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05x09 - Crisis on Infinite Earths

Posted: 12/09/19 09:27
by bunniefuu
In the beginning there was only one. A single black infinitude. Then the infinitude found release, and, finally, the darkness broke, filling it with life With the multiverse. Every existence multiplied by possibility. And spread out before space and time in infinite measure. Civilizations rose and fell. And rose again across reality's grasping expanse. Life. A precious gift persevering in the face of every obstacle, until, finally, the age of heroes was born. [CROWD CLAMORING]

Chaos. The constant enemy of life kept at bay by champions from across the multiverse [SCREAMING]



joining forces to fight on behalf of all creation. They found each other just in time, because now, the entire multiverse is about to come under attack. There is a malevolent force at work, one driven by a singular goal. I hope you're watching, big guy. The destruction of all there is. [RUMBLING]


I have planned, there are those who say I have schemed, but the time for preparation has passed. The Crisis is now upon us all. Holy crimson skies of death!


The end of the world is licking at our heels!

Soon, thou shall be not but dust, twisting and writhing in the dead of space!

- Not even Supergirl will save you from - [MONSTER SNARLING]



Guess Supergirl was able to save you. Now, go!


Hey, Spike!

Remember me?

Ilana's worried about you. She knows you're afraid of something, - but she just wants you to come home. - [FOOTSTEP THUDS]

Come here. [LOW GROWLING]



What's got you so spooked, buddy?



Every pet in National City is having a nervous breakdown. This feels bigger than Leviathan. The USGS didn't register an early warning, so it took everyone completely by surprise. She does mean everyone because this earthquake is quite, literally, worldwide. But the seismic activity wasn't coming from within the planet, it's coming from without. - That's - Extra-normal. I was gonna say "impossible," but okay. Yes, yes, a fair descriptor. As would be, uh "unfeasible, unthinkable, absurd, outlandish. " But however you choose to describe this event, one thing is absolutely certain. - We have - A major crisis on our hands. The Monitor freed Mal?

I didn't know he was of this universe. Yes, I thought the Monitor was a Flash and Green Arrow's problem. He's of every universe and everyone's problem. Last year, he tested Kara and Earth-1's heroes with Dr. Deegan and the Book of Destiny. This year, he's testing me to make sure I'm ready for this. And what exactly is this?

- Another reality wave?

- Not exactly. [RUMBLING]

Whatever is it, it is hurtling through space at an impossible speed. I calculate it will reach the edge of the universe in exactly 5. 3 hours, at which point, it will boomerang back. Once it intersects again with our solar system, the results will be, in a word, cataclysmic. Exactly when will it reach us?

There are too many variables to calculate precisely, but I will say this. If this wave isn't stopped by tomorrow night there will be no more us no more future no more anything. [expl*si*n BOOMS]

Are there any inhabited planets in its trajectory?

- Just one. - [BEEPING]

Argo City. Oh, my God. Superman's there with Lois and - My mom. - Can we warn them?

Argo Harun-El sure makes communication difficult, but I will try. - How much time do they have, Brainy?

- Not enough. [LOIS]

Superman, champion of Earth, who faced off with Doomsday, apprehended General Zod, and went toe-to-toe with dozens of Lex Luthor's death traps, has finally met his match. - [BABY COOING]

- A dirty diaper. What do you think?

Front page news?

Uh I mean, I think it's a little lowbrow - for Lois Lane. - Lowbrow?

If only the citizens of Earth could see Kal-El struggling with spit up. [CLARK CHUCKLES]

Need I remind you, Miss Lane, uh, I have no powers here. Oh, don't you be blaming this on the red sun, honey. [GASPS]

Hey, buddy. - Yay, Daddy did it. - Yeah, kinda. Jonathan really has your eyes, huh?


I'll take it so long he has your everything else. You know, when I used to picture us together, we were always living on Earth, and we had two kids. [CLICKS TONGUE]

Well, I hate to break it to you, Kansas, but prognostication is not one of your superpowers. Oh [DEVICE TRILLS]

Kal, Lois Kara?

In pants?


How did she manage to break through Argo's shield interference?

Not well, apparently. Kal, Lois Argo is in danger. You need to get out now!




Kal, Lois, thank God. What's happening?

A massive energy is moving through space. It's k*lling everything in its path. - How long do we have?

- Minutes!


With me!

We must set a course for Earth. Hopefully, they'll have enough time to stop this wave before it hits. - [CLARK]

Where are the rest?


There are no others. Only this one. We'll always be with you, Jonathan. We will never leave you. Even in the face of our deaths. We love you. [WHIRRING]


They're gone. [SOBBING SOFTLY]

And we're next. For a very long time, I have hated this place. I think about all the people that it took from me. It would just It would just make me so angry. But you're not now. I'm still a little bit angry. This island taught me to survive. It turned me into someone else. Somebody better than the person I was before. So, despite my feelings there are no stories about the Green Arrow to tell if I don't make my way to Lian Yu. And I'm also not standing, at this moment looking at my daughter. Thank you for letting me be a part of your story. Even if it was only for a little while. Yeah, something tells me you're gonna create your own stories. [THUNDER RUMBLING]

Lyla. The Crisis has begun. [THE FLASH]

Cisco, what have you got?

Is this an isolated event?

Is it everywhere?

- Cisco?



- Lyla?

- I'm Harbinger now. I'm working with the Monitor. He sent you to get me?

- Because the Crisis is here?

- That is correct. I'm ready. [NEWSCASTER]

Turning our attention to local news, a series of robberies by the Wonderland g*ng continues with seemingly no end in sight [CONTINUES INDISTINCTLY]


Where is Alice?




- I said, "Where is Alice?" - [MAN GROANS]

Okay okay, I'll tell you. [GRUNTS IN PAIN]

- There's an old sugar factory. - Where is it?

Batwoman, the multiverse is in great danger. You are needed. I'll deal with, whatever your crazy is, in a minute. There is no more time. [MUSIC PLAYING OVER SPEAKERS]

Okay, folks, time for our tie-breaker question of the night. Here we go. What is the name of the last song Janis Joplin ever recorded?

Ready for some free drinks?

And the answer to our final bonus question is "Little Robot Man. " The strange visitors are the winners tonight. Better luck next time, legends. Uh, no, that's wrong. But "Mercedes Benz" was Janis Joplin's last song. I'm gonna tell that trivia host. Sara. So, you remember last year at Woodstock when I was supposed to steal a lock of Janis Joplin's hair without her noticing?

- Yeah?

- Uh, she noticed. - Then she called me - "Little Robot Man. " Well, congratulations, you change history and lost us trivia night. Oh, and we're done here. [PEOPLE SCREAMING]


What's with the suit?

Panic is rising out there. I want every available agent in the field until we get a handle on whatever this thing is. Hey!

Face down on the floor. Now!

Did you do this?

Did you destroy Argo?

Oh, my God, you're okay. Thanks to her. She appeared at the last second and brought us here. We sent Jonathan off in an escape pod. And my mother?

I'm so sorry, Kara. Kara?

Where are we?

And what just happened?

- Um - You're on Earth-38. - There was - [GRUNTS]

That rabbit was about to talk. This one speaks to rabbits. It's okay. 'Cause we're all on the same side. Are we?

'Cause I don't know them. But you know me. And if you were brought here with all these other heroes, it's probably because we need you. I trust everyone in this room with my life. Including you. Well, I guess you should all just call me Kate. Yeah, yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Uh, I'm Mia. I'm Oliver's daughter. I never knew he had a daughter. He gets that a lot. Hmm Okay, you. Start talking. There's a wave of anti-matter sweeping across this universe, destroying everything in its path. I've seen the anti-matter wave in action. It wiped all of Earth-2 right out of existence. I brought you all to Earth-38 because this is where the Monitor wants you to make your stand. This universe is the tipping point. If we don't stop the anti-matter wave here, it will continue to the next universe, and the next, and the next. Until it has obliterated, not only every Earth, but every thing across all reality. Right. So, we are going to need a bigger team. Where's Barry?

Where are the legends?

Doing reconnaissance. I'm headed to check on them now. I still don't like her. Well, Brainy's algorithm will help forecast exactly how much time we have until the anti-matter wave hits. Thank you all for being here. I know we can beat this together. About Jonathan we set a course for Earth in his pod, but we don't know where it landed. Or even if it landed. [SIGHS]

Brainy, can you track his trajectory?


Absolutely. We'll find that bouncing bundle of Kryptonian joy - faster than a flying Flackurian - [RUMBLING]


This is a new problem. I can handle it. Wait, the tower isn't a threat. How do you know?

It's a quantum tower, apparently. And it's the only thing that can save the people of this world. At the dawn of time, the Monitor placed quantum towers on key Earths as a last line of defense. The red skies are dissipating, which means it's working. [BRAINY]

From this design, it looks like the tower is capable of generating a quantum flux field, which can, theoretically Reverse the exogenic state of the anti-matter wave, thereby dissipating the anti-matter energy. Yes. Finally, someone who speaks my language. Love your suit. If you want, I can probably give it an upgrade. Depends on how attached you are to your hand. Pretty attached. So the tower can stop this Earth from being destroyed?

If you can protect it. - Protect it from what?

- The Anti-Monitor. He commands forces greater than any army. When the tower stops the wave, they will come to thwart any effort to save this planet and its people. Sprock!

Jonathan's pod has disappeared from our radar. It appears to have been sucked into a wormhole. - What are the co-ordinates?

- Star City. Earth-16. Interesting. It must've been a temporal wormhole because well, the pod is in the year 2046. We've been there before. Apparently, we didn't just travel to the future. Yeah, we traveled to a parallel Earth in the future. That's great. - I'm going after him. - Clark, you can't. [SCOFFS]

Those are two words I'm not used to hearing and my son needs me. I'm a parent and I get it. The entire universe needs you. When that tower gets att*cked, you have to be here to protect it. [LOIS]

I'll go. Lois I'll back you up. - I know the terrain. - [BRAINY]

As will I. I happen to be excellent with children. Don't worry, I'll get him. I love you. [SARA]

You know, Oliver I've seen playboy Oliver, vigilante Oliver, but I never thought I would see parent Oliver. - It's weird, right?

- So weird. [CHUCKLES]

But it looks good on you. Uh, J'onn, I thought Director Danvers was with you. She was. But she went to call the president to co-ordinate the evacuation, in case the quantum tower fails. She is smart, that is exactly what I was about to suggest, but has she contemplated the number of ships one would require for such an exodus?

Brainy, every alien refugee on this planet came here on a ship. I intend to ask them for their help. Do you really think they will?

After how the government treated them last year. I have faith that everybody will do the right thing. Humans and aliens alike. Well, in any event this should help. Oh, Sprock. I just managed to zero in on Jonathan's location in Star City. [ALEX SIGHS]

The president is in. He's speaking with other world leaders. We'll co-ordinate the effort from National City. But J'onn even if we did manage to get enough ships for everyone, we can't just fly off Earth. I mean, space itself is being erased. Earth-1 is the last stop on the anti-matter trajectory. We can try and get everybody there. Well, one little extrapolator is not gonna do the job. The transmatter portal?

Who could build one big enough?

I mean, not even Brainy has. Lena. She built an enormous one for the Daxamites. I'm sure she could build one twice as big. No, that's too big of a risk. I mean, after Myriad, after everything she can't be trusted. What other choice do we have?


I'm sorry about your mom. I couldn't save her. You had no powers on Argo. There was nothing you could do. I feel like a fool. I thought I could give up the cape and just have everything I ever wanted. And now, Argo is gone, this Earth is in danger, Lois and Jonathan are out in the universe, where I can't protect them. And part of me can't help thinking that [SCOFFS]

That I deserve this for thinking that I could have so much. That anyone could. I get it. I've been thinking that a lot, too, lately. How I can never do enough. [SIGHS]

How my mistakes outweigh all the good I've ever done. But it's not true. It can't be. And we're going to save them. Lois, Jonathan, this whole planet. We've done it a dozen times and we're going to do it again. How are you so hopeful right now?

You've lost just as much as I have today. Argo, your mom Before our parents sent us to Earth nobody here knew about Krypton. Now, there are stories, celebrations, museum exhibits. Just like you shared our home with your family, we shared our home with this whole world. Krypton's not just a place, it's a spirit. It's hope. It's sacrifice. It's what our parents did for us. What you did for Jonathan. We have made our parents proud by fighting for what's right. So, we have to keep fighting. And as long as that spirit is alive, Krypton will never die. [DOOR OPENS]

- You wanted to see me?

- I did. I have something for you. What is it?

Only one way to find out. Okay, please tell me you're planning on wearing this. I don't think that that one would fit me. [SCOFFS]

There should always be at least one Green Arrow. Dad, I can't. You know, Mia, the Monitor has taken a lot from me. But I will always be grateful for the time he has given me with you. If you're not gonna wear this, no one should. You earned it. Just try it on, okay?

I gotta find Barry. The fastest man alive shows up late to the Crisis we've been expecting for years. Ugh It's not the it's not the best look, Barry. Lyla had us doing some recon of the quantum towers. But listen, do you remember the newspaper article I showed you on the time vault?

Red skies and a "crisis"?

Okay, well, the Monitor confirmed the papers had lied and in this Crisis, I'm supposed to die. - No. - No?

We need to talk. Now!

Who're you talking to?

Hey, right now!

We are past the time for discussion, Oliver. You and I had an agreement. I die. Barry and Kara live!

Yes to keep the cosmic balance. So, why are you telling Barry that he's gonna die?

I spared your friends' lives so they could save their world last year. [SIGHS]

This is a very different threat. You need to stop playing games with me. You tell me why the Anti-Monitor is doing this. And then tell me how I'm going to prevent it. Not knowing what you're fighting means you will prepare for every possibility. Because this threat brings with it the annihilation of all life in all realities. Do you now comprehend the scope of the danger we all now face?



Are you here to arrest me during the apocalypse, or to try and k*ll me because you weren't successful the other day?

I wasn't trying to hurt you, Lena. I was trying to stop you from using Myriad. Right. Is that why you had a Claymore satellite aimed at me?

And I didn't use Myriad, that was Eve Tessmacher. You and I both know that that isn't true. [CLATTERING]

The reason the sky is red, and the planet feels like it's falling apart is because it is. There is an anti-matter wave that is tearing through the universe right now, and it will destroy Earth if Kara and the other heroes don't stop it. Now, I am working with J'onn to hedge our bets and mount an evacuation, but in order to do that we need your help. Look, I am sorry that I lied to you. And not just me, and not just Kara it was all of us. J'onn and Brainy and Nia. You know, you actually had me believe that you hated Supergirl. I wasn't pretending about that. And that is a long story. Listen, I I know that you feel burned by us. And that there is nothing that I can say in this moment that is going to change that. But if you could please just put your feelings aside, J'onn and I really, really, need your help. [SIGHS]

I don't want your apology, Alex. 'Cause you will never again have my friendship or my trust. I have learned my lesson from all of you. But if the world is at stake, then of course, I'll help. It is hubris of you to think that I wouldn't, but then, you've made it perfectly clear how little you've thought of me these last few years, so what do you need me to do?


Whatever is inside there, it's working. The anti-matter wave has stopped and it's slowly dissipating. How do we protect that thing from an enemy we know nothing about, but we know is coming?


We head inside stake out strategic positions. If we're fortified, we control the battle. [expl*si*n BOOMS]

Earthquake that magnitude could overwhelm the entire coast. Go. Help contain the damage. Go!

We got this. Let's go inside and dig in. [SIGHS]

You've gotta be kidding me. What are the odds that my son's pod landed here?

Three billion, eight hundred and twenty seven million to one. Uh but the pod didn't land here. But you said that this is where Jonathan is. Yes. This is where I tracked him. But I can't speculate as to why Oliver Queen would kidnap a baby. Well, he probably thought he was rescuing him. I mean, Star City is no place for a child. Well, I'll thank him when I have Jonathan back. - In the meantime, we should split up - [WHOOSHES]

This is unnecessary. Oliver?


Oliver. [GRUNTING]



Yes. Yes, you go get Jonathan. I'll [GRUNTS]

I'll stay here, [GRUNTING]




No. No, it's not possible. You're dead. You you went down with the Gambit. But I came back. Remember?

I found you in Lian Yu. [BREATHING HEAVILY]

I must be losing my mind. - No, Ollie, you're not - Hey. You're not. You're It's just a long story. The longest. [BABY COOS]

Thank you, Oliver. Thank you for helping my baby. [MIA]

So, what is this?

The proverbial calm before the storm?


Something like that. Remember, Mia, whatever happens find your mother. Tell her how much I love her. [CREATURES SNARLING]


Okay. When Lyla said an army, I thought she meant an army. She did. It's just that we've never faced one like this before. "One army. " She said, "One army. " It's more like ten!


- Very nice. - Learned from the best. - [MONSTER SCREECHES]

- Take cover!

They're trying to breach the tower. Well, we can't let that happen!

I'll take that upgrade now. Oh, uh, if I can have one of those without losing an appendage. - Mmm-hmm. - Oh, so cool!

Incredibly balanced. Carbon fiber?

- Your friend talks a lot. - Yeah, you get used to it. Hey, Ray, focus!

Focusing. Now, if we can just charge your Batarang with my compressed light energy. Incoming!




There's too many of them. You want some help?


There's no need for panic. Supergirl and Superman are working hard to save this planet. Soon, alien ships will begin circling the globe, picking people up and taking you to safety. - Hey. - Hey. Did Alex get Lena on board?

Yeah, they're working on the portal now. I just hope J'onn can get enough ships. There are literally billions of people to get off the planet. That's why Brainy left J'onn his keys. Keys to what?


The Legion left it here. [expl*si*n BOOMS]

Right on time, J'onn. Are you ready to get this evacuation underway?

Start getting people into groups and I'll start beaming them up. Let's just hope Alex and Lena get that portal on in time so we have somewhere to go. Go ahead. This way. All right, people, let's get in to the ship. The quantum tower is keeping the wave at bay. Supergirl is [SIGHS]

Fighting really hard to protect it, but we've got to get this portal up and running. I'm trying!

But the transmatter portal works by synthesizing polyelectronic anions. And if I don't get the energy levels right when I interface with the breach device, then the ships will disintegrate when they fly right through it. - Right. That is not a good option. - No. Have you thought about using an inverse variable to help calculate the differential?

Galleon's theory. That's smart. An inverse beta-decay to figure constituent quark, that could work. [BOTH GASPING]

Thanks. Yeah, um just keep working. I've got your back. [COMPUTER BEEPING]

I never thought I'd see you again. One of the benefits of parallel Earths. Parallel Earths?

It would appear that your reality is a little stranger than mine. You really have no idea. All my life I just wanted to to apologize for bringing you on that boat. But you aren't even you. Ollie. If your me was anything like I was, then getting on the Gambit with you was her choice. And in my world, that trip it set off a whole series of events that neither you or I could've ever dreamed of. You became a hero, a husband, a father. And I'm flying through time happier than I've ever been. And none of that would've ever happened if I didn't get on that boat with you. It was destiny. I'm sorry to break up what I'm sure must be the strangest reunion in the history of the world, but, um, if we don't leave now, I'm afraid our extrapolator might not have enough power for us to return home. Wait, what's an extrapolator?

It's another long story. You're a good man on every Earth. - Is that it?

- Like that was easy?

They're on the roof. [ALEX OVER COMMS]

What's happening out there?

The skies are red again, the anti-matter wave's moving, and the portal isn't open yet. - There's more shadow demons incoming. - [SNARLING]

Kara, Clark, get to the roof. Get the tower operational again. We'll stay behind and hold them off. [SUPERGIRL]

Are those solar panels?


Looks close enough. We won't be able to power it definitely. We just need to buy more time. We might lose the planet, but we can still save the people. [COMPUTER BEEPING]

You almost got it?

Almost done, I think. Yes!

Systems are a go. Calculating destination destination set. [SIGHS IN RELIEF]

Smart call with Galleon's theory. Oh, lucky guess. But you're the real genius here, so Don't mistake us working together for friendship. I told you before, Kara and you showed me who you were and I accept that. Now, let's go help people get on these ships. - That was too close for comfort. - [BREATHING HEAVILY]

Always gotta one-up me, huh?

- Did it work?

- You did it. The tower is working again and the portal is open. Uh, but the ships better be fast. The Supers' charge didn't actually stop the wave, it just slowed it down. According to Brainy's algorithm, we have 14 minutes before it makes contact with Earth. Well, then we better make every minute count. [GREEN ARROW]

We've got your back. We need to keep those shadow demons at bay until every last ship gets through [MONSTERS SCREECHING]

All right, get to the ships!

Keep your eyes open for debris, people!

Keep it orderly, people. Come on. James left it for me. The battle is lost!

We must retreat and save our resources for battles yet to come. [GRUNTS IN PAIN]


Oli Oliver!

It is time!

Has the planet been evacuated yet?

Not entirely. Then it's not time. [MONSTER GROWLS]


Oliver. He fought to his last breath. Knowing every moment was another life saved. - Saved?

- Your universe is no more. Of 7. 53 billion three billion souls made it to Earth-1 on the armada of ships. I calculate one billion souls survived due to his noble sacrifice. Nash?

Once upon a time. Not anymore. Now, I'm simply a man serving his penance. Penance for what?

I freed the Anti-Monitor from his confinement only to become a Pariah. Sentenced to bear witness to his actions. Oliver!

It's okay, Sara. This is my destiny. - Oliver. - Barry?

You, my friend are the very best of us. I gave it all up for you and Kara. What What do you mean?

I need the two of you to be the one to to save us now. Mia Dad. Don't forget to find your mother. Okay. Find William. Tell him how much I love him. I love you, Mia. You keep me in your heart, okay?

- Dad - Okay?


It was not supposed to be like this. This is not his ending I foresaw. Things are turning out differently than I expected. But one thing is certain. Everything we know everything there is and everything there ever was is doomed.