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01x07 - Lose it All

Posted: 01/20/20 08:32
by bunniefuu
Previously on The L Word: Generation Q

- I'm really sorry, Alice.

- For which part?

For defending you on my show?

For not telling me you started seeing Felicity again?

Alice, wait.

Just wait.

Angie called me.


Please don't go.


Oh, yeah!

- Oh, yay.

- I told you!


I love seeing you like this.

- I'm in.

- Yeah?

Oh, my God.



So you're a throuple now?


I wish my best friends lived in L.


We're not friends.


She outed us to a stranger before we even told our children.

I have all these feelings, you know?

- For Gigi?

- But, like, all the feelings.

All the bad stuff and the good stuff.

I don't want to lose you.


You're, like, the best part of my day.

I love the shit out of you!

- I love you, too, man.

- [DANI]

Right now I just need - a little bit of space.

- Hey, no, no, no, no, no.

Enough with the space.

I want you to talk to me.

I don't have anything to say!


She's like a super cold, - hot lady.

- You know who else is hot?

- Bette Porter.

- [DANI]

But you can't deny that she's special.

- She inspires me every day.

- I see.

This is something else for you.

Bye, Dani.


I know you love the way I'm lookin' in my jeans You wish that you could hold that I know you love the way my body sittin' up [DANI]

Yes, yes.

Yes, I took care of that.


No, he didn't quit exactly.

He just Yes, I am the interim campaign manager.





Pierce really f*cked us when he left, and Bette's not gonna hire anyone new this late in the race.

I'm sorry, babe.

Um, can you pass me the razor?



Yeah, yeah.

Here you go.



g*dd*mn it!

This is Dani Nùñez.

Yeah, just let me talk to her.




Thank you.


- Yeah, just give me a second.

I have it right here.




That ass is tight.

You look f*cking good!


- You're so stupid.



Save me some of that hot water, boo.

This natural deodorant is not gonna cut it.

- Oh, yeah.

- I'm sorry.

So, is this, like, a Pilates scenario that I'm seeing, - or what?


- Get out of here!

- Get out!

- He wanna know How she get that ass like that - [DOOR CLOSES]

- How she get That ass like that, he wanna know How she get that ass like that That ass like that, yeah, yeah He wanna know how she get that ass like this That ass like that, yeah, yeah - Thank you.


- You're welcome.

- Hi.

- Do you know if the kids ate?


Gigi made them breakfast.

Oh, my God.

Now I can do my makeup here instead of in the car.


She color-coded the closet.

Oh, yeah, she does that.

How did we even, like, live without her - this whole time?

- [GIGI]


Lunches are packed.

I'm Hi.

- Hi.

- I'm dropping Eli off at ballet, and one of the soccer moms is picking up Olive for practice.

Do you all want to do dinner?

Oh, I can't.

Today's the day I meet the network.


Are you asking them to get rid of Drew?


Got to.

I mean, I can deal with him for the rest of this season, but he can't come back next year.


That's very reasonable.

- Yeah.

- Wow, good luck.

Okay, so, should I pick up dinner for us then?

- Yeah, that'd be great.

- Yup.


And then, can we please - watch Below Deck?


I have to find out if Hannah stays with that guy.

Yeah, of course.

Hey, guys, can you not watch that without me?

I mean, can we make that a rule?

Like, if it's at sea, it's got to be three?

That was really bad.

- Yeah, it wasn't your best.

- Well, it's early.

I'll find it.


Okay, yes.

Yes, uh-huh.

What day was it did you say?

- No.


She has that pancake breakfast tomorrow morning with the first responders at 10 a. m.


Did I double-book her?

Oh, thank you.

Thank you so much.

- I owe you big time.


But I actually have another call right now.


This is Dani.

Great, my mom landed an hour ago, and went straight to the pot shop.

- Oh, sativa pen, please.

- No, no, it's too late.

She, uh, she got 24 gummies.

Oh, damn.

She's gonna be stoned when she meets José later.


I wish my mom smoked a little more weed.

- Calm her ass down.


- Oh, shit.

Hold on.

- [DANI]

Yes, I-I have it.

- Just give me one second to pull it up.

- Oh, look at that.

She's calling me.

She gets a little psychic when I talk shit about her.


Thank you.




Okay, okay, w-w-w-wai-wait.

Calm down.

H Stop.


What happened?

Slow down!


You guys' water pressure sucks so bad, but if you got a wrench, I can fix it.







H-How ?


Okay, okay, okay.

Don't worry.

I'm coming.




Holy shit.

What happened?

My, uh Ooh, my grandma fell.

- Oh, my God.

Is she okay?

- I'm sorry.

- Are you okay?

- My sister thinks that she hit her head, and they're on their way to the hospital, and my mom's f*cking hysterical.


Are you gonna go now?

- Yeah.

Oh, I-I'll come with you.

I'll cancel my morning.


It's okay.

You go to work, okay?

- No, I don't have to.

I want - No, it's fine.

I'll-I'll call you if I need anything, okay?

- Are you sure?

- Yes.

I love you.

Thank you.

Oh, hi.

- Hello, Dani!

- Oh, Grace!


How are you?

- Come on in.

- Hi, my baby.

- Hi, Mom.

- Oh, my goodness.

I miss you so much.



You lost weight.


Oh, my God, it's beautiful in here.

Dana would have loved this place.


- I think so, too.

And the place is picking up business.

Yeah, it's incredible.

- Just so pretty in here.

- Should I take this?

- No.

- Yes, yes.



Is Alice not coming?


She's still mad at you.


For the Felicity thing?

I have apologized - and apologized and apologized.

- I know.

I know.

I know, and I told you to give her time.

- She'll come around.

- Yeah.

So, how's Quiara?

Quiara's good.

We're gonna hear the baby's heartbeat today.

- Oh, my God.

- Oh, my God.


I still remember hearing Angie's - first little heartbeat.

- Oh, my God, me, too.

It was like this little sign of this big life to come.

It was so special.

- It was amazing.

- Oh.

- We were sobbing.

- Sobbing.

- Just bawling.

- I was destroyed.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

Oh, and what is it that you said - that it sounded like?

- Like horses - stampeding in mud.


- Horses stampeding in mud.



Speaking of our daughter, I will be over later to pick her up for the museum.

And then you're gonna drop her off at Jordi's 'cause they're gonna watch a movie.

- You know what that means.

- [TINA]


Don't do that.

Don't freak her out.

- I'm just being honest.

- No, no, no, no.

I can't.

I can't hear it.

I'm not ready.

I'm not ready to hear it.

- Okay.

All right.

- Are you available tonight?

For dinner?

Just us.

Uh Sure.


That would be nice.

I mean, you know, actually, why don't you come by the house, and I'll cook?

- Okay.



That is Carrie.


Let me take this really fast.



You just seem a little flushed.



Let me know if you have any more questions.

We're gonna be back to prep her for surgery shortly.

And if you need anything before that, the nurse's station is just outside the door.


Thank you.


- I don't like her.

- Should we get a second opinion?

- Okay, no, no, no, no, no.

- We don't have time for that.

- I don't like this place.


They said it was a very simple procedure.

- They know what they're doing.

- If anything happens to her Oh, my God.

- Hey.


- If anything, I swear to God.



- Yeah, Mami, stop.

- Okay.

Do you want some coffee?

I think you want some coffee.

You hungry?

I could get you something.

What do you want?

- I could do coffee.

- Okay.

- I'm f*cking starving.

- All right.

- Well, what do you want?

- Anything.

- Okay.

I'll be right back.

- Yeah.


Oh, God, I don't know what to do.

- Hey.

- I swear, she's gonna be okay.

She's gonna be fine.





I got some supplies.

I got Cheetos, Funyuns, Snoballs all your major food groups.

And you'd think Cheetos and Funyuns would be in the same food group.

However, it's Oh, Bubba, come here.

I Hold on.

Hold on.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

It's okay.

Come here.

Come here.

Come here.

Come here.


- Shh.

- Oh.


I know.

It's okay.


I know.

It's okay.

- It's okay.


It's okay.







I don't want to lose her.


- It'll be okay.



It's gonna be okay.


Thank you.

I-I really do appreciate it.


So that was my buddy.

And he works at a local CBS affiliate, and he was Why has this line not f*cking moved?

It's fine.

It's fine.

People can hear you.

- Sorry.

- Okay.

So, your-your friend at CBS?

Right, and he was saying that Milner's team bought up a ton of airtime.

They're gearing up to launch something big.

I'm hearing that it's going to be a negative attack campaign.

And I know he said he wouldn't, but he's-he's going for it.

Milner's a lot of things, but he's not a liar.

He's never been backed into a corner before.

He's scared.

He's gonna go for blood, and he's gonna run those ads.

And we're just gonna drown him out with policy and voter outreach.

But if he goes for you with-with only two weeks left, and we don't have a negative ad to counter with, then we're kind of f*cked.

Your job is to help me shape my message and get it out into the world.

Thanks, sweetheart.

All right, all right.

Thank you.

- Hello.

- Hi.

Two medium coffees, one with room, one without.

- Please.

- Please.

Coming right up.

As your acting campaign manager, I strongly advise you to at least let me prepare a negative ad.

We don't have to run it.

Okay, I hear you, and the answer is still no.

Thank you.

It's just really frustrating that you won't let me do my job.

I'm just trying to protect you.

- Thank you.

- You're welcome.


- Oh, yeah.

This is Dani.


No, I-I haven't seen it.


No, that can't be right.

What the f*ck?


Where's the ?

Oh, f*ck.

Oh, shit.

It's okay, I'm nervous, too.

I'm not nervous, I'm just curious.

- Sure you are.


- Quiara.

- Hi.


How have you been feeling?

- Good.

- Good.

Excited, for the most part.

- Okay.

- Did you tell her about the nausea?

Oh, I've been feeling a little nauseous lately.

Uh, this is my wi You can join us.

This is my wife, Shane.

- Hi.

How you doing?

- Hi.

Nice to have you with us today.

- Thank you.

Thank you.


I think I'm your ex-wife, technically.

The nausea will subside once you get to your second trimester, but if it doesn't, let me know.

I'll get you something for it.

Can you give me something for all the extra McFlurrys - I've been eating lately?

- 'Fraid not.


Are you ready to hear your baby's heartbeat?



Uh, yes.

I'm ready.

I'm so ready.

We're ready.

You ready?

- You ready?

- Yeah.

Yeah, yeah.



This might be a little cold.



First you'll hear your own heartbeat.


This is crazy.


- That's you.


And then there'll be another sound.


Right there.

That's it.

That's your baby.


Oh, my God.


Shane that's our baby.


You know, it sounds like horses stampeding through the mud.

Oh, it does sound like horses stampeding through the mud.



I'm the shit I know I'm the shit, yeah, I'm super lit If you don't buy me what I want I'm-a throw a fit I'm the shit, I know I'm the shit Thank you so much for meeting.

I really appreciate it.


We're all anxious to hear what you have to say.

Well, I just wanted to catch up and, you know, see how you think the show's been going this season.

Maybe talk about process, things that I thought we could do to improve where I thought my Sorry, sorry, sorry.

I'm a few minutes late.


Hey-hey, Drew!

- Hi.

We're just getting started.


Go on.

Um, I didn't know you were gonna be in this meeting.


Wouldn't miss it.



I'm very, very proud of what the show's done this season.

We haven't made any conventional guest choices.

The set is incredible.

The writers are next-level.

I just, there are a lot of voices in the room, and I'm having a hard time hearing my own.

So I would like to make some changes, - maybe next season.

- Well, um, we're hoping to make some changes before then, because, quite frankly, we don't know if there will be a next season.

Your show's on the bubble, Alice.


I-It's [DREW]

"The bubble's" a term - they use just wh - I know what a bubble is.



Your ratings are way off our targeted numbers, and between our production budget and our P-and-A numbers, you're operating at a deficit.


It's been a steady decline.


For us, a couple viral hits would go a long way.

Short form, catchy content is the name of the game.



That's my specialty.

Na-Nasty Hmm.

How short are we?

We're about 20% below our target for the month.


Oh, Jesus Christ.

I know.

Just give it some time, okay?

How much time, Tess?


- Can you give me a time frame?

- Oh, my God, look, the bar's gonna be fine, okay?

- Everything's gonna be fine.

- All right, all right, all right, all right.

I promise, Shane, everything's gonna be fine.

All right, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

I just Quiara and I had a morning.

It's not you.



Oh, God, I don't know what I'm doing.

So, did you tell her that?

- Did you talk to her?

- I have nothing new to say.


I'm sorry.

- Why is that funny?

- Okay, so, um, in my meeting this morning, there was this guy, right, and he says: imagine someone comes up to you and says that they're hungry, and you have a sandwich, and so you offer them the sandwich, but then they say, "Nah.

I've had sandwiches before.

I want something new".

And you're like, "It doesn't need to be new.

Just eat the sandwich".

What, you want me to eat a sandwich?


You have to talk to her.

You have to talk to Quiara.

Again and again and again, all the time.

Talk to her.

I'm glad you're going back to those meetings.


Three days sober, baby.

Three days?


Good for you.




I bet I never notice till it's all gone I'm feelin' so strong like my last smoke Light-headed with the flow, I need a Tylenol Underneath my soul I disinfected with the alcohol And now I'm on, but now I'm grown Oh, oh [GRACE]

Actually Mmm!


Everything looks so good!

Oh I'm so hungry!


You-you tell him how many edibles you had?

I had four.


Oh, no!

But they were cute little gummy bears, and they were champagne-flavored.

But, I mean, how was I supposed to know not to enjoy in excess.


But he was so sweet.

He called me up all afternoon to make sure I was okay.

He's so thoughtful.

- Okay, Mom.

All right.

- And responsible.

I swear, if the Cub Scouts had been more forward-thinking back then, my baby would have made a great Cub Scout.

Could he be a cub?

I don't see that for him.



He's very crafty.

Very crafty.

Always has been, ever since he was a little girl.

Can I get something started for you?

Uh, I think, I think we need a little minute, please.


Oh, I found it!


- So cute!

- Mom.

- Mom.

Mom, please?

- Oh, I don't need to I remember this day.

The photographer just couldn't believe how beautifully she could pose like that.

He didn't even have to tell her anything.

She was so nervous to have her picture taken.

But she was great.

- I've got some more.

She What?

- No, no, no.


Just stop!

- What?

- Put the f*cking picture away!

- I'm just trying to show José how cute you were.

- No, no, no.

You always do this.

- No, I don't.

- That little girl's - not here you know that, Mom.


- She's gone.

- It's okay.

I hate when you say that.

But she is, all right?

That little girl's dead.



I'm sorry.



- Are you all right?

- I'm-I'm sorry, I'm just No, it's-it's all right.

Listen, there's no need - to apologize.

- Look, I-I wanted you to meet her, but she does this every f*cking time, and I just I thought that with you she'd be different, you know?


She's supposed to know better, right?

- Like - Hey.


It's okay.

I see you, the person in front of me, for exactly who he is.

You've got me.

Finessing the beat that I made now I cannot see you, I'm home now I see right through you, it shows now You've got me.

Ooh, ooh I need you here, riding with me I need you here, riding with me I need you here, riding with me I need you here, riding with me Finessing the beat that I made now I cannot see you, I'm home now I see right through you, it shows now I cannot grow, gotta slow down Ooh, ooh Thank you for cooking.

It's delicious, as always.

Oh, well, thank you for letting me.

I don't get to do it often enough anymore.

Oh, my God, me neither.


So, how was the museum?

Oh, it was gorgeous.

The views alone were worth the horrendous traffic that we sat in.

It's really nice having you back here.

It's nice to be here.


And getting to see Angie more often is, um It just feels really good.

She's so happy.


Well, I started to look for a place, so I could be here during the hiatus.

Well, well, um, if you want to if you want to stay here until you find Oh, n I'm not Um Carrie asked me to marry her.

- And I said yes.


- Oh.

Yeah, so, we're just gonna look for a place nearby.

The two of us.


Oh-oh-oh It happened last week, and I wanted to tell you in person first so we could figure out what, you know, - how we should tell Angie.

- Right.

Okay, um Congratulations.


That's-that's incredible.


How do you think that we should tell Angie?

Uh I It's just Any-any-any way you want.

- I mean - Well, I was thinking that you and me and Carrie we could all tell her together.

All-all three of us?




I think that would be nice for Angie.

Yeah, Angie's gonna be [EXHALES]

She's gonna be thrilled.

Bette We should celebrate.

We should really, we should totally celebrate.

I think I might have some champagne.

I am so happy for you.



I didn't know you were still here.

You know me.

Work, work, work.

- Yeah.


Okay, well, don't get down on yourself.

It's not over, not by a long shot.

Well, it might be.

No, no, I've gotten shows out of far worse.

Remember the first year with Colbert?

Yeah, well, this is a little different.

Not really.

Do you really not see how this situation is different from Colbert's show?


We just gotta give the network a few more wins, and they give us another season.

Drew, I don't know if that's something I can do.

I've got to say, that's that's pretty frustrating to hear.

Oh, yeah?

Come on, I know you were talking about me when you said there are too many voices in the room.

Of course I was, Drew.

Of course I was talking about you.

I-I'm trying to build you a q*eer sandbox to play in.

Oh, my God, just those words I'm obviously not tapped into your whole world.

No, you're not.

We can agree on that.

You have one more show this season, and we need a viral video.


- Okay?


Tell me what you got.

Okay, here's what I got.

"Old stores are out, new stores are in.

But my grandpa's store stays the same.

A busy corner grocery store with black and white tiles" [NAT]

He's out.

You okay?

Yeah, yeah, I just missed this.

You missed what?

These moments with you.

And them.


Yeah, me, too.


I wish we hadn't put the kids through all of this.

They're doing great, love.

You shouldn't have left.

You didn't really give me the chance to stay.

I wanted you to stay.


Because the second you found out, you wrote me off.

Wouldn't even hear me out.

Well, you f*cked up.

I know.

But - But what?

- But you didn't even give me the chance to make it up to you.

I didn't know how.

I know.

I wish I did.

I wish I had let you apologize.

I wish I had worked harder - to forgive you back then.

- It's okay.

- No, it's not.

- It's okay.

- It's not okay.

It's not.

- It's okay.


We didn't have to go through all of this.

I'm here.

I'm here now.

"BODY TALK" BY 1ST VOWS It's still for now But, hey, we made it Feels the same but complicated You know exactly what you want And exactly what you needed I know exactly what I want And exactly what I need, yeah Don't talk too much Let your body talk [PANTS]

Don't talk too much Let your body talk Let your body talk Where you been?

No, wait, don't tell me I only care That you're here with me You got exactly what you want And exactly what you needed I know exactly what I want And exactly what I need, yeah Ah Ah-ah, ah-ah Ah-ah, ah, ah [MOANING]

Ah-ah, ah-ah Ah, ah Ah Ah-ah, ah-ah Ah-ah, ah, ah Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah Ah Don't talk too much Let your body talk Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah Don't talk too much Let your body talk Ah-ah, ah-ah Don't talk too much Let your body talk Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah Don't talk too much Let your body talk [FOOT TAPPING]

Man, I can't believe Dani didn't show up.


You told her not to f*cking come.

She should know me better by now.


That's f*cked up.

You're supposed to be on my side.

I am.

That's why I'm telling you it's f*cked up.


- You have to ask for what you want.

Oh, okay.

And who the f*ck are you, Dr.




- Stop.


- My grandma better be okay.

She will be.

You know what's freaking me out?

- Hmm?


I have so many memories with her, right?

Like when I was seven, she took me to Radio City Music Hall.


And that line went down the block.


And it was freezing.

And I remember, this little old lady, she just walked right up to the front of the line and lifted up that rope and told me to scoot under.

- Shut up.


- Yeah.

Everybody was staring.

I thought for sure we were gonna get caught.


But she just looked at me and she was like, "Who cares what people think?" Mm.



And the weird thing is, if she dies, oh I'll be the only one who knows that story.

You know?

Nobody else was there.



That's hard.


Man, me and that old lady, we still got plans.

She's supposed to take me to Hawaii before she dies.

- She will.


- She f*cking better.


I told her she had to or I'd k*ll her myself.

Oh, well, that's nice.




- Hey.

Hey, you want to pray with me?

It might make you feel better.

You don't have to do that.

I know.

I want to.

You sure?


It's you and me.

- That's not scary.



Which ones do you know?

Oh, I know all of 'em.



Well, I only pray to the ladies, so - All right.

I can do that.




Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.

Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.


Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee I don't know why I always compromise I've seen the same ceiling a thousand times [QUIETLY]

There's Quiara.

But I see the future That's her.

Look over there.


Right there.


Keep holding my stare Keep holding my stare [PEOPLE MURMURING]

Show me glimpses of a reference Pray to God you understand that I'm not here - For you - [MURMURING CONTINUES]

Do my reactions make you restless?

Still quite not sure where this is heading Can't you see that I'm obsessed?

Is the best better without you?

'Cause I want to be good for it Good for it, good for it I want to be good for it Good for it, good for it [SHANE]



I'm sorry.

- What the f*ck, Shane?

- I know, I know, I know.

- You could've called or texted me.

- I'm sorry.

- I'm sitting - I'm sorry.

I know.

I know, and I'm sorry.


Look, today was really hard.


I know you're supposed to feel something when you hear your baby's heartbeat for the first time.


I didn't feel anything.

And that just scares me, because I don't want to f*ck it up.

Say something, please.


That was really good.

Did you did you just hear what I said?

Yes, I did.

Then how am I supposed to fix this?

There's nothing to fix.


You'll feel exactly what you're supposed to feel on your own time.

Aren't you scared just a little bit?


But I'll let you know if that changes.

Now can we please eat?

Baby and me are starving.

Do you want a McFlurry or ?

I had two today already, so - You had two?

- Yes.


That's impressive.



I didn't know you were back.

How's your grandma?



It's just me.

Don't freak out.

Um, where's Soph?

Uh, she's back at the hospital.

I'm just picking up some clothes for her.

You want to come?

Um yeah.

Yeah, sure.

Just-just give me a second.

- I need to change.

- Awesome.

I'm covered in a rare combination of sweat and bullshit.


Your job's pretty intense, huh?


But it's almost over.

This part is, anyway.

So what happens to you if she wins?

I'd hope she'd keep me on staff if she wins, but there's no guarantee.

Well, what happens to you if she loses?

I don't think about that.

I think you should have been there for her today.

Excuse me?

She really needed you.

She asked me not to be there.

Repeatedly asked me not to be there.

- She should have asked.

- She knows I'm f*cking tapped out right now.

I-I'm giving her - all I've got.

- Yeah, but, dude, it's her grandma.

- Even I knew to be there.

- Yeah, you should be there.

Your life is nothing like mine.


Our circumstances are different.

Yeah, I'm not her fiancée.




Oh, my God, I had the worst day.


My show's on a bubble or something.


Drew is such a d*ck.

He's, like He's got this [NAT]

What happened?

Do you want to get in?


No, no.

It was it was nothing.


- What's going on?

- Alice, what?

You told me you were okay with this, right?

That you were open Yeah, no, right.

Yeah, no, I'm totally open.

You're mad?

No, I'm not mad.


I don't I don't think this is what I meant.


Should you two talk alone?


No, we should all talk about it.


Yeah, no.

You should you should stay, Gigi.

Um It's your house.

It's f*cking your it's your wife.

It's your whole f*cking life.



- Alice!


- Just - [DOOR CLOSES]

Just give her time.




- Oh.

- What is that?


- We're coming!


They were f*cking.



They were f*cking, Shane.

Can you ?

- Who?

- Oh, God.

And I wasn't there.


Oh, Nat and Gigi?

You know what, I didn't sign up for this.

I'm sorry, what did you expect?

- Well, I don't know, but maybe some sort - Hey.



I c No.

This is too much right now.

I'm You know, you are not the only one dealing with some really hard shit right now.

I said I was sorry.

I should have told you about Felicity.

Did you think I couldn't keep your secret?

Honestly, I thought you would judge me.

Why would I judge you?

I'm in a throuple.

With two ex-wives.

I mean, you should be judging me.

I'm not.

I'm not judging you.

You know you can talk to me.

I feel stupid.

You're not stupid.

You're, you're very brave.


Throuples are complicated, Al.

SLOW, DRAMATIC MUSIC I don't want to lose her.

Come here.

- I'm sorry.

- I'm sorry.

- Oh, sweetie, I can do that.

- I got it, Mom, it's fine.

No, are you sure?

Yeah, I got it, Mom, it's fine.

- You look like you could use some help - I've got it, Mom.

I am sorry about earlier.

I'm trying my best.

I promise.

I know, but - It's not good enough.

- No.

It's not.


Your dad was always so much better at all this than I am.


He was.

It was all so easy for him.

Oh, I wish he was here.

Me, too.

I will do better.

I promise.

I can do that for you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Have you told that sweet boy that you love him yet?

'Cause he loves you, too.

What you have with him is very real.

So where are the rest of those gummy bears?


Um, I hid those from you, Mom.

Oh, come on.

Hand them over.

Come on.

Good night, Mom.

Good night, my son.

"We walk a few blocks to a bar".


"We link arms while we walk.

At the bar we sit next to each other - on a bench on the patio" - [KNOCKING]

- Hi, babe.

- Hey.



Aw, you came.

Should've been here sooner.


- I'm sorry.

Any news?


We're still waiting.

But my mom and my sister went home to sleep.

So that's good.

She looks so strong.


I've been, I've been reading to her.

I think she likes it.

I'm sure she does.



He f*cking did it.


Bette Porter wants you to believe her family is just like yours.

We know better.

She's not afraid to sleep with your wife.

Vote for real family values.

Not Bette Porter.

This ad paid for by A Society for a Better Los Angeles.


I knew this was going to happen.

I'm sorry, I'm - I need to handle this.

- No, that's okay, good luck.

I'm sorry, bud.


Yeah, that's why I didn't want her to come.

- Want me to beat her up?


Give her a knuckle sandwich?

Nah I'm good.

I've been reading her my, uh, my favorite lesbian love story, so that she wakes up and yells at me.


Scare her back to life.

- I like it.

- Yeah, you know it.

Hmm, let's see.



He's a m*therf*cker.

- I know.

- I told you that he was gonna do this.

I know.

I can try and get it off the air, but it's It's too late.

Well, so what, we just do nothing?

We can't just let him attack you like this.

I told you, I have morals.

I have standards.

- Yeah, but this is - And if you think I'm gonna let this h*m* assh*le take me down with this bullshit, you really don't know me at all.

Would you like a whiskey?



INTRIGUING MUSIC Are you sure you don't want me to stay?



Yeah, there's barely enough room for me in there.

Are you sure?

I can sleep anywhere.

No-no-no, really, really, it's-it's, it's okay.

You need to go home, go to sleep, go to bed.

- Okay.

- Yeah.

You got everything?

I brought you clothes, you got Funyuns for days [BOTH CHUCKLE]

Uh, oh, pillows.

I should've brought you a pillow from home.

- I can go back, I really - No-no-no, really.


It's okay, thank you.


Um I love you.

Hey, I love you, too.



Oh, what are you doing, buddy?

What are you doing?



Hey, this is Alice.

Just, well, uh, you know what to do.

- [BEEP]

- [NAT]

Hey, Alice.

It-It's me.

It's Nat.


I I've tried you so many times.

I don't know why you're not Well I'm so sorry that you came home to that.

Like that.

I I know you're mad at me, but I Oh, my God, I don't even know what to say.

I need time to figure out what I'm doing and what I want, and I oh, my God, I didn't mean to hurt you.

I I never wanted to hurt you, but I I guess I just need some time, so I'll call you in a few days, I guess, and we can meet up?


Or I'll call you.

Thank you for understanding.


I love you.



Yeah, I know.

Speaking of the hi.

- Hi.




Can I get you anything?

- Um, I'll have a coffee.

- No problem.

You know what?

I'm actually gonna start with nothing.

See how this goes.




Well go ahead.

Okay, um - I'm so sorry.

- And I'm sorry.


I mean, the other day was very confusing, I think, for all of us, right?


No, it was.

I don't know what I was expecting.


I don't think any of us knew what to expect.

- [NAT]


- You know, this has made me - question a lot.

- Really?

Like what?


I think it brought a lot to the surface that we needed to sort out, and, you know, we've spent the last few days, Gigi and I, really getting into our issues and, you know, speaking very honestly, which has been really nice.


And I mean, obviously, we had a lot of baggage that we were holding onto, but I think - we're better now.

- We're better.

Yeah, we're better.

- Better?

- And now, you know, we can be better together, and for you, and I, you know, I think we can make this work.


Wow, as in yay, or what is the wow?

Wow, as in, I'm so glad I could be there to help push you guys towards hashing out your divorce and get you to a really, really good place.

- No, that's - You know?

Wow, as in, I'm glad that I was of use to you?

Okay, that's not what we're saying.

- That kind of wow?

- [GIGI]

What we're saying is, we want you to come home, - so we can work on this.

- Home?

Have you been there the whole time I've been at Shane's?

Have you let her stay there?

Holy f*ck!


Oh, my God, this is ridiculous.

Yeah, no, it is ridiculous, Gigi.

I agree with you, actually.

That's not what I mean, I mean, you're not listening.

- Okay.

- Oh, I think I'm listening, Gigi.

What we're saying is, we're hold on we're trying to figure this out with you.

Well, what I'm saying, Gigi, is I don't think that I'm really needed here.

And I think you guys look really good together.

I mean, it's just like There's nothing missing, it's just so I don't think you need me.

- So, I'm gonna go.

- Alice And you and I can just talk on the phone, and I will figure out how to get my stuff out of [WAITRESS]

I have one Cobb salad and a tortilla soup, two spoons.

Thank you.

One soup, two spoons, guys?


Enjoy your lunch.







All right, um have you ever done something that you were, like pretty sure you'll regret?

I mean, it took me a while to settle into my bangs, but - I don't regret them.

- Oh.

All right.


I kissed Finley.

- Wait, what?

- We were in the hospital.

She brought me all these snacks.

So you kiss her because she brought you snacks?


Like she was with me all day.

She was trying to leave, and - I didn't want her to go.

- So you kissed her?

- You kissed Finley?

- Yeah.

- With, like, tongue?

- Ew.


No, all right?


Don't be gross, okay?


Oh, God, I feel like such a piece of shit.

No, you're not.

You're not.

- Are you gonna tell Dani?

- No.

I mean, I can't.

It would just oh, my God, it would crush her.

And it doesn't even matter.

There's no point, because it's never gonna happen again.

So, no, I can't.

I can't.

I shouldn't.






"RUN THE ROAD" BY SANTIGOLD Face don't lie, so I put on my makeup Hey, hey, oh Awake all night, can't make my mind go slow Mind won't slow, mind won't slow Flash that smile, it's an industry of service Hey, hey, oh Polls are closed.

Make sure you're all on the registrar's website.

All we can do is wait.

Let's get married.

I'm serious.

What do you want?

You could've been honest from the beginning.

I was honest with you.

Well then, why did you agree to it?

Because, I love you, Quiara.

None of us know, how things are gonna turn out.

Maybe the best thing to do is just Stay true to who we are.