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01x05 - Labels

Posted: 01/05/20 09:05
by bunniefuu
Previously on The L Word: Generation Q I scheduled us a tour of the Biltmore.

I don't want to feel uncomfortable at my own wedding.

Couples compromise all the time.

Yeah, I'm happy to compromise with you.

I'm just not about to compromise with your dad.

Jordi, I didn't know you were coming.

You have a really wonderful daughter, and I love spending time with her.

Okay, so remember this morning when you were wondering if I could get over the whole priest thing?

Oh, I can because you're not a real priest.

Not there.

- What's that?

- Divorce papers.

I know that there's something going on between the two of you.

I can feel it.


- I'm sorry.

I - Don't touch me.

I need to get out of here.


Prior to running for office, you were the Director of Cultural Affairs.

- That's correct.

- Do you remember f*cking my wife?


You've jeopardized the campaign.


I am painfully aware of that fact.


You can be with her, or you can stay in this race and fight for what you believe in.

But you can't have it both ways.

Is there a part of you that still wants her?

You can tell me.


I want you and her.


Holy shit.

Oh, my God.


Happy birthday.



Good morning.

- Hi.

- Hi.

You kept it.


What, you think I sold it?

I wouldn't be surprised.

SLOW MUSIC - I missed you.

- I missed you, too.

You know what?

- Hmm?

- I signed those divorce papers.

I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have sent them.

I have to, I have to tell you something.

What, you gonna propose to me again?

Mm, no.


I'm pregnant.


I'm gonna be the snack that smiles back I'm gonna be the Kit to your Kat Ooh, the snack that smiles back Ooh, the Kit to your Kat - You want to tell me when?

- Not that long ago.

Oh, great, you want to tell me how?

- A donor.

- Great.

Did you think I That is not the point.




I I missed you.


I want to be with you.


Q, I can't.

I can't.

I'm not asking you to be a parent.

It's my dream, not yours.

All I'm asking is for you to be my partner.

Well, then, well, tell me what that looks like.

We've never been traditional about anything, right?

- Yeah.

- Exactly.

Because I see you.

I know you.

I know your heart.

I don't want to go through this world without you.

- Jesus, Q, not today.

- Hey, Shane.

Don't do that.

It's me.


You don't scare me.

You scare me.





- How are you?

- I'm okay.

I think.

Are you?

I'm good.

Oh, my God, my head hurts so bad.

I'm gonna make some coffee.


I'll make it.

Feels like you're shouting.

- I'm not shouting.


All right, so we've, uh, we're all hungover, you know.

Last night was, um - [KNOCKING ON DOOR]




- Shit!

- Oh, my God!

Stay out there!

- May I lock the door, please?

- Yes, you can lock the door.

- Why are you even asking that?

- That door not already locked?

- Shit, shit, shit.

- They cannot see you.

- Yeah, I know.

- Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.


I'm supposed to pick them up for their playdate in five minutes.

In your clothes from last night?

I mean, walk of shame, I guess.

No, there's no shame in Well Jesus, here.

- Wear that.

- Really?

- Ooh, cake.

- Put it on.


Um, Alice, um, did Eli finish his book report?

- What book report?

- Smokey Comes Home.


Uh, yeah, I finished it with him yesterday.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

Oh, it doesn't end well.

- Oh.

- Yeah.

- Smokey never makes it home.

- Oh, no.

- Okay, that's enough of whatever this is.



- I'm hungry!

- Um, I'm gonna go around back - Great.

- and ring the doorbell.

Could you please just crush some aspirin and put it in my coffee?

- I'm f*cking dying.

- Yeah, sure.

I have a pill splitter.

- A what?

- [GIGI]

You're a savior.

- Thank you.


Come on, Mom.

Okay, one second, bud!

Okay, we need to talk about last night Okay, I had the best time last night Oh.

You did?

Y-You didn't?

- Okay, this is all very confusing.

- What changed?

Because you started the whole - [DOORBELL RINGING]

- I don't remember that.

Oh, great, Mommy's here!

Pretty sure you did.


So the play starts at eight tonight, right?

So what time should I come to get a good seat?

Like 7:30 maybe?


Mom, we talked about this.

You're not coming.


It's closing night.

I really want to support you.

Mom, please.

It's just, it's embarrassing.

I don't want you to come.

- Can't you just respect that?


Who's that?

- Just work.

- No, it wasn't.

So, Jordi, are your parents coming tonight?

Um, they were going to, but they just texted that they can't actually.

- Oh.

- Yeah.

Um It's fine.


I didn't want them to come anyway.

- We should go.

- Yeah.



I love you.

- I love you, too.

- Bye, Ms.


Bye, ninja.



Stop pretending I'm not there When it's clear I'm not going anywhere If I'm out of sight then take another look around I'm still out there hoping to be found Shut up, kiss me, hold me tight Shut up, kiss me, hold me tight Stop your crying, it's all right Shut up, kiss me [CARLA]


Oh, thank God you answered.

Well, I saw you called three times.

Are you okay?


I really want to drink.

- Can you get to a meeting?

- I just came from one.


Did you help someone today?

I don't think that anybody needs my help.

There's always someone.

Just keep your eyes open, okay?


I mean, I don't want to, but I will.


I know you can, but you just got to make it through today.

One day at a time.


I could make it all disappear You could feed me all of your fears I could take it down to the floor You don't have to feel it anymore A love so real That it can't be ignored [SCOFFS]


- Hey!


Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

- Morning.



I'm sorry.

I wasn't supposed to fall asleep, but Oh, you-you don't have to do that.

- I can, um - No.

Look, it's fine.

I have to clean up before the vendors get here anyway.


Um I'm-I'm really sorry.

I was supposed to be gone by the time you got here.

But you got shitfaced instead.

Yeah, basically.

I had a really rough night, so Okay.

I know the best hangover food in the city.

Come on.


So I had a threesome last night.

- Wait, a threesome?

- Nat's ex-wife?

Have you seen her?

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

- So you're a throuple now?

- Wait, wait.

- What're you, what're you saying?

- [MAN]


- [BOTH]


- It's a couple plus one.

- Who's this?

- Wh Hello.


- This is Bette Porter.


You know, "throuple" is such a dumb word.

- Hello?

- It's, like, we never get any good words.

- Hello?

- Vulva.


- Throuple.



I had a whole thing I was gonna say.

Quiara's pregnant.

- Oh.


- What?

Well, that's bigger than my thing.

Does she know that you signed the papers?

Oh, she knows.

But she knows you don't want kids, so I don't understand what changed.

She says she wants to be with me, but she doesn't need me to raise her kid.

- What does that even mean?

- I have no idea.

I think that's what I do.



- Hi.


This is Alice Pieszecki.

I'm calling to remind you to vote for Bette Porter on March 15.

- So what're you gonna do?

- I really don't know.



You didn't win anything, ma'am.

Nope, not a joke.


- You're wasting my time.


Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't have to weigh the consequences of every decision we make?

I'm gonna have to ask you to stop yelling at me, ma'am.



Who do you think you are?

My God, that would be nice.

I just I want to know when it got so hard.



I got someone on the line.

Everybody thinks I'm gonna give them something for free.

All the time.

You'll make the right choice.

- I hope so.


You will.

Because there is no right choice, only choices.

I feel like that was directed at me somehow.

- [WOMAN 2]


- Uh, hi, there.


Ma'am, this is Shane McCutcheon.

I'm calling to ask you to vote for Bette Porter on March - [BETTE]


- 15th.


Oh, of course.

She's amazing.


Oh, well, thank you kindly.

You have a nice one, too.


People respond better to Southern accents.

I don't Give it a shot.

- Don't look at me.

- Fill out your sheet.

- Hi.

- Hey.

You look dewy.

Ugh, I'm disgusting, but thank you.

Ooh, what you got for me?

I'm pretty sure my dad got these, but I definitely should've lied and said they were from me.

Oh, okay, let's see.

- Ooh, there's chocolate.

- Ooh, yeah, give me.


Don't do it.

No, it's for me.

- Oh, my God.

- What is it?

It's a prenup.

- Oh.

- Shut the f*ck up.

Let me see.


What a d*ck.

It's not funny.

If you're not laughing, you're crying.

What the f*ck is wrong with him?

I-I don't know, but I can't eat these now.

He's always gonna be like this, isn't he?



I am so sorry.

I am so sorry that he's like this.

- You don't deserve any of this.

- Mm, hey, it's okay.

- Babe.

- No, it's not, though.

- Really, it's not.

- I'll just sign it.



I'm not letting you sign that.


Listen to me.

All I want to do is marry you.

And have, like, mm, - nine kids with you.



- Nine?


- Yeah.

And if signing this stupid thing is gonna make your dad happy, I'll sign it.

If that means I get to have you.

- You sure?

- Yeah.

I know you'll take care of me if you f*ck all this up.

- I'm not gonna f*ck it up.

- [JOSÉ]

I said the curator might let me into his show.

They're gonna say yes, José.


Night Gallery would be pretty dope.

Listen, all right?

It will be dope.

It will.

You're so cute.

I love you.

Okay, uh, I'll see you later.


- Okay.


- Yep.

I'll see you.

- Yep.

- Ooh!

I heard that!

No, no.

Don't start.

That was an error.

- Was it?

- No, it was.

It was.

It - Wasn't it?


An error?

Uh - It didn't sound like it.

- [DANI]

I'm pretty sure I just - heard him say that he loves you!

- No, you're the worst!

Ah, that's so cute.

You run up them stairs.


Uh, guys?

- What?

- Mm, there's a really weird clause here.

- W-What is it?

I'm an immigration attorney, - so I really could be wrong - Just tell us what it says.

Okay, well, Sophie, if you give birth to any children, they can't claim Dani's family's money.


- What?

But if Dani has the children, then they'll be part of her family's trust.




Wow, so my kids aren't part of his family now.

- We are not signing that.

- You know what, babe?

I No.

We are not starting off our marriage like that.

I'll handle it.


You were right.

This is really helping.

- Thank you.

- [TESS]


I'm glad.


Maybe I should get, like, a mimosa or something.

Little hair of the dog, you know?


God, you had fun last night, huh?

Eh, I don't really remember anything, but sure.


I actually have this terrible feeling that I have to apologize to the girl that I'm sort of dating, but everything's a little foggy, - so I don't really know.

- Mm-hmm.

I've been there.

- Really?

- Oh, my God, yes.

Please, I don't remember most of my 20s.


Which is why I'm sober now.

- Oh, shit.

- Yep.

Two years.

- Cool.

- Yeah, no, I wanted to start remembering stuff.

I wanted to feel again.

- Mm-hmm.




Which is - harder some days than others.

Something happen?

- Lena and I broke up.

- Oh, shit.



See, yeah.

I don't want to feel all that.

Neither do I.


- Okay.

Where are you from?

- Vegas.

- f*ck.

People actually, - l-like, grow up in Vegas?



- They do.

They do.


- Who knew?


- Yeah.

And-and get this my mom was a showgirl.

- Shut the f*ck up.


I'm serious.

Is she hot?

I bet she's hot.


Oh, my God.

It's my mom.

Tell me your mom's not hot and I'll believe you.

- Okay, she's super hot.


Seeing that wine makes me want to puke.

Yeah, I think we all had plenty to drink last night.

Yeah, so, about last night.

Do you guys want to talk about it, or No?

I mean, it's fine either way.

- I'm just curious.

- We had a threesome.

I think we should just leave it at that.

Just - Yeah.

- Okay.



And is it something you'd want to maybe do again?

- Or - Alice.

That's what Steve and Amir do.

- [NAT]

No, they don't.

- Sometimes they add Nick.

That's very different.

Okay, I don't know who these people are, but I love to know that other people are doing this.

- Oh, for sure.

- Yeah.

'Cause I thought last night was great.

I thought so, too.

- But you're my ex-wife.

- I know that.

- She's my ex-wife.



- I-I know that, also.

- And I love you.

I love you, too.

- I love her.

- Of course.

And I don't want anything to get in the way of what we have.




Neither would I.

- Is that really true?

- Yes.

Nat, it took us two years to be okay with one another.

I-I want you to be happy.

I-I don't want to lose you again.

You didn't lose me, Gigi.

You cheated on me.

- Big difference.

- You're Yes, and I am so sorry.

- Are you?

- Yes!

How else do you want me to show you how sorry I am?

This was a mistake.

- Mistake.

- O-Okay.

- That's fine.

- [NAT]


We can just pretend like it never happened.

- Totally.

- I can do that.

You know, why are you so willing to get in on this?

Because I would do anything - to have you - This is so messy.

It doesn't have to be.

You really hurt me.

I know.

And I loved you so much.

I loved you, too.

And I never thought that I was gonna get over you.

And then I found someone and I found someone really great and somehow, you're still here.

So how is it that you get to f*ck everything up and still have everything, always?

What do you want?

I'll do anything.

Do you want me to leave?

I'll leave.



I'm good if you're good.





We are getting somewhere.


Come on.


Think I'll have that glass of wine now.


- Okay.

- [GIGI]

Me, too.

- Yeah.


I think I can get that down.


Dani, listen to me.

Look, you don't have to freak out.

We can just talk to him.

He's still your dad, all right?

Just chill.

All right?


What the hell is wrong with you?

- Dani, calm down.

- What's going on?

You were just gonna slip in that biological parent clause?

Everything is up for discussion.

If Sophie gives birth, that kid will be mine.

Daniella, if you were a man Do not finish that sentence.

I am telling you, don't.

- I'm trying to protect you.

- How?

How are you trying to protect me?

The lawyer said that clause was just standard.

Is it standard for straight people, too?


I'm trying to do what's best for my family.

She is your family.

Our kids will be your family.

Why is it so f*cking hard for you to see that?


I don't know what's going on here, but the daughter I raised would never talk to me like this.

- What are you saying?

- The daughter I raised would [QUIETLY]

would be grateful for the life she's been given.

Of course she's grateful.

She loves you.

You don't see that?

SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC There's not going to be a prenup.

Have I made myself clear?

Let's go.

We're not done discussing this.

- f*ck you.

- Hey!

- Come on.

- Hey!

Hey, Tess.

Did we miss a liquor delivery?


But it's fine.

There's plenty left over from your party last night.


That's not the point.

You're supposed to be on top of this.


Can I trust you to run this place?



Oh, that's funny.

- Why?

- You f*cked my girlfriend and you want to know if you can trust me?

You're right.


Tess, that was my fault and I should've known better.


I'm sorry.

I hope I can make it up to you one day.


- Is she here?

- Who?

- Lena.

- She took off.


Finley's gonna cover for her tonight.

- Ugh, that's a terrible idea.

- Well, she's all we've got.

All right, then-then, you need to keep an eye on her.

Sure thing, boss.


Yeah, of course.

I I guess I just want to say that I'm sorry.

For coming over drunk.

Two words for you: open bar.

Yeah, so I'm not angry that you came over drunk.

- Okay, well, that's good.

- Yeah.

Uh, do you remember what you said to me?


But So, you told me that you don't think I'm a real priest and then you told me that you are in love with me.


So, how are you feeling about those two things today?


You're not ready.

For what?

Oh, sweet girl, you have so much you haven't dealt with.



I want to be better.

And you make me want to be better.

I was with a guy once, and I stayed with him for way too long because I was waiting for him to change.

And he said, "Stop trying to fix me".

And he was right.

You can't fix people.

Wait a second.

Am I the first girl you've ever been with?

- No.


Did you hear anything that I just said?


Yeah, I did.

I heard, I heard you.

I just, um [SIGHS]

I need to be with someone who is my equal.

I want to get married and have a family.

Yeah, I want those things, too.


- I do.

- When?

I don't know.

- I don't I just - I can't What can I do?

Just tell me what to do.

You need to work on your own shit.

You have deep wounds, and I don't know who hurt you, but somebody did.

Nobody hurt me, okay?



If you say so.



- I need you to go.








- Hey, kiddo.

- Hey, Daddy-O.

You okay?

Uh, I-I can't really talk right now.

I'm at your sister's engagement party.

Faith's getting married?

Uh, yeah.

Brian proposed a couple of months ago.

I thought she told you.

Uh, yeah, no, she They're really happy.

- Wow, that's great.

- Yeah.


Um Hey, when's the wedding?

Maybe I can, um You know what, your mom is coming over, so I-I really better go.

I'll call soon.

Okay, cool.

Thanks, Dad.

Um - Okay.

Bye, Sarah.





You okay?

- Mm-hmm.

That was, um, intense.


You were amazing.


You really were.

Thank you so much for-for standing up to him like that.

It meant a lot to me.

- What are you feeling?

- I don't know.

Okay, I get that.

It mi it might help to talk about it.

I don't really have anything to say.

All right, well well, what are you thinking?

I don't know.

- You're not thinking anything right now?

- No.

- It-It's just quiet up there?

- Yeah, kinda.

How is that even possible?

Uh, maybe I just need a little bit of time to process all of this, - or something.

- All right.

But we're gonna have to figure out a way to deal with this next time.

There's not going to be a next time.

Are you serious?


It's over.


Well, you know it's just gonna keep on happening, right?

I meant what I said, and he heard me.

But it's gonna come out in a different way, a different form.

It'll just be complete Okay.

- You know what, never mind.

- No, please.

I know that he doesn't think I'm good enough for you.


I see it.

But if we're strong together, then it won't hurt so much next time.

- It's gonna get easier.

- How is it gonna get easier - if we don't work on it?

- Okay.

Okay, we need to set boundaries so that he doesn't f*ck with the family that we're starting to make.

- Okay.

- What the f*ck What-what are you doing right now?

What is that?

I said I don't want to talk right now.


I'm sorry.

I just I need to be alone.

Just to clear my head.

Are you gonna drop me off, at least?

- Yes, of course.

- Fine.



Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.


Hey, it's Lena.

Sorry I missed you.


- Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up - [LENA]

Hey, it's Lena.

- Oh, f*ck.


- Hey, it's Lena.

- Come on, come on, come on - Sorry I missed you.



Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.

Just pick up the f*cking phone.

Pick it up, pick it up, - pick it up, pick it up.

- Hey, it's Lena.

- Oh, come on.



Hey, it's Lena.

- Sorry I missed you.

- Oh, God.

SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC Of course he said yes.

Not of course.

Night Gallery doesn't just show anyone.

But he liked my work.

- Of course he did.

- And don't say, "Of course he did".

This is amazing.

Seriously, - I'm so happy for you.

- Yeah?

Do you love me?

Okay, so um I-I have been thinking about that all day.

I bet you have.

It's just you've been kind of all over the place lately.

I swear, I didn't mean it.

It just slipped out.

You know, I just keep thinking, like, what is it this guy wants?


- Do-do you even know?

- Um No.

I don't.

I think that's okay.

- Really?

- Yeah, I mean, we're in this, like, in-between part, right?

And it's messy and it's weird.

And and I like you.

I like you, too.

Then I think I think that's all that matters right now.


I've never been able to talk to anyone like this before.

It's just so different with you.

Well, I used to be a lesbian before, so Okay, look, um, I'm not really good at talking about everything, really, or anything.

I told you I love you this morning, so I don't think there's anything off-limits.


Okay, so there's-there's something I want to try.

Um, I've never done it before, and I don't I don't know if you'll be okay with it.

I-I don't know if I'll be okay with it.

I I mean, what if, what if you like it?

You know, and what if I don't?

And then you end up expecting it every time, or, I don't know.

And-and I-I can't I'm not scared of any of that stuff.

We can try anything you want.

We can never try it again.

Or we can do it every day.

So, what do you want to do?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa I won't keep watching you You gotta hold on Or it's gonna slip, slip, slip Through your Slip, slip, slip through your hands Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa Whoa, whoa Or it's gonna slip, slip Slip through your Slip, slip, slip through your hands Whoa, whoa, whoa Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa Is it okay?


Slip, slip, slip through your hands Whoa, whoa, whoa Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa What's the matter?

You don't have enough rain [LIVELY MUSIC PLAYING]

Oh, there you go.

Cheers, everyone.

- You're back.

- Hi.

I wear something sweet And it's not slimming my body It's just the beat of something getting me higher I got grapes and trees Now I'm up in my zone 'Cause this is what I came for Yeah, I got what I came for Four drinks down free Wait for things to get blurry We gonna go real deep, but we're not in a hurry Let's keep this real Hey!

Uh, I know I said I'd work tonight, but full disclosure, I don't know how to make drinks.

I could probably pour sh*ts.

You know what?

So can I.

Drive you insane 'Cause I feel it in my body Are you gonna drink that?


Is that, uh, okay?

It is now.

Oh, boy, we got that cool To you.



Get back here.

Cool We got that cool Oh, boy, we got that Oh, boy, we got that Oh, boy, we got that Oh, boy, we got that, we got that cool [FELICITY SIGHS]

I got my own apartment.

We don't have to meet here anymore.

I can cook for you and you didn't know that I could cook.

I did a summer at Lenôtre.

We need to end this.

- Don't do this.

- We agreed to put ourselves on hold when the campaign started.

- I was there.

I remember.

- There are things at play here that are just bigger than us.

Angie caught me lying this morning about you.

The campaign has suffered.

Look, I wish, I wish things were different, - but they're-they're not.

- Stop.

I lost everything.

My career, my marriage.

Your marriage was a lie, and you needed me to get out of it.

Do you think I used you?

- Are you f*cking insane?

- What I'm saying is that this relationship has served us both.

This doesn't serve me.

I love you.

How could you possibly say that you love me when you are willing to put me at risk?

I want you to fight for this.

Fight for us.

- You're scared.

- I'm not scared.

Then why not?

What do you need to hear right now?

That I can't choose you?

That I won't choose you?

What am I supposed to do now?

I don't know.

But I do know that you will get through this.



Sometimes a mystery Sometimes I'm free Depending on my mood or my attitude Sometimes I want to roll or stay at home Walking contradiction Guess I'm factual and fiction A little crazy, little sexy, little cool Little rough around the edges - But I keep it smooth - [GIGI]

Olive's swim meet.

Are the three of us just sitting in chairs next to each other, cheering her on?

I hate swimming.

- I didn't know that.

- I can't stand it.

Those matches or meets, whatever they're called, - they're so boring.


But I just go 'cause the kids like my snacks.

No, they don't.

I make them lie.

- What?

- They hate them.

- Really?


- Mm-hmm.

They're really dry.

Well, uh, look, I mean, that's great.

Then I don't have to go to the-the meets.

That's you guys.

- We'll do the meets.

- [NAT]


I have one.

Your mom calls.

Alice answers.

- How do you explain her?

- Why is Alice answering my phone?

I wouldn't do that.


Then she comes over, then.


We tell her.

- Alice is family.


That's a little much.

- A little too soon.


- [GIGI]


- Fair enough.

- [NAT]

Ooh, got a good one.

Red carpets.

- Hilarious.

- [GIGI]

Good one.


Thank you.

What do we do, huh?

You've got an event.

Do we all get ready together?

Hold hands in our floor-length gowns?

Pose for pictures on the carpet?

Why the f*ck would I wear a gown?

- Have to.

- We can revisit that.



No, we can't be in the closet on this.


Are you gonna tell the kids?

- [GIGI]


- No.


I'm not lying to them again.


Oh, interesting.

Well, that's a convenient time to give that up.

All right, well, that took a turn, but you know Your favorite hobby.

- Ha, ha.


All right.

- It's just a game.

- Well, I'm just saying.

- It's just a game.

- [NAT]


But we didn't really figure anything out.


But maybe that's okay for now.

You know?

I agree.

- We just hang out.

- [NAT]


What do you want to do?

I want to Postmates some Thai food.

- [NAT]

Sounds good.

- [GIGI]

I'm in.

- Yeah?


- Yeah.

Do you want to split that pad see ew like we did last time?


Pad see ew, f*ck yeah.

- And - I will have the chicken and broccoli with no almonds.

There's no almonds in Thai food.

Yeah, but you always have to tell them.

Yeah, you have to tell them.

It shows up in everything.




Hey, are you okay?

Oh Wait, what are you doing here?

We were supposed to go to the movie theaters.



Yeah, no-no-no, that's right.


Let's do that.

- Yeah.

- That's it?

Uh, I don't want to talk about it.

- Where's Dani?

- I don't know.



Um, how did it go with her dad?


She told him that we weren't gonna do the prenup.


That's what you wanted.

I know.

So, what's the problem?

It's just she just I know that it took a lot for her to do that.

Like, I saw it.

I saw it in her face, but [EXHALES]

When I wanted her to talk to me about it, she just completely shut me out.

Maybe she just needs to process it alone.


She processes everything alone.

She just I mean, how do I get her to open up to me?

I'm about to be her wife.






May I speak with Lisa Evans, please?

- May I ask who's calling?

- This is Bette Porter.

Oh, hey, Ms.


So good to hear from you.

Well, I just I just wanted to call to thank you for your support.

Of course.

Anything I can do to help your campaign.

Well, it's people like you who are gonna make this a winning campaign.

Let us know if there's anything else we can do.


- Fantastic.

- Well, thank you again.

Keep up the good work.

- Take care now.

- You, too.

- Have a great night.

- Bye.



Surprised to see you here this late.


Um I was just, um, taking my mind off some stuff.

I didn't think that anyone would be here.

- Dani, what's wrong?

- Nothing.

Nothing, I'm I was just working on your speech for next week's event at The Wing.

What's wrong?

I'm fine.

It's-it's fine.

It's, um it's not professional.

I think we've moved far beyond that point by now.

It's my dad.

I hate him because he doesn't understand.

He just doesn't.

Just breathe.


Just breathe.


SOMBER MUSIC Just breathe.




Finley, I told you, you lose your keys, - you don't get new ones.


I'm not ready to talk about this.

That's not why I'm here.

What is it?

I just wanted to let you know that I don't need you.

I just want you.

So, no pressure, or anything like that.

You can take all the time you need.

Process it.

And I brought you a peace offering.

What, are you bribing me with whiskey?

- Yeah.

- Eh.

Well, I'm about to go see Angie's play with Alice and Bette.


I think they'd like to see you.


I am so sorry.

Thank you so much.

Excuse me.



- Hi, Quiara.


- Hi.

- What's going on?

- Long story, can't talk.


Got it.

- Sorry, sorry, sorry.


- Hey.

Oh, hi.

I didn't I didn't expect the three of you.

Oh, no one's more surprised than me.

- Um hey, Quiara.

- Hi, Gigi.

- Hey, Alice.

- Oh, hey, hey.

Can you guys scooch down a little bit?

Just Ma'am?

- Can you move?

- Why?

- Oh, thank you.

Thank you.

- I need more seats.

- Sure.

- Gigi.



- Hey-hey.

- Wow.

The whole everyone's here.



- Do you have the card?

- Yeah.


Should I ?

- No.

Two more?


Sorry, one more.

- Here, take this.

- Okay.

Thank you.


Wrangling cats.

- Who does Angie play?

- You need to sign this.

I don't know.

Oh, you guys, okay.

When Jordi comes out, I need you to all applaud like crazy.

- Who?

- All right?

Because her-her parents aren't here, and Angie doesn't want her to feel like she doesn't have anyone.


So be loud.

- Did you get that?

- Who's Jordi?



That one.

That one, that's her.

- Okay!




- Whoo!

All right!

- Yeah!

- Whoo!



I love how much you love her.

- I don't know her.




That makes me love you more.


Jesus Lord!

That sound will wake up the unholy dead.

And shit.

Look at me first thing in the morning using the Lord's name in vain.

This is no way to be starting my day.

Dear Lord, please forgive me for using your name in vain just then, and for what I'm doing right now.


Is that Angie?

That's Angie?

I got it.

I got it.

Okay, got it, got it.

- Angie, Angie.


Sit down.

- Did I get it?


No flash photography.

Lady, lighten up.

Just give me a second.

Oh, I think I got her leg.


Don't embarrass her.

She moved the f*ck out of that prison cot.


- Got it.

- She's in the program.

She k*lled it.

She absolutely k*lled it.


You were amazing.

- Shut up.



You were.

I'm serious.

Thanks so much for, you know.



- You were so good.

- [NAT]

So great.

- I cried.

Oh, my God.

- Thanks.

Truly mind-blowing.

It was really great.

- Congratulations.

- I just want to say I totally believed you as the prisoner.

- Thanks.


You were amazing.

- Yes, you did so well.


Fantastic job.

You should be so proud of yourself.

- Thank you so much, Ms.


- Congratulations.

You remember Quiara, right, Ang?

- Yeah.


- Hi.




- You did good.

- I just moved furniture.

- Oh, come on.

You like her, though, right?



Well, I think she likes you, too.

Good job.

My niece.

Haven't seen her in a minute.




Mind your business.

- Mind your - [FINLEY]

Your turn, your turn.

- Go.


- My turn.

My turn.


Okay, okay, okay, okay.

- Okay, okay.


I've got it.

I've got it.

I've got it.

It's so good.

It's so good.

It's so good.

Okay, never have I ever - f*cked a priest.

- Oh!

- Come on!


Hey, never have I ever had a girlfriend.


- Oh, that's sad.

- I've had a girlfriend.

- That's sad for me.



- Whoo!


- Dude, Lena sucks.

- No.

No, no, no, no, she doesn't.

Yeah, she does.

You're so much better than her.

- I am.

- Yeah!

You're, like, better than everyone, honestly.

You're, like, the only person that made me feel good today.

"DRESS" BY SYLVAN ESSO And I know I'm protecting the light I'm lacking Oh.

I'm sorry.

Just see who we are [MOANING]

Oh, don't you know you want to See that moon rise in the rearview Just like you had wanted it to Temperature drops, the hot tar, it cools The radio, the radio calling to you Right out loud, she said it Right out loud, they meant it Sing that song like I know you can Work your jaw like a blind man Call that call like you own the land Throw up your hands, make demands You look good in the north, whip your hair back and forth You look good in the east Don't hold the wall, move your feet You look good in the south, make your makers proud You look good in the west, you look good in a dress [MOANING]


Where did you guys park?


Oh, we're parked on the other side.


Us, too.


Congrats, Angie.

- Bye.


See you.


Right, so are you, you're coming over now?

Is that, - is that what we're doing?

- No.

Uh, we have the cast party, remember?

- Oh, right.

- Okay.

The next mayor of Los Angeles.

She's in there right now.

Hey, Bette Porter!

I need to talk to you.

- Sweetheart.

Okay, I want you to take my keys - I know you're still f*cking - my wife.

Where is she?

- and get in the car.

- g*dd*mn it!


Keep your f*cking hands off her!


- Shit.

- [MAN]

Somebody call 911.

- Are you okay?

- Yeah.



- Shit.








What's your emergency?

Half of me holding on with all it takes Half of me floating in outer space Red lips get kissed by a lighter, babe Sparking a flame 'Cause we're playing with fire Playing with fire Playing with fire Make it burn like a kiss from a lighter Well, you can burn with me, baby, all day Doesn't really matter what the neighbors say 'Cause we're playing with fire Playing with fire Playing with fire Make it burn like a kiss from a lighter - [REPORTERS SHOUTING]

- I can't do it.

- I have to drop out.

- But, you cannot go out there.

- I'm gonna go.

- Yeah, I think that's a good idea.


How do you know if you love someone?

There's only one way to find out.

I love seeing you like this.

What happened last night?

Am I too damaged, to be with somebody?

You are not damaged.