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01x06 - Loose Ends

Posted: 01/12/20 08:49
by bunniefuu
Previously on The L Word: Generation Q


I thought last night was great.

She's my ex-wife.

- Do you want me to leave?

- No.

- Okay, we are getting somewhere.

- So you're a throuple now?

Wait, wait, what are you, what are you saying?

- [BOTH]


- It's a couple plus one.

You were wondering if I could get over the whole priest thing.

Well, I can because you're not a real priest.


I don't know who hurt you, but somebody did.

You need to work on your own shit.

What the hell is wrong with you?

You were just gonna slip in that biological parent clause?

I'm trying to do what's best for my family.

She is your family.

There's not going to be a prenup.

- We're not done discussing this.

- f*ck you.


We need to end this.

What am I supposed to do now?

I don't know.

What do we do, huh?

You've got an event.

Do we all get ready together?

Hold hands in our floor-length gowns?

I have to tell you something.

- I'm pregnant.

- What?

She processes everything alone.

I mean, how do I get her to open up to me?

It's my dad.


I hate him because he doesn't understand [PANTING]

I just wanted to let you know that I don't need you.

I just want you.

- You are amazing.

- Shut up.

No, you were.

I'm serious.

Hey, Bette Porter, I need to talk to you.

- Ow!

- g*dd*mn it!

Keep your f*cking hands off her.




We're here outside Bette Porter's home awaiting answers from her campaign.

Last night, mayoral candidate Bette Porter allegedly assaulted Tyler Adams.

Porter has been having an affair with his wife, despite recently denying their status on The Alice Show.

Her opponent Jeff Milner is still committed to running a clean campaign, but couldn't help but mention he's not the least bit surprised by Porter's latest missteps.

- Alice.

- Alice, can we get one comment, please?


Did you lie for her?

Can you answer the question?


What do you have to say for yourself?

Right, but she was completely justified in doing so.


All I'm asking is for time.

She wants to talk to us and her family before she makes a decision.




God, they're animals.

Thank you so much for coming.

I'm sorry about all of this.

No, no, it's okay.

It's really not okay.

She can bounce back from this.

I'm really, I'm really sorry, Alice.

For which part?

For defending you on my show, or for not telling me you started seeing Felicity again?

I'm both.

I'm sorry about both.

Why didn't you tell us?

Why are you looking at her?


Look, it's complicated, and-and-and-and - she's been through a lot.

- Holy shit.

You knew?

You knew?

- Calm down.

Calm down.

- No, no, please don't be mad at her.

Oh, my God, this is so much f*cking worse, you guys.

Alice, I am so sorry.

- I can't do this right now.

- Alice, wait, just wait.


Hey, Bette, Bette, Bette, let her go.

She'll cool off.

You all right?


Is Angie here?

She spent the night at Jordi's.


We're both pretty shaken up after last night, and I just wanted her to go have fun.

- Good.


- You know?


- Shit.

- What?

I was supposed to take her to the DMV today.

She's supposed to have her driver's test today.

How did I, how did I forget that?

- How am I supposed to do that?

- You can't.

Everyone's gonna be following you everywhere.

- Oh, my God.

- All right, all right, all right.

- Oh, my God.

- Here's an idea, here's an idea.

I have to go to the bar, and then I have to go pick up Quiara, and then we can take her.

- Really?

- Yes, really.

Anything you want, my friend, anything you need.



I just Talk to me.


I can't do this anymore.

- I can't.

I can't do it.

- Okay, what-what-what - That's just I can't.

- What-what can't you do, Bette?

I can't.

I I have to drop out.

Okay, yeah.

Bette, you are allowed to drop out any time you want.

That's right.

- That's right.


- Yeah.

That's what I need.

I'm gonna do it right now, just get it over with.


Hey, Bette, I Bette.


Bette, I can get you out of this.

- I just need one minute.

Just give me - No, no.

It's over.

I can't want this anymore.

- You cannot go out there.

- I can't.

You cannot tell me what to f*cking do.


Angie called me.


Oh, open me, baby Something in the way There's something in the way that you move A little crazy Something in the way There's something in the way that you move [SNORING SOFTLY]




Good morning.



I am f*cking parched.

I'll be right back.


- f*ck.

- f*ck.


One mimosa, no ice for you.

Um, no, that's not a that's not a good idea.

Um, I need to I need to call my sponsor.

Um, I need to go to a meeting.

- Oh.

- Yo.

- Shane, um - What the f*ck is this?

Um, I'm sorry.

Uh You know this is a fireable offense, right?

Yes, of course.

Well, we were just having a couple drinks.

I thought you were sober.


I was.

All right, just clean this shit up.


Um Tess, I am so sorry.

I did No, please.

Don't apologize.

Um None of this is your fault, okay?





If she has notes, she has to get 'em into you by three o'clock, or they're not gonna be folded into the network cut.


I'll be back in the office Tuesday.

Sorry I left in such a hurry.


Thanks for understanding.


I'll call you later.


- Sorry about that.

- No, it's okay.

How was the play?

Which part?

Well, was Jordi good?

Angie said she was nervous.

She was great but What?

I don't know how I feel about her.

What do you mean?

She makes me nervous.


Well, anyone that likes our daughter is gonna make us nervous.



Do you think they've had sex?


They haven't even kissed yet.




Well, that's one thing I've done right, I guess.

You are doing a lot right.

Do you want to tell me what happened last night?

Uh Well, we were, um we were all leaving the play.

It was me and Angie and Jordi.

And and I could hear him before I saw him, you know?

He was screaming my name.

I had the car keys, and I-I gave them to Angie, and I said, "Get to the car".


And then and then he comes barreling up the stairs at me.

And then Angie stepped in between us, almost like to protect me or something.


And then he, uh he pushed her down to the ground.

He put his hands on our daughter, and he f*cking pushed her to the ground.

So, I-I I pushed him, and he fell backwards, and I thought for a second [MUTTERING]


- Okay.


Is he, um is he gonna press charges?

I don't know.

I don't know I don't know what's gonna happen.



I don't know what's gonna happen.

Oh, shit, um I got to take this, okay?

Yes, I'm here.

It's okay.

Everything's okay.

I No, I haven't seen her yet.

I'm sorry I didn't call you before I left.

It's not a good time.

Can I call you back?

I need you to scream and then hang up on me Just so f*cking annoyed!

I can tell.

Really going in on that sando.


She left at four o'clock in the morning, and I haven't heard from her since.


Kind of reminds me of my mom.



She's like a super-cold hot lady.


Dani or your mom?


You know what?

You you're a f*cking freak.

- Yeah, you love it.


You'd like my mom.

She's hot.

She's a f*cking stud.

Where do you think these legs came from?

This face?

What, are you kidding me?

Oh, yeah, well, at least you talk to me.

Of course I talk to you.

I love talking to you.

You're, like, the freaking best, dude.

Well, if you love talking to me so much, why don't you tell me what happened last night?

Mmm You know what?

I'm gonna crush this sando first, and then go take a nip dip.

- Hmm.

- Nip dip.

I just came up with that.

Like a poet.

Like a regular Emily Dickerstein.


She a little stupid.



That's utterly inflammatory.

It was not an as*ault.

She did what any decent mother in her situation would do.


That is not our official statement.



You'll be the first to know when we have one.

- f*ck.

- What's going on?

Trying to convince donors to trust Bette, but it's a hard sell because I don't f*cking trust her.

I know this is hard.

It's hard on all of us.


I'm sorry, when did you find out that Bette was still sleeping with Felicity?

Because I found out this morning.

- I was just doing my job.

- Dani, - you should've told me.

- It wouldn't have made a difference.

I don't like being lied to.

You've been in politics for so long, I thought you'd be used to it by now.

I have spent my career supporting people who I believe would do the least harm.

And Bette was supposed to be better than that.

I'm sorry she disappointed you.

It's not about just me, Dani, it's about us.

You, me, those kids at the center.

I'm a trans man.

And seeing someone like Bette Porter become mayor means that-that people like me might live a better life.

I mean, she was supposed to be the one to pave the way so that someone like me could be in charge someday.

I understand that, but she can still win.


You know, people have been looking for any reason to write off this campaign, and she has given them plenty.


You have every right to be mad, but you can't deny that she's special.

She's inspiring.

She inspires me every day.

I've never felt like that about anyone before.

I know it might be hard for you to see right now, but she's worth it.


I see.



Yeah, this is, this is something else for you.

What's that supposed to mean?

She's gotten to you.

No, no, she hasn't.

- This is - Good luck.

- Where are you going?

- You know, I really wanted her to be the one to change the world, but I think I'm gonna have to do it on my own.

Goodbye, Dani.



How do you think she's doing?

- She's gonna pass, right?



I'm sure she's doing fine.

- She seems like a smart kid.

- No, she's a f*cking genius.

- I just don't trust these people.



Like, holy shit.

You're Quiara.

- Yeah.

- Oh, my God, I loved your set at Glastonbury last year.

I - It was absolutely amazing.

- Oh.

Thank you.

Do you mind if I take a picture with you?

No, not at all.

Let's do it.

You want me to do it?


Yes, thank you.

- You ready?

- Yes.


One, two - [BOTH LAUGH]

- Three.

All right.


Thank you so much.

- Of course.

- Nice meeting you.

- You, too.

- She's got good taste.

- Oh, shut up.


- Hey.

- So?

I passed.

- I knew it.

I knew you would.

- Yes!



All right, well, you know what that means.


What do you mean?

Anywhere you want to go.


- Yeah.

- Yeah.



- Okay, sweet.

Let's go.


Let's do it.

- Ready?

- Yes.

All right, honey, let's go.


You should've seen their faces.

They were, like you know, shocked but guilty.

You know that look?


Why didn't she just tell me?

It's not like I'm gossipy.

I'm not.

That's just my persona.

She was probably just scared.

- Of what?

- [NAT]

You know, sometimes, in life, we avoid the people who are gonna tell us the truth.


This isn't helping.


You're a really good friend to her.

- Yeah.

- Thank you.

- Yeah, you are.

- Thank you.

You're amazing.

I'm sorry.

Y'all are making me so homesick.

I wish my best friends lived in L. A.


We're not friends.







Are y'all ready for the check?

- Yeah, check would be awesome.

- [NAT]

You know what?

I think we're gonna need a minute.

Okay, I'll just be back in a sec, then.


I love your show.

Oh, thank you.

Ugh, great.

What did I do?

That's new.

I like it.



Got it a couple months ago at Fahey/Klein.

I miss that place.



- Oh, thank God.


She passed.

She probably would've blamed me if she hadn't.

You know, I hated teaching her.

I just panicked the whole time.

She got so mad when I was teaching how to parallel park that she actually made me get out of the car and watch her do it from the other side of the parking lot.


Oh, my God, she is so much like you.

You, too.


I hope we haven't screwed her up entirely.

I mean me.

I hope I haven't just screwed her up.

You're a good mom.

So are you.

I'm just glad that you were able to create so much space for her.

Of course.




You just That doesn't come natural to you.

What are you saying?

You could never do that for me.

You just took up so much space.


You know, for as long as I can remember, I've been able to identify what I want and I've been willing to pursue it.

Do you really think I should apologize for that?

I'm not asking you to apologize.

But I definitely put your career first, your feelings first I never asked you to do that.

You didn't have to.

Everything was on your timeline, on your terms.

I don't think that's fair.


Of course you don't.

Because you're never wrong.

Look around.

I am wrong all the f*cking time.

Are you still seeing that woman?

I broke up with her yesterday.

Before any of this even happened.

Just should've done it sooner.

That would have been helpful.

You know, Felicity was there for me when Kit died.

I wish I could've been there.

You could have at least come to the funeral.

I would have made it harder for you.

I was trying to protect you.

How was that protecting me?

We had just gotten divorced.

I had just left.

It would have been very confusing if I had shown up.

Such a bullshit excuse.

We needed that space.

You needed that space.

I needed that space.

You should have been there.

I thought you were my family.

QUIET, SOMBER MUSIC Even if it hurts, baby Even if we lost, baby [SOPHIE]


All right.

Yeah, you can borrow a bathing suit if you want, you know.

Nah, I like to be free.

You're a mess.

Dude, don't say that.

I had a dark night last night, okay?

Bro, you are not responsible for-for Tess's actions, all right?

No, I know, but I f*cked up, dude.

I know I did.

No, no, no, no, no.

She's a grown-ass woman.

She was gonna drink with or without you.


Am I, like, broken?



No, but [EXHALES]

I mean, seriously.

Like What if I can never, like, get my shit together?

Like, am I too damaged to be with somebody?


Dude, no.

You're-you're not damaged.

Then why won't she be with me?

Oh, f*ck.

Oh, I miss Rebecca.


Goodbye, forever.

Oh, no.


Well-well, what can I do?

How can I help?

Hey, do you, um [CLICKS TONGUE]

You want some Froyo?

I can rally up for some Froyo.

No, I just don't want to feel like this anymore.


All right.


f*ck this.

We're going out tonight.

We need to have some fun.

- Really?

- Oh.

f*cked up.

You and me.

Bro night?

- Bro night!

- Shut up!

- Bro night!

- Ha!


Bro night!

- Yes!

- Let's do it.


Is this Jordi's house?


All right.


How do you know if you love someone?


Uh, do you want to help me out with this?

Well, um Okay.

Um I had this photo sh**t for French Vogue.

- Oh, God.


- Okay.


You're doing that.


- Yeah, I'm doing that to you.

- All right.

Um, and I walked into the studio and I saw her for the first time.

And she was backlit, - and she was moving.

- You know what, - your memory is very dramatic.


Just-just tell her what really happened, please.



So, this photographer, um, this French dude.

- His name was Bernard.

- Yeah.

No, Gerard.

- Gerard, yes.

- Gerard.

Um, he calls me to set.

And your Uncle Shane here says no.

Not because I was being rude or difficult.

It's because you weren't ready yet, - and he was rushing me along.

- Okay.


But he starts yelling at her, in French.

Calls her la putain.

- La putain.

- What does that mean?

- "Bitch".

- Oh.

Which happens to be the only word in French she knows.


- Of course.

- He was a f*cking d*ck.

- He was.

So I stepped in and I start translating for him.

And, automatically, she assumes that I'm on his side.

Well, what-what do you expect me to think?

I don't speak French.

- No, you don't.

It's really sad.

- No, I don't.

But can I Let me let me tell you the-the happy part, okay?


- You asked me out to dinner.

- I did.

- Remember?

- Mm-hmm.

And then, afterward, we walked around the city.

And I think we walked till the sun came up, - didn't we?

- We did.


She asked me so many questions - about myself.

Too many.

- No, I didn't.

- I didn't.

- Oh, my God, she wouldn't stop.

- And - [LAUGHS]

The-the point is, I'm a private person, but, despite all of that, I still wanted her to know me.

You know?



Yeah, I totally get that.

And, like, Jordi's the same way, and I-I want her to know me, too.

But it's just it's scary.

You know?


I know.

And the hardest part for me was the moment right before I told her I loved her for the first time.


And I knew I did.

I knew I wanted to tell her, but I didn't know if she would say it back.


- Did you?

- Of course I did.

Right away?

- Yes!

- No.

- Hey, I did, too.

- No-no, you didn't.

She took this long pause.

- No.


- Oh, no.

I had to breathe, so I inhaled.


The breath.


Yeah, but what if she just doesn't love me back?

Well, then she's really missing out.



And unfortunately, there's only one way to find out.


Look you're Angie Porter-f*cking-Kennard.

Don't you forget it.

So get your ass out of this car and go speak your mind, - because we're gonna be here either way.

- Mm-hmm.

- Okay.

- All right?

- Go get 'em.

- Okay.



Yeah, you got it.




- Wish me luck.

- You don't need luck.

- Of course.

- You don't need luck.



Ooh, shit.



Oh, God, I gave her the right advice, right?

- Yeah, you did good.

- You sure?

- Yeah, you did great.

- All right, that f*ckin' Jordi kid better say it back to her.

- Or what?

- Or what?

I'll call her mother, is what.




I'm not kidding.

- Okay.


She's gonna get a call.



- Hey.

- Hi.

How'd it go?

It went great.

I, uh, I-I passed.

And this is the first place I drove.


Did you forget something?


I didn't forget anything.

So what's up?



I love seeing you like this.

- What, like this?

- Yeah.


I know you're scared.

But this is what I want.


So, um last night was intense.

Yeah, it was.

How's your mom?

She's okay.

I called Mama T, and she's here, so that helps.

- Nice.

- Yeah.

But, um it's so weird.

The whole time that it was happening last night I realized that all I wanted to do was make sure that you were okay.

And I know we've been friends for a while now, and I and I love that, a-and I don't want to mess that up, so if this goes badly, just forget, like, this ever happened.

But I Hmm.

I like you.

I really like you.


I-I, like, like like you, and I think I think I love you.

And I I-I want to know if you do, too.



- Yeah?


- I do.

I like you, too.

I I love you, too.


I told you!

- Oh, yay!

- I told you!

- Whoo!

Oh, gosh.

Oh, it's so cute.


All right.

All right?



- I'm in.

- Yeah?

- Oh, my God, yes.



Oh, my God.

My window won't go down.

I need air.

- [GIGI]

AC's on full blast.


- Okay.

- [NAT]

I feel like - I just need some air.


If you honk, they're gonna go slower!

She knows that she's doing it on purpose to t*rture me.

- Well, I don't think that's true, Nat.

- Okay, one question.

Last night, when we all held hands what did that mean?

It meant that we could hold hands in the dark.

- Okay.

- Okay, no, I'm not interested in going back in the closet, - thank you.

- Oh, my God.

Nobody's asking you to do that.

Well, except that you are technically asking her to go back in the closet well, us.

It's a big, walk-in closet with room for three adults.


- f*cking go!

- Oh, wow.

- I think it's absurd to tell strangers when we haven't told anyone else.

That's fine.

That is fine.

I just think we need to take, you know, steps and-and talk about the - you know, this.

- What's going on here?

Why are you taking her side?

- Nat.

- All I said was that we weren't friends.

She had no idea what that meant.


I'm pretty I'm pretty sure she knew what that what was going on at the restaurant.

- And you know what?

- I don't think so.

I made it very clear very clear that I didn't want to tell anyone until we told the kids.

And by the way, we're not telling the kids.

Well, that is gonna be tough.

- Because - That's insane.

Yeah, because the kids are already asking questions.

- Yeah, they are.

- And they're wondering why I've been staying at the house so much.


- Valid, valid question.

I think I think we need to just breathe, okay?


- I'm breathing.

And we're gonna just get home safely.

This day needs to go f*ck itself.

- Is that directed at my driving?

- No.

But you do drive like you're being chased.

Yeah, that's why I'm in the backseat.

Efficient driver.





- Whoo!

One more, please!


That's four.

I got you beat, girl.

I got you beat!

Okay, so you're a mean drunk.

I'm not mean.

I'm never mean.

- You know who's mean?

- Who?


Little f*cking f*ck.

Dude, just because she asked for space does not make her mean.

Oh, she's mean.

And hot.


You know who else is hot?


Bette Porter.

No, no, no, no.

Don't do that.

Let's not do that.


I'm just sayin' she's hot.

I got eyes, and I can f*ckin' see.

- Okay?

- Okay, you're very drunk and very paranoid.

How come she never says that I'm pretty anymore, you know?

I am I'm pretty, right?

You're very pretty.

Ooh I think Tess wants to talk to you.


I should go talk to her.

Yeah, go talk to her.

I mean, I wish Dani would talk to me.

Okay, calm yourself.


I'm gonna go talk to her.

It's gonna be great.

You got this, buddy.

High life filtered through the lo-fi Hi.



You don't have to make this weird.

You can just talk to me.

Uh okay.

I-I don't feel like I'm being weird.

Am I am I being weird?




Yeah, sure, I guess I could see that.

Have you ever slept with a friend before?


I sleep with strangers and priests.


Well, it's only fun if you don't make it weird.

Okay, great.

I didn't know that.

And it's never gonna happen again.


I didn't know that, either.

I'm learning so much today.

You're so cute.

Thank you.

You're very hot.


- Am I allowed to say that?

- It's fine.

- 'Cause we're fr Okay.

- Copy that.

- Good.

- Great.

- Yeah.


Skipping lines and brushing past the suits Ducking pictures and dropping some truths [ROCK MUSIC PLAYING]

Just because I got a fade, it don't mean that I don't want her to tell me I'm pretty.

- You know?

- Yeah.

You mentioned that - for sure already.

- Hey.

- Hey, I'm sorry to interrupt.

- Oh.

Sup, bud?

- Did you get my text?

- No.

Oh, sorry about the thing earlier, by the way.

- But Tess and I are cool.

- Oh, good, good, good, I'm glad to hear that.

But, um, I-I texted you to say that, uh, Quiara's moving in.

Holy shit.

That's awesome.


- Thank you.

Um - Yeah.

And we'd like to live together.



Oh, God.

You want me to move out.



Of course.

Would a week be enough time?

A week is perfect.

That's-that's good.

It's great.

Thank you for understanding.

I appreciate it.

- I'm sorry to interrupt.

- Oh.

- Have fun tonight.

- Thank you.


- Enjoy yourself.

Be safe.

- Thank you.

Thank you.


Yo, thank God, man!

Now you can live with me!

- Really?

- My buddy!

- Oh, shit.

- Oh, you remember that buddy system?

Oh, man, I need a buddy right now, and you're it!

Okay, Drunkie, whee Oh, you know what I want to do right now?

- What?


I want to go to f*ckin' Hawaii.


I thought you were gonna say you wanted to go get pizza.


I I want to be on a beach and, like, go have one of those coconut drinks - and shit.

- Mm.

Oh, man.

I can get you a drink from the bar, no problem.

All I want to get is Oh.



A little bit closer What the f*ck?

This is my jammy jam!

- Oh-ho-ho!

- Let's do it!

- Yeah!


- Come a little closer Whoo!

Here comes the breath before we Damn, I like this song.

A little bit closer [LAUGHS]

Here comes the rush Before we touch Come a little closer Oh.


This is a lot to handle.

The doors are open, the wind is really blowing The night sky Is changing overhead It's not just all physical I'm the type who won't All right, a little more, let me see what you got.


That's-that's good.

Yeah, maybe like Yeah, keep the arms down.


All right.

It's like uh, okay.

This is a lot.

Just move your hips!

- I am moving my hips.

- Yeah No, like this.


All you think of lately Is getting underneath me Yeah!


Damn, I like this song.

- I'm drunk as f*ck.


Let me see your driver's license.

- Oh, yeah.

- I want to see it.

Okay, uh, it's not the real one.

Um, it's just a temporary one.

- Mm-hmm.

- Um, I don't know when Oh, and you liked the wallet that I got you.

- Yeah.

Told you I did.

- Okay.

Okay, ready?


Oh, my God.

I'm so glad I didn't miss this.

- It's such a big deal.

- Yeah, me, either.


I keep missing everything.

Why do you have to?

Like, really, though, why?

Uh Okay.

You know how right now you're trying to figure out a lot of things about yourself?

Like what you want, uh, what you want to do, who you want to be with?

And-and that can be pretty hard, right?

Yeah, yeah, really hard.

Well you're doing it when you're supposed to.


I I didn't do that.

I didn't do that at the right time.

It took me a long time to figure out who I was.

And I-I met your mom when I was really young.


We fell in love, and that was wonderful.

But somehow I got lost.

And I didn't think that I could, uh, find myself unless I left.

Does that make sense?


Yeah, I think so.

I-I wanted you to have two whole parents.

Not one and a half.

And I felt like half of a person.


I'm sorry that it meant that I had to be so far away from you.

'Cause you make me happier than anyone in the whole world.


And I miss you.

I miss you all the time.

I miss you so much.

I miss you, too.

I really do.

I miss you all the time.

Is that why you called?


Um No, I called you 'cause I thought B needed you.



Well, I'm glad you're okay.


I am more than okay.


Okay, can you can you keep a secret?

Of course.

You promise not to tell anyone?

I promise.


Okay, and you can't freak out.

I'm not gonna freak out.

- Okay.

- Mm-hmm.

I kissed Jordi today.



Oh, my God!


- Stop!


- I'm so excited.

- It's your first kiss.

- Yay.

- That's so crazy.


- Okay, hold on.

- All right.

I'm a speed demon on this thing!


- Freaking hold on.


- Okay.

You know how I know you're not broken?

- How?

- Because everybody loves you.

No, they don't, dude.


That-that hot bartender at Dana's.


She does not love me.

Oh, and-and, uh, Father Rebecca.

Uh, she definitely doesn't love me.

Yeah, everybody does.

I love you.



f*ck yeah.

You're, like, the best part of my day.

I love the shit out of you.

Call me I love you, too, man.

Spit out diamonds, cough up rubies - Call me, when you can't see through me - [BELL DINGS]


I'm gonna go.

Yeah, I think that's a good idea.

Well, maybe you shouldn't leave when we're all angry.

I'm not mad.

I'm just really tired.


Good night.





What are you gonna say to me right now?

I think you're being a little hard on her.

Why does everyone take her side?


I am not doing that.

She outed us to a stranger before we even told our children.

I know, but I can't believe I have to fight both of you on this.

It's un-f*cking-real.

What the hell are these?


The kids wrote us all notes.

That's It's for Gigi.

"I love making breakfast with you".

That's really sweet.

"I love when you read us stories".

- Aw.


"M. Alice".

M. Alice.

"I'm glad you fill up the swear jar".

They called me M.



Well, the "M" is for "mom", so it's "mom Alice".


- Oh.


I see.

- Right.

Well, that's okay.

You know, I'll take it.


They're fine.


I can see that.

And that's good, right?

I mean, that's what you've been worried about this whole time.

They seem to be okay.

I think I just, um I feel a little like I don't want I don't want to be mean to anyone or to her.

I just Feeling a little overwhelmed.


It's so confusing, you know?

I don't want to hurt you, but then I I have all these feelings, you know, for for For-for Gigi.

But, like, all the feelings, you know?

Like, all the bad stuff - and the good stuff.

- Yeah.

Just, like Yeah, I can see that.

I love you.

I love you so much.

I'm not confused about that.

I know that.

I'm okay.

- You are?

- Yeah.

I mean, I've always been an open person.

You know that.

- Mm-hmm.

- And I think you and I are in a really good place, - so - Yeah.

I do, too.

I know this is tricky, but I trust you.

I don't want to lose you.

I'm not going anywhere.

I'm totally in this.

Why are you the best?

I was born this way.

- Oh, yeah?





Do you think you should call her and invite her back?


- I'll call her.

- Okay.

Maybe try not to be so mean.


Okay, I'll try.


Do we look like penises?


Oh, yeah.

They're all cocks.

- Always.

- Hmm.


No, I-I think that's reasonable.



Thank you very much.

So, Tyler's lawyer said that he's not going to sue you.

- Thank God.

- If you make a public apology.


Well, you can tell him to go f*ck himself.

I'm sure that'll go over well.


You have two options.

I can drop out of the race.

Or you pivot and you give the speech that only you can give.


You have the power to change people.

You changed me.



- Bette!


Good evening.

Good evening.

Thank you so much for being here.

All day, people have called on me to drop out of the race.

And I've thought about it.

I've spoken to my family.

I've spoken to my closest friends and trusted colleagues.


And I have been reminded of what's been at the center of this campaign all along.

I don't want you to quit.


On June 8th of last year, my sister Katherine "Kit" Porter died of a heroin overdose.

Nine months prior to her death, she was in a car accident, and the doctor on call at the hospital prescribed her a very powerful opioid painkiller.

She became addicted to that painkiller because my sister was an addict.

She never should've been prescribed those dr*gs, but nobody asked her.

No one at the hospital asked her the one question that might have saved her life.

No one asked her, "Are you an addict?" The intake system at the hospital failed her.

Her doctor failed her.

The drug companies failed her.

And I cannot fail her, too.

I have learned so much since my sister died.

I have learned how strong my family is, and just how lucky I am to have them in my life.

And when I say family, that includes my chosen family.

I have friends who would do anything for me.

But not everyone is as lucky as I am.

Not everyone has a support system in place to carry them through particularly challenging times.

I love you.

I love you, too.

- What?

I-I took a breath.

- Oh.

- I was inhaling.

- Oh, touché.



And that's exactly why I initially decided to run.

I want to be there for people who are less fortunate.

I want this city to be a supportive community for all of us.

I've never spoken about this publicly.

I've never wanted to do anything that might exploit my family's pain, but this is bigger than me.

This is bigger than my family.

And I know now all too well that we were not alone in that pain.

My sister's death was the result of a deeply broken system, one that I was devastated to experience firsthand and one that I remain determined to change.

And because of that, I cannot drop out.

I will stay in the race, and I will fight for my family, for all families, and I hope that you will continue to fight alongside me.

Thank you.




How was your day?

It was long.


I really don't want to talk about it.

Of course you don't.

- Don't do that.

- What?

- You're drunk.


And I hate that passive-aggressive bullshit.

Oh, I just want to hear about your day.

And I'll tell you all about it, okay?

But right now, - I just need a little bit of space.

- Hey, no, no, no, no, no.

Enough with the space.

All I do is give you f*cking space.

I'm not gonna talk to you like this.

- Why not?

- Because you're - you're pissing me off right now.

- How?


Okay, tell me, how am I pissing you off?

I-I told you that I'm f*cking tired, and I don't want - to talk about it right now.

- Okay, no.

That shit?


You don't get to do that shit to me again.

I want you to talk to me.

Everybody f*cking wants something from me, and it is exhausting.

I just want you to talk.

I don't have anything to say!


That was a great speech.

Thank you.

You're gonna make a great mayor.


We'll see.

If you need anything, I'm here.

Thank you.

I am your family, you know.


I know.

I love you.

I love you.

Come here.

Please don't go.


I know she thinking that she found herself a winner I know you f*cked her on the counter Right before you cooked her dinner Yeah, I know you think about me when you kiss her I left a taste in your mouth Can she taste me now That you threw out all the furniture and pictures I bet you sugarcoat the truth Are you available tonight for dinner?

Just us.

- I missed this.

- Yeah me too.



We're gonna hear the baby's heartbeat today.

You ready?

I told you he was gonna do this.

And if you think I'm gonna let this take me down, you really don't know me at all.

You should've been there for her.

She really needed you.

I'm giving her all I've got.

It's gonna be okay.