenny's and this is, uh, Steve's.


We should be good.

You know, you don't have to do the auction if you don't want to.

Why wouldn't I want to do the auction?

Just brings back old memories?

Okay, you don't have to do that with me.

The sensitive artist thing.

Sensitive artist thing?

Yeah, you know, the whole, like, tending to everybody's emotions, and making sure everything's okay, and noticing every detail.

Just could you not do that with me?




Just so I'm clear, we're still doing the auction?

Yes, of course.

Okay, great.

I just wasn't sure.

Yeah, we should.

We should!




How hard could it be?


We're adults.

We are adults.

Is everything cool?

Hey, great.


You ready to get some twinkle lights?

Car's right here.


See, hey?

We're doing it already.

-We're doing it.


You guys really going to do this auction together?

Looks that way.

And you're okay with that?

Okay is a strong word.


I mean, I don't know how I'd feel if I had to hang out with an ex.


I knew you never wanted to go there, but you never did tell me why you two broke up.


Let's just say it didn't end in the best possible way.

Well, come on man.

What happened?


Well, it's a little involved, but...

The Reader's Digest version is...

He went to art school instead of marrying me.


I don't understand.

Why couldn't you do both?

That was what I wanted to know.

What happened?

Well, the plan was for us to get married and live right here in Oregon, but right before the wedding I got an offer for a job in San Francisco to be on a show, and then he got accepted to this fancy graduate program in Europe.

For art?


I offered to go with him, you know, I was the one who encouraged him to apply, and I said I would go.

But he just told me that he...

He wanted to focus all of his attention on art, full time.


Evidenced by the fact that he now makes a living in hardware.


Not good.


I guess really in the end, he just...

If I'm honest, he just didn't love me enough to marry me, and he took the easy way out.

End of story.

That doesn't seem like Zach.

Well, you can't judge a book by its cover.


Sounds like something my mother would say.

Is it like a rule in life that we all have to end up like our mothers?


Yeah, I think so.

I'm seriously rethinking my decision to come.

Sorry, I...

I can't, I can't hear you too well.

I said I wish I didn't come.

That's great.

Where are you?

I'm having dinner with clients.

Will you please tell me if you hear of any leads on a job?

I'm working on it.

Please do.

I called my agent like 20 times.

Uh, plea...

please who?


Just go schmooze the night away.

I'll just be here alone with my sink unclogger.

Wait, what?


It sounded like you said "sink unclogger." I did.

Okay, anyway.

Go do the auction and don't worry about Zach, okay?

Easy for you to say.

Wait, what do I have to pay?

Go have a great night, I'll talk to you next week.

Okay, bye.


Chin up, you got this.


How hard could it be?


A five-course chicken dinner for two, courtesy of Loranda?

Yeah, it's better than skydiving.

And people really love the chicken, so...

I think we need something more extreme.

Like, like...

Truffle hunting.


Truffle hunting.

Yeah, some people I know really like this.


All right, all right, moving on.


Do you really need a spreadsheet?

What's wrong with being organized?

Nothing, it's just...

It's a little much.

Why are you picking on me?

Never mind.

Hot yoga?


You don't like hot yoga?

What do you even do around here?

It's not exactly romantic.

Okay, so let's make it hot yoga for two.


It doesn't even have to be romantic.

These things are only supposed to be things that people love.

Ergo the name of the auction, "Close To Your Heart Auction." Okay, it's just skydiving, truffle hunting lessons, hot yoga coupons?

It's not something the people in this town are going to go for.

Well, I guess you would know.

And what is that supposed to mean?

Nothing, just, you know.

You're the one who stayed, so you would know.

Well, you're the one who left because it wasn't extreme enough.

So, I guess you would know.


Here, there's a little bit left.

You can take it.

No, I don't want any more.

I don't want any- Ugh!


I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...

Look at this, my coat's ruined.

It's not a big deal, I'll get it dry-cleaned.

You don't even know how much- It's fine.

What are we going to do about the auction?

I know a really nice lady that makes quilts with hearts on them.

That sounds very nice.

Quilts it is.




Hey, Addy.

And who do we have here?

This is Natalie.

Pleasure to meet you.

Oh, pleasure is all mine.

Ooh, you look so cold.

Come on in.

Yes, thank you.

Thank you.

It's good to see you.

You too.

This quilt is so pretty.

Are you sure you want to give it away?

I could always make another one.

I've got plenty of time on my hands these days.

Oh, and I've got these nice shortbread cookies too.


Sit down.

I'll get them.

Oh, these darn knees of mine.

You know where they are, don't ya?

In the pantry.

Right next to the canned corn, hon.

Shortbread was always my favourite treat when I was a girl.

Zach keeps me in supply.

That's Zach.

He's a thoughtful guy.


Whoever gets that boy is gonna be some lucky girl.

How do you like the quilt?

It's nice.

Very Valentine's.

What did you think of Addy?

She's adorable.

Is something wrong?

No, nothing's wrong.

You're the nicest guy in the world.

What could possibly be wrong, except that I've been avoiding coming home for years because I didn't want to see my first love who broke my heart and now I'm stuck in this situation with you where we're running all over town picking up things for a Valentine's auction, while my boyfriend, who I love very much, thank you, is actually home, too busy to come here and be with me, and I'm stuck here with you, the man everybody thinks is the nicest guy in the world.

Exactly what I thought you'd say.


[car horn honks]

[car door slams]


[engine starts]

[radio plays "It Was Over Before it Even Began"]

It was over before it even began You know...

[car door slams]

Okay, hold...

hold up, hold up, hold up.

Are... are we... looking for more stuff tomorrow, or are we done?

I don't think we can be done, because there's four days until the auction and we have one donation item.

Lucky us.

Hey, Miss Simmons.

Oh, hi Zach.

Hi honey.

Oh, what are these?

Oh, uh those came for you.

I think they might be from your friend.

Oh, from Brooks.

That's so sweet.

It's my boyfriend.

Very sweet, but aren't you allergic to lilies?


I mean what does that even mean?

Everybody's allergic to everything nowadays.

I can still enjoy lilies.

I love them.


You probably shouldn't put your...


Bless you.

He's sweet, he always thinks of me.

Yeah, just maybe not so good in the gift giving department.

Well, I'd better go put these in water.

You might want to take your allergy medicine before you...

[door slams]

...Bring those inside.

Have a good day.

Bye, sweetheart.


Oh hey, honey.

Have a nice day?


Hi, it was wonderful.

I thought you were allergic to these.

I am.

Could you please throw those away?

[sneezes violently]

In the outside bin.

Oh well.

Beautiful weather.

Yes, it is.

Hopefully it lasts until the festival is over.

Is she talking to the boyfriend?

Unfortunately, yes.

I'm sorry I'm not a fan.

But he hasn't bothered to properly introduce himself for the entire two years that they have been dating.

Well, I completely agree with you.

Zach is the most infuriating person ever.

He's just infuriating.

Hey, I don't have to worry about Zach, do I?


No, no, of course you don't.


I get it, the lady doth protest too much.


There's nothing for you to worry about.

Okay, good.

So this auction is shaping out to be a lot more complicated than I thought.


I thought you said you were doing a...


a dance.

Can I...

can I get a double shot coconut milk latte?

No, the dance is Eric and Jess.

Right, right, right.

Who are they again?

Oh, and extra, extra hot.

It doesn't matter, I don't really want to talk about it anymore anyway.


Any word from your agent?


Um, I called this morning but, you know, no meetings yet.

Well I might have some movement in that department.




I don't want to get your hopes up yet.

You have them up!

They're up.


what is it?

Okay, let me...

let me find out some more, and then I'll get back to you when it firms up, okay?

I gotta run, I'm late for a meeting.



[truck engine rumbles]

When is Natalie going back again?

A few days after the festival.

Well, that doesn't leave us much time.

I know.

See you guys later.

Have fun.

Good luck!

Say hi to Zach for me.


Oh, this isn't going well.


It isn't.

Come on.



-Good morning.

-Good morning.

I brought you something.

Oh, uh, thank you.

I've already eaten.

Uh, you might want to change into jeans.


I don't want you to get dirty.

Where are we going to get this auction stuff?

Thought that I would surprise you.



Well, I'm fine getting dirty in this.

Don't say I didn't warn ya.


Well, you know what they say.

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.


[truck engine rumbles]

[truck engine stops]

You sure you're not going to eat that?

What is it exactly?

Carrot cake bread.

Oh, Bovine Bakery?

Of course.

It was warm.

Not sure if it still is.



It's so good!

It's carrot cake, but it's bread.


Thank you.

You're welcome.


Look at this place.

Did you remember that carrot cake was my favourite, or was that luck?

Thank you.


You're welcome.


I wanted to apologize for yesterday.

Didn't mean to insult your boyfriend...








You're funny.

It's funny.

It's a good one.

Yeah, jokes.

-You know me.

-Funny guy.


So, truce?


We do have an auction to put on.

Speaking of which, is somebody giving away a barn?

What is this?

Not exactly.

Hey, Sam?

You there?

Hey Zach.




You folks ready to do some high quality pickin'?

Sure are.


Some of the things in here are more than 100 years old.

Well, what can you spare?


Take whatever you want.

All it's been doing is gathering dust.

So put 'em to good use.

We really appreciate that.

Glad I could help out.

You just come get me if you have any questions.

-Thank you.

-Thanks, Sam.


Look at all this.

Aw, these are amazing.

Look at these old books.

The Odyssey...

Oh, Shakespeare's Sonnets.

Look at this, this is great.

It was published in 1941.

Oh, wow.

Look at that.


Oh, these have to be over 50 years old.

"Dear Clara, loving you always and forever...

"Your Adoring Jed." February 14th, 1931.

Aw, it's so romantic.



Ah, what do we have here?

I don't know what these have to do with Valentine's Day, other than being pink.


Well, they're for warming your feet on a cold winter's night.

Is that right?

Yes, that's right.

As a matter of fact, I think Clara knit these for Jed.

For Jed?


Well, you see...


Clara used to take Jed out dancing every night.

But Jed's poor feet just hurt somethin' awful every time, every time.

So she knit these for him so that he could come home and slip them on by the fire, and they could snuggle up.

Oh, that was mighty nice of Clara.

It certainly was.

She's a mighty nice lady.

Look at this.

She even, she even wrapped it up with a little bit of lavender.

[clicks tongue]

Just for good luck.


How do I always miss these things?






Tell me.

No, I'm overthinking.

Well, I like overthinking, especially when you do it.

It's cute.

This just reminds me of how we used to be.

It's nice.


We used to have a lot of fun.

Yeah, we really did.

I used to be so much more comfortable in my own skin here.

Used to be?


I guess I've been, um...

Been accused of being inauthentic lately.

That's interesting.


Well, you've always been the most ambitious person I've ever known.

But the girl I remember knew exactly who she was.

Well, she's still in here.



You always brought out the best in me, Zach.

Guess you still do.

I will take that as a compliment.



Guess we didn't need truffle hunting after all.

Oh, oh.

[in posh accent]

We really hit the jackpot, sir.

We really, really did.

Didn't we?

We really did.

You'll have to excuse me, I can't see anything around here.

This stuff is going to be great.

Glad you think so.

How did you find out about this place?

It's sort of something I've gotten into.

Things in barns?

Actually, they call it "picking." Oh, right.

Kind of a departure from your art, isn't it?

Sort of something I fell into after I started working at the hardware store.


About that, uh...

how did that get...


Well, I wasn't making a living as an artist, needed a job.


So, home supply?

First thing you thought of?

Well, it's honest work.


And you know me, I've always known my way around tools and certainly spent enough time in the hardware store.

That's true.

So, I was working there, and kind of serendipitous, actually.

So how so?

Well, when I first started working at the store, the owner asked me to go up to the attic and clear it out of all the junk.

That's what he called it.

It turns out that the store, about 150 years ago, used to be a blacksmith shop.

Then turn of the century was general store, and in the 1950s, it became what it is now.

The attic was just filled to the rafters with all these treasures from the last centuries.

And I thought to myself, I can do something with this stuff.

I love it.

That's so great.

You've always been so good at seeing beyond the surface of something and knowing its true value.

That's a nice way of putting it.



[phone notification beeps]


Is that your boyfriend?


I'll, uh, I'll get another load.


I'll meet you back there.



So, you don't think you should tell her the truth?


How am I supposed to do that?

I guess there's no real way of doing it except to do it.

Yeah well, what's the point?

I mean, she has a boyfriend, Dad.

Well, that's true.

But I still think you should.

She deserves to know, whether she has a boyfriend or not.

I'm with your mom.



what's the hesitation, son?

We had our chance.

I just, I don't see the point in digging up the past.

Well, the point is, you still have feelings for her.

Am I right?


This stuff is incredible.

I'm predicting best auction ever.

Well, we did raid every barn in Oregon for the past three days.

I'm sure Zach knows every barn, shed, and storage unit within a 200-mile radius.


That's nothing.

I know all the barns in this country.

If you do say so yourself.

All I'm saying is I'm pretty well connected if you need some antiques.

We could use something to spruce up the house.

Maybe for Valentine's Day?

Okay, see?

Now you got me into trouble.

I told you not to remind her of your picking obsession.

My girl knows how to shop.

I call it having good taste.

My mistake.

"Good taste." "Good taste." Mmm.

So, you and Zach seem to be getting along a lot better.

Uh, yeah.


No, I...

I have a boyfriend.

Is it serious?


Yeah, it's...

sort of.

I don't know how something can be sort of serious.

Well, you know.

It's like, he's...

We've been together a long time and we work really well together, and he's smart, and ambitious, um...


But, I mean, it's not that, like, mmm feeling that, you know.

You know, I mean, you're in love.

You know what I mean.



I do.


Well, this is the last of it.

Is everything good?

Yeah, great.

Yeah, things are great.

But Zach, why don't I see any of your stuff here?

Oh, uh...

I don't know if anyone wants to bid on my work.

What do you...

what do you mean, your work?

I thought you gave up your art.

Ah, I didn't say that.

I just don't do it professionally.

But he should, because his stuff is incredible.



You haven't seen any of Zach's work?

Not in a very long time.

Zach, you gotta show her your stuff.


I really would like to see it.


I'd be happy to show it to you.

Just, you know, tell me when.

Well, we're...

we're basically done here, um...

How about now?

[thunder rumbles]


Yeah, if you don't mind getting drenched.

Hope you guys brought an umbrella.

I didn't, actually.

You know what?

Uh, I've got us covered.


Works for me.

All right.

Here we go.


Bye guys.




Oh, careful.

Let me get the lights.


Oh, Zach.


You didn't give up on your art at all.

Not completely.

This is amazing.

Oh, yeah.

Something new I made.

When did you start working with all these found materials?

About the same time I found the attic above the hardware store.

Guess the picking inspired the art and vice versa.

I'm glad you didn't give it up.

I just hope someone wants to bid on some of it.

Are you kidding me?

You'll be a huge success.

I like this.

This reminds me of Mount Kilimanjaro.

You know, we always said we'd climb it.

Yeah, it might've been on my mind when I made it.

Well, you've come a long way from Mr.

Rickard's ceramics class.

Do you remember the mug you made me?

Yeah, the one with the E. B.

White quote on it?



"Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder." Wow, I'm...


I'm surprised you remember that.

That was the first piece of art I ever made.

Hard to forget the first gift a boy ever gives you.

I'll take that as a compliment.

Yeah, please do.

Why didn't you do anything with your art?

Oh, I don't know.

It's hard to make a living as an artist, I guess.

Yeah, but what stopped you?

I guess I'm just too practical for my own good.

Well, I always believed in you.

I know you did.

Natalie, I...

Rain stopped.

Oh, what?

Yeah, the rain stopped.

We should probably build the um...


Kissing booth.

Can I buy you a hot chocolate?

Yeah, great.

Oh, it looks so good.

It looks great.

And the weather cleared up perfectly.

I know.

If you'd have told me two weeks ago I was going to be building a kissing booth in the middle of a work week, I'd have said I was crazy.



Lucky is better.

Joys of the small-town life, I guess.

Do you ever miss it?

Um, yeah.

But I love my career.

What would I do?

You know, I've seen all your shows.


Yeah, I mean it's not everyone who has a TV celebrity host for an ex-fiance.

Well, I'll let you in on a secret.

This one's unemployed.



Why didn't you say anything?

Uh, well I don't know.

I haven't been home in so long and guess I just wanted to impress everybody and come home the hero.

So what happened?

Um, oomph.

I lost my oomph.

Your oomph?


What does that even mean?

I don't know.

I mean, I think it's that when I started it was about getting on better and better shows, and then it was about getting bigger and better ratings, and then it was about keeping the ratings and keeping all the balls in the air.

And then I was just running and racing and chasing and just became someone I didn't recognize.

Sounds like you got burned out.

So what were you chasing so hard?

I thought if I worked hard enough, I could finally become somebody that they wanted.

Instead of just being yourself?

Well I mean, in my business, people have an expectation of you to be an image, not a real person.

So, you can't.

I mean, you can.

It's a bad excuse.


Instead of being who I really am.

Well, I can relate.

You know, hiding things because you want the world to see you a certain way.


Well, I think you're great.

I would hire you in a second.

Thank you.

You did a great job, look at this.


Nice job, partner.

I'm glad we could do this and be...

be friends.

Me too.

But there's actually something that I really need to tell you.


Look, this isn't exactly the best timing, I know.

But I just...


Finally found you guys.

We've got a problem.


Just come.


Everything is ruined.

Well, not everything.

Just quite a bit of everything.

What's left?

These made it out okay.

Aw, jeez.

We can still do this, right?



We just need to get twice as much money for everything we're selling at the auction.

And no pressure, hon.

I mean, it's just that, you know, next year's...

...Next year's event depends on us.


Morning, sunshine.


What are you doing here?

I thought maybe you'd like some company.

Ah, thanks.

How'd you know I'd be out here?

Ever since you were a little girl, if you ever needed to do some thinking, this is where I would find you.


Well, I did need to get out and clear my head.


Anything I can do to help?

I don't think so.

Everything we got for the auction is ruined and we don't have time to fix it.

It's nothing to lose sleep over.

It feels like it is.

I mean, that's not the only thing.

I lost my job, I literally got fired.

I just don't think I can face another failure right now, and spending so much time with Zach is like another thing.

Well, I remember when you were 15 years old and you were so excited for your art project.

You'd worked on it for weeks, collecting every leaf that every tree ever dropped.

Every colour under the sun.

You were so proud of it.

And then I left it on the porch.

And it rained, just like yesterday.

You were so upset, and after a minute of feeling defeated, you looked at it with a fresh perspective.

You saw how the colours ran together.

The paint merged with those old wet leaves.

So, you spattered it with more paint and sprayed it with the garden hose and loved every minute of it.

It wasn't a mess.

You saw something beautiful, unique, and one of a kind, created by accident.

So, you're telling me I need to see this whole thing as a beautiful mess, that's...

that's it?

Well, the point is, you realize that life never really works out the way that you plan it.

But there's nothing wrong with having a little bit of fun as you go along.

Don't be sidetracked or derailed by all the little setbacks and it'll probably just turn out the way it should.

Thanks, Dad.

I got first place on that project, too.


Yes, you did.

And if memory serves, a nice young man came over and helped you mount it on an old wooden slat.

That's been really confusing too.

Well, your mom always says that confusion comes when you're trying to convince your head of something that your heart knows is a lie.

She's a wise woman.


Well, it's not for me to say, but sometimes everyone needs a second chance, sunshine.


Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh And I say, hey, hey I just want to stay, hey I just want to stay right here with you Hey, hey I just want to stay, hey I just want to stay right here with you Aww...

Thank you.



Hi, do you want a kiss?

Well, maybe I should give him a little kiss.

Hey there.



So, it's show time.

Are you ready?

I am.

Are you?

I think so.


No pressure.


Oh boy.

Hi everyone, thanks for coming out.

Uh, so we're going to start the bidding with this quilt at $50.

This beautiful new quilt for $50.

It'll keep you warm.

Hey, Zach, what can you tell us about the quilt?

It was made by Miss Addy.

That's right, Miss Addy.

Hi, Addy.

There she is!

Thank you so much for this donation.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Uh, Zach...

is the local hardware store owner as you all know, but the closest to him know him as an amazing artist.

Some of his work is up here today.

We're going to get to the artwork later.

The first thing we want to do is get this quilt into the right home.

And I bet Zach has some really interesting information for us about the world of quilts.

Take it away, Zach.


Uh, right.

What do you know?

Well, as you all know, quilting is very popular in this part of the states.

Um, you know some of our most dedicated quilters, Miss Addy included, spend up to $3,000 a year on supplies, and they have sometimes a...

a hundred yards of fabric stored in their house.

Wow, that's an entire football field.


My fabric has its own bedroom.

[crowd laughs]

How about that?

I'm sure she's not the only one with a bedroom full of fabric, am I right?

She's not.

I've actually seen Dolores's.

She lives next door to us.

We have some pretty dedicated quilters in this town.

That is absolutely right.

In fact, Miss Addy was also telling me that this quilt is particularly special because it has some pieces of fabric that date back to the 19th century.

In fact, this heart here has swatches from her great grandmother's handkerchief, brought with her on the ship crossing from Poland about 150 years ago.

Aw, look at that.

A piece of local American history.

Who doesn't want to have that in their home?

You can make this a part of your Valentine's Day family tradition.

That's right.

Something new, something old.

And it's blue.

Maybe a wedding gift.


Okay, so.


let's start the bidding at $50.

Who's with me?

$50, that seems like a very fair price.

$50 for Addy's quilt.


Do I hear 75?



I like the way you think, thank you.


Thank you very much.

-80, okay.


It looks like we have a bidding w*r.


Okay, who's going to bump it up?


Well done, sir.

Happy wife, happy life.

Am I right?

Do I hear 125?


Going once, going twice.








Well, the dance turned out really well.


Thanks guys.

Yeah, you did a great job.


What about you guys?

You are great together.


I mean, you were great together.

Doing the auction.

I mean.



I heard you guys doubled last year's take?

Yeah, somewhere around there.

Did we?

That's so great.

You guys made it look so easy.


Well, the moms are happy and the Valentine's Day festival will live to see another year, so hurray.

Things have a way of working out in the end, don't they?

All right wife, enough talking.

Are you ready to hit the floor?

I don't know, my dance card's pretty full.

Ooh, may I have this honour?

Oh, I thought you'd never ask.

After you.

Pretty cute.


Turned into a really nice night.

May I have this dance?

You may.

Many times I tried to tell you Many times I've cried alone Always I'm surprised how well you Cut my feelings to the bone Don't wanna leave you really I've invested too much time To give you up that easy To the doubts that complicate your mind We belong to the light, we belong to the thunder We belong to the sound of the words we've both fallen under Whenever we deny our embrace for worse or for better We belong, we belong we belong together Maybe it's a sign of weakness When I don't know what to say Maybe I just wouldn't know what to do With my strength anyway Have we become a habit?

Did we distort the facts?

Now there's no looking forward now there's no turning back You two sure did a good job.


You know you're pretty cute on your own, but the two of you together?

You make quite the team.

Thank you.

Oh, you're very welcome.


You know, we do make a pretty good team.

Yeah, we always did.

Hard to believe that we've been coming to this dance since we were...



I never went to art school.

[laughs incredulously]


I never went to art school.

I never went to Europe.

None of it.

I helped you fill out the application.

I was there.

I never sent it in.

I realized that I...

I didn't want to go to art school, I didn't want to go to Europe, I didn't...

I didn't want to leave this place, but I could tell that your heart was set on San Francisco and I didn't want to be the guy that, that held you back.


I know I made a huge mistake, I'm sorry, I was young, I...

No, no.

I can't believe this.





Natalie, wait.

I don't want to talk to you right now, Zach.

Please, let me explain.

There's nothing to explain.

I get it.

I don't think you do.

It's not that I didn't love you, it's...

It's what?

I was a struggling artist, and you, you were ready to take on the world.

So, you gave up on us?

I did it for you.

I didn't want to hold you back.


You did it because you were scared.

You did it because you were scared.

So maybe you were right.




Everything all right?

Hi, yeah.

It's great.

What are you?...


What are you doing here?

I have some really great news.

I got you a meeting.

Woah, what?


A really good one.

So, I booked you a flight for tomorrow morning and I figured, why not give the good news in person?


Happy Valentine's Day.

Happy Valentine's Day.

Your parents are great.

I love 'em.

Yeah, alright man.

Excuse me, can I get a sparkling water?


Thank you.

Uh, tell me about this job.

It sounds amazing.


So, it's a rich and famous lifestyle kind of show.

Rich and famous.

Yeah, I know.

Totally your thing, right?

Putting a ton of money into it, and it could be a real resume builder.


Can you believe this?

Like, the best Valentine's Day present you could've asked for, getting this meeting?

Yes, it is!

It's great.

And I can't believe you flew all the way here just to tell me this news in person.

It's very romantic.

Well, I was location scouting for another job just upstate.

They gave me a free hotel room and your town was just up the road, so I figured "why not?" Oh.


Why not.


Who is that?

Uh, Brooks.

The boyfriend.


So, what did she say when you told her?

Let's just say she wasn't too happy.

So, where are you two at now?


I don't know.

My advice, man?

Don't make the same mistake twice.

It changes everything.

He lied to me.

But he did it so that you could go off and take that job in San Francisco.

Yeah, but he didn't even give me a choice, mom.

Would you have gone if he hadn't told you he was going to art school?


Maybe not.

I don't know.

I'm just...

I'm really confused, I'm confused.

Are you sure you want to leave it like this?

Maybe you should give it a little time.

I can't give it time.

I can't postpone this meeting.

This is a really big job if I get this.

I don't think that's what Jess is asking.

The real question is, what are you going to do about Zach?

Well, I...

I can't take a chance on him if he wasn't willing to do the same thing for me.

And at least Brooks, at least Brooks is clear that he wants to be with me.

What do you think, Dad?

I think you should just follow that heart of yours, sunshine.

That's what I did with your mom, and I never regretted it.

[knocking at door]

Sorry, I hope I'm not interrupting.

No, come on in.

We, uh, we better get going.



Miss you.

I'll miss you too.

Love you.

Bye, Dad.

Listen to your heart, honey.

It's a clich because it's true.

[doorbell rings]

Who could that be?


Has Natalie left?

I brought you this.

Thank you.

Thought you might like it.

You can open it later.

I came to tell you something, too.

You were right.

You don't have to say this...

No, actually, I do.

I'm not like you.

I'm not fearless.

I was scared, and I...


Are you good to go?


Hi, I don't think we've officially met.

I'm Zach.


Nice meeting you.

Anyway, um, good luck.

Both of you.

Thanks, man.

Nice guy.

Yeah, he is.


You okay?

Yeah, I'm just nervous, I guess.

Don't worry.

You got this.


[flight announcements]

What is that, anyway?

It's Mount Kilimanjaro.




I know your last show terminated you.

But I've seen your work, and it's exactly what I want.


Now, since we're honing in on the rich and famous, I want you to bring what you did on "A Touch of Class", but even more so.

I want someone more aspirational.

Ideal, rather than real.

You really do that well.

You see, that really plays into the larger than life element that we're looking to lean into.

And you get to do it all.

Producing, directing, some episodes.

Writing the scripts.

You like that, don't you?



You know, I just love people who strive for perfection.

Like me.


You know the drill.




I know exactly what you're talking about.

I knew you would.


Do we have a deal?

You said what?

I said no.


You're kidding me, right?


I told him that if I'm going to be in this business, I want to do something that I really believe in.

Where I can be authentically me and people can see that.

Natalie, people in this business don't care about any of that.

You know what I'm talking about, huh?

People don't want to see who you really are.

Well, he did.

Who did?


We are making a deal.

Okay, okay, that's great then.




Hey, Brooks?


If I were to ask you when my birthday was, you would know, right?

What do you mean?


What do you mean, what do I mean?

When's my birthday?


It's April.

And yours is May 10th, and you were born at 8:00 in the morning, you had a little dog named Frisbee when you were a kid, and you only wear blended fabrics because cotton wrinkles too easily.

Okay, but what does any of this have to do with the meeting?

What's my favourite colour?

Are you serious right now?

Your favourite colour is blue.

What's mine?

I don't...

It's yellow, this mustard yellow.

It has been since the 10th grade, and this is my favourite quote.

"Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder." You really didn't know that, did you?


I must've said this 100 times.

I just don't think you ever listen.

Are you breaking up with me right now?

[upbeat music]

So many times I've changed who I am.

to be just perfect for everyone else To the airport, please.

As fast as you can.

... for to find you I took the long road Ooh.

...and I closed my eyes and followed my heart.


Last name?

And first name?

Okay, Miss Smith.

Have a nice flight.

Excuse me, sorry, I checked in online already.

Thank you.

Do you think I can make it?

Uh, if you run.


Okay, thank you.

You're welcome.

Good luck!

Excuse me.

I'm coming!

Oh, so sorry.

Excuse me.

Have a good flight.

Excuse me.

I'm coming, I made it.

I'm here.

Excuse me, sorry, sorry, sorry.

Excuse me, excuse me, sorry.

Hey, wait, wait, wait.

I'm coming, I made it, okay.

I'm sorry, ma'am.

We've just shut the doors.

Yeah, but you just let that guy on.

Let me...

let me on.

I'm sorry.

It's really important.

I can put you on standby for the next available flight.

I ca...


I can't, I cannot be on standby anymore.

Excuse me?

Okay, so here's the deal.

I have to get to this guy.

He was my first love, we almost got married, then he thought that I wanted this big career, so he lied to me, which is a different story.

But basically, I got the big career, except I lost myself in the meantime.

I didn't know who I was anymore, I was comparing myself to other people, I worked all the time, it's all I did was work, work, work, and then I lost my job.

Which I thought was a really bad thing.

But my mom said everything happens for a reason, which I know, is like, "oh, everything happens for a reason." You hear it all the time.

But it's true.

And if I hadn't seen that yellow mug, that was what made me realize, why do I want a big career if I don't have anybody to share it with?

At the expense of your heart and your soul?

You know what I mean?

It doesn't make any sense.

And Brooks?

I mean, Brooks never really got me.

Not the way Zach got me.

He just looks at you, and he sees you, and I love him so totally and so completely, and I have to tell him, but I can't tell him unless you open the door.

Ma'am, I think you should turn around.


That's him.

That's the guy.

Good thing you missed your flight, then.


I let you go once.

I'm not going to let you go again.

I know it's a little bit late, but will you be my Valentine?

We belong to the light we belong to the thunder We belong to the sound of the words...

I love you, Natalie.



Whatever we deny or embrace for worse or for better We belong, we belong, we belong together [mimicking trumpet]

Welcome to KACL, where we're playing the best hits of the 20s, 30s, and 40s.

Benny Goodman actually invented a dance for his, uh, Aunt Esther.


All right, I'm sorry.

Don't laugh at her, you're just egging her on.

I hear Zach's selling quite a bit of his work.

He has, but I think he enjoys doing this show even more.

Welcome to another episode of Treasure Hunters.

Where we travel the globe looking for treasures.

Maybe in your own garage.


Oh, jeez.


Those two.

I can't wait to see what their wedding's going to be like.

Shall we dance?

Sounds good to me.

I love me some band music.

Did you guys ever think that they would get back together again?

Well, you know what they say.

(Sue & Alicia)

Mothers know best.
